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parents of 2nd-4th graders, Below is a quick snapshot about our districts fact fluency program for grades 2-4: 1. Finding your childs Starting Place: At the beginning of the school year, students take two screenings to determine how to meet individual needs in fact fluency. A. A typing-speed test to calculate the average time to physically type an answer. Taking time on this
screening will give a realistic approximation for quickness of his/her typing. B. A math pre-assessment that determines: which facts scholars already know from memory, and narrows the amount of study facts they need to cover in the lessons. If students feel this was not an accurate representation they should contact their teacher.

2. Learning & Practicing Facts: study facts are then individualized for each student. Every child
progresses at his/her own pace, studying just the facts that they have not yet memorized and reviewing in the games new facts as well as facts they know. A. The Fact Grid: shows which facts are: fast, current focus, and coming next. B. The Lesson: The game picks two new facts at a time to focus on. They learn the facts and work to memorize them. Each lesson includes a fun game.

3. Showing Mastery: Every six lessons, students can show mastery on a quiz that makes correct facts
blue fast facts on their fact grid and helps identify the next round of focus. Students earn customizable screens as they practice.

What you should know about Fasttmath at Chittenden East:

The district goal is that all students are fluent in facts 0-12 in all operations by the end of 4th grade.

End of Grade 2: Fluent in addiUon/ subtracUon facts 0-9

End of Grade 3: Fluent in add/sub facts 0-12 and mulUplicaUon 0-9

End of Grade 4: Fluent in all four operaUons (+,-,x,) 0-12

Students need to complete 6 lessons per week (3 sessions with 2 lessons in each). If you do not have Internet access, let your childs teacher know and he/she will be given time to use the program at school.

We all look forward to a great year learning math concepts and facts. Please do not hesitate to contact your teacher or principal if you have any questions! Thank you.

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