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Department of Electrical Engineering Advanced Power System-I SUB CODE: 170905

INDEX Sr. No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Aim of the Experiment MATLAB Simulation Based Automatic Generation Control (AGC). MATLAB Simulation Based Automatic Voltage Regulator (AVR). The HVDC Projects presently in service in INDIA. Study of reactive power control using shunt compensation and series compensation. Study of Thyristor Controlled Rectifier Using MATLAB Simulink. Study of Thyristor Switched Capacitor Using MATLAB Simulink. Study of HVDC Transmission. Design of SIX Pulse Converter Using MATLAB Simulink. Design of Twelve Pulse Converter Using MATLAB Simulink.


Department of Electrical Engineering Advanced Power System-I SUB CODE: 170905

PRACTICAL NO. 1 Aim: MATLAB Simulation Based Automatic Generation Control (AGC) Automatic Generation Control (AGC): The megawatt (MW) output of a generator is regulated by controlling the driving torque, Tm, provided by a prime-mover turbine. In a conventional electromechanical system, it could be a steam or a hydraulic turbine. The needed change in the turbine-output torque is achieved by controlling the steam/ water input into the turbine. Therefore, in situations where the output exceeds or falls below the input, a speed-governing system senses the deviation in the generator speed because of the load-generation mismatch, adjusts the mechanical driving torque to restore the power balance, and returns the operating speed to its rated value. The speed-governor output is invariably taken through several stages of mechanical amplification for controlling the inlet (steam/ water) valve/ gate of the driving turbine. Figure 1.1 shows the basic speed-governing system of a generator supplying an isolated load. The operation of this basic feedback-control system is enhanced by adding further control inputs to help control the frequency of a large interconnection. In that role, the control system becomes an automatic generation control (AGC) with supplementary signals.

Fig: 1.1 speed-governor system. To avoid competing control actions, in a multi generator unit station each speed-governor system is provided with droop (R) characteristics through a proportional feedback loop (R Figure shows an AGC on the principal generating unit with supplementary control. In contrast, the second, third, and remaining generating units in a multiunit station operate with their basic AGCs. In a complex interconnected system, the supplementary control signal may be determined by a load-dispatch center.


Department of Electrical Engineering Advanced Power System-I SUB CODE: 170905

Fig: 1.2 AGC with supplementary control on the principal generating unit. MATLAB Simulink Circuit Diagram and Output Waveforms

Fig: 1.3 MATLAB Circuit diagram for AGC

Fig: 1.4 MATLAB output waveform for AGC


Department of Electrical Engineering Advanced Power System-I SUB CODE: 170905

Fig: 1.5 MATLAB Circuit diagram for AGC with feed back input

Fig: 1.6 MATLAB output waveform for AGC with feed back input


Department of Electrical Engineering Advanced Power System-I SUB CODE: 170905

PRACTICAL NO. 2 Aim: MATLAB Simulation Based Automatic Voltage Regulator (AVR) Automatic Voltage Regulator Main component exciter delivers dc power to generator field. Basic role provide constancy of generator terminal voltage during normal small and slow changes in load. Common practice to have exciter with enough margins to give powerful boost in excitation level during emergency situations as well. Modern exciters either brushless or static design

Exciter Types Brushless design consists of inverted three phase synchronous generator. The latter has its armature on the rotor and field on stator. AC armature voltage rectified in diodes mounted on rotating shaft and then fed directly into main generator field, Design eliminates need for slip rings and brushes. Static design excitation power is obtained directly from generator terminals or from station service bus. AC power is rectified in thyristor bridges and fed into main generator field via slip rings. Static exciters very fast, contribute to improved transient stability.

Fig: 2.1 Brushless AVR loop


Department of Electrical Engineering Advanced Power System-I SUB CODE: 170905

Exciter Modeling Suppose |V| decreases result in an increase in the error voltage e Results in increase in vR, ie, vf and if Which in turn increases the d-axis flux, the internal generator emf E and terminal voltage V Mathematical modeling: |V|ref - |V| = e And vR = KA e Where KA is the amplifier gain Taking Laplace Transform of these two equations |V|ref(s) - |V|(s) = e(s) And GA = vR(s)/e(s) = KA Last equation implies instantaneous amplifier response in reality amplifier will have a delay represented by a time constant TA GA = vR(s)/e(s) = KA/ (1 + sTA) If Re and Le represent the resistance and inductance of the exciter field vR = Re ie + Led (ie)/dt Taking Laplace Transform vR(s) = Re ie(s) + Les ie(s) (5) (4) (3) (1) (2)

Measured across the main field, the exciter produces K1armature per ampere of field current i.e., vf = K1 ie (6)

Taking Laplace Transform of the two equations and eliminating ie, we obtain the transfer function of the exciter Ge = v f(s)/v R(s) = Ke/ (1 + sTe) (7)

Where Ke=K1/Re and Te=Le/Re


Department of Electrical Engineering Advanced Power System-I SUB CODE: 170905

Generator Modeling Need to close the loop by establishing the missing dynamics between field voltage vfand the generators terminal voltage |V| Relationship between vf and |V| will depend on generator loading, with simplest possible relationship existing at low or zero load when V = E Applying KVL to field winding vf = Rf if + Lff d(if)/dt The field flux linking the armature fa = facost =- fa sin(t-/2) Therefore the induced emf E=-dfa/dt or E = fa cos(t-/2) The RMS value bein |E| = fa/2 = Lfaif/2 Therefore if = 2|E|/Lfa and if = 2 |E|/Lfa Substituting the value of if in equation (8) vf = 2Rf |E|/Lfa + (2/Lfa) (Lf fd(E)/dt) Taking Laplace Transform |E|(s) /vf(s) |V|(s)/vf(s) = KF/ (1 + sTd0) Where KF = Lfa/2Rf and Tdo = Lff/Rf is the O. C. d-axis time constant (11) (10) (9) (8)


Department of Electrical Engineering Advanced Power System-I SUB CODE: 170905

Fig: 2.2 Block Diagram of AVR Loop The open-loop transfer function G(s) equals G(s) = K/ (1 + sTA) (1 + sTe) (1 + sTd0)

And the open loop gain K is defined by K = KA Ke KF Typical values of the time constants are TA = 0.02 to 0.1 sec, Te = 0.5 to 1.0 sec and Td0 = 5 to 10 sec

Static Performance of the AVR loop The AVR loop must 1. Regulate the terminal voltage |V| to within required static accuracy limit 2. Have sufficient speed of response 3. be stable Thus, the static accuracy requirement is: For a constant reference input |V|ref0, error e0must be less than some specified percentage p of the reference. i.e. e0 = |V|ref0 - |V|0 < (p/100). |V|ref0 For a constant input, transfer function is obtained by setting s = 0 in |V| = (G(s)/ (1 + G(s)) |V|ref, giving e0 = |V|ref0 - |V|0 e = |V|ref0 - (G(0)/ (1 + G(0))|V|ref0 = (1/ (1 + G(0)) |V|ref0 = (1/ (1 + K)) |V|ref0 =>1/ (1 + K) < p/100 or K > 100/p-1 e.g. for static error p to be less than 1%, K must exceed 99.


Department of Electrical Engineering Advanced Power System-I SUB CODE: 170905

Dynamic Response of the AVR loop The time response of the loop is given by |V|(t) = L-1{|V|ref(s) G(s)/ [1 + G(s)]} Mathematically, the response depends on the eigenvalues or closed-loop poles which can be obtained from the characteristic equation 1 + G(s) = 0 The open-loop transfer function given by G(s) = K/ (1 + sTA) (1 + sTe) (1 + sTd0) is of third order Therefore will have 3 eigenvalues s1, s2, and s3. If s1, s2, s3are distinct and real, transient response components are of the form A1es1t, A2es2t, A3es3t. If two eigenvalues e.g. s2, s3are complex conjugate, j, transient component will have oscillatory term of the form A1et sin (t+). For AVR loop to be stable, transient components must vanish with time requires all three eigenvalues to be located in left hand s-plane. For good tracking ability, transients must vanish fast. Real part of eigenvalues determines the rapidity of exponential decay high speed loop must posses eigenvalues located well to the left in s-plane. Amplitude factors A1, A2, A3 express relative size of transient terms.


Department of Electrical Engineering Advanced Power System-I SUB CODE: 170905

MATLAB Simulink Circuit Diagram and Output Waveforms

Fig: 2.3 MATLAB Simulink Circuit Diagram and Output Waveforms with KA=10

Fig: 2.4 MATLAB Simulink Circuit Diagram and Output Waveforms with KA=12.16


Department of Electrical Engineering Advanced Power System-I SUB CODE: 170905

Fig: 2.5 MATLAB Simulink Circuit Diagram and Output Waveforms with KA=0

Fig: 2.6 MATLAB Simulink Circuit Diagram and Output Waveforms with KA=10 and Feed Back through Stabilizer


Department of Electrical Engineering Advanced Power System-I SUB CODE: 170905

PRACTICAL NO. - 3 Aim: The HVDC Projects presently in service in INDIA High Voltage Direct Current transmission HVDC

One of the most exciting new technical developments in electric power system in the last three decades has been High Voltage Direct Current transmission. From the first of HVDC links to the recent, the voltage has increased from 100 KV to 800 KV, the rated power from 20 MW to 6300 MW and the distance from 96 km to 1370 km.

Preceding and accompanying this rapid growth of Direct Current Transmission were developments in High Voltage, High power valves, in control and protection system, in DC cables and in insulation for overhead DC lines. In India three HVDC projects are in operation. i. The Rihand-Delhi HVDC transmission project having 1500 MW capacity and 500 KV DC voltages is the first commercial long distance DC transmission project in India. Vindhyachal 2x250 MW Back to back DC converter station which asynchronously connected the Northern and Western regions for exchange of power.



The Nation HVDC experimental line project, which links Lower Sileru in A.P. to Barsoor in M.P. Phase 1 of this project is capable of transmitting 100 MW at 100 KV DC.


Department of Electrical Engineering Advanced Power System-I SUB CODE: 170905

PRACTICAL NO.- 4 Aim: Study of reactive power control using shunt compensation and series compensation. Shunt Compensation: Passive reactive-power compensators include series capacitors and shunt-connected inductors and capacitors. Shunt devices may be connected permanently or through a switch. Shunt reactors compensate for the line capacitance, and because they control over voltages at no loads and light loads, they are often connected permanently to the line, not to the bus. Figure 4.1 shows the arrangements of shunt reactors on a long-distance, high-voltage ac line. Many power utilities connect shunt reactors via breakers, thereby acquiring the flexibility to turn them off under heavier load conditions. Shunt reactors are generally gapped-core reactors and, sometimes, aircored. Shunt capacitors are used to increase the power-transfer capacity and to compensate for the reactive-voltage drop in the line. The application of shunt capacitors requires careful system design. The circuit breakers connecting shunt capacitors should withstand high-charging in-rush currents and also, upon disconnection, should withstand more than 2-pu voltages, because the capacitors are then left charged for a significant period until they are discharged through a large time-constant discharge circuit. Also, the addition of shunt capacitors creates higher-frequency resonant circuits and can therefore lead to harmonic over voltages on some system buses.

Fig: 4.1 Basic diagram of Shunt Compensation


Department of Electrical Engineering Advanced Power System-I SUB CODE: 170905

Series Compensation: Series capacitors are used to partially offset the effects of the series inductances of lines. Series compensation results in the improvement of the maximum power-transmission capacity of the line. The net effect is a lower load angle for a given power-transmission level and, therefore, a higher-stability margin. The reactive-power absorption of a line depends on the transmission current, so when series capacitors are employed, automatically the resulting reactive-power compensation is adjusted proportionately. Also, because the series compensation effectively reduces the overall line reactance, it is expected that the net line-voltage drop would become less susceptible to the loading conditions. In an interconnected network of power lines that provides several parallel paths, for power flow between two locations, it is the series compensation of a selected line that makes it the principal power carrier. Series compensation is defined by the degree of compensation; for example, a 1pu compensation means that the effective series reactance of a line will be zero. A practical upper limit of series compensation, on the other hand, may be as high as 0.75 pu. One impact of the passive compensation of lines is that whereas the shunt-inductive compensation makes the line electrically resonant at a supersynchronous frequency, the series compensation makes the line resonant at a subsynchronous frequency. The subsynchronous resonance (SSR) can lead to problematic situations for steam turbinedriven generators connected to a series-compensated transmission line. These generators employ multiple turbines connected on a common shaft with the generator. This arrangement constitutes an elastically coupled multimass mechanical system that exhibits several modes of low-frequency torsional resonances, none of which should be excited as a result of the subsynchronous-resonant electrical transmission system. The application of series compensation requires several other careful considerations. The application of series capacitors in a long line constitutes placing lumped impedance at a point. Therefore, the following factors need careful evaluation: 1. The voltage magnitude across the capacitor banks (insulation); 2. The fault currents at the terminals of a capacitor bank; 3. The placement of shunt reactors in relation to the series capacitors (resonant over voltages); 4. The number of capacitor banks and their location on a long line (voltage profile). Effect on Power-Transfer Capacity A simple system analysis can be performed to develop a basic understanding of the effect of shunt and series compensation on power-transmission capacity. Consider a short, symmetrical electrical line as shown in Fig. 2(a). For an uncompensated line, and assuming Vs = Vr =V, the


Department of Electrical Engineering Advanced Power System-I SUB CODE: 170905

power equation becomes

Fig: 4.2 The series compensation of a short, symmetrical transmission line.

From the voltage-phasor equations and the phasor diagram in Fig. 2(a),

Series Compensation: If the effective reactance of a line is controlled by inserting a series capacitor, and if the line terminals voltages are held unchanged, then a Xl change in the line reactance will result in a Il change in the current, where


Department of Electrical Engineering Advanced Power System-I SUB CODE: 170905

Therefore, from Eq. (1), the corresponding change in the power transfer will be

Using Eqs. (2) and (3), Eq. (4) may be written as

As Xl is the reactance added by series capacitors, XlI2l = Qse represents the incremental var rating of the series capacitor. Therefore

Shunt Compensation: Reconsider the short, symmetrical line described in Fig. 4.2 (a). Apply a shunt capacitor at the midpoint of the line so that a shunt susceptance is incrementally added (Bc), as shown in Fig. 4.3. For the system in this figure, the power transfer in terms of the midpoint voltage on the line is


Department of Electrical Engineering Advanced Power System-I SUB CODE: 170905

The differential change in power, P, as a result of a differential change, Vm, is given as

Fig: 4.3 The midpoint-capacitor compensation of a short, symmetrical line. Also as shown in Fig. 4.3

The current Ic in the midline shunt capacitor modifies the line currents in the sending and receiving ends of the line to the following:

Substituting the results of Eq. (8) in Eq. (7), we get


Department of Electrical Engineering Advanced Power System-I SUB CODE: 170905

If the midpoint voltage of the line is approximately equal to V cos / 2, then the incremental rating of the shunt-capacitor compensation will be Qsh = V2m Bc,

By comparing Eqs., we deduce that for an equivalent power transfer on a short electrical line,

Assuming an operating load angle = 30, we get the ratio of the ratings of series (Qse) to shunt (Qsh) compensators to be 0.072, or 7.2%. From the foregoing discussion, it is clear that the var net rating of the series compensator is only 7.2% of that required of a shunt compensator for the same change in power transfer. Therefore, one concludes that the series-capacitive compensation is not only achieved with a smaller MVAR rating, but also that it is automatically adjusted for the entire range of the line loading. However, the cost of the compensator is not directly related only to the MVAR-rating series capacitor costs increase because they carry full line current and also both their ends must be insulated for the line voltage.


Department of Electrical Engineering Advanced Power System-I SUB CODE: 170905

PRACTICAL NO. - 5 Aim: Study of Thyristor Controlled Rectifier Using MATLAB Simulink A TCR is one of the most important building blocks of thyristor-based SVCs. Although it can be used alone, it is more often employed in conjunction with fixed or thyristor-switched capacitors to provide rapid, continuous control of reactive power over the entire selected lagging-to-leading range. The Single-Phase TCR A basic single-phase TCR comprises an anti-parallelconnected pair of thyristor valves, T1 and T2, in series with a linear air-core reactor, as illustrated in Fig. The anti-parallelconnected thyristor pair acts like a bidirectional switch, with thyristor valve T1 conducting in positive halfcycles and thyristor valve T2 conducting in negative half-cycles of the supply voltage. The firing angle of the thyristors is measured from the zero crossing of the voltage appearing across its terminals. The controllable range of the TCR firing angle, a, extends from 900 to 1800. A firing angle of 900 results in full thyristor conduction with a continuous sinusoidal current flow in the TCR. As the firing angle is varied from 900 to close to 1800, the current flows in the form of discontinuous pulses symmetrically located in the positive and negative half-cycles, as displayed in Fig. Once the thyristor valves are fired, the cessation of current occurs at its natural zero crossing, a process known as the line commutation. The current reduces to zero for a firing angle of 1800. Thyristor firing at angles below 900 introduces dc components in the current, disturbing the symmetrical operation of the two antiparallel valve branches. A characteristic of the line-commutation process with which the TCR operates is that once the valve conduction has commenced, any change in the firing angle can only be implemented in the next half-cycle, leading to the socalled thyristor dead time. Let the source voltage be expressed as

Fig: 5.1 A TCR


Department of Electrical Engineering Advanced Power System-I SUB CODE: 170905

Fig: 5.2 Current and voltages for different a in a TCR. The 3-Phase TCR A 3-phase, 6-pulse TCR comprises three single-phase TCRs connected in delta, as shown in Fig. 5.3. The inductor in each phase is split into two halves, as shown in Fig. 5.4, one on each side of the anti-parallelconnected thyristor pair, to prevent the full ac voltage appearing across the thyristor valves and damaging them if a short-circuit fault occurs across the reactors two end terminals. The phase- and line-current waveforms are also displayed in Fig. 5.3.


Department of Electrical Engineering Advanced Power System-I SUB CODE: 170905

If the 3-phase supply voltages are balanced, if the three reactor units are identical, and also if all the thyristors are fired symmetricallywith equal firing angles in each phasethen the symmetric current pulses result in both positive and negative half-cycles and the generating of only odd harmonics. The percentage values of harmonic currents with respect to fundamental both in the phases and in the linesare the same. The delta connection of the three single-phase TCRs prevents the triplen (i.e., multiples of third) harmonics from percolating into the transmission lines. The cancellation of its 3rd and multiple harmonics can be explained as follows: Let iABn, iBCn, and iCAn be the nth-order harmonicphase currents in the respective delta branches, and let iAn, iBn, and iCn be the currents in the respective lines connected to the delta-configured TCR. Then, the 3rd harmonic currents are expressed as


Department of Electrical Engineering Advanced Power System-I SUB CODE: 170905

Fig: 5.3 delta-connected TCR and its phase and line currents for different . The TCRs do not possess high overload capability because the air-core designs of their reactors. If the TCRs are expected to transiently withstand high over voltages, a short-term overload capacity must be built into the TCR by design, or additional thyristor-switched overload reactors may need to be installed. The TCR responds rapidly, typically in duration of one-and-a-half to three cycles. The actual response time is a function of measurement delays, TCR controller parameters, and system strength..


Department of Electrical Engineering Advanced Power System-I SUB CODE: 170905

Fig: 5.4 LC or LCR configurations These filters are tuned to the dominant 5th and 7th harmonic frequencies. Sometimes, specific filters for 11th and 13th harmonics or a simple high-pass filter are also installed. If an individual phase control of the TCR is envisaged, or if the network resonance conditions so necessitate a 3rd harmonic filter needs to be installed in parallel with the TCR. The schematic diagram of a 6-pulse TCR with filters is depicted in Fig. As it is desirable in power-system applications to have controllable capacitive reactive power, a capacitor is connected in shunt with the TCR. This capacitor may be fixed, or it may be switchable by means of mechanical or thyristor switches. The main advantages of the TCR are flexibility of control and ease in uprating. Different control strategies can be easily implemented, especially those involving external supplementary signals to achieve significant improvements in system performance. The voltage reference and current slope can be controlled in a simple manner. Modular in nature, a TCR SVC can have its rating extended by the addition of more TCR banks, as long as the coupling transformer rating is not exceeded.


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Fig: 5.5 MATLAB TCR circuit


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Fig: 5.6 MATLAB Simulink Current & Voltage Graph


Department of Electrical Engineering Advanced Power System-I SUB CODE: 170905

PRACTICAL NO.- 6 Aim: Study of Thyristor Switched Capacitor Using MATLAB Simulink THE THYRISTOR-SWITCHED CAPACITOR (TSC) Before describing the configuration and operating characteristics of a TSC, certain concepts are explained. Switching a Capacitor to a Voltage Source The circuit shown in Fig. 6.1 consists of a capacitor in series with a bidirectional thyristor switch. It is supplied from an ideal ac voltage source with neither resistance nor reactance present in the circuit. The analysis of the current transients after closing the switch brings forth two cases: 1. The capacitor voltage is not equal to the supply voltage when the thyristors are fired. Immediately after closing the switch, a current of infinite magnitude flows and charges the capacitor to the supply voltage in an infinitely short time. The switch realized by thyristors cannot withstand this stress and would fail. 2. The capacitor voltage is equal to the supply voltage when the thyristors are fired. The analysis shows that the current will jump immediately to the value of the steady-state current. The steady state condition is reached in an infinitely short time. Although the magnitude of the current does not exceed the steady-state values, the thyristors have an upper limit of di/ dt values that they can withstand during the firing process. Here, di/ dt is infinite, and the thyristor switch will again fail. It can therefore be concluded that this simple circuit of a TSC branch is not suitable. For LC circuits tuned to resonance frequencies of three times the supply frequency and higher, the magnification factor is close to 1.0; for tuning below 3q0, the magnification factor increases very rapidly. For practical schemes, therefore, n should be chosen higher than 3 (typically, between the 4th and 5th harmonic).


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Fig: 6.1 TSC Circuit and Waveforms


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Fig: 6.2 MATLAB TSC circuit


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Fig: 6.3 MATLAB Simulink Current & Voltage Graph


Department of Electrical Engineering Advanced Power System-I SUB CODE: 170905

PRACTICAL NO.- 7 Aim: Study of HVDC Transmission Electric power transmission was originally developed with direct current. The availability of transformers and the development and improvement of induction motors at the beginning of the 20th Century, led to greater appeal and use of a.c. transmission d.c. transmission now became practical when long distances were to be covered or where cables were required. WHY USE DC TRANSMISSION? The question is often asked, Why use d.c. transmission? One response is that losses are lower, but this is not correct. The level of losses is designed into a transmission system and is regulated by the size of conductor selected. d.c. and a.c. conductors, either as overhead transmission lines or submarine cables can have lower losses but at higher expense since the larger cross-sectional area will generally result in lower losses but cost more. When converters are used for d.c. transmission in preference to a.c. transmission, it is generally by economic choice driven by one of the following reasons: 1. An overhead d.c. transmission line with its towers can be designed to be less costly per unit of length than an equivalent a.c. line designed to transmit the same level of electric power. However the d.c. converter stations at each end are more costly than the terminating stations of an a.c. line and so there is a breakeven distance above which the total cost of d.c. transmission is less than its a.c. transmission alternative. The d.c. transmission line can have a lower visual profile than an equivalent a.c. line and so contributes to a lower environmental impact. There are other environmental advantages to a d.c. transmission line through the electric and magnetic fields being d.c. instead of ac. 2. If transmission is by submarine or underground cable, the breakeven distance is much less than overhead transmission. It is not practical to consider a.c. cable systems exceeding 50 km but d.c. cable transmission systems are in service whose length is in the hundreds of kilometers and even distances of 600 km or greater have been considered feasible. 3. Some a.c. electric power systems are not synchronized to neighboring networks even though their physical distances between them is quite small. This occurs in Japan where half the country is a 60 hz network and the other is a 50 Hz system. It is physically impossible to connect the two together by direct a.c. methods in order to exchange electric power between them. However, if a d.c. converter station is located in each system with an interconnecting d.c. link between them, it is possible to transfer the required power flow even though the a.c. systems so connected remain asynchronous.


Department of Electrical Engineering Advanced Power System-I SUB CODE: 170905

CONFIGURATIONS: The integral part of an HVDC power converter is the valve or valve arm. It may be non controllable if constructed from one or more power diodes in series or controllable if constructed from one or more thyristors in series. Figure 7.1 depicts the International Electro technical Commission (IEC) graphical symbols for valves and bridges (1). The standard bridge or converter connection is defined as a double-way connection comprising six valves or valve arms which are connected as illustrated in Figure 2. Electric power flowing between the HVDC valve group and the a.c. system is three phase. When electric power flows into the d.c. valve group from the a.c. system then it is considered a rectifier. If power flows from the d.c. valve group into the a.c. system, it is an inverter. Each valve consists of many series connected thyristors in thyristor modules. Figure 2 represents the electric circuit network depiction for the six pulse valve group configuration. The six pulse valve group was usual when the valves were mercury arc.

Fig: 7.1 SIX Pulse HVDC Configuration Advantages of HVDC Systems: The classical application of HVDC systems is the transmission of bulk power over long distances because the overall cost for the transmission system is less and the losses are lower than AC


Department of Electrical Engineering Advanced Power System-I SUB CODE: 170905

transmission. A significant advantage of the DC interconnection is that there is no stability limit related to the amount of power or the transmission distance. Long Distance Bulk Power Transmission. When large amounts of power are to be delivered over long distances, DC transmission is always an alternative to be considered. AC transmission becomes limited by: Acceptable variation of voltage over the transmission distance and expected loading levels. Need to maintain stability, that is, synchronous operation across the transmission, after a disturbance, both transiently and dynamically. Economic effects of additions necessary to correct the above limitations. The DC line, requiring as few as two conductors (one only for submarine with earth return) compared to the AC lines use of three, requires a smaller right of way an d a less obtrusive tower. A qualitative comparison between AC and DC lines with regard to impact on the environment is as follows: Visual impact constitutes an environmental advantage for a DC line, since the tower size for the same power is lower when compared to the tower size of an AC line. Right-of-way width of a DC line compared to an AC line is considerably reduced. This facilitates suitable routes in densely populated areas and in regions with difficult terrain. Corona phenomenon has a substantially different nature in DC than in AC transmission. Generally, for a bipolar DC transmission line and an AC transmission line with almost the same rms conductor voltage to earth and equal transmitting capacity, annual mean Corona Losses (CL) are more favorable for the DC than the AC case, particularly in poor weather Conditions. Radio interference (RI) results from Corona discharges, which generate high frequency currents in the conductors producing electromagnetic radiation, in the vicinity of the lines. RI measurements have shown that radio noise from a DC line is considerably lower than from AC lines of similar capacity. Audible noise (AN) values resulting from comparable DC and AC lines during fair weather are quite similar. However, during rain, the better performance and the lower interference levels generated by DC compared to AC lines are considered an advantage. With regard to magnetic fields, conditions for DC lines are quite different than AC lines. Since a DC line has an unchanging electric field, it exerts effectively no magnetic field on the surroundings. The DC field of a monopolar line is comparable to the strength of the earths magnetic field. Regarding generation and emission by DC lines of positively charged ions, O3, N2 and free electrons, research studies and investigations of possible consequences have shown, up to now, no evidence of hazard from any operating DC line.


Department of Electrical Engineering Advanced Power System-I SUB CODE: 170905

HVDC transmission refers to that the AC power generated at a power plant is transformed into DC power before its transmission. At the inverter (receiving side), it is then transformed back into its original AC power and then supplied to each household. Such power transmission method makes it possible to transmit electric power in an economic way through up-conversion of voltage, which is an advantage in existing AC transmission technology and to overcome many disadvantages associated with AC power transmission as well. The overall structure of an HVDC system is as shown in Figure 1.4 and its basic components are described below. AC Breaker. This is used to isolate the HVDC system from the AC system when the HVDC system is malfunctioning. This breaker must be rated to carry full load current, interrupt fault current, and energize the usually large converter transformers. The purposes of this breaker are for the interface between AC switch yards or between AC busbar and HVDC system (Figure). AC Filters and Capacitor Bank. The converter generates voltage and current harmonics at both the AC and DC sides. Such harmonics overheat the generator and disturb the communication system. On the AC side, a double tuned AC filter is used to remove these two types of harmonics. In addition, the reactive power sources such as a capacitor bank or synchronous compensator are installed to provide the reactive power necessary for power conversion. Twelve Pulse Valve Group: Nearly all HVDC power converters with thyristor valves are assembled in a converter bridge of twelve pulse configuration. Figure 7.2 demonstrates the use of two three phase converter transformers with one d.c. side winding as an ungrounded star connection and the other a delta configuration. Consequently the a.c. voltages applied to each six pulse valve group which make up the twelve pulse valve group have a phase difference of 30 degrees which is utilized to cancel the a.c. side 5th and 7th harmonic currents and d.c. side 6th harmonic voltage, thus resulting in a significant saving in harmonic filters. Figure 3 also shows the outline around each of the three groups of four valves in a single vertical stack. These are known as quadrivalves and are assembled as one valve structure by stacking four valves in series. Since the voltage rating of thyristors is several kV, a 500 kV quadrivalves may have hundreds of individual thyristors connected in series groups of valve or thyristor modules. A quadrivalve for a high voltage converter is mechanically quite tall and may be suspended from the ceiling of the valve hall, especially in locations susceptible to earthquakes.


Department of Electrical Engineering Advanced Power System-I SUB CODE: 170905

Fig: 7.2 TWELVE Pulse HVDC Configuration APPLICATIONS OF HVDC CONVERTERS: The first application for HVDC converters was to provide point to point electrical power interconnections between asynchronous a.c. power networks. There are other applications which can be met by HVDC converter transmission which include: 1. Interconnections between asynchronous systems. Some continental electric power systems consist of asynchronous networks such as the East, West, Texas and Quebec networks in North America and island loads such as the Island of Gotland in the Baltic Sea make good use of HVDC interconnections. 2. Deliver energy from remote energy sources. Where generation has been developed at remote sites of available energy, HVDC transmission has been an economical means to bring the electricity to load centers. Gas fired thermal generation can be located close to load centers and may delay development of isolated energy sources in the near term. 3. Import electric energy into congested load areas. In areas where new generation is impossible to bring into service to meet load growth or replace inefficient or decommissioned plant, underground d.c. cable transmission is a viable means to import electricity. 4. Increasing the capacity of existing a.c. transmission by conversion to d.c. transmission. New transmission rights-of-way may be impossible to obtain. Existing overhead a.c. transmission lines if upgraded to or overbuilt with d.c. transmission can substantially increase the power transfer capability on the existing right-of-way. 5. Power flow control. A.c. networks do not easily accommodate desired power flow control. Power marketers and system operators may require the power flow control capability provided by HVDC transmission. 6. Stabilization of electric power networks. Some wide spread a.c. power system networks operate at stability limits well below the thermal capacity of their transmission conductors.


Department of Electrical Engineering Advanced Power System-I SUB CODE: 170905

HVDC transmission is an option to consider increasing utilization of network conductors along with the various power electronic controllers which can be applied on a.c. transmission. The synchronous compensator has been the preferred means of a.c. voltage control as it increases the short circuit ratio and serves as a variable reactive power source. Its disadvantages include high losses and maintenance which add to its overall cost.


Department of Electrical Engineering Advanced Power System-I SUB CODE: 170905

PRACTICAL NO.- 8 Aim: Design of SIX Pulse Converter Using MATLAB Simulink

Fig: 8.1 MATLAB SIX-Pulse converter circuit


Department of Electrical Engineering Advanced Power System-I SUB CODE: 170905

Fig: 8.2 MATLAB Simulink Pulses Graph


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Fig: 8.3 MATLAB Simulink Output Voltage Graph


Department of Electrical Engineering Advanced Power System-I SUB CODE: 170905

PRACTICAL NO.- 9 Aim: Design of Twelve Pulse Converter Using MATLAB Simulink

Fig: 9.1 MATLAB TWELVE pulse converter circuit


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Fig: 9.2 MATLAB Simulink Output Voltage Graph


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Fig: 9.3 MATLAB Simulink Output Pulses Y graph


Department of Electrical Engineering Advanced Power System-I SUB CODE: 170905

Fig: 9.4 MATLAB Simulink Output Pulses d Graph

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