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Property Causes Validation Command Argument Command Name Confirmation

Controller Description Group Id

Header Text Id

Roles Scope When Client Script (JavaScript) When HRef (Regex) When Key Selected When Last Command Name When Last Command Argument When Tag (Regex) When View (Regex)

Description Specifies that the action will cause validation. Xc nh rng hnh ng s gy ra xc nhn. Specifies an argument for the action. Can be used as a tag or specifies the view for supported actions. Xc nh mt i s cho hnh ng. C th c s dng nh mt th hoc xc nh xem nhng hnh ng h tr. Specifies the command of the action. Quy nh c th cc lnh ca hnh ng. When not blank, will display a confirmation window with the specified text. Can also be used to call a modal form. Khi khng c trng, s hin th mt ca s xc nhn vi cc vn bn quy nh. Cng c th c s dng gi mt dng phng thc. Displays the controller of the action. Hin th cc iu khin ca hnh ng. Specifies a description for the action when supported. Quy nh c th m t cho hnh ng khi c h tr. Displays the action group of the action. Can be changed using drag and drop commands in the Project Explorer. Hin th cc nhm hnh ng ca hnh ng. C th c thay i bng cch ko v th cc lnh trong Project Explorer. Specifies the text displayed on the action button Quy nh c th cc vn bn hin th trn cc nt hnh ng.. Displays the unique identifier of the action. Can be changed using Rename context menu option in the Project Explorer. Hin th cc nh danh duy nht ca hnh ng. C th c thay i s dng i tn ty chn trnh n ng cnh trong Project Explorer. Specifies the user roles that are permitted access to the action. Xc nh vai tr ngi dng c php truy cp vo cc hnh ng. Displays the scope of the action group. Hin th phm vi ca nhm hnh ng. Specifies a JavaScript expression that must evaluate to true in order for the action to be displayed. Xc nh mt biu thc JavaScript m phi nh gi ng s tht cho cc hnh ng c hin th. Specifies a regular expression that must match the page URL in order for the action to be displayed. Ch nh mt biu hin thng xuyn phi ph hp vi URL trang cho cc hnh ng c hin th. Specifies that the action will be displayed when a record is selected. Xc nh rng hnh ng s c hin th khi mt bn ghi c chn. Specifies which command the action will be displayed after. Ch nh lnh hnh ng s c hin th sau. Specifies which command argument the action will be displayed after. Ch nh i s lnh hnh ng s c hin th sau. Specifies a regular expression that must match the current view Tag in order for the action to be displayed. Ch nh mt biu hin thng xuyn phi ph hp viTag xem hin ti cc hnh ng c hin th. Specifies a regular expression that must match the current view Id in order for the action to be displayed. Ch nh mt biu hin thng xuyn phi ph hp vi Idxem hin ti cc hnh ng c hin th.

Learn to work with actions in the Project Designer.

Learn to drag and drop actions in the Project Explorer. Common Tasks: Task Client Script Description Learn how to implement an action that will execute custom JavaScript code. Tm hiu cch thc hin mt hnh ng m s thc thi m JavaScript tu chnh. Learn how to implement a custom action that will execute an SQL business rule. Tm hiu cch thc hin mt hnh ng ty chnh m s thc hin mt quy tc kinh doanh SQL. Learn how to dynamically display different actions based on field values. Tm hiu lm th no t ng hin th cc hnh ng khc nhau da trn gi tr trng.

Calculating Values

Multiple Edit Forms

Changing a Hidden Foreign Key Learn how to implement a custom action that Field will change a hidden foreign key field. Tm hiu cch thc hin mt hnh ng ty chnh m s thay i mt lnh vc trng im nc ngoi n. Simple Confirmation Learn how to implement a simple confirmation. Tm hiu cch thc hin mt xc nhn n gin. Learn how to implement a modal form confirmation. Tm hiu cch thc hin mt hnh thc xc nhn phng thc.

Modal Form Confirmation

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