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Chapter 4 Job Oriented Approach : Work Activities Machine Equipment & Work Aids Job Context Employee Oriented

ted Approach: Human Behaviour Performance Standard Human Requirement Job Analysis : 1. Job Description : List of task given from company 2. Job Spefication : List of requirement, skill, knowledge , qualification, experience (From Applicant) Step in Job Analysis : 1. Decide the information 2. Review the work background 3. Select the position 4. Analyze the job 5. Verify the information 6. Develop Job Desc & Job Spec Method of collecting Job Analysis 1. Interview Adv : Quick & Directly get the information Dis : Lie Information(Distort) 2. Questionaire Adv : Quick & Efficient if many employee Dis : Money & Time Consume to prepare and test the questionaire 3. Observation Adv : first hand information Dis : time consume & difficult to see the entire work cycle 4. Participant Diary/Logs Adv : More complete of the job picture Dis : Lie Information(Distort) & Depends from the employee to recall the daily activity Section of a typical job desc : Job Description Job Summary Responsibility & Duties Authority(Kewenangan) Standard of Performance Working Condition Relationships Dejobbing

1. Job Enlargement(Horizontal) : give more job but same payment & same level 2. Job Enrichment(Vertical) : higher level(supervisor) but same payment 3. Job Rotation : moving to other department to learn a lot of things Internal Factor of Dejobbing : Teamwork Small company(Flatter Organization External Factor of Dejobbing : Political Technology Type of Competency 1. General ( Reading, Writing & Math) 2. Leadership(Leadership, thinking, teaching) 3. Technical(spesific type of skill needed for the job) Chapter 5 4 Method of Recruiting Internal: Promotion Adv : already know the skill, knowledge & potential Dis : If Fail, disatisfied Job Posting Rehiring Former Employee(Ex Employee) Adv : know the quality & the working enviroment Dis : less attitude & can give wrong information Employees Referral(Recommendation) External : 1. Advertising(Ads) 2. Agency Adv : Paid only work, more productive , no spent money in recruiting Dis : fees paid to the agency & lack of commitment 3. College recruiting (On site visit yang seperti di IT&B & Internship(Kerja Praktek)) 4. Employees Referral(Recommendation) 5. Electronic Recruiting Adv : more cheaper, more applicant, immediate respons & online prescreening Chapter 6 Why Need Background Check : To verivy the information that provided by the applicant is real and to uncover the damaging information How to make the checking more useful : 1. Sign the form of application 2. Telephone Reference 3. Persistent in obtain the information 4. Ask the information again and again

5. Use reference that provided by the candidate as source(biasanya manager perusahaan yang lama atau pemilik yang lama) Polygraph & Graphology Polygraph is prohibited by the law of 1988 for the employer to test the applicant and also prohibit to use mechanic or electrical device including stress evaluators and voice stress analyzer. But polygraph can be used for : 1. National security & defense 2. Dept of Energy(Nuclear Power) 3. Access to high information 4. FBI, CIA(Intelligent Dept) 5. Private security 6. Person who access to drugs 7. Investigation involving the economic loss or employers business Graphology is a reflect basic personality traits which have its own criteria of writing by the person which represent his/her personality Chapter 7 Type of interview Selection(Before Selected) Appraisal(After Selected & Already work(Penilaian kinerja kerja)) Exit Interview Format Structure Unstructure Mixed Type of Question in Interview Situational(You never happened it before) -> Behaviour Behaviour(You ever happened it before) -> Behaviour Job Related(You ever happened it before) -> Daily Activity & Work Stress(To make a person unconfortable & to see his/ her personality) Puzzle(Think the answer out of the box / how creative) Administering the interview Individual (1 on 1) Sequantial (many(usually 3 questioner) and 1 applicant) Panel(many(usually 3 questioner) on many(2/3 apllicant) Mass(many on many ; e.g : Press Conference) Factor Affect Interview First Impression Misunderstand the job

Pressure to hire(comes from the upper management) Non verbal behaviour & impression management Effect of personal characteristic : Attractive, gender, race, color, nationality Interviewer behaviour affect interview outcomes

Structure to interview Question base on job Use the job knowledge, situational, behaviour qeustion Train interview Use the same question to all candidate Prepare the interview Secure a private room Review the apllicant apllication & resume Review job spec Establish rapport : put the apllicant relax Ask Question : not to ask the yes or no question Chapter 8 Employee Orientation : A procedure to provide new employee with basic background of the company Orientation Content Infromation employee benefits Personnel policies Daily Routine Company organization & operation Safety measure & regulation Facilities 4 thing for new employees that make the orientation success Make new employee welcome & relax Help them to understand the organization in abroad prespective Make clear what is expected Help them to socialize with co-worker Strategic context of training Distance learning based Teletraining Videoconference Training via internet On the job(At the work place)

Job rotation Coaching (with senior) Action(special assignment) Off the job(Outside from the workplace) Case study Management games Seminar Role playing(drama) In house develoment centers

Make the learning meaningful Provide birds eye view of the material Use variety familiar examples Organize the information logically and in meaningful ways Use term & concept Use many visual aids Make skill transfer easy Max the similarity between training and working situation Provide enough practice Identify each feature of machine in step process Direct attention to important aspect of the job Motivate the learner People learn by realistic practice Learn at their own best pace(speed) Schecule the work Adv of On the Job Training (OJT) Immediate feed back Safe cost Dis of OJT Disturb your workplace High risk Training Method Apprenticeship training (learn combination of teory & practical) e.g : Donald Trump Apprentice Informal learning(learn accidentally) Job instruction training(JIT) (learn step by step) Effective Lectures(Use signals, give conclusion, maintain eye contact with trainees, control your hand) Chapter 9

Performance Appraisal : the process of determine how well an employee is performing the job Why needed? -> For performance mangement process, useful for career planning, affect salary raise decision HR Dept in Appraisal Performance As Advisory role Give & assist Advice Prepare the form & procedure Responsible for training supervisor Responsible to monitoring the system Supervisor in Appraisal Performance Do actual appraising Must familiar with appraising techniques Must understand and avoid cripple appraisal Must know how to conduct appraisal Steps in Appraise Performance 1. Define the job 2. Appraise performance 3. Provide feedback What to measure Appraisal? Work out Personal competencies(Skill, knowledge, behaviour) Goal How to measure? Graphic rating scale(seperti yang di IT&B ada comment) Alternation ranking(decide by rank) Paired comparison(comparing one to another) Potential Rating Scale Appraisal Problems Unclear Standrads Halo Effect(Bias) / if you see one person good, the you will judge him forever as a good man although he is a killer or something Central tendency(rate all employee in the same way) Strictness(no tolerate) & Leniency (tolerate) Bias Who should do appraisal? Supervisor Peer (Co-worker)

Rating commitees (judge) Self Rating Subordinate How to conduct Appraisal interview? File ready in advance Talk to the point Dont get personal

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