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Evangelize people who don’t know they need to be evangelized!
Neighbor—Good Guy Plays golf on Sunday morn
Doesn’t smoke drink Beer murder, commit adultery etc
He needs to be convinced he has a sin nature and needs a savior.
HOLY SPIRIT can do it but sometimes GOD expects us to help (Evangelism)
Peter in Acts Chapter 2 3000 Jews were saved –because the Jews knew Ch 1-11
Genesis. They knew about Adam and Eve disobeying God in the garden.
Paul in Acts Chapter 17 Preaching to the Greeks only a couple saved -Gospel was
Foolishness –They never heard of Adam & Eve (maybe they thought they evolved from
apes) Like perhaps your neighbor thinks!
HOLD UP YOUR BIBLE. Do you believe David and Goliath. So I believe
Bible is Inerrant WORD of GOD
BIBLICAL view of Creation Earth 6000 years ago. GOD was there to report
He said He created everything in 6-24 hour days, evening-morning 1st day,etc
Logic : Where did Cain get his wife? His sister had Perfect genes as did Cain;
couple will not have deformed offspring if they have perfect genes! Today Brothers
and sisters have the same defective mutant genes. High chance of deformed offspring.
Noah’s flood 4500 years ago 8 people saved. All people living today came from those
8 people.
Tower of Babel 4000 years ago Why do some people have black skin etc.?
people groups scattered over face of earth, added melanin needed to those who
migrated to Africa, etc.
HUMANISTIC view of creation EVOLUTION no GOD just nature
Scientist say a fact Earth 4.5 Billion Univ 14.7 Billion
Creationist says:
Fossil record has no transitional fossils to indicate snakes evolved into birds etc. Part
bird and part snake,etc
Molecules to man Long periods of time Evolution taught as fact rather than a
theory. Big Bang- a recent theory based on the red shift of distant galaxies.
You also really have to have blind faith to believe this theory.
Results of Evolution being taught as a fact during the past 50+ years
Abortion, Racism, Euthanasia, Homosexuality ,Pornography, immorality etc.
Scopes trial 1925
COMPROMISED Biblical view of creation Many Pastors believe this(satan) has
Gap Theory between Gen 1:1-2
Progressive Creation Theory Dr. Hugh Ross billion years between 6 days
FOUNDATION of Christianity Genesis 1-11
Basis for 1.Meaning of LIFE- Purpose of life
2 Standards of Behavior, dress, Humans wear clothes, Animals do not
3 Marriage, even many animals have for life mates
4 Laws for civilized people
5 Why you need a savior, because your forefather Adam was a sinner

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