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SSE2193: Solutions Finals SemI 2005/2006 QUESTION 1 (i) P(P1 > P2 ) =0.6985; (ii) P(|P1 P2 | > 0.03) =0.

.7865 QUESTION 2 (i) Let sample 1: mileage for Persona cars; sample 2: mileage for Impiana cars 2 2 H0 : 1 = 2 2 2 H1 : 1 = 2 Ftest =0.5977; Reject H0 if Ftest < 0.2481 or Ftest > 4.03 Cannot reject H0 ; Conrm that variability ...(ll in blanks) (ii) H0 : 1 = 2 H1 : 1 < 2 sp =0.15220; Ttest =-64.979; Reject H0 if Ttest < -2.552 Reject H0 . Conclude that ..(ll in blanks)... (iii) (-10.0859, -9.6941) mpg. QUESTION 3 H0 : Math scores follow normal dn. with mean 40 and variance 310 H1 : Math scores do not follow normal dn. with mean 40 and variance 310
2 2 test =7.5896; Reject H0 if test >11.070

Do not reject H0 ; Conclude that...(ll in blanks)... . QUESTION 4 (i) yi = + i + ij for i=1,2,3,4 and j=1,2,..,6; (ii) H0 : 1 = 2 = 3 = 4 H1 : i = j for at least one of (i,j) (iii) SSF low =5.5817; dfF low =3; M Sf low =1.86056; SSerror =10.5033; M Serror =0.525167; dfT otal =23; Ftest =3.54279 Reject H0 if Ftest > 4.94 Do not reject H0 . Conclude that ...(ll in blanks)... QUESTION 5 (i) r= 0.810; There is a STRONG POSITIVE LINEAR r/ship betw ..(ll in blanks)..and ..(ll in blanks).. (ii) y = 12.572 + 11.252x (iii) y =147.6 ng/mL (iv) Since p-value= 0.001398 < 0.05, we have sucient evidence at 5% level to believe that there exists a linear relationship betw. ... and .... QUESTION 6 + Device improves fuel saving consumption (i.e before > after) H0 : Device do not improve on fuel saving consumption, i.e Before consumption =() after consumption, i.e. + =0.5 H1 : Device improves on fuel saving consumption, i.e Before consumption > after consumption, i.e. + >0.5 x=number of observed +=2; Under H0 , X B (12, 0.5) Reject H0 if P(X 2) 0.05 P(X 2) = 0.9968 Do not reject H0 ; Conclude that...(ll in blanks)... . 1

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