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ar 24 '67

The Christiaii Mission, VoL 11, No. 4, April, 1967

Page 15


So happy to see you here in Brazil! Oh, no, don't apologize; we are used to meeting people at this hour. The Varig plane always arrives in the wee hours of the morning. I'll

help you get through customs; then we'll go to our house where you can get some rest. We
moved to Belem in December so we could be near our work with Paul Lanham and the Sacra-

Villa Nova is off the main raod. Good, they have the kerosene lamp lit so we can see to get up these steep steps. Sr. Jamie Silva is leading singing tonight. He is an elder of the Sacramenta church. I'll be preaching. Sorry you can't understand Portuguese, but Edna can help you follow the Scriptures. Happy that you slept well last night. We

menta congregation.

We have rented a two-

story house on the Belem-Brasilia Highway. The rooms are very small but there are nine of them, so we get along alright. We certainly
appreciate the electricity.
Yes, the children's home did close. All of the missionaries in this area and the trus

have a big day ahead of us. Michael really likes going to first grade at the Ei^lish speaking school. Brenda would like to go, too, but they don't accept three year olds. We'll take Michael to school at 8:00, then go sight
The main attraction is the Amazon River. It is 230 miles from here to the other side.

tees (elders of the First Christian Church in Maryville, Tenn.) of the home decided it was
best to close it. The two main reasons were

lack of money and lack of competent Brazilian workers. -^We were able to place all of the chil dren in private homes. Most of them are at tending church and some are becoming good

This is Ver-o-Peso (see the weight) Market. You can see all the fiahing boats and the people selling their wares.
Belem is the capital of the State of Para.

These are the city and state government buil

dings. You have already seen the Sacramenta and Villa Nova buildings. This is where the other preaching point meets Marques. Now to see the Marambaia church building and then on to Icoaraci to see the Agulha and Outeiro Road buildings. Recently the Sacramenta church was in vited to help a small Pentecostal group whose leader is moving to Brasilia. The church accepted the responsibility and has asked me to take charge of this work which is in a secof town called Ponte do Galo (bridge of the rooster). This group consisted of eight im mersed members who decided to give up
denominational ties and strive to be Chris

Now that you have had a rest let's eat!

We are having chicken boiled Brazilian syle; it looks orange because we put coloring in it. The rice is colored the same way. Brazilians
eat white rice only with a few special dishes. This is mashed cara; it tastes almost like po

tatoes. Boiled maxixe makes a good vegetable. Yes, those are tomatoes in the salad really small, aren't they? Here is a novidade (new thing) whole wheat bread from the bakery. You have your choice farinha d'agua or
farofa made of farinha surui. Farinha is made

by grinding and drying the mandioca root. Yes, the farofa does look like sawdust, but it tastes much better; it has been fried in chicken grease. Farinha d'agua is much coarser, but this is what the Brazilians enjoy sprinkled on their beans and rice which they eat every day. You think the orange juice tastes funny? That's because it is not orange, but maracuja juice. It's good when you get used to it. For dessert

tians only. Their leader is in favor of this move. Since we began working with them, there have been four more baptized into Christ, making a total of 12 members. Tuesday we

have Bible study and tonight (Friday) prayer

meeting. You will enjoy meeting these people. No, the church building won't fall of those poles. It has to be built on poles because it is so close to the river. You'll notice many of the
houses in this area are built out over the

we have steamed milk pudding with burnt sugar


Since this is Thursday evening, we will go to the Villa Nova (new village) congregation. The Sacramenta church started two preaching
points recently. I am working with this one. Yes, we will get through this mud-hole; it is not as deep as it looks. It is always like this during the rainy season. As you can see,


Just climb up the ladder and come in.

Sunday is a busy day. We will go to Sun day school at Ponte do Galo this morning at
9:00 and Villa Nova this afternoon at 3:00.

This evening we have preaching and communion

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The Christian Mission, Vol. 11, No. 4, April, 1967

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service at Ponte do Galo. The largest atten dance is on Sunday evening usually between
30 and 40.

pray for us that God's will be done through us

and these people we are trying to teach. Tell the church how much we appreciate their
support. Without them and others like them
Thank we would not be able to work here.
so much.

It is wonderful to see the Christian fellow

ship people can enjoy even thoi^h they cannot understand each others language. The Brazi
lians like to have visitors. Won't it be nice

you for the check you gave us. It will help

when we all get to heaven where there won't be any language differences. Yes, I thought you would recognize some of the music. Many of the hymns have been translated into Portu

They are calling your flight now. Ate logo (good-bye).

I know we are tired after our busy day, but not too tired to eat some ice cream before go ing home. What will you have? Prune, tapi
oca, avocado, peanut butter, Brazil nut, acai

Frank and Edna Horn Caixa Postal 801

Belem, Para, Brazil

South America

(it's purple), cheese, sweet com, coffee, cookie take your choice. Now for a few hours of sleep before your plane leaves at 3:00 a.m. Varig Co. must like Belem in the early morning when it is not
so hot.

Forwarding Agent:
Mrs. David Eubanks

Kimberlin Heights Station

Knoxville, Tennessee 37920

It has been such a pleasure having you visit us. Come back again and tell some of the other church members to come, too. Please

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