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Asia in 1600 Ming Period o Development of a trading system connect China to the rest of the world Asia in 1970

70 China quite large Whats the difference? 1600 zones/ no definite boundaries o China developed a tributary system controlled most of East Asia 1970 modern state Big buyers from Chinas export markets in the 17th century Chartered group of venturers (sometimes called pirates) who would travel out and establish some kind of trade th 17 Century Spanish Galleon Trade Silver! o Tea, silks, ceramics, spices, (things produced by the Imperial Court) o Met in Manila o So much silver flowed in that the Chinese were able to develop a taxation system based upon silver Imperial Court require landowners to pay taxes with silver US Import/Export 1889-2000 By 19th century, nearly entire world was conquered/colonized by the West o Few exceptions (South America, Thailand, Japan) World trade falls way low after WWII most nation states were trying to build their domestic economics and reduce imports (import substation) Biggest exports today Paper/metals that have been recycled SLIDE 62 Theories that are developed in Europe and used to explain more broadly occurring phenomenon outside of Europe Karl Max (1818-1883) Not at enlightenment thinker o Communist Manifesto (1848) with Engels o Book in response to a world that was struggling o Context of revolutionary, economically-transformed Europe Das Kapital o Among the first and remains one the of the most important theorist of capitalism o Industrialization was occurring Adam Smith Enlightenment thinker Free Markey Economy (laissez-faire leave alone)

Supply and Demand

China Wave Understand how Max Weber develops his concept What is Purchasing Power Parity? HOW MUCH WILL YOUR CURRENCY BUY IN YOUR SOCIETY COMPARED TO WHAT IT CAN GET IN OTHER SOCIETYS What kind of style your life can get based on the value Way United Nations measure how developed a country Ch. 3 the rise of China can be explained (think about his perspective/how is he making his point) Ch.3, 4, and 5 are meat of the book

Oct. 8 The logic of this methodology is to create logical, artificial equivalence among disparate phenomena is order to trace the cause of actual historical configurations occurring in the society being examined Weber developed ideal types that synthesized aspects of Western historical experience. In this sense, his ideal types are necessarily Eurocentric

The three basic principles of legitimation: Tradition, typically patriarchy Charisma has the power to change history in certain kind of ways Getting people to follow you The charismatic leader dies depends on how you can institutionalize that charisma Legality Empire Building: Classes of people to pick that will be loyal to you Uniqs (China) Most loyal to their patriarch o Served the imperial court and are despised everywhere else Minorities (Jews in Europe) Slaves Oct. 10 The use of eunuchs as a lever of imperial power was only one aspect of patrimonial rule in China What is the largest, most significant threat to patrimonial rule in general

o Loss of dependency and the assertion of autonomy by officials Consider patrimonial rule as a type of rule that is implemented to control vast territories o Remember it took weeks, even months, to get to some parts of most large empires How can you, as a rule, maintain the loyalty of officials who rule In your name but are located in distance places? First of all, you need to select someone who has stature to rule o Slaves, eunuchs, bondservantsthese people may be dependent on you, but will get no respect from a population you want to control So the dilemma: Who do you choose? Select people who have close ties to you. Your military officers, high ranking members of your ethnic group, people who in general do not belong in the place where they are appointed to govern Keep them dependent by rotating them from one post to another, by paying them directly from your treasury by making them come visit you on a regular basis Establish a way to spy on them Centralization The ruler has the power to enforce whatever edicts/moral order needed to maintain central authority Decentralization Autonomous powers independent of the empire

Chinas Examination System Exam was on the ancient text o How well you could read and understand the classics Really difficult right of passage to go from being a commoner to a very special person What kind of people could this kind of exam? Only those who were wealthy enough

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