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UNIT 1 Triangular Trade- A system of colonial trade routes that followed the trade winds; o Africa Rum, iron,

, slaves, coffee, Ivory o West Indies Ivory, coffee, slaves o Colonies Manufactured, molasses, slaves, crops o England Lumber, fish, naval, Manufactured Goods Roanoke Colonyo 1st attempt by the English to establish a permanent colony in the new world Relativism- How the situation compares to similar situations Hernando Cortes- Conquered the Aztecs in Mexico (Had help of La Malinche and enemy tribes) Spains New World Indian Population- decreasing due to disease and slavery Tenochititlan- The capital of the Aztecs Samuel de Champlain- Establishes settlements in Arcadia and Quebec with Fur trading posts in 1608 Aztecs- Human sacrifice Peoples of Americas v. Cultures of the Old World Montezuma- Leader of Aztecs, thought conquistadores were gods. Mound Builders- Ohio River region (trade, rice) Anasazi- Suffered dramatic climate changes Black Death- Caused social, political, economic, and religious disruption. o Surviving population get better food o Feudalism ends UNIT 2Barrier to Westward Settlement- Rocky Mountains Mercantilism- British policy to make money from the colonies to make up for the French and Indian War African Slaves- more suit for labor than Indians. Less prone to disease, stronger, first came to America from the Dutch Major Cash Crops in the South- Rice, Tobacco, Indigo The French and Indian War- The French and the English claimed the same land in America and then they fought about it. Eliza Lucas Pinckney- Introduced Indigo to the Americas The 1759 Siege of QuebecThe Paxton Boys Rebellion- Massacred innocent Indians UNIT 3-

The Navigation Acts- Prohibit colonies from manufacturing own goods, must ship on British ships, all exports must be to Britain, Sugar Act- Lowered tax on sugar, if one didnt comply youd be taken to an admiralty court Declaratory Act- Started Parliaments right to tax and legislate for Britains American Coercive Acts- Punishment for Boston after the tea party Townshend duties- imposed taxes on imported British items, The Boston Tea Party- Colonists dumped 342 chest of tea into the Boston harbor Committees of Correspondence-Letter writing groups formed to publicize information and pass it to other colonies The Proclamation of 1763- Response to Poniacs war to keep Indians from fighting Marquis de Lafayette- Washingtons foreign aid, helped lead army against British The Battle of Trenton- Washington crosses Delaware River to boost the morale of his troops Paul Revere- Warned of the Britishs approach, made propaganda out of the Boston Massacre

UNIT 4 Federalistso Wanted strong national government, o Educated government o Wanted policies that favored trade and business, o Wanted a strong national bank Antifederalistso Wanted a limited national government o State representatives o Wanted policies that favored farmers and Artisans o Wanted to be allies with France George Washington- President of the constitutional convention Republicanism- enables democratic government to work efficiently through manageable number-elected representatives 2nd Amendment- Right to bear arms Foreign Policy matters in Congress-


Original 13 StatesThe Louisiana Purchase- Napoleon sells Jefferson so Britain wont have it Winner of the 1800 Election- Thomas Jefferson after many votes in the Electoral College

George Washington as President- against political parties The Whiskey Rebellion- Whiskey tax is raised in attempt to stop drunken chaos, Washington had to use force to put down the rebellion, The Corps of Discovery-Army expedition to the west Hamiltons financial Plano Government will assume all national and state debts o Issue bonds to investors o Tax whiskey o Protective tariff on imports Westward Expansion- Lewis and Clark lead expedition with Sacagawea UNIT 6 Worcester v. Georgia- Court rules that the Cherokee have the right to the land and that the Indian Removal Act is unconstitutional (but the court cannot enforce this) Jackson the National Bank- Jackson didnt trust the national bank, placed all money into pet banks instead Jackson and Veto Power Florida- US claimed West Florida as a part of the US because it was apart of the Louisiana territory; caused spiking with the Spanish Martin Van Buren-Blamed for panic of 1837, nice to Peggy, Presidential Election of 1840-Whigs elect Harrison o Harrison wins but dies after a month in office Presidential Election of 1836o Democrats nominate Van Buren o Whigs run Harrison, White, and Webster o Divided the whig party

UNIT 7 Samuel Morse- invented Morse code Sojourner Truth-educated northern slave that has emancipated at the death of her master McCormick Reaper and Steel Tipped Plow- Turns western parries into Americas breadbasket and opened the west for settlement Frederick Douglas- former slave, wrote North Star Barrier to Westward Settlement-Rocky Mountains Eli Whitney- Invented Cotton Gin, interchangeable parts

James K. Polko Expands US border to the Pacific Ocean o Annexes Texas The Mexican War- Mexico is angered by the annexation of Texas o 17,000 Americans killed o 25,000 Mexicans killed Creation of the American System- Calhoun and Webster in the war of 1812, internal improvements, South is angry because they paid for all of the improvements but didnt get any that benefited them UNIT 8 Compromise of 1850- Last compromise of Clay, ease tensions of Westward expansion, Mexican session is either free or slave state for vote, abolished slave trade in DC, California is free, Slave Power- Fear that planters will take over the nation by spreading slavery to new territories Kansas-Nebraska Act- Promoted by Stephen Douglas, did away with the Missouri Compromise, opened Kansas and Nebraska to popular sovereignty Missouri Compromise- Introduced by Henry Clay, keep power balance in Congress, maintain order of free and slave states until 1860 Northern Politicians and the Abolition of Slavery Prior to the Civil WarThe Unions Total War Plan- Wage war on every aspect that enables your enemy to wage war o Sherman surrounded Atlanta and left a 3 mile wide path of broken dreams in Georgia o Dont mention him if you ever go there o They will hate you. Political Turning Point of the Civil War-Gettysburg Address Tariff of 1828o Tariff of Abominations o Benefited city and commercial food producers o Hurts the Souths export oriented plantations The Doctrine of NullificationThe Compromise Tariff-Gradually lowers the tariff in phases so South Carolina stays in the union Destruction of the Whig Party-Slavery becomes too big of an issue so the party ceases to exist Battle of Hampton Roads- Civil War battle o First battle with Iron clad ships o Strategic win for the union

Virginia Resolutions of 1765- Stated that colonies can only be taxed by assemblies UNIT 9- Reconstruction The 14th Amendment- Granted freed men citizenship Jim Crow Laws-Legal separation of races in all public facilities o Separate bathrooms o Separate trains stations and schools Ulysses S. Grant-Republican president of 1868 Northern Americans Congressional Reconstruction o Aka Radical Reconstruction o Required majority of states to swear ironclad oath (stated that states never rebelled against Union) Presidential Reconstruction o Reunite the nation o Dont punish the south because that would only slow down that process Andrew Johnsons impeachmento Tenure of Office Act says that officials cannot remove Cabinet members without permission o Johnson removes Edwin Stanton from Cabinet and Congress impeaches him for it The Colfax Massacre- KKK opened fire on voting blacks Horace Greeley Ku Klux Klan Act of 1871- Gave US government right to intervene against violence against blacks and white Republicans

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