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In order to understand why shuttleless looms have come into use, it is necessary to consider the limitations of the shuttleas a weft insertion device. The disadvantages of shuttle looms can be discussed from three different areas.namely l) small capacity associated with shuttle device;2) poorenergy efficiency from engineering pointof view and3) noisyworkingenvironment with shuttle loom. l) Small Capacityof shuttledevice textiledisadvantages associatcd with the shuttle arisemainlyfrom its smallcapacity. l-his is limitednot only by the dimensions of the shuttle, which in turn are rcstricied by the sizeof the wrapshed. but alsoby the nature of the weft package itself.Windingcoit must normallybe addedfor thc frequent replenishment of the to its small capacity. -[-he smallcapacity ol'the shuttle alsobrirrgs into the qualityproblems of textilefabrics because of the sudden change in tension that occurs whenan exhausted pirn is replaced by'a full one.Increasing the capacity of the shuttle by enlarging its crossscctional area has thc disadvantages that a deepcrwarp shedbccomes necessary. and this causes the llarp breakage rateto increase. 2) Poor energy efficiency Fromthe engineering standpoint the shuttle haspoorenergy efficiency in operation. The only advantages of shuttle are robustness, simplicity and cheapness. Shuttle is a missile and not a machine component andthe motionof shuttle cannot be predicted from purely geometrical considerations. The kineticenergypossessed by the shuttle as it leaves the shedis destroyed by friction and impact,energywhich is not only wastedbut which is spentin causing wearandtear. Thesefactsemphasize the engineering of accelerating a shuttle, which a massof half a kilogram.fiom restto speed of about l5m/s and stopping it aboutone-tenth of a second later,merelyto inseta lengthof yarn weighingno morethana few milligrams.Sincethe powerto operate the shuttleand picking mechanism (weft insertion) is aboutone half of that drive the whole machine, it follows that furlherincreases in loom speed will leadto disproportionately largeincreases in energy. -fhc

3) Effect on the working environment Most obvious is wholly deleterious. on the workingenvironment The effectof the shuttle movement. In a large weavingroom noisecreated by its to-and-from is the deafening looms, the noiselevelmay be as highas 105dB (A). Thatsucha noise filled rvithshuttle between those temporary and impedes communication level is unpleasant causes deafness workingin it. dangerin weave-room is the possibility of beingstruckby a "flying An ever-present path from the loom. that is, onethat hasbeendisplaced from its true and ejected shuttle". In summary,the psychological effects of the noise createdby the shuttle,its rapid of weavesa movementand the potentialdanger,combine to make the recruitment is available. difficulttaskif,anyalternative employment

J i m m yL a m Institute & Clothing of Tcxtiles The HongKongPolytechnic University

[.ooms pp l-9 Ref'erence: Shuttleless by.l J Vincent. Thc TcxtilcInstitute,

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