You are on page 1of 39


周邊活動 Events 2

售票資訊 Ticket Information 6

場次表 Screening Schedule 8

開閉幕片 Opening & Closing Films 20

城市 City Vision
典藏柏林 Vintage Berlin 25
摩登德國 Modern Germany 31

2009 11th
拉美小輯 Voices from Latin America 37

焦點導演 Directors in Focus

賽吉.德沃茲佛 Sergey Dvortsevoy 43

Taipei Film Festival

勞勃.伊普斯汀 Rob Epstein 45

競賽 Competition Section
國際青年導演競賽 New Talent Competition 49
台北電影獎 Taipei Award 53

觀摩 Panorama
華人影像精選 Chinese Cinerama 63
城市物語 Selection of City Visions 67

特別放映 Special Program 73

展 覽 西門町fun電影
2009台北電影節首賣會 主題講座(請上官網報名)
那一年,雙重山:胡金銓的禪意高境 仲夏之夜,浪漫愛情電影戶外放映,透過影像感受早年國片愛戀基調。

6/14(日)14:00 台北電影節看城市愛情與時尚 牽著情人的手來看電影吧!

5/23(六)14:00 講者:游惠貞/策展人、麥若愚/資深媒體人、儂儂及M’S雜誌總編輯
特映此二片外,也將展出上百幅未曾公開的分鏡表、手稿、劇照、 ●
6/27(六)19:00《雲飄飄》劉家昌導演 / 林青霞、谷名倫主演

6/19(五)20:00 柏林圍牆倒塌二十年,新舊柏林現身台北

7/04(六)19:00《心有千千結》李行導演 / 甄珍、秦祥林主演
6/19 7/12
(五)- (日)
7/11 (六) 19:00《浪花》李行導演 / 林鳳嬌、秦漢、柯俊雄、李湘主演

地點:誠品信義店3F Mini Forum(臺北市松高路11號)

選片指南 地點:西門紅樓八角樓一樓(臺北市成都路10號)
講者:游惠貞/策展人、郭力昕/影評人 地點:電影主題公園
備註:《山中傳奇》和 《空山靈雨》放映時間地點請參閱場次表。
5/23 若因天候不佳,將調整活動內容,屆時請上電影節官網查詢。
● (六)14:30
地點:光點台北二樓多功能會議廳 西門町遇見愛 – 愛情文藝在臺北 觀眾最愛影片票選與網路活動

6/29(一)13:30 德國.印象 電影公共藝術展覽將經典再現老國片的愛情文藝海報及電影配樂。

2009 11th

出席貴賓:Wolfgang Becker/《再見列寧》導演 ●
6/22 (一)- 7/12 (日) 入場時請記得索取觀眾票選單,投下神聖的一票,即有機會獲得電

Helma Sanders-Brahms/《德國,蒼白的母親》導演 地點:電影主題公園(臺北市康定路19號) 影節精美贈品。每天抽出的幸運觀眾將於影展服務台及網站公佈。
Martin Koerber/柏林電影博物館策展人 電影主題公園D棟愛情文藝電影主題館(周一至周日
講 座 ● 台北電影節部落格活動

7/03(五)14:00 搖滾吧!烏托邦 13:00~19:00 /周六延至21:00)

Taipei Film Festival

地點:河岸留言.西門紅樓展演館(臺北市成都路10號) 電影主題公園戶外現代愛情塗鴉立體戶外裝置(全天開放)
專業影評人分享最新影片資訊,搶先觀看精采預告,讓你輕鬆規劃今 出席貴賓:盛志民/《再見烏托邦》導演、馬世芳/資深樂評人 「台北電影獎最佳導演預測」等網路預測、票選與抽獎活動,想知
年片單。 活 動 道影展最新鮮好玩的活動,歡迎您隨時光臨台北電影節部落格:

6/05(五)19:30 星巴克重慶門市三樓(臺北市重慶南路一段104號) 跨國製片合作是電影產業的新潮流,台北市電影委員會邀請具備跨國
■  請上官網報名 你喜歡原創概念的手工產品嗎 ? 紅樓創意市集找得到!你有買過以電 台北電影節簡訊預測拿大獎
合作經驗的國內新生代製片及國際級製片,共同分享跨國合作與城市 ●

行銷的經驗及利基。 影發想的原創商品嗎?六月紅樓創意市集買得到! 快來預測你心目中的「台北電影獎百萬首獎得主」、「最佳男女主

6/20(六)15:00 誠品台大店B1文學書區(臺北市新生南路三段98號)
■  請上官網報名 ●
7/04(六)14:00~17:00 國片新勢力茶會(洽詢電話02-2528-9580 #154) ●
6/27-28、7/04-05、7/11-12 Love項鍊對組、FOCE手錶等精美贈品。本活動適用各家電信月租
● 校園巡迴:台大、北教大、銘傳、東吳、政大等學校,請參考台北 ●
7/05(日)10:00~12:00、14:30~16:30 城市論壇:國際合作製片 (星期六14:00-22:00 星期日14:00-21:30)
電影節官網。 的優惠政策與市場行銷策略(洽詢電話02-2528-9580 #158) 地點:西門紅樓戶外北廣場

周邊活動 影迷專屬
所有周邊活動,除特別標明外,均免費參與。特定場次需憑邀請 憑票根,好處多!影展期間持2009台北電影節票根,可享以下優惠及贈品喔!

服 務 頒獎典禮網路影音轉播 ●
6/26-7/12 憑兩張票根至中山堂或新光影城服務台可兌換大 ●
6/26-7/12 憑兩張票根至Aesop服務
西洋蒸餾水330ml乙瓶及百事食品陽光滋味試吃包乙包,數量 櫃點選購任一「影展特區商品」即可獨家
電影跨界.文學 vs 音樂 vs 旅行 vs 愛情 7/11(六) 頒獎典禮將於台北電影節部落格,
有限,換完為止。 獲贈乙瓶《15mL香芹籽抗氧化精華》。
首度進行網路轉播。 數量有限,換完為止。
● 城市主題商品區
你認識德國多少 ? 適逢柏林圍牆倒塌二十年,新舊柏林交融,深度 貼心服務 手機索取影展場次表 ●
6/26-7/15 憑票根至新光影城販賣部消費,可享同類商品買

及延伸性的商品專區,帶大家立體認識德國,直擊柏林!部份書店 ■ 依照日期索取:手機簡訊鍵入TFFA+日期共4碼(如:6月26日→
一送一優惠;或購買特惠組合餐只要99元。 ● 即日起至 7/31止 憑票根於週一至週四至新光三越信義A4館、
提供優惠,詳細內容請參考台北電影節官網 0626)傳送到55123,系統將以簡訊提供欲索取日期當天節目表
(適用各家電信月租型用戶,下載每次10元)。 ●
6/26-7/31 憑票根至全台統一星巴克門市,您點購的任兩

(以低價位者為折抵品項,行銷活動不合併使用)。 ● 憑票根至西門紅樓內各區域消費,可獨享精品
6/01 (五)- 7/12 (日)Page One 台北101店、復興店 到55123,系統將以簡訊提供欲索取電影播映時間場次節目表

2009 11th
6/01(五)-7/12(日)書林 台北門市
■  操作詳情請上台北電影節網站。

6/26-7/31 憑票根至德商東興洋行(台南市安平區安北路233

巷3號)消費道地德國啤酒及美食,可享9折優惠(酒類除外),並贈 ● 即日起至 7/31止 偶戲同樂會!憑票根至臺北偶戲館參加勞作DIY,
6/12(五)-7/12(日)誠品網路書店 & 誠品音樂館 & 誠品書店 送限量紀念御守。 可享9折優惠。機會難得,敬請把握!快來臺北偶戲館與偶一起

6/19(五)-7/31(五)法雅客 環亞、南西、天母、信義A9、台中店 同樂吧!(芭比娃娃特展至6/27止)


Taipei Film Festival

● 憑票根或志工證至上林文化事業有限公司(臺北
● 城市主題活動區
市羅斯福路二段70號5樓之四)消費可享85折優惠。 ●
6/01-7/31 憑票根至斐瑟對應店可享剪髮9折優惠。
■ 「走入柏林:文學、電影、音樂與戲劇」書林系列講座,詳情請
上台北電影節官網及書林書店Online。 對應Ⅰ店 臺北市仁愛路4段77-79號3樓 02-27721812

6/26-7/31 憑票根至法雅客(環亞、南西、天母、信義A9、 對應Ⅱ店 臺北市忠孝東路4段216巷32弄18號1樓 02-27812224
■  全方位的影展報導,UDN聯合追星網推出「台北電影節」 台中店)購買歐洲主題商品展系列商品,可享優惠折扣,購書79
對應Ⅲ店 臺北市忠孝東路4段345巷4弄24號 02-27112106
主題特區,並有台北電影節「閃亮之星」等活動,詳情請上 折起、DVD 85折起。
營業時間:平日10:30-19:00 / 週四及週日10:30-16:30(每週一公休)

■  KKBOX線上音樂「台北電影節 影展專題」,詳情請上KKBOX網站 ●
5/23-6/23 憑票根號碼至Bone奇摩。 賣場IDEA SHOP消費,即可獲贈「狗骨
■  台北電影節遇見愛情,愛情公寓推出「2009台北電影節愛情饗

售票資訊 交通資訊
本屆台北電影節採用對號入座方式入場,您可在購票的同時選擇 2) 套票禮兌換券。 台北市中山堂 Taipei Zhongshan Hall 台北新光影城 Taipei Shin Kong Cineplex
可至指定櫃點兌換《伊蘭潔膚香塊》。每張兌換券限換領乙份。 台北市延平南路98號 No.98 Yanping S. Rd., Taipei 台北市西寧南路36號4F 4F., No.36, Xining S. Rd., Taipei
城市電影護照 數量有限,換完為止。 捷運:西門站(出口5) Metro: Ximen Station(Exit 5) 捷運:西門站(出口6) Metro: Ximen Station (Exit 6)
服務專線:(02)2331-3294 服務專線:(02)2361-8506
5/23(六)14:00 於光點台北販售。每套2200元,限量發售150份。
公車:捷運西門站 / 博愛路 公車:中華路北站 / 峨眉街口 / 漢口街口
■ 每人每次限購買乙套,影展期間每天最多可兌換4張電影票(每場次 Bone 城市旅遊票夾
(台北電影節紀念版) 伊蘭潔膚香塊
■  購買套票已享贈品及部分優惠價格,選場次時請確認場次無誤,恕無法辦理 Bus Stops: MRT Ximen Station / Boai Road Bus Stops: Zhonghua Rd. N. Stop / Emei St. / Hankou St.
■ 每日首演電影開場前30分鐘,於各現場服務台開始兌換當日該場地
■ 入場時需同時出示護照與該場次電影票券,方得入場。
■ 購買城市電影護照,憑護照可至影展服務台兌換:
單場票券 262.265.302.304 承德線.304 重慶線.307.310.527.
5/27(三)-6/25(四)承德線.304重慶線.307. 601.604.624.628.635.637.640.652.658.659.
1)《2009台北電影節》特刊乙本、墾趣生活 頭巾、 環保袋 310.513.527.601.604.624.628.635.635(副).637. 660.662.667.670.671.701.702.703.705.706.
請洽兩廳院售票系統各端點或網路訂票 640.644.651.652.656.657.660.662.667.670. 藍29

2009 11th
6/26 (五)- 7/12 (日) 671.701.702.703.703(副).705.706.0東.重慶幹線(中興).
影展期間:平日日場120元;平日晚場及週末200元。 重慶幹線(光華)

墾趣生活 頭巾 環保袋
2) 憑護照至兩廳院售票端點可享2009臺北藝術節 國際節 附註
昆 西 漢 中 延
明 寧 中 平

Taipei Film Festival

目購票9折優惠(最低票價除外) 1. 如遇天災或不可抗力因素發生,主辦單位將依台北市人事行政局發佈之命令
街 南 街 華 南
3) 憑本護照於2009/12/31前可享免費參觀台北當代藝術館展覽一次,
路 路
2. 影片映演後20分鐘(含)不再開放觀眾入場。
新光影城 路
城市電影套票 3. 於萊爾富門市及7-ELEVEN ibon購票無法指定座位號碼,請觀眾注意。
武 昌 街 二 段 一
4. 中山堂廳內嚴禁飲食,敬請配合。
5/23(六)中午12:00起開賣。每套1500元,限量1000套。請洽兩廳 5. 洽詢方式:兩廳院售票系統(02)3393-9888、
電影主題公園 段
院售票系統各端點。 2009台北電影節
6. 平日日場為週一至週五18:00前(不含18:00)之場次。
■ 每人每次限購買4套,套票不限場次可任選10張電影票。 峨 眉 街
康 出口5 秀 山 街
■ 每場次限劃位4張,並享4天優先劃票權及超值套票禮。 捷運西門站

路 衡 陽 路
1) 套票禮兌換券。 5/27(三)-6/25(四)接受團體購票,單次購買30張以上票券即享 成 都 路
憑券可至法雅客兌換Bone城市旅遊票夾(台北電影節紀念版)。 團購優惠,詳細訊息公佈於台北電影節網站,
限量300套,換完為止。 團購專線(02)2528-9580 ext 169。
7-ELEVEN ibon購票系統(離島地區、台北捷運、各大車站及未安裝 ibon 機台門市除外)

台北市 中正區 文山區 新店

國立中正文化中心(兩廳院) 台北市中山南路21之1號 02-33939888 台北市忠孝西路一段49號B1 02-23759488 朱宗慶打擊樂教學系統 新店市北新路二段141-1號5樓 02-29138458

誠品書店-捷運店 名家維也納音樂世界 台北市興隆路四段6之7號 02-86617567
(近台北車站捷運站第八出口) 新店大豐教室 (捷運七張站對面)
台北市中山堂 台北市延平南路98號 02-23813137#126 台北縣 雲門舞集舞蹈教室-新店館
新店市北新路二段198號B1 02-29124199
朱宗慶打擊樂教學系統 台北市忠孝東路四段183號五樓之1 02-27816828
忠孝敦化教室 (忠孝敦化站1號出口)
牯嶺街小劇場 台北市牯嶺街5巷2號 02-23919393 淡水八里地區
金石文化廣場-新店店 新店市中正路190號 02-29138104
02-23626132 三民書局-重南門市 台北市重慶南路一段61號 02-23617511 金石文化廣場-淡水店 淡水鎮英專路4號 02-26216066
台北市新生南路三段98號2樓 基隆地區
功學社-博愛店 台北市博愛路115號 02-23118701 朱宗慶打擊樂教學系統 淡水鎮民權路153號3樓 02-88094315 朱宗慶打擊樂教學系統
台北市敦化南路一段245號1樓 02-27755977 淡水竹圍教室 (捷運竹圍站右前方) 基隆市信一路133-1號7樓 02-24223615
誠品書店-敦南店 基隆古岳教室
(服務台) 金石文化廣場-汀州店 台北市汀州路三段184號1樓 02-23691245#12
台北縣八里鄉中山路二段173號1樓 02-86304255
玩音樂PLAYMUSIC (關渡夏威夷)
MNA牛耳藝術 台北市復興南路一段322號9樓 02-66369168 梅苓全人音樂-台北信義教室 台北市信義路二段271號3樓 02-23979123
朱宗慶打擊樂教學系統 桃園市中華路33號3樓之2 03-3476618
台北市建國南路一段160號B1 02-27113577 板橋地區 桃園中華教室
上古藝術館 行政院文建會員工消費合作社 台北市北平東路30-1號 02-23434168 (統領百貨旁)
(忠孝東路口) 誠品書店-桃園遠百店 桃園市中正路20號B1 03-3390983#221
內湖區 雲門舞集舞蹈教室-板橋館 板橋市四川路一段97號B1 02-89516801
信義區 婷婷舞蹈戲劇服裝有限公司 桃園市縣府路236號 03-3471881
台北市康寧路三段72號1樓 02-26338434 吉賽兒舞蹈藝術劇場 板橋市民族路283號3樓 02-29620509 (桃園店)
台北市松壽路3號 02-27224302#7555 誠品書店東湖店
新舞臺 (哈拉影城樓下)
(中國信託大樓後棟1樓) 朱宗慶打擊樂教學系統 板橋市四川路一段23號7樓 02-29565995 桃園縣政府文化局 桃園市縣府路21號(週一~五上班時間) 03-3322592#8303
梅苓全人音樂-台北內湖教室 台北市成功路三段174巷8號2樓 02-27961626 板橋中山教室(喜樂文化) (華爾街美語樓上)
法雅客-信義A8店 台北市松高路12號B1 02-87898780#123 朱宗慶打擊樂教學系統 桃園縣龜山鄉文化二路30-2號2樓 03-3180060

2009 11th
朱宗慶打擊樂教學系統 金石文化廣場-文化店 板橋市莊敬路137號 02-22503313 台北林口教室 (華夏飯店旁)
法雅客-信義A9店 台北市松壽路9號B2 02-87898780#909 台北市成功路四段70號3樓 02-27961518
內湖成功教室 南崁河合音樂教室 桃園縣蘆竹鄉南竹路一段84號 03-2128585
布拉格音樂短期補習班 板橋市中正路332之5號1樓 02-29663546

誠品書店-信義店 台北市松高路11號B2(服務台) 02-87893388#9 學學文創 台北市內湖區堤頂大道二段207號 02-87516898 (樂揚樂器) (錦興國小旁,週日休息)

朱宗慶打擊樂教學系統 中永和地區 潘朵拉音樂中心 桃園縣蘆竹鄉中山路135號2樓 03-3223919

台北市松德路178號1樓 02-87864818 中山區
法雅客-南京西路店 台北市南京西路12號9樓 02-25675500 金石文化廣場-竹林店 永和市竹林路150-154號 02-29206730 中壢地區
采風樂坊-永和教室 永和市竹林路91巷11號 02-89256328 夏恩英語-中壢中山校 中壢市中山路185號4樓 03-4226966
三民書局-復北門市 台北市復興北路386號 02-25006600
台北市文林路99號2樓 02-28811517

Taipei Film Festival

光華樂器(士林樂器) 中壢藝術館 中壢市中美路16號(週三~日上班時間) 03-4258804#201
(陽明戲院旁) 敦煌書局-中山店 台北市中山北路三段54-3號 02-25991169 梅苓全人音樂-永和教室 永和市永和路二段57號5樓 02-29284806
誠品書店-忠誠店 台北市忠誠路二段188號3樓 02-28730966 敦煌書局-元智大學店 中壢市遠東路135號(元智大學校內) 03-4631677
光點台北 台北市中山北路二段18號(週一休館) 02-25117786#400 綺韻音樂(原新生代樂器) 中和市中和路464號1樓 02-89235343
中壢市中園路二段501號4樓 03-4680222
朱宗慶打擊樂教學系統 台北市士林區基河路28號 02-28861808 朱宗慶打擊樂教學系統 誠品書店-中壢大江店
采風樂坊教學中心龍江教室 台北市龍江路295巷13號2樓 02-25024960 中和市中和路326號3樓 02-86607520 (大江購物中心)
士林劍潭教室 (捷運劍潭站2號出口) 台北双和教室 中壢市新中北路202號2樓 03-4360001
萬華區 翰文電腦打字行
宇音樂器行 台北市文林路251號 02-28813563 三重蘆洲 (中原大學後門附近)
西門紅樓 台北市成都路10號 02-23119380 新竹地區
法雅客-天母店 台北市忠誠路二段206號B1 02-28756600 新學府樂器有限公司 三重市三和路三段52號 02-29824245
婷婷舞蹈戲劇服裝有限公司 台北市漢中街158號 02-23882992 新竹市立演藝廳-柑仔店 新竹市東大路二段17號 03-5428707
松山區 (台北店) 朱宗慶打擊樂教學系統
三重市重新路二段23號3樓 02-29826969
三重重新教室 水木書苑 新竹市光復路二段101號(清華大學內) 03-5717694
雲門舞集 台北市復興北路231巷19號5樓 02-27122102 台北市漢口街二段20巷11號1樓 02-23122251
(中華路交叉口附近) 功學社-蘆洲旗艦店 蘆洲市中山二路162號1樓 02-82838255#2210 誠品書店-新竹店 新竹市信義街68號(近火車站) 03-5278907
法雅客-環亞店 台北市南京東路三段337號B1 02-87120331#909
in89豪華數位影院-影藝小舖 台北市武昌街2段89號 02-23315077#13 朱宗慶打擊樂教學系統 文昌書局生活館 新竹市光華街93-1號B1 03-5355426
台北市八德路四段765號3樓之3 蘆洲市光榮路67號3樓(忠義國小旁) 02-22835366
米卡多英語劇團 02-25284765 台北蘆洲教室
北投區 朱宗慶打擊樂教學系統
(慈祐宮旁) 新竹市北門街107號 03-5233599
新莊 新竹筑風教室
聯合報社總門市 台北市忠孝東路四段555號 02-27463516 國立台北藝術大學藝大書店 台北市學園路1 號 02-28938878
新莊市中港路306號7樓 02-29908738 竹北市文孝街58號 03-5588552
城市舞台藝文沙龍(法藍瓷) 台北市八德路三段25號B1 02-25790558 大同區 新莊大新教室 新竹竹北教室
金石文化廣場-民生店 台北市民生東路五段119號 02-27682757 十方樂集音樂劇場 台北市民族西路187巷4號 02-25935811 歐普思音樂藝術 新莊市新泰路179號2樓 02-22760381 (奇哥)寶寶園 03-5514141

● 更多售票端點,請上兩廳院售票系統網站查詢
Events Ticket Information
The 2009 TaipeiFF will have assigned seating for all screenings. You
Ximentin “Fun Movie” Vote for Audience Choice Award will be able to choose seats when purchasing tickets. Please double
Gift coupon & Gift coupon
check that ALL information on the ticket is correct (film title / time /
6/27(Sat) 19:00, 7/4(Sat) 19:00, 7/11(Sat) 19:00 ● Taipei Award / New Talent Competition Award
seat number).
■  NO REFUND POLICY for all Package holders. Please make sure each
Remember to pick up a copy of the Audience Choice Voting Form, fill screening is selected correctly.
Location: Taipei City Theme Park it out and cast your vote, and you will have a chance to win gifts from
(No.19, Kangding Rd., Wanhua Dist., Taipei City) the TaipeiFF! Gifts are drawn and distributed daily. Please check our TaipeiFF Pass Individual Tickets
Love in cinema is back in Ximentin! Take your beloved one to a information desks on-site and/or our website for lists of winners.
5/23(Sat)14:00 TaipeiFF Pass sales start at SPOT-Taipei Film 5/27(Wed)-6/25(Thu) Prior to Festival-Advance ticket sales
romantic free outdoor screening and re-live the loving moments in available at Art Tickets locations or go online to the Art Tickets at
the early Taiwanese films!
● Blog Voting House. NT$2200 per pass; only 150 passes limited.
Which film is going home with the grand prize award? Who’s your ■ Pass holders may redeem up to 4 tickets per day (maximum of
Weekday matinee tickets - NT$100 each
pick for the best lead actors? The TaipeiFF Blog is proud to organize
Red House Film Market online forecast, votings and prize drawings. Don’t miss out on your ■
ONE ticket per screening) during the festival.
Pass holders should collect tickets daily at the information desk, Weeknight & weekend tickets - NT$180 each
(in Ximentin) chance to have an influence on this year’s TaipeiFF Awards and their which opens 30 minutes prior to the first screening everyday.
winners! For details, please visit the TaipeiFF Blog: Seating is limited.
6/26(Fri)-7/12(Sun) During the Festival-Box Office ticket
6/27-28, 7/4-5, 7/11-12 ■ Pass holders must present both Passes and tickets upon screening entry.
sales available at the information desks on festival venues (Taipei
(Sat 14:00-22:00 Sun 14:00-21:30) The activities include: Zhongshan Hall and Shin Kong Cineplex) or go online to the Art
■ Special gifts for Pass holders include:
Taipei Award Grand Prize Forecast / Taipei Award Best Female Lead Ticket at
Location: North Plaza, Red House

2009 11th
Forecast / Taipei Award Best Male Lead Forecast / Rising Stars Weekday matinee tickets - NT $120 each
(No.10, Chengdu Rd., Wanhua Dist., Taipei City) 1)2009 TaipeiFF catalog, BUFF and shopping bag.
Popularity Contest / Rising Stars Choice Award / My Fav TaipeiFF Weeknight & weekend tickets - NT $200 each

Looking for innovative, film-inspired handmade items? Get them at Movie Soundtrack ■  These are to be acquired at the information desks on festival theater venues. ● Please note:
the Red House Film Market in June! 1. Screenings may be cancelled due to emergency circumstances or natural
● Text Voting 2)2009 10% off coupons for all international Art Ticket disasters. Please check TaipeiFF official website at for
Cast your predictions of the grand prize winner, best male lead and shows (excludes shows of the lowest price). the latest updates. There will be no refund if the screenings are on schedule.
King Hu’s “Behind the Scenes” best female lead of the Taipei Award, and you are qualified for the

Taipei Film Festival

( Please visit the TaipeiFF website for more information on Refund &
3)One free trip to MOCA Taipei before 2009/12/31.
Filmmaking Exhibition drawings of a neovo LCD screen and other festival prizes! For details Exchanges.)
2. Entrance is not permitted 20 minutes after each film starts.
on how to cast you prediction, please visit the TaipeiFF Blog. ■  Please present your TaipeiFF Pass if requested.

6/19 (Fri)~ 7/12 (Sun) ■  The voting procedures will be instructed in Chinese only. 3. Food and drinks are strictly prohibited inside Taipei Zhongshan Hall.
4. For details, please call Art Tickets at(02)3393-9888 or contact 2009 TaipeiFF
Location: 1F Ba Jiao Building, Red House TaipeiFF Ticket Package 5. Weekday matinee:Monday – Friday before 18:00 ( Not including 18:00
(No.10, Chengdu Rd., Wanhua Dist., Taipei City)
5/23(Sat)12:00 Noon TaipeiFF Ticket Package sales start at screenings)
In celebration of the 30th anniversary of two of King Hu’s legendary the Art Tickets locations. NT$1500 per package; only 1,000 Ticket
films, Legend of the Mountain and Raining in the Mountain, the 2009 Taipei Packages available.
Group Tickets
Film Festival pays tribute to Hu by showing some of the most rare Limiting up to 4 TaipeiFF Ticket Packages per person. Each
and valuable “behind the scenes” facts for fans and audiences alike.

package includes 10 tickets for 10 screenings.

5/27(Wed)-6/25(Thu) Group Ticket purchase is accepted during
the period. Special offers are available for Group Ticket purchase of
Both films Legend of the Mountain and Raining in the Mountain will have a ■ Each holder is allowed to book up to 4 tickets per screening and 30 tickets or more (must be purchased together, not separately). For
special screening. For details, please refer to the TaipeiFF screening eligible for a 4-day priority booking. detailed information, please visit our website: or
schedules. ■ Special gifts for Package holders include: call us at (02)2528-9580 ext. 169

10 11
中 山 堂 Taipei Zhongshan Hall 新光二廳 Shin Kong Cineplex 2 新光三廳 Shin Kong Cineplex 3
日期 時間 片名 片長 備註 級數 頁碼 時間 片名 片長 備註 級數 頁碼 日期 時間 片名 片長 備註 級數 頁碼
Date Time Title Length Note Rating Page Time Title Length Note Rating Page Date Time Title Length Note Rating Page

6/26 14:00 德國 09
19:00 陽陽
Germany 09
Yang Yang

普G 20
護PG 20
My Only Sunshine 121
Germany in Autumn 116 ▲
6/26 11:00
Ancient Species
86 ★
★ 導演或影人出席映後或映前座談
▲ 影片拷貝非英語發音且無英文字幕
(五) 15:30 腦海中的喧囂 The Noise in My Head 90 護PG 50 (五) 15:40 遺落的玻璃珠 " Ayu " 73 ★ 普G 52 普:普遍級
19:30 蕾拉過生日 Laila's Birthday 72 普G 69 18:00 台北電影獎劇情短片入圍 2 Taipei Award Nominated Films 84 ★ 輔PG 58
– Narrative Shorts 2 輔:輔導級
21:20 證人 The Beast Stalker 109 限R 65 限:限制級
20:20 河上的愛情水上人家 Cry Me A River River People 103 普G 63
22:40 凱薩琳布蕾雅之藍鬍子 Bluebeard 80 限R 68 級數以戲院現場公佈為準。

6/27 11:00
愛慕拼圖 Adoration 100
普G 67
10:30 陽台前的夏天 Summer in Berlin 107 ▲ 輔PG 32 6/27 11:00
路有多長 How Long is the Road
台北電影獎劇情短片入圍 1 Taipei Award Nominated Films
★▲ 普G 55
★ With filmmaker's attendance
▲ Non-English language film withou English subtitles
東邪西毒終極版 Ashes of Time Redux 護PG 13:00 帶我去遠方 Somewhere I Have 96 ★ 護PG 54 ★ 普G
(六) Never Travelled (六) – Narrative Shorts 1 G: General Audience
16:00 大世界小女兵 Little Soldier 100 輔PG 69
15:40 再見列寧 Good Bye Lenin! 118 ★ 輔PG 31 16:30 沒問題俠客 The Yes Men 83 ★ 普G 71 PG: Parental Guide
19:30 抵擋太平洋的堤壩 The Sea Wall 115 普G 70 R: Restricted
19:30 滾拉拉的槍 Lala’s Gun 97 ★ 普G 64 19:00 台北電影獎劇情短片入圍 3 Taipei Award Nominated Films 89 ★ 普G 59
– Narrative Shorts 3 Please check the latest information in the cinemas.
22:10 出櫃宣言 Coming Out 112 ▲ 輔PG 28
21:30 漂丿男子漢 2 Crows Zero II 133 輔PG 69

6/28 11:00
Cloud 9
My Only Sunshine
Raining in the Mountain 120
Storm 105
▲ 普G
6/28 11:00 切格瓦拉滿天下
The Wingless Swallow
86 普G 37
(日) (日) 13:00 112 ★▲ 普G
16:00 澳洲B片真牛B Not Quite Hollywood 102 限R 70 15:10 沒問題人生 Life is All You Get 118 ★ 普G 31 外賣 Take Out 66
19:30 戀戀茉莉香 Talentime 117 ★ 普G 74 18:30 穿制服的女孩 Girls in Uniform 98 ▲ 普G 25 16:00 中國已遠– 安東尼奧尼與中國 China Is Far Away 135 普G 63
20:50 一半豔陽, Raging Sun, 191 限R 39 – Antonioni and China
Raging Sky
一半藍天 蝴蝶夫人 Madam Butterfly

2009 11th
19:00 Flowers in the mirror, moon in the
85 ★▲ 普G 73

21:30 沒問題俠客修理世界 The Yes Men Fix the World 85 普G 71

6/29 11:00
Everyone Else
Cloud 9
120 ▲
6/29 11:00
The Celluloid Closet
The Yes Men
83 ★
(一) (一)
16:00 蕾拉過生日 Laila's Birthday 72 普G 69 16:00 穿制服的女孩 Girls in Uniform 98 ★▲ 普G 25 16:00 沒問題俠客修理世界 The Yes Men Fix the World 85 ★ 普G 71

Taipei Film Festival

19:30 找一張床 Unmade Beds 93 ★ 限R 51 19:30 兇手就在你身邊 The Murderers Are 88 ★▲ 普G 26 19:00 漂丿男子漢 2 Crows Zero II 133 輔PG 69
Among Us
22:20 解放者得自由 1 Liberators Take Liberties (Part 1) 90 限R 29
21:50 橋下戀曲 Under the Bridges 92 ★▲ 普G 25

6/30 11:00 不灯港

13:30 火蜥蜴
The Dark Harbor

普G 49
護PG 50
10:30 沒問題人生
13:30 星期天的約會
Life is All You Get 118
People on Sunday 73

6/30 11:00
黃羊川 Yellow Sheep River
台北電影獎劇情短片入圍 1 Taipei Award Nominated Films
★ 普G
(二) (二) – Narrative Shorts 1
16:00 在世界轉角遇見愛 The World is Big and 105 ★ 普G 51 柏林工人日記 Current Problems: How
Salvation Lurks Around the Berlin Worker Lives 16:00 台北異想 Taipei 24H 94 普G 66
the Corner 15:40 88 25
Kuhle Wampe: To
★▲ 普G 19:00 台北電影獎動畫短片入圍 Taipei Award Nominated Films 58 ★ 護PG 60
19:30 幸福的彼端 All Around Us 140 ★▲ 普G 68 世界屬於誰 ? Whom Does The World – Animation Shorts
Belong? 21:00 人人手中線: Common Threads: 79 普G 45
18:30 滾拉拉的槍 Lala’s Gun 97 ★ 普G 64 愛滋拼布的故事 Stories from the Quilt

21:00 兇手就在你身邊 The Murderers Are 88 ▲ 普G 26

Among Us

7/01 11:00
Beyond Silence
Germany in Autumn
116 ★▲
7/01 11:00
Mr. Jia And His Friends
(三) (三)
16:30 窒息暴戾 Breathless 130 ★ 護PG 48 16:30 我的陽光 My Only Sunshine 121 護PG 70 15:00 熱舞夏日 Hot Summer 91 ★▲ 普G 26
19:30 證人 The Beast Stalker 109 限R 65 19:10 琴戀克拉拉 Beloved Clara 107 ★▲ 護PG 33 19:00 流离 Floating In Memory 107 ★ 普G 63
22:00 盲劍 Ichi 120 ▲ 輔PG 69 21:50 扎賚諾爾 Jalainur 92 普G 63
12 13
中 山 堂 Taipei Zhongshan Hall 新光二廳 Shin Kong Cineplex 2 新光三廳 Shin Kong Cineplex 3
日期 時間 片名 片長 備註 級數 頁碼 時間 片名 片長 備註 級數 頁碼 日期 時間 片名 片長 備註 級數 頁碼
Date Time Title Length Note Rating Page Time Title Length Note Rating Page Date Time Title Length Note Rating Page

7/02 11:00
The Noise in My Head
The Maid
96 ★
10:30 在世界轉角遇到愛 The World is Big and
Salvation Lurks Around
the Corner
105 ★▲ 普G 51
7/02 11:00
解放者得自由 2
The State I am in
Liberators Take Liberties (Part 2)
★ 導演或影人出席映後或映前座談
▲ 影片拷貝非英語發音且無英文字幕
(四) 16:30 我的寂寞花園 Parque Via 86 ★ 普G 50 (四) 15:30 我的24小時 – 家庭 My 24 Hours II – Families 98 普G 66 普:普遍級
13:30 星期天的約會 People on Sunday 73 ★ 普G 24
19:30 週末魘狂熱 Tony Manero 98 限R 39 15:40 The Dark Harbor 101 ★ 普G 49 19:00 德國,蒼白的母親 Germany, Pale Mother 123 限R 26
19:30 火蜥蜴 Salamander 91 ★ 護PG 50 21:40 凱薩琳布蕾雅之藍鬍子 Bluebeard 80 限R 68 限:限制級
22:00 媽咪去洗頭 Mommy is at the 97 普G 70 級數以戲院現場公佈為準。
7/03 11:00 第三代 The Third Generation 105 限R 26
★ With filmmaker's attendance
(五) 13:20 心的居所 The State I am in 100 普G 32
15:30 Finding Her 92 53 ▲ Non-English language film withou English subtitles
查無此人 ★ 普G
11:00 原鄉陌路 Yuri's Day 130 輔PG 72 10:30 我的寂寞花園 Parque Via 86 ★ 普G 50 G: General Audience
18:00 流离 Floating In Memory 107 ★ 普G 63 PG: Parental Guide
(五) 麵包來的日子 Bread Day 13:00 山中傳奇 Legend of the Mountain 184 ★ 普G 73 21:00 再見烏托邦 Night of an Era 89 ★ 普G 64
14:00 109 普G 43 R: Restricted
雜耍家族 Highway 17:00 窒息暴戾 Breathless 130 ★ 護PG 48 Please check the latest information in the cinemas.
20:10 Disgrace 120 49
16:30 找一張床 Unmade Beds 93 ★ 限R 51 屈辱 輔PG 蝴蝶夫人 Madam Butterfly
19:30 戀戀茉莉香 Talentime 117 ★ 普G 74 23:10 機動部隊 – 同袍 Tactical Unit – 90 護PG 65 10:50 85 ▲ 普G 73
鏡花水月 Flowers in the mirror,
Comrades In Arms moon in the water:
河上的愛情 Cry Me A River
13:10 103 普G 63
7/04 11:00
89 ★▲
10:30 貝拉米犯罪事件簿 Bellamy
13:00 德國 09 Germany 09
護PG 68
普G 27 15:50
River People
Germany, Pale Mother 123 限R 26
(六) 16:30 抵擋太平洋的堤壩 The Sea Wall 115 普G 70 16:20 女攝影師, The All-Round 98 ▲ 普G 29 18:40 第三代 The Third Generation 105 限R 26
Reduced Personality –

2009 11th
19:30 一席之地 A Place of One`s Own 118 ★ 護PG 53 圍牆以西 21:10 哈維米克的時代: The Times of Harvey Milk 87 普G 45
19:30 靠岸 Port of Return 90 ★ 普G 54
23:10 台北電影獎動畫短片入圍 Taipei Award Nominated Films 58 護PG 60

22:00 東邪西毒終極版 Ashes of Time Redux 90 護PG 74 – Animation Shorts

7/05 11:00 八卦歡樂吧 Grill Point 105 護PG 32 11:20 女僕 The Maid 96 ★ 輔PG 49 7/05 11:00 六局下半 The Turn of the Game 80 ★ 普G 55
(日) 14:00 熱舞夏日 Hot Summer 91 ▲ 普G 26 13:30 圖班嫁給我 Tulpan 100 普G 43 (日) 13:20 台北電影獎動畫短片入圍 Taipei Award Nominated Films 58 ★ 護PG 60
– Narrative Shorts
16:30 人骨旅店 The Bone Man 121 限R 68 16:00 陽陽 Yang Yang 112 ★ 普G 54

Taipei Film Festival

15:30 再見烏托邦 Night of an Era 89 ★ 普G 64
19:30 保留場 T.B.A. 19:00 煉獄三重奏 Purgatory 86 限R 38
18:30 路有多長 How Long is the Road 114 ★ 普G 55
21:00 出櫃宣言 Coming Out 112 ▲ 輔PG 28
21:20 人人手中線: Common Threads: 79 普G 45
愛滋拼布的故事 Stories from the Quilt

7/06 11:00 保留場

14:00 搖滾東柏林
Sun Alley 90 護PG 28
Island Etude
Port of Return
90 ★
54 7/06 11:00
The Inheritors
Perfect Life
97 ★
(一) 16:30 好戲開鍘 Meet the Head of Juan 87 限R 38 16:00 一八九五 Blue Brave 110 護PG 65 (一) 15:30 查無此人 Finding Her 92 ★ 普G 53
19:00 橋下戀曲 Under the Bridges 92 ▲ 護PG 25 18:30 黃羊川 Yellow Sheep River 94 ★ 普G 57
19:30 煉獄三重奏 Purgatory 86 限R 38
21:30 機動部隊 – 同袍 Tactical Unit – 90 護PG 65 21:00 台北電影獎劇情短片入圍 3 Taipei Award Nominated Films 89 ★ 普G 59
Comrades In Arms – Narrative Shorts 3

7/07 11:00 走出寂靜 Beyond Silence 109 輔PG 74 10:30 愁男卡拉 OK Three Wise Men 95 普G 71 7/07 11:00 赤陽 Heat Sun 105 ★ 護PG 55
(二) 14:00 媽咪去洗頭 Mommy is at the 97 普G 70 13:10 停車 Parking 106 輔PG 54 (二) 13:50 切格瓦拉滿天下 Chevolution 86 普G 37
15:30 陽台前的夏天 Summer in Berlin 107 ▲ 輔PG 32 15:50 最遙遠的愛 The Unreachable Love 74 ★ 護PG 57
16:30 陽光七月天 In July 100 限R 31
19:00 一席之地 A Place of One`s Own 118 ★ 護PG 53 18:30 完美生活 Perfect Life 97 ★ 普G 64
19:30 人骨旅店 The Bone Man 121 護PG 68
22:00 澳洲B片真牛B Not Quite Hollywood 102 限R 70 21:00 一七五紀事 Paragraph 175 72 護PG 45

14 15
中 山 堂 Taipei Zhongshan Hall 新光二廳 Shin Kong Cineplex 2 新光三廳 Shin Kong Cineplex 3
日期 時間 片名 片長 備註 級數 頁碼 時間 片名 片長 備註 級數 頁碼 日期 時間 片名 片長 備註 級數 頁碼
Date Time Title Length Note Rating Page Time Title Length Note Rating Page Date Time Title Length Note Rating Page

7/08 11:00
Aimée and Jaguar 124
Dioses 91
No Puedo Vivir Sin Ti 92 ★ 護PG 53 7/08 11:00
油症 – 與毒共存
Surviving Evil
73 ★
普G 39
護PG 56
★ 導演或影人出席映後或映前座談
▲ 影片拷貝非英語發音且無英文字幕
(三) 16:30 小偷.共犯.鐵拳頭 Short Sharp Shock 100 限R 31 16:00 原鄉陌路 Yuri's Day 130 輔PG 72 (三) 西藏台北 Tibet, Taipei 普:普遍級
15:30 102 ★ 輔PG 56 護:保護級
19:00 一半豔陽, Raging Sun, 191 限R 39 19:00 豆花男之吻 Acne 87 輔PG 36 練將 Teen Patron
Raging Sky 輔:輔導級
一半藍天 21:30 渺渺 Miao Miao 82 ★ 護PG 53 18:30 台北電影獎劇情短片入圍 1 Taipei Award Nominated Films 86 ★ 普G 58
– Narrative Shorts 1 限:限制級
21:00 陽光七月天 In July 100 普G 31 級數以戲院現場公佈為準。

★ With filmmaker's attendance

7/09 7/09
▲ Non-English language film withou English subtitles
麵包來的日子 Bread Day Current Problems: How 10:20 外賣 Take Out 87 普G 66 G: General Audience
14:00 109 普G 43 柏林工人日記 the Berlin Worker Lives
(四) 雜耍家族 Highway (四) 12:30 遺落的玻璃珠 " Ayu " 73 ★ 普G 52 PG: Parental Guide
10:30 Kuhle Wampe: To 88 ▲ 普G 25
28 14:40 解放者得自由 1 Liberators Take Liberties (Part 1) 90 29 R: Restricted
16:30 搖滾東柏林 Sun Alley 90 護PG 世界屬於誰 ? Whom Does The World 限R
Belong? Please check the latest information in the cinemas.
19:30 貝拉米犯罪事件簿 Bellamy 110 護PG 68 16:40 解放者得自由 2 Liberators Take Liberties (Part 2) 102 限R 29
13:00 空山靈雨 Raining in the 120 ★▲ 普G 73 19:00 台北電影獎劇情短片入圍 2 Taipei Award Nominated Films 84 ★ 普G 58
– Narrative Shorts 2
15:30 尋情歷險記 Let's fall in love 90 ★ 普G 56
21:30 麥收 Wheat Harvest 98 ★ 護PG 65
18:00 帶我去遠方 Somewhere I Have 96 ★ 護PG 54
Never Travelled
21:00 澳洲B片真牛B Not Quite Hollywood 102 限R 70

2009 11th
7/10 11:00
Little Soldier
10:30 抵擋太平洋的堤壩 The Sea Wall
13:30 冬日再見 After Winter Comes
115 ▲
28 7/10 11:00
Generation Undecided
Ancient Species
86 ★

(五) 17:00 走出寂靜 Beyond Silence 109 輔PG 74 (五) 15:30 中國已遠– 安東尼奧尼與中國 China Is Far Away 135 普G 63
16:00 完美第二對 Everyone Else 119 限R 30 – Antonioni and China
19:30 週末魘狂熱 Tony Manero 98 限R 39
19:30 不能沒有你 No Puedo Vivir Sin Ti 92 ★ 護PG 53 18:30 哈維米克的時代: The Times of Harvey Milk 87 普G 45
22:00 人骨旅店 The Bone Man 121 限R 68 邁向自由大道
20:30 凱薩琳布蕾雅之藍鬍子 Bluebeard 80 限R 68

Taipei Film Festival

22:20 台北電影獎劇情短片入圍 3 Taipei Award Nominated Films 89 普G 59
– Narrative Shorts 3

7/11 11:00 保留場 T.B.A. 10:30 蘿拉快跑 Run Lola Run 81 輔PG 34 7/11 11:00 垂死瑪麗亞 Deadly Maria 106 限R 34
(六) 14:00 控訴風暴 Storm 105 普G 33 12:30 八卦歡樂吧 Grill Point 105 護PG 32 (六) 14:00 老年男女 Mr.Jia And His Friends 90 普G 64
17:00 好戲開鍘 Meet the Head of Juan 87 限R 38 15:30 愁男卡拉OK Three Wise Men 95 普G 71 16:00 麥收 Wheat Harvest 98 ★ 護PG 65
18:00 愛慕拼圖 Adoration 100 普G 67 18:40 台北電影獎劇情短片入圍 2 Taipei Award Nominated Films 84 輔PG 58
19:30 艾美與亞歌 Aimée and Jaguar 124 輔PG 28 – Narrative Shorts 2
20:30 一半豔陽, Raging Sun, 191 限R 39
Raging Sky 21:00 電影中的同志 The Celluloid Closet 102 輔PG 45

7/12 12:00 保留場

15:00 爸,你好嗎?
How are you, Dad? 115 ★ 普G 21
10:30 極樂九重天
12:40 冬日再見
Cloud 9
After Winter Comes
115 ▲
7/12 11:00
The Inheritors
Deadly Maria
106 ▲
(日) Spring (日)
19:00 懼乳:傷心的奶水 The Milk of Sorrow 94 ▲ 輔PG 21 16:00 六局下半 The Turn of the Game 80 ★ 普G 55
15:30 女攝影師, The All-Round 98 ▲ 普G 29
Reduced Personality – 19:00 一七五紀事 Paragraph 175 72 護PG 29
圍牆以西 Redupers 21:10 三十不立 Generation Undecided 61 普G 33
18:30 小偷.共犯.鐵拳頭 Short Sharp Shock 100 輔PG 31

16 17
國際青年導演競賽 New Talent Competition
Closing Films
Opening &

開 / 閉幕片
競賽 Competition Section

Opening Closing
陽陽 德國09 懼乳:傷心的奶水 爸,你好嗎?
Yang Yang
Yang Germany 09 The Milk Of Sorrow How Are You, Dad?

Films Films
開幕 片 閉幕片

鄭有傑 法提 .阿金/沃夫岡 .貝克/塞克 .恩德斯/多明力克 .加夫/ 克勞蒂亞 .

尤薩 張作驥
CHENG Yu-chieh 克里斯多夫 .霍奇豪斯勒/羅穆阿德 .卡馬克/妮可葉特 . Claudia LLOSA CHANG Tso-chi
2009 / Taiwan / 35mm / Color / 112’ 克雷畢茲/丹尼 .雷維/安姬拉 .夏娜萊克/漢斯 .斯特恩比奇/ 2009 / Peru, Spain / 35mm / Color / 94’ 2009 / Taiwan / 35mm / Color / 115’

伊莎貝拉 .斯蒂沃/湯姆 .提克威/漢斯 .韋恩加特納

2009 柏林影展 Fatih AKIN/Wolfgang BECKER/Sylke ENDERS/Dominik GRAF/ 2009 柏林影展金熊獎、費比西獎
2009 香港電影節 Christoph HOCHHÄUSLER/Romuald KARMAKAR/Nicolette 2009 墨西哥 FICG 電影節最佳拉美電影、

李安的「推手計畫」第一炮。影片敘述中法 2009 / Germany / 35mm / Color / 151’ 秘魯新銳女導演克勞蒂亞.尤薩的第二部 張作驥導演以魔幻寫實手法,細膩地描繪

2009 11th
混血兒陽陽從未見過法籍生父,也不懂法 2009 柏林影展 劇情長片。母親的驟逝,讓法絲塔一心堅 十個父親的形象;清苦的粗工、養老院的
文,遇到旁人頻頻詢問是否會說法文時, 持要將媽媽的遺體帶離首都利馬安葬,同 老兵、好廚藝的榮民、離婚的小爸爸、兇狠

也只能尷尬一笑。面對母親再嫁,學姐成 《蘿拉快跑》導演湯姆.提克威登高一呼,十三位當代德國導演 時也不得不正視自己內心的恐懼,以及深 的大哥、退休的將軍、破產的老闆、國語生
為自己的姊姊,兩人還愛上同一個男生, 齊向《德國之秋》致敬,比起三十年前的電影前輩,這批晚生不 藏已久的秘密…。全片以魔幻寫實影像和 澀的老外、兒孫滿堂的獨居老人、忙碌的明
內心孤單的陽陽,在種種衝突掙扎之中, 喜批判控訴,反愛嘲弄譏諷,並共同提問「德國是什麼?」一種 優美清唱旋律,捕捉秘魯充滿神秘色彩的 星。你的父親是哪一種?十段父子關係,父
該如何面對自己的各式傷痛?台北電影獎 靈藥竟讓沮喪的德國人開心起來,連總理都前來求醫?《再見列 歷史社會風貌,甫推出就榮獲柏林影展金 親的溫暖與孤獨,他們對孩子的愛與不捨,

Taipei Film Festival

百萬首獎得主鄭有傑,繼《一年之初》之後, 寧》導演沃夫岡.貝克更把德國拍成一所系統失靈的精神病院? 熊獎最高榮譽。 巧妙隱喻城市與人的關係。
再展精湛敘事功力。 光怪陸離的德國萬象,等你來作見證。

“So, you speak French?” Eurasian Yang- 13 Germany’s most acclaimed film directors come together It is a story about re-awakening, a Dedicated to his father, the director
Yang has frequently been asked this to create Germany 09, a very personal panorama of the journey from fear to freedom. Fausta composes ten short stories in How
question ever since she was little. She social and political situation in their country today. The film suffers from “the milk of sorrow”, an are you, Dad? It portrays ten fathers
always answers it with an awkward comes right in the middle of the social upheaval brought illness transmitted through mother’s of distinctive ages from various
smile since neither has she met her about by “Agenda 2010” on the path to the globalized 21st milk by women who have been violated backgrounds; the hard labor, the war
French birth father nor does she speak century, over 60 years after the end of World War II, 40 years during the war of terrorism in Peru. veteran, the young-and-divorced, the
any French. She yearns for a family and after the student uprisings of 1968, 30 years after the 1977’s The war has ended, but Fausta lives vile gangster, the forgotten elderly, the
her dream seems to come true when “German Autumn” and 20 years after the fall of the Berlin to remember it because “the illness busy celebrity, the retired general and
her mother remarries. Yet this new Wall in 1989. of fear” stole her soul. Now, her mother’s the bankrupt businessman. From the
family turns out to be a disappointment. sudden death forces her to confront ten relationships between the fathers
After that, nothing, not even some her fears and the secret hidden inside and their children, we see the warmth
temporary passion, can ease her of her: she uses a potato to serve as a and love of all fathers as well as the
loneliness. Her quest for love is in vain. protective shield. solitude in their lives.

6/26 中山 19.30 ★ 6/26 中山 14.00 ★ 7/12 中山 19.00 ▲ 7/12 中山 15.00 ★

7/05 新二 16.00 ★ 7/04 新二 13.00

20 21
City Vision

City Vision

Vintage Berlin
Berlin 柏 林

Germany 德 國

日 Hot Summer
22 23
Vintage Berlin
星期天的約會 柏林工人日記 世界屬於誰 ? 穿制服的女孩 橋下戀曲
People On Sunday Current Problems:how Kuhle Wampe : To Whom Girls In Uniform Under The Bridges
The Berlin Worker Lives Does The World Belong?

典藏 柏 林

羅伯特 .
西奧德梅克/葛特 .西奧德梅克 史拉坦 .
杜多 史拉坦 .
杜多 萊昂蒂娜 .
莎崗 海爾默 .
愛德嘉 .
奧爾瑪/佛烈德 .
辛尼曼 Slatan DUDOW Slatan DUDOW Leontine SAGAN Helmut KAEUTNER
1930 / Germany / 35mm / B&W /12’ 1931 / Germany / 35mm / B&W / 76’ 1931 / Germany / 35mm / B&W / 98’ 1944 / Germany / 35mm / B&W / 92’
1929 / Germany / 35mm / B&W / 73’
2005 雪梨影展 1983 柏林影展 1932 威尼斯影展 1946 盧卡諾影展

柏林夏日,兩男兩女和無數柏林人一樣, 當柏林的有錢人過著豪奢生活時,城市東 「庫勒.旺貝」為德國方言,意思為「空肚 德國第一部正式在院線上映的電影,也是 亨利與威利駕船航行在柏林哈維爾河,行
相約週日出遊,他們在湖邊戲耍調情,其 邊聚居著大量的勞工階級,地下室的住所 子」。波恩尼克一家住在柏林,工人階級的 第一部同志電影,1931年在柏林上映即造 經一座又一座的橋。這時他們發現女子安
City Vision

中一人還引誘了同遊的一位女孩。分手前 潮濕陰暗,結核病四處散播,染病的孩童 他與兒子法蘭茲長期失業,半年都繳不出 成轟動。影片描述普魯士時代一個天主教 娜,正打算自橋上跳下,於是兩人急忙上

大家相約下週再見,但是到了下個週日, 毫無生氣。史拉坦.杜多首度拍攝電影,以 房租。後來一家被迫搬到柏林東郊穆格湖 寄宿女校,一個學生愛上了她的老師,老 前阻止。好巧不巧,兩人卻都同時愛上安

Vintage Berlin
男子早把女孩拋在腦後,另尋樂子去了。 紀錄片的形式呈現二次世界大戰之前,威 邊一處「庫勒.旺貝」貧民帳篷區。史拉坦. 師欲拒還迎,一派受壓抑的中產階級與威 娜,相約追到她的人,就必須放棄自己的
本片由比利.懷德等五個年輕人共同完成, 瑪共和時期柏林的社會問題,堪稱德國無 杜多的第一部劇情長片,劇本由知名劇作家 權階級的拘謹作風,更突顯了學生們追求 船。威利深愛安娜,卻發現安娜愛上亨
生動而細膩地呈現1920 年代柏林都會的 產階級電影的前鋒。同場並加映導演第一 布萊希特共同撰寫,因為劇情傳達左翼思 自由的天真。本片內容被視為影射當時普 利。本片是納粹時期少數不為政治服務的
繁華風貌與一個始亂終棄的愛情故事,為 部劇情長片《世界屬於誰》。 想,導致1933年成為納粹禁片,後被視為德 魯士法律和社會制度的冷酷,也被評為當 傑出作品,攝影風格與敘事手法頗有法國
德國影史上首部獨立製片。 國替無產階級發聲的經典電影。 年德國最佳影片。 導演尚雷諾之風。

A tale of five young Berliners - a taxi It is a silent documentary contrasting Boenicke and his son Franz have both Manuela,14, is sent to an aristocratic Hendrik and Willi are the owners of a
driver, a traveling wine dealer, a the living conditions of Berlin laborers been unemployed for a long time. The girls’ boarding school after her mother’ canal barge. One evening, they spot
record shop sales girl, a film extra, with those enjoying the city's villas. working-class family lives in Berlin s death. The school is run by an iron- a girl, Anna, who is apparently about
and a model - spending a typical During the period of Weimar Republic and is six months behind on the rent. handed headmistress, whose basic to jump off a bridge. They both run to
Sunday together. In this vivid snapshot (1919~1933), Berlin faced serious Since the future is uncertain, no help principles are discipline, orderliness save her, but are disappointed to find
of Berlin life, a trip to the countryside inflation problems and a rising can be expected from social services. and abstinence. In these surroundings, out that she merely throws a note into
reveals the flirtations, rivalries, unemployment rate. The film portrays Boenicke’s family is compelled to move M a n u e l a b e c o m e s i n t ro v e r t e d . the river to rid a bad memory. As Anna
jealousies, and petty irritations the unfavorable living conditions of out of the apartment to a suburban tent Her only ray of light is her teacher travels back to Berlin with them, the
c o m m o n t o a n y g ro u p o u t i n g . the working class in East Berlin, with camp "Kuhle Wampe" (meaning empty Elizabeth who shows the girls love two friends both fall in love with her.
Coincidently, the viewer gains insight contagious tuberculosis spreading belly), located outside of Berlin on Lake and understanding. One day, Manuela The two men make an agreement with
into the lives of different residents and ailing children distressed. Slatan Mueggel. Among the others there with declares her love for Elizabeth. The one another: whoever wins Anna must
of the metropole, and follows them Dudow’s debut film speaks for the a similar fate, the Boenicke's find a new headmistress is scandalized and locks forfeit his claim to the barge.
through their everyday activities. proletariat. home. However, other problems arise… Manuela in the isolation room …

6/30 新二 13.30 ★ 6/30 新二 15.40 ★ ▲ 6/30 新二 15.40 ★ ▲ 6/28 新二 18.30 ▲ 6/29 新二 21.50 ★ ▲
7/02 新二 13.30 ★ 7/09 新二 10.30 ▲ 7/09 新二 10.30 ▲ 6/29 新二 16.00 ★ ▲ 7/06 新二 19.00 ▲

艾美與亞歌 AimÉe & Jaguar

24 25
兇手就在你身邊 熱舞夏日 德國,蒼白的母親 第三代 德國之秋 德國09
The Murderers Hot Summer Germany, Pale The Third Germany In Autumn Germany 09
Are Among Us Mother Generation

Rights: RROGRESS Film-Verleih Rights: RROGRESS Film-Verleih

沃夫岡 .
史塔特 喬西姆 .
哈斯勒 賀瑪 .
桑德斯 .
布拉姆斯 萊納 .
韋納 .
法斯賓達 亞夫 .布魯史特林/漢斯 .彼得 .克魯斯/萊納 .韋納 .法斯 法提 .阿金/沃夫岡 .貝克/塞克 .恩德斯/多明力克 .加夫/克
Wolfgang STAUDTE Joachim HASLER Helma SANDERS-BRAHMS Rainer Werner FASSBINDER 賓達/亞歷山大 .克魯格/麥斯米蘭 .邁恩卡/比亞特 .邁恩 里斯多夫 .霍奇豪斯勒/羅穆阿德 .卡馬克/妮可葉特 .克雷
1946 / Germany / 35mm / B&W / 88’ 1968 / Germany / 35mm / Color / 91’ 1979 / Germany / 16mm / Color / 123’ 1979 / Germany / 16mm / Color / 105’ 卡 .傑林賀斯/艾德 .葛萊茲/卡嘉 .盧普/沃克 .雪朗道夫/ 畢茲/丹尼 .雷維/安姬拉 .夏娜萊克/漢斯 .斯特恩比奇/伊莎
彼得 .舒伯特/伯恩哈德 .辛格 貝拉 .斯蒂沃/湯姆 .提克威/漢斯 .韋恩加特納
1980 法國克緹爾女性影展大獎 Alf BRUSTELLIN/Hans Peter CLOOS/Rainer Werner FASSBINDER/ Fatih AKIN/Wolfgang BECKER/Sylke ENDERS/Dominik GRAF/
1980, 1990 柏林影展 A lex a n d e r K LU G E / M a x i m i l i a n e M A I N K A / B e a t e M A I N K A - Christoph HOCHHÄUSLER/Romuald KARMAKAR/Nicolette

1978 / Germany / 35mm / B&W, Color / 116’ 2009 / Germany / 35mm / Color / 151’
1945年戰後的柏林,一片斷垣殘壁,漢斯 一個陽光燦爛的夏日,12位美眉碰上11位 德國新電影導演賀瑪.桑德斯.布拉姆斯 法斯賓達拍攝《德國之秋》同一年,另拍
1978 柏林影展競賽單元 2009 柏林影展
醫生活在揮之不去的戰爭陰影中。此時公 帥哥,俊男美女、燦爛笑容,女孩搔首弄 帶自傳意味的成名作。電影始於一段童話 攝了這部嘲諷西德恐怖份子的作品。影片
1978 德國電影獎金獎
City Vision

寓原本的女主人蘇珊從集中營回來了,在 姿,男孩爭風吃醋,在前往波羅的海度假 般的婚姻,不久後新郎從軍,新娘與新生 描述第三代紅軍派,淪為中產階級青年毫

她的幫助之下,兩人逐漸萌生愛意,展開 海灘的路上,熱情歌舞、一路歡唱,猶如 女兒相依為命,但卻有如小紅帽在森林中 無目的的生活遊戲。他們採取各種犯罪行 這是一部德國新電影運動時期必看的經典之作。1977年秋季,一系 《蘿拉快跑》導演湯姆.提克威登高一呼,十三位當代德國導演齊向

Vintage Berlin
新生活。漢斯得知戰時作惡多端的軍官尚 《火爆浪子》加《柳媚花嬌》。偶像盡出, 躲避大野狼的追擊。戰後返家的父親,被 徑,搶銀行、放炸彈、謀殺,連銀行家的太 列恐怖活動帶給西德社會極大動盪不安,法斯賓達、雪朗多夫等十一 《德國之秋》致敬,比起三十年前的電影前輩,這批晚生不喜批判控
在人世,並過著富足的生活,他失望於正 一部比寶萊塢更殺的東德青春浪漫歌舞靚 戰爭折磨成一個個性扭曲的暴戾男性,母 太也藏身恐怖組織。他們並不關心政治, 名德國年輕導演,有感時局動盪,特地拍攝十一段短片,捕捉當時西 訴,反愛嘲弄譏諷,並共同提問「德國是什麼?」一種靈藥竟讓沮喪
義不彰,決定制裁這名軍官。 片,一起來高歌「Hot Summer」!上映當 親則退縮成一個自閉的婦人。荷索《浮石 只是關注自己。六段式劇情,風格怪誕,當 德社會的不安,以及年輕世代對時局的憤怒感。全片宛如德國新電影 的德國人開心起來,連總理都前來求醫?《再見列寧》導演沃夫岡.
本片製作精細,卡司陣容堅強,劇情反映 年即創下高度票房,電影原聲帶也在市場 記》女主角伊娃.曼特斯,精湛演技無疑演 年上映時,因為太玩世不恭,曾引發激動 運動先聲,也對當代德國青壯世代影響深遠,並直接促成三十年後 貝克更把德國拍成一所系統失靈的精神病院?光怪陸離的德國萬象,
戰後德國人對戰爭罪行的省思。 賣到缺貨。 活母親一角。 的觀眾放火燒電影院的事件。 《德國09》的拍攝。 等你來作見證。

In 1945, a surgeon, Dr. Hans Mertens, While hitchhiking to the Baltic, a group A normal love story - except that it A group of bored terrorists in Berlin is Germany‘s top directors, including Volker Schlöndorff, joined 13 Germany’s most acclaimed film directors come together to
t r i e s to d ro w n h i s n i g h t m a r i s h of girls meet a group of boys. They takes place during the Nazi era and practicing terrorism without realizing forces to make this episodic film. Throughout the 70s, the create Germany 09, a very personal panorama of the social and
soldier memories in alcohol in the bet on who will get to the Baltic first. into the 50s about a man, a woman, that they are manipulated by an RAF waged a campaign of terror against those in power, and political situation in their country today. The film comes right
midst of the ruins of Berlin. His life When they meet up on a Baltic beach, and a child. He is a soldier in the industrialist. A computer combination the government‘s escalating efforts to root out the terrorists in the middle of the social upheaval brought about by “Agenda
between drunkenness and self pity various encounters and provocations German army. She has to endure the uses their actions for their own aim. resulted in a siege by the autumn of 1977. Here is an immediate, 2010” on the path to the globalized 21st century, over 60 years
is interrupted when the real owner come up. Everybody is intrigued by the bombings, rape and the privations They want to force the government impassioned response to the events of that autumn: the after the end of World War II, 40 years after the student uprisings
of his apartment comes back from a “ménage à trois“ between Brit, Wolf of post-war years to build up her to buy better tracing devices. A black RAF murder of industrialist Hanns-Martin Schleyer and the of 1968, 30 years after the 1977’s “German Autumn” and 20 years
concentration camp. Susanne Wallner, and Kai. Provoked by the girls, Brit marriage again - only to break down in comedy that serves Fassbinder as a subsequent, highly suspicious deaths of the imprisoned Baader- after the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989.
a young painter, gets along with the spends half the night with Wolf in a the end, like the whole brittle edifice description of the psychic constitution Meinhof terrorists.
new situation because she is eager to barn... Nobody knows what happened of family bliss for which all three have of the third generation of RAF-
start a new life… there. A fight between Kai and Wolf waited for so long. terrorists in 1977, one year after
ensues, and Brit almost loses both the RAF kidnapping and murder of
admirers. industrialist Hans-Martin Schleyer.

6/29 新二 19.30 ★ ▲ 7/01 新三 15.00 ★ ▲ 7/02 新三 19.00 7/03 新三 11.00 6/26 新二 13.00 ▲ 6/26 中山 14.00 ★
6/30 新二 21.00 ▲ 7/05 中山 14.00 ▲ 7/04 新三 15.50 7/04 新三 18.40 7/01 新二 13.30 ★ ▲ 7/04 新二 13.00

26 27
冬日再見 出櫃宣言 艾美與亞歌 搖滾東柏林 一七五紀事 女攝影師,圍牆以西 解放者得自由 1 解放者得自由 2
After Winter Comes Coming Out Aimée And Jaguar Sun Alley Paragraph 175 The All-round Reduced Liberators Take Liberators Take
Spring Personality - Redupers Liberties Part 1 Liberties Part 2

Helke Sander小 專 題
Rights: RROGRESS Film-Verleih Rights: RROGRESS Film-Verleih

赫爾克 .
米塞維茲 海納 .
卡羅 馬克斯 .
法貝爾布克 李安德 .
豪斯曼 勞勃 .伊普斯汀 / 傑佛瑞 .佛瑞德曼 赫克 .
桑德爾 赫克 .
桑德爾 赫克 .
1988 / Germany / 35mm / B&W / 115’ 1989 / Germany / 35mm / Color / 112’ 1999 / Germany / 35mm / Color / 124’ 1999 / Germany / 35mm / Color / 90’ 2000 / USA / Digibeta / B&W, Color / 72’ 1977 / Germany / 35mm / B&W / 98’ 1991 / Germany / Beta / B&W, Color / 90’ 1992 / Germany / Beta / B&W, Color / 102’

1988 德國萊比錫國際紀錄片電影節銀鴿獎 1990 柏林影展銀熊獎、泰迪熊獎 1999 柏林影展銀熊獎最佳女主角 2000 柏林影展 2000 柏林影展泰迪熊獎、費比西獎 1990 柏林影展 1993 紐約人權觀察影展人權貢獻獎 1993 紐約人權觀察影展人權貢獻獎
1989 柏林影展 2006 柏林影展 2000 金球獎最佳外語片提名 2000 日舞影展最佳導演 1993 明斯克女性影展評審團特別獎 1993 明斯克女性影展評審團特別獎
2009 柏林影展 1995 馬德里女性影展特別獎 1995 馬德里女性影展特別獎

東 西德合併的前一年,導演 走訪 東德 各 東德史上唯一一部同性戀電影,揭露前所 一名身為納粹人妻的亞利安女子,忍了半 居住柏林圍牆旁的一群東德青年,反骨的 德意志帝國於1871年制定了刑法第175條 住西柏林的單親媽媽暨女攝影師在父權 德國女性主義導演赫克.桑德爾以簡約的 「我不知道母親為什麼恨我?一直到很多
處,拍攝不同年代與工作族群的女子,從 未見的東柏林地下文化。上映隔年,圍牆 世紀後,才說出她和二次大戰當時一名從 叛逆血液無盡流竄,政治體制更不敵搖滾 「不正常通姦法」,希特勒上台後開始擴 社會中追求獨立,她想縮減生活雜事,好 訪談,揭露1945年納粹戰敗,聯軍大舉進 年後才知道,我是戰爭強暴的孩子。」德國
City Vision

她們對當下及過往生活的描述、婚姻的夢 便倒塌了。影片描述一名羞於承認自己是 事顛覆納粹地下運動猶太女子的感情。 及愛戀,派對與走私來的滾石樂團唱片才 大執行,將同性戀及疑為同性戀者入獄, 讓自己有更多時間做作品、練瑜伽、追求 入柏林時,在柏林發生大規模強暴德國婦 女性主義導演赫克.桑德爾揭露1945年納

想與悲慘、以及對未來的展望,展示共產 同性戀的老師,與女同事逐漸產生情愫, 這名在希特勒時期被視為純種金髮碧眼 是生活王道。儘管周遭仍少不了監視的抓 或送入集中營,囚衣上縫著鮮明的粉紅三 愛情,可惜當局並不支持她的宏大藝術創 女的罪行;當時約有十萬柏林婦女慘遭強 粹戰敗,聯軍大舉進入柏林時,在柏林發生

Vintage Berlin
主義制度下,女性勞動者既被推崇亦被壓 一位意外的訪客,竟勾起他壓抑多年的祕 「優秀血統」女子的故事,甫說出立即被 耙仔,不過上有政策、下有對策,一切都以 角標誌,即使戰後集中營關閉,他們仍以 作計畫,她只得縮減企圖心,用照相機觀 暴,約25%因此懷孕。本片中循線訪問了 大規模強暴德國婦女的罪行;當時約有十
抑的兩面處境。不僅獲邀參加柏林影展的 密。不久他邂逅了一名年輕男子,旋即陷入 寫成小說—一個發生在1943~1944年的柏 快樂生活為最高準則!且看住在陽光小巷 囚犯身分繼續服刑;透過少數倖存者,娓 察柏林這座城市,目標鎖定那座礙眼的圍 多名受暴婦女,也有幾名加害人現身說法, 萬柏林婦女慘遭強暴,約25%因此懷孕。
圍牆拆除20週年專題,亦為德國少數具有 狂戀,三人卻因此都陷入痛苦深淵。影片 林,關於愛與人性的故事。影片對女同性 的這群東德青年,如何發揮青春無敵的本 娓道出自己在納粹時期的私密體驗,曾經 牆。德國女性主義先鋒赫克.桑德爾自導 平靜的聲音,簡約的畫面,卻有力地勾勒 本片直接訪問戰爭強暴受害人生下的孩子,
女性觀點的精彩之作。 情節通俗,卻觸及偏見、歧視等社會議題, 戀的萌生與激情,以及納粹時代的柏林次 領,讓夢想發光發熱! 活躍的柏林同性戀文化,並揭示這段被遺 自演之經典作,混合劇情與紀錄,用聲音 出德國現代史上最被略過不談的戰爭強暴 讓我們看到不堪回首的歷史往事並不會因
片中的東柏林地下文化可說前所未見。 文化有生動描寫。 忘的歷史空白頁。 和影像營造當年東西分隔的柏林氛圍。 的往事。 為噤聲而煙消雲散。

A journey from the North to the South Philipp and Tanja teach at the same Berlin 1943-1944. A love affair between Sun Alley paints an amusing life picture By the 1920s, Berlin was a gay Eden - until Lenin stated that under Communism, Helke Sander's groundbreaking two- The second part features the children
during the last year of the GDR. school. Tanja sees him as the love of two women blossoms, despite the of young people in East Berlin in 1973, Hitler came to power. Adopting a rigid every housewife must learn to conduct part documentary on the crime of rape born of these events. There are
Everyone’s wish for change can be felt her life and Philipp feels positively danger of persecution and nightly right on the border between East and "pro-family" policy, the Nazis dusted off state affairs. This film asks the question: perpetrated against German women reports relating to the behavior of
everywhere. Punk girls, female workers, attracted to her as well. When a friend bombing raids. One of the women is West.17-year-old Micha Ehrenreich and expanded Paragraph 175, an arcane when should she do so during the course by the Red Army soldiers during the the German Wehrmacht, and official
intellectuals, mothers, young and old reminds him of an earlier erotic bond, married and a mother of four children. lives with his parents and sister on 1871 law outlawing sodomy, drove the of her fragmented and varied working advance on Berlin in 1945.The first estimations of the number of children
women – Helke Misselwitz talks to he realizes that he is gay, a fact that For her, this will be the most decisive the divided street Sun Alley. Micha thriving gay sub-culture underground, and day? The main character is no housewife part interviews the raped women begotten by Germans in the occupied
women about humanity in their county. has been repressed for years. Philipp experience in her life. For the other dreams of becoming a famous pop soon began sending known - or suspected but a busy freelance photographer with a to speak —often for the first time in zone. The film reports on the medical
In every meeting, you feel the mutual meets Matthias and falls in love woman, permanently under the threat star one day. He doesn't really care - homosexual men to concentration child, a boyfriend and artistic ambitions. their lives—about their experiences of consequences and how the institutions
sympathy. Sympathy for the strong and passionately. But Philipp lacks the of persecution because she is Jewish about politics. Nonetheless, he does – like camps, where they were identified by The film ridicules the socialist ideal of violence and compares the distinctive dealt with rape. Dr. Gerhard Reichling,
self-confident women who point out the courage to tell Tanja, who is expecting and a member of an underground any young and rebellious person – talk of pink triangles. Paragraph 175 features the all-round developed personality and, memories of the men and women a statistician and expert on flight and
dubieties with confidence and for those his child and the truth. At the same organization, this love gives her the stirring up the entire social structure elderly homosexuals who describe their with a certain amount of humor, answers involved. expulsion, draws conclusions from this
who are looking for their place in life, time, he equally fails to commit hope to survive. from the inside… experiences during the Nazi era – and the question “Why do Women so rarely collected data.
struggling with it and working hard. himself to Matthias. reveal the hidden chapter of history. achieve anything?”

7/10 新二 13.30 ▲ 6/27 新二 22.10 ▲ 7/08 中山 11.00 ▲ 7/06 中山 14.00 7/07 新三 21.00 7/04 新二 16.20 ▲ 6/29 新三 22.20 7/02 新三 13.10
7/12 新二 12.40 ▲ 7/05 新二 21.00 ▲ 7/11 中山 19.30 ▲ 7/09 中山 16.30 7/12 新三 19.00 7/12 新二 15.30 ▲ 7/09 新三 14.40 7/09 新三 16.40

28 29
Modern Germany
完美第二對 小偷.共犯.鐵拳頭 陽光七月天 沒問題人生 再見列寧
Everyone Else Short Sharp Shock In July Life Is All You Get Good Bye Lenin!

摩登 德 國

瑪菡 .
阿德 法提 .
阿金 法提 .
阿金 沃夫岡 .
貝克 沃夫岡 .
Maren ADE Fatih AKIN Fatih AKIN Wolfgang BECKER Wolfgang BECKER
2009 / Germany / 35mm / Color / 119’ 1997 / Germany / 35mm / Color / 100’ 2000 / Germany / 35mm / Color / 100’ 1997 / Germany / 35mm / Color / 118’ 2003 / Germany / 35mm / Color / 118’

2009 柏林影展評審團大獎、 1998 盧卡諾影展銅豹獎 2001 鹿特丹影展 1997 柏林影展競賽單元 2003 柏林影展最佳歐洲電影藍天使獎
最佳女演員銀熊獎 2001 柏林影展 1997 德國電影獎銀獎、最佳男演員、
1998 巴伐利亞影展最佳青年導演 2003 德國電影獎首獎、觀眾票選獎
1999 柏林影展

德國新生代導演之作,描繪人際關係頗有 希臘扒手柯斯塔和塞爾維亞銷贓小天王 七月艷陽天,衰到谷底的丹尼爾決定改變 衰男小楊無端捲入街頭暴動被捕,傷了警 亞利的母親是東德優秀的社會主義激進份
侯麥電影的氣息。個性麻辣的潔蒂和溫和 鮑比,準備迎接大哥葛布列出獄。情同三 人生,發狠地從漢堡一路開車前往伊斯坦 察、吃了牢飯、丟了飯碗,接著被前女友警 子,在接受黨主席表揚的夜晚,她昏倒了,
City Vision

內斂的克里斯陷入熱戀,他們在度假別墅 兄弟的他們,來自異鄉卻同在漢堡街頭闖 堡,去會見夢中情人。旅途中巧遇古靈精怪 告有染上愛滋病的危險,而老爸偏偏在此 而在她臥床期間,柏林圍牆倒了!八個月

裡忘情做愛,大玩戀人之間的小秘密。當 蕩。葛布列厭倦鋌而走險的日子,遂萌生 的愛慕者玉立,這對歡喜冤家一路狀況百 時掛點。遭逢人生最低點的小楊,再次與 後她醒了過來,心臟極為脆弱,禁不起任

Modern Germany
他們巧遇另一對看似成功的夫妻,這對小 重回祖國土耳其的念頭,不料此時兄弟們 出,他們的幸福,到底在哪裡?法提.阿金 暴動中搭救的神秘美女薇拉相遇,準備展 何驚嚇,亞利情急之下,便把家中的時間
情侶的相處模式起了化學反應…。慾望、 卻捲入黑幫鬥爭…。以《愛無止盡》、《天 難得的浪漫公路電影,由《蘿拉快跑》男 開一場世紀末的頹靡戀愛之旅…。《蘿拉 停格在過去,讓她以為世界從未改變。亞
秘密、需求、權力及儀式,交織出一張混 堂邊緣》擠身歐洲最夯導演行列的法提. 主角莫里茲.布雷多領銜主演,在瘋狂的 快跑》導演湯姆.提克威編劇,《縱慾》男 利的「白色謊言」,能否成功…?沃夫岡.
亂情網。他們身上發展出的新性格,能否 阿金,在首部劇情片中,用充滿活力的方 情節轉折及微妙的荒謬鋪陳之中,成為一 主角約根.渥根爾擔綱演出。 貝克透過一派幽默的敘事手法,表現嚴肅
讓他們重新發現自己? 式向影壇告示他對移民後裔文化的關懷。 部古怪卻也甜美的迷人小品。 國家議題。

Chris and Gitti are lost in perfect A story about love, dreams, honour Daniel , a shy Hamburg science In the midst of confusion, Jan Nebel October 1989 was a bad time to
amorous bliss during their getaway and death. Bobby, a Serb; Costa, a teacher, meets a beautiful Turkish beats up two police investigators and fall into a coma if you lived in East
in their Sardinia vacation home. In Greek; Gabriel, a Turk: these three had tourist and determines to follow is joined by Vera, an unknown beauty Germany- and this is precisely what
reality, the two are polar opposites; the earlier formed a gang in Hamburg. her to Istanbul. His hapless odyssey who runs away with him across the happens to Alex’s mother, an activist
confrontation with another couple leads Bobby decides to join an Albanian is complicated by the irrepressible backyards. The next day Jan faces for development and social progress in
to a turning point in their playful romps. gang; Costa decides to join him for one Juli, who sold him an enchanted ring the consequences: he loses his job, is East Germany. Alex faces an awkward
While Chris flourishes in his role as the last adventure. And Gabriel, just out of guaranteed to help him find true love. imposed a fine and gets into trouble at situation when his mother suddenly
stronger one of the two, Gitti begins prison, wants to mature and quit his Daniel embarks on a cross-country home. On the other hand, he has found awakens eight months later. Her heart
to loosen up in a completely new way. gangster past. But fate takes a turn trip across Eastern Europe in search Vera who turns out to be his dreamgirl. is so weak that any shock might kill
With their newly developed personas, and Gabriel must complete one last of love--with a hitchhiking Juli not far But their fortune is fragile: they are her. And what could be more shocking
will the young couple get a second dangerous mission…. behind. looking for friendship, a piece of luck than the fall of the Berlin Wall and the
chance to discover themselves -- and and for their big love? triumph of capitalism in her beloved
each other? country?

6/29 中山 11.00 7/08 中山 16.30 7/07 中山 16.30 6/28 新二 15.10 ★ 6/27 新二 15.40 ★
7/10 新二 16.00 7/12 新二 18.30 7/08 新三 21.00 6/30 新二 10.30 ★

蘿拉快跑 run lola run

30 31
八卦歡樂吧 陽台前的夏天 極樂九重天 心的居所 曖昧 琴戀克拉拉 控訴風暴 三十不立
Grill Point Summer In Berlin Cloud 9 The State I Am In Ghosted Beloved Clara Storm Generation

安卓•爵森 安卓•爵森 安卓•爵森 克里斯汀•培周 莫妮卡 .

楚特 賀瑪 .
桑德斯布拉姆斯 漢斯 .
史密德 艾爾瑪 .
Andreas DRESEN Andreas DRESEN Andreas DRESEN Christian PETZOLD Monika TREUT Helma SANDERS-BRAHMS Hans-Christian SCHMID Elmar SZÜCS
2001 / Germany / 35mm / Color / 105’ 2005 / Germany / 35mm / Color / 107’ 2008 / Germany / 35mm / Color / 98’ 2000 / Germany / 35mm / Color / 100’ 2009 / Germany, Taiwan / 35mm / 2008 / Germany, France, Hungary / 2009 / Germany / 35mm / Color / 105’ 2008 / Germany / Digibeta / Color / 61’
Color / 89’ 35mm / Color / 107’

2002 柏林影展評審團銀熊獎 2005 芝加哥影展銀雨果獎最佳女主角 2008 坎城影展一種注目評審團獎 2000 威尼斯影展 2009 柏林影展 2009 柏林影展 2009 柏林影展競賽單元 2009 柏林影展
2002 德國電影獎銀獎 2006 巴伐利亞電影獎最佳導演 2009 德國電影獎最佳導演、 2001 柏林影展 2009 香港電影節 2009 柏林影展國際特赦組織電影獎
2003 巴伐利亞電影節最佳導演、 最佳女演員 2001 德國電影獎最佳劇情長片金獎

兩對中年夫妻,過著失去熱情的人生:播 單親媽媽凱琳與麻吉妮可住在柏林同一棟 年輕戀愛算什麼,老年相戀真正讚!一場 珍妮跟著脫離恐怖組織的父母四處流亡, 漢堡藝術家蘇非因為台灣愛人艾菱的離奇 《德國,蒼白的母親》導演賀瑪.桑德斯. 一位國際法庭檢察官主導一件南斯拉夫軍 年至三十,是否也能書寫後青春期的詩?
音員丈夫靠說話為業,回家與妻子反而無 公寓,兩人時常相約陽台分享彼此心事。 外遇,讓60多歲的裁縫女,與她70歲的客 上學 和交 朋友 對 她 來 說都是奢求,好不 死去,陷入倉皇憂鬱的情緒。之後她來台 布拉姆斯最新作品。身為布拉姆斯家族後 官在波西尼亞戰爭期間犯下的集體強暴 初為人父的紀錄片導演,突然意識到自己
City Vision

話可說;店老闆整天忙於工作,完全忽略 不過時值夏季,愛神的意外來臨,卻讓兩 戶天雷勾動 地 火。之後老太 太 決 定 跟 丈 容易即將取得巴西合法身分,她卻墜入情 北展示最新作品,卻遇見一位窮追不捨的 裔,導演曾於1999年拍攝克拉拉.舒曼的 案,她費盡心力說服一名受害人出席聽證 除了生女兒之外,其他竟然都一事無成。可

妻小。寂寞的另一半與另對夫妻的伴侶反 人友情面臨嚴重考驗。這對好姊妹還能重 夫攤牌,即使來日無多,也還是要追求真 網。從小就任由父母擺佈的她,開始想要 記者湄黎。湄黎誘惑蘇非未果,竟追到漢 紀錄片,這次再度將知名音樂家舒曼,與其 會,也相信自己可以滴水不漏地保護證人, 怕的是,朋友也如出一轍是「窩囊廢」,於

Modern Germany
倒有私通機會,只不過重新配對之下,是 拾昔日陽台上的歡樂時光嗎?東德庶民導 愛…。《陽台前的夏天》東德導演安卓.爵 決定自己的人生,緊繃的家庭關係一觸即 堡調查艾菱死因。然而蘇非面對的,是根 妻子克拉拉及布拉姆斯纏愛一世的三角戀 結果不僅遇到被告積極防衛,更讓她意外 是他決定帶著攝影機和三個高中死黨,藉
否能激起新的火花?沒有劇本的影片,端 演安卓.爵森,再度帶來一部讓人笑中帶 森以極寫實方式,捕捉老年人的戀愛與激 發…。克里斯汀.培周靠這部處女作,建立 本沒有入境德國的湄黎?還是艾菱輪迴轉 搬上銀幕,並揭露作曲家在創作背後不為 的是,最大的背叛來自西方的姑息心態。 由一趟旅程來尋找他們集體晚熟的原因。
靠演員精湛的現場即興表演,富有濃厚荒 淚的悲喜佳片,生動描繪日常生活中的細 情,角色簡單,表演真率,效果十分出人 德國新生代導演地位,與曾在台灣映演過 世的亡魂?導演莫妮卡.楚特首部台德兩 人知的祕密,融合音樂創作與男女情愛題 《靈界線》(Requiem) 導演漢斯.史密德 透過他們古怪自信的侃侃而談,竟出現令
謬喜劇質地,安卓.爵森展現其捕捉小人 微瑣事及片段,傳遞小人物樸實而溫暖的 意表。 的《柏林遊魂》(Ghosts)及《耶萊》(Yella), 國共製劇情長片,鋪陳一段撲朔迷離的女 材,為全片注入濃烈的情感及女性凝視。 最新作品,由《四月三週又兩天》女主角安 人傻眼的結論…。注意!本片可能都是你
物悲喜交歡的功力。 感動。 被影壇稱為「遊魂三部曲」。 女曖昧。 娜瑪麗亞.瑪琳卡擔綱演出。 我的人生寫照!

In East Germany, two friendly couples One hot summer. Nike has a balcony, She didn't ask for it, but it just 15-year-old Jeanne, a teenager The unexplained, sudden death of her In 1850, Robert and his wife Clara Hannah Maynard, a prosecutor at The Four close friends traveled back
in their late thirties, are unhappy with Katrin has a son, Ronald drives a h a p p e n e d . T h e re we re ste a l i n g yearning to live an ordinary life, go to young Taiwanese lover Ai-ling throws settled down in Duesseldorf where he Tribunal in The Hague manages to to the North Sea where they spent
nowhere to go. Chris, a radio host, truck, Tina's a waitress, Oskar and glances, traction. But this was never school, have friends and fall in love, Hamburg artist, Sophie Schmitt, totally has accepted a position as an orchestra convince a young Bosnian woman to their youth. Their journey helps them
and his wife, Katrin, don't have much Helene are old and alone. At the supposed to happen. Inge, in her has been on the run with her parents, off balance. She travels to Taipei to exhibit director. Clara is reduced to the role of testify against an alleged war criminal. to make a few discoveries about
in common anymore. Uwe slaves the beginning, middle or end of their lives – mid-60s, has been married for thirty former German terrorists Clara and a video installation dedicated to Ai-ling. housewife instead of acclaimed concert Amidst the inconsistency of political themselves and, gradually, the ‘mood’
days away and spends nights in his they all ask the same question: Can years and loves her husband. But Hans, since she was born. The family On opening night, Sophie is approached pianist until the young, brilliant Johannes interests and threats coming from of a generation begins to emerge. An
hot-dog stand, but forgets his wife, love last through the seasons? Or is she is drawn to an older man Karl, is just about to establish a new and by a pushy journalist, Mei-li, who tries Brahms comes to visit. With great Bosnian Serb nationalists, she realizes ‘indecisive generation’ that tries to
Ellen, and their kids. The dreary life it something affecting the brain that already 76. It's passion. It's lust. The legal identity for all three of them in to seduce the grieving artist. But Sophie affection for music, Johannes forms a that her opponents not only sit on the leave all its options open; that refuses
accidentally brings Ellen and Chris just comes and goes? An enchanting forbidden affair makes her feel alive Brazil when a tiny mistake causes rejects her and returns to Hamburg. close bond with the couple. However, as dock across from her, but are also found to make a firm commitment for fear of
closer as they are both desperate for comedy, full of human warmth, again and revives the young woman in their delicate world to fall apart again. Shortly thereafter, Mei-li turns up on Clara and Johannes fall for one another, in her own ranks. Hannah faces the trial missing out on an opportunity. And so
change. But they're caught in the act, sincerity and delightful humor - a film her once more.... Sophie’s doorstep unannounced. Soon, their bizarre relation creates a twist of her life, all of a sudden torn between they continue to wait for the moment
and as a consequence, everyone is about life. Sophie realizes that Mei-li is secretly among the three and an unexpected her strong beliefs in the system and her when their real lives will begin.
shaken from their stupor. investigating Ai-ling’s death. marvel on the concert stage. loyalty towards the witness.

7/05 中山 11.00 6/27 新二 10.30 ▲ 6/28 中山 11.00 7/02 新三 11.00 7/04 中山 14.00 ★ ▲ 7/01 新二 19.10 ★ ▲ 6/28 新二 12.50 7/10 新三 11.00
7/11 新二 12.30 7/07 新二 15.30 ▲ 6/29 新二 10.30 7/03 新三 13.20 7/11 中山 14.00 7/12 新三 21.10

7/12 新二 10.30
32 33
Voices from
垂死瑪麗亞 蘿拉快跑
Deadly Maria Run Lola Run

Latin America
湯姆 .
提克威 湯姆•提克威
1993 / Germany / 35mm / Color / 106’ 1998 / Germany / 35mm / Color / 81’

1994 德國影評人協會最佳影片 1998 威尼斯影展競賽單元

1995 巴伐利亞電影節最佳青年導演、 1999 日舞影展觀眾票選最佳影片
最佳女演員、最佳男演員 1999 德國電影獎最佳影片、最佳導演

三十多歲的瑪麗亞有個丈夫與臥床不起 曼尼是一位不務正業的混混,某天竟將走
的父親,她住在洞穴般禁閉、使人窒息的 私得來的十萬馬克贓款遺失在地鐵,他的
City Vision

房裡。謎樣的宇宙被緊緊密封、無人知曉, 老大即將要拿回這筆錢,曼尼必須在20分
彷彿只有小昆蟲才可進入這座黑暗之林; 鐘內,將該筆鉅款找回,否則小命就將不

Modern Germany
當電話響起,鄰居男子的聲音,讓瑪麗亞 保。人命關天,他只能跟愛人蘿拉求救。
謎樣的世界開始有人鑽進…。《蘿拉快跑》 不過到底要如何湊到這筆鉅款?蘿拉只有
導演湯姆.提克威首次執導劇情長片,一 20分鐘…。湯姆.提克威的成名之作,同
改過往德國電影的沉悶印象,展現令人難 時也是創新德國影史敘事手法的重要
忘的強烈節奏感。 作品。

Maria is a woman in her late thirties, Lola and Manni are young and in love.
whose story could take place in Manni works as a money runner for a
any given period. Together with her shady car dealer. But today something
husband, Heinz, and her bedridden goes wrong: he leaves a bag containing
father, Maria dwells in airless set of DM 100,000 in the subway. In 20
rooms. One morning, Maria receives a minutes his boss will come to pick up
call from her neighbor Dieter. Mutually the money. What to do? Call Lola! Lola
feeling distant from people, they fall racks her brain: 20 minutes to get
helplessly in love. When Dieter asks DM 100,000 and save Manni’s life. Lola
Maria about her past, she runs away in gets an idea. She rushes out into the
dismay. Meanwhile, Heinz, digs out his street and starts running.
wife’s secret when he is searching for
hidden money for his gambling debts.

7/11 新三 11.00 ▲ 7/11 新二 10.30

7/12 新三 13.00 ▲

好戲開鍘 Meet the Head of Juan PÉrez

34 35
Voices from Latin
豆花男之吻 切格瓦拉滿天下 眾神的黃昏 命運繼承人 女僕
Acne Chevolution Dioses The Inheritors The Maid

拉美 小 輯

費德里克 .
維羅吉 崔夏 .
吉芙 / 路易士 .
羅培茲 約書亞 .
曼德斯 艾格尼歐 .
波高斯基 賽巴斯丁 .
Federico VEIROJ Trisha ZIFF / Luis LOPEZ Josué MÉNDEZ Eugenio POLGOVSKY Sebastián SILVA
2008 / Argentina, Mexico, Spain, 2008 / Mexico, UK, USA / Digibeta / 2008 / Argentina, France, Germany, Peru / 2008 / Mexico / Digibeta / Color / 90’ 2009 / Chile / 35mm / Color / 96’
Uruguay / 35mm / Color / 87’ B&W, Color / 86’ 35 mm / Color / 91’

2008 坎城影展 2008 紐約翠貝卡影展 2008 多倫多影展 2008 威尼斯影展 2009 日舞影展評審團大獎、
2008 洛杉磯國際影展評審團大獎 2008 美國電影學會紀錄片影展 2008 盧卡諾影展國際競賽單元 2009 柏林影展 Generation Kplus 競賽單元 評審團特別獎—最佳演出
2009 鹿特丹影展
2008 拉丁美洲電影節最佳影片 2009 墨西哥金像獎最佳紀錄片、
2009 墨西哥 FICG 電影節費比西奬

難得一見的烏拉圭電影,大膽描繪青少年 不認識「切.格瓦拉」沒差,重點是你一定 有錢老爸呼風喚雨,道德良心都有價碼; 這是一部沒有旁白的紀錄片,透過鏡頭凝 不需外景,不用特效,一部簡潔洗湅的電
的成長苦悶。13 歲的猶太少年正在轉大 在許多地方看過他。他的圖像開啟了無數 年輕後母學習貴婦禮儀,不認窮娘家,內 視著墨西哥貧困孩童,以寫實方式記錄他 影,僅靠演員精湛的演出及光影變化來鋪
人,但他的青春煩惱可真不少:惱人的粉 年輕人對心靈自由的追求,卻也成為各界 心備受煎熬;姊姊糜爛豪放,不幸意外懷 們的勞動以 及自給自足的生 活細節。耕 陳,巧妙呈現這齣纖細入微的人間喜劇。
刺、疏離的家庭關係,面對女孩更是笨拙 覬覦使用的對象。導演在片中蒐集大量訪 孕;窩囊小弟,迷戀姊姊肉體無法自拔。金 作、牧羊、織布、汲水、採集農作物…,孩 敘述智利一個有錢人家的女僕盧卡,盡忠
Voices from Latin America

Voices from Latin America

又害羞。他跑到妓院學習性愛秘技,但卻 談與資料,邀請藝術家、歷史學家、古巴人 錢能滿足一切物慾,卻填滿不了一顆被掏 童們為了每日的生存掙扎奮鬥,年幼的一 職守23年之後,她無法接受這個家庭有新
從來沒接過吻。苦澀等待的漫漫長日何 民,還有《革命前夕的摩托車日記》男主角 空的心。全片鎖定秘魯階級議題,敘述秘 代繼承了祖先賴以生存的工具及技巧,卻 女僕的加入。盧卡費盡心機,耍盡手段,
時結束?期待中的初吻怎麼還不快來?豆 來分享獨到觀點;以嘻笑怒罵方式來探討 魯有錢人自成一個封閉國度,進而挖掘上 也繼任他們日復一日的艱苦與困頓。透過 如願搞走兩個新女僕,固執地禁錮在自我
花男使出渾身解數,求吻作戰計畫於是展 古巴英雄如何被圖騰化,進而失去自身意 層社會的墮落真相。 影片,導演對他們的毅力及勇氣傳達深深 厭惡的囚牢之中。某天,忽然又來了位善
開…。 義的過程。 敬意。 良的新女僕…

Rafael,13 ,has already lost his virginity, In 1960, a Cuban photographer captured a Diego and his sister Andrea spend the At an early age, a group of children began Raquel has been working as a maid for
but has never kissed a girl. With his photo of Ernesto “Che” Guevara during a summer in the family villa together with to work in the Mexican countryside. The an affluent Chilean family for 23 years.
pimple-riddled face, his dysfunctional mass funeral. History conspired to highly their father and his new young girlfriend. Inheritors is a portrait of their lives and Having a sense of belonging with the
family, and a low self-esteem, having publicize this dynamic portrait in 1968. In Torn between the extreme love for his their daily struggle for survival. These family, she refuses any additional
much anticipation for a first kiss proves the last decade, with the establishment sister and the difficult relationship with children work on farming, carving wooden help from the new maids for they are
trickier than expected. His absent of the Internet, the image has once his father, spending days and nights alebrijes, shepherding, making bricks, considered as threat to her standing.
parents give him plenty of pocket again travelled the globe in many forms. together with his friends going from weaving cloth, looking after their little Raquel drives the newcomer away
money and he spends it on a local Chevolution explores how the Che image party to party where alcohol, drugs siblings, collecting water and harvesting with cruel and childish psychological
prostitute, but he will not kiss anyone. traveled from Korda’s studio in Havana and money are not a problem, Diego crops. They have inherited tools and abuse since she holds power over her
And so, Rafael redirects his attention to the streets of Europe and beyond; struggles to find a place in this upper- techniques from their ancestors, as well mistress, Pilar. One day, a cheerful
toward his beautiful classmate, Nicole. meanwhile, it investigates how this portrait class society where all characters as their day-by-day hardship. Generations woman from the countryside, Lucy, is
It's now time to build up some self with its enigmatic gaze became a symbol behave as gods: beyond rules, beyond pass and child workers remain captive in hired when Raquel suffers from her
confidence and attract her attention... for countless visions for change. morality and beyond belief. a cycle of inherited poverty. chronic migraine in bed…

7/08 新二 19.00 6/28 新三 11.00 7/04 中山 11.00 7/06 新三 11.00 7/02 中山 13.30 ★
7/10 中山 11.00 7/07 新三 13.50 7/08 中山 14.00 7/12 新三 11.00 7/05 新二 11.20 ★

煉獄三重奏 Purgatory
36 37
好戲開鍘 懼乳:傷心的奶水 我的寂寞花園 煉獄三重奏 小雨來的時候 一半豔陽,一半藍天 週末魘狂熱
Meet The Head Of The Milk Of Sorrow Parque Via Purgatory Rain Raging Sun, Tony Manero
Juan Pérez Raging Sky

艾米里歐 .
波特斯 克勞蒂亞 .
尤薩 安歷奎 .
瑞維洛 羅伯托 .
羅金 瑪莉亞•歌芬 朱利安•赫南德茲 帕布羅•拉瑞恩
2008 / Mexico / 35mm / Color / 87’ 2009 / Peru, Spain / 35mm / Color / 94’ 2008 / Mexico / 35mm / Color / 86’ 2008 / Mexico / 35mm / B&W, Color / 86’ 2008 / Bahamas / Digibeta / Color / 93’ 2009 / Mexico / 35 mm / 2008 / Brazil, Chile / 35mm / Color / 98’
B&W, Color / 191’
2008 墨西哥 FICG 電影節最佳首作、 2009 柏林影展金熊獎、費比西獎 2008 盧卡諾影展金豹獎、費比西獎 2009 安卡拉國際影展 2008 多倫多影展 2009 柏林影展泰迪熊獎 2008 坎城影展導演雙週單元
最佳女演員 2009 墨西哥 FICG 電影節最佳拉美電影、 2008 墨西哥 FICCO 影展最佳拉美影片、 2008 巴哈馬影展觀眾票選最佳影片 2008 哈瓦那影展最佳影片、
最佳女演員 觀眾票選最佳影片 最佳男演員
2009 首爾女性影展

電影一開始,就是一顆新鮮頭顱的血淚自 秘魯新銳女導演克勞蒂亞.尤薩的第二部 雖是墨西哥電影,卻帶有濃厚的歐洲電影 「煉獄」為一靈魂磨難之所,死亡之人唯 母親在小雨年幼時棄她而去,讓她獨自與 眾裡尋他千百度?亦或露水姻緣一夜情? 時空發生在1978年智利政治動盪時期。勞
白,自我介紹姓名年紀與職業後,鮮血逐 劇情長片。母親的驟逝,讓法絲塔一心堅 感。一位孤獨的老管家,鎮日守著墨西哥 有通過此處,才得以進入天堂。由三段故 外婆相依為命。外婆去世後,小雨好不容 即使身為同志,面對愛情也總是有萬般的 爾為了模仿約翰屈伏塔在《週末夜狂熱》
漸滲開,染紅半邊銀幕。接下來的故事,將 持要將媽媽的遺體帶離首都利馬安葬,同 城裡一棟空蕩蕩的豪宅,每天打掃得窗明 事構成的《煉獄三重奏》,在導演精緻的 易找到生母,卻發現她是個妓女。面對親 無奈與糾葛。從公廁到專播小電影的戲 中的舞林高手角色,暢言英文台詞,盡情
由這顆頭顱娓娓道來…。為了讓馬戲團繼 時也不得不正視自己內心的恐懼,以及深 几淨,過著與世隔絕的生活,電視機是他 攝影之下,娓娓道出三段懷舊的過往,以 情的代溝,和母親生活上的摩擦,小雨在 院,那些一眼迸發的同性曖昧,短暫激情 扭腰擺動,甚至不惜冷血殺人,只為了貼近
Voices from Latin America

Voices from Latin America

續經營,魔術師想出「斷頭臺」壓軸表演; 藏已久的秘密…。全片以魔幻寫實影像和 唯一得知外界消息的管道;唯有兩位女性, 及受禁錮的靈魂;唯有死亡,才得以突顯 體育老師的鼓勵之下,藉由跑步,找回失 的愛慾交歡;且讓導演朱利安.赫南德茲 夢想生活。偏執狂的性格,著魔般的執著,
當刀刃落下,這場演出也將成為他人生中 優美清唱旋律,捕捉秘魯充滿神秘色彩的 能讓他千篇一律的生活稍微產生漣漪,一 生命價值,真正釋放靈魂。影片觸及階級 去的生命與親情…。首部描繪巴哈馬原住 融合費里尼般的《愛情神話》,以及蔡明 透過看似恣意的手持拍攝,幽微反映主角
的豪賭。全片宛如墨西哥版《黑色追緝令》, 歷史社會風貌,甫推出就榮獲柏林影展金 個是屋主,一個是妓女;一個是服從聽命, 差異與無物的欲望,頗有布紐爾的超現實 民的電影,情節勵志、節奏明快、運鏡行雲 亮式的敘事風格,打造專屬同志的當代酷 內心的混沌顛狂。極度諷刺的結局,在在
B級荒謬又魔幻,將神秘的墨西哥,搞成一 熊獎最高榮譽。 一個是付費的曖昧。然而有天豪宅終將出 影像風格。 流水,豐富的巴哈馬風格樂曲,尤其悅耳。 兒神話。本片亦獲得柏林影展同志電影最 教人不勝唏噓。
個鬧劇嘉年華。 售,他該何去何從? 高榮譽泰迪熊獎的肯定。

Away from his body, the severed It is a story about re-awakening, a Beto is a Mexican custodian of an A collection of tales by ghosts telling Rain is a spirited 14-year-old who, after The story of two men who love each Santiago de Chile, 1978. In the midst
head of Juan Pérez recalls what led journey from fear to freedom. Fausta empty house where he used to work stories about the moments when they her grandmother’s death, forgoes her other but refuse to become attached to of the tough social context of Pinochet’s
him to lose his head. After a dreadful suffers from “the milk of sorrow”, an as a domestic butler. The solitude of died. Wondering by the door between sheltered home on Ragged Island to seek both the spatial and temporal. Yet they dictatorship, Raúl Peralta, a man in
economic crisis, and in order to illness transmitted through mother’s the last decade and the monotony of Life and Death, you are neither dead out her estranged mother in Nassau. Her are trapped in an eternity dictated by his fifties, is obsessed with the idea
keep his place in his beloved circus, milk by women who have been violated his job have led him to a secluded life nor alive, but sort of in a limbo. The dreams of a loving reconciliation are quickly the essence of their reasons of being, of impersonating Tony Manero, John
Juan Pérez promises a sensational during the war of terrorism in Peru. and a fear of the outside world. News film spells out the loneliness and shattered when she meets Glory, a drug- which will take them on a journey that Travolta’s character in Saturday Night
beheading act that could certainly The war has ended, but Fausta lives that the house is up for sale causes sadness, passion and remorse, addicted prostitute bearing no resemblance transcends the real world while other Fever. When the national television
bring the glory back to the big top. to remember it because “the illness a dilemma for Beto; he doesn’t know love and violence that haunted the to a mother. Confronted by unforeseeable forces join to enforce and modify their announces a Tony Manero impersonating
With the clock ticking and no money to of fear” stole her soul. Now, her mother’s whether to start a new life or remain characters’ lives. The common folk trials, Rain’s deeply rooted spirit brings vital acts. contest, he knows it’s an opportunity
build an artifact like this, the magician sudden death forces her to confront in his confinement. The violent stories tales may be frivolous, but what can be two allies into her life: an inspiring track for him to achieve his dream: being a
is forced to steal an original Guillotine, her fears and the secret hidden inside he sees on TV may be an answer for more humane than the realization of coach and a charming, rebellious teenage successful showbiz star. It is a story
without knowing that it carries a of her: she uses a potato to serve as a him… dying? neighbor. In time, Rain’s spirit and talent about loss, identity and obsession in the
deadly curse. protective shield. take her to unimaginable heights. recent Chilean history.

7/06 中山 16.30 7/12 中山 19.00 ▲ 7/02 中山 16.30 ★ 7/05 新二 19.00 7/01 新三 13.00 6/28 新二 20.50 7/02 中山 19.30
7/11 中山 17.00 7/03 新二 10.30 ★ 7/06 中山 19.30 7/08 新三 11.00 7/08 中山 19.00 7/10 中山 19.30

7/11 新二 20.30
38 39
Directors in Focus

City Vision

Directors in Focus
Sergey Dvortsevoy 賽吉.德沃茲佛
Rob Epstein 勞勃.伊普斯汀
圖班嫁給我 TULPAN
40 41
麵包來的日子 雜耍家族 圖班嫁給我
Bread Day Highway Tulpan

賽吉. 德 沃 茲 佛

哈薩克的賽吉.德沃茲佛在國際影壇上是個標準的怪才。作為 賽吉 .
德沃茲佛 賽吉 .
德沃茲佛 賽吉 .
1998 / Russia / 35mm / Color / 55’ 1999 / France, Germany, Kazakhstan / 2008 / Germany, Kazakhstan, Poland,
大地上出沒,遇見的人和事並非太奇特,但透過他帶有赤子 35mm / Color / 54’ Russia, Switzerland / 35mm / Color / 100’

1998 台灣國際紀錄片雙年展評審團特別獎 1999 法國馬賽紀錄片影展大獎 2008 坎城影展一種注目單元大獎

1998 德國萊比錫國際紀錄片金鴿獎 2008 東京影展最佳影片
風景。他的作品不多,但每次出手都招得舉世風靡。 1999 波蘭克拉科紀錄片評審團大獎

Born in Kazakhstan in 1962, traveling in the 曾讓台灣國際紀錄片雙年展觀眾驚為天人 一輛破爛巴士,一個雜耍家庭。他們在哈 哈薩克導演德沃茲佛首部劇情片之作。剛
的紀錄片,德沃茲佛紀錄蘇俄聖彼得堡附 薩克廣闊的土地當中,進行一次又一次的 從海軍退伍的阿薩,一心想成為遊牧人,
country, Sergy Dvortsevoy has a keen eye for
City Vision

近一個小村落裡,居民們每週等待火車載 演出。圍觀的人零零落落,賞錢也常常少 但先決條件是必須討個老婆,牧主才肯配

the folks living on the vast Kazakh steppe. 麵包來的大事,以及村裡麵包站賣麵包擺 得可憐,只有小孩的哭鬧和單調的引擎聲, 給羊群。阿薩於是向百里遠外的鄰居圖班

Directors in Focus
He prefers to describe his award-winning 不平的糾紛與煩惱。敏銳的觀察力,不慌 持續陪伴他們,但表演還是要繼續的。來 展開求婚大作戰,只是他對海洋生活的描
films such as In the Dark, Highway, Bread 不忙的鏡位,以及幽默的敘事剪輯方式, 自哈薩克,原是個飛行員的德沃茲佛,在 述,似乎並沒有打動祝在沙漠裡的圖班一
表現導演對人性的精確審視。本片讓這位 路途上認識了這個既平凡又不平凡的雜耍 家人的歡心。全片起用哈薩克當地非職業
Day and Paradise to be “life cinema”.
哈薩克導演成為國際影壇的新寵,榮獲50 家庭。本片拍得幽默又動人,同樣在國際 演員,富有導演紀錄片作品一貫以來洞悉
Observe quietly with me and everything 座以上的國際大獎。 影展屆大受歡迎。 人性的敏銳及幽默。
will happen, he proposes. Poetic and
Once a week, Tuesday is a bread day. A A circus family travels on the highway After completing his naval service,
intimate, his observant filmmaking wagon with loaves of bread is pushed in a shabby mini-bus. Stopping here young Asa travels back to Kazakh
means to depict the simplicity and by the locals into a village along the and there to perform in front of a steppe where his sister and her
bumpy railway track. Once the bread handful of villagers. With the barren husband lead a nomadic life. To start
warmth in the world of naturalism. goes on sale, endless difficulties Kazakh steppes in the background, his new life as a shepherd, Asa must
Tulpan is his first feature, a tender arise. Nobody receives the amount of the children lift a giant steel ball with get married first. His only hope for
bread he expects and complaints are their teeth, lie down on a bed of glass marriage on the deserted steppe is
comedy comprises ethnographic everywhere. However, when the wagon and perform acrobatics. A baby eagle, Tulpan, who unfortunately doesn’t
drama and wildlife extravaganza. has to head back to the branch line for found in the grass, becomes their return his affection simply because he
the locomotive to pick up, the villagers mascot. In the most surreal of scenes, has big ears. Determined to fulfill his
recover into solidarity and push the they fall asleep to their mother’s ideal life, Asa decides to continue with
heavy wagon together. lullaby, as the eagle looms over them the pursuit of his dream.

7/03 中山 14.00 7/03 中山 14.00 7/05 新二 13.30

7/09 中山 14.00 7/09 中山 14.00

42 43
Rob Epstein
哈維米克的時代: 人人手中線: 電影中的同志 一七五紀事
邁向自由大道 愛滋拼布的故事 The Celluloid Closet Paragraph 175
The Times Of Harvey Milk Common Threads:
Stories From The Quilt

勞勃. 伊 普 斯 汀

勞勃.伊普斯汀是少有能在美國奧斯卡與歐洲大影展都受到 勞勃 .
伊普斯汀 勞勃 .
伊普斯汀 / 傑佛瑞 .
佛瑞德曼 勞勃 .
伊普斯汀 / 傑佛瑞 .
佛瑞德曼 勞勃 .
伊普斯汀 / 傑佛瑞 .
1984 / USA / Digibeta / Color / 87’ 1989 / USA / Digibeta / Color / 79’ 1995 / USA / Digibeta / B&W, Color / 102’ 2000 / USA / Digibeta / B&W, Color / 72’
1985 奧斯卡最佳紀錄片 1990 奧斯卡最佳紀錄片 1996 柏林影展泰迪熊獎 2000 柏林影展泰迪熊獎、費比西獎
1985 日舞影展評審特別獎 1990 柏林影展 Interfilm 大獎 1996 日舞影展言論自由獎 2000 日舞影展最佳導演
《一七五紀事》外,另放映《自由大道》的紀錄片版《哈 1985 國際紀錄片協會最佳記錄片

和《人人手中線:愛滋拼布的故事》。 本片是葛斯.范桑《自由大道》的拍攝藍 奧林匹克選手、戒毒病人、海軍中校、同志 《賓漢》也是同志電影!主流電影對同性 德意志帝國於1871年制定了刑法第175條
圖,紀錄片現場直擊的真實畫面、當事人 運動者、血友病男孩,五個截然不同的人 戀的醜化由來已久,甚至明文禁止「性違常」 「不正常通姦法」,希特勒上台後開始擴
City Vision

的真情流露,震撼力更勝電影版一籌。哈 卻有著相同的宿命;1970年代末期,一種 情節,然而創作者依然能在片中偷渡:賓 大執行,將同性戀及疑為同性戀者入獄,

Garnering two Academy Awards and two Teddy 維.米克於1978年當選舊金山第一位同性 神祕的傳染病開始在男同志間蔓延,導演 漢與老友的相遇猶如一觸即發的乾材烈火, 或送入集中營,囚衣上縫著鮮明的粉紅三

Directors in Focus
Awards, Rob Epstein is internationally recognized 戀議員,被視為同志運動的重要里程碑, 藉著「愛滋病紀念拼布」活動,透過五位受 饒富興味;《紅河谷》中互相把玩「手槍」 角標誌,即使戰後集中營關閉,他們仍以
as a distinguished non-fiction filmmaker on the 卻在年底與市長遭同僚槍殺。影片記錄了 害者親人的私密記憶與媒體報導,勾勒出 的俊美牛仔,更是偷渡同志情慾的經典。 囚犯身分繼續服刑;透過少數倖存者,娓
theme of homosexuality. Comprehensive and 騷動的年代,哈維.米克的草根政治魅力, 愛滋蔓延初期的社會氛圍,控訴美國政府 本片透過上百部影片,檢視電影中長久被 娓道出自己在納粹時期的私密體驗,曾經
amusing, his works bring an array of viewers 審判過程所引發的街頭暴動,以及風起雲 在醫療政策上的無能,及民間如火如荼的 打壓的同志角色,李安的《囍宴》也收錄 活躍的柏林同性戀文化,並揭示這段被遺
into the issues that concern him. To Epstein, 湧的社會平權運動。 抗議運動。 其中。 忘的歷史空白頁。

for a hundred years of movies, homosexuality Vividly recalling the tumultuous political In the late 1970s, a mysterious disease One of the classic documentaries, By the 1920s, Berlin was a gay Eden - until
has only rarely been depicted on the and social climate of San Francisco in began infecting and killing gay men. based on Vito Russo's groundbreaking Hitler came to power. Adopting a rigid
screen. When it does appear, it is there the 70s, The Times of Harvey Milk builds Here is the story of the first decade of book, here is a riveting and entertaining "pro-family" policy, the Nazis dusted off
a brilliant, gripping portrait of what the AIDS, as told through the lives of look at the history of Hollywood and and expanded Paragraph 175, an arcane
as something to laugh at, to pity, even to was really lost when San Francisco City five diverse individuals who shared a homosexuality - from comic sissies to 1871 law outlawing sodomy, drove the
fear. The images are fleeting but they are Counselor Harvey Milk and Mayor George common fate. Using the monumental lesbian vampires, from pathetic queens thriving gay sub-culture underground, and
unforgettable, and they leave a lasting Moscone were brutally murdered by AIDS Memorial Quilt as its central to sadistic predators, from the good to soon began sending known - or suspected -
fellow Counselor Dan White in November metaphor, the film weaves together the bad. With over a hundred film clips of homosexual men to concentration
legacy. Hollywood, that great maker of 1978. Spellbinding and intensely moving personal memories and news stories Hollywood classics - including Spartacus, camps, where they were identified by
myths, teaches straight people how to from start to finish, from the eloquent to expose the U.S. government’s failure Rope and Thelma and Louise - and many pink triangles. Paragraph 175 features
perceive gay people and how gay people candle-light memorial joined on the to respond to the growing epidemic, priceless anecdotes by Tom Hanks, Shirley elderly homosexuals who describe their
evening, to the angry mobs in the and the vibrant protest movement that MacLaine, Susan Sarandon, Whoopi experiences during the Nazi era – and
look at themselves.
aftermath of the lenient sentence. was born as a result. Goldberg, Tony Curtis and Gore Vidal. reveal the hidden chapter of history.

7/04 新三 21.10 6/30 新三 21.00 6/29 新三 11.00 7/07 新三 21.00

7/10 新三 18.30 7/05 新三 21.20 7/11 新三 21.00 7/12 新三 19.00

44 45
國際青年導演競賽 New Talent Competition
找一張床 Unmade Beds
Competition Section

Competition Section
New Talent 窒息暴戾 不灯港 屈辱 完美第二對 女僕

Breathless The Dark Harbor Disgrace Everyone Else The Maid

國際 青 年 導 演 競 賽

梁益俊 内藤隆嗣 史提夫 .

雅各斯 瑪菡 .
阿德 賽巴斯丁 .
YANG Ik-june Takatsugu NAITO Steve JACOBS Maren ADE Sebastián SILVA
2008 / South Korea / 35mm / 2008 / Japan / 35mm / Color / 101’ 2008 / Australia, South Africa / 2009 / Germany / 35mm / Color / 119’ 2009 / Chile / 35mm / Color / 96’
Color / 130’ 35mm / Color / 120’

2008 釜山影展 2009 鹿特丹影展競賽單元 2008 多倫多影展費比西獎 2008 柏林影展評審團大獎、 2009 日舞影展評審團大獎、
2009 鹿特丹影展最佳影片金虎獎 2008 中東影展最佳影片 最佳女演員銀熊獎 評審團特別獎—最佳演出
2009 鹿特丹影展
2009 墨西哥 FICG 電影節費比西奬

專門討債的金相勳,他的性格乖張暴躁, 從沒交過女友的漁夫萬造,他的辛酸寂寞 資深演員史提夫.雅各斯的第二部導演作 德國新生代導演之作,描繪人際關係頗有 不需外景,不用特效,一部簡潔洗湅的電
連警察都不放在眼裡;不太精明的外表, 誰人知曉?某天漁會準備為打魚郎舉辦相 品,改編諾貝爾文學獎得主柯慈的《屈辱》, 侯麥電影的氣息。個性麻辣的潔蒂和溫和 影,僅靠演員精湛的演出及光影變化來鋪
Competition Section

暴力似乎是他與生俱來的基因,「父親」 親大會,大好機會終於降臨在他身上,為了 由百變演員約翰.馬可維奇擔綱演出。白 內斂的克里斯陷入熱戀,他們在度假別墅 陳,巧妙呈現這齣纖細入微的人間喜劇。

更是他生命中的一大禁忌。直到一個任性 終結孤單,他還慎重自拍一段影片。不過 人教授強迫與學生發生關係,因拒絕指控 裡忘情做愛,大玩戀人之間的小秘密。當 敘述智利一個有錢人家的女僕盧卡,盡忠
粗魯的高中女生出現,金相勳的本性才慢 萬造在大會上似乎吃不太開,但他的自拍 被迫離開教職,遂前往女兒的農場尋求寧 他們巧遇另一對看似成功的夫妻,這對小 職守23年之後,她無法接受這個家庭有新
慢浮現…。南韓A咖演員梁益俊,根據親身 影片反倒引起一陣騷動;原來他的幸福,竟 靜。一場意外的暴力侵害,輕易突顯種族 情侶的相處模式起了化學反應…。慾望、 女僕的加入。盧卡費盡心機,耍盡手段,

New Talent Competition

經驗自編自導自演,130分鐘的暴力與髒 在自家的櫥櫃裡…。妙趣橫生的PIA 影展 隔離雖已解除,文化差異卻從未弭平的鴻 秘密、需求、權力及儀式,交織出一張混亂 如願搞走兩個新女僕,固執地禁錮在自我
話,震撼宛如韓國版《殘酷大街》。 首獎之作,展現新生代導演對日本社會特 溝。權利地位的翻轉,價值觀的衝擊迎面 情網。他們身上發展出的新性格,能否讓 厭惡的囚牢之中。某天,忽然又來了位善
有的觀察與Kuso幽默。 而來,求全是一種屈辱還是和平? 他們重新發現自己? 良的新女僕…

Sang-hoon, a merciless debt collector, Manzo is a 38-year-old bachelor and Disgrace takes place in post-apartheid Chris and Gitti are lost in perfect Raquel has been working as a maid for
grew up with rage and hatred towards a lonely fisherman. "I can't stand this South Africa. David Lurie, a university amorous bliss during their getaway an affluent Chilean family for 23 years.
his father. The shadow of the past anymore." His deep sorrow echoes professor, is fired from his job for a in their Sardinia vacation home. In Having a sense of belonging with the
overrules his present. One day, he emptily in the house. One day, a party passionate but brief affair with a student reality, the two are polar opposites; family, she refuses any additional
meets a high school girl, Yeon-hee, for prospective brides to meet the who is ambivalent about his embraces. the confrontation with another couple help from the new maids for they are
who is also having a tough life after bachelors in town takes place. Manzo This “disgrace” causes him to retreat leads to a turning point in their playful considered as threat to her standing.
her mother’s death. Sang-hoon and wears his best outfit and attends the to his daughter Lucie’s isolated farm. romps. With their newly developed Raquel drives the newcomer away
Yeon-hee share some moments of party, but the result is a crushing The tentative emotional truce between personas, Chris and Gitti get a second with cruel and childish psychological
relief and escape from brutal physical defeat. Then, intruders suddenly errant father and daughter soon gives chance to discover themselves -- and abuse since she holds power over her
and emotional abuse. He discovers appear in the lonely house. He warms way to a more peaceful rural life…until each other. mistress, Pilar. One day, a cheerful
that perhaps he can change and affect up to the two intruders because he it is ripped apart by a traumatic and woman from the countryside, Lucy, is
people around him, but it may be too longs for a happy family. A strange violent attack which forces them both to hired when Raquel suffers from her
late to start his life over again. house-sharing situation is born. re-evaluate their beliefs. chronic migraine in bed…

7/01 中山 16.30 ★ 6/30 中山 11.00 ★ 7/01 中山 11.00 6/29 中山 11.00 7/02 中山 13.30 ★
7/03 新二 17.00 ★ 7/02 新二 15.40 ★ 7/03 新二 20.10 7/10 新二 16.00 7/05 新二 11.20 ★

火蜥蜴 Salamander
48 49
腦海中的喧囂 停車 我的寂寞花園 火蜥蜴 找一張床 在世界轉角遇見愛 陽陽
The Noise In My Head Parking Parque Via Salamander Unmade Beds The World Is Big And Yang Yang
Salvation Lurks Around
The Corner

文森 .
普魯斯 鍾孟宏 安歷奎 .
瑞維洛 帕布洛 .
阿圭羅 亞歷克 .
多斯 .
桑度斯 史帝芬 .
柯曼達瑞夫 鄭有傑
Vincent PLUSS CHUNG Mong-hong Enrique RIVERO Pablo AGÜERO Alexis DOS SANTOS Stephan KOMANDAREV CHENG Yu-chieh
2008 / Germany, Switzerland / 2008 / Taiwan / 35mm / Color / 106’ 2008 / Mexico / 35mm / Color / 86’ 2008 / Argentina, France, Germany / 2008 / UK / 35mm / Color / 93’ 2008 / Bulgaria, Germany, Hungary, 2009 / Taiwan / 35mm / Color / 112’
35mm / Color / 90’ 35mm / Color / 91’ Slovenia / 35mm / Color / 105’
2008 芝加哥影展 2008 坎城影展一種注目單元 2008 盧卡諾影展金豹獎、費比西獎 2008 坎城影展導演雙週單元 2009 柏林影展 Generation 14plus 競賽單元 2008 蘇黎世影展觀眾票選最佳影片 2009 柏林影展
2008 蒙特婁影展 2008 釜山影展 2008 墨西哥 FICCO 影展最佳拉美影片、 2008 多倫多影展 2009 日舞影展國際競賽單元 2008 華沙國際影展評審團特別獎 2009 香港電影節
2008 希臘鐵撒隆尼影展 觀眾票選最佳影片
2008 保加利亞蘇菲亞影展最佳本國影片、

愛情事業兩失意的蘿拉,在人生最谷底時, 《醫生》導演鍾孟宏的首部劇情長片。母 雖是墨西哥電影,卻帶有濃厚的歐洲電影 即使受傷,火蜥蜴仍有能力自我療癒,浴 你這輩子睡過幾張床?來自西班牙的艾索 住在德國的亞歷山大,因為一場嚴重車禍 李安的「推手計畫」第一炮。影片敘述中法
邂逅一位正在販售免費報紙的逃家少年西 親節傍晚,陳莫和妻子約好回家吃晚餐, 感。一位孤獨的老管家,鎮日守著墨西哥 火重生。才剛識字的印帝,從未想過媽媽 常在不同的床鋪醒來,疑惑身邊躺的是誰? 而失去了記憶。此時一名自稱是他祖父的 混血兒陽陽從未見過法籍生父,也不懂法
Competition Section

蒙。蘿拉就像撿到流浪狗似地帶他回家, 想藉此拉近他們疏遠的情感。陳莫在回家 城裡一棟空蕩蕩的豪宅,每天打掃得窗明 的出現,竟讓無憂生活產生重大轉變。他 前晚到底發生過什麼事?來自比利時的薇 男子百丹卻突然出現,送給他一張老照片 文,遇到旁人頻頻詢問是否會說法文時,

但心中的怨氣仍然持續高漲,對慾望的異 途中停車去買蛋糕,沒想到車子卻被違規 几淨,過著與世隔絕的生活,電視機是他 被媽媽帶到嬉皮的化外之地-巴塔哥尼亞 拉因情傷渴望愛神降臨,對情人的床有股 和一副西洋雙陸棋,並要帶他「回家」。 也只能尷尬一笑。面對母親再嫁,學姐成
想也不由自主浮現。當她腦中的雜音越來 停車擋住出路。他試圖尋找車主,闖入一 唯一得知外界消息的管道;唯有兩位女性, 谷地,展開自由新生活。沒想到裡頭盡是 依戀。地點在倫敦東區次文化重地,從世 亞歷山大雖對百丹十分陌生,但當他如數 為自己的姊姊,兩人還愛上同一個男生,內
越大,她該有的理性是否會跟著被吞噬掉? 棟陳舊的老公寓,一個光怪陸離的夜晚, 能讓他千篇一律的生活稍微產生漣漪,一 雜交、吸毒、狂歡,印帝睜著驚惶雙眼張看 界各地流浪到倫敦的年輕人,在同一屋簷 家珍地說出了自己幼時的種種,卻使他驚 心孤單的陽陽,在種種衝突掙扎之中,該

New Talent Competition

大量近身的特寫鏡頭,反映真實人性的樣 就此展開。他遇到死刑犯的家人、討債公 個是屋主,一個是妓女;一個是服從聽命, 著這荒唐的成人世界,他必須絕地求生! 下來來去去。未來對他們來說太模糊,年 訝不已。為重新喚回記憶,亞歷山大決定 如何面對自己的各式傷痛?台北電影獎百
貌,並在現實及虛構間流竄,讓人更加理 司、金盆洗手的大哥、賣淫集團...,一直到 一個是付費的曖昧。然而有天豪宅終將出 童星強悍的精湛演技,更添影片批判力道, 輕的波希米亞在地下音樂與繽紛派對之中, 追隨百丹,展開一趟「回家」之旅…。 萬首獎得主鄭有傑,繼《一年之初》之後,再
解角色的複雜情緒。 天亮,他都還回不了家。 售,他該何去何從? 令人讚嘆。 彼此相濡以沫。 展精湛敘事功力。

After studying abroad, Laura returns to On Mother's Day in Taipei, Chen- Beto is a Mexican custodian of an After the dictation in Argentina, Alba, Axl wants to find his long-lost father After a car accident, Alex can't even “So, you speak French?” Eurasian Yang-
Geneva. She is in her early thirties and Mo makes a date for dinner with his empty house where he used to work just out of prison, comes to get her and rediscover his past. Vera just remember his name. In an attempt to Yang has frequently been asked this
her life should contain some sort of wife, hoping to bring their estranged as a domestic butler. The solitude of 6-year-old son, Inti, to El Bolson, a lost wants to forget hers and move on from cure him from amnesia, his Bulgarian question ever since she was little. She
stability by now. Feeling lost, she tries relationship back together. While the last decade and the monotony of valley in Patagonia where renegades a recent heartbreak. Their stories grandfather Bai Dan organizes a always answers it with an awkward
to act as an average person but the buying a cake on his way home, a car his job have led him to a secluded life from all corners of the world find interweave as they take up residence spiritual journey for his grandson, back smile since neither has she met her
voice inside her head always tries to unexpectedly double parks next to his and a fear of the outside world. News refuge. In an endless party, gather in a vibrant, sprawling squat in the into his past, to the country where he French birth father nor does she speak
make her act differently. One evening, car, preventing his exit. For the entire that the house is up for sale causes among the “enlightened”, the hippies, melting pot of London’s hip East came from. While traveling across time any French. She yearns for a family and
she meets Simon, a wandering night, Chen-Mo searches the floors of a dilemma for Beto; he doesn’t know insects and animals. The children of End. Although they live in the same and place and crossing half of Europe, her dream seems to come true when
teenager who sells “free” newspapers a nearby apartment building for the whether to start a new life or remain the peasants have fun by attacking warehouse and their stories cross they play backgammon, the simplest, her mother remarries. Yet this new
and invites him to her flat. Soon, she owner of the illegally parked car, and in his confinement. The violent stories the houses of newcomers. They try to repeatedly, Axl and Vera never actually and yet the most complex of all games. family turns out to be a disappointment.
finds herself helpless about the harsh encounters a succession of strange he sees on TV may be an answer for build a new life. Alba hanging on to her meet. Playful, sexy and romantic, This game leads Alex to recall who he After that, nothing, not even some
way in which he takes over control. events and eccentric characters. him… dreams, Inti to his survival kit. Unmade Beds is the second film from is, and that backgammon is the key to temporary passion, can ease her
acclaimed director Alexis Dos Santos. his backstory. loneliness. Her quest for love is in vain.

6/26 新二 15.30 7/01 中山 14.00 7/02 中山 16.30 ★ 6/30 中山 13.30 ★ 6/29 中山 19.30 ★ 6/30 中山 16.00 ★
6/26 中山 19.30 ★
7/02 中山 11.00 7/07 新二 13.10 7/03 新二 10.30 ★ 7/02 新二 19.30 ★ 7/03 中山 16.30 ★ 7/02 新二 10.30 ★ ▲
7/05 新二 16.00 ★

50 51
Taipei Award
遺落的玻璃珠 一席之地 不能沒有你 查無此人 渺渺
"Ayu" A Place Of One’s Own No Puedo Vivir Sin Ti Finding Her Miao Miao

台北 電 影 獎

Narrative Features
賴俊羽 樓一安 戴立忍 鄭芬芬 程孝澤
LAI Chunyu LOU Yi-an Leon TA CHENG Feng-feng CHENG Hsiao-tse
2009 / Taiwan / Digibeta / Color / 73’ 2009 / HK, Taiwan / 35mm / Color / 118’ 2009 / Taiwan / 35mm / B&W / 92’ 2008 / Taiwan / Digibeta / Color / 92’ 2008 / HK / 35mm / Color / 82’

2009 香港電影節 2009 鹿特丹影展競賽單元 2008 釜山影展

2009 香港電影節 2008 香港亞洲電影節開幕片
2009 柏林影展 Generation 14plus 競賽單元

阿幼是個平凡的高中生,某天醒來,發現 不得志的搖滾樂手莫子,與他日漸走紅的 一名來自高雄旗津的中年男子,為了爭取 一個專門為查無此人的「死信」找主人的 來自日本的交換學生渺渺安靜內向,還來
自己捲入與平常相似卻又相異的詭異生活, 歌手女友凱西;手藝精湛卻罹患癌症的紙 同居女友所生女兒的撫養權,四處陳情尋 郵 差,在尋 找沒有收件地 址的收信人 過 不及習慣台北的繁忙與紛亂,就與班上熱
Competition Section

就像愛麗絲掉入兔子洞那樣,走入了夢中 紮師傅,與替人掃墓維生、也為鬼魂了心 求協助,但卻一無所獲。無助的他,最後抱 程中,發現對方是個為愛尋死的援交妹。 情奔放的小璦成為好友。渺渺某日發現一

世界。導演透過夢境及現實間的交界,講 願的妻子阿月嬸。互不相干的兩組人,因 著女兒做出驚人之舉。以短片《兩個夏天》 一名高中女生,因為沒接起好友自殺前的 家播放老歌的CD店,頭家是拒人於千裡

Taipei Award
述一段如夢似幻的記憶物語。曾獲2007年 一塊風水超好的福地而間接產生關聯。不 獲得20 02 年台北電影獎百萬首獎的戴立 最後一通電話,承受了好友父母及全校師 之外的陳飛。憂鬱的陳飛令渺渺心動不
台北電影獎特別推薦的《穿牆人》主角李 論在世的人、還是死後的鬼,大家都是為了 忍,繼《台北晚九朝五》之後,睽違七年第 生的責難。生命的軌跡,透過一封查無此 已,她每天藉故拉著小璦前往CD店偷看
佳穎,不僅擔綱演出,也是本片編劇,攝 尋找可以安身或安心的一席之地。《流浪 二部劇情長片,自編自導,以一個真實的社 人的郵件,開始串聯。《沈睡的青 春》、 陳飛,然而陳飛似乎只活在自己的世界
影則是去年電影獎最佳短片《天黑》導演 神狗人》團隊再次出動,樓一安初執導筒 會案例為題材,由非職業演員演出,全片 《長假》導演鄭芬芬再度揣摩現代社會的 裡。這個夏天,兩個女孩各自經歷了初戀
張榮吉。 之作。 並採簡約的黑白攝影。 人際疏離與人情溫暖。 的美好與幻滅。

Ayu is a 16-year-old high school girl. Mozi, a small-time rock singer, writes Li Wu-hsiung is a middle-aged man A postman in search of the receiver of Miao Miao is a shy and self-contained
She wakes up one day to find herself a song for his girlfriend Kasey, but from a fishing village in southern a mail with no address, learns that it’s exchange student from Japan. One
in Alice’s wonderland. All the things dies before she gets it. Their first song Taiwan. Seven years ago, his girlfriend the under-age prostitute Lin and that of her classmates Ai becomes her
familiar to her are gone and turned predicts the end of the relationship. A disappeared after giving birth to their he’s the one who opens the door to best friend before she’s used to this
into something else. Only a lonely gifted craftsman dies of cancer after daughter, Mei. When Mei is old enough death for her. An unhappy high school busy city. But Miao Miao and Ai are
old man is willing to talk to her, he completes a luxurious origami to go to primary school, he finds out girl, Fang, is suspected by everybody completely different in every way. Miao
offering her food and shelter. The old villa. His tomb-sweeper wife is told by that his ex-girlfriend was married because she didn’t answer the last Miao meets the owner of a CD shop
man gives her all his love and care, a “dead client” where to get a large to someone else years ago, which call of her best friend Coco before named Chen Fei and admires him
but he is gradually overwhelmed by amount of money, but she gives it makes her and her lawful husband committing suicide. To everyone’s secretly. But he’s stuck in his tragic
desperation because no one shares away out of impulse. These two sets of the legal guardians of Mei. Terrified surprise, Lin and Coco turn out to be past and refuses to let anyone into his
the burden with him. Finally, Ayu characters are brought together by a that Mei will be taken away from him, the same girl. Now the mail has its heart. That’s when Miao Miao decides
realizes it’s herself that she has lost… young man, starting a series of chain Li climbs over one of the city’s busiest correct address… to go back to Japan…
effects… intersections and threatens to jump…

6/26 新三 15.40 ★ 7/04 中山 19.30 ★ 7/08 新二 13.30 ★ 7/03 新三 15.30 ★ 7/08 新二 21.30 ★
7/09 新三 12.30 ★ 7/07 新二 19.00 ★ 7/10 新二 19.30 ★ 7/06 新三 15.30 ★

52 53
停車 帶我去遠方 陽陽 靠岸 紅穀子 六局下半 赤陽 路有多長
Parking Somewhere I Have Yang Yang Port Of Return Ancient Species The Turn Of The Game Heat Sun How Long Is The
Never Travelled Road


Narrative Features

鍾孟宏 傅天余 鄭有傑 張榮貴 林稚霑 郭樂興 / 林育賢 陳志和 湯湘竹

CHUNG Mong-hong FU Tien-yu CHENG Yu-chieh CHANG Jung-kuei LIN Zhi-zhan KUO Le-hsing / LIN Yu-hsien CHEN Chih-ho TANG Shiang-chu
2008 / Taiwan / 35mm / Color / 106’ 2009 / Taiwan / 35mm / Color / 96’ 2009 / Taiwan / 35mm / Color / 112’ 2009 / Taiwan / Digibeta / Color / 90’ 2008 / Taiwan / Betacam / Color / 86’ 2009 / Taiwan / Digibeta / Color / 80’ 2008 / Taiwan / Digibeta / Color / 105’ 2009 / Taiwan / Digibeta / Color / 114’

2008 坎城影展一種注目單元 2009 香港電影節 2009 柏林影展 2008 台灣國際紀錄片雙年展競賽單元

2008 釜山影展 2009 香港電影節
2008 香港亞洲電影節亞洲新導演獎、

《醫生》導演鍾孟宏的首部劇情長片。母 金鐘獎最佳編劇傅天余的長片處女作,由 李安的「推手計畫」第一炮。影片敘述中法 創造虛擬偶像「阿貴」的張榮貴,所拍攝第 台灣導演,雲南題材,讓人想到《無米樂》, 《翻滾吧男孩》林育賢再度以運動為題材 1941年太平洋戰爭爆發,台灣人大量被動 繼《海有多深》、《山有多高》之後,湯湘
親節傍晚,陳莫和妻子約好回家吃晚餐, 資深導演吳念真監製。阿桂分不清紅色跟 混血兒陽陽從未見過法籍生父,也不懂法 一部動畫長片。少女「冷光飄浮」在碼頭上 不同的是觀點與紀錄方法。雲南平寨村有 之作。花蓮富源村富源國小的少棒隊在全 員投入戰場。終戰時這些台灣軍屬有173 竹的「回家三部曲」最終曲。導演在台東都
Competition Section

想藉此拉近他們疏遠的情感。陳莫在回家 綠色,堂哥阿賢告訴她,遙遠的南太平洋上 文,遇到旁人頻頻詢問是否會說法文時, 等待愛人「西風間樹」,就在開船的前一刻, 一種古老品種的紅穀子,當地農民雖抱怨 國少棒比賽中實力堅強,但張茂三教練認 人被當戰犯審判,21人被判「絞首刑」,其 蘭部落,遇到了阿美族木雕藝術家希巨.

途中停車去買蛋糕,沒想到車子卻被違規 有一座小島,島上也沒有人能分辨紅色跟 也只能尷尬一笑。面對母親再嫁,學姐成 戰事爆發,女孩在混亂中上了一艘奇幻的 外來化學肥料對農產不好,但真願意用古 為有比球賽勝負更重要的事。因為棒球, 餘被關進集中營。他們在政府的漠視、遺 蘇飛。他們發現部落 裡曾有一群少年階

Taipei Award
停車擋住出路。他試圖尋找車主,闖入一 綠色。阿桂想去那個烏托邦,阿賢似乎比 為自己的姊姊,兩人還愛上同一個男生, 黑鯨船,船上滿載失意的靈魂,但男孩卻 老技術種植老品種紅穀子的農民卻很少。 孩子們願意到校上課,成績跟不上,教練 棄、監控下,背著沉重的枷鎖,在底層打拼 級,在二戰期間被國民黨帶往中國,參加
棟陳舊的老公寓,一個光怪陸離的夜晚, 她更想離開小漁村,他們是彼此秘密的守 內心孤單的陽陽,在種種衝突掙扎之中, 沒有現身。劇情在不同的時空中跳躍,有 本片導演跟隨這樣的一個農家,看到他們 不讓打球;因為棒球,家長開始參與孩子 討生活。透過影音紀錄幾近凋零的二戰台 一場不知為何而戰的戰爭。存活下來的士
就此展開。他遇到死刑犯的家人、討債公 護者,互相計畫有一天要離開這裡,到一 該如何面對自己的各式傷痛?台北電影獎 如線上遊戲,而戰爭的結束與愛情的得與 的堅持,卻也看到他們難以擺脫貧窮的困 的生活,出賽或操練,都需要家長的協助; 籍戰犯,與這些老人家們作心靈的對話, 兵,有的被迫投共,有的跟著軍隊返台,絕
司、金盆洗手的大哥、賣淫集團...,一直到 個不會感到寂寞,也不會被人當作異類的 百萬首獎得主鄭有傑,繼《一年之初》之後, 失,都繫於一名充滿我執的少女身上。 境,這戶農家本身也像紅穀子一樣,是現 也因為棒球,張教練從孩子身上得到再進 從常民的觀點檢視歷史,並引出戰爭與人 大部分則客死他鄉;荒謬而悲慘的生命故
天亮,他都還回不了家。 自由天堂。 再展精湛敘事功力。 代農村中的稀有老種。 修的動力。 性之間的一些問題。 事一個個從當事人口中展開。

On Mother's Day in Taipei, Chen- Guei is a 15-year-old color-blind girl. “So, you speak French?” Eurasian Yang- Frostlight awaits her lover, Westwind, A flaman found an ancient species in The 6th inning is the last inning of the Heat Sun tries to discuss some issues 20 years ago, the director of this film
Mo makes a date for dinner with his She admires her cousin Xian. Xian has Yang has frequently been asked this at the port. Right before the ship sets the Pingzhai Village. With his proposal, Little League game, also a turning on wars and humanity. The Pacific War read an article about the Taiwanese
wife, hoping to bring their estranged a world map and a whole bookshelf of question ever since she was little. She sail, a war breaks out. Separating the three households started to plant point of the game. Eight years ago, broke out in December, 1941, and many veterans and learned they had the
relationship back together. While traveling guides. He often takes Guei always answers it with an awkward two at the docks, Frostlight quickly the species in an old traditional way. Chang Mao-shan, a coach, introduced Taiwanese were mobilized to the battles. same experiences as his father did.
buying a cake on his way home, a car on imaginary journeys to a world full smile since neither has she met her boards a mysterious ship and departs Unexpectedly, the issue echoes around baseball into Fuyuan, a village in But while some died on the battlefields, They were forced by the war to leave
unexpectedly double parks next to his of wonders. They guard the secrets for French birth father nor does she speak on a perilous and fantastic journey. the authorities and the academia, eastern Taiwan. The Fuyuan Little most of them were neglected, forsaken their hometowns, and 40 years later,
car, preventing his exit. For the entire each other and plan to get out of here any French. She yearns for a family and This strange ship carries a cast of which then put a high premium on the League team has been regarded as or even monitored after the war, the survivors were finally home. In
night, Chen-Mo searches the floors of someday, leaving for a place without her dream seems to come true when helpless and tormented souls, drifting local agriculture. An excess of fertilizer a prominent team for the National struggling for survival. They dare not Taitung, the director meets Siki Sufin,
a nearby apartment building for the loneliness or alienation. The future is a her mother remarries. Yet this new through a mysterious space. Fearing on the crops in the past has seriously League. However, in Chang’s mind, look back on their experiences during an Amis young woodcarving artist.
owner of the illegally parked car, and place untrodden, and their Utopia lies family turns out to be a disappointment. that the evil Asura will strike the ship damaged the soil, yet the ancient what comes more important than the war, describing them as the darkest Together they set off on a journey in
encounters a succession of strange at the other end of the horizon. Will After that, nothing, not even some and steal the souls, Frostlight, against species still grows well. It somehow the game results is the change of memories of their lives. After they have search for the surviving veterans, from
events and eccentric characters. they get there at last? temporary passion, can ease her her selfish nature, makes the ultimate reminds the farmers to cherish what the young players and their parents. lost their so-called motherland, they the Dulan tribe to several major cities
loneliness. Her quest for love is in vain. sacrifice. they originally own. Chang is thus inspired by them. don’t know where to go anymore. in Mainland China.

7/01 中山 14.00 6/27 新二 13.00 ★ 6/26 中山 19.30 ★ 7/04 新二 19.30 ★ 6/26 新三 13.10 ★ 7/05 新三 11.00 ★ 7/07 新三 11.00 ★ 6/27 新三 11.00 ★ ▲
7/07 新二 13.10 7/09 新二 18.00 ★ 7/05 新二 16.00 ★ 7/06 新二 13.30 ★ 7/10 新三 13.00 ★ 7/12 新三 16.00 ★ 7/05 新三 18.30 ★

54 55
尋情歷險記 油症-與毒共存 西藏台北 練將 最遙遠的愛 黃羊川
Let's Fall In Love Surviving Evil Tibet, Taipei Teen Patron The Unreachable Yellow Sheep River

吳汰紝 蔡崇隆 吳米森 鄒猷新/韓忠翰/王振宇 郭笑芸 劉嵩

Wuna WU TSAI Tsung-lung WU Mi-sen CHOU Yu-hsin/HAN Chung-han/WANG Chen-yu KUO Shiao-yun LIU Soung
2008 / Taiwan / 35mm / Color / 90’ 2008 / Taiwan / Digibeta / Color / 73’ 2008 / Taiwan / Digibeta / Color / 48’ 2008 / Taiwan / Betacam / Color / 54’ 2008 / Taiwan / Betacam / Color / 74’ 2008 / Taiwan / Digibeta / Color / 94’

2008 台灣國際紀錄片雙年展競賽單元 2008 台灣國際紀錄片雙年展競賽單元 2008 女性影展

2009 新加坡影展 2008 台灣國際紀錄片雙年展競賽單元

台北電影獎百萬首獎得主吳汰紝新作。在 1979年台灣發生多氯聯苯毒油事件,成為 1959年至今,西藏人流亡快半個世紀;自 台東聖賢宮,一間小廟,兩名練八家將的 幾個遭受婚姻暴力的婦女,娓娓道出自己 金鐘獎最佳導演劉嵩,與拍攝團隊深入中
知音難尋、離婚率又高的現代社會中,應 環境公害史上最嚴重的悲劇。三十年後, 稱文明古國的中國政 權,相較 納粹對 猶 少年,日常的生活樣貌。影片藉由幾個練 的家暴故事,她們以堅韌的意志力,和同 國黃土高原上的黃羊川,傾聽及觀看那裡
Competition Section

運而生的進化版媒婆,如何撮合對對佳偶? 台灣已成為亞洲最民主國家之一,但油症 太人的大屠殺,到底迫害了多少藏人?吳 將少年在廟裡參與八家將活動和現實生活 儕間的相濡以沫,尋求尊嚴與自由,走出 樸實的生活,看見生活中所展現的溫韌生

導演不當鏡頭後面冷靜的觀察分析者,反 受害者卻無人聞問。影片尋訪當年不幸中 米森從自身經驗出發,從身邊常見的西藏 的遭遇,來觀看台東的生活環境、廟堂的 婚姻的惡夢。以《海棠、馬沙與珊瑚》獲得 命力。全片由十九幕農村片段組成,再

Taipei Award
而選擇徹底交出自己,駕著紀錄片小舟, 毒的惠明學校盲生與窮鄉居民,探索毒油 路、在台灣的西藏人與相關組織開始談起, 八家將文化,甚至黑道生態。扮成家將便 台北電影獎最佳紀錄片的郭笑芸,以一貫 由一位失明的走唱樂師將這些片段串連而
緩緩駛過曠男怨女芸芸眾生,面對自己最 事件的科學真相;而被遺忘的油症倖存者, 關注流亡印度、美國、台灣等地藏人既真 成為神明,卸下神明的裝扮,則回歸少年 長時間與受訪者相處的工作方式,得到當 成,並打破傳統敘事結構,不以語言、對
深處的渴望。這不是一個皆大歡喜的年代, 以及生來即帶有餘毒的第二代,只能憑著 實又戲劇性的生命經驗,尋求「全部真實」 的身份,導演近身跟拍練將少年,紀錄他 事人的信任,生動紀錄婚暴婦女從自怨到 白、故事、衝突、角色來作表現,單靠畫
卻無疑是一個行銷術全面勝利的年代。 意志力,與血液中的世紀之毒進行唐吉軻 和「心靈真實」的心路歷程,同時也反思台 們這一年中的轉變,不加旁白詮釋,也不 自保,進而走出陰影也鼓 勵 他人的生命 面就得以從平凡之中,實踐農民們簡樸的
德式的永生搏鬥。 灣自身的狀態。 做價值判斷。 故事。 生活美學。

In our contemporary society, pervaded In 1979, two major incidents happened In 2006, a railroad was finished In southeastern Taiwan, the Taitung With strong willpower, four women This is a documentary consisting of 19
by desperate loneliness, it seems in Taiwan: the PCBs poisoning, which to connect Tibet with the Qinghai County is famous for its Lantern remain in their unhappy marriages scenes of rural life, brought together
almost impossible to live with one damaged our environment drastically, and Province. But what is a train like? A Festival culture. The film picks a small for the sake of their children and by a blind singer, with no narratives,
specific person for your whole life. the Kaohsiung Formosan Incident, which wandering iron dragon? What does it temple and records the traditional seek passionately for their dignity no subtitles, no traditional storytelling,
But how does a modern matchmaker was a turning point in Taiwan’s history. predict then? Since 1959, the Tibetans ritual of “Eight Song Commanders” by and freedom. But a bad marriage not no protagonists or antagonists, only
expand her business in such a context? 30 years later, Taiwan became the most have been in exile for half a century. two teen performers. Through their only damages them, it also hurts their the details of farmers’ everyday lives.
Is marriage a disaster? Why do the democratic nation in Asia, but the victims The government of China prosecutes performance and daily experiences, children. A child who witnesses his “Yellow Sheep River” is a small rural
single try so hard to plunge into it, of the PCBs poisoning have disappeared them culturally and spiritually. Exactly we’re able to understand Taitung, father beating his mother or is beaten village in the northwestern China. The
while the married ones want to break without a trace. This film locates several how many Tibetans have been killed? the temple subculture and even the along with his mother may have simple life there is filled with vitality
out of it? You cannot have everything victims and tries to uncover the scientific The answer is still unknown to us.This gangsters. The ritual of “Eight Song doubts about love. How do these four of the day-to-day trivia, which shows
you want, but we know that marketing truth of it. The forgotten survivors and is a film recording the real experiences Commanders” is to guard and pray women face all the difficulties in life? us the changing lights and shadows
is the best way to sell anything. their children are still fighting with the of the Tibetans abroad, including India, for our people, but why do many of us And how will they make their futures from dawn to dusk and from spring to
remaining poison in their blood… the United States, Taiwan, etc. have bad impressions of these teens? better? winter.

7/09 新二 15.30 ★ 7/08 新三 13.00 ★ 7/08 新三 15.30 ★ 7/08 新三 15.30 ★ 7/07 新三 15.50 ★ 6/30 新三 11.00 ★
7/06 新三 18.30 ★

56 57


時光 宇宙歌女 跳格子
The Light In Time Diva Viva Hopscotch
洪碧婉 HUNG Pi-wan 吳米森 WU Mi-sen 姜秀瓊 CHIANG Hsiu-chiung

Narrative Shorts 2
Narrative Shorts 1

Narrative Shorts 3
2009 / Taiwan / Digibeta / Color / 30’ 2008 / Taiwan / B&W / 35mm / 13’ 2008 / Taiwan / 35mm / Color / 27’
2008 金馬獎最佳創作短片、最佳新演員獎

萬芳主演的女主角在城市裡的套房醒來,決定要追尋方才的夢境。她回到寧靜的山區,陽光正烈, 誰說只有好萊塢會拍類型片,台灣的混種新類型才夠看!宇宙人化身歌女放肆開唱,地球人 隻身從東部來到台北,在汽車拖吊廠工作的阿宗,每天要處理許多車輛的違規拖吊。某天他注意

時光悠悠,她打開了斑剝鏽蝕的記憶之門,彷彿看見了7歲的自己,也看見當年父母爭吵的秘密…。 渾然不知地球即將爆炸。當里長伯遇上外來的宇宙人,就知道什麼叫做「星際科幻鄉土劇」! 到一個有甜美聲音的女生,與她那輛不起眼卻老被拖吊的小車,他開始默默為這個女生佔車位。
30-year-old Demi wakes in her studio apartment in the city, and decides to depart on a journey which The old man is listening to the radio. In fact, he has decoded the signals from the outer space. He Zong makes a living by towing illegally-parked cars. Lian is an art teacher who seems just unable to park
just took place in her dream. In the tranquility of the mountains, Demi recalls her childhood, where her tries to warn the neighbors that Armageddon is approaching, but no one believes him. That’s when her car right. Attracted to Lian, Zong decides to keep parking spaces for her, secretly.
parents’ incompatibility is a buried secret. the diva in the neighborhood turns out to be a suspect alien …

待消失的影片 匿名遊戲 麻糬
The Vanishing Film Intoxicant Mochi
周東彥 CHOU Tung-yen 徐漢強 John HSU 李中 LEE Chung
2009 / Taiwan / Betacam / Color / 9’ 2008 / Taiwan / 35mm / Color / 25’ 2009 / Taiwan / Digibeta / Color / 19’
2008 南方影展競賽單元
2009 鹿特丹影展
周東彥第三次入選台北電影獎,再度由莒哈絲的文本延伸,透過女人自述及男人旁白,以多層次 知名BBS網站接獲駭客攻擊恐嚇,引爆鄉民群聚鬥爭,宅男、菜鳥、板主、駭客…全得卸下 《娘惹滋味》主角莫愛芳飾演一名想回鄉的印傭,照顧一個藏住護照不放她走的老人,還要面對
的影像,與敘事者視角的輪番轉換,重新詮釋莒哈絲作品中不斷形變的「記憶」主題。 虛擬的外衣,辯證新世代的混沌秩序。擬人化的趣味手法,巧妙展現網路世界的爾虞我詐。 一個被老爸視為窩囊廢的兒子。生活充滿瑣碎的細節,關係卻又無比緊張。
The film interweaves major events selected from Duras' works and presentes the following sequence: life, An internet forum system is threatened to be destroyed by a hacker named “Intoxicant”. Six online A moral tale about a young caretaker from Indonesia who tries to convince her needy old Taiwanese client,
man, ocean, letters, writing and death. The narration shifts among three perspectives. With this tactic, the users start to suspect each other. When the countdown to annihilation begins, the chaos between Mr. Zhao, to let her go home. Soon she realizes there is only one way to be free, and it comes with a price…
director strives to recapture “the elusive and ephemeral nature of memory” in Duras' works. identity and trust starts to grow.

秘密海 百獄 台北異想之煙
Secret Sea Nirvana Smoke
Competition Section

陳育霖 CHEN Yu-lin 游智涵 YO Jhi-han 李啓源 LEE Chi-yuarn

Taipei Award
2009 / Taiwan / Digibeta / Color / 47’ 2008 / Taiwan / Digibeta / Color / 24’ 2009 / Taiwan / Digibeta / Color / 10’

一封老友的來信,讓小莫回到曾經熟悉的海邊,也讓他再一次面對他不願想起的過去。高中時代 主角在一座高度污染的工業城市裡醒來,周遭景致宛如一座末日的地獄城,時間卻好像回到過去。多 不受教的高中女兒將被退學,老爸找女兒問個明白,竟發現她在堤防上抽煙。兩人一言不合大打

幾個好友的一趟夜遊、一次因為暗戀而造成的意外,讓真實及謊言在回憶裡埋藏多年。 年不見的父親、小時候的自己,他穿梭在記憶之中,潛藏於心中的事,一點一滴慢慢地被拉扯開來…。 出手,打完架後,老爸點了根煙和女兒一同分享,微妙難解的父女情結,如煙隨風不散。
A letter brings Mo back to where he wanted to forgo, a place away from the city and he is forced to face the Yen Hao awakes and finds himself in a polluted industrial city. Wandering in the hell-like city, Hao Gu’s teenaged daughter will be expelled from school. Gu heads to the river bank and finds his daughter
most unforgettable and memorable, an accident. What happened at the seaside during that summer? Let meets his father. Following his father back to their hometown, Hao runs into himself as a child. smoking. The two really start to fight as the girl refuses to give in her cigarettes. The pair reconcile by
the sea tell you the secret … Confronting his younger self and his estranged father, Hao’s wound is ripped open. sharing a whiff in the end.

恐懼屋 家好月圓
Panic House With Or Without You
賴孟傑 LAI Meng-jie 周旭薇 CHOU She-wei
2009 / Taiwan / Digibeta / Color / 22’ 2008 / Taiwan / Digibeta / Color / 33’
2009 鹿特丹影展
2009 首爾女性影展亞洲短片競賽評審團大獎
一名女警牙痛得要命,被同事逼去看牙醫,竟巧遇牙醫診所發生搶案。搶匪假扮醫生護士,在女警 兄弟姊妹回到鄉下,處理母親的後事,商量著要不要和靈骨塔中的父親合葬,么妹卻連續數夜夢到
的堅持下替她拔牙。台灣少見的黑色喜劇,編導演都出色,陸奕靜飾演的女警更為全片增色不少。 母親託夢拒絕與父親合葬。回首往事,再度浮現母親生前在家中,所承受父親的男性暴力陰影。
In Panic House, everyone has his own fear. An ill-tempered cop, who hates to go to the dentist but It begins with a funeral of an elderly mother. For nights, the youngest daughter of the family has been
happens to have an aching tooth, mistakes the concealed robber for the dentist. The robber has to dreaming of her dead mother, who expresses her unwillingness to be buried next to her dead husband.
perform the tooth-extraction while the dentist is desperate for rescue. The hidden past of the family is finally revealed.

6/27 新三 14.00 ★ 6/30 新三 13.30 7/08 新三 18.30 ★ 6/26 新三 18.00 ★ 7/09 新三 19.00 ★ 7/11 新三 18.40 6/27 新三 19.00 ★ 7/06 新三 21.00 ★ 7/10 新三 22.20
58 59

「我說啊,」我說。 金魚藻
The Soliloquist Bye-bye Goldfish
馬匡霈 MA Kuang-pei 吳宜瑾 WU Yi-jin
Animation shorts

2008 / Taiwan / 35mm / Color / 6’ 2008 / Taiwan / Digibeta / Color / 6’

一個失戀者,收到查無此人的信與包裹,他一一拆閱信件,逐漸與那未曾露面的寄件人,產生一段 女孩小時候不小心,讓心愛的金魚意外死亡,心中留下陰影。女孩長大後,在游泳池內遇見死去的金
曖昧詭異的另類妄想。簡單的故事和技巧,卻有令人眼睛一亮的慧詰與想像力。 魚與過去的自己。這次女孩要化身水中仙子,拯救過去自責的自己。在時光魔幻的轉折中,可以看到
In his lonesome days, a heart-broken man receives letters and parcels marked by “unknown address”. 影片處理成長題材的細膩。
Not knowing what to do, he starts reading the letters. As the undeliverable mails pile up, he falls in love The little girl’s beloved goldfish dies because of her lack of care. A shadow of guilt lies deeply in her heart.
with an imagined other. One day in the pool, the grown-up girl encounters the goldfish and herself from the past. She then turns
into a fairy to save herself from the guilt.

瘋狂吸乳星球 早安 蟲類
Mammal Planet Good Morning Insects
林師丞 LIN Shin-chen 黃佩荃 HUANG Pei-chung
2009 / Taiwan / Betacam / B&W / 7’ 2009 / Taiwan / Digibeta / Color / 7’

某個星球上有一群靈長類,靠吸取乳汁維生;擁有碩大乳房的機器人,則須吸取偶蹄動物的養分 以隱喻的方式呈現人類處境,一個收藏標本的老人,在一次捕捉蝴蝶的過程中,幻想自己能成為
來分泌乳汁。一場生存大戰,在宇宙的小角落瘋狂展開,索求乳汁的慾望一天天脹大…。 自己捕捉的對象。作品畫風和敘事風格都可以看到東歐動畫的影響。
Two species, the Cattle and the Ape, dwell on a planet with a big machine which needs energy to produce The story occurs in a bleak world. An old man who collects live specimen finds a fascinating insect on
the Apes’ favorite food: cream. In order to get more cream, the Apes exploit the Cattles until the latter die hunt. The insects lead him into a fantasy world where he becomes a prey instead.
out. But the Apes can’t stop their ever–growing desire…

蕃茄醬 躁鬱之心
Ketchup An Unquiet Mind
Competition Section

呂文忠 LU Wen-chung 羅志文 LO Chih-wen

Taipei Award
2009 / USA, Taiwan / Betacam / Color / 11’ 2008 / USA, Taiwan / Digibeta / Color / 6’
2008 坎城影展短片單元

男孩和家人努力種植蕃茄,希望蕃茄夠紅夠大,可以作成蕃茄醬。但為了種出鮮紅的番茄,就得付 取材真實經歷,並參酌美國精神科醫生凱.傑米的傳記名作《躁鬱之心》,以實驗動畫呈現躁鬱症
出「血」汗,人類鮮紅的血。提姆.波頓風的偶動畫,呈現人類貪婪及生產與勞力的關係。 患者不為人知的心理狀態。幻影般的狂亂視覺、飄浮的囈語,直指著幽暗騷動的心靈。
In a small village, a young boy and his family in deep struggle to grow tomatoes that are ripe and juicy Inspired by Kay Redfield Jamison's book, An Unquiet Mind, the film is Shuei’s mercurial journey of mood
enough to be made into ketchup. It turns out only human blood is the only fertilizer to yield good result. swings and deep restlessness. He witnesses his body in a coffin in Samsara, a place where life is a cycle
A story conveys the correlation between greed and productivity. of death and rebirth.

邊緣的愛 親愛的小胖
The Edge Of Love Dear Fatty
劉乃瑋 LIU Nai-wei 曾心怡 TSENG Hsin-i
2009 / Taiwan / Betacam / Color / 8’ 2008 / USA / Digibeta / Color / 7’
2008 芝加哥兒童影展動畫類評審團大獎

菜刀戀上了蘋果,卻連最平凡的告白求愛都無法完成,只好鋌而走險踏上不歸路。這場刀光血影 在這部以剪貼、偶動畫與電腦合成的多媒材動畫短片中,小女孩寫了一封信給她離家出走的楓葉
的癡纏愛戀,一開始就註定了悲劇宿命。Kuso創意十足的電腦動畫佳作,令人噴飯絕倒。 鼠寵物。濃濃的思念聲中,她也不禁想像楓葉鼠的旅程,並且在這之中感受分離的滋味。
Like they all say, it's hard to find true love. A relationship is doomed to fail when a knife falls in love with A little girl is writing a letter to her pet hamster “Fatty”, who meets lots of animals during her travels
an apple. Just as the knife is ready to declare his love, a tragic end ensues. Will something as sharp as a and learns about the world. This fantasy story consists of animated characters move before a collage of
knife ever find true love? backgrounds.

6/30 新三 19.00 ★ 7/04 新三 23.10 7/05 新三 13.20 ★ 河上的愛情 Cry me a River

60 61
Chinese Cinerama
中國已遠- 河上的愛情 水上人家 流离 扎賚諾爾
安東尼奧尼與中國 Cry Me A River River People Floating In Memory Jalainur
China Is Far Away-
Antonioni And China

華人 影 像 精 選

劉海平 賈樟柯 何建軍 彭韜 趙曄

LIU Hai-ping JIA Zhang-ke HE Jian-Jun PENG Tao ZHAO Ye
2008 / China / Betacam / Color / 135’ 2008 / China, France, Spain / Digibeta / 2008 / China / Digibeta / Color / 88’ 2009 / China / Digibeta / Color / 107’ 2008 / China / Digibeta / Color / 92’
Color / 15’

2009 香港電影節 2009 香港電影節 2008 釜山影展 2009 鹿特丹影展競賽單元 2008 釜山影展費比西獎
2009 布拉格國際電影節 2009 鹿特丹影展競賽單元

義大利電影大師安東尼奧尼,在文革期間 畢業十年,四個大學同學,兩對無緣戀人, 以富有奇士勞斯基風格的《郵差》被歐美 《血蟬》導演彭韜第二部劇情長片,仍延 扎賚諾爾是中國最北端的一個礦區,在蒙
花費近一個月時間,到中國拍攝長達四小 在江南蘇州河畔再度重逢。學生時期的陳 電影界肯定的中國導演何建軍,找到陝西 續前作的寫實冷調風格,拍片靈感來自一 古語中意為「如海的湖泊」,當地的露天

時的紀錄片《中國》,影片中的負面訊息 年話題,至今仍舊撩繞於心,往事從未放 黃河上一戶三代相傳,靠打魚為生的水上 則真實的社會新聞,描述一名從農村來到 煤礦和運煤的蒸汽火車都將隨著礦脈枯竭

引起中國政府極大的反彈,也讓他成為不 下,散落的感情也沒勇氣拿起。賈樟柯說 人家。船老大每天督促兒子排網捉魚,不 小城打工的女孩,認識了當地一位男孩。 而走入歷史。影片中一名工作卅多年的火
受中國歡迎的人物。本片導演劉海平在大 他很喜歡《站台》和《頤和園》,於是刻意 過兒子一個安於水上生活,一個卻不甘心 這彷彿是典型男孩遇到女孩的故事,未料 車司機,退休前決定去探訪他住在中俄邊

Chinese Cinerama
師晚年四度造訪,看著大師寄情繪畫,畫 找來兩片的男女主角,重新配對,分飾兩 一輩子待在這邊。老爸心裡明白,只要黃 接下來竟是男孩把女孩出賣給客人。命運 境的女兒,他的徒弟依依不捨地送行,離
中風景頗有中國山水之意,也跟大師聊起 對舊情人,拍出這部從內容到風格都在向 河一天存在,孩子遲早都會歸來。何建軍 的發展與女孩原先的憧憬完全不同,社會 情盡在不言中。樸實的故事,絕美的攝影,
電影、中國,以及諸多往事。本片可說是安 《小城之春》導演費穆致敬的短片。 以寫實風格記錄漁家生活的細節,充滿讓 底層的窮人為了生存去欺騙和逼迫同類的 不借助對白的情感交流,全片流露淡淡的
東尼奧尼的最後身影與最後告白。 人感動的生命韌性。 窮人,幸福與財富是不可得的夢想。 哀傷。

This is a documentary that pays homage The two couples were once in love H a o s h a n S h a n , a m i d d le - a g e d Xiu,17 , comes to a small town to work Old Zhu, approaching retirement age,
to the master Antonioni, a masterpiece when they were classmates in college. boatman, has been fishing along from her home in distant mountains. is a steam engine driver in the Jalainur
amongst all his films. The master once Ten years after graduation, they reunite Yantze River, Wei River and Yellow She meets Jinqiang in a disco pub. coal mines while his apprentice Li
said, “I respect and love China.” He again, but time hasn’t alienated them River over a span of 40 years. While They get closer than they should be. Zhizhong is a signalman. They’ve been
concentrated himself in painting after at all. They still quarrel over those ten- others are illiterate, Shan’s teenaged But she never expects Jinqiang to be working together for years, inseparable
retirement. His pieces of arts resemble year-old topics. They haven’t forgotten child, Baowa, is the only one that a pimp who seduces underage girls to both at work and in life. One day,
the traditional Chinese ink paintings, their past but don’t have enough knows how to read and write. Baowa be prostitutes to make money for him. Zhizhong is stunned to find that Old Zhu
the landscapes in both of which are courage to face the buried feelings for yearns for a getaway from home and And Xiu is Jinqiang’s new target. When left earlier to visit his daughter at the
surprisingly alike. With his documentaries, each other. Their lost love is like the furtively starts his part-time job in Xiu is pregnant, Jinqiang is nowhere to border. Zhizhong follows Old Zhu, but
he filled in the blanks in the history of seemingly silent but turbulent streams town. But the boatman is sure that as be found. The owners of a shoe shop decides to leave when Old Zhu’s daughter
China. But as the master comes closer underneath, flowing like a maze and long as the Yellow River exists, Baowa give her money to keep her baby for and son-in-law show up. Zhizhong
to us through a documentary, he gets holding on tightly to their secrets. will eventually return. them to adopt… misses the return train and lingers on
farther and farther away from us. around the border.

6/28 新三 16.00 6/26 新三 20.20 6/26 新三 20.20 7/01 新三 19.00 ★ 6/26 新三 11.00
7/10 新三 15.30 7/04 新三 13.10 7/04 新三 13.10 7/03 新三 18.00 ★ 7/01 新三 21.50

台北異想 T���������
aipei 24H
62 63
滾拉拉的槍 老年男女 再見烏托邦 完美生活 麥收 證人 機動部隊-同袍 一八九五
Lala’s Gun Mr. Jia And His Night Of An Era Perfect Life Wheat Harvest The Beast Stalker Tactical Unit - Blue Brave
Friends Comrades In Arms

寧敬武 訾瀚 盛志民 唐曉白 徐童 林超賢 羅永昌 洪智育

NING Jing-wu ZI Han SHENG Zhi-min Emily TANG XU Tong Dante LAM LAW Wing-cheong HUNG Chih-yu
2008 / China / 35mm / Color / 97’ 2009 / China / Digibeta / Color / 90’ 2008 / China, HK / Digibeta / Color / 89’ 2008 / China, HK / Digibeta / Color / 97’ 2008 / China / Digibeta / Color / 98’ 2008 / HK / 35mm / Color / 109’ 2009 / HK / 35mm / Color / 90’ 2008 / Taiwan / 35mm / Color / 110’

2008 中國獨立影像年度展 2009 香港電影節 2008 威尼斯影展 2009 雲之南紀錄影像展觀眾票選最佳影片 2008 香港電影評論學會最佳男演員 2009 香港電影節
2009 雲之南記錄影像展 2008 香港電影節亞洲數碼錄像 2009 柏林影展
2009 香港電影金像獎最佳男主角、
2009 鹿特丹影展 最佳男配角

苗族少年滾拉拉,即將參加部落裡的成人 誰說相親是年輕男女的專利?山東濟南就 《浮生》導演 盛 志民為中國的搖滾樂作 導演唐曉白的第二部長片,描述中國東北 影片始於河北鄉下一個臥病的老農,他盛 《千機變》導演林超賢最新作品,由謝霆 警隊同袍合作 帶隊,但團隊 關 係 早已崩 甲午戰後,清朝將台灣割讓給日本,台灣
禮。成人禮上,少年們都會得到父親贈送 有一家老年婚姻介紹所,提供老人定期聚 傳。1986年開始的中國搖滾樂運動,從啟 一座工業小城中,一個尋找機會的女孩, 讚女兒能幹,撐起整個家的重擔。影片隨 鋒、張靜初、張家輝等實力派演員傾力演 解。這回他們各自率領屬下,在隊伍解散 人群起抗日,客籍義勇軍領袖吳湯興率游

的獵槍。眼看成人禮越來越近,從未見過 會,尋找人生另一個春天的機會。84歲的 蒙、發展、輝煌到落寞,崔健、竇唯、何勇、 遇見一名男客託她帶一件貨到中國南方的 著主角來到北京一個胡同,原來女兒是在 出。重案組員唐飛,在追捕重犯的時候, 前的最後一天執行任務,在相互競爭又相 擊隊阻礙日軍南下,終因彈盡援絕,在八

父親的滾拉拉,於是瞞著奶奶,背著半袋 老賈,希望找一個更年輕的美女,所以他總 張楚這群搖滾樂手走過了不凡的廿年,如 深圳;而深圳一名來自中國內地的女性正 北京一條暗巷裡當私娼。影片圍繞農村麥 發生嚴重車禍,之後更開槍誤殺一名女 互扶持的同袍關係之中,他們必須拋開成 卦山全軍覆沒。妻子黃賢妹投井獲救,後
米踏上了漫長的尋父之旅,也帶領觀眾認 是謊稱自己54歲;77歲的乾媽,老伴已經 今每個人都在面對自己的問題。是什麼改 在辦離婚,並準備定居香港。兩個女性的 收的前後,記錄這個女孩在北京與鄉下的 孩。檢控官高敏親眼目睹大女兒慘死,小 見來合作。杜琪峰監製的《機動部隊》系 絕食而亡,台灣進入殖民時代。來台接收

Chinese Cinerama
識了躲銀行債務的失意獵人、找不到傳人 去世兩年,是婚介所裡追求者眾的美人。 變了中國搖滾樂的行進軌跡?是毒品、女 故事,一虛構一紀實,卻有著互為可能的 兩種處境、兩種生活。本片在雲之南紀錄 女兒丁玲便成了他唯一的希望。亡命之徒 列,由劉國昌和羅永昌各自拍攝兩集,雖 的日本能久親王和隨行軍醫森鷗外,對台
的老師傅、離鄉打工的年輕人等。影片聚 在這邊,老人們的遲暮生活再度重燃希望, 人,還是臺灣唱片公司的介入?是中國搖滾 過往及未來。反諷的片名,慧黠的敘事方 影像展放映時,引發觀眾激烈的反應,有 洪荊,奉命必須活捉丁玲,才能賺一大筆 是電視台製作的作品,但不論片長、卡司、 灣的美麗豐饒和台灣人民的奮勇精神,都
焦中國唯一帶槍部落,並起用當地居民演 找到另一半終究不再只是夢想? 樂準備不足,還是如崔健歌中所唱到的: 式,將影片組成一個混合劇情與紀錄,虛 人質疑道德問題,強烈主張撤片,但影片 錢來照顧癱瘓的妻子。因為一宗車禍,三 風格與敘事方式,都走電影路線,再次印 深受震 撼。本片改 編自客 籍 作家李喬的
出自己,簡約而感人。 這世界變化太快? 實相扣的世界。 仍得到多數人肯定,贏得觀眾票選獎。 人的命運彼此牽動著。 證警察電影是最成熟的香港類型電影。 《情歸大地》,並由馬修.連恩配樂。

I n t h e p r i m eva l fo re st o f t h e In Shandong Province, a matchmaking Xiao Ke dropped school to join a rock Yueying Li, 21, leaves her hometown In June when the wheat is about to Sergeant Tong Fei kills the eldest In a police squad, you never know Xianmei Huang was kidnapped years
southwestern China lives the Miao agency hosts occasionally parties band. 8 years later, he died of overdose for a job and a better future. But when ripe, she returns home from Beijing daughter of the prosecutor Ann Gao whether your colleague is your ago by a robber, but when she was
tribe. A boy named Lala lives with his especially for the elderly singles to at 24. Xiao Chang has been properly she finally steps outside of her closed to Hebei. Her father is lying severely by accident while capturing a suspect friend or foe. Sam and May have finally released and got home, nobody
grandmother. Traditionally, every boy offer them a second chance to find trained in music, but his parents can world, she faces difficulties in life. Yet, ill in bed. Earlier, we see this country named Cheung Yat-tung. Ann tries been partners, but they never get believed in her chastity. Tangxing Wu
will receive a gun from his father upon another true love and companion. In barely make ends meet. He works she chooses to linger. Jenny as well girl of barely 20 years old in a corner really hard to bring Cheung to justice. along. Now they’ll have to go into married her, regardless of all the
his adulthood. What worries Lala is he’s want of a younger woman, 84-year-old part-time in Beijing and meets several left her inland country hometown to of her life as a prostitute. Now her But before the trial, Ann’s younger the mountains to search for a group opposed opinions. Ten years later,
never seen his father. So Lala begins Jia always claims himself to be only famous rockers. Back home, he work. She marries a Hong Kong cook, father is critically ill. She’s given most daughter, Ling, is kidnapped. Ann is of armed robbers. In the deepest Taiwan was ceded to Japan after
to search for him, but soon he realizes 54. Qian, 77, who lost her husband realizes he’s different from the others. but wants a divorce when she finally of her money to her family, ready to go asked to drop all the charges against mountains, they spot the hiding place the ino-Japanese War. Tangxing led
that he has to return. When he learns two years ago, is said to be the most Xiao Ke’s father is the first pop music arrives in Hong Kong. These two girls back to Beijing…Time flies by, and the Cheung in exchange of her daughter’s of these illegal immigrants. But each the Hakka militiamen to fight the
that he was an orphan, he loves and beautiful woman with lots of wooers in editor in China. After his son died, he cross their roads at one point in their wheat is about to ripe again. But the freedom. Tong and Ann never get along, of them loses a teammate in chaos. Japanese troops. Then the militia was
appreciates his grandmother even the agency. Here, with the help of this led a simple life with his wife. What adventures, but they have absolutely constant raining makes it impossible but they finally decide to work together With different opinions on the rescue, annihilated. By the end of this fierce
more. But will he get a gun in time? agency, their dreams will finally come changed the course of China’s rock no idea that the other one exists. to harvest… to get Ling back. will they put aside their prejudice and battle, Taiwan was officially colonized.
true… music? work hand in hand?

6/27 新二 19.30 ★ 7/01 新三 11.00 7/03 新三 21.00 ★ 7/06 新三 13.00 ★ 7/09 新三 21.30 ★ 6/26 新二 21.20 7/03 新二 23.10 7/06 新二 16.00
6/30 新二 18.30 ★ 7/11 新三 14.00 7/05 新三 15.30 ★ 7/07 新三 18.30 ★ 7/11 新三 16.00 ★ 7/01 中山 19.30 7/06 新二 21.30

64 65
Selection of
台北異想 外賣 我的24小時-家庭 愛慕拼圖
Taipei 24h Take Out My 24 Hours Ii- Adoration

City Visions

鄭芬芬/鈕承澤/許榕容/程孝澤/李啓源/ 西恩•貝克 / 鄒時擎 製片統籌:李四端/楊順美/尚•路克•史拉克 艾騰 .

陳映蓉/安哲毅/李康生 Sean BAKER / TSOU Shih-ching LEE Sy-duan/ YANG Shun-mei/Jean-Luc SLOCK Atom EGOYAN
CHENG Feng-feng/NIU Cheng-zer/Debbie HSU/
2008 / USA / Digibeta / Color / 87’ 2009 / Taiwan / Digibeta / Color / 98’ 2008 / Canada / 35mm / Color / 100’
CHENG Hsiao-tse/LEE Chi Y./CHEN Yin-jung/
AN Je-yi/LEE Kang-sheng
2009 / Taiwan / Digibeta / Color / 94’ 2008 坎城影展天主教人道精神獎
2008 多倫多影展
2009 香港電影節


天亮不說早安,午休時的情慾,下班時的 包括李安在內的許多旅美華人導演都拍過 一個念頭,開展了富邦文教基金會《我的 中學老師拿一則新聞作為學生的翻譯習

夢遊,打烊後的夜市。從清晨到深夜,台北 唐人街中國餐館的題材。本片描述一名中 24小時》青少年拍片計畫。跨橫洲際,來自 題:一名約旦恐怖份子在懷孕女友的登機


都有不同的故事在發生。透過8位導演,8 國非法移民,面臨高利貸的無情討債,除了 日本、剛果、芬蘭、巴西、台灣的五國青少 行李裡置入炸彈。中學生將自己代入新聞

部劇情短片,將一天分成8個時段,接力詮 向朋友同事借錢之外,就只能靠在紐約街 年,各自拍攝代表自己世界的十分鐘,加 事件中,想像他就是懷孕女友腹中小孩,

釋一天24小時的台北故事。魔幻異想、探 頭送外賣來賺取工資抵債。生存的壓力直 上國際監製的《鏡頭之外》,我們再次聽 並在網路上披露此家族祕辛,卻意外引來

索記憶、溫潤感人、嘻笑怒罵,日復一日, 接而巨大,美國夢如此近又如此遙遠。這 到青春最真實的聲音,看到世界上不同的 海嘯般的討論聲浪。加拿大名導艾騰.伊
生活不過如此…。20年未演戲的蔡明亮, 部低成本的獨立電影以半劇情半紀錄的寫 生活樣貌、家人關係及同儕互動。 格言最新力新,以精湛的交叉剪輯技巧,

更特別為愛徒李康生下海演出。 實影像,生動地捕捉了外賣生活及餐館工 探索網路的虛擬曖昧。

City Visions

Dividing 24 hours in Taipei into 8 Ming Ding is an illegal Chinese A five-segment documentary introduces The film speaks to our connections-
segments, 8 filmmakers depict a day in immigrant working as a deliveryman the lives of 5 teenagers from different with each other, with our family
Taipei. It opens with Cheng Feng-feng's for a Chinese take-out shop in New countries. Sara from Japan carries a history, with technology and with the
upbeat and comic Share the Morning, and York City. In order to pay off his debt portable Shinto shrine. Congolese girl, modern world. Simon, a high school
has Li Kang-sheng running the final to the smugglers who brought him Vida, lives in a shelter, making a living by student, re-imagines that a news item
leg of this "relay" with Remembrance to the US, he needs to make more performing puppet shows in the street. is his family's story, with the terrorist
at 4am, with Tsai Ming-liang making than double his average daily income. A Finnish young couple have different standing in for his dead father. As he
a rare screen appearance visiting the Throughout the upper Manhattan plans for life while two Brazilian teens uses his new persona to participate
final night of a coffee shop. In between, neighborhood where social and lead polar opposite lives—one from the in the virtual communities on the
Miao Miao's Cheng Hsiao-tse tells a economic extremes exist side by side, slum and the other from the rich. As Internet, it triggers an avalanche of
puppy-love story, and DJ Chen's Dream the film presents a harsh and realistic for Zi-yun and Guan-de in Taiwan – she public attention. Sabine, the school
Walker takes a magical ride on Taiwan's look at the daily lives of illegal Chinese wishes to meet her favorite celebrity teacher, is determined to find out the
subway. immigrants nowadays. while he is missing his mom. truth...

6/30 新三 16.00 6/28 新三 13.00 7/02 新三 15.30 6/27 中山 11.00

7/09 新三 10.20 7/11 新二 18.00

我的陽光 My Only Sunshine

66 67
幸福的彼端 貝拉米犯罪事件簿 凱薩琳布蕾亞之藍鬍子 人骨旅店 漂丿男子漢 2 盲劍 蕾拉過生日 大世界小女兵
All Around Us Bellamy Bluebeard The Bone Man Crows Zero Ii Ichi Laila's Birthday Little Soldier

橋口亮輔 克勞德 .
夏布洛 凱薩琳 .
布蕾亞 沃夫岡 .
曼寧伯格 三池崇史 曾利文彥 拉希德 .
馬什拉維 安妮特 .
2008 / Japan / 35mm / Color / 140’ 2008 / France / 35mm / Color / 110’ 2009 / France / Digibeta / Color / 80’ 2008 / Austria / 35mm / Color / 121’ 2009 / Japan / 35mm / Color / 133’ 2008 / Japan / 35mm / Color / 120’ 2008 / Netherlands, Palestine, Tunisia, / 2008 / Denmark / 35mm / Color / 100’
35mm / Color / 72’

2008 多倫多影展 2009 柏林影展 2009 柏林影展 2009 柏林影展 2008 日刊體育報最佳女主角獎 2008 多倫多影展 2009 柏林影展天主教人道精神獎
2009 柏林影展 2008 加泰隆尼亞影展最佳亞洲電影 2008 倫敦電影節
2009 日本藍絲帶獎最佳女主角、

法庭裡描繪犯人圖像的畫家,每天要面對 陌生男子自稱罪犯,找上度假中的警探貝 失怙姊妹受邀來藍鬍子的城堡作客,未成 為了替朋友討回欠款,前偵探白納來到鄉 三池崇史挑戰自我極限,與人氣巨星小栗 一個只會殺人的女人,一個從未殺過人的 曾是審遍天下罪惡的法官,如今卻淪落到 《愛在你手心》丹 麥 知 名 女 導 演 最 新 力
偵查庭中的無情嫌犯,回到家又得面對精 拉米。貝拉米一面求證男子的話,也探訪 年的美麗妹妹雀屏中選,成為藍鬍子的下 間旅店尋人;另一邊,旅店老闆被混混勒 旬、山田孝之再度聯手,外加《戀空》三浦 男人,兩個完全相反的人,共同走向一個被 要向人借車去找工作,還是輛計程車!早 作,再展細膩凝視。從伊拉克戰場退役的

神崩潰的妻子,夫妻兩人 歷 經 彼 此的創 他的妻子與情婦;另方面讓他頭痛不已的 一任新娘,但她卻不知道,致命殺機正等 索,一怒之下乾脆殺人並且肢解屍體;而 春馬,保證帶來更血脈噴張的精彩打鬥。縣 惡霸騷擾的世界,兩顆孤單的心也彼此交 上離開家門之前,妻子叮嚀無論發生何事, 拉娣,離開軍隊後走投無路,幸好父親給

痛,在相互扶持之中,重燃光明與希望…。 弟弟也來會合。貝拉米原本不以為意,直 待著她…。本片由《羅曼史》
、《情慾二重奏》 旅店小開不爽老爸,千方百計要取代老爸 內聚集許多不良少年的鈴蘭高校,為了完成 會…。《乒乓》導演曾利文彥最新作品,找 都要帶著生日蛋糕和禮物回家,好為獨生 她一 份工作。原以為父 親 經營正當運 輸

Selection of City Visions

《20歲的微熱》導演橋口亮輔,結合初登 到看見弟弟與妻子存在某種曖昧…。善於 聞名的法國女導演凱薩琳.布蕾亞執導, 旅店老闆的地位。家族之間的秘辛,透過 畢業前制霸全校的心願,源治的下一個對手 來綾瀨遙詮釋高難度「女座頭市」盲劍客, 女蕾拉慶生。不過人算不如天算,這天的 業,沒 想 到卻要 她當父 親 女友 莉 莉的司
大銀幕的木村多江,與《東京鐵塔:老媽和 描繪人際微妙關係的法國新浪潮導演夏布 巧妙地解讀經典童話,透過兩個小女孩童 即將舉辦的狂歡派對,預示一場風雨欲來 是有「最強之男」之稱的林田惠。另外,鈴 並與大澤隆夫、中村獅童、窪塚洋介有精 「計程車生意」竟出奇地好…。巴勒斯坦 機,載著她到處接客。看慣客人百態之後,
我,有時還有老爸》作者Lily Franky,以 洛,再度端出好菜,邀請《大鼻子情聖》傑 言童語的對白,以及戲中戲的手法,重新 的高潮…。影片改編奧地利知名驚悚小 蘭高校遭到鳳仙學園的刺客攻擊,舊恨加 彩演出。堅毅美麗的女性形象,首度融入 籍 導演 用小市民 典 型的一 天,勾勒出以 拉娣不禁開始同情莉莉為扶養幼女而賺皮
橫跨日本十年間的社會變遷與家庭深情, 哈德.巴迪厄,以及《謊言的顏色》賈柯. 詮釋「藍鬍子」這個帶有殺妻名號的恐怖 說,驚嚇程度保證媲美《人肉叉燒包》。 上新仇,兩校之間又將掀起一場又一場的浴 盲劍客孤獨悲傷的心中。 巴緊張關係 之下,巴 勒斯 坦 人 民的生 活 肉錢的悲慘處境,強烈的正義感,讓她設
帶給你前所未有的感動。 甘柏林兩大影帝同台飆戲。 童話惡魔。 血戰爭…。 面貌。 法為莉莉脫離現境…。

Kanao, a courtroom portrait artist, Police chief Paul Bellamy spends his Fairy tales often have main characters A man called Horvath has vanished. Genji and his victorious G.P.S. alliance Ichi, a Japanese minstrel, is on a Abu Laila used to be a judge, but now After another mission abroad, the
silently observes the highest profile vacation at the family estate of his who are sort of serial killers: in other The last leasing instalment for his find themselves facing a new challenge journey to search for the man who he needs to find another job because young female soldier, Lotte returns
crimes and scandals of the 1990s and wife Francoise, despite her dreams of words, ogres. But Bluebeard is its car has not been paid. Reluctantly, by the students of Hosen Academy. brought her up. People try to take the government doesn’t have the home, disillusioned with life. All her
the decline of Japanese values. At home sailing the seven seas on a cruise ship. symbolic figure. In the 1950s, it was Brenner agrees to a request from his The two schools, in fact, have a history advantage of the fact that she is blind, means to pay him anymore. Driving life, she has wanted attention from
in joys of marriage, he quietly observes And this year, he has two excuses to Catherine’s favorite tale when she old friend Berti’s task of bringing back of bad blood between them. Now, the but Ichi fights back with her unusual the vehicle he borrows - a taxi, Abu her father. But he offers her a job as a
his wife’s first pregnancy. When their stay put: the unexpected arrival of fantasizes about being Princess Marie- Horvath‘s vehicle. The trip leads him simmering hatred is about to flare skills of swords inside her walking has to complete today’s missions, chauffeur for his Nigerian girlfriend,
child dies, the couple is shaken by the his half-brother Jacques, a rambling Catherine, Bluebeard’s last wife. She straight to the Löschenkohl, a country up again. Mobilizing around a new stick. An incident brings her to meet getting to a law firm to request an Lily. Reluctant at first, a new bizarre
tragedy but Kanao manages to stand by fellow with a drinking problem, and manages to escape the fate of all restaurant with a fine reputation for leader, Narumi Taiga, Hosen Academy Toma, who tries to save Ichi from offer and bringing back a birthday cake everyday begins and slowly the two
his wife as she sinks into depression. a man on the run who shows up, those he hung before her because roast chicken. The only sign of Horvath prepares to re-open old wounds with a fight but ends up being saved by for his daughter, Laila, who turns 10 women get to know each other.
He calmly guides her towards recovery demanding Bellamy’s protection. Paul she is the virgin princess that the ogre that Brenner finds is a glimpse of an all-out assault on Suzuran High Ichi instead. The two start to travel years old today. However, turning into Lotte learns that Lily is working as
during this grueling experience. As they ends up giving them much of his time cannot make up his mind to kill. This his leased car – which soon vanishes School. together and come upon a village led a taxi driver in Palestine is not what a prostitute to support her little girl
endure, hope slowly unfolds and their and efforts… hesitation spells fatal doom for the without a trace… by the inhuman and heartless Banki… Abu expects… back in Nigeria, and things take an
love story flickers to life once again. ogre. unexpected turn.

6/30 中山 19.30 ★ ▲ 6/29 中山 13.30 6/26 新三 22.40 7/05 中山 16.30 6/27 新三 21.30 6/29 新二 13.30 ▲ 6/26 新二 19.30 6/27 中山 16.00
7/04 新二 10.30 7/02 新三 21.40 7/07 中山 19.30 6/29 新三 19.00 7/01 新二 22.00 ▲ 6/29 中山 16.00 7/10 中山 14.00
7/09 中山 19.30 7/10 新三 20.30 7/10 新二 22.00
68 69
媽咪去洗頭 我的陽光 澳洲B片真牛B 抵擋太平洋的堤壩 愁男卡拉OK 不能飛的鳥 沒問題俠客 沒問題俠客修理世界
Mommy Is At The My Only Sunshine Not Quite The Sea Wall Three Wise Men The Wingless The Yes Men The Yes Men Fix The
Hairdresser’s Hollywood Swallow World

蕾雅 .
普爾 雷哈•艾丹 馬克•哈特利 潘•禮德 米卡 .
郭利斯馬基 小出正雪 丹 .奧爾曼/莎拉 .普萊斯/克里斯 .史密斯 安迪 .畢裘邦/麥克 .波南諾/科特 .恩費爾

2008 / Canada / 35mm / Color / 97’ 2008 / Bulgaria, Greece, Turkey / 2008 / Australia, USA / 35mm / 2008 / Belgium, Cambodia, France / 2008 / Finland / 35mm / Color / 95’ 2009 / Japan, Taiwan / 35mm /Color / 25’ 2003 / USA / Digibeta / Color / 83’ 2009 / USA / Digibeta / Color / 85’
35mm / Color / 121’ Color / 102’ 35mm / Color / 115’

2008 釜山影展 2008 土耳其安塔利亞影展特別獎 2008 多倫多影展 2008 多倫多影展 2008 釜山影展 2004 柏林影展 2009 柏林影展觀眾票選最佳影片
2009 鹿特丹影展 2008 柏林影展每日鏡報讀者獎 2008 澳洲電影學會最佳紀錄片 2009 香港電影節 2008 多倫多影展 2004 美國喜劇電影節最佳紀錄片 2009 日舞影展
2009 新加坡電影節 2009 香港電影節 2008 愛沙尼亞國際影展最佳男演員 2004 阿姆斯特丹紀錄片影展觀眾票選獎

1966年夏天,迎接暑假到來的三姊弟,一 土耳其電影詩人雷哈•艾丹的最新作品。 早在妮可.基嫚、凱特.布蘭琪、休.傑克 取材知名女作家莒哈絲寫在《情人》前的 聖誕夜裡,三個芬蘭中年男子齊聚在卡拉 初在畫壇成名的女繪本作家,出版社希望 一 群「反 財 團 惡 搞 運 動 者」架 設了諷 刺 「沒問題俠 客」再 度 出 擊!這 次 他 們 和
如往常地嬉戲玩樂,與家人討論暑 假的 含苞待放的海雅,與單親父親和躺在病床 曼等澳洲星光幫紅到好萊塢前,澳洲通俗 同名小說,為柬埔寨知名導演潘.禮德新 OK酒吧裡。三人各懷心事,在舉家歡聚的 在她的第二部作品當中,能多加一些倫理 W TO的山寨網站,原本只想突顯 企業的 《華氏9 11》的剪接師合作,化身跨國企

旅遊計劃。看似和樂的家庭,直到母親意 上的祖父相依為命,平時靠父親的小艇載 電影就大舉進佔好萊塢製作基底。情色意 作。法屬印度支那時期,伊莎貝.雨蓓飾 氛圍中,只能苦悶地借酒澆愁。酒酣歌暢 親情元素。不過對於從小身在單親家庭的 貪婪與自由貿易背後的光怪陸離,沒想到 業發言人,突顯企業的貪婪,混充政府官員,

之際,心防漸卸,祕密開始脫口而出,眼看 她來說,這無非是創作上最大的弱點,於 竟有人信以為真,邀請他們參加商務研討 揭露政府的顢頇,並成功騙倒BBC,在全

Selection of City Visions

外得 知父 親不可告人的祕 密 後,逐漸崩 送客人,以及跟貨輪進行非法交易維生。 象、恐怖驚悚、暴力血腥無孔不入,並深深 演的農場女主人,她必須無奈面對海水倒
解…。以《13歲的情人》榮獲柏林影展評審 生活雖然幽暗無趣,不過一個娃娃,一位 影響當今好萊塢。且看昆汀.塔倫提諾、潔 灌、稻米歉收、殖民政府的官僚作風、奸商 著場面即將失控,空氣中瀰漫一股即將爆 是她決定前往偏遠圖書館尋找靈感,也尋 會。這個天大的惡搞良機當然不容錯過, 球三億觀眾面前接受現場專訪,還讓大企
團大獎的蕾雅.普爾,這回透過小孩們的 暗戀她的男孩,也讓苦悶的海雅找到抒發 美.李.寇蒂斯、丹尼斯.哈潑等重量級影 的利慾薰心、兒女的紛擾情事。心力交瘁 發的火藥味…。芬蘭大導米卡.郭利斯馬 找她心裡遺忘的記憶。台日兩國共製電影, 於是他們以WTO代表之姿對他們厭惡的財 業的股票市值人間蒸發20億美金!俠客們
無奈答話,充分展現二戰之後逐漸瀰漫的 出口。一日,父親被警察逮捕了,海雅的 人現身說法,重現他們心中的經典影像畫 之下,唯一的出路是指望一對俊美兒女,用 基的冷幽默風格再度披掛上陣,大開聖誕 結合繪本形式及豐富影像色彩,濃厚的鄉 團胡謅瞎掰,一屋子不明究理的財經高手 這次更搞出「萬能活命球」,就算再來兩三
保守氛圍,並譏諷當時社會的道德假面。 未來將會如何?恬淡的電影節奏,傳達日 面。是一部裸體橫飛、驚嚇處處的紀錄片, 婚姻來拯救家園…。 傳說東方三賢的玩笑,成為家家有本難唸 野幻想,讓全片充滿濃濃的台灣味道。 竟也聽得頭頭是道。「正義有理,惡搞無罪!」 個911恐怖攻擊或卡崔娜颶風,也絕對保
常生活中的荒謬樂趣。 膽小及衛道人士勿試。 經的現代失落男。 他們正是「沒問題俠客」! 你平安!

It’s summer 1966. Time to enjoy summer Hayat, her father and bedridden Free-wheelin’ sex romps! Bloodsoaked Indochina 1931, the Siam Golf. A small Matti , a police inspector, Erkki, a Yuan is a young female illustrator. She Andy and Mike set up a spoof website Equally shocking and hilarious, The Yes
vacation, total freedom, running wild in grandfather live in a riverside shack near terror tales! High-octane action family strives against destitution. The photographer, and Rauno, an actor, became famous right after her first modeled on that of the WTO. Some Men Fix The World is directed by The Yes
the fields, and crazy giggles with friends. the dangerously dark but breathtakingly extravaganzas! They’re the main mother realizes that the departure of are childhood friends who lost touch book was published. Then the publisher visitors send invitations meant for the Men (Andy Bichlbaum and Mike Bonanno)
Bust as she becomes more aware of beautiful waters of the Bosphorus. ingredients of Not Quite Hollywood, the her two grown children, Joseph 20 and growing up. They meet coincidentally wants her to add more family stuff to real thing. They gleefully play along with in collaboration with Bowling for Columbine
the dreams, Elise sees her mother’s Hayat's father owns a small boat that first detailed examination and celebration Suzanne 16, is ineluctable. Deceived on a Christmas Eve in Helsinki and her second work. However, she comes the ruse and find themselves attending and Fahrenheit 911 editor Kurt Engfehr,
sudden abandonment thoroughly disrupt secures the family's survival through a of Australian genre cinema of the 70s and by the colonial administration, she spend the night together in a karaoke from a single-parent family, never important functions as official WTO who co-directs. Through this blistering
her family. While her brother, Coco, miscellany of not always lawful ventures. 80s. Full of outrageous anecdotes, a large invests all of her savings in worthless, bar. Amid drinking and singing, they knowing what it is like to have a family representatives. Delighted to speak as feature documentary, we nervously follow
stubbornly seeks refuge in constructing Hayat's life is harsh and unrelenting, cast of local and International names and regularly flooded farmland. Driven tell about the joys and sorrows of with both parents. That’s when she the organization they oppose, they set the daring political pranks of two gonzo
a super car, the youngest, Benoît, but she has an instinct for survival. Her a genuine, infectious love of Australian to fight against the corrupted their lives, revealing some painful decides to look for her inspiration in out to shock their unwitting audiences activists as they take on the fake identity of
plummets deep into his own internal capacity for courage, endurance and movies, this is a fast-moving journey bureaucrats who conned her, she puts experiences, and even tearing their a remote library, in search of her lost with outrageous, darkly comic satires corporate executives in a bid to highlight the
world, retreating even further in the hope in the face of these trials suggest through an unjustly forgotten cinematic era into place a crazy scheme: building a friendship apart. When a mysterious memories at the same time… on global free trade. Weirdly, the experts greed and brutal selfishness of some of the
furnace room. As for her father, he is that there is life despite the manifold that was unashamedly packed full of boobs, dam against the sea with the help of woman enters the bar, the events take don’t notice the joke and seem to agree world’s biggest and most powerful multi-
simply overwhelmed by the situation… injustice of an unjust world. pubes, tubes… and even a little kung fu. the villagers... a dramatic turn. with whatever appalling idea. national corporations.

7/02 新二 22.00 6/26 新二 10.30 6/28 中山 16.00 6/27 中山 19.30 7/07 新二 10.30 6/28 新三 13.00 ★ ▲ 6/27 新三 16.30 ★ 6/28 新三 21.30 ★

7/07 中山 14.00 6/28 中山 13.10 7/07 新二 22.00 7/04 中山 16.30 7/11 新二 15.30 6/29 新三 13.30 ★ 6/29 新三 16.00 ★

7/01 新二 16.30 7/09 新二 21.00 7/10 新二 10.30

70 71
原鄉陌路 山中傳奇 空山靈雨 蝴蝶夫人 鏡花水月
Yuri’s Day Legend Of The Raining In The Madam Butterfly Flowers In The Mirror,
Mountain Mountain Moon In The Water :


基里爾 .
賽勒布倫尼科夫 胡金銓 胡金銓 蔡明亮 法蘭柯 .
Kirill SEREBRENNIKOV King HU King HU TSAI Ming-liang Francois LUNEL
2008 / Germany, Russia / 35mm / 1979 / Taiwan / Betacam / Color / 184’ 1979 / HK, Taiwan / 35mm / Color / 120’ 2008 / France, Taiwan / Digibeta / Color / 35’ 2009 / France, Taiwan / Digibeta / Color / 50’
Color / 130’

2008 盧卡諾影展 1979 金馬獎最佳劇情片、導演、攝影、 1979 香港電影節開幕片

2008 華沙國際影展最佳影片 美術設計、配樂、錄音

2009 鹿特丹影展


美麗的歌劇女伶露巴,帶著兒子安德烈回 胡金銓奠定大師地位的代表作,全片遠赴 本片與《山中傳奇》於同一年在韓國完成, 蔡明亮重新詮釋普契尼的《蝴蝶夫人》, 蔡明亮接受法國羅浮宮的邀約,拍攝《臉》,

到暌違廿年的故鄉,母子兩人在冰天雪地 韓國深山拍攝外景,劇情描述宋代書生何 展現導演高度美學運鏡技巧,故事敘述明 邀請《黑眼圈》主角蔡寶珠主演。風韻猶 特別邀請多位楚浮生前合作的演員與蔡導


裡發生口角,沒想到露巴一覺醒來卻發現 雲青隻身前往西山抄寫佛經以超渡亡靈, 朝中葉三寶寺住持智嚴自知圓寂將至,遂 存的寶珠到吉隆坡跟她的男人幽會,第二 的班底,外加名模蕾蒂莎.卡斯塔一起演

兒子失蹤。報警未果之下,隔天竟收到前 沿途誤陷鬼怪的美人計而不知情,竟與女 安排選拔衣缽弟子。僧俗人等窺伺鎮寺佛 天男人不見了,留下一長串的帳單讓她去 出。《鏡花水月》記錄了蔡導在羅浮宮拍攝

Special Program
往認屍的通知…。卡夫卡小說式的荒謬情 鬼 樂娘 結為夫妻。爾後引來眾鬼搶奪 經 經已久,各懷鬼胎,智嚴因此將衣缽傳給 埋。現在連回家的車資都不夠了,只好在 《臉》的過程,他說道拍攝該片猶如創作
境,搭配英格瑪.伯格曼式的鏡頭運作,娓 文,愛慕何雲青的女鬼依雲出面搭救,展 剃度不久的流犯邱明,卻使邱明成為眾矢 喧雜的車站裡不停打電話找男人大吵。整 巨幅的畫,沒有觀眾習慣的戲劇性邏輯,
娓刻畫一位母親心路歷程的起伏轉折。 開一場驚心動魄的對決。全片水墨畫般地 之的。本片拷貝取得不易,少有公開放映 個車站的人好像都知道她的事,跟她同桌 直接呈現夢境與現實的交錯。角色在創作

of City Visions
場景,意境深遠,30年後觀賞仍覺震撼。 的機會。此次為30週年映演,拷貝遠從法 吃麵的一對賣唱盲人夫妻很同情卻幫不上 世界和真實世界中穿梭,並在不同的角色
國調度而來。 忙,只好用歌聲來安撫寶珠。 之間遊走。

The successful opera diva Lyuba takes This film is inspired by the supernatural In the middle of Ming Dynasty, an Baozhu, a married woman, comes Making a film is similar to painting.
a last trip to the remote town of Yuriev tales in Song Dynasty. A scholar is abbot realizes he’s going to die soon. all the way to Kuala Lumpur to meet The only difference is that film is a
in the middle of nowhere. Wanting to commissioned to copy some Buddhist So he starts to look for his heir among her secret lover. When she wakes up larger work, without any familiar
sell all her property here she uses the scriptures to raise the dead from suffering. his disciples. However, he chooses an the next day, the man is gone, leaving logics. The director tries to interweave
opportunity to show her adolescent He travels to the Western China but is ex-convict Ming Qiu, who has become her a pile of unpaid bills. She can’t d re a m s a n d re a l i t y t o m a k e i t
son Andrey, where she grew up in unfortunately tricked by the evil spirits, a Buddhist monk not long ago. Now, afford to go back home and is forced to an illusion for the audience. His
order to finally leave her hometown incarnated as two beautiful women. But Ming Qiu becomes the target of all search everywhere for her man. Then characters in the film jump between
behind forever. Mother and son which one of them is truly in love with those who covet for the most well- she fights with him over cell phone in the fictitious world and the real one,
wander aimlessly through the streets him? Supernatural things happen one known Buddhist scripture in the a bustling bus station. No one around among their different roles. He focuses
of this alienated place until something after another, and the scholar has no monastery. He takes the responsibility her can do anything to help. Only the on how to turn death or the conflicted
unforeseen happens and Andrey other choice but to seek help from a Taoist to guard the scripture. At last, he street music performers can sing to feelings into his inspirations, and how
disappears mysteriously. priest. A battle between human beings burns it to keep it away from the evil. comfort her. to erase the thin line between death
and ghosts thereby begins. and dreams…

7/03 中山 11.00 7/03 新二 13.00 ★ 6/28 新二 10.00 ▲ 6/28 新三 19.00 ★ ▲ 6/28 新三 19.00 ★ ▲
7/08 新二 16.00 7/09 新二 13.00 ★ ▲ 7/04 新三 10.50 ▲ 7/04 新三 10.50 ▲

東邪西毒終極版 Ashes Of Time Redux

72 73
東邪西毒終極版 走出寂靜 練習曲 戀戀茉莉香
Ashes Of Time Redux Beyond Silence Island Etude Talentime

王家衛 卡洛琳 .
林克 陳懷恩 雅絲敏 .
WONG Kar-wai Caroline LINK En CHEN Yasmin AHMAD
2008 / HK / 35mm / Color / 90’ 1996 / Germany / 35mm / Color / 109’ 2006 / Taiwan / 35mm / Color / 108’ 2008 / Malaysia / 35mm / Color / 117’

2008 坎城影展 1997 德國電影獎最佳女演員 2007 台北電影獎媒體推薦獎 2009 香港電影節

2008 多倫多影展 1997 東京影展最佳影片、最佳劇本
2009 香港電影節 1998 奧斯卡最佳外語片提名

茫茫大漠,時間如流動的沙。黃藥師為歐 描述聽障世界的經典之作。一對失聰的父 「有些事現在不做,一輩子都不會做了。」 校園舉辦才藝星光大道,幾位中學生最有
陽鋒帶來一酲叫「醉生夢死」的酒,說喝 母生了一個有音樂天分的女兒萊拉,父母 明相在大學畢業前夕,背著吉他,獨自在 機會奪魁:母親臥病在床的馬來男孩哈菲
過後就能忘記過去。每個人都有希望忘記 一直仰賴貼心的女兒做為與外界溝通的橋 台灣展開七天六夜的鐵馬環島旅程。他從 斯;承受完美主義父親壓力的華裔男孩家
Special Program

的往事,但當真正喝醉之時,他們發現愈 樑,直到有一天,萊拉的音樂天份被姑姑 高雄出發,自東岸到西岸,旅途上偶遇不 豪;喜愛幻想寫詩、家庭幸福美滿的英馬

Special Program
想忘記,就愈記得刻骨銘心。歐陽鋒、黃藥 發現,於是姑姑送她一只黑管,進而開啟 同的人事物,彼此短暫的人生交疊,盪漾 混血女孩茉莉,以及負責接送茉莉的印度
師、慕容燕、盲劍客、洪七、桃花…他們在 了她的音樂世界,卻也考驗了活在無聲世 著豐富深厚的情感。島國獨有的山水相依 聽障男孩馬赫西。延續導演雅絲敏.阿莫
蒼茫的風沙中相逢,又離開。在這場愛恨 界的父母親與女兒的信賴關係。,影片的 景致為背景,一部充滿台灣生命與熱情的 的一貫特 色,除了宗 教 與 種 族的多元 之
癡纏的戰爭中,沒有勝利者。相濡以沫,不 運鏡與配樂天衣無縫,一場女兒用肢體為 電影,侯孝賢導演長期合作攝影師陳懷恩 外,更加上在聽覺障礙世界裡的愛情,勾
如相忘於江湖。 父親描述音樂之美的戲更讓人動容。 初執導演筒之作。 勒一個多元豐富的馬來社會。

Ashes of Time is inspired by Louis Cha's Lara’s parents are both deaf. Since The story is about a hearing-impaired A Talentime campus competition
novel, The Eagle-Shooting Heroes. It little, she has served as a kind of foreign young man who decided to embark o rg a n i z e d b y C i kg u A d i b a h h a s
centers on a man named Ouyang Feng. minister for her family, translating and on a 7 day round-island bicycle trip matched two hearts - that of Melur, a
Since the woman he loves rejected negotiating for them even in the most all by himself before graduating Malay-mixed girl and an Indian male
him, he has lived in the western absurd situations. When Lara receives from college. He starts off from the student, Mahesh. Another of the seven
desert, hiring skilled swordsmen a clarinet as a gift from her aunt, she city Kaohsiung and travels around finalists, Melur plays the piano whilst
to carry out contract killings. His begins to discover the wonder of music. the Island of Taiwan counter-clock singing with her melodious voice.
wounded heart has made him pitiless Her father observes this development wise. In the 7 short days, he meets Likewise, Hafiz is enthralled by his
and cynical, but his encounters with and fears losing his daughter to a world 12 fascinating travelers, experiences vocalist talent which complements his
friends, clients and future enemies he has no access to. When Lara decides deep and rich emotions and sees the guitar skills, yet he needs to divide his
make him conscious of his solitude... to attend a music conservatory, her beautiful shorelines of the Island. time between school and mother, who
difficult and painful process of leaving is hospitalized for brain tumor.
home begins.

6/27 中山 13.30 7/01 新二 10.30 7/06 新二 10.30 6/28 中山 19.30 ★

7/04 新二 22.00 7/07 中山 11.00 7/03 中山 19.30 ★

7/10 中山 17.00
74 75
2009第11屆台北電影節 Taipei Film Festival

台北電影節主席 侯孝賢 財團法人台北市文化基金會 財團法人台北市文化基金會

台北電影節執行團隊 台北市電影委員會
臺北市長 郝龍斌
董事長 台北市電影委員會 王小棣
台北電影節諮詢委員 小 野 吳清基
執行長 電影界咨詢委員 王 童
王耿瑜 李永萍
副執行長暨台北電影節總監 邱正生 李祐寧
王 童
策展人 游惠貞 侯孝賢
張昌彥 陳志寬
整合行銷總監 陳玉秀
郭力昕 媒體宣傳統籌 陳鴻元
陳儒修 行政統籌 黃文英
林 舒
黃建業 行政專員 賴美君 黃建業
蕭菊貞 節目策劃 周郁文 劉嘉明
藍祖蔚 國際聯絡 李佳蓉
國際聯絡/國際青年導演獎統籌 林汝霖 總監 饒紫娟
台北電影獎統籌 麥若愚 國際專員 周明儀
台北電影獎執行暨字幕統籌 張淑媜 製片經理 王萱儀
台北電影獎執行 徐樹翔 專案經理 蔡筱蘋
活動企劃 王元希 活動專員 江郁華/封薇慈
局長 李永萍
編輯 鄧甯之 行政專員 蕭豫美

2009 11th
副局長 陳冠甫 英文編輯 陳 婷 國片新勢力策劃 王耿瑜/林妍嫻
專門委員 王逸群 網站編輯 許智寬

科長 楊秀玉 接待統籌 彭玫瑜 視覺設計 風泉設計有限公司
視察 郭佩瑜 映演統籌 胡延凱 黃維瀚/魏延芳
股長 李順霖 現場執行 呂彤暄 陳汶軍/邱育峰
副研究員 放映管控 李志宜

Taipei Film Festival

拷貝統籌 黃于真
票務統籌 節目手冊文案 吳奇龍/吳俊輝
媒體宣傳 劉孋瑩 貧窮男/陳俊蓉
網站技術暨行銷統籌 黃芝瑩 游惠君/黃銘正
網站技術統籌 王雪芳 楊元鈴/黃庭輔
網站技術企劃 甘博平 蘇瑞琴
行銷統籌 石文齡
活動企劃 王靖儀 2009第11屆台北電影節 Taipei Film Festival
行銷企劃 董慧如 WEB http: // /
文宣企劃 王依雯 BLOG http: //
視覺統籌 郭孟瑄 E-MAIL
行銷助理 劉佳昆
TEL 02-25281077
電影主題公園活動策劃 鍾兆佳

76 77

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