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keywords: ki n e si o lo g y, q i g o n g , q i n e si o lo g y , m e ri d i a n e xe rci se s. palabras clave: ki n e si o lo g a , q i g o n g , e je rci ci o s d e m e ri d i a n o s.
Q ig o n y Q in e sio lo g a
La palabra Q igong significa, literalmente, la
disciplina de cultivar la fuerza de la vida, o la energa. En
la antigedad, la palabra Dao Yin, o literalmente, el
arte de canalizar, dirigir yfacilitar, era msfrecuentemente
utilizada para describir, lo que hoy llamamos, Q igong. A
travsde posturasnormalmente dinmicas, lentasysuaves,
o estticas, ritmosrespiratorios, pensamientose intencin,
qigong sirve para devolver a la mente ycuerpo humano la
salud yel equilibrio. Personasde diferentesedadespueden
mejorar susfuncionesfsicasa travsde lograr el equilibrio
del Ying yYang, la mejora del sistema de losmeridianosy
el fortalecimiento de lostendonesyloshuesos.
Como kinesiloga, facilitadora de equilibraciones y
creadora de cursos, mi inters est en integrar el qigong
con lastcnicasde equilibracin de kinesiologa para que
ms kinesilogos puedan utilizarlas para ellos mismos o
susclientesyensearlasa otros. Por otro lado, tambin es
mi deseo que ms profesionales de qigong ypersonas de
otrasdisciplinasse interesen, entonces, por la kinesiologa.
El otro objetivo escomunicar el qigong en un lenguaje ms
moderno y aplicarlo para que encaje en el da a da de
los habitantes modernos del siglo 20. A medida que las
personas lo practiquen ms ysean ms conscientes de su
cuerpo ymente, losciudadanosde a pie del mundo entero
pueden aplicar estas tcnicas para despejar sus bloqueos
fsicos, mentales, emocionales y espirituales, y para llegar
a ser un ser humano msequilibrado ysano. Teniendo en
cuenta estos objetivos, empec a hacer presentaciones
sobre mis conclusiones, en el 2006, en una conferencia
mundial de kinesiologa en Alemania. Desde entonces, he
presentado por el mundo en otrasconferencias, casi cada
ao, nuevostemassobre misconclusionesdel qigong yla
kinesiologa. Algunos de los temas del qigong incluyen el
Ba Duan Jin (O cho Piezasdel Brocado), Yi
Jin Jing (Transformacin clsica de los Tendones),
Wu Q in Xi (El Juego de losCinco Animales), yahora
M a Wang Dui Dao Yin Shu (Ejercicios Q igong
de lasExcavacionesde la Tumba del ReyM a). Algunosde
estostemashan sido msdesarrolladosposteriormente en
talleres ntegros, como
Vivir con un Corazn Juguetn: Equilibracin de la M etfora
Qigong and Qinesiology
The word Qigong literally means the discipline of
cultivating life force, or energy. In ancient times, the
wordDao Yin, or literally, the art of channelling,
directing and facilitating, is more often used to describe
what we call today as Qigong. Through the coordination
of usually slow and gentle dynamic or static postures,
breathing patterns, thoughts and intention, qigong
serve to brings the human mind and body back to
health, balance and equilibrium. People of dierent ages
can improve their physical functions by achieving the
balance of Yin and Yang, the improvement of meridian
system, and the strengthening of tendons and bones.
As a kinesiologist, balance facilitator and course
developer, my interest is to integrate qigong and with
the balancing techniques in kinesiology so that more
kinesiologists can use it for themselves or their clients
and teach to others. On the other hand, it is also my wish
that more qigong practitioners and people from other
disciplines will then become interested in kinesiology.
The other objective is to communicate qigong in a more
modern language, and to apply it to suit the day-to-
day circumstances of 20th century modern dwellers.
As people practise more and become more aware of
their bodies and their minds, laypersons around the
world can apply these techniques to clear their physical,
mental, emotional and spiritual blocks, and to become
a more balanced and healthy human being. With these
objectives in mind, I started to make presentations about
my ndings since 2006 in a world kinesiology conference
in Germany. Since then, I have presented new topics
about my ndings on qigong and kinesiology almost
every year in other conferences around the world.
Some of the qigong topics include Ba Duan Jin
(Eight-Section Brocade), Yi Jin Jing (The Class
of Tendon Transformation), Wu Qin Xi (Five
Animal Play), and now Ma Wang Dui Dao
Yin Shu (Qigong Exercises from the Excavations of King
Mas Tomb). Some of these topics have been further
developed subsequently into full workshops, such as
To Live with A Playful
Heart: Five Animal Play Metaphor Balance,
www. kin e 2 0 1 2 . co m | www. vid a kin e . co m
del Juego de los Cinco Animales ,
Vivir en tu G randeza: Equilibracin de la
M etfora de la Transformacin clsica de los Tendones .
Estoscursosforman una parte esencial de la Q inesiologa,
una serie de cursos, basadosen la kinesiologa, que Conrad
Ho y yo venimos desarrollando utilizando el modelo
Jing-Q i-Shen (o M ateria-Energa-Informacin) de la
medicina tradicional china.
H isto ria d e lo s E je rcicio s M a Wa n g D u i D a o Yin
En 1973, en Changsha en la provincia de Hunan, China,
una pintura en un rollo de seda de color de 50 cm de altura
yunos100 cm de largo se descubri en la Tumba del Rey
M a Tresde la Dinasta Han (206 a.C. 220 d.C.). El rollo
muestra 44 dibujosde personasyson de unos9-12 cm de
altura en cuatro hileras. Aproximadamente, la mitad son
hombres y la otra mitad mujeres. Tambin hay jvenes y
ancianos, todoshaciendo ejerciciosDao Yin (msadelante
llamado qigong) para cultivar energas, en variasposturas
y movimientos. Esta importante reliquia muestra lo que
hacan las personas en China hace unos 2, 000 aos en
susintentospor curar enfermedadesyrecuperar la salud.
Lo s d ib u jo s se p u e d e n ca te g o riza r e n cin co tip o s:
1. Ejercicios de imitacin animal como la mantis (),
oso (), mono (, tortuga (), etc.
2. Ejercicios de canalizar o dirigir que dicen tener
resultados teraputicos. Normalmente, los ejercicios
implicados en tratar enfermedades contienen la palabra
(dirigir , o canalizar ), como Canalizar la
sordera , Canalizar los abdominales ,
Canalizar el cuello , etc.
3. Ejerciciosde energa relacionadoscon la respiracin.
4. Ejerciciosde fortalecimiento.
5. Ejerciciosde masaje.
La mayora de los dibujos muestran ejercicios que se
efectan con las manos libres, o solamente moviendo
las extremidades. Algunos se hacen con la ayuda de una
herramienta o aparato ylospodemosver de cuatro tipos-
plato, palo, pelota ybolsa.
Los 44 dibujos de movimientos fueron investigados,
reeditadosyrenovadospor expertosde la Asociacin oficial
de Salud China de Q igong patrocinada por el gobierno
chino. Diecisiete de losmovimientosfueron escogidospara
formar 12 movimientosque corresponden a 12 meridianos.
El libro Salud China Q igong EjerciciosM a Wang Dui Dao
Yin -fue publicado primero en
la lengua china por la Asociacin oficial China de Salud de
Q igong en mayo de 2011.
To Live Out Your Greatness:
The Classic of Tendon Transformation Metaphor
Balance. These courses, are forming an essential part of
Qinesiology, a series of kinesiology-based courses which
Conrad Ho and I have been developing using the
Jing-Qi-Shen (or Matter-Energy-Information) model of
traditional Chinese medicine.
History of Ma Wang Dui Dao Yin Exercises
In 1973, in Changsha in Hunan province, China, a
coloured silk scroll painting 50 cm high and about 100
cm long was unearthed from King Mas Tomb Three of
the Han Dynasty (206 BC 220 AD) The scroll shows
44 gures of people of about 9-12 cm high in four rows.
About half of them are male and half are female. There
are also the young and the old, all practising Dao Yin
(later called qigong) exercises for cultivating energies, in
various postures and movements. This important relic
depicts what people did in China about 2,000 years ago
in their eort in healing diseases and restoring health.
The gures can be categorized into ve types:
1. Animal-imitation exercises such as mantis (), bear
(), monkey (), turtle (), etc.
2. Channelling or directing exercises which is
said to have therapeutic eects. Usually, the exercises
involved in the treatment of diseases contain the
word (directing, or channelling), such as
Channelling Deafness, Channelling the
Abdominals, Channelling the Neck, etc.
3. Energy Exercises which is related to breathing;
4. Strengthening exercises;
5. Massage exercises.
Most of gures depict exercises that are done empty-
handed, or just by moving the limbs. Some are done
with the help of a tool or an apparatus, four types of
which can been seen, namely, plate, stick, ball and bag.
The 44 movement gures were researched, re-edited
and re-developed by experts from the o cial Chinese
Health Qigong Association supported by the Chinese
government. Seventeen of the movements were
chosen to form 12 movements which correspond to 12
meridians. The book, Chinese Health Qigong Ma
Wang Dui Dao Yin Exercises-
was rst published in the Chinese language by the
Chinese Health Qigong Association in May 2011.
www. kin e 2 0 1 2 . co m | www. vid a kin e . co m
Matching Forms with Intention Key to Ma Wang
Dui Qigong Exercises
One of the obvious characteristics of Ma Wang Dui Dao
Yin Shu is that each of the 12 movement is related to
one of the 12 meridians. It is the highest goal to practise
them with synchrony of the forms (the movements) and
the intention (the thoughts). Forms and intentions go
side by side, coordinate and interplay with each other;
with each movement, the mind pays attention to the
lines and ow of each meridian as well as the few acu-
points that are highlighted for the minds attention. For
beginners, it is best to start with the learning the forms,
and then slowly, the attention to the beginning and end
points of the meridians, and then the other acu-points in
the middle of the meridians, and then the energy ow of
the meridians themselves. It should also be emphasized
that thoughts should be held in a relaxed way.
I m ita r la s fo rm a s co n la in te n ci n C la ve p a ra
e je rcicio s M a Wa n g D u i Q ig o n g
Una de las caractersticas evidentes del M a Wang Dui
Dao Yin Shu esque cada uno de los12 movimientosest
relacionado con uno de los 12 meridianos. El objetivo
ms importante es efectuar las formas (los movimientos)
en sincrona con la intencin (los pensamientos). Formas
e intenciones van juntas, se coordinan e interactan
mutuamente; con cada movimiento, la mente est atenta a
laslneasyal flujo de cada meridiano as como a lospocos
acu-puntos que resaltamos para llamar la atencin de la
mente. Para principiantes, esmejor empezar aprendiendo
lasformas, despuspoco a poco, poner la atencin a los
puntos del principio ydel final de los meridianos, luego a
losotrosacu-puntosa lo largo losmeridianosyfinalmente
aprender a poner la atencin al flujo de la energa de los
propios meridianos. Tambin, se debe recalcar que la
mente se debe mantener relajada ytranquila.
E je rcicio s D a o yin .
Pergamino en seda a color, de 50cm x 100cm, de la tumba
M awangdui de la dinasta Han (206Bc 220AD), muestra
lo que la gente haca hace unos 2000 aos para sanar
enfermedadesyrecuperar la salud.
Daoyin Exercises
A coloured silk scroll painting of 50 cm x 100 cm long
unearthed from Mawangdui Tomb of the Han Dynasty
(206 BC 220 AD) depict what people did in China
about 2,000 years ago in their eort in healing diseases
and restoring health.
www. kin e 2 0 1 2 . co m | www. vid a kin e . co m
Summary of the 12 Ma Wang Dui Qigong Exercises
and their Metaphors in Qinesiology
Below is a summary of the movements, how they are
related to Touch for Health muscle indicator checks, and
my initial ndings of their metaphors in Qinesiology.
(Please note: Movement names in brackets [ ] signify
lack of clarity on the scroll.)
Movement Sequence in Chinese Health Qigong: 0
Edited names in Chinese Health Qigong: /
Preparatory Movement
Position on scroll: 3rd row, 11th movement
from the right
Movement No. out of the 44 (from top to down,
right to left): 33
Name on scroll:[]/[Resting Sparrow]
Category: Energy exercise
Related Meridian: Circulation Sex, Governing, Central
Acu-points of attention: PC8/LaogongGV20
/Baihui/Lower Dantian (normally
referred to CV4/Guanyuan)
Muscle-check: Teres Minor, Teres Major, Supraspinatus
Qinesiology metaphor/information: resting, calming,
breathing, standing, ready to move, centering, stability,
Movement Sequence in Chinese Health Qigong: 1
Edited names in Chinese Health Qigong: /Pulling
the Bow
Positions on scroll: 1st row,
5th movement from the
right; 1st row, 4th movement
from the right
Movement No. out of the 44 (from top to down, right to
left): 5, 4
Name on scroll: [][] /[Shaking Arms],
[Pulling the Bow]
Category: Strengthening exercise
Related Meridian: Lung
Acu-points of attention: LU1/ZhongfuLU5
Muscle-check: Anterior Serratus
Qinesiology metaphor/information: Breathing, opening
the chest, nurturance, giving, love, opening and closing
Movement Sequence in Chinese Health Qigong: 2
Edited names in Chinese Health Qigong: /Back
Positions on scroll:
2nd row, 3rd and 2nd
movements from the
Movement No. out of the 44 (from top to down, right to
left): 14, 13
Name on scroll:[]/[Channelling Back
Pain], Brightening Up Pain
Category: Channelling exercises
Related Meridian: Large Intestines
Acu-points of attention: LI1/ShangyangLI11
Muscle-check: Fascia Lata
Qinesiology metaphor/information: Pain, pain in the
back, understanding or brightening up pain, exibility
in the back and arms, arching the back, looking near
and far.
Movement Sequence in Chinese Health Qigong: 3
Edited names in Chinese Health Qigong: / Wild
Duck Bathing
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Positions on scroll: 1st row, 7th and 8th
movements from the right
Movement No. out of the 44 (from top to
down, right to left): 7, 8
Name on scroll: ()/
Wild Duck Bathing, Mantis
Category: Animal imitation exercise
Related Meridian: Stomach
Acu-points of attention: ST1/ChengxiST25
Muscle-check: Pectoralis Major Clavicular
Qinesiology metaphor/information: Bathing like a duck,
turning and bending the waist, be slim on the waist, be
comfortable on the shoulders and waist.
Movement Sequence in Chinese Health Qigong: 4
Edited names in Chinese Health Qigong: /Dragon
Position on scroll: 3rd row,
5th movement from the
Movement No. out of the 44
(from top to down, right to left): 27
Name on scroll: [] / Ant [Dragon] Climbing
Category: Animal imitation exercise
Related Meridian: Spleen
Acu-points of attention: SP1YibaiSP9/
Muscle-check: Latissimus Dorsi
Qinesiology metaphor/information: Going up and
down, extending upwards and squatting downwards,
climbing up while maintaining bodys midline, shifting
between an ant and a dragon.
Movement Sequence in Chinese Health Qigong: 5
Edited names in Chinese Health Qigong: / Bird
Spreading Its Wings
Positions on scroll: 3rd row, 10th
movement from the right
Movement No. out of the 44 (from top
to down, right to left): 32
Name on scroll: []/ Trust [Spreading/Stretching]
Category: Animal Imitation
Related Meridian: Heart
Acu-points of attention: HT1JiquanHT3
Muscle-check: Subscapularis
Qinesiology metaphor/information: Stretch like a bird,
trust, being able to stick your head and neck out, be
comfortable with your head and neck
Movement Sequence in Chinese Health Qigong: 6
Edited names in Chinese Health Qigong: /
Abdominals Channelling
Positions on scroll: 1st
row, 11th movement
from the right; 2nd row,
7th movement from the
Movement No. out of the 44 (from top to down, right to
left): 11, 18
Name on scroll:[]/[Sparrow Flying], []/In
the Abdominals
Category: Animal imitation exercise, channelling
Related Meridian: Small Intestine
Acu-points of attention: SI1/ShaozeSI8/
www. kin e 2 0 1 2 . co m | www. vid a kin e . co m
Muscle-check: Quadriceps
Qinesiology metaphor/information: Able to digest,
being comfortable with the abdominals, being exible
with the shoulders, elbows and arms, ying like a
Movement Sequence in Chinese Health Qigong: 7
Edited names in Chinese Health Qigong: / Owl
Positions on scroll: 2nd row, 1st movement
from the right
Movement No. out of the 44 (from top to
down, right to left): 12
Name on scroll: []/ [Leg Kicking]
Category: Strengthening
Related Meridian: Bladder
Acu-points of attention: BL1JingmingBL40
Muscle-check: Peroneus
Qinesiology metaphor/information: Being able to stick
neck and head out, comfortable with the neck and
shoulders, able to stand on one foot, balance, kicking
with the leg, able to use your eyes and legs together.
Movement Sequence in Chinese Health Qigong: 8
Edited names in Chinese Health Qigong: /Waist
Position on scroll: 1st row, 1st movement
from the right
Movement No. out of the 44 (from top to
down, right to left): 1
Name on scroll: []/[Channelling Waist Pain]
Category: Channelling exercise
Related Meridian: Kidney
Acu-points of attention: KI1/YongquanKI10
Muscle-check: Psoas
Qinesiology metaphor/information: Being strong with
waist and back, being comfortable with neck and back,
pain on the waist.
Movement Sequence in Chinese Health Qigong: 9
Edited names in Chinese Health Qigong: /Goose
Position on scroll: 3rd row, 4th
movement from the right
Movement No. out of the 44 (from top
to down, right to left): 26
Name on scroll: ()/[Channelling Head Wind]
Category: Channelling exercises
Related Meridian: Pericardium/Circulation Sex
Acu-points of attention: PC1/TianchiPC3
Muscle-check: Gluteus Medius
Qinesiology metaphor/information: Flyng like a
goose, being comfortable with the head, no headache,
feel calm at heart, being able to look on both sides.
Movement Sequence in Chinese Health Qigong:
Edited names in Chinese Health Qigong: /Crane
Position on scroll: 3rd row, 3rd
movement from the right
Movement No. out of the 44 (from top
to down, right to left): 25
Name on scroll: []/ Crane[Talking]
Category: Animal imitation exercise
www. kin e 2 0 1 2 . co m | www. vid a kin e . co m
Related Meridian: Triple Energizer/Triple Warmer
Acu-points of attention: TE1/GuanchongTE10
Muscle-check: Teres Minor
Qinesiology metaphor/information: Dance like a crane,
talk like a crane,
Movement Sequence in Chinese Health Qigong: 11
Edited names in Chinese Health Qigong: /Exhaling
with Head Raised
Positions on scroll: 4th row, 1st movement
from the right
Movement No. out of the 44 (from top to
down, right to left): 34
Name on scroll: [] /Exhaling with Head Raised
Category: Energy exercise
Related Meridian: Gall bladder
Auc-points of attention: GB1 Tongziliao
Muscle-check: Anterior Deltoid
Qinesiology metaphor/information: Able to shout, able
to exhale while raising your head, being able to be chest
high, able to breath without gasping, feel comfortable at
the chest and heart area, be strong with the lower legs
and calf muscles.
Movement Sequence in Chinese Health Qigong: 12
Edited names in Chinese Health Qigong: /Bending
Positions on scroll: 1st row, 6th movement
from the right
Movement No. out of the 44 (from top to
down, right to left): 6
Name on scroll: /Bending Yin
Category: Strengthening
Related Meridian: Liver
Acu-points of attention: LR1/DadunLR8
Muscle-check: Pectoralis Major Sternal
Qinesiology metaphor/information: Healthy with
internal organs, bending
The above are the summary of my initial ndings of
the 12-meridian Ma Wang Dui Qigong Exercises and
Qinesiology. I trust that they will spark your interests
on the subject, and will join me in the interesting
journey of applying qigong and kinesiology to
improve health and balance of your daily life.

www. kin e 2 0 1 2 . co m | www. vid a kin e . co m
A m y C H O I Wa i M i n g i s a p ro fe ssi o n a l tra i n e r, b a la n ce fa ci li ta to r, a n d a p i o n e e r i n i n te g ra ti n g ki n e si o lo g y
a n d tra d i ti o n a l C h i n e se q i g o n g te ch n i q u e s. H e r m i ssi o n i s to fa ci li ta te b a la n ce , h e a lth a n d le a rn i n g i n
h e rse lf a n d o th e rs. S i n ce 1 9 9 7 , sh e h a s b e e n p i o n e e ri n g th e sp re a d o f To u ch fo r H e a lth a n d E d u ca ti o n a l
K i n e si o lo g y i n H o n g K o n g a n d m a i n la n d C h i n a b y u si n g , te a ch i n g , sp o n so ri n g a n d tra n sla ti n g th e wo rks.
I n 2 0 0 6 , sh e p re se n te d h e r rst p a p e r i n co m b i n i n g C h i n e se q i g o n g a n d ki n e si o lo g y i n G e rm a n y a n d la te r
o n i n U . S . A . , C a n a d a , I re la n d , J a p a n , H u n g a ry a n d o th e r p la ce s. Th i s a n d th e A u th e n ti c Wo m a n C a se wo rk
Tra i n i n g h a ve b e co m e i m p o rta n t e le m e n ts o f Q i n e si o lo g y, a syste m o f wo rk wh i ch sh e a n d C o n ra d H O S i u
C h a n a re d e ve lo p i n g . S h e i s o n e o f th e two D i re cto rs o f B ra i n B o d y C e n tre Ltd . i n H o n g K o n g . S h e i s a lso a
m o th e r o f two b o ys, wh o se fre e a n d h a p p y so u ls h a ve a lwa ys b e e n h e r te a ch e rs a n d so u rce o f i n sp i ra ti o n .
I n te rn a ti o n a l K i n e si o lo g y C o lle g e sta tu s: E xe cu ti ve B o a rd M e m b e r. D e a n o f To u ch fo r H e a lth S ch o o l.
Pro fe ssi o n a l K i n e si o lo g i st. B o a rd M e m b e r, Pe rso n a l D e ve lo p m e n t S ch o o l. To u ch fo r H e a lth F a cu lty fo r
C h i n a . I n te rn a ti o n a l F a cu lty M e m b e r fo r C h i n a . To u ch fo r H e a lth Pro ci e n cy A sse sso r. R e g i ste re d To u ch
fo r H e a lth I n stru cto r.
Li ce n se d B ra i n G ym I n stru cto r/C o n su lta n t (E d u ca ti o n a l K i n e si o lo g y F o u n d a ti o n )
I n stru cto r fo r O p ti m a l B ra i n O rg a n i za ti o n , Vi si o n C i rcle s, D o u b le D o o d le P la y (E d u ca ti o n a l K i n e si o lo g y
F o u n d a ti o n )
C e rti e d N LP M a ste r Pra cti ti o n e r (N LP U n i ve rsi ty, U . S . A . )
B . A . (H o n . ) (U n i ve rsi ty o f O re g o n , U . S . A . )
A m y C H O I Wa i M i n g e s fo rm a d o ra p ro fe si o n a l, fa ci li ta d o ra d e e q u i li b ri o y p i o n e ra e n la i n te g ra ci n d e
ki n e si o lo g a y t cn i ca s tra d i ci o n a le s ch i n a s d e q i g o n g . S u m i si n e s fa ci li ta r e l e q u i li b ri o , la sa lu d y e l
a p re n d i za je e u n o m i sm o y e n o tro s. D e sd e 1 9 9 7 , h a si d o p i o n e ra e n la d i fu si n d e To u ch fo r H e a lth
y K i n e si o lo g a E d u ca ti va e n H o n g K o n g y C h i n a co n ti n e n ta l m e d i a n te su u ti li za ci n , su e n se a n za , su
p a tro ci n i o y la tra d u cci n d e te xto s y li b ro s. E n 2 0 0 6 , p re se n t su p ri m e ra p o n e n ci a so b re la co m b i n a ci n
q i g o n g ch i n o y ki n e si o lo g a e n A le m a n i a y m s ta rd e e n E E . U U . , C a n a d , I rla n d a , J a p n , H u n g r a y
o tro s lu g a re s. E sto y e l se m i n a ri o A u th e n ti c Wo m a n C a se wo rk Tra i n i n g se h a n co n ve rti d o e n e le m e n to s
i m p o rta n te s d e Q i n e si o lo g y, u n si ste m a d e tra b a jo q u e e lla y C o n ra d H O S i u C h a n e st n d e sa rro lla n d o . E s
co d i re cto ra d e B ra i n B o d y C e n tre Ltd . e n H o n g K o n g . Ta m b i n e s m a d re d e d o s n i o s, cu ya s a lm a s li b re s
y fe li ce s si e m p re h a n si d o su s m a e stro s y fu e n te d e i n sp i ra ci n .
E sta tu s e n e l I n te rn a ti o n a l K i n e si o lo g y C o lle g e : M i e m b ro d e la e je cu ti va . D e a n d e la To u ch fo r H e a lth
S ch o o l , K i n e si lo g a Pro fe ssi o n a l, m i e m b ro d e la m e sa d e la e scu e la d e d e sa rro llo p e rso n a l, M i e m b ro
F a cu lty i n te rn a ci o n a l p a ra C h i n a , i n stru cto ra re g i stra d a . I n stru cto ra re g i stra d a d e B ra i n G ym p o r
E d u ca ti o n a l K i n e si o lo g y F o u n d a ti o n .
I n stru cto ra re g i stra d a d e O rg a n i za ci n C e re b ra l O p ti m a , C rcu lo s d e Vi si n , D o b le g a ra b a to p o r la
E d u ca ti o n a l K i n e si o lo g y F o u n d a ti o n )
P N L M a ste r Pra cti ti o n e r (N LP U n i ve rsi ty, U . S . A . )
B . A . (H o n . ) (U n i ve rsi ty o f O re g o n , U . S . A . )
we b : www. b ra i n b o d yce n tre . co m
e m @ i l: i n fo @ b ra i n b o d yce n tre . co m
H o n g K o n g
A n I llu stra te d H a n d b o o k o f Tra d i ti o n a l C h i n e se H e a lth Pre se rva ti o n , F o re i g n La n g u a g e Pre ss, B e i ji n g ,
C h i n a , 2 0 1 0 .
J o h n Th i e , D . C . a n d M a tth e w Th i e , M . E d . , To u ch fo r H e a lth C o m p le te E d i ti o n , D e Vo rss & C o m p a n y, 2 0 0 5
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J o h n Th i e , D . C . y M a th e w Th i e , M . E d . To q u e p a ra la sa lu d . E d i ci n co m p le ta . 2 0 1 0 Vi d a ki n e si o lo g a .

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