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NO human relation gives possession in another every two souls are absolutely different.

. In friendship or in love, the two side by side raisehands together to find what one cannot reach alone.
Khalil Gibran

Good morning brothers and sisters, warm welcome to an visitors joining us today. Sabbath school this morning is entitled DONT WAIT. Jesus wants us to come to his feet today,and Not to procrastinate.Its so easy to put off things to the last minute, like studying or doing any other work we have this Ill do it tomoorw attaitude. Well today brothers and sister jesus wantrs to tell you there may not be a tomorrow we need to do his work today. Opening hymn-422 Birthday and thank offering
Pearl of Wisdom "Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with your might; for there is no work or device or knowledge or wisdom in the grave where you are going." Ecclesiastes 9:10

Dont Wait (Christian skit about procrastination)

Liz: (enters confidently, looks around, slows, stops) Wait a minute. Im lost. How could I be lost? I was just Oh, no! It cant be. (turns, nearly collides with Amy) Amy: (follows) Maybe I can be of assistance. Liz: (gasps, backs away) No. Um, no thank you. I can find myway back on my own. (tries to get by Amy) Amy: (steps into Lizs path) Sorry. Theres no going back. Liz: (stops, steps back) Look. I know who you are and I think theres been a terrible mistake. Amy: I doubt it. Liz: No, really. I had this all worked out. And it wasnt supposed to happen this way. Amy: Life is what happens when youre waiting for your plans to be fulfilled. Liz: Listen, its been my experience that everything in life is negotiable. Cant we negotiate this? Amy: We could if this was life. But this is. Liz: Dont say it. If you say it we cant negotiate. Listen, I know who you are. Youre the angel of death. And youve come to get me. But I had this all worked out. This wasnt suppose to happened for at least another twenty years. So, you need to go back to your boss and tell him tell him this is way to premature. Amy: What youre saying is that youre not ready to die.

Liz: (holds up hand, interrupts) Please dont use the D word. If you use the D word, I lose m y negotiating position. Amy: Im afraid youre operating under a big misconception Liz: (holds up hand, interrupts) No. I had this worked out. I was going to go with the Jesus option in twenty years. Everything was going to plan. Amy: So, youre admitting that you were aware of the Jesus option? Liz: Well, of course! Anyone who owns a radio or a television knows that Jesus forgives sins. And, believe me, I was going to trust Jesus to forgive MY sins as soon as I was diagnosed with cancer or heart disease. Amy: But you didnt die of cancer. Liz: (holds up hand, interrupts) Please dont use the D word. If you use the D word, I lose my negotiating position. Amy: Listen, I hate to burst your bubble, but you have no negotiating position. You lost it when you died. Liz: (holds up hand, interrupts) See, there you go again. When you say the word, you destroy some of my options. Amy: You seem to think that saying the word makes it happen. Liz: In the beginning was the word Amy: The WORD is a person, not an utterance. And that person has declared that your options are now null and void. Liz: You dont understand. I INTENDED to trust Jesus. Doesnt that count for something? Amy: Im sorry, but both rewards and punishments in eternity are based on what youve DONE, not on what youve planned or what youve intended. Liz: This is a nightmare. I had this all worked out. Where did I go wrong? Amy: You were fully aware of what God expected you to do, but you put off bending your knee before God so you could go on sinning. You saw it as delaying your decision. But God saw it as deliberate disobedience. In Gods eyes, you were without excuse. Liz: What about an appeal? Amy: The Bible says that man is destined to die once and after that to face judgement. What do you think?

Liz: So, theres no way Im getting into Heaven? Amy: Lets just say that Jesus is going to procrastinate that decision indefinitely. Liz: (turns, exits) Go ahead, rub it in. Amy: Remember its never too late to come to Jesus while your still living.But once your probation on earth is over theres no going back.
"Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with your might; for there is no work or device or knowledge or wisdom in the grave where you are going." Ecclesiastes 9:10 Are you familiar with Elisha Gray? Probably not. But I'm sure you've heard of Alexander Graham Bell, the man who invented the telephone. Well, Elisha Gray was a Chicago electrician,he actually invented the telephone. He filed a patent application for the telephone two hours after Alexander Graham Bell did. A small delay of only two hours cost Elisha Gray fame and an enormous fortune. It's little wonder that Ecclesiastes counsels us not to procrastinate: "Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with your might." Urgency is reflected in this pearl of wisdom because, as so many have already discovered, tomorrow is never guaranteed. Ancient mythology depicts time as being like a man who has long hair in front but is bald in back. The point is that you must catch hold of time coming toward you because after it's past, nothing is left to grab. When God calls us to a particular task, we need to respond by doing it now and doing it well. Throw everything into whatever God gives you to do. Take whatever God has put in your hand and use it, without delay and without reserve, for the Lord. Hebrews 12:1-2 tells us, "Therefore we also, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us [or besets us], and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith"--now notice this--"who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God." Jesus did well what God had for Him to do. He did it with intensity. He set His face like a flint. He even looked past the shame and the suffering to the joy of doing the will of the Father. If you and I are to imitate Christ, we have to adapt His attitude of fervency. Whatever God puts into our hands to do, we need to do it as if it were the last opportunity we'll ever have to do it. It may well be. Whatever God gives you to do, do it with all your might because your Savior did and you want to be just like Him.
Dont just come to Jesus when you get a terrible disease like cancer, or when you ill lying on death door, come to him now,dont procrastinate with Jesus. For when the day of judgement comes, He may procrastinate with you and you may not go to heaven in the first resurrection but have to wait for the milleniuem to be over. Jesus is coming very soon, this world needs to know about his love!

Here's that same pearl of wisdom said another way, by Jesus, "I must work the works of Him who sent Me while it is day; the night is coming when no one can work" (John 9:4). We have all eternity to enjoy the fruit of our labors here on earth, but we have only a few short hours before the sunset in which to work. We can't afford to wait. Whatever God calls and gifts us to do, we have to do it now and with all our might

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