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The awkward moment when you put something in a safe place so you don't lose it ,t hen you forget

where the safe is. I would unfriend you but i enjoy laughing at your life nothing is really lost until your mom can't find it i text you, you don't text back, i feel (so) stupid i smile because i have no idea what's going on i have many problem in my life. but my lips don't know that. they always smile you don't realize how much your life sucks until someone asks you what your hobb ies are

sebenci apapun kamu terhadap sesuatu, ketika kau terbiasa dengan kehadirannya da n tiba-tiba ia tidak ada, maka kau akan merasa kehilangan if you ask me how long I'll be your friend? My Answer will be, i don't know, 'ca use i really don't know which one is longer. forever or always remember, today is the tomorrow you worried about yesterday respect people's feelings! even if it doesn't mean anything to you, it could mea n everything to them.. life is about seeing people who they are and not what they have making a big life change is pretty scary. but, know what's even scarier? regret i have to learn how to do this ===================================================== why complicated life? missing somebody wanna meet up? ...invite wanna be understood ...explain have questions? ...ask don't like something? ...say it like something? ...state it want something? ...ask for it love someone? ...tell it we just have one life, keep it simple ===================================================== accept what you can't change change what you can't accept time decides who you meet in your life your heart decides who want in your life

but behavior decides who will stay in your life why do we close our eyes ? when we pray? when we cry? when we dream? or when we kiss? because we know that the most beautiful things in life are not seen, but felt by heart in your life you meet people. some you never think about again. some, you wonder what happened to them. there are some that you wonder if they ever think about you. and then there are some that you wish you never have to think about again. but you do ~C.S. Lewis you need to stop doing things for someone, when you find out it's expected raher than appreciated ==>>> nope! i'll do it anyway. i just want to do it all with s incerity without any expectation the opposite of love is not hate, it's indifference. if you hate someone, you still care belajar untuk menerima semua orang yang bersedia bersedia berada di sisimu .. when have a problem, face it, not facebook it ==> i can't face it yet, so i fac e my self first sebaik-baiknya keberanian adalah berterus terang,, oh god.. a bestfriend is someone you can call anytime just to laugh, cry, complain or tell silly stories and still listens listen to everyone and learn from everyone because nobody knows everything but everyone know something Barang siapa melapangkan seorang mukmin dari satu kesusahan dunia, Allah akan me lapangkannya dari salah satu kesusahan di hari kiamat. Barang siapa meringankan penderitaan seseorang, Allah akan meringankan penderitaannya dunia dan akhirat. Barang siapa menutupi (aib) seorang muslim, Allah akan menutupi (aib) nya di dun ia dan akhirat. Allah akan menolong seorang hamba selama hamba itu mau menolong saudaranya. (H.R. Muslim dari Abu Hurairah No. 4876) we don't meet people by accident. they are meant to cross our path for a reason so tired.

Im saying Im saying Im saying Words that

this because Im sorry this because youre crying this because Im running out of breath my foolish heart is rushing out

I try to hold it in and block it I cover my mouth with my hands but The words I love you remain as if its written in my heart Ill walk slowly, one step, two step Your footsteps are so familiar to me, one step, two step Youre getting farther away and disappearing little by little with heavy footsteps In case you get erased and forgotten In case you grow out of sight and disappear In one second, I repeat these words thousands of times: dont go far away Ill walk slowly, one step, two step Your footsteps are so familiar to me, one step, two step Youre getting farther away and disappearing little by little with heavy footsteps This is the last time, once, twice I make promises that I cant keep, once, twice The one who should be hurt is me, please, please This is the last time, once, twice I make promises that I cant keep, once, twice Youre getting farther away and disappearing little by little with heavy footsteps The one who should be hurt is me, please, please

I know you, I feel you even if you dont speak Youre a hurt person, who resembles me a lot I know that I never learned of love so I dont really know about it But I feel that you are a person who is my destiny My person is soft like the white snowflakes That person is hurting me The wind blows and it seems like itll take you far away So I am protecting you by your side again today I beg so that my prayers can reach the heavens I hope for this cruel love that I cant stop anymore Even if my life is broken to pieces, Theres just one person, just one person for me A love like destiny that I cannot reject That person is making me sad Even if the cold winter comes and freezes my entire body I will always be by your side

I love you, I will hold you I will always protect you by your side

I cant see love with my eyes I dont know where it is I stumble around, looking for it But finally, I have touched it with my hands When you turned around back then And smiled at me, I opened my eyes * Your scent that scatters in the wind Your low voice that I hear Comes spreading into my heart that is cold like the winter Love blooms as the snowflakes My tears glisten as they well up in my eyes Because Im afraid this love will wither some day One day, two days, three days, four days To the point where I can use up all of my time I am happy with you alone Do you remember me, who was easily scarred, easily cried, easily got hurt? Im still like that, Im still the same I wonder how you will be when you see me like this Even if you easily turn away, easily get farther apart I know I wont easily forget you If you see me, still the same, still like this You will call me a fool * I want and want you and one more thing I hurt and hurt but still, just once Even if it wears out and wears out Even if the tears dont dry If only we can go back to the beginning There are times when I despise the moment we first faced each other Im like this sometimes even though I cant breathe if I dont allow myself to long fo r you ** If, if you ever, at least once, in your life If you sometimes have days where your heart aches because of me If, at least once, in your life And one more thing remember this Even if its only you, you should live properly

I am getting sad My face is changing with surprise But I will smile So that you cannot notice it Why did you say you love me first It is you that made me like this Oh no, turn back Tears fallin from my eyes Whatever I do, I miss you As much as I trusted you, it hurts Again I cry helplessly Why did you say you are leaving me first It is you that made me love you Oh no, from my eyes Tears fallin into my heart Whatever I do, I want to get you As much as I wanted you, I get sad Do not leave me The tears I shed from missing you My eyes are seeking for you like this As much as I loved you, it hurts more I cry helplessly This night is so quiet Your memories are so sharp ah Around my ears you are still lingering Cause I wanna be with you From my eyes Tears fallin I truly I want to find you who left me As much as I longed and hated you, I get sad Do not leave me The tears I shed from missing you My eyes are seeking for you like this As much as I loved you, it hurts more Again I cry helplessly

ada seseorang yang tulus mencintaimu. seseorang yang seburuk apapun suasana hati nya masih bisa tersenyum kepadamu. begitu tulus dan tanpa syarat. sekali pun kau

tak bersikap baik padanya, ia masih tetap mempedulikanmu. ada juga orang yang b ahkan tidak menyadari bahwa ia tidak dapat menyembunyikan rasa ketidaksukaannya pada seseorang. terlihat tidak peduli padahal sebenarnya kau sangat sulit hidup tanpanya kenapa orang-orang bisa begitu mudahnya berkata-kata manis? walaupun hanya basa basi, sulit sekali bagiku untuk mengatakannya. mengatakan perasaan dan pikiranku saja begitu sulit. aku juga ingin seperti orang lain yang dapat berbicara banya k di depan orang yang tidak terlalu dekat atau bahkan baru dikenal saat menunggu busway aku sungguh tidak tahu mengapa semua jadi seperti ini, mulai dari kapan dan baga imana. aku menghindar bukan karena aku membencimu, hanya aku tidak memiliki sesu atu apapun untuk kukatakan padamu, aku menjadi diam dan suasana menjadi sangat a wkward jadi aku merasa lebih baik aku pergi. tapi sampai kapan? kita keluarga bu kan? aku sungguh tidak tahu bagaimana jadinya aku 20 tahun lagi. ketika aku suda h memiliki keluarga sendiri, apa akan terus seperti ini? jangan seperti ini, jangan sakit, harus cepat sembuh, menjalani hidup dengan bai k. bacakan lagi berita dari koran terbaru untukku, atau beritahu hape murah yang terbaru. harus cepat sembuh okey? aku akan mengantarmu ke manapun kau mau, asal kan kau sembuh ..

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