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IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, Volume 3, No.



L. Marti, Member IEEE The University of British Columbia Vancouver, Canada


b) Frequency domain models.

This paper presents a new mathematical model for the simulation of electromagnetic transients in underground high voltage cables. The solution is carried out in the time domain; therefore, this model is compatible with time domain solution algorithms, such as the one used in the EMTP. The frequency dependence of the cable parameters and of the modal transformation matrices is accurately taken into account Comparisons with analytical and measured results are also presented.
1. Introduction

In this class of models, the response of the transmission system is evaluated in the frequency domain. The time domain solution is then found using inverse transformation algorithms such as the FFT (Fast Fourier Transform) [4].
The frequency dependence of the line or cable parameters and of the modal transformation matrices is taken into account. Even though inherent numerical problems such as aliasing and Gibbs' oscillations have been alleviated (using windows and other oscillation-suppressing techniques), the applicability of these models is restricted by the limitations of their host programs. There are no general- purpose transient analysis programs in the frequency domain with the overall simulation capabilities of time domain programs such as the EMTP [5]. Sudden changes in the network configuration (such as faults, opening and closing of circuit breakers, etc.), and the modelling of non-linear elements cannot be handled easily with frequency- domain solution methods. The model presented in this paper belongs to the class of time-domain, frequency- dependent models. It overcomes the main limitation of existing time-domain line models; that is, it takes into account the frequency dependence of the modal transformation matrices. Also, by being compatible with the solution algorithm of the EMTP, it enjoys all the implicit advantages of a versatile host program. The new cable model is accurate, as demonstrated with comparisons with analytical results. From a computational point of view, the speed of this model is comparable to the speed of frequency- dependent models with constant transformation matrices. All numerical results presented in this paper refer to the simulation of underground high voltage cables. However, the model itself is general, and given its computational speed, it should also be very useful in the simulation of unbalanced and multiple-circuit overhead transmission lines.

Accurate modelling of underground cables and transmission lines plays an important part in the simulation of transient phenomena in power systems. A number of models have been proposed to date. These models can be classified into two major groups, according to the solution techniques used in their host programs: a) Time domain models.

In this class of models, the solution is carried out in the time domain without explicit use of inverse (Fourier or Laplace) transforms. Within this group, two t g e s of models deserve attention:
i) Lumped-parameters models: The transmission system is represented by lumped elements (usually by several cascaded n-sections) evaluated at a single frequency [ l ] . A more sophisticated form of this type of model includes the representation of the ground return impedance using a suitable combination of several R- L branches. This representation is widely used in transient network analyzers [ 2 ] . The validity of these models is restricted to relatively short lines or cables and, in general, their frequency response is only good in the neighbourhood of the frequency at which the parameters are evaluated. ii) Distributed-parameters, frequency- dependent models: The solution is performed in the modal domain. The frequency dependence and the distributed nature of the line or cable parameters are taken into account [3]. The validity of these models is restricted because the modal transformation matrices are assumed to be constant. This assumption can lead to poor results in many cases of unbalanced overhead transmission lines (especially multiple-circuit) when the simulation involves a wide range of frequencies. In the case of underground cables, the modal transformation matrices depend strongly on frequency, and constant- transformation- matrix models generally produce very poor results.

2. Description of the model

The following conventions in notation will be used this paper: in

Upper case letters indicate "frequency domain" quantities, whereas lower case letters are used to denote their "time domain" counterparts (e.g., V in the frequency domain, and v(t) in the time domain). - Primed symbols refer to modal quantities; otherwise, all quantities represent phase components (e.g., v'(t) for modal voltage, and v(t) for its phase domain equivalent). Consider an underground cable consisting of n conductors of length 1. In the frequency domain, the relationship between voltages and currents at sending and receiving ends can be expressed as Yc V m Yc V k where

87 WM 154-8 A paper recommended and approved by the IEEE Transmission and Distribution Committee of the IEEE Power Engineering Society for presentation at the IEEE/PES 1987 Winter Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, February 1 - 6, 1987. Manuscript submitted Janaury 30, 1986; made available for printing December 2, 1986.

I m = Fm = A Fk

(1) (2)

Ik = Bk = A Bm

0885-8977/88/0700, -1099$01.00@1988 IEEE


Yc =

4 y

A = e x p ( - m r) Yc is the characteristic admittance matrix; A is defined as the propagation matrix; Y and Z are the shunt admittance and series impedance matrices per unit length, respectively; V and I are voltage and current vectors of dimension n; F and B are intermediate vector functions which, in the time domain. can be interpreted as waves travelling in forward and backward directions, respectively. All matrices are dimensioned nxn, and subscripts k and m are used to indicate sending and receiving end quantities. Eguations (1) and (2) describe any transmission system, whether It is an overhead line or an underground cable. Only the values of Yc and A, as functions of frequency, determine their respective behaviours. Let Q be the eigenvector or modal transformation matrix which diagonalizes YZ. Equations (1) and (2) can then be transformed into the modal domain

where yeq is a real, constant, symmetric matrix; hm(t) and hk(t) are defined as equivalent history current sources. At time t, these vectors are completely defined in terms of variables already known from previous time steps (see Appendix I). Equations (9) and (10) can be represented by the equivalent circuit shown in Figure 1. This equivalent circuit is compatible with the solution algorithm of the EMTP. In fact, the EMTP representation of lossless lines and of frequency-dependent lines with constant Q also share the same form. Only the updating of the history current sources at each time step, and the value of yeq are different; therefore. taking into account the variation with frequency of the modal transformation matrices becomes transparent to the main core of the EMTP. $0)


v; -

1 ;

= B i = AB;


Fig. 1: Equivalent circuit in the time domain.

where Yc and A are diagonal matrices, and

3. Synthesis of input data functions

V = Q-TV I = Q l F = Q F B = Q B A= Q-A Q Recursive convolution can be used to update the history current sources in equations (9) and (10) because the elements of Yc, A and Q can he expressed in terms of rational functions. The fitting algorithm used to synthesize these input data functions is a refined version of the one used in the frequency-dependent line model of the EMTP. The original algorithm is described in [ 3 ] . The elements of Q can be synthesized functions when the following conditions are met: with rational


= Q-Yc Q-T

Note that the elements of Yc, A, and Q are complex-valued functions of frequency. Also note, that Q T is the transpose of Q, and Q indicates the transpose of Q- . Transforming equations ( 3 ) and (4) into the time domain gives y,(t) y,(t) vh(t) v;(t)

a) The columns of Q (i.e., the eigenvectors of YZ) are scaled so that one of their elements becomes real and constant throughout the entire frequency range. With this normalization scheme, all the elements the eigenvectors become minimum-phase-shift functions. b) The eigenvectors of YZ are continuous functions of frequency.

ih(t) = f m (t) = a(t) i;(t)

= b;(t) = a(t)

f;(t) bh(t)


where the voltages and currents, in modal components, are given by v(t) i(t)
= qT(t)
= q-

v(t) i(t)



Note that the symbol * is used to indicate matrix-vector convolutions. If the elements of matrices Yc, A and Q are synthesized using rational functions, then yc(t), a(t) and q(t) become matrices whose elements are finite sums of exponentials (see Appendix I). Therefore. the convolutions in equations (6) to (8) can be evaluated numerically using well- known recursive techniques [4. Algebraic manipulation of these equations finally leads to

This last requirement is met when a very stable eigenvalue/eigenvector algorithm, such as Jacobi [7] is used. Note that the Jacobi algorithm is designed for symmetric matrices, and the product YZ is not symmetric. However, the unsymmetric eigenvalue/eigenvector problem YZx= X x can be converted into a symmetric one if Zx=XY- x is solved instead [SI. The convergency rate and stability of the Jacobi algorithm can be improved considerably if YZ at a given frequency is pre and post multiplied by the transformation matrix obtained in the preceding frequency step. If Q is normalized so that its elements are minimum-phase-shift functions, the elements of Yc also become minimum-phaseshift, and can be likewise synthesized with rational functions. The elements of A can he synthesized with rational functions multiplied by exp(-jWT) [3]. The time delay constant 7 depends on the difference between the phase angle of a given element of Aand the phase angle of its approximation by rational functions; also, r is numerically close to the travel time of the fastest frequency component of a wave propagating on a given mode. Note that the propagation matrix A (in the phase domain) cannot be synthesized with rational functions because a single time delay cannot be associated with each of its elements. Figure 2 shows the magnitude of the elements of eigenvector 3 for the 230 kV, three-phase underground cable


2 I :

0.80 0.90



i ; 0.50

The maximum number of functions that must be approximated for a cable with n conductors is n(n+l). For n=6, for example, the maximum number of elements to be synthesized would be 42. In practice, however, there is a considerable amount of symmetry within the elements of Q. For the 230 kV cable shown in Appendix 11, there are only 14 distinct elements in Q. The total number of distinct functions that had to be synthesized in this case was 26. The order of a given approximation depends on the shape of the curve. For example, in the case of the cable mentioned above, the average number of terms needed to approximate Yc, Aand Q from 0 to 1 MHz were 21, 15 and 7, respectively.
.. . .




Frequency (Hz) Fig. 2: Magnitude of the elements of eigenvector 3 of Y Z ------ Exact function. Synthesized function.

4. Numerical results



E v


2 w
>C Y

In order to establish the accuracy of the new cable model, the analytical response of a three-phase underground cable is compared with the results obtained using the implementation of the new model in UBCs version of the EMTP. The measured impulse response of a crossbonded cable is also compared with its transient simulation. The effects of taking into account the frequency dependence of Q are illustrated with the simulation of a single-phase line to ground fault on a crossbonded cable.
4.1 Comparison with analytical results
Consider the 230 kV, three-phase underground cable shown in Figure 5, where a voltage source vs(t) IS connected to the core of the first conductor (physical data for this cable, and the characteristics of its series impedance matrix, are shown in Appendix 11).




i ; 0.015 0.010

Frequency (Hz) Fig. 3: Magnitude of element 3 of Yc: ------ Exact function. Synthesized function.


Fig. 5:

Representation of a three-phase underground cable

$ 0.3

If vgt) is a sinusoidal source of frequency WO , the response will also be sinusoidal, and it can be found analytically (e.g., by solving equations (1) and (2) evaluated at W = W O ) . This is the steady-state response at W = W .



If vs(t) is not sinusoidal, it can still be represented as an infinite sum of sine and cosine functions
v (t) = f(t) = a
Frequency (Hz)

C [a n=l


bn sin(nwot)]

Fig. 4: Magnitude of element 3 of A : _----- Exact function. Synthesized function.

where WO =2n/T. and T is the period over which the original function is represented by its series equivalent If a sufficiently large number of terms N is taken, the resulting series represents a reasonable approximation of the original input function. The exact response to this input series can be obtained by superimposing N steady-state responses evaluated at w = n w o , for n=1,2, ...,N. This analytical solution can then be compared with the numerical solution obtained with the new model.

described in Appendix 1 1 . Note that there are twelve curves superimposed on this plot, corresponding to the magnitudes of real and synthesized elements of eigenvector 3. Also note that this eigenvector contains only four distinct elements; that is, the magnitudes of elements 1 and 2 are identical to the magnitudes of elements 5 and 6, respectively. Figures 3 and 4 show Yc and A for mode 3. Their respective synthesized functions are also superimposed. Note that the synthesized functions match the original ones very closely. Errors are typically under 2% within the 0 to 1 MHz range.

In the following simulation, vs(t) represents the Fourier series approximation of a square wave of unit amplitude. This approximation contains 1000 terms, and the period T is 40 ms (see Figure 6). The length of the cable is assumed to be 10



5 .O








0 4 L


. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .




Time (milliseconds)






Time (milliseconds)






Fig. 6: Fourier series approximation of a square wave. N=1000, T = 4 0 ms.

Fig. 9:


Relative error function, receiving-end vdtage. Core I : Analytical response. New model.

these errors do not accumulate with time. In fact, this simulation was allowed to proceed up to 120 ms (12000 time steps) and no deterioration in the transient response was observed.

4.2. Comparison with a field test

The field test presented here has been reproduced from [l]. which in turn quotes [9] as the original source. Figure 10 shows the circuit diagram of the test, and Appendix I1 summarizes the physical data of the crossbonded cable used.












Time (milliseconds) Fig. 7: Square- wave response, receivingend vdtage. Core 1. Analytical response. Mew model.


, +


Fig. 1 0 Field test connection diagram.

$ 1
-0.10 40











Time (milliseconds) Fig. 8: Square-wave response, receivingend vdtage. Sheath 1: -____ Analytical _ response. Mew model.

An impulse of waveshape 0 x 4 0 ~ s (i.e., negligible front time) with a peak magnitude of 7.3 kV was applied between the centre core and earth. The sheaths are connected together and grounded through a 10 Q resistance at the sending and receiving ends.

Figure 11 shows the voltage at the sending end of core 2, and Figure 12 shows the voltage of sheath 2 measured at the second crossbonding point. Simulation results are shown in solid trace, while the measured response is shown in dashed trace. The response obtained with the new model agrees well with the simulation results shown in [l]. The authors of reference [I] indicate that the available test data regarding complex permittivity, earth resistivity, etc., was not well known. Also, it appears that the description of the input waveform may have been oversimplified or loosely described in [ 9 ] . When the time-tc-half-value of the input voltage impulse is changed from MUS to 45ps. the agreement between calculated and measured results improves considerably (see Figure 13). The sheath voltages, however, are not affected much by this change in the input waveform.

Figure 7 shows the' voltage at the receiving end of core 1, and Figure 8 shows the voltage at the receiving end of sheath 1. The analytical solution is indicated with a dashed line, and the EMTP simulation is shown in solid trace. Figure 9 shows the relative differences between the two curves plotted in Figure 7. From these results it can between analytical and transient superimposed curves in Figures indistinguishable). Note that the occur in the first sharp peaks of be seen that the solutions is very 7 and 8 are largest errors (less the response. Also agreement good (the practically than 2%) note, that

I .50 7












Time (microseconds)

Fig. 14: Simulation of a line to ground fault. The peak magnitude of the voltage sources is 1.0 P.u., and their phase angles are set 120' apart (i.e., -120, 0' and +120). The cores of this 230 kV underground cable are open at the receiving end; the sheaths have been crossbonded and grounded at the sending and receiving ends; the length of the cable is 3 km, and the crossbonding points are evenly spaced (i.e.. each minor section is 1 km long). The simulation starts z steady-state initial conditions, and the receiving end from 60 H of core 1 is connected to ground at t = 5 ms. Figure 15 shows the receiving-end voltage of core 2, and Figure 16 shows the fault current (receiving end of core 1). The response obtained with the new cable model is shown in solid trace. The response obtained when Q is assumed to be constant (evaluated at 5 kHz) is shown in dashed trace.

Fig. 11: Sendingend vdtage. Core 2: ------ Field test. New model.



1 . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . , 0 20 40 60 80 100 I20 160 t80 200



Time (microseconds)

Fig. 12: Second crossbonding-point vdtage. Sheath I : ------ Field test. New model.

These results clearly indicate that the frequency dependence of Q has a very significant effect on transient simulations of this type. Note that during the first 5 ms of the simulation, both solutions coincide. However, after the Occurrence of the fault, the differences in the first peak of the voltage response are approximately 30%. while the differences in the first peak of the fault current exceed 60%. Figure 17 shows the receiving-end voltage of core 2 when the simulation starts from zero initial conditions at t = 0. The response when Q is constant is quite good during the first 2 ms of the simulation. As the high frequency transients attenuate, the differences increase. After the fault occurs, the dominant frequency component is 60 Hz, and the response when Q is constant deteriorates considerably. It has been found that the accuracy of frequency-dependent models with constant Q. depends on the type of transient situation being simulated, as well as the frequency at which Q is evaluated. For example, reasonably good

I .80



60 80 100 120 140 Time (microseconds)





Fig. 13: Sendingend vdtage (waveshape 0 x 4 5 ~ s ) .Core 2: Field test New model.




Overall, the agreement between the waveshapes of calculated and simulated results are reasonably good. considering the many uncertainties involved in such a test (e.g.. earth not homogeneous, grounding resistances not well known, e x ) .
4.3 Simulation of a single-phase,

line to ground fault

IO 15 Time (milliseconds)



The effects of taking into account the variation with frequency of the modal transformation matrix Q will be illustrated with the simulation of a line to ground fault The connection diagram for this simulation is shown in Figure 14.

Fig. 15: Receiving-end vdtage. Core 2: ------ Frequency dependent model with constant Q . New model.

1.80 7

Although these results are probably influenced by differences in the programming of the algorithms, they indicate that the additional computational effort required to take into account the frequency dependence of Q is relatively low. Work is currently being carried out at UBC to improve the speed of frequency-dependent models by reducing the order of the synthesized functions at running time. The maximum frequency that can be reproduced in a numerical solution is limited by the sampling rate At (fmax=1/(2At); therefore, the synthesized functions need not reproduce the original ones above this frequency. If poles above fmax are dropped in an appropiate manner at running time, the accuracy of the simulation is not affected, and considerable savings in computer time can be obtained. 6. Conclusions The underground cable model presented here, accurately takes into account the variation with frequency of the parameters and of the modal transformation matrices. This overcomes the main limitation of existing frequency- dependent line models for time-domain solution algorithms. The accuracy of the synthesized functions Y'c, A'and Q is very high, and generally higher than the accuracy with which earth resistivity, dielectric losses, and other cable parameters can be estimated. Therefore, from a practical point of view, the accuracy of the new cable model is only limited by the accuracy of the input data and by the simulation capabilities of the host program. Computational speed is very high, and of the same order of magnitude as that of frequency-dependent models with constant transformation matrices. High computational speed makes the detailed simulation of crossbonded cables attractive. Also, given that minor sections are usually of the same length. only the parameters of a single section need to be synthesized. Furthermore, by modelling each section separately (making the crossbonding connections explicitly), non-linear voltage limiters at the crossbonding points can be easily taken into account The model is numerically stable. Relatively long simulations have been made (12000 time steps) and there has been no deviation from the correct answers. The model is general. Its application to multiple-circuit overhead transmission lines should be of considerable practical importance.


1 .

. . , . . . .

. . .


. .




Time (milliseconds)
Fig. 16: Receiving- end current. Core 1: ------ Frequency dependent model with constant Q . New model.
1.80 7


1.40 7 1.00:


5 >

0 -0.20:

'g - 1
a l


-1.40: -1.80

....... " " " ' , " " " . , . . . . . . . ~ ' . ~ ' ~ . ~

Fig. 17: Receiving-end vdtage (zero initial conditions). Core 2: ------ Frequency dependent model with constant Q. New model. results can be obtained during simulations where the currents flowing in the cable are very small. Also, good results can be obtained in transient simulations where the frequency range of interest is relatively high (e.g., above 1 kHz), or relatively low (e.g., below 1 Hz), and Q is evaluated at a frequency within this range (as long as the columns of Q can be normalized so that their imaginary parts are very small).

5. Computational speed
The elapsed CPU time in the time-step loop of UBC's EMTP was measured for a case where the energization of a three-phase underground cable was simulated. Using a constant-parameters model as a reference, the relative speeds of the new cable model and the frequency-dependent model with constant Q were determined. The order of the rational function approximations used was the same for both models. The results are shown in Table I. Model Constant- parameters Frequency- dependent New Model Relative timing

The author would like to thank Professor H. W. Dommel for his encouragement and advice; Professor J. R. Marti for providing the rational-functions fitting routines used in the development of the new cable model, and for many stimulating discussions; Professor A. Ametani for providing the cable data used in the comparison with the field test; the reviewers of this paper, for their valuable comments and suggestions. Also, the financial support of Bonneville Power Administration, British Columbia Hydro and Power Authority, and the University of British Columbia is gratefully acknowledged.


1.0 6.0 6.14

Table I: Relative CPU times. EMTP time-step loop.

[l] Nagaoka. N. and Ametani, A.. "Transient Calculations on Crossbonded Cables. '' IEEE Transactions on Power Apparatus and Systems, April 1983, pp. 779-787.

[2] CIGRE Working Group 13.05, "The Calculation of Switching

Surges: 11.- Network Representation for Energization and Re-Energization Studies on Line Fed by an Inductive Source". Electra, No. 32, 1974, pp. 17-42.

It can be seen from these results that the computational speed of the new cable model is comparable to that of the frequency-dependent model with constant Q.


Marti, J. R., "Accurate Modelling of Frequency- Dependent Transmission Lines in Electromagnetic Transient Calculations." IEEE Transactions on Power Apparatus and Systems, January 1982. pp. 147-157. Wedepohl L. M. and Indulkar, C. S., "Switching Overvoltages in Long Crossbonded Cable Systems Using the Fourier Transform." IEEE Transactions on Power Apparatus and Systems, JulyIAugust 1979, pp. 1476- 1480. Dommel H. W. and Meyer W. S., "Computations of Electromagnetic Transients". IEEE Proceedings, vol. 62(7), pp. 983-993, July 1974. Semlyen A. and Dabuleanu A., "Fast and Accurate Switching Transient Calculations on Transmission Lines with Ground Return using Recursive Convolutions." IEEE Transactions on Power Apparatus and Systems, March/April 1975, pp. 561-571. Strang, G., Linear Algebra and its Applications. New York: Academic Press, 1976, pp. 283-288. Hornbeck R. W., Numerical Methods. Quantum Publishers INC, 1985, pp. 229-231. Shinozaki. H., et al., "Abnormal Voltages of a Core at a Crossbonding Point.", J. Tech. Lab. Chugoku Electric Power CO., VOI 39, 1971, pp. 175-198. [lo] Wedepohl L. M. and Wilcox D. J., "Transient Analysis of Underground Power-Transmission Systems". IEE Proceedings, Vol. 120, No. 2, February 1973.

where h(t) only depends on past history values of b(t) and f(t).

Let us now consider equation (6).

where the elements of matrices a'(t) and y'c(t) are sums of exponentials, as indicated in equations (1.2) and (1.5). Note that matrix- vector convolutions, rather that scalar convolutions. are now being indicated by the symbol "*". The numerical convolution of y'c(t) with vh(t) can then be expressed as y',(t) vh(t) = gh(t) = Y ' , ~ vh(t) + h' (t) ml (1.7)

where y'co is a real, diagonal matrix, and h'ml(t) is a function of past history values of gh(t) and vh(t) (see equation (1.3)). T o obtain the phase voltages,

Similarly, the phase currents will be given by


im(t) = q(t) * i;(t) i,(t)

= qo

The elements of Q and Y'c, when normalized as minimum-phase- shift functions, can be approximated by rational functions P(w) of the form, P(w) = ko

+ h;,,(t)

ih(t) = q;







Z i=l jw

k. -


where ko, ki and pi are real constants.

where qo is a real, nxn matrix; h'mz(t) is a function of past history terms of vm and v h ; h'm3(t) is a function of past history terms of im and i h . After introducing (1.7). (I.@, and (1.9) into (6). algebraic manipulation leads to (1.2) where, yeq v,(t)

In the time domain this equation becomes

p(t) = kO 6(t)

i= 1

hi exp(-pf)


+ i,(t)

= h,(t)


where 6(t) is the Dirac impulse function, and u(t) is the unit step function. The convolution of p(t) with a given time function f(t) can be expressed as g(t) = f(t) p(t) = d f(t)



Since fh(t) depends on past history values of f h and only, hm(t) is completely determined at time t Following a similar procedure for equation (7)


where d is a real constant, and h(t) depends on past history of g(t) and Rt) [31.

On the other hand, the elements approximated by rational functions of the form
R(w) = P(w) exp(-jwr)



can (1.4)

be Equations (1.10) and (1.11) represent an n-conductor transmission system in the time domain, when the transient is solved at discrete time steps. Equivalent history sources hm(t) and h q t ) are updated continuously throughout the solution.

where P(w) is a rational function of the same form shown in (1.1) with ko=O, and T is a real constant associated to modal time delay. Equation (1.4). in the time domain, becomes

r(t) = C


ki exp(-p{t-.r))



Unlike the numerical convolution f(t)*p(t), the convolution of f(t) with r(t) is given by

Physical data for the 230 kV underground cable used in the analytical comparisons of section 4.1 and 4.3 (Cable 1). and for the 110 kV crossbonded cable used in the field test of section 4.2 (Cable 2) are given below.


Cable 1

Cable 2
1.05 1.78

Figures 11.3 and 11.4 show some of the elements of the impedance matrix for Cable 1. Note that these impedances are expressed as loop quantities; therefore, they do not depend on bonding or grounding connections [lo]. Also note, that zero and positive sequence impedances can be derived directly from these loop impedances. In the captions of Figures 11.3 and 11.4, "core-sheath" corresponds to the loop formed by the core with retum through the sheath; "sheath-ground'' corresponds to theloop formed by the sheath with return through the ground; "sheath-ground-sheath'' corresponds to the mutual impedance between two sheath-ground loops. There is also a mutual impedance between the core-sheath and sheath-ground loops, which is shown here.

(cm) (cm) (cm)

0.00 2.34 3.85 4.13 4.84

0.0170 10E-

r2 (cm)

3.26 4.08 0.0183 IO0.0280 100.040 0.100


(cm) Core Resistivity ( a m )


Frequency (Hz) Fig. 11.3: Series impedance matrix in Imp quantities. Resistance: Coresheath. --t- Sheath-ground. --4-Sheath- ground- sheath.

Sheath Resistivity ( a m ) Inner insulation tan& Outer insulation tan& Inner insulation

0.2100 10- E0.001


3.5 8.0 50

3.3 3.8

Outer insulation e r Earth resistivity ( a m )

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

1.0 m

.35 m

.35 m

n.1: Cable

I configuration.

Frequency (Hz) Fig. 11.4: Series impedance matrix in Imp quantities. Inductance: Core-sheath. + Sheath-ground. A Sheath- ground- sheath.

Fig. 11.2: Cable 2 configuration

1 IO7

Discussion A . Ametani and N. Nagaoka (Doshisha University, Kyoto, Japan): The author is commended for presenting an interesting paper. Inclusion of a frequency-dependent (FD) transformation matrix (Q matrix) into a transient calculation by a time-domain technique such as the EMTP has been one of the important problems to be solved to achieve a higher accuracy of the calculation. To overcome this problem, at least two different approaches have been proposed. One is to apply a real-time convolution to take into account the FD effect of the Q matrix at every step of transforming phasor components to modal components and vice versa within a modal framework [A]. The other one is to carry the transient calculation in the actual phase domain so as to avoid a usage of the FD Q matrix between the phase domain and the modal domain [B]. Because the EMTP is widely used all over the world as a transient analysis program and is structured to carry the transient calculation within a modal framework, the former approach has a practical significance. The method to deal with the FD Q matrix in the paper is based on the former approach, of which the original idea was proposed by one of the discussers in [A] more than 10 years ago. (Eq. (8) in the present paper is same as (19) in [A].) Because there was no idea of recursive convolution at that time (and thus the modal approach requires a large computation time, as shown in Table 2 of [A]) the approach was not regarded practical at all. The author has completed the approach in a sophisticated manner for the case of a single-core coaxial (SC) cable. The discussers believe that the work makes an important contribution to the field of a transient analysis in an electric power system. However, there are several questions which are not clear in the paper. The authors comments on the following questions are appreciated.
1) Eigenvalues and vectors calculation (Sec. 3(b) and Fig. 2)

Fig. A. The source circuit in the field test.

would calculate again using this circuit and show the results. 4) Fault calculation (Sec. 4.3, Figs. 15 to 17) Why are the calculated results by two methods almost identical for time smaller than 5 ms in Fig. 15? Since the transformation matrices used for the methods are different, the steady-state solutions seem to be different. Also, it is a question why the calculated result only by constant Q matrix at 5 kHz is shown. To observe a steady state of a fault, Q matrix at 60 Hz should be used, and for a transient, Q matrix at a dominant transient frequency (maybe 5 kHz) should be used. In other words, if Q matrix at 60 Hz is used, a better agreement may be obtained by the constant Q matrix method for Fig. 15 to 17. However, the accuracy of a transient solution by the constant Q matrix at 60 Hz is, in general, poor. It might be better to show calculated results by the constant Q matrix at 60 Hz for comparison. Once again, the author is commended for his interesting and timely paper. References [A] A. Ametani, Refraction Coefficient Method for Switching-Surge Calculations on Untransposed Transmission Lines-Accurate and Approximate Inclusion of Frequency-Dependence, presented at IEEE 1973 PES Summer Meeting, C73-144-7, 1973. [B] N. Nakanishi and A. Ametani, Transient Calculation of a Transmission Line Using Superposition Law, ZEE Proc., vol. 133, Pt.C(5), pp. 263-269, 1986. [C] N. Nagaoka, M. Yamamoto, and A. Ametani, Surge Propagation Characteristics of a POF Cable, Electr. Eng. Jpn. (LISA), vol. 105(5), pp. 67-75, 1985. Manuscript received February 9, 1987.
Adam Semlyen and H . Hamadanizadeh (University of Toronto): We would like to commend the author for having implemented the repres itation of the frequency dependence of transformation matrices in time do ain calculations. The application shown is for cable transients but, as the author correctly points out, the effect of frequency dependence of the transformation matrix may be significant in the case of multicircuit overhead lines. Could the author provide some results related to this application? The nice thing about the procedure is that an important part of the calculations, i.e., fitting the transformation matrix with rational functions, is performed in a preprocessing mode. Only the convolutions and updating of the past history vector in (1.8) and (1.9) requires additional computing time when calculating a transient, although this time may not be as insignificant as indicated by the author (increase of 2.3 percent from 6.00 to 6.14 in CPU time). According to the figures given in the paper for the average number of terms in the fitted YI , A , and Q, the number of first order differential equations to be solved for 6-modal Y and A are 6 x (21 + 15) = 216 and for 30 elements of Q this number% 30 x 7 = 210. Since at each end of the line the modal quantities have to be transformed to phase quantities for the solution of node voltages and then back to modal quantities again for updating the history vector, this nonconstant transformation matrix will increase the number of equations from 216 to 636. Does this increase not require much more computation time than 2.3 percent? If it does, then should one not try to model Q with a lower order approximation that will not result in a significant decrease in the accuracy of the model?

i) The discussers have proposed a similar approach to improve the accuracy and stability of eigenvalues and vectors calculations and also to avoid a mode crossing or exchange phenomenon appearing during a numerical evaluation of the eigenvalues and vectors [C]. To confirm the accuracy of the calculated eigenvectors (Q matrix), it is necessary to rediagonalize the original YZ matrix by the given Q matrix and measure the error of the re-diagonalization. This process is always carried out in the eigen-calculation program developed by the discussers. It is interesting to see the re-diagonalization error of the Q matrix, of which the third column elements are shown in Fig. 2, calculated by the author. For a reference, the rediagonalization error of the Q matrix calculated by the discussers was 0.045 percent at maximum for the same cable as that in the present paper (Cable 1 in Appendix 11). ii) In general, the admittance matrix of an SC cable, which is a main concern of the present paper, is of a very simple form with many zero elements, and thus it is easily diagonalized. The admittance matrices of a pipe-type (PT) cable, a cable which is a multiphase SC cable with thin sheaths enclosed within a pipe, and an untransposed vertical overhead line are of a more complicated form. Thus, it is a matter of question if the authors method is applicable to the PT cable and the untransposed overhead line. 2) Fourier series approximation (Sec. 4.1, Figs. 6 to 9) As a usual practice of a transient analyst, numerical Laplace transform with a weighting function is adopted to handle a transient with an ac source or a time varying source, to avoid a numerical instability due to poles along imaginary (ju) axis and well-known Gibbs oscillation. The discussers wonder why the author adopted Fourier series approximation rather than Laplace transform. Figures 6 to 8 clearly show Gibbs oscillation, which decreases the accuracy of the calculated results. 3) Comparison with a field test (Sec. 4.2, Figs. 11 to 13) Because the dominant frequency of the transient on the crossbonded cable with I-km length is quite high, the transformation matrix in this frequency region is almost constant and does not affect a transient calculation. In other words, a constant transformation matrix can give almost the same result as that with the frequency-dependent transformation matrix. Therefore, it is hard to discuss the accuracy or appropriateness of the proposed method from the results. The source waveform (originally 40-1s wave tail, less than 0.1-ps wavefront) was deformed to have a 45-ps wave tail in Fig. 13. The change results in the decrease of the peak voltage and the phase shift of the waveform after the peak, and thus the calculated result shows a better agreement with the field test result. It is interesting to see if the change also results in a better agreement with the field test on the sheath voltages, for example, on the result corresponding to Fig. 12. To clarify the inaccuracy of the source waveform, the impulse generator circuit which was connected to the left-hand side of the 5 0 0 4 resistance in the field test is illustrated in Fig. A. It would be appreciated if the author

Manuscript received February 17, 1987.

Olov Einarsson (Asea Research): The author should be congratulated for a clearly written paper describing an efficient method for handling the frequency-dependent modal transformation matrices in time-domain modeling of cables and overhead transmission lines. I have the following questions and comments.


I ) A property of the Jacobi eigensystem algorithm is that the eigenvectors are nearly orthogonal (using the metric defined by U-')also for eigenvectors belonging to the same eigenvalue. It seems likely that this property is vital in order to meet the condition that the eigenvectors of YZ are continuous functions of frequency. 2) In the comparison with analytical results of section 4.1, the Fourier series expansion of the square wave of Fig. 6 exhibits the well-known overshot due to Gibb's phenomenon. Is this overshot also included in the input time function of the EMTP simulation using the new model, or can some part of the relative error shown in Fig. 9 be attributed to the overshot? 3) Are Figs. 15 and 16 correct? Fig. 15 seems to indicate that there is a longitudinal voltage of about 0.5 pu over core 2 in the steady state, or related to a transient having a time constant much longer than 25 ms. According to Fig. 16, this longitudinal voltage is roughly in phase with the current of core 1. Consequently the voltage cannot be induced by magnetic coupling between the two cable cores.
Manuscript received February 19, 1987.

interfaced with its host program (e.g., the EMTP), and in the way in which the convolutions are evaluated numerically. Essentially, the interface is done directly in phase quantities by splitting the convolutions into a part containing variables at instant t only, and into another part containing known history. This splitting leads to iphase(t) = 40 inode ( t ) + histi-phase where


~ umode - ~ o

( t )+ d hist,.,,, ~


= q&haae(l)

+ histv-mde'

which, after some algebraic manipulation, produces the final form iphase(t) = [qoyco-modeqb]Uphaae

+ { qo[hist,.,d, + ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ c d ~ h hist,.pbg i ~ t ~ -1. ~od~l+

B. R. Shperling (New York Power Authority, New York): A new
transmission line time-domain model, which takes into account frequency dependent parameters, was developed by the author. From the transient analysis point of view, the suggested model represents a logical development of L. M. Wedepohl's results on the modal transformation matrices for multiphase systems and their application to the BPA's Electromagnetic Transient Analysis Program. The author should be complimented for achieving very high accuracy in simulating system transients using the developed cable model. Indeed, the system frequency characteristics obtained with the help of the suggested method practically coincide with analytical results. At the same time, underground or submarine cables represent only one element of a conventional network. Thus, for example, in a simplest case of an underground cable energization, a quite precise representation of a sending end system, including its frequency response characteristics, is required to take full advantage of the suggested model. In addition, presence of nonlinear elements might also influence the results. Keeping these factors in mind, and realizing the inherent inaccuracy of system data, what are the accuracy requirements for the calculations of transient overvoltages in networks with underground or submarine cables? Analysis of the transients during single phase-to-ground faults, which are illustrated by Figs. 15 and 16, needs some clarification. According to these figures, before fault application the voltages and currents calculated with the help of the new model and the frequency dependent model with constant Q at 5 kHz, are identical. After attenuation of the high frequency transients from fault application, the steady-state voltages and currents are significantly different for both methods. It is obvious that different cable parameters play different roles before and after fault application. Thus after a fault application, cable inductances, with their frequency dependencies, become dominant for transient and steady-state processes. At the same time, for cases without a line fault, the cable currents are relatively small, and precise simulation of the inductance frequency dependency becomes less important. Is it possible to generalize the discussed comparison and conclude that for cable switching operations without line faults a frequency dependent model with constant Q is sufficient? Manuscript received February 19, 1987. In this form, the matrix [qoyco~modeq'J is real and constant and the second term is known history which is evaluated by recursive convolution (the history term hm3in Appendix I should not have been primed because it is in phase rather than in mode quantities), The remaining questions posed by Messrs. Ametani and Nagaoka will now be addressed in the same order in which they appear in their discussion. I) Regarding the calculation of eigenvalues and eigenvectors. i) The approach proposed by the discussers in reference [C] is based on an eigenvalue-separation procedure proposed in 1964 [C 11, where P- [ Z Y -jw/cU]P is diagonalized instead of ZY; c is the speed of light; and matrix P is given by

[: :
1 0

1 1



L. Marti: The author would like to thank the discussers for their interesting
and useful comments. First of all, I would like to address the opening remarks made by Messrs. Ametani and Nagaoka. The importance of taking into account the frequency dependence of the modal transformation matrices of transmission systems has been recognized for a number of years. One of the first attempts to handle the problem within the framework of time-domain solution algorithms, was proposed in 1973 (reference [A] by the above discussers). In this reference, the equations describing a single-circuit untransposed transmission line are solved using modal analysis. The transformation between phase and modal voltages and currents in the time domain is obtained using direct numerical convolution between q ( t )and the corresponding voltage and current vectors (where q ( t ) is obtained from Q ( w ) using FFT techniques); that is, ipha\e(f)= q ( t ) *

imcde(f) Uphase(t),

=q'(t) *

The methods proposed in [A] and the cable model proposed in this paper use this basic relationship between modal and phase quantities. The cable model in this paper differs from those proposed in [A], however, in the way it is

As the discussers correctly point out in [C], this indirect approach increases the accuracy of the calculation of the eigenvalues of Y Z by increasing the numerical separation of almost coalescing eigenvalues. However, it is unclear why the discussers feel that this approach is similar to the use of seeding in combination with the modified Jacobi method presented in this paper, and why this approach prevents the eigenvector switchover phenomenon encountered with standard eigenvalue/eigenvector methods. The accuracy of the eigenvalues obtained using seeded Jacobi is only limited by the machine accuracy, given that the method is completely stable. Default settings in the eigenvalueleigenvector routines written by the author force the re-diagonalization errors to be less than that is, the Euclidean norm of the off-diagonal terms of Q- Y Z Q is 10- times smaller than the norm o l its diagonal entries. ii) It is unclear to the author why the discussers feel that the particular form of the admittance matrix is a concern of this paper, since it is the matrix product Y Z rather than Y alone that must be diagonalized in order to evaluate A Y: , and Q. The software needed to process the parameters of pipe-type cables and transmission lines (in a form compatible with the new model) will be written in the near future as part of the ongoing implementation of the new cable model in the DCG/EPRI version of the EMTP (preliminary results seem to indicate that the EMTP support routines CABLE CONSTANTS and LINE CONSTANTS do not produce the smooth eigenvector functions required by the cable model). Therefore, it will soon be possible to verify the applicability of the new model to other forms of transmission systems such as pipe-type cables and overhead transmission lines. 2) Regarding the comparison with analytical results shown in section 4.1, it was not the purpose of the simulation to calculate the exact response of a square wave. As indicated in the paper, only a comparison with an exact analytical answer was intended. Thus the use of a Fourier series expansion. The use of either Laplace or Fourier transforms would not have produced analytically exact answers, since numerical transformations are always subjected to a certain amount of error, and the comparisons would not have been rigorous from a mathematical standpoint. 3) With regards to the comparison with the field test shown in section 4.2, it is true that this test alone may not establish the accuracy of the model
I ,


completely. The author intends to do more comparisons with field tests, as they become available. By changing the time-to-half value of the input waveform in the comparison with the field test, the peak value of the voltages at the sending end of the cable increased, thus giving a better agreement with the experimental results. However, as indicated in section 4.2, this change in the input waveform does not affect significantly the sheath voltages. Figure C . l below shows the sending-end voltage of core 2 when the equivalent circuit supplied by the discussers is used instead (in absence of additional data it was assumed that the 0.5-pF capacitor was charged to 7.3 kV). It can be seen from this plot that the response obtained with the new source representation is actually worse than the responses calculated with the 0 x 40 ps and 0 x 45 ps waveforms.

Fig. C.2. Steady-state voltages on a lossless three-phase system during a line-toground fault when Z , < Z , .














Time (microseconds) Fig. C. 1. Comparison of Core 2 voltages for the field test simulation shown in section 4.2. a) 0 x 40 ps input function. b) 0 x 45 ps input function. c) New source representation.

where V,,, V,,, and V , are the source voltages. As illustrated in the phasor diagram shown below, if Z m / Z s is negative, , . The series then Vb will be roughly in phase with the fault current Z impedance matrix Z per unit length (evaluated at 60 Hz) for the underground cable under consideration is shown below. The sheaths have been eliminated because in this example they are grounded.

4) In the type of cables studied in this paper, it has been observed that

when the currents are relatively small, the use of a constant transformation matrix evaluated at frequencies above 1 lcHz produces very good results. As soon as the currents are significant (i.e., after the occurrence of the line-toground fault) the response with Q constant deteriorates considerably, as shown in Figs. 15 to 17. Had Q been evaluated at 60 Hz, then the opencircuit response of the cable would have been poorer than the one shown in the paper because the magnitude of the imaginary part of Q at 60 Hz is not negligible, and the frequency-dependent line models currently used in the EMTP require that Q be real. The comments made by Mr. Einarsson will be addressed next. 1) The use of the modified Jacobi method to solve the symmetric eigenproblem Zx = AY- x is indeed an important factor in the calculation of smooth eigenvector functions of frequency. However, it should be pointed out that pre- and post-multiplication by the transformation matrix obtained in the previous frequency step (or seeding) is just as important. In fact, the use of the modified Jacobi method without seeding does not produce smooth eigenvector functions. Similarly, the use of seeding in combination with algorithms such as the QR decomposition, also fail to produce smooth eigenvector functions. 2) In the comparison with the analytical results shown in section 4.1, the input voltage used in the EMTP simulation is the Fourier series approximation of a square wave. Therefore, the overshoot due to Gibbs phenomenon is included in the EMTP results. The discrepancies between the analytical and numerical results shown in Fig. 9 seem to be consistent with the errors in the approximations by rational functions of Y i , A , and Q . 3) The results obtained in the simulation of the single-phase line-toground fault may seem unusual, but they are indeed correct. The apparent contradiction pointed out by Mr. Einarsson can be explained using phasor analysis, assuming that the three-phase cable system is balanced and lossless. If the system is balanced the voltages induced in the unfaulted phases are directly proportional to the ratio Z,,,/Z,, where

z, = ( Z , - z 1 ) / 3 z,= ( Z , + 2 2 , )/3.
In the simulation shown in section 4.3, the voltage in core 2 ( Vb in the phasor diagram shown in Fig. C.2) will be given by

The steady-state voltages and currents calculated using the correct value of Z also agree well with the results of the transient simulation shown in section 4.3. The comments made by Messrs. Semlyen and Hamadanizadeh will be addressed next. The cable model presented in this paper should be applicable to the case of multiple-circuit transmission lines, where the modal transformation matrix Q is known to depend on frequency. At this point in time, however, the software needed to generate Q as a smooth function of frequency has not yet been adapted to existing line constants programs. As indicated in section 5, the relative computational speed of the new cable model was measured using UBCs version of the EMTP. These results are strongly influenced by the programming techniques used in the implementation of the new cable model at UBC. The additional computational burden of taking into account the frequency dependence of Q is not directly proportional to the number of recursive convolutions evaluated. However, with programming considerations being equal, the differences in CPU time should be higher than those reflected in Table 1. This has been verified by forcing the approximations by rational functions of Q to be of order zero; that is, by assuming Q constant, but using the solution algorithm of the new cable model. The relative CPU time in this case is 3.6. These results suggest that reducing the order of the approximations of the elements of Q would result in considerable reductions in computational time, as Messrs. Semlyen and Hamadanizadeh suggest. However, the largest savings that could be expected would be of the order of 40 percent in the limiting case when Q is constant. It is not clear, however, if computational savings of this order of magnitude would always justify the potential loss of accuracy. Mr. Shperling raises an interesting question: If the system data and the models which represent other network components are only accurate to, for example, 10 or 15 percent, is it justifiable to try to model an underground cable within a 2-percent accuracy range?. It is difficult to give a definite answer to this question because accuracy requirements depend on the type of simulation, and on the configuration of the system itself. There are studies where it is sufficient to model an

(0.1600+j0.1530) (0.0827-jO.0198) (0.0581 -j0.0354)

(0.0827 -j0.0198) (0.1430+jO.1370) (0.0827-jO.0198)

(0.0581 -j0.0354) (0.0827 -j0.0198) (0.160O+jO.1530)



underground cable as a pi-circuit or even as a simple shunt capacitance. When the main concern of a simulation is the transient response of the cable itself, it is probably best to model the cable with the highest accuracy possible, even if the basic data such as earth resistivity, dielectric permittivity, and other factors are not known very accurately. Knowing that a model is nearly as accurate as the input data available removes one source of uncertainty when the results of a transient simulation are interpreted. Recent studies on the validity of the constant transformation matrix assumption in the case of overhead transmission lines [CZ], [C3] seem to indicate that a constant transformation matrix Q evaluated at frequencies between 500 Hz and 5 lcHz produces good results when the currents are relatively small. The same studies also indicate that significant loss of accuracy may occur in cases of strong asymmetry (e.g., when two circuits of different voltage levels share the same tower). In the case of the type of underground cables studied at UBC, it appears that Q can also be assumed to be constant in situations where the currents are very small. It may not be wise to generalize these observations before further study of a larger variety of cable constructions and configurations is made. It might be better to say that in absence of a better model, the best

answers can be obtained when Q is real, and evaluated at high frequencies, and when studies involve small currents. References R. H. Galloway, W . B. Shorrocks, and L. M. Wedepohl, Calculation of Electrical Parameters for Short and Long Polyphase Transmission Lines, Proc. IEE, vol. 111, pp. 2051-2059, December 1964. J. R. Marti, Validation of Transmission Line Models in the EMTP, Presented to the Power System Planning and Operating Section of the Canadian Electric Association at Vancouver, BC, March 1987. J. R. Marti, H. W. Dommel, L. Marti, and V. Brandwajn, Approximate Transformation Matrices for Unbalanced Transmission Lines, to be published in the Proc. Ninth Power Systems Computation Conference, Lisbon, August 30-September 4, 1987.
Manuscript received April 10, 1987.

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