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the students of the University of Glasgow during the campaign for the election of their lord rector in 1858,

see Ada B. Nisbet, Dickens Loses an Election, The Princeton University Library Chronicle, Vol. 11, No. 4, Summer, 1950, p. 157176, illus. Broadsides in support of Sir. E. B. Lytton are included in the lytton collection [ebl 335]. 803.Glasgow. University. To the Students of the University. Gentlemen, The time has now arrived when those Students who have hitherto hesitated as to the man for whom they mean to Vote, must come to a decision.... Independent Committee Rooms, 13th November, 1858. John & Robert Bowie, Printers, 128 St. Vincent Street. Broadside. 22.5 by 29 cm. Printed on blue paper. All Honour to the Students for this great testi mony of their appreciation of the grand Principles of Independence, And the incomparable merits of Charles Dickens. 804.Glasgow. University. To the Students of Glasgow University. Gen tlemenNo one of the loftiest or the simplest understanding could rise from the perusal of the last bill of the Independent Quidnuncs without admiring their extreme volubility, versatility, and stupidity.... Vote for The Right Hon. Sir E. B. Lytton. Broadside. 28.5 by 23 cm. Lord Glencorse is a gentleman and scholar; Charles Dickens is neither. Do the Independents (!!) know anything about their candidate of to-day? Have they understood his mean sneers at everything reverent, sacred, and ennobling? Can they deny that he is a vulgar Cockney, with the heart and manners of a Snob.... We cannot believe that he will have fifty votes.... 805.Glasgow. University. Dickens on Religion. To the Students of the University. Gentlemen, As a sufficient answer to a

coarse and scurrilous attack made, in a bill issued by the Conservative Club on Saturday, on Charles Dickens, on the ground that in many of his works he sneers at true religion, we append the following extract from the preface to the Pickwick Papers.... Independent Committee Rooms, Glasgow University, 15th Nov., 1858. George Richardson, Printer to the University. Broadside. 29 by 22.5 cm. Printed on blue paper. Lovers of generosity, benevolence, and reli gion, Vote for Dickens. 806.Glasgow. University. Vote for Dickens. Students, You are to-day called upon to exercise the important franchise conferred upon you by the legislature.... Independent Committee Rooms, 15th November, 1858. Broadside. 45 by 29.5 cm. Printed on blue paper. By voting for Charles Dickens, you will ensure the triumphant return of a man who, though not brought forward on liberal grounds, is a Liberal, in Three Nations at Least. Vote for Charles Dickens! 807.[Harris, .] Songs from Fairyland and other Poems. London: Whittaker & Co., 1863. viii, 200 p. 17 cm. The Author has availed himself of Mr. Dick ens permission to reprint his contributions to Household Words and All the Year Round, all of which are included in the present volume, which also contains a selection from the Poems published in 1860, under the title of Wandering Cries. p. [ii]. Contributions to Household Words and All the Year Round, p. [179]200. The actual author of this book, which has at times been attributed in part to Dickens, was an unidentified Harris. See Lohrli, p. 295. Deep yellowish brown leather, gilt. A.e.g.

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