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Late Summer Newsletter

Dear Friends

The school year is almost over and we are about to embark on the long
summer break. Let’s hope that the weather stays as good as it’s been and
that us (parents and carers) and the children have a chance to relax and

I’ve been the Chair for nearly a year now and the time has been packed with
events and activities, some designed to raise funds to enhance our kid’s
education and some purely as opportunities to socialize and have fun!

We had a quick brainstorm and some of our favourite highlights are shown

Employee Matching Scheme (£500)

Hursley 10k (£5000+) Christmas Bazaar (over £1400)

Valentine’s Disco (£150) Easyfundraising (over £300)

World Book Day (£65+) Easter Egg Hunt £280
Inaugural Quiz and Curry night Individual initiatives (sponsored bike
(non profit making but +£125 ride, gift wrap, T Towels etc!) +£700

Hursley Fete (£3600)

These fundraising activities since September 2008 have allowed the purchase

 Stage lighting for performances

 Furniture for the new library
 New shelving in the cupboards in the new extension
 Ice creams at the Christmas pantomime
 Barbecue for the KS2 camp
 Crackers at Christmas meal
 Entertainer at Teddy Bear’s picnic and refreshments
 A PA system to enhance performances and other events

Without the regular support of the Committee and parents, grandparents,

carers and staff - in fact all Friends of Hursley School – none of the events
would have been possible, so thank you!
If you have any ideas for future events or want to get involved in any way-
however big or small – please do contact me on 01962 775695 or talk to me at

If you are a new parent, welcome and we look forward to getting to know you
soon. If you are an ‘old’ parent, thanks for sticking with the Friends of Hursley
School… we know that baking cakes can get a little tedious at times, but we
really appreciate your continued support in whatever shape or form!

I now have the sad task of wishing our Secretary, Karen Godfrey (Llewy
Godfrey’s Mum, Class 2), a fond farewell. We thank her for all her help, hard
work, advice, cake baking and friendship and wish her and the family well in
their new location. This does, however, mean that we have a place on the
Committee for a Secretary – if anyone is interested please contact me.

In the meantime have a great summer

Amanda and the team

PS: Easy Fundraising - Please don’t forget to use shop and search online via If you are booking a summer holiday, renewing car
insurance or just buying a present on Amazon, going through the easy fundraising website can
raise money for the school - at the click of a button and at no cost to yourself. Why not make
it your homepage now!

Dates for your diary – Autumn Term 09

Sunday 27th September, Hursley 10k, 5k and 1.5k Fun Run from 10.30am
Visit for the 10k and 5k application details if you wish to
take part. There is a sponsored Fun Run for children for which you do not
have to register beforehand. Full refreshments will be available. If you are
able to help with marshalling, refreshment stalls or the start/finish line please
contact Gary Jarman on 07788 196566.

Friday 2nd October, Chilli and Barn Dance, Hursley Village Hall, 8pm
All welcome and bring your friends! £10 per ticket to include food, dancing
and first drink!

Tuesday 6th October – Friends Committee Meeting

Venue tba, at 7.30pm – all welcome

Friday 9th October, Harvest Festival Disco, John Keble School

KS1 5.00pm to 6.30pm
KS2 6.45pm to 8.15pm
Tickets will be on sale early next term. £2.50 per child includes refreshments.

Wednesday 11th November, Friends AGM, John Keble from 7pm

Come and hear all our news and enjoy a glass of wine and some nibbles.
Thursday 12th November, Ladies Shopping Night, John Keble School
from 7.30pm to 9pm
An opportunity to buy your Christmas presents early and without the kids in
tow… If you (or friends) would like to take a stall, please contact Hilary Wells
on 01962 775194.

Saturday 14th November, School Grounds Working Party, John Keble

from 9am to 12
“All hands on deck” for clearing fallen leaves and smartening up the site for
winter! Tools, tea, squash and biscuits provided.

Saturday 21st November, Christmas Bazaar, John Keble School from

11.30 to 2pm
All are welcome at this fun-filled festive occasion. More details to follow
nearer the time!

A quick reminder of Who’s Who on the

Friends of Hursley School Committee
Amanda Apps – Chair
Melanie Weston – Vice Chair
Yvonne Goddard – Treasurer
Karen Godfrey – Secretary (resigned)
Geraldine Brown – School Liaison
Hannah Evans – Communications & PR
Tim Newcombe – Publicity
Richard Baker, Ali Lacey, Gill Newcombe and Hilary Wells
Hampshire’s Famous Four - for Free!

There are plenty of opportunities for exploring, building camps and even treasure

hunting in Hampshire… and best of all, they needn’t cost you a penny!

Farley Mount Country Park

Pack your bow and arrow and head for the Crabwood car park just west of Winchester

for an afternoon exploring the woodland trails, building ‘tree tepees’ or just kicking a

ball around. For a pushchair or wheelchair-friendly treasure hunt, try the Pitt Down

car park and follow the path to the stunning Monument – with panoramic views and a

fascinating history to match, this short hike has something to attract even the most

reluctant of walkers.

Can you…

Spot the Isle of Wight, Portsmouth’s Spinnaker Tower or the New Forest?

Danebury Hill Fort

For warriors young and not-so-young, Danebury’s 2500 year old Hill Fort provide

hours of imaginative fun! An easy climb onto the ramparts gives you access to huge

open spaces, perfect for kite flying, picnics and make-believe

battles. Patrol the defences keeping one eye on the enemy far below and the

other eye on the ground…you never know what Iron Age treasure you might stumble

Can you…

See how long it takes you to do a complete circuit of the ramparts?

Chilbolton Cow Common

If you fancy a day messing about by the river, the common and water meadows at

Chilbolton are just the place! A very short walk from the car park transports you into

your own world of watery secrets – bring a net and try your hand at catching minnows

or splash about in search of hidden dangers lurking under rocky beds. The footbridge

provides endless opportunities for fun – can you still squeeze under or are you bold

enough to go further afield to complete your mission? Don’t forget to bring a picnic –

under cover agents can get very hungry.

Can you…

Spot 5 different species of bird?

St Catherine’s Hill

Only the most intrepid of adventurers should take on the challenge of scaling the

heights of St Catherine’s Hill, to the east of Winchester. Put on your boots and head

up the path from the car park to the ‘summit’ of this Iron Age hill fort – a great place

for ‘I Spying’ your favourite parts of the ancient capital of England. Conquer the

maze if you can and jump on the rope swing in the copse if you dare. Don’t forget the

emergency rations as you’ve still got over 300 steps to climb down, if you want to get

back to the car before dark!

Can you…

Count the exact number of steps on the way down?

For more information on how to get to Hampshire’s Famous Four, visit

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