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Pratik Patil

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I have read and understood the rules on cheating, plagiarism and appropriate referencing as outlined in my handbook and I declare that the work contained in this assignment is my own, unless otherwise acknowledged. No substantial part of the work submitted here has also been submitted by me in other assessments for my degree course, and I acknowledge that if this has been done an appropriate reduction in the mark I might otherwise have received will be made Signed: ......................................................................
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Leadership UKFM ES959-10 12IE01 26th 30th November 2012

NAME: .................................................... NUMBER: ..................................................................

Pratik Patil

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Pratik Patil

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During the module you explored the nature of leadership and your own personal leadership style and commitment. From this you have developed your own ideas about what it means to be a good leader and you have received feedback on your own leadership capabilities. Your Post Module Assignment is to: a) Write a short description of what you believe to be the requirements for good leadership b) Describe the ways in which you believe you meet these requirements and what you believe other people could learn from you as a leader. Give specific examples of how your leadership has developed as a result of your learning during the module. c) List the areas where you believe you need to develop as a leader. Include examples of how you have addressed any issues raised by feedback from other team members and tutors. Discuss your plans for continuing your development and describe how your self-development plans are aligned with your views of a good leader (from section a)

Pratik Patil

LAGB Page 5

A Leader is a Person who people look up to and look for guidance so that they can learn something from him. He must have total control of his own life, words, actions .As seen in the past Leaders have always been and will continue to be people who have good communication skills, Motivators, opportunity seekers and makers they are the main driving force behind a successful business or making a country powerful. For example Hitler even though he did not have good views he was an outstanding leader as he was able to bring the whole country to follow him, as he was a person who was able to get his ideas out to the people and make them think like he thought. A business which is lead by an individual who lacks any of these skills will find it tough to make the business successful. Leaders are not essentially born with the skills but they are nurtured over a period of time so that they are able to make decisions that are good for the business. The leader is required to be more of a mentor teaching and guiding the his fellow employees to learn to work together and reach the goal given to them, he must not be commanding and must know how to get through to his team members and make them understand and be on the same level of thought that he is on. He must not act as a dictator ,who generally gives orders and expects them to be done he must be open to hear the other members out and listen to their ideas as their ideas may be better than the leaders Mahatma Gandhi was a perfect example to this as he was The leaders should be able to handle the work pressure and always think of his team members before making decisions as their interests should be taken into consideration before his own. knowing the qualities of each member is important as he must be able to assign them work that is best suited to their abilities as it will then help in effective and efficient work making him a good analyser of different things.. He must know that he does not have all the knowledge and should be able to learn from others things that he does not know about. The leader must be able to adjust his leading skills as according to the needs of the people he is leading as not all people will be satisfied with a leaders style, some style of a leader will be wrong for a certain situation but it will be right for the other and hence the leader must be able to adapt to changing in style of leading. The leader must be able to understand and know when what style is required. .It is unwise to be sure of ones own wisdom it is healthy to be reminded that the strongest might weaken and the wisest might err- Mahatma Gandhi. Mahatma Gandhi is the perfect example as he was able to lead the people as he lead the country as his leadership style was according to the cultural background of the people and was able to modify it accordingly. The leader must not be a control freak or be over controlling as it will only lead to restricting the potential as the other will be discouraged to work and will lead to limiting initiative and inhibit talent. It is best when leaders learn how to influence the others than to control them. Be known for pleasing others, especially if you govern them...ruling other has one advantage you can do more good than anyone else. Baltasar Gracian.the leader must find and solve all the differences that he and his colleagues have as by doing so I believe that he and his team will be able to grow together and understand each other. Most important of all the leader must have the will to lead if the leader does not have the will or the dedication to lead than he will not be able to lead and will prove to be a unsuccessful leader and will fail his colleagues. The following are the main features that the leader requires Planning, organising and setting objectives A person who leads must have good planning skills as he should be able to deal with the time restraints that are present in any job. By planning he must be able to understand and plan things before hand so that so he can make his team perform accordingly. The leader should be able to organise, which is putting the plan made into motion in a manner that is most suitable to obtain the objective. Objectives should be mad before hand by him so that there is a proper goal that are given by him to his team members to achieve the goals Having a positive attitude and learning from the failure the leader must always have an positive attitude as the colleagues will always be looking upto him for guidance and hence he cannot afford to be negative as it will cause the others to be dissatisfied and the efficiency of the work will be affected. He must also learn from his mistakes and make sure he does not repeat them. Accepting responsibility the leader must always accept responsibility and not blame others for his mistakes as it will result in being unprofessional as a job been given to him should be his own responsibility. Pratik Patil

LAGB Page 6 Visionary in the past leader like martin Luther King Abraham Lincoln had a vision and they saw to it that the vision was made into reality. A leader must be a visionary as it will help him have an insight of what he wants to see his business grow as making a set goal which is beneficial for any business Ethical A leader must always be ethical as by doing so he is always satisfying others by his actions and there is no discontent created in the organisation. Whenever a job is assigned to me I have always shown being a commanding and understanding leader as I always want to be in control of the situation. I have always tried to plan out a method of working which is giving all the members of the team a particular task so that the work load is evenly distributed between them so that there is efficiency in the working and the work can be completed in time. I was always ask for opinions from the other members on what they thought was a better way of doing the task and made sure that they were fine with what was going on and they were with me in the decisions that I made. I was able to be more confident and positive in my attitude before doing the tasks that was assigned to me, as I was more comfortable with the members that were there in my team. Seeing my attitude I felt that the team was able to work efficiently as I think that from my attitude of being positive and trusting them in the work they did they were happier with the way everything was going on. As a leader i realised that being a very controlling person is not a very good thing as the members tend to feel that they are being over powered and will not be happy with the work and hence performance will reduce considerably, hence as against to this type of leading, I as a leader tried to influence the team members with my opinion on what to do as I was giving them examples and explanations of how my idea was the correct one to follow, but I did always ask them for their opinion and if they could improve it in any which way, by doing so I have realised that I am able to keep them satisfied with their work. When asked to do a task I am able to always bring ahead the interests of the others before mine as by doing so I think that everyone will be more interactive and hence believe that the leader must try to follow Lassiez-faire as it allows the embers of the team to be more open and many great ideas may come out of this. A leader must always be ethical as in doing his job as I am able to always do the work in a ethical way as when given a task I tend to follow all the rules that are required as I will always try and do the work ethically and not cheat in any which way. The tasks and the activities that we were made to do are one of the main reasons that i was able to understand more about lading others and my views that were there were completly changed as the module was prorgressing. Raj_choksi_9@

Pratik Patil

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