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'15 HOURS TO A POWERFUL ENGLISH VOCABULARY' MODULE 1 (of 30) Sponsored by Breastfeedingmums.

If you wish your speech and writing to have impact, you must choose precise, dynamic verbs. Here are twelve precise, dynamic verbs used in context. Study them carefully and try to guess their meanings. The definitions are given below.

1. I deprecate the exploitation of unskilled workers. 2. While he procrastinated, someone else bought the property. 3. The bystanders corroborated his story. 4. They have become inured to poverty. 5. She has apprised her husband of her intention to change her hairstyle. 6. While she hesitated, he vacillated between withdrawing his offer and urging her to accept. 7. A cash payment will expedite the delivery of the goods. 8. How dare you impute such monstrous intentions to me! 9. Following its television advertisement, the company was inundated with orders. 10. The tragedy galvanized the government into action. 11. With a shrug, she acquiesced in his proposal that they postpone their holiday. 12. The boys disavowed any intention to set the building on fire. deprecate - plead against, express earnest disapproval of. procrastinate - defer action, be dilatory. Corroborate - confirm (person, statement) by evidence etc. inure - accustom, habituate; come into operation, take effect. Apprise - give notice of, inform. vacillate - swing or sway unsteadily; waver between different opinions etc. expedite - assist progress of (measure, process, etc.); dispatch (business). impute - attribute, ascribe, (fault etc. to). inundate - overflow, flood (with water etc.). galvanize - stimulate by or as by electricity, rouse by shock or excitement. acquiesce - (often followed by in ) agree, especially tacitly; not object. disavow - refuse to admit, confess, own or acknowledge; repudiate.

Google's photo software. It's what should've come with your camera. Referring to the list above only where necessary, write the appropriate verb beside its definition. 1. He cannot make up his mind between two extremes. He ................. 2. This piece of evidence confirms his story. It ................ it. 3. She accuses others. She .................. 4. They deplore their son's behaviour. They .............. 5. He received countless gifts. He was ............... 6. They reluctantly accept the deal. They .................... 7. The new manager really got the team to play. He ............... them. 8. The politician disclaimed the statement that had been attributed to him. He ................ it. 9. When you offer a bonus for , it will usually ..................... the early completion of a job. 10. He never does today what he can put off until tomorrow. He ........... 11. He is so used to hard labour that his body has become ............ to it. 12. A policeman must.............. suspects of their legal rights before questioning them.

1 - vacillates; 2 - corroborates; 3 - imputes; 4 - deprecate; 5 - inundated; 6 - acquiesce; 7 - galvanized; 8 - disavowed; 9 - expedite; 10 - procrastinates; 11- inured; 12 - apprise. '15 HOURS TO A POWERFUL ENGLISH VOCABULARY' If you are still unsure of the meanings of today's twelve verbs, read over the following definitions before completing the final exercise below. deprecate - deplore. procrastinate - delay. corroborate - confirm, substantiate. inure - harden, desensitize. apprise - inform. vacillate - be irresolute or indecisive. expedite - hasten. impute - accuse. inundate - deluge, engulf. galvanize - excite, jolt, stimulate. acquiesce - agree, accept. disavow - deny, disclaim. In the column on the right are twelve dictionary definitions of the words dealt with today. Try to match each word with its definition. 1. ..................................... confirm, substantiate. 2. ..................................... accuse. 3. ..................................... deny, disclaim.

4. .................................... deplore. 5. .................................... deluge, engulf. 6. ..................................... delay. 7. ..................................... inform. 8. ..................................... excite, jolt, stimulate. 9. ..................................... hasten. 10. .................................... be irresolute or indecisive. 11. .................................... harden, desensitize 12. .................................... agree, accept.

1- corroborate; 2- impute; 3 - disavow; 4 - deprecate; 5 - inundate; 6 - procrastinate; 7 - apprise; 8 - galvanize; 9 - expedite; 10 - vacillate; 11 - inure; 12 - acquiesce.

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