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A. H.


1000 pyccxnx n anrnnncxnx nocnonnn n

O1 coc1ann1enn
Hocnonnnt n noronopxn yxpamamr namy peut, npnamr e ocot xonopnr n
ouaponanne. Onn xnnxmrcx orpaxennem mypocrn napoa, nepeamr ero yx n cnoeopasne.
Hacroxmn copnnx coepxnr oxono rtcxun pyccxnx n anrnncxnx nocnonnn n
noronopox. Pyccxne nocnonnnt oropant no npnnnnny nannunx anrnncxoro +xnnnanenra,
nepeammero omn cmtcn ntcxastnannx.
Hocnonnna +ro xparxoe omeynorpenrentnoe nspeuenne, saxnmuammee n cee omee
cyxenne nnn nacrannenne na xaxo-nnyt cnyua xnsnn. Otxnonenno nocnonnnt
cosamrcx nenocpecrnenno napoom, no nnora sanmcrnymrcx ns nnreparypntx
nponsneenn. cyxennx, noronopxa xnnxercx ero uacrtm n npnnnxaercx x nnome, x
xoonomy oopory peun; xpome roro, noronopxa ne nmeer nasnarentnoro, naxrnuecxoro
xapaxrepa, a cnyxnr nx +monnonantno-+xcnpeccnnntx onenox (Crapocrt ne paocrt,
He penn pantme cmeprn n r. n.).
B xnno peun nocnonnny moxno oparnrt n noronopxy, panno xax n noronopxa moxer
npenparnrtcx n nocnonnny: Cnannnart c ontno ronont na soponym noronopxa;
Cnannnart c ontno ronont na soponym ne naxnano nocnonnna.
Bce nocnonnnt n noronopxn npnnoxrcx n an]annrnom nopxxe. Anrnncxne +xnnnanenrt
Ofpepakfupoean u onynukoean ua cafe : PRESSI ( HERSON )
cnaxent ocnonntm nepenoom (n rexcre on ntenen xypcnnom). Cnonapt apeconan xax
erxm, rax n nspocntm, a raxxe ncem, xro nnrepecyercx pyccxo n anrnncxo xyntrypo.

A re ror xne, uro nuepa cenn?
Eaten bread is soon forgotten.
Ceennt xne tcrpo satnaercx.
//-- * * * --//
Asyxn ne snaer, a unrart canrcx.
Learn to say before you sing.
Hayunct ronopnrt npexe, uem nert.
//-- * * * --//
Anmas anmasom rpannrcx, nnyr nnyrom rynrcx.
Diamond cuts diamond.
Anmas pexercx anmasom.
Set a thief to catch a thief.
Homnn nopa nonnrt nopa.
An old poacher makes the best gamekeeper.
Hs craporo paxontepa nonyuaercx nyumn erept.
//-- * * * --//
Anrtnnoro nopa nemamr, a nonrnnnoro uecrnymr.
Little thieves are hanged, but great ones escape.
Menxnx nopnmex nemamr, a xpynnte ycxontsamr.
//-- * * * --//
Annernr npnxonr no npemx et.
Appetite comes with eating.
Annernr npnxonr nmecre c eo.
//-- * * * --//
Anpent c noo, a ma c rpano.
April showers bring May flowers.
Anpentcxne oxn npnnocxr macxne nnert.

Fapan apanom, a pora apom.
Let the horns go with the hide.
Hycrt pora nyr nnpnauy x mxype.
//-- * * * --//
Fapcxax mnnocrt uro xncentnax ctrocrt.
Great mens favours are uncertain.
Mnnocrn or ontmnx nme ne naexnt.
//-- * * * --//
Fapcxax xnopt myxnnxoe soponte.
A falling master makes a standing servant.
Kora xosxnn naaer, cnyra nonnmaercx.
//-- * * * --//
Facnxmn saxpoma ne nanonnnmt.
Many words will not fill a bushel.
Mnornmn cnonamn ne nanonnnrt ymenx [1 - Cocy emxocrtm n yment (crapnnnax mepa
//-- * * * --//
Facnxmn ctr ne yemt.
Fair words fill not the belly.
Kpacnnte cnona ne nanonnxmr xenyox.
Fine words butter no parsnips.
Kpacnntmn cnonamn ne namacnnmt nacrepnax.
//-- * * * --//
Fea ey ponr.
Of one ill come many.
Hs ono et ntxonr mnoro.
//-- * * * --//
Fea na ee, eo noronxer.
Ill comes often on the back of worse.
Hnoxoe uacro npnxonr na cnnne xymero.
//-- * * * --//
Fea ne xonr ona.
Misfortunes never come singly.
Hecuacrtx nnxora ne npnxoxr noonnouxe.
It never rains but it pours.
Ofpepakfupoean u onynukoean ua cafe : PRESSI ( HERSON )
Ecnn ner oxt, ro ncera nnnnem.
Of one ill come many.
Hs ono et ntxonr mnoro.
//-- * * * --//
Fea npnxonr nyamn, a yxonr sonornnxamn.
Mischief comes by the pound and goes away by the ounce.
Fea npnxonr ]ynramn, a yxonr ynnnxmn.
Ill comes in by ells, and goes out by inches.
Fea nxonr noxrxmn, a yxonr mmamn.
//-- * * * --//
Fenomy nese eno.
The poor man is aye put to the worst.
Fenomy ncera ocraercx camoe nnoxoe.
//-- * * * --//
Fenomy a nopy ncx oexa nnopy.
Beggars cannot be choosers.
Hnmne ne moryr trt cnnmxom pasopunntmn.
//-- * * * --//
Fenocrt ne rpex, a o rpexa ononr.
There is no virtue that poverty destroys not.
Her raxo opoerenn, xoropym enocrt ne norynna t.
//-- * * * --//
Fenocrt ne nopox.
Poverty is no sin.
Fenocrt ne rpex.
Poverty is not a crime.
Fenocrt ne npecrynnenne.
//-- * * * --//
Fenocrt ne nopox, a necuacrte.
Poverty is no disgrace, but it is a great inconvenience.
Fenocrt ne nosop, no +ro ontmoe neyocrno.
//-- * * * --//
Fenocrt yunr, a cuacrte noprnr.
Poverty is the mother of all arts.
Fenocrt mart ncex ymenn.
//-- * * * --//
Fey ne xyr, ona cama npnxonr.
Sorrow comes unsent for.
Iope npnxonr es npnrnamennx.
//-- * * * --//
Fet myuar, a ymy yuar.
Adversity makes a man wise, though not rich.
Hecuacrtx enamr uenonexa myptm, xorx n ne orartm.
Trouble brings experience and experience brings wisdom.
Fea aer ontr, a ontr aer mypocrt.
//-- * * * --//
Fes et pyra ne ysnaemt.
A friend is never known till a man have need.
pyra ne ysnaemt, noxa ne nonaonrcx ero nomomt.
Prosperity makes friends, adversity tries them.
Hponneranne cosaer pyse, rpynocrn ncntrtnamr nx.
A friend in need is a friend indeed.
pyr n nyxe ncrnnnt pyr.
//-- * * * --//
Fes onesnn n sopontm ne pa.
Health is not valued till sickness comes.
3oponte ne nennrcx, noxa onesnt ne npnmna.
//-- * * * --//
Fes para npoxnnemt, a es cocea ne npoxnrt.
We can live without our friends, but not without our neighbours.
Mt moxem npoxnrt es pyse, a es cocee ner.
//-- * * * --//
Fes ena xnrt rontxo neo xonrnrt.
Idle men are dead all their life long.
Fesentnnxn meprnt ncm cnom xnsnt.
//-- * * * --//
Fes ener nese xyenex.
A man without money is no man at all.
uenonex es ener +ro ne uenonex noome.
A light purse makes a heavy heart.
Ofpepakfupoean u onynukoean ua cafe : PRESSI ( HERSON )
Or nerxoro xomentxa rxxeno na cepne.
A light purse is a heavy curse.
Herxn xomenex +ro rxxenoe npoxnxrne.
An empty purse fills the face with wrinkles.
Or nycroro xomentxa nnno noxptnaercx mopmnnamn.
//-- * * * --//
Fes pyra xnrt camomy cee nocrtntm trt.
Life without a friend is death without a witness.
Xnsnt es pyra +ro cmeprt es cnnerenx.
//-- * * * --//
Fes pyra cnpora, c pyrom cemtxnnn.
A good friend is my nearest relation.
Xopomn pyr +ro mo nnxamn pocrnennnx.
//-- * * * --//
Fes saopa a es sanopa ne cnacemtcx or nopa.
It is easy to rob an orchard when none keeps it.
Herxo rpanrt ca, xoropt nnxro ne oxpanxer.
//-- * * * --//
Fes sanacy ne craner npnnacy.
Provision in season makes a rich house.
Cnoenpemennt sanac cosaer orart om.
//-- * * * --//
Fes xneme xysnen, uro es pyx.
What is a workman without his tools?
uro raxoe paornnx es nncrpymenron?
//-- * * * --//
Fes xora mtmam pasonte.
When the cats away, the mice will play.
Kora xomxn ner, mtmn pesnxrcx.
//-- * * * --//
Fes xptnten ne ynernmt.
No flying without wings.
Fes xptnten ne ynernmt.
//-- * * * --//
Fes myxa xena ncera cnpora.
If the husband be not at home, there is nobody.
Ecnn myxa ner oma, nnxoro ner oma.
//-- * * * --//
Fes myxn ner nayxn.
There is no royal road to learning.
Her xoponencxo oporn x snannxm.
//-- * * * --//
Fes nyxt xnner, xro entrn epexer.
Of saving, comes having.
Hs +xonomnn nonyuaercx onaanne.
Spare well and have well.
Xopomo c+xonomnmt, xopomo n nmert yemt.
//-- * * * --//
Fes npnnexannx ner ycnexa.
Diligence is the mother of good luck.
Hpnnexanne mart yaun.
Care and diligence bring luck.
Bnnmarentnocrt n ycepne npnnocxr yauy.
It is dogged as does it.
onnaercx rontxo ynopnt.
//-- * * * --//
Fes cmenocrn ne nostmemt xpenocrn.
Faint heart never won fair lady.
Poxoe cepne nnxora ne sanoentnano npexpacno amt.
//-- * * * --//
Fes conn cron xpnno.
Salt seasons all things.
Cont ncemy npnaer nxyc.
//-- * * * --//
Fes cnortuxn n xont ne npoexnr.
A horse stumbles that hath four legs.
Kont c uertptmx noramn roxe cnortxaercx.
//-- * * * --//
Fes rpya ne ntnonnmt n ptxy ns npya.
Nothing to be got without pains.
Ofpepakfupoean u onynukoean ua cafe : PRESSI ( HERSON )
Fes ycepnx nnuero ne nonyunmt.
No sweet without sweat.
He nonoren, cnaxoro ne nonyunmt.
No pain, no gain.
Her ycepnx ner ocrnxennx.
//-- * * * --//
Fes yxnna noymxa n rononax neprnrcx.
Who goes to bed supperless, all night tumbles and tosses.
Kro noxnrcx cnart es yxnna, ror ncm nout meuercx n nopouaercx.
//-- * * * --//
Fes yma ronona xoren.
An idle head is a box for the wind.
Hycrax ronona +ro xmnx nx nerpa.
//-- * * * --//
Fes yma ronona noram narya.
Little wit in the head makes much work for the feet.
Mano yma n ronone saaer mnoro paort nx nor.
//-- * * * --//
Fes xnocra n nnuyxxa ne xpacna.
Fine feathers make fine birds.
Kpacnnte neptx cosamr xpacnntx nrnn.
//-- * * * --//
Fes xnea ne xnrt, a ne or xnea xnrt.
Eat to live, not live to eat.
Emt, urot xnrt, a ne xnnn, urot ecrt.
//-- * * * --//
Fes xosxnna om cnpora.
The master absent and the house dead.
Xosxnn orcyrcrnyer om meprn.
//-- * * * --//
Fesonnym ouxy ne nanonnnmt, xanoe pmxo ne naxopmnmt.
Covetousness is always filling a bottomless vessel.
Xanocrt ncera nanonnxer esonnt cocy.
//-- * * * --//
Fesymnt n pasymntx yma nnmaer.
One fool makes many.
Onn ypax cosaer mnoro.
//-- * * * --//
Fe cnonx uyxne yyr oxrcx.
Beat the dog before the lion.
Fe coaxy n npncyrcrnnn ntna.
//-- * * * --//
Fepern enexxy na uepnt ent.
Keep something for a rainy day.
Coxpann uro-nnyt na oxnnnt ent.
Keep something for the sore foot.
Coxpann uro-nnyt nx ontno norn.
//-- * * * --//
Fepernct e, noxa nx ner.
Prevention is better than cure.
Hpeynpexenne nyume neuennx.
Good watch prevents misfortune.
Xopomee cropoxente npeornpamaer ey.
//-- * * * --//
Fepernct xosna cnepen, noman csan, a nnxoro uenonexa co ncex cropon.
Take heed of an ox before, of a horse behind, of a monk on all sides.
Ocreperacx txa cnepen, noman csan, monaxa co ncex cropon.
//-- * * * --//
Fepexenoro For epexer.
God helps them that help themselves.
For nomoraer rem, xro nomoraer cee cam.
//-- * * * --//
Fepexnnnocrt nyume npntrxa.
Sparing is the first gaining.
3xonomnx +ro nepnt oxo.
Thrift is a great revenue.
Fepexnnnocrt +ro ontmo oxo.
Frugality is a handsome income.
Fepexnnnocrt +ro nspxnt oxo.
//-- * * * --//
Ofpepakfupoean u onynukoean ua cafe : PRESSI ( HERSON )
Fepn n paore ymom, a ne ropom.
One good head is better than an hundred strong hands.
Ona xopomax ronona nyume, uem cornx cnntntx pyx.
//-- * * * --//
Fepnct pyxno ne yer rpysno.
Many hands make light work.
Mnoro pyx oneruamr paory.
//-- * * * --//
Fecet snte rnxr otuan narne.
Evil communications corrupt good manners.
ypnoe omenne noprnr xopomne manept.
//-- * * * --//
Fecuecrte xyxe cmeprn.
He that has an ill name is half hanged.
Kro nmeer ypnym penyrannm, ror nanononnny nonemen.
He that has lost his credit, is dead to the world.
Kro yrparnn cnoe opoe nmx, ror nx mnpa meprn.
Take away my good name and take away my life.
Ornnmn y menx opoe nmx n ornnmn y menx xnsnt.
//-- * * * --//
Femenax coaxa n xosxnna xycaer.
The mad dog bites his master.
Femenax coaxa xycaer n cnoero xosxnna.
//-- * * * --//
Fnn e xay, rposxct na ay.
He that cannot beat the horse, beats the saddle.
Kro ne moxer nonrt nomat, ror ter no ceny.
//-- * * * --//
Fnrna cnanna nyume mnpa cryna.
A just war is better than an unjust peace.
Cnpanennnax nona nyume necnpanennnoro mnpa.
//-- * * * --//
Fnroro, nponnroro a npoxnroro ne nopornmt.
It is no use crying over spilt milk.
Fecnonesno nnaxart na nponnrtm monoxom.
//-- * * * --//
Fnarnmn namepennxmn ntmomena opora n a.
The road to hell is paved with good intentions.
opora n a ntmomena narnmn namepennxmn.
Hell is full of good meanings and wishes.
A nonon optx namepenn n noxenann.
//-- * * * --//
Fnnxnn coce nyume antne ponn.
A near neighbour is better than a far-dwelling kinsman.
Fnnxnn coce nyume anexo xnnymero pocrnennnxa.
//-- * * * --//
Fnnxnxx nopona, antnxx coxonena.
Far fowls have fair feathers.
V naxoxmnxcx anexo nrnn xpacnnoe onepenne.
//-- * * * --//
Fnns nopt nnca na npomtcen ne xonr.
The fox preys farthest from his home.
Hnca oxornrcx xax moxno antme or cnoero oma.
//-- * * * --//
Fnnsxo x nepxnn, a anexo or Fora.
The nearer the church, the farther from God.
uem nnxe x nepxnn, rem antme or Fora.
//-- * * * --//
For an na yxa, a onn xstx.
Nature has given us two ears, two eyes, and but one tongue; to the end we should hear and see
more than we speak.
Hpnpoa ana nam na yxa, na rnasa n rontxo onn xstx, no+romy mt onxnt ontme
cnymart n cmorpert, a ne ronopnrt.
//-- * * * --//
For acr porox, rax acr n xycox.
God never sends mouths but He sends meat.
For nnxora ne noctnaer prt, a noctnaer nnmy.
//-- * * * --//
For onro xer, a ontno ter.
God comes with leaden feet, but strikes with iron hands.
Ofpepakfupoean u onynukoean ua cafe : PRESSI ( HERSON )
For npnxonr na cnnnnontx norax, no ter xenesntmn pyxamn.
//-- * * * --//
For sa xyoe nnarentmnx.
God is a sure paymaster.
For oxsarentnt nnarentmnx.
//-- * * * --//
For nmnr rponny.
Third time lucky.
Tpern pas cuacrnnnt.
The third time pays for all.
Tpern pas nosnarpaxaer sa nce.
All things thrive at thrice.
Bce nonyuaercx c rpertero pasa.
//-- * * * --//
Forara xort ypaxa ncxx nounraer.
Wealth makes worship.
Forarcrno oecneunnaer nounranne.
//-- * * * --//
Forarcrno rpxst, ym sonoro.
Muck and money go together.
Ipxst n entrn xoxr nmecre.
//-- * * * --//
Forarcrno ponrene nopua erxm.
The abundance of money ruins youth.
Hstrox ener rynr monoocrt.
//-- * * * --//
Forarcrnom n pa ne nsoemt.
Gold goes in at any gate except heavens.
3onoro nxonr n nmte nopora, xpome pacxnx.
//-- * * * --//
Fonnno xopone For por ne aer.
A curst cow has short horns.
V npoxnxro xopont xoporxne pora.
//-- * * * --//
Foxn cxauer, a cmnpnt nnauer.
The weakest goes to the wall.
Camt cnat repnnr neyauy.
//-- * * * --//
Focx ananen, apt npnnocxmnx.
Fear the Greeks, even bearing gifts.
Focx rpexon, npnnocxmnx apt.
Gifts from enemies are dangerous.
Hoapxn or nparon onacnt.
//-- * * * --//
Fonesnt npnxonr nyamn, a yxonr sonornnxamn.
Agues come on horseback, but go away on foot.
Fonesnn npnxoxr nepxom, a yxoxr nemxom.
//-- * * * --//
Fontnomy n sonorax xponart ne nomoxer.
A crown is no cure for the headache.
Kopona ne xnnxercx nexapcrnom or rononno onn.
//-- * * * --//
Fontmax pta manentxym nennxom rnoraer.
The great fish eat up the small.
Fontmax pta ceaer manentxym.
//-- * * * --//
Fontmax ctrt pmxy npenr.
Gluttony kills more than the sword.
Oxopcrno ynnaer ontme, uem meu.
//-- * * * --//
Fontme nouer ontme xnonor.
Great honours are great burdens.
Fontmo nouer +ro ontmoe pemx.
Honour and ease are seldom bedfellows.
Houer n noxo pexo cnxr na ono nocrenn.
//-- * * * --//
Fontme cnyma, mentme ronopn.
Hear much, speak little.
Cnyma mnoro, ronopn mano.
Keep your mouth shut and your ears open.
Ofpepakfupoean u onynukoean ua cafe : PRESSI ( HERSON )
epxn por saxptrtm, a ymn orxptrtmn.
Hear twice before you speak once.
Btcnyma na pasa, npexe uem onn pas cxasart.
//-- * * * --//
Fontmomy xopanm ontmoe nnananne.
A great ship asks deep waters.
Fontmomy xopanm nyxna rnyoxax noa.
//-- * * * --//
Fopoa ymy ne samena.
The brains dont lie in the beard.
Vm naxonrcx ne n opoe.
//-- * * * --//
Fopoo n nmn ne ntemt.
It is not the beard that makes the philosopher.
He opoa enaer ]nnoco]om.
//-- * * * --//
Foxrtcx nyntxn nern n conart.
He that is afraid of wounds, must not come nigh a battle.
Tor, xro onrcx pan, ne onxen noxonrt x nonm nrnt.
//-- * * * --//
Fpaxn conepmamrcx na neecax.
Marriages are made in heaven.
Fpaxn enamrcx na neecax.
//-- * * * --//
Fpant na nopory ne nncner.
Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me.
Hanxn n xamnn moryr cnomart mne xocrn, no cnona mne nonpenrt ne moryr.
//-- * * * --//
Fpant ne tm rnasa ne ecr.
Hard words break no bones.
Xecroxne cnona xocre ne nomamr.
//-- * * * --//
Fpmxo snoe: craporo opa ne nomnnr.
Eaten bread is soon forgotten.
Ceennt xne tcrpo satnaercx.
//-- * * * --//
Fpmxo ctro, a rnasa ronont.
Better fill a mans belly than his eye.
Herue nanonnnrt xenyox uenonexa, uem ero rnas.
The eye is bigger than the belly.
Inas ontme, uem xenyox.
//-- * * * --//
Fpmmxo, pasacx, opt xyc, ne ocrantcx.
Better belly burst than good meat lost.
Hycrt nyume pmxo nonner, uem nponaer xopomax ea.
//-- * * * --//
Fyer ent yer nnma.
Every day brings its bread with it.
Kaxt ent npnnocnr c coo xne.
Let the morn come and the meat with it.
Hycrt npner sanrpa, a c nnm n nnma.
//-- * * * --//
Fyer n na name ynnne npasnnx.
There is a good time coming.
Hpner n xopomee npemx.
Every dog has his day.
V xaxo coaxn ecrt cno ent.
//-- * * * --//
Fyyr rononte cexr n xononoe.
Hunger finds no fault with the cookery.
Iono ne naxonr omnox n crpxnne.
Hunger is the best sauce.
Iono nyumax npnnpana.
Hunger makes hard beans sweet.
Iono enaer rnepte ot mxrxnmn.
//-- * * * --//
Fyt nnmt me, myx mnoro nantner.
Make yourself all honey, and the flies will devour you.
Cenacx nect meont, n myxn rex cexr.
//-- * * * --//
Ofpepakfupoean u onynukoean ua cafe : PRESSI ( HERSON )
Fymara or crta ne xpacneer.
Pens may blot, but they cannot blush.
Heptx moryr crannrt xnxxct, no onn ne moryr xpacnert.
//-- * * * --//
Ftnaer, uro n ypax ymnoro naynaer.
None is so wise, but the fool overtakes him.
Hnxro ne tnaer nacrontxo ymntm, urot ero ne oornan ypax.
Wise men are caught in wiles.
H ymnoro moxno nomart xnrpocrtm.
//-- * * * --//
Ftnaer, uro n xopont neramr.
Pigs may fly, but they are very unlikely birds.
Cnnntn moryr nerart, no onn npx nn nrnnt.
//-- * * * --//
Ftna t oxora sananrcx ncxxax paora.
Where theres a will, theres a way.
Ie ecrt xenanne, ram ecrt n nosmoxnocrt.
Nothing is impossible to a willing heart.
Her nnuero nenosmoxnoro nx xaxymero cepna.
//-- * * * --//
Ftna nopa, rax ne tno yma; a nopa ymna, n ym npnmen.
After wit comes ower late.
3ann ym noxnnxercx cnnmxom nosno.
//-- * * * --//
Ftno t nauano, yer n xonen.
Everything must have a beginning.
Bce onxno nmert cnoe nauano.
//-- * * * --//
Ftnt sa cxasxo ne yronxercx.
A lie is halfway round the world before the truth has got its boots on.
Hoxt yxe oomna non-cnera, npexe uem npana ycnena naert ornnxn.
//-- * * * --//
Ftcrpax nomat cxopo ycraner.
He that runs fast will not run long.
Kro tcrpo eraer, ror anexo ne yexnr.

B noe ptt mnoro, nce ne ntnonnmt.
There are as good fish in the sea as ever came out of it.
B mope ocraercx crontxo xe xopome ptt, cxontxo ns nero ntxonr.
//-- * * * --//
B ropy nonpxxxa nnopy, a no ropy n camo cxarnrcx.
It is easy to bowl down hill.
Herxo xarnrt nnns no ropy.
//-- * * * --//
B rocrxx xopomo, a oma nyume.
There is no place like home.
Her mecra, noonoro omy.
East, west, home is best.
Bocrox, sana, a oma nyume ncero.
//-- * * * --//
B opt uac monnnrt, a n xyo npomonuart.
There is a time to speak and a time to be silent.
Ecrt npemx ronopnrt, n ecrt npemx monuart.
//-- * * * --//
B onr anart pyxy repxrt.
Lend your money and lose your friend.
Oonxn entrn n norepx pyra.
//-- * * * --//
B ome nonemennoro ne ronopxr o nepenxe.
Never mention rope in the house of a man who has been hanged.
Hnxora ne ynomnna o nepenxe n ome uenonexa, xoroporo nonecnnn.
//-- * * * --//
B tpxnt memox ne nannxaemtcx.
A broken sack will hold no corn.
//-- * * * --//
B ennennn cnna.
Union is strength.
Ofpepakfupoean u onynukoean ua cafe : PRESSI ( HERSON )
Enncrno cnna.
United we stand, divided we fall.
Oennnnmnct, mt ntcronm, pasennnnmnct nornnem.
//-- * * * --//
B sanncrn ner xoptcrn.
Envy never enriched any man.
3anncrt nn pasy nnxoro ne cenana orartm.
//-- * * * --//
B saxptrt por n myxa ne sanernr.
Into a shut mouth flies fly not.
B saxptrt por myxn ne saneramr.
A shut mouth catches no flies.
3axptrt por ne nonnr myx.
//-- * * * --//
B soponom rene sopont yx.
A sound mind in a sound body.
//-- * * * --//
B nrpe a n nonyrte nme ysnamr.
In sports and journeys men are known.
Hmn ysnamrcx n nrpax n nyremecrnnxx.
//-- * * * --//
B xaxo myrxe ecrt onx npant.
Many a true word is spoken in jest.
Mnoro npannntx cnon ronopnrcx n myrxy.
//-- * * * --//
B xaxom napoe xnnemt, roro n otuax epxnct.
When in Rome, do as the Romans do.
Kora naxonmtcx n Pnme, ena rax, xax enamr pnmnxne.
//-- * * * --//
B nmxx anren, ne xena; oma c myxem carana.
A saint abroad and a devil at home.
Cnxrax nne oma n uepr oma.
//-- * * * --//
B mae xennrtcx nex maxrtcx.
Marry in May, repent for aye.
Xennrtcx n mae neuno coxanert.
//-- * * * --//
B mnnom ner nocrtnoro, a n nocrtnom mnnoro.
Faults are thick where love is thin.
Heocrarxn nennxn ram, re nmont mana.
Where love fails, we espy all faults.
Ie nmnn ner, ram mt onapyxnnaem nce neocrarxn.
//-- * * * --//
B mnpe ne onn nepn.
Where one door shuts, another opens.
Ie ona nept saxptnaercx, pyrax orxptnaercx.
//-- * * * --//
B myrno noe xopomo pty nonnrt.
It is good fishing in troubled waters.
Xopomo ptaunrt n ecnoxontx noax.
//-- * * * --//
B oes rax x oey; a npxmo rax, a For, x noun.
The longest way round is the shortest way home.
Camax nnnnax oxontnax opora +ro nnxamn nyrt x omy.
He that leaves the highway to cut short, commonly goes about.
Kro ocrannxer ontmym opory, urot yxopornrt nyrt, ror otuno nnyraer.
//-- * * * --//
B onn ent no ne paocrn ne xnner.
You cannot have two forenoons in the same day.
Hentsx nmert na yrpa n onn n ror xe ent.
//-- * * * --//
B oun ntcrnr, a sa rnasa xocrnr.
All are not friends that speak us fair.
He nce, xro pasronapnnamr c namn nmesno, xnnxmrcx namnmn pystxmn.
//-- * * * --//
B paocrn ctmyr, a n ropecrn sayyr.
Laugh and the world laughs with you; weep and you weep alone.
Cmecx n nect mnp cmeercx nmecre c roo, nnaut n rt nnauemt n onnouecrne.
//-- * * * --//
B ponom yrny nce no nyrpy.
Ofpepakfupoean u onynukoean ua cafe : PRESSI ( HERSON )
Home is home though its never so homely.
om ecrt om, nycrt axe on rax npocr.
//-- * * * --//
B cnoe semne nnxro npopoxom ne tnaer.
A prophet is not without honour save in his own country.
Hpopox ne es ynaxennx, sa ncxnmuennem cocrnenno crpant.
//-- * * * --//
B cnoem ene cam ne cytx.
No one should be judge in his own cause.
Hnxro ne onxen trt cyte n cnoem ene.
Men are blind in their own cause.
Hmn cnent n cocrnenntx enax.
//-- * * * --//
B cemte ne es ypoa.
Theres a black sheep in every flock.
B xaxom crae ecrt uepnax onna.
Many a good cow has a bad calf.
V mnornx xopomnx xopon tnamr nnoxne renxra.
//-- * * * --//
B copox ner yma ner n ne yer.
A fool at forty is a fool indeed.
ypax n copox ner saxonuennt ypax.
//-- * * * --//
B crenn n xyx mxco.
Better a mouse in the pot than no flesh at all.
Hyume mtmt n xorenxe, uem concem es mxca.
//-- * * * --//
B ranom ene uecrn ner.
We cannot come to honour under coverlet.
Mt ne moxem no noxptnanom onrtcx nouera.
//-- * * * --//
B remnore n rnnnymxa cnernr.
Little is the light will be seen far in a mirk night.
B remnym nout n manentxn oronex anexo nnen.
//-- * * * --//
B rnxo noe omyrt rnyoxn.
Still waters run deep.
Tnxne not rnyoxn.
//-- * * * --//
B rnxom omyre ueprn noxrcx.
Beware of a silent dog and still water.
Fepernct monuame coaxn n rnxo not.
//-- * * * --//
B yoro ropocrn txnony yrexa.
The devil wipes his tail with the poor mans pride.
uepr ntrnpaer cno xnocr ropocrtm enxxa.
//-- * * * --//
B xosxcrne npnronrcx n nepenouxa.
Everything is of use to a housekeeper.
omoxosxnny nce npnronrcx.
//-- * * * --//
B uem mono noxnannmtcx, n rom crap noxaemtcx.
Young mens knocks old men feel.
Vapt monotx uyncrnymr crapnxn.
Reckless youth makes rueful age.
Fespaccynax monoocrt npnnonr x xammecx crapocrn.
//-- * * * --//
B uyxnx pyxax xycox ontme xaxercx.
The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence.
Tpana ncera senenee no ry cropony saopa.
//-- * * * --//
B uyxnx pyxax nororox c noxorox.
Your pot broken seems better than my whole one.
Tno pasnrt ropmox xaxercx nyume moero nenoro.
//-- * * * --//
B uyxo monacrtpt co cnonm ycranom ne xoxr.
When in Rome, do as the Romans do.
Kora naxonmtcx n Pnme, ena rax, xax enamr pnmnxne.
//-- * * * --//
B uyxom ome ne yt npnmernnn, a yt npnnernnn.
Ofpepakfupoean u onynukoean ua cafe : PRESSI ( HERSON )
Curiosity is ill manners in anothers house.
Hmontrcrno n uyxom ome ypno ron.
//-- * * * --//
B uyxom nnarte ne naxpaconartcx.
Borrowed garments never fit well.
uyxax oexa nnxora xopomo ne cnnr.
//-- * * * --//
Bnepx ne nnm: cex noxane.
Who spits against heaven, it falls in his face.
Kro nnmer n neo, romy nce naaer na nnno.
//-- * * * --//
Beepom rymana ne pasronnmt.
A fog cannot be dispelled with a fan.
Tyman neepom ne pasronnmt.
//-- * * * --//
Bex xnnn, nex naecx.
While there is life, there is hope.
Hoxa ecrt xnsnt, ecrt n naexa.
//-- * * * --//
Bex xnnn, nex yunct.
Live and learn.
Xnnn n yunct.
//-- * * * --//
Bennx snon, a ne xpacen.
Great strokes make not sweet music.
Cnntnte yapt ne cosamr xpacnnym mystxy.
//-- * * * --//
Bennx renom, a man enom.
Great bodies move slowly.
Fontmne rena nnramrcx menenno.
//-- * * * --//
Bennxa xoxopa, a nnxya ne ronrcx, a man sonornnx, a opor.
Great trees are good for nothing but shade.
Fontmne epentx xopomn rontxo nx renn.
Goodness is not tied to greatness.
Xopomne xauecrna ne sanncxr or nennunnt.
//-- * * * --//
Bepa n ropy c mecra cnnner.
Faith will move mountains.
Bepa cnnner n ropt.
//-- * * * --//
Becna xpacna nneramn, a ocent nnoamn.
That which doth blossom in the spring, will bring forth fruit in the autumn.
uro nnerer necnom, ocentm aer nnot.
No autumn fruit without spring blossoms.
Fes necennero nnerennx ne yer n ocennnx nnoon.
//-- * * * --//
Bemnn ent nect ro xopmnr.
April and May are the keys of the year.
Anpent n ma xnmun roa.
//-- * * * --//
Bsxnmne meu meuom nornnyr.
He who lives by the sword dies by the sword.
Kro xnner meuom, ror or meua n nornner.
//-- * * * --//
Bsxn xopony nostmn n noonnx.
If you buy the cow, take the tail into the bargain.
Ecnn noxynaemt xopony, epn n xnocr n npnauy.
//-- * * * --//
Bsxncx sa ryx ne ronopn, uro ne mx.
Never do things by halves.
Hnxora nnuero ne ena nanononnny.
In for a penny, in for a pound.
Horparnn nennn, norpart n ]ynr.
//-- * * * --//
Bnsry mnoro, a mepcrn ner.
Much cry and little wool.
Mnoro xpnxy, n mano mepcrn.
//-- * * * --//
Bnno nxonr ym ntxonr.
Ofpepakfupoean u onynukoean ua cafe : PRESSI ( HERSON )
When wine is in, the wit is out.
Kora nnno nnyrpn, pasym cnapyxn.
//-- * * * --//
Bxyc nxycy ne yxasunx: xro nmnr apys, a xro cnnno xpxmnx.
Tastes differ.
Bxyct ne connaamr.
//-- * * * --//
Bnes no noxc, nonesa n no ropno.
In for a penny, in for a pound.
Horparnn nennn, norpart n ]ynr.
Never do things by halves.
Hnxora nnuero ne ena nanononnny.
//-- * * * --//
Bmecre noryxnm nnonropx.
A trouble shared is a trouble halved.
Pasenennoe rope +ro rope, noenennoe nononam.
Misery loves company.
Iope nmnr xomnannm.
Two in distress make sorrow less.
Iopenart nnoem neuant mentme.
It is good to have company in trouble.
Xopomo nmert n ee xomnannm.
//-- * * * --//
Bo ncxxom mypene onontno npocrort.
No man is wise at all times.
Her uenonexa, xoropt ncera tn t myptm.
//-- * * * --//
Bo ncxxom xye ne es opa.
Nothing so bad in which there is not something of good.
Hnuero ne tnaer nacrontxo nnoxnm, urot n nem ne tno t uero-nnyt xopomero.
//-- * * * --//
Bonpemx xonexa opoxe pynx.
A penny at a pinch is worth a pound.
Hennn n rpynym mnnyry cronr ]ynra.
//-- * * * --//
Boy ronout noa n yer.
Whether you boil snow or pound it, you can have but water of it.
Bapnmt nn rt cner nnn ronuemt ero, nce panno nonyunmt rontxo noy.
//-- * * * --//
Bonx nonxa ne cecr.
Wolves never prey upon wolves.
Bonxn nnxora ne oxorxrcx na nonxon.
Dog does not eat dog.
Coaxa ne ecr coaxy.
//-- * * * --//
Bonx n xaxt ro nnnxer, a otuax ne menxer.
The wolf may lose his teeth, but never his nature.
Bonx moxer norepxrt syt, no nnxora cnom npnpoy.
The fox may grow grey, but never good.
Hnca moxer noceert, no nnxora ne craner xopome.
//-- * * * --//
Bonx ne nacryx, a xosen ne oroponnx.
Send not a cat for lard.
He noctna xomxy sa xnpom.
//-- * * * --//
Bonxa norn xopmxr.
The dog that trots about, finds a bone.
Coaxa, xoropax ptmer noncmy, naxonr xocrouxy.
//-- * * * --//
Bonxon oxrtcx n nec ne xonrt.
He that fears every bush must never go a-birding.
Kro onrcx xaxoro xycra, ror ne onxen xonrt na nonnm nrnn.
He that is afraid of the wagging of feathers, must keep from among wild fowl.
Kro onrcx pasnerammnxcx nepten, ror onxen epxartcx noantme or nxnx nrnn.
//-- * * * --//
Bonx nrnuxe nyume sonoro xnerxn.
No man loves his fetters, be they made of gold.
Hnxro ne nmnr oxont, axe ecnn onn cenant ns sonora.
//-- * * * --//
Bop na nopa nanan, nop y nopa ynnxy yxpan.
Ofpepakfupoean u onynukoean ua cafe : PRESSI ( HERSON )
One thief robs another.
Onn nop rpanr pyroro.
//-- * * * --//
Bop uro saxn: n renn cnoe onrcx.
The thief does fear each bush an officer.
Bopy or crpaxa xaxercx, uro xaxt xycr +ro nonnnecxn.
A guilty conscience feels continual fear.
Heuncrax conecrt omymaer nocroxnnt crpax.
//-- * * * --//
Bopa mnnonart oporo rynrt.
Pardoning the bad is injuring the good.
Hpomax nnoxnx, npnunnxercx npe xopomnm.
Mercy to the criminal may be cruelty to the people.
Mnnocrt x npecrynnnxy moxer trt xecroxocrtm no ornomennm x nmxm.
//-- * * * --//
Bopon nopony rnas ne ntxoner.
Hawks will not pick out hawks eyes.
crpet xcrpeam rnasa ne ntxonmr.
//-- * * * --//
Bopona n sa mope nerana, a nopono n nepnynact.
If an ass goes a-travelling, hell not come home a horse.
Ecnn ocen ornpannrcx n nyremecrnne, on ne nepnercx omo nomatm.
//-- * * * --//
Bopona nastnaer cnoero nrenna enentxnm, a ex mxrontxnm.
The crow thinks her own birds fairest.
Bopona cunraer, uro ee nrennt camte cnernte.
//-- * * * --//
Bopone coxonom ne tnart.
A carrion kite will never be a good hawk.
Crepnxrnnx nnxora ne yer xopomnm coxonom.
//-- * * * --//
Bpemenem n ypax ymno ronopnr.
A fool may sometimes speak to the purpose.
H ypax moxer nnora cxasart no eny.
A fool may give a wise man counsel.
H ypax moxer art ymnomy uenonexy coner.
//-- * * * --//
Bpemx exnr xax noa.
Time flies.
Bpemx nernr.
//-- * * * --//
Bpemx entrn.
Time is money.
Bpemx entrn.
//-- * * * --//
Bpemx nyumn nexapt.
Time is a great healer.
Bpemx nennxn nennrent.
Time cures all things.
Bpemx neunr nce.
//-- * * * --//
Bpemx npoer cnest yrper.
Time tames the strongest grief.
Bpemx cmxruaer camoe cnntnoe rope.
//-- * * * --//
Bce nosnaercx n cpannennn.
It is comparison that makes men happy or miserable.
Hmenno cpannenne enaer nme cuacrnnntmn nnn necuacrntmn.
//-- * * * --//
Bce cxopo cxastnaercx, a ne nce cxopo enaercx.
Easier said than done.
Herue cxasano, uem cenano.
Saying and doing are two things.
Ionopnrt n enart ne pasnte nemn.
Saying is one thing, and doing another.
Ionopnrt +ro ono, a enart pyroe.
//-- * * * --//
Bce ranoe cranonnrcx xnntm.
What is done by night appears by day.
uro enaercx noutm, noxnnxercx nem.
Ofpepakfupoean u onynukoean ua cafe : PRESSI ( HERSON )
//-- * * * --//
Bce xopomo n mepy.
Moderation in all things.
Vmepennocrt no ncem.
There is measure in all things.
Bo ncem ecrt mepa.
Moxno nmert n nepenstrox xopomero.
Enough is as good as a feast.
ocrarouno +ro rax xe xopomo, xax n nnp.
More than enough is too much.
Fontme, uem ocrarouno, cnnmxom mnoro.
Too much of a good thing is good for nothing.
Hepenstrox xopomero nnxya ne ronrcx.
//-- * * * --//
Bce xopomo, uro xopomo xonuaercx.
All is well that ends well.
Bce xopomo, uro saxanunnaercx xopomo.
//-- * * * --//
Bcem yronnn, rax nnxomy ne npnronnn.
A friend to everybody is a friend to nobody.
Kro pyr ncem, ror nnxomy ne pyr.
//-- * * * --//
Bcemy cnoe npemx.
There is a time for everything.
Bcemy ecrt npemx.
//-- * * * --//
Bcxx xpecrnrcx, a ne ncxx monnrcx.
All are not saints that go to church.
He nce, xro xoxr n nepxont, npanennxn.
//-- * * * --//
Bcxx cam sa cex, a Iocnot npo ncex.
Every man for himself, and God for us all.
Kaxt uenonex cam sa cex, a For sa nac ncex.
//-- * * * --//
Bcxx ymper, xax cmeprt npner.
All men are mortal.
Bce nmn cmeprnt.
//-- * * * --//
Bcxx xosxnn n cnoem ome ontmo.
Every man is a king in his own house.
Bcxxn uenonex xopont y cex oma.
//-- * * * --//
Bcxx uenonex cnoero cuacrtx xysnen.
Every man is the architect of his own fortune.
Kaxt uenonex xnnxercx apxnrexropom cnoero cuacrtx.
//-- * * * --//
Bcxxax nemt o nyx xonnax.
There are two sides to every question.
V ncxxoro nonpoca ecrt ne cropont.
//-- * * * --//
Bcxxax nenecra nx cnoero xennxa ponrcx.
Every Jack has his J ill.
V xaxoro xexa ecrt cnox xnnn.
//-- * * * --//
Bcxxax nomomt xopoma nonpemx.
Slow help is no help.
Menennax nomomt ne nomomt.
//-- * * * --//
Bcxxax nrnna cnoe rneso nmnr.
Every bird likes its own nest.
Bcxxax nrnna nmnr cnoe rneso.
//-- * * * --//
Bcxxax pta xopoma, xont na youxy nomna.
All is fish that comes to the net.
Bce, uro nonaaer n cern, xnnxercx pto.
//-- * * * --//
Bcxxax coaxa n ome ntnom xaxercx.
Every dog is a lion at home.
Bcxxax coaxa nen y cex oma.
Every dog is valiant at his own door.
Ofpepakfupoean u onynukoean ua cafe : PRESSI ( HERSON )
Bcxxax coaxa xpapa y cocrnenno nepn.
//-- * * * --//
Bcxxax copoxa or cnoero xstxa nornaer.
A fools tongue is long enough to cut his own throat.
stx y ypaxa raxo nnnnt, uro moxer nepepesart emy ropno.
//-- * * * --//
Bcxxax rpxnnna n rpn roa npnronrcx.
Keep a thing seven years and you will always find a use for it.
Xpann nemt cemt ner n rt ncera naemt e npnmenenne.
Lay things by, they may come to use.
Honoxn nemn pxom, onn moryr npnronrtcx.
//-- * * * --//
Bcxxn nerep noyer n yrnxner.
Blow the wind never so fast, it will fall at last.
Kax t cnntno nerep nn yn, n xonne xonnon on crnxner.
//-- * * * --//
Bcxxo nemn cnoe mecro.
A place for everything, and everything in its place.
Ecrt mecro nx ncero, n ncemy cnoe mecro.
//-- * * * --//
Bcxxomy myxy cnox xena mnna.
There is one good wife in the country, and every man thinks he has her.
B oxpyre ecrt ona xopomax xena, n ncxxn myx nonaraer, uro ona y nero.
//-- * * * --//
Bcxxomy onomy cnoe npemx.
Everything is good in its season.
Bce xopomo n cnoe npemx.
//-- * * * --//
Bcxxomy repnennm tnaer xonen.
Even a worm will turn.
axe uepnxx nepenepnercx.
A man may bear till his back break.
uenonex moxer repnert o rex nop, noxa y nero cnnna ne nepenomnrcx.
//-- * * * --//
Buepamnero nx ne nopornmt.
It is too late to call back yesterday.
Cnnmxom nosno snart nasa nuepamnn ent.
Things past cannot be recalled.
uro npomno, roro nentsx nepnyrt.
//-- * * * --//
Btnpa xeny ne n xoponoe, a n oropoe.
Choose a wife on a Saturday rather than on a Sunday.
Btnpa xeny n cyory, a ne n nocxpecente.
//-- * * * --//
Btnpa xoponymxy no poram, a enymxy no poam.
Take a vine of a good soil, and the daughter of a good mother.
Fepn nnnorpanym nosy c xopome semnn, a out y xopome marepn.
//-- * * * --//
Btme cex ne nptrnemt.
A man can do no more than he can.
uenonex ne moxer cenart ontme roro, uro on moxer.
//-- * * * --//
Bxner n xpacnt nner.
The fairest rose at last is withered.
H camax xpacnnax posa n xonne xonnon nxner.

Ie at rnaxn, ram ner n not n xaxe.
The more women look in their glass, the less they look to their house.
uem ontme xenmnnt cmorpxrcx n sepxano, rem mentme onn cmorpxr sa omom.
//-- * * * --//
Ie rposa, ram n nepo.
After a storm comes a calm.
Hocne ypn nacrynaer sarnmte.
After black clouds, clear weather.
Hocne uepntx onaxon xopomax noroa.
After rain comes sunshine.
Hocne oxx cnernr connne.
//-- * * * --//
Ofpepakfupoean u onynukoean ua cafe : PRESSI ( HERSON )
Ie xpaxa, ram n nop.
Nothing is stolen without hands.
Hnuro ne xpaercx es pyx.
//-- * * * --//
Ie me, ram n myxn.
A fly follows the honey.
Myxa nernr na me.
//-- * * * --//
Ie ne tno nauana, ne yer n xonna.
Everything must have a beginning.
Bce onxno nmert cnoe nauano.
//-- * * * --//
Ie norecnee, ram n necenee.
The more the merrier.
uem ontme, rem necenee.
//-- * * * --//
Ie paocrt, ryr n rope; re rope, ram n paocrt.
No joy without alloy.
Her paocrn es neuann.
After joy comes sorrow.
Hocne paocrn npnxonr neuant.
//-- * * * --//
Ie cxpnnnr, ram n maxyr.
The squeaking wheel gets the grease.
Cxpnnyuee xoneco nonyuaer cmasxy.
//-- * * * --//
Ie cnona pexn, ram onn necxn.
Deliver your words not by number but by weight.
Hponsnocn cnona ne no xonnuecrny, a no necy.
//-- * * * --//
Ie cy, ram n nenpana.
Much law, but little justice.
Mnoro saxonon, a mano cnpanennnocrn.
//-- * * * --//
Ie ronxo, ram n pnercx.
The thread breaks where it is weakest.
Hnrt pnercx ram, re ona cnaee ncero.
A chain is no stronger than its weakest link.
Hent ne xpenue cnoero cnaemero snena.
The worst spoke in a cart breaks first.
Camax cnaax cnnna n renere nomaercx nepno.
//-- * * * --//
Ie xne, ryr n mtmn.
No larder but has its mice.
Her xnaono es mtme.
//-- * * * --//
Ie xosxnn xonr, ram semnx xne ponr.
The masters footsteps fatten the soil.
Barn xosxnna nnramr nouny.
//-- * * * --//
Ie xorente, ram n ymente.
Where theres a will, theres a way.
Ie ecrt xenanne, ram ecrt n nosmoxnocrt.
Nothing is impossible to a willing heart.
Her nnuero nenosmoxnoro nx xaxymero cepna.
//-- * * * --//
Iepo ymnpaer onaxt, rpyc rtcxuy pas.
Cowards die many times before their death.
Tpycnnnte ymnpamr mnoro pas o cnoe cmeprn.
//-- * * * --//
Inasa sepxano ymn.
The eyes are the window of the soul.
Inasa oxno ymn.
//-- * * * --//
Inasa sannymne, pyxn sarpeymne.
Greedy folks have long arms.
V xantx nme nnnnte pyxn.
//-- * * * --//
Inac napoa rnac Foxn.
The voice of the people is the voice of God.
Ofpepakfupoean u onynukoean ua cafe : PRESSI ( HERSON )
Ionoc napoa ronoc Fora.
//-- * * * --//
Inynomy ctny ne n nomomt orarcrno.
Without wisdom, wealth is worthless.
Fes yma orarcrno nnuero ne cronr.
//-- * * * --//
Inynt onraer, ymnt ymaer.
Foolish tongues talk by the dozen.
Inynte xstxn mnoro onramr.
//-- * * * --//
Inynt a mant ncera ronopxr npany.
Children and fools tell the truth.
ern n ypaxn ronopxr npany.
//-- * * * --//
Inynt nmer ontmoro mecra, a ymnoro n n yrny nnart.
A fool always rushes to the fore.
ypax ncera pocaercx nnepe.
//-- * * * --//
Inen uenonexy cymnr xocrn, xpymnr cepne.
Anger is a short madness.
Inen +ro xoporxoe esymne.
He that is angry, is seldom at ease.
Kro rnenaercx, ror pexo naxonr noxo.
//-- * * * --//
Inn epeno, noxa rnercx; yun nrxrxo, noxa cnymaercx.
Best to bend while it is a twig.
Hyume ncero rnyrt, noxa +ro nerxa.
Thraw the wand while it is green.
Kpyrn nerxy, noxa ona senenax.
//-- * * * --//
Ionopn mentme, ymnee yer.
Fools are wise as long as silent.
ypaxn ymnt, noxa monuar.
A still tongue makes a wise head.
Henonnxnt xstx enaer mypo ronony.
//-- * * * --//
Ionopnrt, rax oronapnnart; a ne oronapnnart, rax n ne ronopnrt.
Who says A must say B.
Kro cxasan A, ror onxen cxasart n F.
//-- * * * --//
Ionopnmt npany, npany n ena.
Practice what you preach.
Conma ro, uro npononeyemt.
//-- * * * --//
Ionona nennxa, a mosry mano.
Big head, little wit.
Fontmax ronona, manentxn ym.
//-- * * * --//
Iono n nonxa ns necy ronnr.
Hunger drives the wolf out of the wood.
Iono ronnr nonxa ns neca.
//-- * * * --//
Iono nyumn nonap.
Hunger is the best sauce.
Iono nyumax npnnpana.
Hunger finds no fault with the cookery.
Iono ne naxonr omnox n crpxnne.
Hunger makes hard beans sweet.
Iono enaer rnepte ot mxrxnmn.
//-- * * * --//
Iononoe pmxo yme ne nmeer.
Hungry bellies have no ears.
V ronontx xenyxon ner yme.
An empty belly hears no body.
Hycroe pmxo nnxoro ne cntmnr.
//-- * * * --//
Iononomy a saornomy onra oenx.
The belly hates a long sermon.
Xenyox ne repnnr nnnntx npononee.
//-- * * * --//
Ofpepakfupoean u onynukoean ua cafe : PRESSI ( HERSON )
Iont uro cnxro: ne onrcx et.
A beggar can never be bankrupt.
Hnmn nnxora ne pasopnrcx.
//-- * * * --//
Iont na ntymxn xnrpa.
Necessity is the mother of invention.
Heoxonmocrt mart nsoperarentnocrn.
//-- * * * --//
Iopa ponna mtmt.
The mountains have brought forth a mouse.
Iopt ponnn mtmt.
//-- * * * --//
Iopa c ropo ne cxonrcx, a uenonex c uenonexom coercx.
Men may meet but mountains never.
Hmn moryr ncrpeuartcx, no ropt nnxora.
//-- * * * --//
Ioparoro mornna ncnpannr.
A leopard cannot change his spots.
Heonap ne moxer cmennrt cnonx nxren.
//-- * * * --//
Iope n uyxo semne esxstxomy.
Nothing so necessary for travellers as languages.
Her nnuero onee neoxonmoro nx nyremecrnennnxa, uem xstxn.
//-- * * * --//
Iope no cocecrny c paocrtm xonr.
Sadness and gladness succeed each other.
Heuant n paocrt cmenxmr pyr pyra.
//-- * * * --//
Ioptxax npana nyume xpacnno nxn.
Better speak truth rudely, than lie covertly.
Hyume rpyo cxasart npany, uem yxpaxo conrart.
//-- * * * --//
Ioptxnm neuar, a cnaxnm xaneuar.
Bitter pills may have blessed effects.
Ioptxne nnnmnn moryr nmert ouent xopomee nosecrnne.
//-- * * * --//
Iocnot na xstxe uepr na cepne.
The cross on the breast, and the devil in the heart.
Kpecr na rpyn n uepr n cepne.
//-- * * * --//
Ioront cann nerom, a renery snmo.
In fair weather prepare for foul.
B xopomym noroy rorontcx x nenacrtm.
//-- * * * --//
Ipxstm nrpart pyxn mapart.
He that touches pitch shall be defiled.
Kro xocnercx cmont, ror sanauxaercx.
He that deals in dirt has aye foul fingers.
V roro, xro nmeer eno c rpxstm, nocroxnno rpxsnte nantnt.
never comes away clean.
Komy npnxonrcx nmert eno c rpxsntm, ror nnxora ne cmoxer ocrartcx uncrtm.
//-- * * * --//
Iynxrt cmonoy nomnpart no crapocrt c ronoy.
An idle youth, a needy age.
Hpasnax monoocrt enax crapocrt.
If you lie upon roses when young, youll lie upon thorns when old.
Ecnn n monoocrn yemt nexart na posax, n crapocrn yemt nexart na xonmuxax.

ayr ypaxy uecrt, rax ne snaer, re n cecrt.
A nod from a lord is a breakfast for a fool.
Knnox co cropont nopa nx ypaxa sanrpax.
//-- * * * --//
a rnynomy nomat, on na ne n x uepry yeer.
Set a beggar on a horseback, and hell ride to the devil.
Hocan nnmero na nomat, on n x uepry nocxauer.
//-- * * * --//
a ypaxy nepenxy, on n nonecnrcx.
Give a man rope enough and he will hang himself.
Ofpepakfupoean u onynukoean ua cafe : PRESSI ( HERSON )
a uenonexy nepenxy, on n nonecnrcx.
//-- * * * --//
a emy nanen, on n ncm pyxy orxycnr.
Give him an inch and hell take an ell.
a emy mm, a on orxnarnr noxort.
Give a clown your finger, and he will take your hand.
a xnoyny nanen, a on orxnarnr pyxy.
//-- * * * --//
an myx xene nonm ne trt opy.
He that lets his wife go to every feast and his horse drink at every water, shall neither have
good wife nor good horse.
Kro nosnonxer cnoe xene xonrt na ncxxn nnp, a cnoe noman nnrt y ncxxoro
nooema, y roro ne yer nn xopome xent, nn xopome noman.
//-- * * * --//
anexo exann, a cxopo npnexann.
The longest way round is the shortest way home.
Camax nnnnax oxontnax opora +ro nnxamn nyrt x omy.
//-- * * * --//
apenomy xonm n syt ne cmorpxr.
Never look a gift horse in the mouth.
Hnxora ne cmorpn apenomy xonm n por.
//-- * * * --//
ammero pyxa ne ocxyeer.
The hand that gives, gathers.
Pyxa, xoropax aer, conpaer.
//-- * * * --//
na nepeesa pannt onomy noxapy.
Three removals are as bad as a fire.
Tpn nepeesa cront xe nnoxn, xax n noxap.
//-- * * * --//
naxt n ro nero ne tnaer.
Christmas comes but once a year.
Poxecrno npnxonr rontxo pas n roy.
//-- * * * --//
nym rocnoam ne cnyxar.
No man can serve two masters.
Hnxro ne moxer cnyxnrt nym rocnoam.
//-- * * * --//
nym nmo, rpern ne cycx.
Two is company, but three is none.
noe +ro xomnannx, a rpoe ner.
//-- * * * --//
nym cmeprxm ne tnart, a ono ne mnnonart.
You can only die once.
Vmepert moxno rontxo onn pas.
//-- * * * --//
ennute ner ne orxas.
Nineteen nay-says of a maiden are a half a grant.
enxrnanart orxason or enymxn +ro nononnna cornacnx.
//-- * * * --//
ennutn ymt nsmenunnt.
A womans mind and winter wind change oft.
Xencxne mtcnn n snmnn nerep menxmrcx uacro.
A woman is a weathercock.
Xenmnna +ro ]nmrep.
//-- * * * --//
ena opo, n ree yer opo.
Do well and have well.
ena opo n nonyunmt opo.
//-- * * * --//
enano nacnex, n cenano nacmex.
Good and quickly seldom meet.
Xopomo n tcrpo connaamr pexo.
Haste makes waste.
Cnemxa cosaer nanpacnte rpart.
//-- * * * --//
eny npemx, norexe uac.
Business before pleasure.
eno nepe pasnneuennem.
//-- * * * --//
Ofpepakfupoean u onynukoean ua cafe : PRESSI ( HERSON )
ener nn rpoma, a cnana xopoma.
A good name is better than riches.
opoe nmx nyume orarcrna.
//-- * * * --//
enexxa opoxxy npoxnatnaer.
An ass laden with gold climbs to the top of the castle.
Ocen, rpyxennt sonorom, nsnpaercx na nepmnny samxa.
//-- * * * --//
enexxa ecrt, rax n xmmxa ecrt.
Everyone is akin to the rich man.
Foraromy uenonexy xaxt pocrnennnx.
//-- * * * --//
ent npner n saory npnnecer.
No day passes without some grief.
Hn onn ent ne npoxonr es neuann.
//-- * * * --//
ent ceronxmnn yuennx nuepamnero.
Today is yesterdays pupil.
Ceronx +ro yuennx nuepamnero nx.
//-- * * * --//
entra entry naxnnaer.
Money makes money.
entrn enamr entrn.
Money would be gotten if there were money to get it with.
entrn yyr otrt, ecnn ecrt entrn, urot nx otrt.
//-- * * * --//
entra entry ponr.
Money begets money.
entrn poxamr entrn.
//-- * * * --//
entra xpyrna, a noxara yer.
Money is round, and rolls away.
entrn xpyrnte n xarxrcx npout.
//-- * * * --//
entrn rnasa cnenxr.
Gold dust blinds all eyes.
3onorax ntnt ncem cnennr rnasa.
//-- * * * --//
entrn x entram ntnyr.
Money draws money.
entrn npnrxrnnamr entrn.
//-- * * * --//
entrn ne naxnyr.
Money has no smell.
entrn ne nmemr sanaxa.
//-- * * * --//
epentx cxopo caxr, a ne cxopo c nnx nno exr.
Walnuts and pears you plant for your heirs.
Opexonte n rpymente epentx rt caxaemt nx cnonx nacnennxon.
He who plants a walnut-tree, expects not to eat of the fruit.
Kro caxaer opexonoe epeno, ror ne ymaer ecrt ero nnot.
//-- * * * --//
epeno nenxr no nnoam, a uenonexa no enam.
The tree is known by its fruit.
epeno ysnaercx no nnoam.
//-- * * * --//
epxn ronony n xonoe, xnnor n ronoe, a norn n renne.
A cool mouth, and warm feet, live long.
Xonont por n rennte norn xnnn onro.
The head and feet keep warm, the rest will take no harm.
Ionony n norn epxn n renne, n nce ocrantnoe ne yer onert.
//-- * * * --//
epxn xstx sa syamn.
Keep your tongue within your teeth.
epxn xstx sa syamn.
//-- * * * --//
nx nmnn ner nperpa.
Love will go through stone walls.
Hmont npoer n cxnost xamennte crent.
Love conquers all.
Ofpepakfupoean u onynukoean ua cafe : PRESSI ( HERSON )
Hmont nce noexaer.
Love will find a way.
Hmont naer opory.
//-- * * * --//
nx mnnoro pyra ne ncxart ocyra.
When a friend asks, there is no tomorrow.
Kora pyr npocnr, ne cymecrnyer sanrpa.
//-- * * * --//
nx mnnoro pyxxa n cepexxa ns ymxa.
Among friends all things are common.
Mexy pystxmn nce omee.
//-- * * * --//
nx yuentx ner crapocrn.
Never too old to learn.
Hnxora nentsx trt cnnmxom craptm, urot yunrtcx.
//-- * * * --//
opa cnet n petxa, xonn ner ptxn.
If thou hast not a capon, feed on an onion.
Ecnn y rex ner xannyna, emt nyx.
//-- * * * --//
opax xennrta nayuaer, a xyax or oma ornyuaer.
Marriage makes or mars a man.
Xennrta nno nosnocnr myxunny, nno rynr ero.
//-- * * * --//
opax cnana nyume orarcrna.
A good name is better than riches.
opoe nmx nyume orarcrna.
//-- * * * --//
opax conecrt ne onrcx xnenert.
A clear conscience laughs at false accusations.
uncrax conecrt cmeercx na noxntmn onnnennxmn.
//-- * * * --//
opo romy npart, xro sa mopem tnan.
A traveller may lie with authority.
Hyremecrnennnx moxer npart co snannem ena.
//-- * * * --//
oporo uenonexa n xpacnt yron caxamr.
Honour is the reward of virtue.
Houecrt narpaa sa opoerent.
Praise is the reflection of virtue.
Hoxnana orpaxenne opoerenn.
//-- * * * --//
opoe eno es narpat ne ocranercx.
A good deed is never lost.
opoe eno nnxora ne norepxercx.
//-- * * * --//
opoe eno opomy ne npenr.
One never loses by doing a good turn.
Hnxora nnuero ne norepxemt, enax opoe eno.
//-- * * * --//
opoe nauano nononnna ena.
Well begun is half done.
Xopomo nauaroe nanononnny cenannoe.

//-- * * * --//
opoe cemx opt n ncxo.
Good seed makes a good crop.
Xopomee cemx npnnocnr xopomn ypoxa.
He that sows good seed, shall reap good corn.
Kro noceer xopomne cemena, ror coeper xopomee sepno.
//-- * * * --//
opom xenom n myx uecren.
A good wife makes a good husband.
V xopome xent n myx xopomn.
//-- * * * --//
opt nonap cronr oxropa.
Kitchen physic is the best physic.
Hyumee cnaote +ro cnaote ns xyxnn.
//-- * * * --//
opt npnmep nyume cra cnon.
Ofpepakfupoean u onynukoean ua cafe : PRESSI ( HERSON )
Example is better than precept.
Hpnmep nyume nacrannennx.
//-- * * * --//
opt coner ne ner no npe.
Good counsel does no harm.
opt coner ne npenr.
There never came ill of good advisement.
Or xopomero conera nnxora ne tno npea.
//-- * * * --//
opt xosxnn rocnonn entram, a nnoxo cnyra.
Riches serve a wise man but command a fool.
Forarcrno cnyxnr mypomy n nonenenaer rnyntm.
//-- * * * --//
opt uenonex n ope npoxnner nex.
He lives long who lives well.
Kro xopomo xnner, ror onro xnner.
//-- * * * --//
onr nnarexom xpacen.
One good turn deserves another.
Ona opax ycnyra sacnyxnnaer pyrym.
//-- * * * --//
onr rxxenoe pemx: norepxemt con n npemx.
He that goes a borrowing, goes a sorrowing.
Tor, xro ner part n onr, ner neuannrtcx.
Debt is an evil conscience.
onr +ro snax conecrt.
//-- * * * --//
onrn nomnnr ne ror, xro eper, a xro aer.
Creditors have better memories than debtors.
V sanmoannen namxrt nyume, uem y onxnnxon.
//-- * * * --//
onro nn, cxopo nn, a nce yer xonen.
Everything has an end.
Bce nmeer xonen.
//-- * * * --//
om nenennx, a nexart ne nennr.
A womans work is never done.
Xencxo paort nnxora ne nepeenart.
//-- * * * --//
oporo, a mnno, emeno, a rnnno.
Light cheap, lither yield.
Hnsxax nena nnoxoe npnoperenne.
Cheap and nasty.
emeno n yxacno.
//-- * * * --//
ouxy cnarart sa marymxo nonounrtcx.
He that would the daughter win, must with the mother first begin.
Kro xouer sanoenart out, ror onxen nauart c marepn.
//-- * * * --//
pyr o nopt xyxe nepyra.
Better an open enemy than a false friend.
Hyume xnnt npar, uem ]antmnnt pyr.
//-- * * * --//
pyr ne ncntrannt uro opex ne cxonort.
Try your friend before you trust him.
Hcntra pyra npexe, uem onepnrtcx emy.
Trust not a new friend nor an old enemy.
He onepx nn nonomy pyry, nn crapomy npary.
//-- * * * --//
pyr nosnaercx n necuacrnn.
A friend in need is a friend indeed.
pyr n nyxe ncrnnnt pyr.
A friend is never known till a man have need.
pyra ne ysnaemt, noxa ne nonaonrcx ero nomomt.
Prosperity makes friends, adversity tries them.
Hponneranne cosaer pyse, rpynocrn ncntrtnamr nx.
//-- * * * --//
pyrnx neunrt epemcx, a camn ontnt.
Physician, heal thyself.
Bpau, ncnenn cex.
Ofpepakfupoean u onynukoean ua cafe : PRESSI ( HERSON )
//-- * * * --//
pyrnx ne cyn na cex nornxn.
Those who live in glass houses should not throw stones.
Xnnymne n crexnxnntx omax ne onxnt pocartcx xamnxmn.
//-- * * * --//
pyxa n oe, a xax cxareprt co crona n pyxa cnntna.
No longer foster, no longer friend.
Her ontme noepxxn, ner ontme n pyra.
In time of prosperity, friends will be plenty; in time of adversity, not one amongst twenty.
B narononyunoe npemx pyse yer mnoro, n rxxenoe npemx ne naemt n onoro
cpen nanarn.
//-- * * * --//
pyxa opoxe ener.
They are rich who have true friends.
Forar ror, xro nmeer nacroxmnx pyse.
//-- * * * --//
pyxa xax crexno: pasotemt ne cnoxnmt.
A broken friendship may be soldered, but will never be sound.
Pasnrym pyxy moxno cxnenrt, no ona nnxora ne yer xpenxo.
//-- * * * --//
pyxa xpenxa ne necrtm, a npano n uecrtm.
I cannot be your friend and your flatterer too.
ne mory ononpemenno n pyxnrt c roo, n ntcrnrt ree.
//-- * * * --//
pyxa ne rpn n necy ne naemt.
Remember man and keep in mind, a faithful friend is hard to find.
Homnn +ro n ne satna nepnoro pyra narn ne nerxo.
//-- * * * --//
pystx npxmte partx ponte.
A good friend is my nearest relation.
Xopomn pyr +ro mo nnxamn pocrnennnx.
//-- * * * --//
pxsry oxrtcx, rax n n nec ne xonrt.
He that fears leaves, let him not go into the wood.
Kro onrcx nncrten, ror nycrt ne xonr n nec.
He that fears every grass must not walk in a meadow.
Kro onrcx xaxo rpannnxn, ror ne onxen rynxrt no nyram.
//-- * * * --//
ypax n noy xnner xament, a ecxrt ymntx ne ntnyr.
A fool may throw a stone into a well, which a hundred wise men cannot pull out.
ypax moxer rax saxnnyrt xament n xonoen, uro n cro ymntx ne ntramar.
//-- * * * --//
ypax om nocrponn, a ymnnna xynnn.
Fools build houses and wise men live in them.
ypaxn crpoxr oma, a ymnte n nnx xnnyr.
//-- * * * --//
ypax ypaxa n xnannr.
One fool praises another.
Onn ypax xnannr pyroro.
//-- * * * --//
ypaxa nomnn, a cam cneom nn.
He that sends a fool, means to follow him.
Kro noctnaer ypaxa, ror conpaercx nrn cneom.
//-- * * * --//
ypaxam no ncem cuacrte.
Fortune favours fools.
Cyta noxponnrentcrnyer ypaxam.
Fools for luck.
ypaxn na cuacrte.
God sends fortune to fools.
For noctnaer ypaxam yauy.
//-- * * * --//
ypaxon ne cemr, ne xnyr, camn poxrcx.
Fools grow without watering.
ypaxn pacryr es nonnnxn.
//-- * * * --//
ypaxom na cnere xnrt nn o uem ne ryxnrt.
Children and fools have merry lives.
ern n ypaxn neceno xnnyr.
//-- * * * --//
Ofpepakfupoean u onynukoean ua cafe : PRESSI ( HERSON )
ypaxom ponncx, ypaxom n nompemt.
He that is born a fool is never cured.
Kro ponncx ypaxom, ror nnxora ne ntneunrcx.
Fools will be fools still.
ypaxn rax n ocranyrcx ypaxamn.
//-- * * * --//
ypnax ronona noram noxox ne aer.
Little wit in the head makes much work for the feet.
Mano yma n ronone saaer mnoro paort nx nor.
//-- * * * --//
ypnoe cnono uro cmona: npncraner ne ornennrcx.
Slander leaves a score behind it.
Knenera ocrannxer nocne cex rnyoxn cne.
It the ball does not stick to the wall, it will at least leave a mark.
Ecnn map n ne npnnnnner x crene, on no mentme mepe ocrannr cne.
Throw dirt enough, and some will stick.
Hapoca ocrarouno rpxsn, n uacrt ee npnnnnner.
//-- * * * --//
yx op, a nnort nemomna.
The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak.
yx xenaer, no nnort cnaa.
//-- * * * --//
tma es ornx ne tnaer.
No smoke without fire.
Her tma es ornx.
//-- * * * --//
xren n y npoannnnaer.
Little strokes fell great oaks.
Or neontmnx yapon nanxrcx orpomnte yt.

Ero xopomo sa cmeprtm noctnart.
You are good to be sent for sorrow.
Tex xopomo sa ropem noctnart.
//-- * * * --//
Exeen ne yemt ymen.
No man is wise at all times.
Her uenonexa, xoropt ncera tn t myptm.
//-- * * * --//
Ecnn t a xat, a no pry pocnn rpnt.
If ifs and ands were pots and pans, thered be no trade for tinkers hands.
Ecnn ecnn t n xat tnn t ropmxamn n cxonopoxamn, ro ne tno t paort nx
pyx xecrxnmnxon.
If the sky falls we shall catch larks.
Ecnn neo ynaer, mt nomaem xanoponxon.
//-- * * * --//
Ecnn t monoocrt snana, ecnn t crapocrt morna.
If the young man would, and the old man could, there would be nothing undone.
Ecnn t monoo xoren, a crapt mor, ro ne ocranoct t nnuero necenannoro.
//-- * * * --//
Ecnn ropa ne ner x Maromery, Maromer ner x rope.
If the mountain will not come to Mahomet, Mahomet must go to the mountain.
Ecnn ropa ne xouer npnrn x Maromery, Maromer onxen nrn x rope.
//-- * * * --//
Ecnn xouemt npara naxnrt, rax a n onr ener.
If you would make an enemy, lend a man money, and ask it of him again.
Ecnn xouemt naxnrt npara, a uenonexy n onr ener n nonpocn nx y nero cnona.
//-- * * * --//
Ecnn xouemt mnpa, yt roron x none.
If you want peace, you must prepare for war.
Ecnn xouemt mnpa, rorontcx x none.
//-- * * * --//
Ecrt eme nopox n nopoxonnnnax.
There is life in the old dog yet.
Eme ecrt xnsnt n crapom nce.
There is many a good tune played on an old fiddle.
Ha crapo cxpnnxe moxno ctrpart eme mnoro xopomnx menon.
//-- * * * --//
Ecrt xonte, a n cymxe.
Ofpepakfupoean u onynukoean ua cafe : PRESSI ( HERSON )
I have a good bow, but it is in the castle.
V menx ecrt xopomn nyx, no on n samxe.
//-- * * * --//
Ecrt conecrt, ecrt n crt, a crta ner, n conecrn ner.
He that has no shame, has no conscience.
V xoro ner crta, y roro ner n conecrn.
//-- * * * --//
Ecrt uem snxxnyrt, rax moxno n xpxxnyrt.
A heavy purse makes a light heart.
Txxent xomenex enaer nerxnm cepne.
//-- * * * --//
Emt nnonctra, ne nnonntxna, npoxnnemt nex ononna.
Eat at pleasure, drink by measure.
Emt n cnoe yonontcrnne, ne n mepy.
Feed by measure and defy the physician.
Hnracx n mepy n sayt o npauax.
//-- * * * --//
Eme pta ne nomana, a yxe npnnxnnct yxy napnrt.
Never fry a fish till its caught.
Hnxora ne xapt pty npexe, uem ee nomaemt.
Gut no fish till you get them.
He norpomn pty, noxa ee ne nomaemt.
Make not your sauce before you have caught the fish.
He roront coyc pantme, uem nomaemt pty.

Xant cam cee noxom ne aer.
The covetous man is good to none and worst to himself.
Xant uenonex nnoxo ornocnrcx xo ncem, a x cee xyxe ncero.
//-- * * * --//
Xaneer snaunr nmnr.
Pity is akin to love.
Xanocrt cponn nmnn.
//-- * * * --//
Xanert ctna yunnnrt ypaxom.
Spare the rod and spoil the child.
Hoxaneemt posry n ncnoprnmt peenxa.
//-- * * * --//
Xn rax oxemtcx.
Everything comes to him who waits.
Bce npnxonr x romy, xro xer.
Long looked for comes at last.
onroxannoe n xonne xonnon
//-- * * * --//
Xena myxa ne ter, a no cno nopon neer.
An obedient wife commands her husband.
Hocnymnax xena xomanyer cnonm myxem.
//-- * * * --//
Xennncx na cxopym pyxy, a na onrym myxy.
Marry in haste and repent at leisure.
Xennrtcx n cnemxe n pacxannartcx na ocyre.
//-- * * * --//
Xennno opo xonom n rnorxe cronr.
A great dowry is a bed full of brambles.
Fontmoe npnanoe +ro nocrent, nonnax exennxn.
//-- * * * --//
Xennrcx menet na xopone.
When the weasel and the cat make a marriage, it is a very ill presage.
Kora xenxrcx ropnocra n xomxa, +ro ouent nnoxoe npesnamenonanne.
//-- * * * --//
Xencxne cnest ne noa, a nenoa.
Trust not a woman when she weeps.
He onepx xenmnne, xora ona nnauer.
//-- * * * --//
Xencxn otua ne mtrtem, rax xarantem.
Women will have their wills.
Xenmnnt cnoero otmrcx.
//-- * * * --//
Xeny ntnpa ne rnasamn, a ymamn.
Ofpepakfupoean u onynukoean ua cafe : PRESSI ( HERSON )
Choose a wife rather by your ear than your eye.
Btnpa xeny cxopee ymamn, a ne rnasamn.
//-- * * * --//
Xnnemt ne ornxnemtcx, nompemt ne cnoxnarnmtcx.
Life is half spent before we know what it is.
Xnsnt yxe nanononnny npomna, noxa mt nomem, uro +ro raxoe.
//-- * * * --//
Xnnn ncxx cnonm ymom a cnonm ropom.
Every tub must stand on its own bottom.
Kaxax xaxa onxna croxrt na cocrnennom nnme.
//-- * * * --//
Xnnn cmnpnee, yer npntntnee.
Be still, and have thy will.
Fyt rnxnm, n yer no-rnoemy.
//-- * * * --//
Xnno nec nyume meprnoro ntna.
A living dog is better than a dead lion.
Xnnax coaxa nyume meprnoro ntna.
//-- * * * --//
Xnnor xpenue na cepne nerue.
The guts uphold the heart, and not the heart the guts.
Fpmxo noepxnnaer cepne, a ne cepne pmxo.
//-- * * * --//
Xnnor roncro, a no nycro.
Fat paunches have lean pates.
V roncrtx xnnoron romn ym.
Full bellies make empty skulls.
Honnte xnnort enamr uepena nycrtmn.
//-- * * * --//
Xnsnt npoxnrt ne none nepern.
He that lives long suffers much.
Kro xnner onro, ror mnoro crpaaer.
Life is not all beer and skittles.
Xnsnt +ro ne rontxo nnno a xernn.
//-- * * * --//
Xnn t xopomentxo, a ener manentxo.
Jack would be a gentleman if he had money.
Ecnn t y xexa tnn entrn, on tn t xenrntmenom.
//-- * * * --//
Xnn coaxo oxonen ncom.
He dies like a beast who has done no good while he lived.
Kro npn xnsnn ne enan opa, ror n ymnpaer xax xnnornoe.
An ill life, an ill end.
ypnax xnsnt, ypnax n xonunna.
He that lives wickedly can hardly die honestly.
Kro ypno xnn, ror npx nn ymper c uecrtm.

3a necentem ropecrt xonr no nxram.
After joy comes sorrow.
Hocne paocrn npnxonr neuant.
No joy without alloy.
Her paocrn es neuann.
//-- * * * --//
3a nce partcx nnuero ne cenart.
He that does most at once, does least.
Kro enaer nce cpasy, ror enaer mentme ncero.
He who begins many things, finishes but few.
Kro naunnaer mnoro en, ror saxanunnaer ouent mano.
//-- * * * --//
3a nymx sanamn noronnmtcx, nn onoro ne nomaemt.
If you run after two hares you will catch neither.
Ecnn noexnmt sa nymx sanamn, ne nomaemt nn onoro.
Dogs that put up many hares kill none.
Coaxn, ncnyrnnammne mnoro sanen, ne ynnamr nn onoro.
//-- * * * --//
3a pyxy pyxo nnarxr.
Friendship cannot stand always on one side.
Ofpepakfupoean u onynukoean ua cafe : PRESSI ( HERSON )
pyxa ne moxer ncera croxrt na ono cropone.
//-- * * * --//
3a xoroptm ropmxom nanmamr, ror necxopo ncxnnaer.
A watched pot never boils.
Iopmox, sa xoroptm nanmamr, nnxax ne saxnnaer.
//-- * * * --//
3a myxo ne c oyxom, sa xomapom ne c ronopom.
Take not a musket to kill a butterfly.
He xnaracx sa mymxer, urot ynrt aouxy.
//-- * * * --//
3a nornx ener ne epyr.
A cat may look at a king.
H xomxa moxer cmorpert na xoponx.
//-- * * * --//
3a npnsnanne nononnny naxasannx.
A fault confessed is half redressed.
Hpnsnannax nnna nanononnny ncxynnena.
//-- * * * --//
3a cmentm yaua exnr.
Fortune favours the brave.
Cyta naronpnxrcrnyer cmentm.
//-- * * * --//
3a cnpoc ener ne epyr.
Lose nothing for asking.
Cnpocnn, nnuero ne norepxemt.
//-- * * * --//
3a ro coaxy xopmxr, urot ona naxna.
Why keep a dog and bark yourself?
3auem epxart coaxy n camomy naxrt?
//-- * * * --//
3a xopomnm myxem n xena xopoma.
A good husband makes a good wife.
V xopomero myxa n xena xopomax.
A good Jack makes a good J ill.
V xopomero xexa n xnnn xopomax.
//-- * * * --//
3a xytm noemt xyoe n naemt.
He that seeks trouble never misses.
Kro nmer nenpnxrnocre, ror ncera nx naxonr.
//-- * * * --//
3anncrt npexe nac ponnact.
Envy never dies.
3anncrt nnxora ne ymnpaer.
//-- * * * --//
3anrpa omanunno, a nuepa nepno.
Tomorrow never comes.
3anrpa nnxora ne nacraer.
//-- * * * --//
3anrpaxamn ctr ne yemt.
Who lives by hope will die by hunger.
Kro xnner naexom, ror ymper c ronoy.
//-- * * * --//
3aronenact nnca saronx ryce.
When the fox preaches, then beware your geese.
Kora nnca npononeyer, epern cnonx ryce.
//-- * * * --//
3annm ymom ncxx xpenox.
It is easy to be wise after the event.
Herxo trt myptm nocne cnyunnmerocx.
//-- * * * --//
3amom orar ne yemt.
That is but an empty purse that is full of other mens money.
Komenex, nonnt ener pyrnx nme, nycr.
Debt is the worst poverty.
onr xymn nn enocrn.
//-- * * * --//
3axon uro tmno: xya nonepnyn, rya n ntmno.
One law for the rich and another for the poor.
Onn saxon nx orartx n pyro nx entx.
The law is not the same at morning and at night.
Ofpepakfupoean u onynukoean ua cafe : PRESSI ( HERSON )
3axon ne onnaxon yrpom n noutm.
//-- * * * --//
3axon uro nayrnna: mment npocxounr, a myxa ynxsner.
Laws catch flies, but let hornets go free.
3axont nonxr myx, no ornycxamr mepmne.
//-- * * * --//
3anes n orarcrno, satn n parcrno.
Honours change manners.
Houecrn nsmenxmr noneenne.
//-- * * * --//
3amyx ntxon n oa rnxn.
Keep your eyes wide open before marriage, and half shut afterwards.
Cmorpn n oa nepe ncrynnennem n pax n nonysaxptrtmn rnasamn nocne.
//-- * * * --//
3amyxecrno, uro xpen xro uro ntramnr.
Marriage is a lottery.
Fpax +ro norepex.
//-- * * * --//
3anocunnoro xonx nocrpoxe sanystnamr.
A boisterous horse must have a rough bridle.
V ynoro xonx onxna trt xecrxax yseuxa.
//-- * * * --//
3anac et ne unnnr n xnea ne npocnr.
Store is no sore.
3anac ne onxuxa.
//-- * * * --//
3anacnnnt nyxt ne repnnr.
Of saving comes having.
Hs +xonomnn nonyuaercx onaanne.
Spare well and have well.
Xopomo c+xonomnmt, xopomo n nmert yemt.
Sparing is the first gaining.
3xonomnx +ro nepnt oxo.
//-- * * * --//
3annarnrt onr cxopee, rax yer necenee.
Out of debt, out of danger.
Ocnoonncx or onra, ocnoonncx or onacnocrn.
//-- * * * --//
3anpernt nno cname.
Stolen fruit is sweet.
Vxpaennt nno cnaox.
Stolen waters are sweet.
Vxpaennte not cnaxn.
//-- * * * --//
3acnxennoe xno ncera onryn, sanxnuennoe nrx ncera ypax.
Mothers darlings make but milksop heroes.
Mamentxnnt nmnmunxn cocynxn, a ne repon.
A child may have too much of his mothers blessing.
Peenox moxer nmert cnnmxom mnoro marepnncxnx narocnonenn.
//-- * * * --//
3acrapenym onesnt rpyno neunrt.
It is ill healing of an old sore.
Crapym onxuxy rxxeno neunrt.
A green wound is soon healed.
Cnexax pana tcrpo saneunnaercx.
//-- * * * --//
3aroponxa co cnortuxo xnner.
Haste trips up its own heels.
Cnemxa cnortxaercx o cocrnennte nxrxn.
//-- * * * --//
3nony mnoro, a ronxy mano.
Great boast and small roast.
Mnoro noxnantt, a mano xapenoro mxca.
//-- * * * --//
3oponte opoxe orarcrna.
Health is better than wealth.
3oponte nyume orarcrna.
Health is great riches.
3oponte +ro orpomnoe orarcrno.
A good wife and health is a mans best wealth.
Ofpepakfupoean u onynukoean ua cafe : PRESSI ( HERSON )
Xopomax xena n soponte nyumee orarcrno uenonexa.
//-- * * * --//
3na xoca na xament ne nacxounr.
The more wicked, the more fortunate.
uem snee, rem yaunnnee.
//-- * * * --//
3nom sna ne nonpannmt.
Two wrongs dont make one right.
Hs nyx son onoro opa ne nonyunrcx.
Two blacks dont make a white.
Hs nyx uepntx enoe ne nonyunrcx.
//-- * * * --//
3nte xstxn crpamnee nncronera.
An ill tongue may do much.
3no xstx moxer mnoro uero naenart.
There is no venom to that of the tongue.
Her xa crpamnee, uem x xstxa.
//-- * * * --//
3na cex, n yer c rex.
Know thyself.
Hosna cex.
//-- * * * --//
3nanne cnna.
Knowledge is power.
3nanne cnna.
//-- * * * --//
3nannx nnxomy ne n rxrocrt.
Knowledge is no burden.
3nanne ne noma.
//-- * * * --//
3nart nrnny no neptxm, a monona no peuam.
The bird is known by his note, the man by his words.
3nart nrnny no necne, a uenonexa no cnonam.
//-- * * * --//
3onorax xnerxa conontm ne norexa.
A nightingale will not sing in a cage.
Conone ne yer nert n xnerxe.
No man loves his fetters, be they made of gold.
Hnxro ne nmnr oxont, axe ecnn onn cenant ns sonora.
//-- * * * --//
3onoro n n rpxsn necrnr.
A good name keeps its lustre in the dark.
Xopomee nmx coxpanxer cno necx n n remnore.
//-- * * * --//
3onoro ne ronopnr, a mnoro rnopnr.
What cannot gold do?
uro nenocnntno sonory?
Money will do anything.
entrn moryr nce.
//-- * * * --//
3onoro ornem ncxymaercx, a uenonex nanacrtmn.
Gold is tried in the fire.
3onoro nponepxercx n orne.
//-- * * * --//
3onoro monorox n xenesnte sanopt ornopxer.
A golden key can open any door.
3onoro xnmunx moxer orxptrt nmym nept.
No lock will hold against the power of gold.
Hn onn samox ne ycronr nepe morymecrnom sonora.

H n rmptme ne nce nopt.
All are not thieves that dogs bark at.
He ncxx nop, na xoro coaxn namr.
//-- * * * --//
H nepem maxyr, xoropax ontme cxpnnnr.
The squeaking wheel gets the grease.
Cxpnnyuee xoneco nonyuaer cmasxy.
//-- * * * --//
Ofpepakfupoean u onynukoean ua cafe : PRESSI ( HERSON )
H nonxn ctrt, n onnt nent.
Neither pot broken nor water spilt.
H ropmox ne pasnncx, n noa ne nponnnact.
//-- * * * --//
H mypomy uenonexy coner rpeyercx.
Though old and wise, yet still advise.
Xort crapt n mypt, nce panno conerycx.
//-- * * * --//
H na ontmne ymt xnner pacxo.
No man is wise at all times.
Her uenonexa, xoropt ncera tn t myptm.
Homer sometimes nods.
H Iomep nnora pemner.
//-- * * * --//
H na oporo xonx tnaer cnortuxa.
A horse stumbles that hath four legs.
Kont c uertptmx noramn roxe cnortxaercx.
//-- * * * --//
H na crapyxy tnaer npopyxa.
The best cart may overthrow.
H camax xopomax renera moxer nepenepnyrtcx.
A good marksman may miss.
H xopomn crpenox moxer npomaxnyrtcx.
//-- * * * --//
H or yma cxoxr c yma.
Much learning makes men mad.
Fontmax yuenocrt cnonr uenonexa c yma.
//-- * * * --//
H neryx na cnoem nenennme xpapnrcx.
Every cock will crow upon his own dunghill.
Bcxxn neryx yer xyxapexart na cnoe nanosno xyue.
//-- * * * --//
H cnna ymy ycrynaer.
Wisdom is better than strength.
Mypocrt nyume, uem cnna.
//-- * * * --//
H connne ne es nxren.
There are spots even in the sun.
Ecrt nxrna axe na connne.
//-- * * * --//
H cunrannym onny nonx ceaer.
The wolf eats often the sheep that have been told.
Bonx uacro ceaer n cocunranntx onen.
//-- * * * --//
H remna nout ne na nex.
The longest night will have an end.
H y camo nnnno noun yer xonen.
//-- * * * --//
H ro tnaer, uro onna nonxa ceaer.
Despair gives courage to a coward.
Oruaxnne npnaer cmenocrt n rpycy.
Necessity and opportunity may make a coward valiant.
Heoxonmocrt n nosmoxnocrt moryr npenparnrt rpyca n xpapena.
//-- * * * --//
H y xypnnt ecrt cepne.
The fly has her spleen, and the ant her gall.
H y myxn ecrt cenesenxa, a y mypantx xenut.
//-- * * * --//
H y camoro nnnnoro nx ecrt xonen.
The longest day has an end.
H y camoro nnnnoro nx ecrt xonen.
//-- * * * --//
Hrpa ne cronr cneu.
The game is not worth the candle.
Hrpa ne cronr cneuxn.
//-- * * * --//
Hs nyx son ntnpamr mentmee.
Of two evils choose the less.
Hs nyx son ntnpa mentmee.
//-- * * * --//
Ofpepakfupoean u onynukoean ua cafe : PRESSI ( HERSON )
Hs manoro ntxonr nennxoe.
Great oaks from little acorns grow.
Fontmne yt pacryr ns manentxnx xenye.
//-- * * * --//
Hs mnornx mantx ntxonr ono ontmoe.
Many a little makes a mickle.
Mnoro mantx cocrannxmr ono ontmoe.
//-- * * * --//
Hs monooro, xax ns nocxa, uro xouemt, ro n ntnennmt.
Soft wax will take any impression.
Mxrxn nocx npnnnmaer nmym ]opmy.
//-- * * * --//
Hs nnuero ne ntxponmt nnuero.
Nothing comes of nothing.
Hs nnuero nnuero n ntxonr.
//-- * * * --//
Hs uyxoro xomentxa nerxo nnarnrt.
He is free of horse that never had one.
V xoro ner noman, romy ne xanxo ee orart.
Hens are free of horse corn.
Kypnnam ne xanxo nomannoro sepna.
//-- * * * --//
Hs mepcrn menxa ne cenaemt.
You cannot make a silk purse out of a sows ear.
Hentsx cenart menxont xomenex ns cnnnoro yxa.
//-- * * * --//
Hsann menx Foxe or nnoxnx pyse, a or nparon x cam nsannmct.
God defend me from my friends, Ill keep myself from my enemies.
3amnrn menx, Foxe, or pyse, a or nparon x cam oropoxyct.
//-- * * * --//
Hsnecrnax ea nyume oxnaemo nensnecrnocrn.
Better the devil you know than the devil you dont know.
Hyume uepr, xoroporo snaemt, uem uepr, xoroporo ne snaemt.
//-- * * * --//
Hsann n rax n cxx, a nnnsn nn ro nn ce.
Distance lends enchantment to the view.
Paccroxnne npnaer ouaponanne nny.
//-- * * * --//
Hnora ropcrouxa cuacrtx nyume nosa yma.
An ounce of fortune is worth a pound of discretion.
Vnnnx yaun cronr ]ynra naropasymnx.
//-- * * * --//
Hno pas n ypax monnnr cnono n na.
A fool may sometimes speak to the purpose.
H ypax moxer nnora cxasart no eny.
A fools bolt may sometimes hit the mark.
Crpena ypaxa moxer nnora nonacrt n nent.
A fool may give a wise man counsel.
H ypax moxer art ymnomy uenonexy coner.
//-- * * * --//
Hnomy cuacrte mart, a nnomy mauexa.
Fortune to one is mother, to another is stepmother.
Cuacrte onomy mart, a pyromy mauexa.
//-- * * * --//
Hcxnmuenne nornepxaer npannno.
The exception proves the rule.
Hcxnmuenne nornepxaer npannno.
//-- * * * --//
Hcxpa mana nennx nnament ponr.
A small spark makes a great fire.
Manentxax ncxpa poxaer ontmo noxap.
A little fire burns up a great deal of corn.
Heontmo oront cxnraer ontmoe xonnuecrno sepna.
//-- * * * --//
Hcxymenne na rpex nanonr.
An open door may tempt a saint.
Orxptrax nept moxer nnecrn n ncxymenne n cnxroro.
//-- * * * --//
Hcnyrannt snept anexo exnr.
Fear gives wings.
Ofpepakfupoean u onynukoean ua cafe : PRESSI ( HERSON )
Crpax aer xptntx.
//-- * * * --//
Hcrnnnoe myxecrno ocropoxnocrt.
Discretion is the better part of valour.
Ocropoxnocrt nyumax uacrt onecrn.
//-- * * * --//
Hmn nerpa n none, a npany na ne mopcxom.
Truth lies at the bottom of a well.
Hpana nexnr na ne xonona.
//-- * * * --//
Hmn opa, a xyo n camo npner.
Good is to be sought out and evil attended.
opo nyxno ncxart, a xo sny trt rorontm.

K mnnomy cemt nepcr ne oxonnna.
He that has love in his breast, has spurs in his sides.
V xoro n rpyn ecrt nmont, y roro ecrt n mnopt no oxam.
//-- * * * --//
K crapo pann nemnoro nono ccopt naono.
An old quarrel is easily renewed.
Crapym ccopy nosononnrt nerxo.
//-- * * * --//
Kat aymxa ne aymxa, rax tna ona eymxo.
If my aunt had been a man, shed have been my uncle.
Ecnn t mox rerx tna myxunno, ona tna t monm xe.
//-- * * * --//
Kat mne ror pasym nanepe, uro npnxonr onocnx.
If things were to be done twice, all would be wise.
Ecnn t ena moxno tno nepeentnart cnona, nce tnn t myptmn.
//-- * * * --//
Kaxax pexa x mopm reuer.
All rivers run into the sea.
Bce pexn rexyr x mopm.
//-- * * * --//
Kaxomy cnox onesnt rxxena.
Every heart has its own ache.
V xaxoro cepna cnox ont.
//-- * * * --//
Kaxomy cnox noma rxxena.
Everyone thinks his sack heaviest.
Kaxt cunraer cno memox camtm rxxentm.
//-- * * * --//
Kaxt non xnannr cnonx cnxrtx.
Each priest praises his own relics.
Kaxt cnxmennnx xnannr cnon pennxnnn.
//-- * * * --//
Kax ayxnercx, rax n orxnnxnercx.
Such answer as a man gives, such will he get.
Kaxo orner uenonex aer, raxo on n nonyuaer.
//-- * * * --//
Kax nonxa nn xopmn, on nce n nec cmorpnr.
Bring a cow to the hall and shell run to the byre.
Hpnnen xopony n om, a ona nce panno yexnr n xnen.
//-- * * * --//
Kax naenyr nenen, rax n nonn xonen.
Wedlock is a padlock.
Fpax +ro nncxun samox.
//-- * * * --//
Kax nocrenemt, rax n nocnnmt.
As you make your bed, so you must lie upon it.
Kax nocrenemt xponart, rax n nonexnmt na ne.
//-- * * * --//
Kax cnnntm n xa]ran nn pxn, ona cnnnte n ocranercx.
An apes an ape, a varlets a varlet, though they be clad in silk or scarlet.
Oestxna nce panno oestxna, cnyra nce panno cnyra, yt onn pasoert n menxa nnn n
//-- * * * --//
Kax cneno o xpacxax paccyxaer.
Ofpepakfupoean u onynukoean ua cafe : PRESSI ( HERSON )
Blind men can judge no colours.
Cnente ne moryr cynrt o xpacxax.
//-- * * * --//
Kax roner ronop cynnr, a ntramnmt n ronopnma xant.
Vows made in storms are forgotten in calms.
Knxrnt, xoropte amrcx n ypm, satnamrcx n xopomym noroy.
//-- * * * --//
Kaxax nramxa pantme npocnynact, ra cxopee n xopmy naer.
The early bird catches the worm.
Pannxx nrnuxa nonnr uepnxxa.
//-- * * * --//
Kaxon apnn, raxon n xpecrtxnnn.
Like master, like man.
Kaxon xosxnn, raxon n cnyra.
//-- * * * --//
Kaxon rpex, raxona n pacnpana.
Like fault, like punishment.
Kaxona nnna, raxono n naxasanne.
//-- * * * --//
Kaxon nn yt rposen ent, a neuep nacraner.
Be the day weary or be the day long, at last it ringeth to evensong.
Kaxnm t rxxentm nnn xaxnm t nnnntm nn tn ent, n xonne xonnon n on nosoner x neuepne.
//-- * * * --//
Kaxon paornnx, raxona emy n nnara.
The labourer is worthy of his hire.
Paornnx ocronn cnoe nnart.
Good hand, good hire.
Xopomn paornnx xopomax n nnara.
//-- * * * --//
Kaxon oren, raxon n ctn.
Like father, like son.
Kaxon oren, raxon n ctn.
//-- * * * --//
Kaxon non, raxon n npnxo.
Like priest, like people.
Kaxon cnxmennnx, raxona n nacrna.
//-- * * * --//
Kaxona ea, raxona n xoa.
The belly carries the legs, and not the legs the belly.
Xnnor nocnr norn, a ne norn xnnor.
//-- * * * --//
Kaxona xopona, raxon n renenox.
Like cow, like calf.
Kaxona xopona, raxon n renenox.
//-- * * * --//
Kaxona mart, raxona n out.
Like mother, like daughter.
Kaxona mart, raxona n out.
//-- * * * --//
Kaxono epeno, raxon n nno.
Such as the tree is, such is the fruit.
Kaxono epeno, raxon n nno.
//-- * * * --//
Kaxono nyxomxo, raxona emy n noxptmxa.
Such cup, such cover.
Kaxona uama, raxona n xptmxa.
//-- * * * --//
Kaxono nauano, raxon n xonen.
Such beginning, such end.
Kaxono nauano, raxon n xonen.
//-- * * * --//
Kannx no xanne xament onnr.
Constant dropping wears away a stone.
Hocroxnno naammne xannn rouar xament.
//-- * * * --//
Karyun xament moxnar ne yer.
A rolling stone gathers no moss.
Karxmncx xament ne opacraer mxom.
//-- * * * --//
Knenera uro yront: ne ooxxer, rax samapaer.
Throw dirt enough, and some will stick.
Hapoca ocrarouno rpxsn, n uacrt ee npnnnnner.
It the ball does not stick to the wall, it will at least leave a mark.
Ecnn map n ne npnnnnner x crene, on no mentme mepe ocrannr cne.
Slander leaves a score behind it.
Ofpepakfupoean u onynukoean ua cafe : PRESSI ( HERSON )
Knenera ocrannxer nocne cex rnyoxn cne.
//-- * * * --//
Knnn xnnnom ntmnamr.
One nail drives out another.
Onn rnost ntnnaer pyro.
Fight fire with fire.
Fopnct c ornem c nomomtm ornx.
//-- * * * --//
Knxua n n sonoro yse ne xont.
An ass is but an ass, though laden with gold.
Ocen, axe rpyxennt sonorom, nce panno ocen.
//-- * * * --//
Kora syon ne crano, rora n opexn npnnecnn.
The gods send nuts to those who have no teeth.
Forn noctnamr opexn rem, y xoro ner syon.
//-- * * * --//
Kora nsa es sanopy, n cnnntx n ne ponr.
At open doors dogs come in.
B orxptrte nepn saxoxr coaxn.
//-- * * * --//
Kora nomat exnr, ne naono mnop.
Do not spur a free horse.
He npnmnopnna cnoonym nomat.
//-- * * * --//
Kora pyx mnoro, paora cnopnrcx.
Many hands make light work.
Mnoro pyx oneruamr paory.
//-- * * * --//
Kora ynnxy, rora n nonepm.
Seeing is believing.
Vnnert snaunr nonepnrt.
//-- * * * --//
Kora xouemt cee opa, ro nnxomy ne ena sna.
Do as you would be done by.
ena rax, xax enanoct t ree.
Do unto others as you would they should do unto you.
Hocryna no ornomennm x pyrnm rax, xax rt t xoren, urot onn nocrynann no ornomennm x
Do well and have well.
ena opo n nonyunmt opo.
//-- * * * --//
Koro For xouer norynrt, roro on nnmaer pasyma.
Whom the gods would destroy, they first make mad.
Koro orn xorxr norynrt, rex onn cnauana nnmamr paccyxa.
//-- * * * --//
Konn trt coaxe nro, naercx n nanxa.
It is easy to find a stick to beat a dog.
Herxo narn nanxy, urot nonrt coaxy.
//-- * * * --//
Konn uro nonmnrcx, rax n ym orcrynnrcx.
We soon believe what we desire.
Mt ontme nepnm romy, uero xouercx.
//-- * * * --//
Konoxon n nepxont cstnaer, a cam n nepxnn ne tnaer.
Bells call others, but themselves enter not into the church.
Konoxona sonyr pyrnx, a camn n nepxont ne saxoxr.
//-- * * * --//
Konornct, ecx, a nce naecx.
While there is life, there is hope.
Hoxa ecrt xnsnt, ecrt n naexa.
Never say die.
Hnxora ne ronopn ymnpart.
//-- * * * --//
Komy cropert, ror ne yroner.
He that is born to be hanged, shall never be drowned.
Kro ponncx, urot trt nonemenntm, ror ne yroner.
//-- * * * --//
Komy cuacrte cnyxnr, ror nn o uem ne ryxnr.
He dances well to whom fortune pipes.
Xopomo nnxmer ror, xomy cuacrte notrptnaer.
//-- * * * --//
Kone na nepenpane ne menxmr.
Dont change horses in mid-stream.
He menx xone na nepenpane.
//-- * * * --//
Konen eny nenen.
Ofpepakfupoean u onynukoean ua cafe : PRESSI ( HERSON )
The end crowns the work.
Konen nenuaer eno.
//-- * * * --//
Konunn eno, rynx cmeno.
Business before pleasure.
eno nepe pasnneuennem.
//-- * * * --//
Kont re nn nonanxercx nese xnox mepcrn ocranercx.
Where the horse lies down, there some hair will be found.
Ie xont nxxer, ram naercx norom nemnoro mepcrn.
//-- * * * --//
Kont opt a ne esxen; xopom napent a ne yuen.
The best horse needs breaking, and the aptest child needs teaching.
H camoro xopomero xonx nyxno oesxart, n camoro cnoconoro peenxa nyxno yunrt.
//-- * * * --//
Kont o uertpex norax, a n ror cnortxaercx.
A horse stumbles that hath four legs.
Kont c uertptmx noramn roxe cnortxaercx.
//-- * * * --//
Koneeuxa x xoneeuxe pynt naeraer.
Penny and penny laid up will be many.
Hennn x nennn ornoxennte yer mnoro.
Little and often fills the purse.
Honemnory n uacro nanonnxmr xomenex.
//-- * * * --//
Konexa oos ronnr.
Money makes the mare to go.
entrn sacrannxmr xotny nrn.
//-- * * * --//
Konexa pynt epexer.
A penny saved is a penny gained.
Hennn cepexennoe +ro nennn sapaorannoe.
Take care of the pence and the pounds will take care of themselves.
Hosaortcx o nencax, a ]ynrt camn o cee nosaorxrcx.
//-- * * * --//
Konnn nornyxe, naemt nonyume.
The best fish swim near the bottom.
Hyumax pta nnanaer y na.
//-- * * * --//
Kocn, xoca, noxa poca.
Make hay while the sun shines.
Ioront ceno, noxa connne cnernr.
Hoist your sail when the wind is fair.
Honnma napyc, noxa nerep naronpnxrnt.
//-- * * * --//
Koropo pexo nntrt, ro n cnany nert.
Everyone speaks well of the bridge which carries him over.
Kaxt xnannr mocr, no xoropomy on ner.
//-- * * * --//
Komxa c coaxo pyxno ne xnnyr.
The cat and dog may kiss, yet are none the better friends.
Komxa c coaxo moryr n nenonartcx, no ontmnmn pystxmn ne cranonxrcx.
//-- * * * --//
Komxn ner oma mtmam nonx.
When the cats away, the mice will play.
Kora xomxn ner, mtmn pesnxrcx.
//-- * * * --//
Komxy enxrax cmeprt onnmaer.
A cat has nine lives.
V xomxn enxrt xnsne.
//-- * * * --//
Komxy, uro ontme rnanmt, ro ontme xnocr eper.
The more you rub a cat on the rump, the higher she sets up her tail.
uem ontme rt rnanmt xomxy no xpecrny, rem ntme ona sanpaer xnocr.
//-- * * * --//
Kpanocrn cxoxrcx.
Extremes meet.
Kpanocrn cxoxrcx.
Too far east is west.
Cnnmxom anexn nocrox +ro sana.
//-- * * * --//
Kpacna xroxa, a na nxyc roptxa.
Beauty may have fair leaves, yet bitter fruit.
V xpacort moryr trt esynpeunte nncrtx, no roptxne nnot.
//-- * * * --//
Kpacora o neuepa, a opora nanex.
Ofpepakfupoean u onynukoean ua cafe : PRESSI ( HERSON )
Grace will last, beauty will blast.
opoerent ocranercx, xpacora ncuesner.
Prettiness dies first.
Kpacora ymnpaer nepno.
//-- * * * --//
Kpacoro ctr ne yemt.
Prettiness makes no pottage.
Kpacora ne napnr noxnexy.
Beauty will buy no beef.
Kpacora ne xynnr mxca.
//-- * * * --//
Kparxocrt cecrpa rananra.
Brevity is the soul of wit.
Kparxocrt yma yma.
//-- * * * --//
Kpnnt pona, a npxmo ropxr.
Crooked logs make straight fires.
Hs xpnntx pon nonyuaercx npxmo oront.
//-- * * * --//
Kpont xponn npocnr.
Blood will have blood.
Kpont norpeyer xponn.
//-- * * * --//
Kpont ne noa.
Blood is thicker than water.
Kpont ryme, uem noa.
//-- * * * --//
Kporxoe cnono rnen noexaer.
A soft answer turneth away wrath.
Kporxn orner ornpamaer rnen.
//-- * * * --//
Kpyro rnemt nepenomnmt.
Too-too will in two.
Cnnmxom-cnnmxom rpecner nanononam.
//-- * * * --//
Kro es ycrann onraer, n rom ronxy ne tnaer.
He that is a blab is a scab.
Kro onryn, ror n nonen.
//-- * * * --//
Kro ontme tnan, ror ontme snaer.
He that travels far, knows much.
Kro anexo nyremecrnyer, ror mnoro snaer.
Travel broadens the mind.
Hyremecrnne pacmnpxer xpyrosop.
//-- * * * --//
Kro oxsnnno npocnr, ror yunr orxastnart.
He that asks faintly begs a denial.
Kro npocnr necmeno, ror nanpamnnaercx na orxas.
//-- * * * --//
Kro n mope ne tnan, ror n crpaxy ne nnan.
He that will learn to pray, let him go to sea.
Kro xouer nayunrtcx monnrtcx, ror nycrt ornpannxercx n mope.
//-- * * * --//
Kro n paocrn xnner, roro n xpyunna nemer.
A man of gladness seldom falls into madness.
Paocrnt uenonex pexo nnaaer n esymne.
//-- * * * --//
Kro n cyory cmeercx, n nocxpecente nnaxart yer.
He that sings on Friday, will weep on Sunday.
Kro noer n nxrnnny, ror yer ptart n nocxpecente.
//-- * * * --//
Kro neser, na roro n naxnatnamr.
All lay load on the willing horse.
Bce nsnannnamr rpys na oxouym nomat.
//-- * * * --//
Kro nper, ror n enexxn eper.
He that will lie, will steal.
Kro conxer, ror n yxpaer.
Show me a liar, and I will show you a thief.
Hoxaxn mne nxena, n x noxaxy ree nopa.
//-- * * * --//
Kro ncera epexercx, ror nnxora ne oxxercx.
The way to be safe is never to be secure.
urot trt n esonacnocrn, nyxno nnxora ne uyncrnonart cex n esonacnocrn.
//-- * * * --//
Kro ronopnr, ror ceer; xro cnymaer, ror noxnnaer.
Ofpepakfupoean u onynukoean ua cafe : PRESSI ( HERSON )
He that speaks sows, and he that holds his peace gathers.
Kro ronopnr, ror ceer, a xro monunr, ror conpaer.
//-- * * * --//
Kro ronopnr, uro xouer, ycntmnr, uero n ne xouer.
He who says what he likes, shall hear what he does not like.
Kro ronopnr, uro xouer, ycntmnr ro, uro emy ne npannrcx.
//-- * * * --//
Kro opoe rnopnr, roro sno ne npenr.
A good heart conquers ill fortune.
opoe cepne noexaer necuacrte.
//-- * * * --//
Kro ecr cxopo, ror n paoraer cnopo.
Quick at meat, quick at work.
Cxop n ee cxop n n paore.
//-- * * * --//
Kro xer, ror oxercx.
Everything comes to him who waits.
Bce npnxonr x romy, xro xer.
//-- * * * --//
Kro sa nce epercx, romy nnuero ne yaercx.
J ack of all trades and master of none.
xex, na nce pyxn macrep, ne nnaeer xopomo nn onnm pemecnom.
//-- * * * --//
Kro sa xonexo ne narnercx nomanoro rpoma ne cronr.
He that will not stoop for a pin, shall never be worth a pound.
Kro ne narnercx sa ynanxo, ror nnxora ne yer ocronn ]ynra.
//-- * * * --//
Kro sntm nonycxaer, ror cam sno rnopnr.
He that helps the evil hurts the good.
Kro nomoraer sntm, ror nanocnr npe xopomnm.
//-- * * * --//
Kro xax xnner, rax n ymnpaer.
Such a life, such a death.
Kaxona xnsnt, raxona n cmeprt.
A good life makes a good death.
V xopome xnsnn n cmeprt xopomax.
They die well that live well.
Kro xopomo xnner, ror xopomo n ymnpaer.
An ill life, an ill end.
ypnax xnsnt, ypnax n xonunna.
//-- * * * --//
Kro xoro sarnasno pannr, ror roro n onrcx.
He that fears you present will hate you absent.
Kro onrcx rex n rnoem npncyrcrnnn, ror yer nenannert rex n rnoe orcyrcrnne.
//-- * * * --//
Kro xoro onnr, ror roro n nenannnr.
He that does you an ill turn, will never forgive you.
Kro nanec ree npe, ror nnxora rex ne npocrnr.
Offenders never pardon.
Onunxn nnxora ne npomamr.
//-- * * * --//
Kro nerxo nepnr, nerxo n nponaaer.
Trust is the mother of deceit.
onepunnocrt mart omana.
He who trusts not, is not deceived.
Kro ne onepxer, roro n ne omantnamr.
//-- * * * --//
Kro nxer, ror n xpaer.
He that will lie, will steal.
Kro conxer, ror n yxpaer.
Show me a liar, and I will show you a thief.
Hoxaxn mne nxena, n x noxaxy ree nopa.
//-- * * * --//
Kro mnoro nper, ror mnoro oxnrcx.
He that will swear, will lie.
Kro noxnxnercx, ror n conxer.
//-- * * * --//
Kro mnoro onraer, ror mnoro nper.
Great talkers are great liars.
Fontmne onrynt ontmne nxent.
//-- * * * --//
Kro mnoro ronopnr, ror mano enaer.
The greatest talkers are the least doers.
Kro ontme ncex ronopnr, ror mentme ncex enaer.
They brag most who can do least.
Kro moxer mentme ncex cenart, ror ontme ncex xnacraercx.
Ofpepakfupoean u onynukoean ua cafe : PRESSI ( HERSON )
Great braggers, little doers.
Camte ontmne xnacrynt enamr
//-- * * * --//
Kro mnoro rposnr, ror mano npenr.
Great barkers are no biters.
Kro mnoro naer, ror ne xycaer.
//-- * * * --//
Kro mnoro snaer, ror mano onraer.
Who knows most, speaks least.
Kro snaer ontme ncex, ror onraer mentme ncex.
//-- * * * --//
Kro mnoro nmeer, eme ontme xouer.
The more you get, the more you want.
uem ontme y rex ecrt, rem ontme ree xouercx.
Much would have more.
Mnoromy xorenoct t nmert eme ontme.
//-- * * * --//
Kro mnoro cynnr, ror mano aer.
He that promises too much, means nothing.
Kro cnnmxom mnoro oemaer, ror nnuero ne nmeer n nny.
A long tongue is a sign of a short hand.
nnnnt xstx +ro npnsnax xoporxo pyxn.
//-- * * * --//
Kro monunr, ne rpemnr.
Silence does seldom harm.
Monuanne pexo npnunnxer npe.
//-- * * * --//
Kro monunr, ror nonx nayunr.
No wisdom like silence.
Her nnuero mypee monuannx.
//-- * * * --//
Kro ne epexer xonexn, cam pynx ne cronr.
Who will not keep a penny, never shall have many.
Kro ne epexer nennn, y roro nx mnoro ne yer.
//-- * * * --//
Kro ne onen, ror sopontm nent ne snaer.
Health is not valued till sickness comes.
3oponte ne nennrcx, noxa onesnt ne npnmna.
//-- * * * --//
Kro ne npoonan roptxoro, ne onennr n cnaxoro.
He deserves not the sweet that will not taste the sour.
Kro ne nonpoonan roptxoro, ror ne ocronn n cnaxoro.
//-- * * * --//
Kro ne paoraer, ror ne ecr.
If you wont work you shant eat.
Ecnn ne yemt paorart, ne yemt n ecrt.
A horse that will not carry a saddle must have no oats.
Homat, xoropax ne xouer necrn ceno, ne nonyunr n onca.
//-- * * * --//
Kro ne pennyer, ror ne nmnr.
Love is never without jealousy.
Hmont nnxora ne tnaer es pennocrn.
//-- * * * --//
Kro ne cnymaer coneron, romy neuem nomout.
He that will not be counselled, cannot be helped.
Kro ne cnymaer coneron, romy nentsx nomout.
//-- * * * --//
Kro ne ymeer nonnnonartcx, ror ne ymeer nonenenart.
No man can be a good ruler, unless he has first been ruled.
uenonex ne moxer trt xopomnm npannrenem, ecnn o +roro on cam ne tn n nounnennn.
//-- * * * --//
Kro ne xonr, ror n ne naaer.
He that never rode never fell.
Kro nnxora ne esnn nepxom, ror nnxora n ne naan.
He that never climbed never fell.
Kro nnxora ne nsnpancx, ror nnxora n ne naan.
//-- * * * --//
Kro nnuero ne nmeer, ror nnuero ne onrcx.
He that has nothing is frightened at nothing.
V xoro nnuero ner, ror nnuero ne onrcx.
//-- * * * --//
Kro nonnnt ne nnan, ror n neromn pa.
Acorns were good till bread was found.
H xenyn tnn xopomn o roro, xax tn orxptr xne.
//-- * * * --//
Kro nyxt ne nnan, n cuacrtx ne snaer.
Ofpepakfupoean u onynukoean ua cafe : PRESSI ( HERSON )
Misfortunes tell us what fortune is.
Hecuacrtx noxastnamr nam, uro raxoe cuacrte.
No man better knows what good is than he who has endured evil.
Hnxro nyume ne snaer, uro raxoe opo, uem ror, xro ncntran sno.
//-- * * * --//
Kro ntne man sanrpa nennx, a ntne nennx sanrpa man.
He that falls today may rise tomorrow.
Kro ceronx ynan, ror moxer nonxrtcx sanrpa.
//-- * * * --//
Kro oxercx na ropxuem, ror yer na xononoe.
Once bitten, twice shy.
Onaxt yxymennt nnone nyrnnn.
The burnt child dreads the fire.
Oxermncx peenox onrcx ornx.
//-- * * * --//
Kro or xoro, ror n n roro.
Like breeds like.
Hoonoe poxaer noonoe.
//-- * * * --//
Kro naxart ne nennrcx, y roro xne ponrcx.
Plough deep, while sluggards sleep; and you shall have corn to sell and to keep.
Hamn rnyxe, noxa nenrxn cnxr, n y rex yer sepno n nx npoaxn, n nx xpanennx.
If your plough be jogging, you may have meat for your horses.
Ecnn rno nnyr yer paorart, y rex yer ea nx nomae.
//-- * * * --//
Kro nepntm npnmen, nepntm n monon.
First come, first served.
Kro nepntm npnxonr, nepntm n ocnyxnnaercx.
//-- * * * --//
Kro nnarnr, ror n mystxy saxastnaer.
He who pays the piper calls the tune.
Kro nnarnr nontnmnxy, ror n saxastnaer mystxy.
//-- * * * --//
Kro nopantme ncraer, ror rpnxn cee eper; a connnnt a nennnt nyr nocne sa
The cow thats first up, gets the first of the dew.
Kopone, xoropax ncraer nepno, ocraercx nepnax poca.
//-- * * * --//
Kro noceer nerep, noxner ypm.
They that sow the wind shall reap the whirlwind.
Kro noceer nerep, ror noxner yparan.
//-- * * * --//
Kro pano ncraer, ror nnoe xnner.
Early to bed and early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.
Pano noxnrtcx n pano ncranart +ro enaer uenonexa sopontm, orartm n myptm.
//-- * * * --//
Kro pano ncraer, y roro xonexa pacrer.
He that will thrive, must rise at five.
Kro xouer npeycnert, ror onxen ncranart n nxrt.
//-- * * * --//
Kro c conerom ne cunraercx, ror npocunraercx.
Who will not be ruled by the rudder must be ruled by the rock.
Kro ne xouer cnymartcx pynx, romy npnercx nocnymartcx cxan.
//-- * * * --//
Kro c xstxom, ror c nnporom.
Dumb men get no lands.
Hemte nmn sement ne nonyuamr.
The lame tongue gets nothing.
Xpomo xstx nnuero ne nonyuaer.
//-- * * * --//
Kro ceronx conpan, romy sanrpa ner nept.
He that once deceives, is ever suspected.
Kro pas omaner, roro ncera noospenamr.
A liar is not believed when he speaks the truth.
Hryny ne nepxr n rora, xora on ronopnr npany.
//-- * * * --//
Kro cnntnee, ror n npanee.
Might is right.
Cnntnt npan.
//-- * * * --//
Ofpepakfupoean u onynukoean ua cafe : PRESSI ( HERSON )
Kro cxopo nomor, ror naxt nomor.
He gives twice who gives quickly.
Kro aer tcrpo, ror naxt aer.
//-- * * * --//
Kro coom ne ynpannr, ror n pyroro na pasym ne nacrannr.
He is not fit to command others, that cannot command himself.
Kro ne moxer ynpannxrt coo, ror ne moxer ynpannxrt n pyrnmn.
//-- * * * --//
Kro cosnancx, ror noxaxncx.
Confession is the first step to repentance.
Hpnsnanne nepnt mar x pacxaxnnm.
//-- * * * --//
Kro cnnr necnom, nnauer snmom.
They must hunger in frost that will not work in heat.
Kro ne xouer paorart n xapy, romy npnercx ronoart n mopos.
//-- * * * --//
Kro cnnr onro, ror xnner c onrom.
He who sleeps all the morning, may go a begging all the day after.
Kro cnnr nce yrpo, ror moxer nent ent norom xonrt npocnrt mnnocrtnm.
//-- * * * --//
Kro crapoe nomxner, romy rnas non.
Let bygones be bygones.
Hycrt npomnoe ocranercx n npomnom.
Forgive and forget.
Hpocrn n sayt.
//-- * * * --//
Kro yxpaer pynt, roro amr no cy, a xro rtcxu ecrn, roro epxar n uecrn.
Little thieves are hanged, but great ones escape.
Menxnx nopnmex nemamr, a xpynnte ycxontsamr.
//-- * * * --//
Kro yxpan xno, yxpaer n xypnny.
He that will steal an egg, will steal an ox.
Kro yxpaer xno, yxpaer n txa.
He that will steal a pin, will steal a better thing.
Kro yxpaer ynanxy, yxpaer n nemt nonyume.
//-- * * * --//
Kro xnannrcx, ror c ropt cnannrcx.
Pride goes before a fall.
Ioptnx npemecrnyer naennm.
//-- * * * --//
Kya epeno xnonnnoct, rya n nonannnoct.
As a tree falls, so shall it lie.
Kax epeno ynaer, rax emy n nexart.
//-- * * * --//
Kya marymxa, rya n nrxrxo.
Where the dam leaps over, the kid follows.
Kya mart cxauer, rya n xosnenox cneyer.
//-- * * * --//
Kya onn apan, rya n nce crao.
One sheep follows another.
Onn apan cneyer sa pyrnm.
//-- * * * --//
Ky xeneso, noxa ropxuo.
Strike while the iron is hot.
Ky, noxa xeneso ropxuee.
//-- * * * --//
Kypnna no sepntmxy xnmer, a ctra xnner.
Grain by grain, and the hen fills her belly.
3epntmxo no sepntmxy, n xypnna nanonnxer cno xenyox.
//-- * * * --//
Kypouxa xoxouer, cnecrn xnuxo xouer.
If the hen does not prate, she will not lay.
Ecnn xypnna ne xyaxuer, ona xno ne cnecer.

Haxoma xomxa o ptxn, a nanxn mounrt ne xouer.
The cat would eat fish, but would not wet her feet.
Komxa n cena t ptxy, n ne samounna t nanxn.
//-- * * * --//
Ofpepakfupoean u onynukoean ua cafe : PRESSI ( HERSON )
Haxoma naxnna, a nocrep xpmuox.
The bait hides the hook.
Hpnmanxa cxptnaer xpmuox.
//-- * * * --//
Hanxn apxarnte, a xororxn ocrpte.
Cats hide their claws.
Komxn npxuyr cnon xorrn.
//-- * * * --//
Hacxonoe cnono n ynym ronony cmnpxer.
A soft answer turneth away wrath.
Mxrxn orner rnen ornpamaer.
Good words cool more than cold water.
opte cnona oxnaxamr tcrpee, uem xononax noa.
//-- * * * --//
Hacxonoe cnono ne rpyno, a cnopo.
Good words are worth much and cost little.
opte cnona ouent oporn, a croxr mano.
Good words cost nought.
opte cnona nnuero ne croxr.
//-- * * * --//
Hacxontm cnonom mnororo otemtcx.
There is great force hidden in a sweet command.
B mxrxom npnxasannn cxptnaercx nennxax cnna.
All doors open to courtesy.
Bce nepn orxptnamrcx nepe nexnnnocrtm.
//-- * * * --//
Herxo npnmno, nerxo n ymno.
Easy come, easy go.
Herxo npnxonr, nerxo n yxonr.
Light come, light go.
Herxo npnxonr, nerxo n yxonr.
Quickly come, quickly go.
Ftcrpo npnxonr, tcrpo n yxonr.
//-- * * * --//
Herxo cxasart, a rxxeno cenart.
Easier said than done.
Herue cxasano, uem cenano.
//-- * * * --//
Herxoe rope onrnnno, rxxenoe esmonnno.
Small sorrows speak; great ones are silent.
Manentxoe rope ronopnr, ontmoe monunr.
//-- * * * --//
Herox na nomnne.
Talk of the devil, and he is bound to appear.
3aronopn o uepre, n on oxsarentno noxnnrcx.
//-- * * * --//
Herue pyra norepxrt, uem narn.
A friend is not so soon gotten as lost.
pyra norepxrt tcrpee, uem narn.
//-- * * * --//
Herue naxnrt entrn, uem cepeut.
Gear is easier gained than guided.
Forarcrno nerue npnopecrn, uem nm ynpannxrt.
//-- * * * --//
Hexauero ne tmr.
Pour not water on a drowned mouse.
He ne noy na yronynmym mtmt.
//-- * * * --//
Hennno xomxe mtme ne nomart.
The sleeping fox catches no poultry.
Cnxmax nnca nrnny ne nomaer.
//-- * * * --//
Hennnomy ncera nexora.
Idle folks have the least leisure.
V nennntx nme ouent mano cnoonoro npemenn.
//-- * * * --//
Hennnomy ncera npasnnx.
Every day is holiday with sluggards.
V esentnnxon xaxt ent npasnnx.
//-- * * * --//
Ofpepakfupoean u onynukoean ua cafe : PRESSI ( HERSON )
Hennnt rpn pasa xonr, a cxyno rpn pasa nnarnr.
A sluggard takes an hundred steps because he would not take one in due time.
Hennnt enaer cro maron, noromy uro on ne saxoren cenart onn mar n nyxnoe npemx.
The covetous spends more than the liberal.
Cxyno rparnr ontme, uem mept.
//-- * * * --//
Henocrt nanonr na enocrt.
Idleness is the key of beggary.
Hent xnmu x nnmere.
Laziness travels so slowly that poverty overtakes it.
Hent nyremecrnyer rax menenno, uro enocrt ee oronxer.
The slothful man is the beggars brother.
Henrx par nnmemy.
Idleness must thank itself if it go barefoot.
Fesente onxno naroapnrt cex, ecnn ono xonr ocnxom.
//-- * * * --//
Henrx cmexanncr na orronopxn.
Idle folks lack no excuses.
V notpe ner neocrarxa n orronopxax.
//-- * * * --//
Hent o opa ne ononr.
Of idleness comes no goodness.
Hs esentx ne ntxonr nnuero xopomero.
By doing nothing we learn to do ill.
Hnuero ne enax, mt yunmcx enart sno.
//-- * * * --//
Hecom men, a pon ne nnen.
Send him to the sea and he will not get water.
Homnn ero x mopm, on n not ne oyer.
//-- * * * --//
Hero conpaer, a snma noeaer.
Winter eats what summer lays up.
3nma ecr ro, uro npnnacaer nero.
//-- * * * --//
Hxnn oxou xnacrart.
A vaunter and a liar are near akin.
Xnacryn n nxen nnsxne pocrnennnxn.
//-- * * * --//
Hxnnomy nao namxrny trt.
A liar ought to have a good memory.
Hxeny nyxno nmert xopomym namxrt.
//-- * * * --//
Hxnnt xort npany cxaxer, nnxro ne nonepnr.
A liar is not believed when he speaks the truth.
Hryny ne nepxr n rora, xora on ronopnr npany.
//-- * * * --//
Hnxa ea nauano.
Every beginning is hard.
Hmoe nauano rpyno.
It is the first step that is difficult.
Tpyen rontxo nepnt mar.
All things are difficult before they are easy.
Bce nemn rpynt nepe rem, xax crart nerxnmn.
//-- * * * --//
Hnunxom en, a ymom uepn.
A fair face may hide a foul heart.
Kpacnnoe nnno moxer cxptnart rpxsnoe cepne.
Fair without, false within.
Kpacnno cnapyxn, ]antmnno nnyrpn.
//-- * * * --//
Hnmnxx enexxa xapmany ne n rxrocrt.
Store is no sore.
3anac ne onxuxa.
//-- * * * --//
Hoxxy ne ones, a por orxptnaemt.
Theres many a slip between cup and lip.
Mexy uamxo n ryamn moxno mnoro nponnrt.
//-- * * * --//
Hoxt noxtm noronxer.
A lie begets a lie.
Ofpepakfupoean u onynukoean ua cafe : PRESSI ( HERSON )
Hoxt nopoxaer noxt.
One lie makes many.
Hs ono nxn nonyuaercx mnoro.
//-- * * * --//
Hoxt na rapaxantnx noxxax xonr.
Lies have short legs.
V nxn xoporxne norn.
//-- * * * --//
Homart ne enart.
It is easier to pull down than to build up.
Herue cnocnrt, uem crponrt.
//-- * * * --//
Homn epeno, noxa monoo.
Best to bend while it is a twig.
Hyume ncero rnyrt, noxa +ro nerxa.
Thraw the wand while it is green.
Kpyrn nerxy, noxa ona senenax.
//-- * * * --//
Hyumax samnra nanaenne.
Attack is the best form of defence.
Hanaenne nyumax ]opma samnrt.
//-- * * * --//
Hyume trt nepntm na epenne, uem nocnennm n ropoe.
Better be first in a village than second at Rome.
Hyume trt nepntm n epenne, uem nocnennm n Pnme.
//-- * * * --//
Hyume rnyrtcx, uem nepenomnrtcx.
Better bend than break.
Hyume cornyrtcx, uem cnomartcx.
Better bend the neck than bruise the forehead.
Hyume narnyrt mem, uem ymnnrt no.
//-- * * * --//
Hyume art, uem nsxrt.
Better give than take.
Hyume art, uem nsxrt.
//-- * * * --//
Hyume ecxrt pas nonopornrt, uem onn pas na ment cecrt.
Better to go about than to fall into the ditch.
Hyume nonepnyrt nasa, uem ynacrt n xanany.
//-- * * * --//
Hyume xeneso napnrt, uem co snom xenom xnrt.
Better be half hanged than ill wed.
Hyume trt nanononnny nonemenntm, uem n nnoxom paxe.
//-- * * * --//
Hyume xnrt n sanncrn, uem n xanocrn.
Better be envied than pitied.
Hyume ntstnart sanncrt, uem xanocrt.
//-- * * * --//
Hyume manentxax ptxa, uem ontmo rapaxan.
Better are small fish than an empty dish.
Hyume manentxax ptxa, uem nycrax mncxa.
//-- * * * --//
Hyume norom sannyrtcx, uem xstxom.
Better the foot slip than the tongue.
Hyume nora nocxontsnercx, uem xstx.
//-- * * * --//
Hyume nyxy necn, a nsamt ne npocn.
Better go to bed supperless than to rise in debt.
Hyume neut cnart es yxnna, uem ncrart c onrom.
Better to pay and have little than have much and to be in debt.
Hyume sannarnrt n nmert mano, uem nmert mnoro n trt n onry.
//-- * * * --//
Hyume onn pas ynnert, uem cro pas ycntmart.
Seeing is believing.
Vnnert snaunr nonepnrt.
Ona xaprnna cronr ecxrn rtcxu cnon.
//-- * * * --//
Hyume no mnpy conpart, uem uyxoe part.
Better beg than steal.
Ofpepakfupoean u onynukoean ua cafe : PRESSI ( HERSON )
Hyume nonpartcx, uem noponart.
//-- * * * --//
Hyume nosno, uem nnxora.
Better late than never.
Hyume nosno, uem nnxora.
//-- * * * --//
Hyume cnox cneuxa, uem uyxax neuxa.
The smoke of a mans own house is better than the fire of anothers.
tm cnoero ponoro oma nyume, uem oront uyxoro.
//-- * * * --//
Hyume cnnnna n pyxax, uem xypannt n nee.
A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.
Hrnna n pyxe cronr nyx n xycrax.
A feather in hand is better than a bird in the air.
Hyume nepo n pyxe, uem nrnna n nee.
//-- * * * --//
Hyume cmeprt cnannax, uem xnsnt nosopnax.
Better die with honour than live with shame.
Hyume ymepert c uecrtm, uem xnrt c nosopom.
//-- * * * --//
Hyume repnert camomy, nexenn ey cenart xomy.
Better suffer ill than do ill.
Hyume crpaart or sna, uem cornopnrt sno.
//-- * * * --//
Hyumee npar xopomero.
The best is oftentimes the enemy of the good.
Hyumee uacro xnnxercx nparom xopomero.
//-- * * * --//
Hyumn con o nonynoun.
One hours sleep before midnight is worth two after.
Onn uac cna o nonynoun cronr nyx nocne.
//-- * * * --//
Hmnn, ornx a xamnx or nme ne yranmt.
Love and a cough cannot be hid.
Hmont n xament nentsx cnpxrart.
//-- * * * --//
Hmnmt menx, rax nmn n coauxy mom.
Love me, love my dog.
Hmnmt menx, nmn n mom coaxy.
//-- * * * --//
Hmnmt renno repnn n tm.
He that would have eggs, must endure the cackling of hens.
Kro xouer nmert xna, ror onxen repnert n xyaxrante.
//-- * * * --//
Hmnmt xarartcx nmn n canouxn nosnrt.
If you want to dance, you must pay the fiddler.
Xouemt rannenart sannarn cxpnnauy.
//-- * * * --//
Hmont nce noexaer.
Love conquers all.
Hmont nce noexaer.
//-- * * * --//
Hmont a coner na rom cronr cner.
Love makes the world go around.
Hmont sacrannxer mnp npamartcx.
//-- * * * --//
Hmont sa entrn ne xynnmt.
Love is not found in the market.
Hmont na ptnxe ne naemt.
//-- * * * --//
Hmont n ymnnxa n ypaxn crannr.
One cannot love and be wise.
Hentsx nmnrt n trt myptm.
//-- * * * --//
Hmont nmontm rynrcx.
One love expels another.
Ona nmont ntrecnxer pyrym.
//-- * * * --//
Hmont moxer n cnena trt uepnoe sa enoe nounraer.
Love is blind.
Ofpepakfupoean u onynukoean ua cafe : PRESSI ( HERSON )
Hmont cnena.
Love sees no faults.
Hmont ne sameuaer neocrarxon.
//-- * * * --//
Hmont na samox ne saxpoemt.
Love laughs at locksmiths.
Hmont cmeercx na samxamn.
//-- * * * --//
Hmont naunnaercx c rnas.
Loving comes by looking.
Hmont nosnnxaer or rnxennx.
Looks breed love.
Bsrnxt poxamr nmont.
//-- * * * --//
Hmontrno Bapnape na asape noc oropnann.
Curiosity killed the cat.
Hmontrcrno norynno xomxy.

Ma xonont ro xneopont.
Cold May and a windy makes a full barn and a findy.
Xonont nerpxnt ma nanonnxer amap.
//-- * * * --//
Man rpex, a ontmym nnny necer.
Every sin brings its punishment with it.
Kaxt rpex necer sa coo naxasanne.
//-- * * * --//
Man sonornnx, a opor.
Goodness is not tied to greatness.
Xopomne xauecrna ne sanncxr or nennunnt.
//-- * * * --//
Man renom, a nennx enom.
A little body often harbours a great soul.
B manentxom rene uacro ranrcx nennxax yma.
//-- * * * --//
Manentxax noxt sa coo ontmym neer.
One lie makes many.
Hs ono nxn nonyuaercx mnoro.
A lie begets a lie.
Hoxt nopoxaer noxt.
//-- * * * --//
Manentxax coauxa naer or ontmo cntmnr.
As the old cock crows, so crows the young.
Kax crapt neryx xyxapexaer, rax xyxapexaer n monoo.
//-- * * * --//
Manentxn a yanentxn, a ontmo a xyo.
A reed before the wind lives on, while mighty oaks do fall.
Tpocrnnx ntepxnnaer nerep, rora xax moryune yt moryr ynacrt.
Little fishes slip through nets, but great fishes are taken.
Menxax ptxa npocxaxnnaer cxnost cern, a ontmax pta nonaaercx.
//-- * * * --//
Mante nrnuxn cnnnamr mante rnesa.
A little bird is content with a little nest.
Manentxax nrnuxa onontna n manentxnm rnesom.
//-- * * * --//
Macnom oront ne sannnamr.
To cast oil in the fire is not the way to quench it.
Honnnax macno, oront ne norymnmt.
//-- * * * --//
Macrep rnyn nox ryn.
A bad shearer never had a good sickle.
V nnoxoro xnena nnxora ne tnaer xopomero cepna.
//-- * * * --//
Marepnnt rnasa cnent.
It is not as thy mother says, but as thy neighbours say.
Bce ne rax, xax ronopnr rnox mart, a rax, xax ronopxr rnon cocen.
//-- * * * --//
Menenno, no nepno.
Slow but sure.
Ofpepakfupoean u onynukoean ua cafe : PRESSI ( HERSON )
Menenno, a nepno.
//-- * * * --//
Mennrt eno ne nstrt.
Delays are dangerous.
Hpomenennx onacnt.
//-- * * * --//
Mexy nymx cryntxmn ne ycnnmt.
Between two stools one falls to the ground.
Ecnn cnert mexy nymx cryntxmn, naaemt na semnm.
//-- * * * --//
Mentme ronopn, a ontme ena.
Deeds, not words.
ena, a ne cnona.
Actions speak louder than words.
Hocrynxn ronopxr rpomue cnon.
//-- * * * --//
Mentme ener mentme xnonor.
Little wealth, little care.
Mano orarcrna mano n saor.
Little gear, less care.
Mano nmymecrna mentme n saor.
//-- * * * --//
Mentme snart xpenue cnart.
Much science, much sorrow.
Mnoro snannx, mnoro n ropx.
What you dont know cant hurt you.
uero ne snaemt, ro ree ne moxer nonpenrt.
//-- * * * --//
Mepa ncxxomy eny nepa.
There is measure in all things.
Bo ncem ecrt mepa.
Moderation in all things.
Vmepennocrt no ncem.
Measure is treasure.
Mepa +ro coxponnme.
//-- * * * --//
Mepsno poxe a merent n rnasa.
It never rains but it pours.
Ecnn ner oxt, ro ncera nnnnem.
//-- * * * --//
Meprnomy npnnapxn ne nyxnt.
After death, the doctor.
Hocne cmeprn npau.
//-- * * * --//
Meprnt ne yxycnr.
Dead men dont bite.
Meprnte ne xycamrcx.
Dead men do no harm.
Meprnte ne npexr.
//-- * * * --//
Mern ncxx nepe cnonmn noporamn.
Sweep before your own door.
Homera nepe cnoe neptm.
If every man would sweep before his own doorstep the city would soon be clean.
Ecnn t xaxt nomeran nepe cnonm noporom, ropo tcrpo t cran uncrtm.
//-- * * * --//
Mema eno c esentem, npoxnnemt nex c necentem.
All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.
Ona paora es pasnneuenn npenpamaer xexa n yntnoro manoro.
//-- * * * --//
Mnn rocrt, uro neonro rocrnr.
A constant guest is never welcome.
Hocroxnnomy rocrm nnxora ne pat.
Fish and guests stink after three days.
Pta n rocrn noprxrcx uepes rpn nx.
//-- * * * --//
Mnnte panxrcx rontxo remarcx.
The quarrel of lovers is the renewal of love.
Ccopa nnmnenntx +ro nospoxenne nmnn.
//-- * * * --//
Ofpepakfupoean u onynukoean ua cafe : PRESSI ( HERSON )
Mnp a na Foxtx naroart.
Where there is peace, God is.
Ie mnp, ram n For.
//-- * * * --//
Mnorne peun x opy ne npnnoxr.
Many words, many buffets.
Mnoro cnon, mnoro n yapon.
//-- * * * --//
Mnoro not yrexno c rex nop.
Much water has run under the bridge since then.
Mnoro not yrexno no mocrom c rex nop.
//-- * * * --//
Mnoro ener mnoro n xnonor.
Much coin, much care.
Mnoro moner mnoro n saor.
Riches bring care and fears.
Forarcrno npnnocnr saort n crpaxn.
//-- * * * --//
Mnoro tmy, a mano ntny.
Much smoke, little fire.
Mnoro tmy, mano ornx.
//-- * * * --//
Mnoro pyse, xonn enexxn ecrt.
Rich folk have many friends.
V orartx nme mnoro pyse.
He that has a full purse, never wanted a friend.
Tor, y xoro nonnt xomenex, nnxora ne ncntrtnaer neocrarxa n pystxx.
//-- * * * --//
Mnoro saxouemt nocnenee norepxemt.
All covet, all lose.
Bce xenart nce norepxrt.
Grasp all, lose all.
Xnarart nce norepxrt nce.
//-- * * * --//
Mnoro xpnxy, mano ronxy.
Much cry and little wool.
Mnoro xpnxy n mano mepcrn.
//-- * * * --//
Mnoro, mnoro, a eme t crontxo.
The more you get, the more you want.
uem ontme y rex ecrt, rem ontme ree xouercx.
Much would have more.
Mnoromy xorenoct t nmert eme ontme.
//-- * * * --//
Mnoro mxca, a nce menna; n ryma, a xoponxrnna.
All flesh is not venison.
He nce mxco xnnxercx onennno.
//-- * * * --//
Mnoro na cnere ypaxon: ncex ne nepeuremt, ne roxmo uro nepeyunmt.
The world is full of fools.
B mnpe nonno ypaxon.
//-- * * * --//
Mnoro napoy, a mano nme.
A crowd is not company.
Tonna +ro ne xomnannx.
//-- * * * --//
Mnoro cnon, a mano ena.
Great boast and small roast.
Mnoro noxnantt, a mano xapenoro mxca.
The greatest talkers are the least doers.
Kro ontme ncex ronopnr, ror mentme ncex enaer.
Great braggers, little doers.
Camte ontmne xnacrynt enamr mentme ncex.
They brag most that can do least.
Kro moxer mentme ncex cenart, ror ontme ncex xnacraercx.
//-- * * * --//
Mnoro cnery mnoro xnea, mnoro not mnoro rpant.
A snow year, a rich year.
Cnexnt ro, orart ro.
Under water, famine; under snow, bread.
Ofpepakfupoean u onynukoean ua cafe : PRESSI ( HERSON )
Ho noo rono, no cnerom xne.
//-- * * * --//
Mnoro xopomo, a ontme nyume roro.
Plenty is no plague.
Hstrox ne ea.
//-- * * * --//
Monoen npornn onen, a cpen monona n cam onna.
A lion among sheep and a sheep among lions.
//-- * * * --//
Monoo crapomy ne nepnr.
Youth and age will never agree.
Monoocrt n crapocrt nnxora ne oronopxrcx.
//-- * * * --//
Monuanne snax cornacnx.
Silence means consent.
Monuanne osnauaer cornacne.
//-- * * * --//
Monuanxo nnxoro ne onnmt.
Silence does seldom harm.
Monuanne pexo npnunnxer npe.
//-- * * * --//
Monuart, rax n ena ne cxonuart.
The lame tongue gets nothing.
Xpomo xstx nnuero ne nonyuaer.
Dumb men get no lands.
Hemte nmn sement ne nonyuamr.
//-- * * * --//
Monaxn n xypt nnxora ne tnamr ctrt.
Women, priests and poultry have never enough.
Xenmnnam, cnxmennnxam n omamne nrnne ncera mano.
//-- * * * --//
Mocxna ne cpasy crponnact.
Rome was not built in a day.
Pnm tn nocrpoen ne sa onn ent.
//-- * * * --//
Momna ryra ncxx e cnyra.
Wealth makes worship.
Forarcrno oecneunnaer nounranne.
All things are obedient to money.
Bce nounnxercx entram.
//-- * * * --//
Momna ryxe mentme ryxnmt.
Little wealth, little care.
Mano orarcrna mentme n saor.
Little gear, less care.
Mano nmymecrna mentme n saor.
He that has little, is the less dirty.
Kro mano nmeer, ror menee rpxsnt.
//-- * * * --//
Mypocrt n ronone, a ne n opoe.
The brains dont lie in the beard.
Vm naxonrcx ne n opoe.
//-- * * * --//
Mypt cntmnr nnoncnona.
A word to the wise is enough.
Onoro cnona ymnomy ocrarouno.
//-- * * * --//
Myx ronona, xena yma.
In the husband wisdom, in the wife gentleness.
B myxe mypocrt, n xene nexnocrt.
//-- * * * --//
Myx ronona, xena mex, xya saxouer, rya n nonepner.
Man is the head, but woman turns it.
Myxunna +ro ronona, no xenmnna neprnr em.
//-- * * * --//
Myx c xeno panxrcx, uyxo ne nxxnct.
Put not thy hand between the bark and the tree.
He xnan pyxy mexy xopo n epenom.
//-- * * * --//
Myxnx orareer n ape ner, apnn eneer x myxnxy ner.
Ofpepakfupoean u onynukoean ua cafe : PRESSI ( HERSON )
From clogs to clogs is only three generations.
Or cao o cao ncero rpn noxonennx.
//-- * * * --//
Myxnx a coaxa na nope, a aa a xomxa n nse.
A womans place is in the home.
Mecro xenmnnt n ome.
//-- * * * --//
Mxrxo crener, a xecrxo cnart.
A honey tongue, a heart of gall.
stx ns mea, cepne ns xenun.
Full of courtesy, full of craft.
Honon nmesnocrn, nonon omana.

Ha asap exart, c coo nent ne nosnrt.
A man must sell his ware after the rates of the market.
uenonex onxen npoanart cno ronap no nenam ptnxa.
//-- * * * --//
Ha enoro nese xanner.
The poor man pays for all.
Fent sa nce n nnarnr.
//-- * * * --//
Ha esnmte n cnnn n uecrt.
For want of company, welcome trumpery.
Kora nyxna xomnannx, n nnxuemnte nmn xopomn.
//-- * * * --//
Ha nro opore rpana ne pacrer.
Grass grows not upon the highway.
Tpana na ontmo opore ne pacrer.
//-- * * * --//
Ha Fora naecx, a cam ne nnoma.
Put your trust in God, but keep your powder dry.
oneptcx Fory, no epxn nopox cyxnm.
God helps them that help themselves.
For nomoraer rem, xro nomoraer cee cam.
//-- * * * --//
Ha ocym nory ncxxn ammax nnopy.
Beggars cannot be choosers.
Hnmne ne moryr trt cnnmxom pasopunntmn.
//-- * * * --//
Ha nect mnp ne yronmt.
You cant please everyone.
Hentsx yronrt ncem.
He that would please all and himself too, undertakes what he cannot do.
Kro xouer yronrt ncem n cee n rom uncne, ror epercx sa nenosmoxnoe.
//-- * * * --//
Ha nxyc n nner ronapnme ner.
Tastes differ.
Bxyct ne connaamr.
Every man to his taste.
V xaxoro cno nxyc.
There is no accounting for tastes.
Bxyct oxcnnrt nenosmoxno.
//-- * * * --//
Ha noxxax n nomat ymna.
It is the bridle and spur that makes a good horse.
Hmenno nonotx n mnopt enamr xopomym nomat.
//-- * * * --//
Ha ncex yronrt cex ncromnrt.
He that all men will please, shall never find ease.
Kro crpemnrcx yronrt ncem, ror nnxora ne operer noxox.
//-- * * * --//
Ha ncxxoro ypaxa yma ne nanacemtcx.
A fool may ask more questions in an hour than a wise man can answer in seven years.
ypax moxer saart ontme nonpocon sa onn uac, uem ymnt moxer ornernrt sa cemt
Fools ask questions that wise men cannot answer.
ypaxn saamr nonpoct, na xoropte ymnte nmn ne moryr ornernrt.
//-- * * * --//
Ofpepakfupoean u onynukoean ua cafe : PRESSI ( HERSON )
Ha ncxxoro mypena onontno npocrort.
No man is wise at all times.
Her uenonexa, xoropt ncera tn t myptm.
Every man has a fool in his sleeve.
V xaxoro n pyxane cnnr ypax.
None is so wise, but the fool overtakes him.
Hnxro ne tnaer nacrontxo ymntm, urot ero ne oornan ypax.
//-- * * * --//
Ha ncxxym onesnt sente ntpacraer.
There is a salve for every sore.
Or ncxxo onxuxn ecrt nenenax mast.
There is a remedy for everything, could men find it.
Or ncero ecrt nexapcrno, ecnn t rontxo nmn mornn narn ero.
//-- * * * --//
Ha rnynt nonpoc mantno orner.
Ask a silly question, and youll get a silly answer.
3aa rnynt nonpoc n rt nonyunmt rnynt orner.
//-- * * * --//
Ha nyx cnatax cpasy ne rannymr.
One cannot be in two places at once.
Hentsx trt n nyx mecrax ononpemenno.
//-- * * * --//
Ha nyx xxopxx xopant xpenue epxnrcx.
Good riding at two anchors, men have told, for if one break the other may hold.
Xopomo nnanart c nymx xxopxmn, ronopxr nmn, no ecnn onn pasotercx, pyro,
moxer trt, ntepxnr.
//-- * * * --//
Ha ypaxa y Fora mnnocrn mnoro.
God sends fortune to fools.
For noctnaer ypaxam yauy.
//-- * * * --//
Ha tpxnt memox ne naepemtcx.
A broken sack will hold no corn.
tpxnt memox sepna ne epxnr.
//-- * * * --//
Ha sno n ypaxa craner.
That which is evil is soon learned.
ypnomy tcrpo yunmtcx.
//-- * * * --//
Ha nxn anexo ne yeemt.
Lies have short legs.
V nxn xoporxne norn.
//-- * * * --//
Ha nmxx n rope nnonropx.
Two in distress make sorrow less.
Iopenart nnoem neuant mentme.
Misery loves company.
Iope nmnr xomnannm.
A trouble shared is a trouble halved.
Pasenennoe rope +ro rope, noenennoe nononam.
Grief is lessened when imparted to others.
Iope ymentmaercx, ecnn ero pasennrt c pyrnmn.
It is good to have company in trouble.
Xopomo nmert n ee xomnannm.
//-- * * * --//
Ha nanacrt ne nanpxcrt.
Nothing is certain but the unforeseen.
Hnuro ne xnnxercx onpeenenntm, nomnmo nenpennennoro.
The unexpected always happens.
Hmenno neoxnannoe ncera n cnyuaercx.
//-- * * * --//
Ha nam nex ypaxon craner (a n na nam xnarnr).
The world is full of fools.
B mnpe nonno ypaxon.
//-- * * * --//
Ha nesnana rocrx ne nacena n noxxa.
An unbidden guest knows not where to sit.
Hesnant rocrt ne snaer, re n cecrt.
An unbidden guest must bring his stool with him.
Hesnant rocrt onxen npnnecrn
Ofpepakfupoean u onynukoean ua cafe : PRESSI ( HERSON )
//-- * * * --//
Ha nnmem nnuero ne ctmemt.
No naked man is sought after to be rifled.
3a rontm nnxro ne oxornrcx, urot ero orpanrt.
//-- * * * --//
Ha onom rnose ncero ne nonecnmt.
Do not hang all on one nail.
He nema nce na onn rnost.
//-- * * * --//
Ha oxory exart coax xopmnrt.
Have not thy cloak to make when it begins to rain.
He npnnnmacx mnrt cee nnam, xora naunnaer nrn oxt.
//-- * * * --//
Ha oxouero paouero eno naercx.
All lay load on the willing horse.
Bce nsnannnamr rpys na oxouym nomat.
//-- * * * --//
Ha cepnrtx noy nosxr.
He that is angry, is seldom at ease.
Kro rnenaercx, ror pexo naxonr noxo.
//-- * * * --//
Ha cnonax n rax n cxx, a na ene nnxax.
The greatest talkers are the least doers.
Kro ontme ncex ronopnr, ror mentme ncex enaer.
Great braggers, little doers.
Camte ontmne xnacrynt enamr mentme ncex.
They brag most that can do least.
Kro moxer mentme ncex cenart, ror ontme ncex xnacraercx.
//-- * * * --//
Ha cnonax xax na rycnxx, a na ene xax na ananaxe.
He promises mountains and performs molehills.
Oemaer ropt, a ntnonnxer c xporonym xouxy.
//-- * * * --//
Ha craporo n nemomn nanxrcx.
Age breeds aches.
Crapocrt poxaer onn.
Old age is sickness of itself.
Crapocrt +ro onesnt cama no cee.
//-- * * * --//
Ha crapocrt xennrtcx ne cee xoptcrt.
He that marries late, marries ill.
Kro nosno xennrcx, ror nnoxo xennrcx.
//-- * * * --//
Ha rxxent nos n pyxannnt nonoxnmt rax norxnyr.
It is the last straw that breaks the camels back.
Hocnenxx conomnnxa nomaer nepnmy cnnny.
The last drop makes the cup run over.
Hocnenxx xannx nepenonnxer uamy.
//-- * * * --//
Ha uac orcranemt sa ent ne oronnmt.
Lose an hour in the morning and youll be all day hunting for it.
Horepxemt uac yrpom n yemt nect ent oxornrtcx sa nnm.
//-- * * * --//
Ha uro n xna, xonn ern nyr n na.
Children are poor mens riches.
ern orarcrno enxxon.
Happy is he that is happy in his children.
Cuacrnnn ror, xro cuacrnnn n cnonx erxx.
//-- * * * --//
Ha uyxnne n cnaxoe n ropunny, a na ponne n xne sa neenen.
Dry bread at home is better than roast meat abroad.
Cyxo xne oma nyume, uem xapenoe mxco na uyxnne.
//-- * * * --//
Ha uyxo coner es sony ne xon.
Give neither counsel nor salt till you are asked for it.
He ana nn conera, nn conn, noxa rex o +rom ne nonpocxr.
//-- * * * --//
Ha xstxe meox, a na cepne neox.
A honey tongue, a heart of gall.
stx ns mea, cepne ns xenun.
Ofpepakfupoean u onynukoean ua cafe : PRESSI ( HERSON )
Full of courtesy, full of craft.
Honon nmesnocrn, nonon omana.
//-- * * * --//
Hantx macrepa crannr.
Use makes mastery.
Hpaxrnxa cosaer macrepcrno.
Practice makes perfect.
Hpaxrnxa npnnonr x conepmencrny.
//-- * * * --//
Harnoro otuax ne nepemennmt.
It is hard to break a hog of an ill custom.
ypno otua cnomart rxxeno.
//-- * * * --//
Haro pasom ne onrcx.
No naked man is sought after to be rifled.
3a rontm nnxro ne oxornrcx, urot ero orpanrt.
The beggar may sing before the thief.
Hnmn moxer nert nepe nopom.
//-- * * * --//
Haexa ntcrnna, a omanunna.
Hope often deludes the foolish man.
Haexa uacro omantnaer rnynna.
//-- * * * --//
Haecx na opo, a xn xya.
Hope for the best and prepare for the worst.
Haecx na nyumee n rorontcx x xymemy.
Provide for the worst; the best will save itself.
Iorontcx x xymemy, nyumee camo cex yepexer.
//-- * * * --//
Hao ny conn nmecre cecrt, urot pyra ysnart.
Before you make a friend eat a bushel of salt with him.
Hpexe uem sanecrn pyra, cemt c nnm ropy conn.
Try your friend before you trust him.
Hcntra pyra npexe, uem onepnrtcx emy.
//-- * * * --//
Hacaxennt xont, nanomnennt nyx, samnpennt pyr ne naexnt.
A reconciled friend is a double enemy.
3amnpennt pyr npar nnone.
//-- * * * --//
Haxnnart onro, a npoxnrt cxopo.
Narrow gathered, widely spent.
Copan, na ncem +xonomx, a mnpoxo norparnn.
//-- * * * --//
Hasnancx rpysem nonesa n xyson.
In for a penny, in for a pound.
Horparnn nennn, norpart n ]ynr.
//-- * * * --//
Hamyunmtcx nayunmtcx.
Adversity makes a man wise, though not rich.
Hecuacrtx enamr uenonexa myptm, xorx n ne orartm.
Trouble brings experience and experience brings wisdom.
Fea aer ontr, a ontr aer mypocrt.
//-- * * * --//
Hanepe ne saratna.
Dont cross the bridge till you come to it.
He nepexon mocra pantme, uem x nemy nooemt.
//-- * * * --//
Hanpxmnx nnxe, xpyrom cxopee.
The longest way round is the shortest way home.
Camax nnnnax oxontnax opora +ro nnxamn nyrt x omy.
He that leaves the highway to cut short, commonly goes about.
Kro ocrannxer ontmym opory, urot yxopornrt nyrt, ror otuno nnyraer.
//-- * * * --//
Hapo neapom ronopnr.
What everybody says must be true.
uro nce ronopxr, ro onxno trt npano.
Common fame is seldom to blame.
Haponym cnany pexo moxno n uem-ro ynpexnyrt.
//-- * * * --//
Hapyxnt nn omanunn.
Appearances are deceptive.
Bnemnn nn omanunn.
Never judge from appearances.
Hnxora ne cyn no nnemnemy nny.
//-- * * * --//
Ofpepakfupoean u onynukoean ua cafe : PRESSI ( HERSON )
Hapxn nenex n nemnn enex, rax n nenex yer napenex.
Dress up a stick and it does not appear to be a stick.
Hapxn nanxy, n ona ne yer xasartcx nanxo.
//-- * * * --//
Hacnntno mnn ne yemt.
Love cannot be compelled.
Hmont nentsx ntsnart cnno.
//-- * * * --//
Harepnnmtcx ropx nayunmtcx xnrt.
Adversity makes a man wise, though not rich.
Hecuacrtx enamr uenonexa myptm, xorx n ne orartm.
Trouble brings experience and experience brings wisdom.
Fea aer ontr, a ontr aer mypocrt.
//-- * * * --//
Haromax necnopo n Fory monnrtcx.
A sharp stomach makes short devotion.
Hpn nycrom xenyxe n monnrna xoporxa.
//-- * * * --//
Haunnax eno, o xonne nomtmnx.
Think on the end before you begin.
Hpexe uem nauart, noyma o xonne.
//-- * * * --//
Haunn c xopnx, oepemtcx n o nepmnnt.
He who would climb the ladder must begin at the bottom.
Kro xouer sapartcx no necrnnne, ror onxen nauart c camoro nnsa.
//-- * * * --//
Hamna xoca na xament.
Diamond cuts diamond.
Anmas pexercx anmasom.
//-- * * * --//
He orn ropmxn oxnramr, a re xe nmn.
Whatever man has done, man may do.
Bce, uro cenan onn uenonex, pyro roxe moxer cenart.
//-- * * * --//
He yn nnxa, noxa cnnr rnxo.
When sorrow is asleep, wake it not.
Kora rope cnnr, ne yn ero.
Never trouble trouble till trouble troubles you.
Hnxora ne rpenoxt et, noxa ea cama rex ne norpenoxnr.
It is easier to raise the devil than to lay him.
Herue nonxrt uepra, uem ynoxnrt ero.
//-- * * * --//
He yn cnxmero nca: nec cnnr, a rt mnmo.
Let sleeping dogs lie.
Hycrt cnxmne coaxn nexar.
Wake not a sleeping lion.
He yn cnxmero ntna.
//-- * * * --//
He yt onno, rax n nonx ne cecr.
He that makes himself a sheep, shall be eaten by the wolf.
Kro cranonnrcx onno, roro cecr nonx.
//-- * * * --//
He tno t cuacrtx, a necuacrte nomorno.
Bad luck often brings good luck.
Heyaua uacro npnnocnr yauy.
Every cloud has a silver lining.
V xaxoro onaxa ecrt cepepxnax noxnaxa.
Ill luck is good for something.
Heyaua roxe xopoma nx uero-nnyt.
//-- * * * --//
He n opoe uecrt opoa n y xosna ecrt.
If the beard were all, the goat might preach.
Ecnn t nce eno tno n opoe, ro n xosen mor t npononeonart.
//-- * * * --//
He n entrax cuacrte.
Money is not everything.
entrn +ro ne nce.
//-- * * * --//
He nept cnonam, a nept enam.
Saying and doing are two things.
Ionopnrt n enart ne pasnte nemn.
Saying is one thing, and doing another.
Ionopnrt +ro ono, a enart pyroe.
//-- * * * --//
He nept ymam, nept rnasam.
It is better to trust the eye than the ear.
Ofpepakfupoean u onynukoean ua cafe : PRESSI ( HERSON )
Hyume nepnrt rnasy, uem yxy.
Seeing is believing.
Vnnert snaunr nonepnrt.
//-- * * * --//
He nsnera ntcoxo ne yemt naart nnsxo.
Up like a rocket, down like a stick.
Bnepx, noono paxere, nnns, noono nanxe.
The higher standing, the lower fall.
uem ntme cronmt, rem nnxe naaemt.
//-- * * * --//
He nnan ropx, ne ysnaemt n paocrn.
Misfortunes tell us what fortune is.
Hecuacrtx noxastnamr nam, uro raxoe cuacrte.
No man better knows what good is than he who has endured evil.
Hnxro nyume ne snaer, uro raxoe opo, uem ror, xro ncntran sno.
//-- * * * --//
He nnnmt yma mper, ynnnmt c ymn nper.
Men are best loved furthest off.
Hme ontme ncero nmxr, xora onn antme ncero.
Absence makes the heart grow fonder.
Pasnyxa sacrannxer cepne nmnrt cnntnee.
//-- * * * --//
He nnnmt, rax n ne penmt.
What the eye doesnt see, the heart doesnt grieve over.
uero rnas ne nnnr, o rom n cepne ne neuannrcx.
Far from eye, far from heart.
anexo or rnas, anexo n or cepna.
Hpout ns nny, npout ns ronont.
//-- * * * --//
He nxycnn roptxoro, ne ysnaemt n cnaxoro.
He deserves not the sweet that will not taste the sour.
Kro ne nonpoonan roptxoro, ror ne ocronn n cnaxoro.
//-- * * * --//
He nonun sy, rax nncn xnocr.
If the lions skin cannot, the foxs shall.
Ie nentsx ntnnno mxypo, ram nonyunrcx nncte.
//-- * * * --//
He nce sa pas, ocrant npo sanac.
Save something for a rainy day.
Coxpann uro-nnyt na oxnnnt ent.
//-- * * * --//
He nce xory macnennna.
All good things must come to an end.
Bce xopomee onxno saxonunrtcx.
//-- * * * --//
He nce nenacrte, npornxner n xpacno conntmxo.
After black clouds, clear weather.
Hocne uepntx onaxon xopomax noroa.
After rain comes sunshine.
Hocne oxx cnernr connne.
After a storm comes a calm.
Hocne ypn nacrynaer sarnmte.
//-- * * * --//
He nce nonomapn, a pexo xro ne snannnan.
All are not hunters, that blow the horn.
He nce, xro rpyxr n por, oxornnxn.
//-- * * * --//
He nce ctnaercx, uro xenaercx.
If wishes were horses, beggars would ride.
Ecnn t xenannx tnn nomatmn, nnmne esnnn t nepxom.
//-- * * * --//
He nce ro nonx, uro cepo.
All are not thieves that dogs bark at.
He ncxx nop, na xoro coaxn namr.
//-- * * * --//
He nce ro npana, uro nmn ronopxr.
Common fame is often a common liar.
Omax monna uacro npecrannxer coo omym noxt.
//-- * * * --//
He nce ro sonoro, uro necrnr.
All that glitters is not gold.
He nce, uro necrnr, xnnxercx sonorom.
//-- * * * --//
He ncem cnert na nosy.
If two ride on a horse, one must ride behind.
Ecnn noe eyr nepxom na noman, onn ns nnx onxen cnert nosan.
Ofpepakfupoean u onynukoean ua cafe : PRESSI ( HERSON )
//-- * * * --//
He ncxx necen, xro noer.
All are not merry that dance lightly.
He nce, xro nerxo rannyer, necent.
//-- * * * --//
He ncxx monax, na xom xnoyx.
The cowl does not make the monk.
Pxca ne enaer monaxom.
//-- * * * --//
He ncxx ymen, xro c rononom.
You have a head and so has a pin.
V rex ecrt ronona, ona ecrt n y ynanxn.
//-- * * * --//
He ncxxomy cnyxy nept, pasysna a nponept.
Put no faith in tale-bearers.
He nept cnnernnxam.
//-- * * * --//
He ncxxym npany cxastna.
Truth should not always be revealed.
Hpany ne ncera moxno pacxptnart.
All truths are not to be told.
Bcm npany nentsx paccxastnart.
//-- * * * --//
He ntnocn cop ns nst.
One does not wash ones dirty linen in public.
Cnoe rpxsnoe ente na nmxx ne crnpamr.
Never tell tales out of school.
Hnxora ne paccxastna ncropnn sa npeenamn mxont.
//-- * * * --//
He ronopn ron, noxa ne nepenptrnemt.
Dont halloo till you are out of the wood.
He xpnun or paocrn, noxa ne ntpancx ns neca.
Do not triumph before the victory.
He npasny pantme noet.
//-- * * * --//
He ronn xonx xnyrom, a ronn oncom.
Corn him well, hell work the better.
3aa emy noontme onca, n on yer nyume paorart.
//-- * * * --//
He anmn cnono xpennct, a anmn epxnct.
Promise is debt.
Oemanne ecrt onr.
//-- * * * --//
He epxn nocynom, oonxn orxasom.
A civil denial is better than a rude grant.
Bexnnnt orxas nyume, uem rpyoe oemanne.
//-- * * * --//
He o xnpy, trt t xnny.
Better a bare foot than none.
Hyume oco, uem es norn.
Better eye sore than all blind.
Hyume rnas ontno, uem concem cneno.
//-- * * * --//
He o nnxcxn, ne o myrxn, xora nycro n xenyxe.
A hungry man is an angry man.
Ionont uenonex cepnrt uenonex.
//-- * * * --//
He ornxnmt oxom, sannarnmt oxom.
He that looks not before, finds himself behind.
Kro ne cmorpnr nnepe, ror oxastnaercx nosan.
//-- * * * --//
He opora n uecrt, xonn neuero ecrt.
Honour buys no beef in the market.
Houer ne noxynaer mxca na ptnxe.
Honour without profit is a ring on the finger.
Houer es ntrot xontno na nantne.
//-- * * * --//
He oporo nauano, a noxnanen xonen.
Good to begin well, better to end well.
opoe nauano xopomo, eme nyume opt xonen.
//-- * * * --//
He xynan nana xpacnr, a nan xynana.
It is not the gay coat that makes the gentleman.
He napxnt cmpryx enaer
//-- * * * --//
He sa cnoe eno ne epnct.
Ofpepakfupoean u onynukoean ua cafe : PRESSI ( HERSON )
Every man to his trade.
Kaxt uenonex sa cnoe pemecno.
Let the cobbler stick to his last.
Hycrt canoxnnx epxnrcx sa cnom xonoxy.
The cobbler to his last and the gunner to his linstock.
Canoxnnx sa xonoxy, a xanonnx sa nantnnx.
//-- * * * --//
He saana nonpocon ne ycntmnmt nxn.
Ask no questions and you will be told no lies.
He saana nonpocon, n ree ne conryr.
//-- * * * --//
He snax poy, ne cycx n noy.
No safe wading in an unknown water.
Her esonacnoro poa n nesnaxomo noe.
//-- * * * --//
He nrpa c ornem ooxxemtcx.
If you play with fire you get burnt.
Ecnn yemt nrpart c ornem, ooxxemtcx.
//-- * * * --//
He nrpart, rax n ne ntnrpart.
Nothing stake, nothing draw.
Hnuero ne nocrannrt na xapry, nnuero n ne nonyunrt.
Nothing venture, nothing gain.
Hnuem ne pncxonart, nnuero n ne ntnrpart.
//-- * * * --//
He nsneaemt, noxa ne orneaemt.
The proof of the pudding is in the eating.
urot ysnart, xaxon nynnr, nao ero cecrt.
//-- * * * --//
He nme cro pyne, a nme cro pyse.
A friend in court is better than a penny in purse.
pyr npn nope nyume, uem nennn n xomentxe.
A friend in the market is better than money in the chest.
pyr na ptnxe nyume, uem entrn n cynyxe.
//-- * * * --//
He nmn n xapmane, uero ne xnan sapane.
If you put nothing into your purse, you can take nothing out.
Ecnn nnuero ne nonoxnn n xomenex, ro nnuero ns nero n ne nostmemt.
//-- * * * --//
He xynn mecro, xynn cocea.
A good neighbour, a good morrow.
Xopomn coce, xopomn n sanrpamnn ent.
//-- * * * --//
He neunrtcx xyo, a neunrtcx eme xyxe.
The remedy is worse than the disease.
Hexapcrno xyxe onesnn.
//-- * * * --//
He meunre ncepa npe cnnntxmn, a ne nonpyr ero noramn.
Do not throw pearls to swine.
He poca xemuyr cnnntxmn.
//-- * * * --//
He mypeno nsxrt, mypeno art.
Not so good to borrow, as to be able to lend.
He rax xopomo nsxrt, xax xopomo cymert art nsamt.
//-- * * * --//
He na xnnor poxaemcx, a na cmeprt.
As soon as man is born he begins to die.
Kax rontxo uenonex poxaercx, on naunnaer ymnpart.
The first breath is the beginning of death.
Hepnoe txanne nauano cmeprn.
//-- * * * --//
He ocyxa, n ocyxen ne yemt.
J udge not, that ye be not judged.
He ocyxa, urot camomy ne trt ocyxenntm.
//-- * * * --//
He omnaercx ror, xro nnuero ne enaer; a xro enaer omnaercx.
If you dont make mistakes you dont make anything.
Ecnn ne enaemt omnox, ro nnuero ne enaemt.
//-- * * * --//
He nnm n xonoest: npnronrcx nannrtcx.
Cast no dirt into the well that hath given you water.
He poca rpxst n xonoen, uro anan ree noy.
//-- * * * --//
He no nny cyn, a no enam rnxn.
Never judge from appearances.
Hnxora ne cyn no nnemnemy nny.
Ofpepakfupoean u onynukoean ua cafe : PRESSI ( HERSON )
//-- * * * --//
He no pasymy pnenne.
Zeal without knowledge is fire without light.
Pnenne es snann oront es cnera.
Zeal without knowledge is the sister of folly.
Pnenne es snannx cecrpa rnynocrn.
//-- * * * --//
He no cnonam cyxr, a no enam.
Actions speak louder than words.
Hocrynxn ronopxr rpomue cnon.
Deeds are fruits, words are but leaves.
Hocrynxn nnot, cnona rontxo nncrtx.
The effect speaks, the tongue needs not.
Ionopnr pesyntrar, a xstxy nyxt ner.
//-- * * * --//
He no crapocrn mpyr, ne no monoocrn xnnyr.
Death devours lambs as well as sheep.
Cmeprt noxnpaer xax xrnxr, rax n onen.
//-- * * * --//
He no xopomy mnn, a no mnny xopom.
Fair is not fair, but that which pleases.
Kpacnno ne ro, uro xpacnno, a ro, uro npnxrno.
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
Kpacora n rnasax cmorpxmero.
//-- * * * --//
He noanacx na nuenxnn meox: y nee xantne n sanace.
Bees that have honey in their mouths have stings in their tails.
Huent, necymne no pry me, n xnocre epxar xano.
Me cnaox, a nuena xannrcx.
//-- * * * --//
He noxnatna x ornm conomt.
Put not fire to flax.
He nonocn oront xo ntny.
//-- * * * --//
He nomaxemt ne noeemt.
He who greases his wheels helps his oxen.
Kro cmastnaer xoneca, ror nomoraer cnonm txam.
//-- * * * --//
He noman, xypnnt ne mnnnmr.
Gut no fish till you get them.
He norpomn pty, noxa ee ne nomaemt.
Make not your sauce before you have caught the fish.
He roront coyc pantme, uem nomaemt pty.
//-- * * * --//
He noman xapacx nomaemt myxy.
What we lose in hake, we shall have in herring.
uro mt repxem n xexe, ro nonyunm n cenexe.
What you lose on the swings you gain on the roundabouts.
uro repxemt na xauenxx, nosmemaemt na xapycenn.
//-- * * * --//
He noman ne nop.
All are presumed good, till they are found in a fault.
Hoxa nnna ne onapyxena, nce cunramrcx xopomnmn.
//-- * * * --//
He nomoxer pnenne, ecnn ner ymennx.
Zeal without knowledge is a runaway horse.
Pnenne es snann nonecmax nomat.
Zeal without knowledge is the sister of folly.
Pnenne es snannx cecrpa rnynocrn.
//-- * * * --//
He nomyunmtcx ne nayunmtcx.
There is no royal road to learning.
Her xoponencxo oporn x snannxm.
Learn weeping, and you shall gain laughing.
Vunct, nnaua, n rt operemt, cmexct.
//-- * * * --//
He noxaemt, rax n ne xynnmt, ne noxnannmt ne npoamt.
He that blames would buy.
Kro pyraer, ror xoren t xynnrt.
He that speaks ill of the mare would buy her.
Kro nnoxo ronopnr o xotne, ror xoren t ee xynnrt.
He praises that wishes to sell.
Kro xouer npoart, ror xnannr.
//-- * * * --//
He paora xpymnr, a saora cymnr.
Ofpepakfupoean u onynukoean ua cafe : PRESSI ( HERSON )
It is not work that kills, but worry.
He paora rynr, a ecnoxocrno.
Care killed the cat.
3aora norynna xomxy.
//-- * * * --//
He pasnnmn xnn, ne cenaemt xnunnnt.
You cannot make an omelette without breaking eggs.
Hentsx cenart xnunnny, ne pasnn xnn.
//-- * * * --//
He pasrptsemt opexa ne cemt xpa.
He that will eat the kernel, must crack the nut.
Tor, xro xouer cecrt xpo, onxen pacxonort opex.
He that would eat the fruit must climb the tree.
Kro xouer cecrt nno, ror onxen sanesrt na epeno.
//-- * * * --//
He penn pantme cmeprn.
Dont cry before you are hurt.
He xpnun, noxa ree ne ontno.
Dont cross the bridge till you come to it.
He nepexon mocra pantme, uem x nemy nooemt.
Do not meet troubles halfway.
He ncrpeua nenpnxrnocrn na nonopore.
//-- * * * --//
He po pyromy xmy, cam n nee nonaemt.
He that mischief hatches, mischief catches.
Kro sno samtmnxer, ror sno n nonyuaer.
Curses, like chickens, come home to roost.
Hpoxnxrnx, xax ntnnxra, npnxoxr omo na nacecr.
//-- * * * --//
He pyn ntme ronont: mena rnasa sanopomnr.
Hew not too high lest the chips fall in thine eye.
He pyn cnnmxom ntcoxo, ne ro menxn n rnasa nonayr.
//-- * * * --//
He c orarcrnom xnrt c uenonexom.
Better a portion in a wife than with a wife.
Hyume npnanoe n xene, uem c xeno.
//-- * * * --//
He cnernno, ne rpeno, a npyr npnnexno.
It never rains but it pours.
Ecnn ner oxt, ro ncera nnnnem.
//-- * * * --//
He cxop For, a merox.
God stays long, but strikes at last.
For xer onro, no n xonne xonnon nopaxaer.
The mills of God grind slow, but they grind exceeding small.
Mentnnnt y Fora menxr menenno, no ncxnmunrentno menxo.
//-- * * * --//
He cmorpn nauana, cmorpn xonna.
Look to the end.
Cmorpn na xonen.
//-- * * * --//
He conrart, rax n npant ne cxasart.
Tell a lie and find the truth.
Cxasart noxt n narn npany.
//-- * * * --//
He cnemn xstxom, cnemn enom.
Actions speak louder than words.
Hocrynxn ronopxr rpomue cnon.
Deeds, not words.
ena, a ne cnona.
Deeds are fruits, words are but leaves.
Hocrynxn nnot, cnona rontxo nncrtx.
//-- * * * --//
He cnpamnna y craporo, cnpamnna y tnanoro.
Experience is the father of wisdom.
Ontr oren mypocrn.
//-- * * * --//
He crant nce na ony xapry.
Venture not all in one bottom.
He xnan nce n onn cocy.
Ofpepakfupoean u onynukoean ua cafe : PRESSI ( HERSON )
Dont put all your eggs in one basket.
He cxnatna nce xna n ony xopsnny.
//-- * * * --//
He crant nepyra onnom, a crant ero nonxom.
Though thy enemy seem a mouse, yet watch him like a lion.
Xort rno npar n xaxercx mtmtm, cnen sa nnm, xax sa ntnom.
//-- * * * --//
He cronr ns-sa nycrxxon pyxy repxrt.
Fall not out with a friend for a trifle.
He ccoptcx c pyrom ns-sa nycrxxa.
//-- * * * --//
He crpamnt sntnn sa ropamn.
It is easy to be brave from a safe distance.
Herxo trt cmentm na esonacnom paccroxnnn.
//-- * * * --//
He crtno monuart, xora neuero cxasart.
Speak fitly, or be silent wisely.
Ionopn no eny nnn no-ymnomy monun.
//-- * * * --//
He cycx n nonutm cram, xonn xnocr coaun.
If you cannot bite, never show your teeth.
Ecnn ne moxemt xycartcx, nnxora ne noxastna syt.
//-- * * * --//
He cunra yrxr, noxa ne ntnynnnnct.
Dont count your chickens before they are hatched.
He cunra ntnnxr, noxa ne ntnynnnnct.
//-- * * * --//
He rax crpamen uepr, xax ero manmmr.
The devil is not so black as he is painted.
uepr ne raxo uepnt, xaxnm ero nsopaxamr.
The lion is not so fierce as he is painted.
Hen ne raxo cnnpent, xaxnm ero nsopaxamr.
//-- * * * --//
He ram nop nopyer, re mnoro, a ram, re onnomno.
Opportunity makes a thief.
Bopa cosaer naronpnxrnax nosmoxnocrt.
The hole calls the thief.
tpa mannr nopa.
A bad padlock invites a picklock.
Hnoxo samox npnrnamaer nsnommnxa.
//-- * * * --//
He ror orar, xro orar, a xro mantm ononen.
He is not poor that has little, but he that desires much.
Feen ne ror, y xoro mano, a ror, xro mnoro xouer.
The greatest wealth is contentment with a little.
Camoe ontmoe orarcrno onontcrno mantm.
He who is content in his poverty, is wonderfully rich.
Kro ononen n cnoe enocrn, ror ynnnrentno orar.
Content is more than a kingdom.
onontcrno cronr ontme, uem xoponencrno.
//-- * * * --//
He ror nop, xro xpaer, a ror nop, xro xpaenoe npnnnmaer.
The receiver is as bad as the thief.
Honyuarent cront xe nnox, uro n nop.
//-- * * * --//
He ror xopom, xro nnnom npnrox, a ror, xro nx ena rox.
Handsome is as handsome does.
Kpacnn ror, xro xpacnno nocrynaer.
//-- * * * --//
He rpont, rax n ne nonxer.
The more you stir it the worse it stinks.
uem ontme rt +ro nopomnmt, rem xyxe ono naxner.
//-- * * * --//
He rtut noca n uyxoe npoco.
Mind your own business.
3annmacx cocrnenntm enom.
//-- * * * --//
He cynct: nanort opoxe canora craner.
Agree, for the law is costly.
Cornamacx, no saxon opor.
Ofpepakfupoean u onynukoean ua cafe : PRESSI ( HERSON )
//-- * * * --//
He ynn menex, xoxy ne npoamr.
Dont sell the bears skin before you have caught it.
He npoana mxypy menex pantme, uem ero nomaemt.
First catch your hare.
Cnauana noma cnoero sana.
//-- * * * --//
He yun esentm, a yun pyxoentm.
Virtue and a trade are the best portion for children.
opoerent n pemecno nyumee npnanoe nx ere.
//-- * * * --//
He yun pty nnanart, a coaxy naxrt.
Dont teach your grandmother to suck eggs.
He yun cnom aymxy ntcactnart xna.
//-- * * * --//
He xnann cex cam, nycrt rex napo noxnannr.
Self-praise is no recommendation.
Camonocxnanenne ne pexomenannx.
Neither praise nor dispraise thyself; thy actions serve the turn.
He xnann n ne nopnna cex, rnon nocrynxn roxrcx nx +roro.
//-- * * * --//
He xnann ent noyrpy, a xnann ent no neuep.
Praise a fair day at night.
Xnann xopomn ent noutm.
In the evening one may praise the day.
ent moxno noxnannrt neuepom.
//-- * * * --//
He xnann nnna n cycne, a pxn n osnmn.
It is ill prizing of green barley.
Hnoxo onennnart senent xument.
//-- * * * --//
He xnannct, nyun na part, xnannct, nyun c parn.
Do not triumph before the victory.
He npasny pantme noet.
//-- * * * --//
He xneom enntm ctr uenonex.
Man cannot live by bread alone.
uenonex ne moxer xnrt onnm rontxo xneom.
//-- * * * --//
He xouy n nopora pasnpa saop.
A wilful man must have his way.
Cnoenontnt uenonex onxen nce cenart no-cnoemy.
//-- * * * --//
He x nontnt-rpany caxan cama yponnact.
Weeds want no sowing.
Copnxxn caxart ne nao.
//-- * * * --//
Heoyuennt xyxe neyuenoro.
Better untaught than ill taught.
Hyume neoyuennt, uem nnoxo oyuennt.
A little knowledge is a dangerous thing.
Heocrarounoe snanne onacnax nemt.
//-- * * * --//
Heonrax peut xopoma, a onrax nononoxa.
Few words are best.
Mano cnon nyume ncero.
//-- * * * --//
Hesauem anexo, n sect xopomo.
He that would be well, needs not go from his own house.
Kro xouer cee opa, ror ne onxen yxonrt or cnoero oma.
//-- * * * --//
Hesnante rocrn rnoxyr n xocrn.
He, who comes uncalled, sits unserved.
Tor, xro npnxonr es npnrnamennx, cnnr ne ocnyxennt.
//-- * * * --//
Hecuacrnnn n nrpe, rax cuacrnnn n nmnn.
Lucky at cards, unlucky in love.
Cuacrnnn n xaprax, necuacrnnn n nmnn.
//-- * * * --//
Her tmy es ornx.
Ofpepakfupoean u onynukoean ua cafe : PRESSI ( HERSON )
There is no fire without some smoke.
Her ornx es tma.
//-- * * * --//
Her xonna es nauana.
Everything must have a beginning.
Bce onxno nmert cnoe nauano.
//-- * * * --//
Her npannn es ncxnmuenn.
There is an exception to every rule.
V xaxoro npannna ecrt ncxnmuenne.
//-- * * * --//
Her npopoxa n cnoem oreuecrne.
A prophet is not without honour, save in his own country.
Hpopox nese nounraercx, sa ncxnmuennem cocrnenno crpant.
//-- * * * --//
Her post es mnnon.
No rose without a thorn.
Her post es mnna.
//-- * * * --//
Her raxo nemn, urot ne npnronnact x mecry.
All things in their being are good for something.
Bce nemn no cnoe cyrn nx uero-nnyt xopomn.
//-- * * * --//
Her xya es opa.
Bad luck often brings good luck.
Heyaua uacro npnnocnr yauy.
Ill luck is good for something.
Heyaua roxe xopoma nx uero-nnyt.
Every cloud has a silver lining.
V xaxoro onaxa ecrt cepepxnax noxnaxa.
There is no great loss without some gain
Her ontmo norepn es neontmo ntrot.
Nothing so bad in which there is not something of good.
Hnuero ne tnaer nacrontxo nnoxnm, urot n nem ne tno t uero-nnyt xopomero.
//-- * * * --//
Heuerxa cuacrnnnax.
There is luck in odd numbers.
Heuernte nomepa npnnocxr yauy.
//-- * * * --//
Hn xont es yst, nn orarcrno es yma.
Without wisdom, wealth is worthless.
Fes yma n orarcrno ecnonesno.
//-- * * * --//
Hnuem nnuero n ne cenaemt.
Nothing comes of nothing.
Hs nnuero nnuero n ntxonr.
//-- * * * --//
Hnuro ne nono no nyno.
There is nothing new under the sun.
Her nnuero nonoro no connnem.
//-- * * * --//
Hnmemy ropocrt, uro xopone ceno.
Pride and poverty are ill met, yet often seen together.
Iopocrt n enocrt nnoxo coueramrcx, xorx nx uacro nnxr nmecre.
//-- * * * --//
Hnmera ne ornnmaer nn uecrn, nn yma.
Poverty is no disgrace.
Fenocrt ne nosop.
Under a ragged coat lies wisdom.
Ho pnantm nantro naxonrcx mypocrt.
//-- * * * --//
Honax merna uncro merer.
A new broom sweeps clean.
Honax merna merer uncro.
//-- * * * --//
Hontx pyse naxnna, a craptx ne repx.
Make new friends but keep the old.
3anon nontx pyse, no coxpanx n craptx.
//-- * * * --//
Houtm nce xomxn cept.
Ofpepakfupoean u onynukoean ua cafe : PRESSI ( HERSON )
All cats are grey in the dark.
Bce xomxn cept n remnore.
//-- * * * --//
Necessity is the mother of invention.
Hyxa ncemy nayunr.
//-- * * * --//
Heoxonmocrt mart nsoperarentnocrn.
Poverty is the mother of all arts.
Fenocrt mart ncex ymenn.
//-- * * * --//
Hyxa pyxnr n coaxy c xomxo.
Adversity makes strange bedfellows.
B nyxe c xem rontxo ne nocnnmt na ono nocrenn.
//-- * * * --//
Hyxa saxona ne snaer, a uepes maraer.
Necessity knows no law.
Hyxa ne snaer saxona.
//-- * * * --//
Hyxa sacrannr mtme nonnrt.
Need makes the old wife trot.
Hyxa sacrannr n crapymxy cxaxart ptctm.
//-- * * * --//
Hyxa n rono ntronxmr na xono.
Need makes the naked man run.
Hyxa sacrannr n ronoro exart.
//-- * * * --//
Hyxa cno saxon nnmer.
Need will have its course.
V nyxt cno nyrt.
//-- * * * --//
Hyxa cpyxnna, npnnonte paspyxnno.
Woes unite foes.
Fet oennxmr n nepyron.
Adversity makes strange bedfellows.
B nyxe c xem rontxo ne nocnnmt na ono nocrenn.
//-- * * * --//
Hyxa creny nomnr.
Hunger breaks stone walls.
Iono nomaer xamennte crent.

O nxycax ne cnopxr.
There is no accounting for tastes.
Bxyct oxcnnrt nenosmoxno.
Tastes differ.
Bxyct ne connaamr.
Every man to his taste.
V xaxoro cno nxyc.
//-- * * * --//
O noxonnxe xya ne monnn.
Never speak ill of the dead.
Hnxora ne ronopn nnoxo o meprntx.
//-- * * * --//
Oemannoro rpn roa xyr.
Between promising and performing, a man may marry his daughter.
Mexy oemannem n ncnonnennem moxno n out samyx ntart.
Oemannx noont xopxe or nnpora: xopouxa ntnexaercx nx roro, urot ee nanomnrt,
a oemannx amrcx nx roro, urot nx napymnrt.
//-- * * * --//
Oxermnct na monoxe, ymr n na noy.
Once bitten, twice shy.
Onaxt yxymennt nnone nyrnnn.
The burnt child dreads the fire.
Oxermncx peenox onrcx ornx.
//-- * * * --//
Omanom ne pasorareemt, a oeneemt.
Cheats never prosper.
Momennnxn nnxora ne nponneramr.
//-- * * * --//
Ofpepakfupoean u onynukoean ua cafe : PRESSI ( HERSON )
Oennnmtcx noenmt, pasennnmtcx noexnmt.
United we stand, divided we fall.
Oennnnmnct, mt ntcronm, pasennnnmnct nornnem.
//-- * * * --//
Oront a epecry ne xnan n ono mecro.
Put not fire to flax.
He nonocn oront xo ntny.
//-- * * * --//
Oront a noa nce coxpymamr.
Fire and water have no mercy.
Oront n noa xanocrn ne nmemr.
//-- * * * --//
Oront macnom sannnart nnmt ornx npnannxrt.
Pouring oil on the fire is not the way to quench it.
Honnnax macno, oront ne norymnmt.
//-- * * * --//
Onn n none ne nonn.
One man no man.
Onn uenonex nnxro.
One is no number.
Onn ne uncno.
//-- * * * --//
Onn otrt ontr naxnee cemn myptx noyuenn.
An ounce of practice is worth a pound of precept.
Vnnnx npaxrnxn cronr ]ynra nacrannenn.
//-- * * * --//
Onn xamy napnr, pyro ecr.
One beats the bush, and another catches the bird.
Onn ter no xycram, a pyro nonnr nrnny.
//-- * * * --//
Onn nnpor na pasa ne cemt.
You cannot have your cake and eat it.
Hentsx nmert nnpor n cecrt ero.
//-- * * * --//
Onn rana, na nonrant, rpn ner rant.
Three may keep a secret, if two of them dead.
Tpoe moryr xpannrt rany, ecnn noe ns nnx meprnt.
//-- * * * --//
Ona ea ner, pyrym neer.
Misfortunes never come singly.
Hecuacrtx nnxora ne npnxoxr noonnouxe.
Of one ill come many.
Hs ono et ntxonr mnoro.
Ill comes often on the back of worse.
Hnoxoe uacro npnxonr na cnnne xymero.
It never rains but it pours.
Ecnn ner oxt, ro ncera nnnnem.
//-- * * * --//
Ona ronona xopomo, a ne nyume.
Two heads are better than one.
ne ronont nyume, uem ona.
//-- * * * --//
Ona noxxa errx noprnr ouxy mea.
One drop of poison infects the whole tun of wine.
Ona xannx xa noprnr nenym ouxy nnna.
One ill weed mars a whole pot of pottage.
Ono nnoxoe sepno noprnr nent ropmox c noxnexo.
//-- * * * --//
Ona nacrouxa ne enaer necnt.
One swallow does not make a summer.
Ona nacrouxa ne enaer nera.
One woodcock does not make a winter.
Onn nantmnen ne enaer snmt.
//-- * * * --//
Ona napmnnax onna nce crao ncnoprnr.
One scabbed sheep will mar a whole flock.
Ona napmnnax onna ncnoprnr nce crao.
//-- * * * --//
Ona rontxo nmont cnocona nsneunrt or nmnn.
One love expels another.
Ofpepakfupoean u onynukoean ua cafe : PRESSI ( HERSON )
Ona nmont ntrecnxer pyrym.
//-- * * * --//
Ona yaua ner, pyrym neer.
Nothing succeeds like success.
Hnuro rax ne nponneraer, xax ycnex.
//-- * * * --//
Ono ntnue nyume nyx sanrpa.
One today is worth two tomorrows.
Ono ceronx cronr nyx sanrpa.
One hour today is worth two tomorrow.
Onn uac ceronx cronr nyx sanrpa.
Better an egg today than a hen tomorrow.
Hyume xno ceronx, uem xypnna sanrpa.
//-- * * * --//
Ono oxo, a nnnr anexo.
He that has but one eye, sees better for it.
V xoro ecrt rontxo onn rnas, ror nnnr nm nyume.
//-- * * * --//
Ono pyxo xpecrnrcx, a pyro n uyxym nasyxy neser.
The friar preached against stealing, and had a goose in his sleeve.
Monax npononeonan npornn noponcrna, a n pyxane rycx epxan.
//-- * * * --//
Onomy ctnoct, a pyromy ne yanoct.
Some have the hap, some stick in the gap.
Onnm yaua, a pyrnm cnert n menn.
//-- * * * --//
Oxnannem ctr ne yemt.
Who lives by hope will die by hunger.
Kro xnner naexom, ror ymper c ronoy.
//-- * * * --//
Oxo sa oxo, sy sa sy.
Measure for measure.
Mepa sa mepy.
//-- * * * --//
Oxono xocrn mxco cname.
The nearer the bone, the sweeter the meet.
uem nnxe xocrt, rem cname mxco.
//-- * * * --//
Oxono cnxrtx ueprn noxrcx.
The devil lurks behind the cross.
uepr npxuercx sa xpecrom.
//-- * * * --//
On n pyamxe ponncx.
He was born with a caul.
On ponncx c copouxo.
//-- * * * --//
On, xax xomxa, nce na norn naaer.
He is like a cat; fling him which way you will, hell light on his legs.
On, xax xomxa, poct ero, xya xouemt, a on ynaer na norn.
//-- * * * --//
Onacente nononnna cnacentx.
Fear is one part of prudence.
Crpax ona uacrt naropasymnx.
//-- * * * --//
Onpnut myxa ncxx snaer, uro xena rynxer.
The husband is always the last to know.
Myx ncera ysnaer nocnennm.
//-- * * * --//
Ontr nyumn yunrent.
Experience is the best teacher.
Ontr nyumn yunrent.
//-- * * * --//
Open myx ne nonnr.
Eagles dont catch flies.
Opnt ne nonxr myx.
//-- * * * --//
Opnt tmrcx, a mononam neptx ocramrcx.
While two dogs are fighting over a bone, a third runs away with it.
Hoxa ne coaxn epyrcx ns-sa xocrn, rpertx c ne yeraer.
//-- * * * --//
Ofpepakfupoean u onynukoean ua cafe : PRESSI ( HERSON )
Ocepxct na nox, a myy n neut.
Burn not your house to fright away the mice.
He cxnra cno om, urot ornyrnyrt mtme.
//-- * * * --//
Ocrarox nyume neocrarxa.
Better leave than lack.
Hyume ocrannrt nnmnee, uem ncntrtnart neocrarox.
//-- * * * --//
Ocreperacx npara, yt on xort c mypantx.
There is no little enemy.
He cymecrnyer manentxnx nparon.
//-- * * * --//
Ocynn ropmox uyrynxy, a cam nect n caxe.
The pot calls the kettle black.
Iopmox nastnaer uannx uepntm.
//-- * * * --//
Or esentx n xeneso pxaneer.
Iron not used soon rusts.
Xeneso es ynorpenennx tcrpo pxaneer.
Sloth breeds a scab.
Henocrt nopoxaer xopocry.
//-- * * * --//
Or opa openox, a or cnnntn nopocenox.
Like breeds like.
Hoonoe poxaer noonoe.
//-- * * * --//
Or ontmo ryun ne ncera mnoro oxx.
All clouds bring not rain.
He nce ryun npnnocxr oxt.
//-- * * * --//
Or nennxoro o cmemnoro onn mar.
From the sublime to the ridiculous is only a step.
Or nennxoro o cmemnoro ncero onn mar.
//-- * * * --//
Or nonxa exan, a na menex nanan.
I escaped the thunder, and fell into the lightning.
yexan or rpoma, a nonan no monnnm.
//-- * * * --//
Or ncero ntneunmtcx, xpome cmeprn.
There is a remedy for everything except death.
Or ncero ecrt nexapcrno, xpome cmeprn.
//-- * * * --//
Or ener nce sno.
Money is the root of all evil.
entrn xopent ncero sna.
//-- * * * --//
Or opa opa ne nmyr.
Let well alone.
Ocrantre opo n noxoe.
//-- * * * --//
Or oporo xnrtx roncremr, or ypnoro xyemr.
Laugh and grow fat.
Cmecx n roncre.
//-- * * * --//
Or oporo oea n x yxnny ocranercx.
He that saves his dinner will have the more for his supper.
Kro npneperaer oe, ror yer nmert ontme na yxnn.
//-- * * * --//
Or oporo cnona xstx ne ycoxner.
Fair words hurt not the mouth.
Or optx cnon por ne onnr.
//-- * * * --//
Or sanaa o nocroxa ner uenonexa es nopoxa.
Every man has his faults.
V xaxoro uenonexa ecrt cnon neocrarxn.
He is lifeless that is faultless.
Fesynpeuen rontxo ror, xro ne xnn.
//-- * * * --//
Or nstrxa ycra rnaronmr.
When the heart is afire, some sparks will fly out of the mouth.
Ofpepakfupoean u onynukoean ua cafe : PRESSI ( HERSON )
Kora cepne oxnaueno nnamenem, nso pra nerxr ncxpt.
//-- * * * --//
Or nmnn o nenanncrn onn mar.
The greatest hate springs from the greatest love.
Camax ontmax nenanncrt noxnnxercx ns camo ontmo nmnn.
//-- * * * --//
Or mano ncxpt, a ontmo noxap.
A small spark makes a great fire.
Manentxax ncxpa poxaer ontmo noxap.
A little fire burns up a great deal of corn.
Heontmo oront cxnraer ontmoe xonnuecrno sepna.
//-- * * * --//
Or onoro nopuenoro xnoxa nent nos sarnnnaer.
The rotten apple injures its neighbour.
Innnoe xnoxo noprnr cocenne.
//-- * * * --//
Or noxapa, or norona n or sno xent, Foxe, coxpann.
Three things drive a man out of his house smoke, rain, and a scolding wife.
Tpn nemn ronxr myxunny ns oma: tm, oxt n cnapnnnax xena.
//-- * * * --//
Or paort ne yemt orar, a yemt ropar.
Good workmen are seldom rich.
Xopomne paornnxn pexo tnamr orartmn.
//-- * * * --//
Or cnon momna ne yer nonna.
Many words will not fill a bushel.
Mnornmn cnonamn ne nanonnnrt ymenx.
//-- * * * --//
Or cnona o ena aymxnna nepcra.
From words to deeds is a great space.
Or cnon o en ontmoe paccroxnne.
//-- * * * --//
Or cytt ne yemt.
No flying from fate.
Or cytt ne ynerert.
//-- * * * --//
Or repnonnnxa ne xn nnnorpay.
One cannot gather grapes of thorns or figs of thistles.
He copart nnnorpa c oxptmnnxa, a nnxnp c ueprononoxa.
//-- * * * --//
Or rpyon npanentx ne naxnnemt nanar xamenntx.
Good workmen are seldom rich.
Xopomne paornnxn pexo tnamr orartmn.
//-- * * * --//
Or rmptmt a or cymt ne sapexacx.
No fence against ill fortune.
Her orpat or snoro poxa.
No fence against a flail.
Her orpat or nena.
//-- * * * --//
Or yurnntx cnon xstx ne orcoxner.
There is nothing lost by civility.
Bexnnnocrtm nnuero ne norepxemt.
Civility costs nothing.
Bexnnnocrt nnuero ne cronr.
Good words cost nought.
opte cnona nnuero ne croxr.
//-- * * * --//
Or xosxcxoro rnasa xnpeer n xor.
The masters eye makes the horse fat.
Or xosxcxoro rnasa n nomat roncreer.
//-- * * * --//
Or xnea-conn ne orxastnamrcx.
Never refuse a good offer.
Hnxora ne orxastnacx or xopomero npenoxennx.
//-- * * * --//
Or xyoro cemenn ne xn oporo nnemenn.
Of evil grain, no good seed can come.
Hs nnoxoro sepna ne nonyunrcx xopomero cemenn.
//-- * * * --//
Ofpepakfupoean u onynukoean ua cafe : PRESSI ( HERSON )
Or xyo xypnnt xyte xna.
An evil crow, an evil egg.
ypnax nopona, ypnoe n xno.
//-- * * * --//
Oren ptax, n ern n noy cmorpxr.
In the house of a fiddler, all fiddle.
B ome cxpnnaua nce nrpamr na cxpnnxe.
//-- * * * --//
Oxora nyme nenonn.
Desire has no rest.
Xenanne ortxa ne snaer.
//-- * * * --//
Oxouax nomaxa ncm noxnaxy neser.
All lay load on the willing horse.
Bce nsnannnamr rpys na oxouym nomat.
//-- * * * --//
Oun yme nepne.
Seeing is believing.
Vnnert snaunr nonepnrt.
//-- * * * --//
Omnapennt xor onrcx xonono not.
A scalded cat fears cold water.
Omnapennt xor onrcx xonono not.

Hepnax pant nyume nocnene.
The first blow makes the wrong, but the second makes the fray.
Hepnt yap npnnocnr npe, no nropo cosaer paxy.
//-- * * * --//
Hepnax nnna npomaercx.
Every dog is allowed his first bite.
Kaxo coaxe nosnonxercx yxycnrt onn pas.
Hate not at the first harm.
He ncntrtna nenanncrn or nepnoro npea.
//-- * * * --//
Hepnax xena or Fora, nropax or uenonexa, rpertx or uepra.
The first wife is matrimony, the second company, the third heresy.
Hepnax xena cynpyxecrno, nropax coecennx, rpertx epect.
//-- * * * --//
Hepnomy rocrm nepnoe mecro n xpacnax noxxa.
First come, first served.
Kro nepntm npnxonr, nepntm n ocnyxnnaercx.
//-- * * * --//
Hepe nenoom ptt ne nonxr.
It is ill fishing before the net.
Hnoxo nonnrt pty nepe nenoom.
//-- * * * --//
Hepemenercx myxa yer.
It will all come right in the wash.
Hocne crnpxn nce opasyercx.
In the end things will mend.
B xonne xonnon nce nananrcx.
//-- * * * --//
Hepenntn mope, a n nyxe yronyn.
It is idle to swallow the cow and choke on the tail.
Inyno npornornrt xopony n noannrtcx xnocrom.
//-- * * * --//
Hepecrant o rom ryxnrt, uemy nentsx noconrt.
Never grieve for that you cannot help.
Hnxora ne rpycrn o rom, uemy rt ne moxemt nomout.
Past cure, past care.
Cnnmxom nosno neunrt, cnnmxom nosno n ecnoxonrtcx.
It is too late to grieve when the chance is past.
Cnnmxom nosno ropenart, xora nosmoxnocrt ynymena.
//-- * * * --//
Heuann es paocrn, nn paocrn es neuann ne tnaer.
No joy without alloy.
Her paocrn es neuann.
After joy comes sorrow.
Ofpepakfupoean u onynukoean ua cafe : PRESSI ( HERSON )
Hocne paocrn npnxonr neuant.
Every day has its night, every weal its woe.
V ncxxoro nx ecrt cnox nout, a y ncxxo paocrn cnox neuant.
//-- * * * --//
Heuant ne xpacnr, rope ne nnernr.
Adversity flatters no man.
Iope nnxoro ne xpacnr.
//-- * * * --//
Hnrt a rynxrt opa ne nnart.
Play, women, and wine undo men laughing.
Hrpt, xenmnnt n nnno ne nosnonxmr myxunnam cmexrtcx.
Gaming, women, and wine, while they laugh, they make men pine.
Asaprnte nrpt, xenmnnt n nnno xora onn cmemrcx, myxunnt uaxnyr.
//-- * * * --//
Hnoxo ne xnan nopa n rpex ne nnon.
Opportunity makes a thief.
Bopa cosaer naronpnxrnax nosmoxnocrt.
The hole calls the thief.
tpa mannr nopa.
A bad padlock invites a picklock.
Hnoxo samox npnrnamaer nsnommnxa.
//-- * * * --//
Hnoxoe nauano ne x opomy xonny.
A bad beginning makes a bad ending.
Hnoxoe nauano cosaer nnoxo xonen.
//-- * * * --//
Hnoxo ronapnm nyme onnouxn.
Better be alone than in bad company.
Hyume trt onomy, uem n nnoxo xomnannn.
//-- * * * --//
Hnyr or paort necrnr.
The used key is always bright.
Knmu, xoroptm nontsymrcx, ncera necrnr.
//-- * * * --//
Ho nonocxy n ncm opoy ntmnnnemt.
Feather by feather, the goose is plucked.
Heptmxo sa neptmxom n ryct omnnan.
//-- * * * --//
Ho nopotxm ns nymxn ne crpenxmr.
Take not a musket to kill a butterfly.
He xnaracx sa mymxer, urot ynrt aouxy.
//-- * * * --//
Ho enam nopy n myxa.
Like fault, like punishment.
Kaxona nnna, raxono n naxasanne.
//-- * * * --//
Ho sacnyram n uecrt.
Give credit where credit is due.
Bosa no sacnyram ram, re onxno.
//-- * * * --//
Ho xanne oxt, no pocnnxe poca.
Many drops make a shower.
Mnoxecrno xanent cosamr oxt.
//-- * * * --//
Ho oexxe ne cyn, no enam rnxn.
It is not the gay coat that makes the gentleman.
He napxnt cmpryx enaer xenrntmenom.
//-- * * * --//
Ho oexxe nporxrnna noxxn.
Everyone stretches his legs according to the length of his coverlet.
Bcxxn nporxrnnaer norn, ncxox ns nnnt cnoero oexna.
Cut your coat according to your cloth.
Kpon nnxax, ncxox ns marepnana.
Stretch your arm no further than your sleeve will reach.
He nporxrnna pyxy antme, uem orxner pyxan.
//-- * * * --//
Ho oxore n cemt nepcr ne xpmx.
Where your will is ready, your feet are light.
Ie ecrt xenanne, ram n noram nerxo.
//-- * * * --//
Ofpepakfupoean u onynukoean ua cafe : PRESSI ( HERSON )
Ho paore n macrepa snart.
The workman is known by his work.
Paornnxa ysnamr no paore.
As is the workman so is the work.
Kaxon paornnx, raxona n paora.
A carpenter is known by his chips.
Hnornnxa ysnamr no crpyxxe.
//-- * * * --//
Ho conome xnra ne ysnaemt.
You cannot know wine by the barrel.
Ho ouxe nnna ne ysnaemt.
None can guess the jewel by the casket.
Hnxro ne moxer yraart paronennocrt no mxarynxe.
//-- * * * --//
Ho ronapnmam n cnana.
A man is known by the company he keeps.
uenonexa ysnamr no xomnannn, xoropym on nonr.
//-- * * * --//
Hoenrene ne cyxr.
Success is never blamed.
Vcnex nnxora ne tnaer nnnonar.
//-- * * * --//
Honanncx xynmnn no noy xonrt, ram emy n ronony cnomnrt.
The pitcher will go to the well once too often.
Kynmnn yer xonrt x xonony cnnmxom uacro.
//-- * * * --//
Hornxn, npexe uem nptrnyrt.
Look before you leap.
Hocmorpn, npexe uem nptrnyrt.
//-- * * * --//
Hornancx sa xpoxom, a es nomrx ocrancx.
Catch not at the shadow and lose the substance.
He xnaracx sa rent, repxx cymnocrt.
//-- * * * --//
Ho ropy ncxaut, a n ropy xort nnaut.
It is easier to descend than to ascend.
Herue cnycxartcx, uem nonnmartcx.
//-- * * * --//
Hoantme nonoxnmt, nonnxe nostmemt.
Safe bind, safe find.
Haexno sanxxemt, naexno n naemt.
//-- * * * --//
Hoyma, oyma, a n monnn.
Think first and speak afterwards.
Cnauana noyma, norom ronopn.
Think today and speak tomorrow.
Ceronx noyma, a sanrpa cxaxn.
//-- * * * --//
Hoxanen anrtn norepxn nonrnny.
Do not spoil the ship for a haporth of tar.
He norepx onny, noxanen cmont na nonnennn [2 - Cmona ncnontsonanact xax mast nx
opaorxn pan y onen, urot ornyrnyrt myx.].
A penny soul never came to twopence.
Ononenconax yma nnxora ne onpanact o nyx nencon.
//-- * * * --//
Hoxnnn noontme, rax ynnnmt noontme.
They that live longest, see most.
Kro ontme ncex xnner, ror ontme ncero nnnr.
//-- * * * --//
Hosno epeut nnno, xora ouxa nycra.
It is too late to spare when the bottom is bare.
Hosno +xonomnrt, xora na ne yxe nycro.
//-- * * * --//
Hosno npnmen xocrn namen.
Late-comers are shent.
Hosno npnmemne repnxr xpax.
//-- * * * --//
Hoxa connne nsoer, poca oun ntecr.
While the grass grows, the steed starves.
Hoxa rpana ntpacrer, xont oxoneer.
Ofpepakfupoean u onynukoean ua cafe : PRESSI ( HERSON )
//-- * * * --//
Hoxya ecrt xne a noa, nce ne ea.
All griefs with bread are less.
Bce et c xneom cranonxrcx mentme.
//-- * * * --//
Hone rnasacro, a nec ymacr.
Fields have eyes, and woods have ears.
V none ecrt rnasa, a y necon ecrt ymn.
//-- * * * --//
Honerenn rycn sa mope, a npnnerenn roxe ne neen.
If an ass goes a-travelling, hell not come home a horse.
Ecnn ocen ornpannrcx n nyremecrnne, on ne nepnercx omo nomatm.
//-- * * * --//
Honon om, nonon n por.
They that have got good store of butter, may lay it thick on their bread.
Kro nmeer ontmo sanac macna, ror moxer masart ero roncrtm cnoem na xne.
//-- * * * --//
Honysnanne xyxe nesnannx.
Better untaught than ill taught.
Hyume neoyuennt, uem nnoxo oyuennt.
A little knowledge is a dangerous thing.
Heocrarounoe snanne onacnax nemt.
//-- * * * --//
Honancx, xoropt xycancx.
The biter bit.
Hoxycann roro, xro xycancx.
//-- * * * --//
Honont erxn uro ronyte xonn: pexo yamrcx.
Clergymens sons always turn out badly.
Ctnontx cnxmennnxon ncera oxastnamrcx ypntmn.
//-- * * * --//
Hontrxa ne ntrxa.
You never know what you can do till you try.
Hnxora ne snaemt, uro moxemt cenart, noxa ne nonpoyemt.
//-- * * * --//
Hoprno es mranon, canoxnnx es canor, a nnornnx es nepe.
The shoemakers son always goes barefoot.
Ctn canoxnnxa ncera xonr oco.
None more bare than the shoemakers wife and the smiths mare.
Hnxro rax ne oc, xax xena canoxnnxa n xotna xysnena.
//-- * * * --//
Hocan cnnntm sa cron, ona n norn na cron.
What can you expect from a pig but a grunt?
uro moxno oxnart or cnnntn, xpome xpmxantx.
//-- * * * --//
Hoceemt c nyxomxo, rax n ntpacrer nemnoxxo.
Sow thin and mow thin.
Pexo noceemt, pexo n noxnemt.
//-- * * * --//
Hocexn sno ne xn nomat.
He that mischief hatches, mischief catches.
Kro sno samtmnxer, ror sno n nonyuaer.
Curses, like chickens, come home to roost.
Hpoxnxrnx, xax ntnnxra, npnxoxr omo na nacecr.
//-- * * * --//
Hocna ne cexyr, ne pyxr, a rontxo xanymr.
Messengers should neither be headed nor hanged.
Hocnannnxon nentsx nn oesrnannnnart, nn nemart.
//-- * * * --//
Hocne ena sa conerom ne xoxr.
When a thing is done, advice comes too late.
Kora eno cenano, coner npnxonr cnnmxom nosno.
//-- * * * --//
Hocne nenacrtx n nepo tnaer.
After a storm comes a calm.
Hocne ypn nacrynaer sarnmte.
After black clouds, clear weather.
Hocne uepntx onaxon xopomax noroa.
After rain comes sunshine.
Hocne oxx cnernr connne.
Ofpepakfupoean u onynukoean ua cafe : PRESSI ( HERSON )
//-- * * * --//
Hocne oea nonexn, nocne yxnna noxon.
After dinner rest awhile, after supper walk a mile.
Hocne oea oroxnn nemnoro, nocne yxnna nponct c mnnm.
//-- * * * --//
Hocne noxapa a sa noo.
When the house is burned down, you bring water.
om cropen, a rt necemt noy.
//-- * * * --//
Hocne crpnxxn Iocnot na onen rennom naxner.
God tempers the wind to the shorn lamb.
For ymepxer nerep nx crpnxenoro xrnenxa.
//-- * * * --//
Hocne yxnna ropunna.
After meat comes mustard.
Hocne et noxnnxrcx ropunna.
//-- * * * --//
Hocnyxn na menx, a x na rex.
You scratch my back, Ill scratch yours.
Houemn mne cnnny, a x nouemy ree.
Claw me and Ill claw thee.
Hocxpen menx, a x nocxpey rex.
Scratch my breech and Ill claw your elbow.
Houemn mne sa, a x nocxpey ree noxort.
//-- * * * --//
Hocnema, a ne roponnct.
Make haste slowly.
Toponnct menenno.
//-- * * * --//
Hocnemnmt ynaemt, nocnennm npnemt.
Haste trips up its own heels.
Cnemxa cnortxaercx o cocrnennte nxrxn.
//-- * * * --//
Hocnemnocrt nyxna rontxo npn nonne nox.
Nothing should be done in haste but gripping a flea.
Hnuero nentsx enart n cnemxe, sa ncxnmuennem nonnn nox.
//-- * * * --//
Hocynennoe nnnamn na noe nncano.
Between promising and performing, a man may marry his daughter.
Mexy oemannem n ncnonnennem moxno n out samyx ntart.
//-- * * * --//
Horepxnnoro ne nopornmt.
An occasion lost cannot be redeemed.
Horepxnnym nosmoxnocrt nentsx nepnyrt oparno.
Things past cannot be recalled.
uro npomno, roro nentsx nepnyrt.
//-- * * * --//
Horyxn o cee, a ram n o pyrnx.
Mind other men, but most yourself.
3aortcx o pyrnx, no npexe ncero o cee.
He is a fool that forgets himself.
Kro satnaer o cee, ror rnynen.
//-- * * * --//
Hoxnann ypaxa, a on n pa.
Fair words make fools fain.
Hpnxrntm cnonam ypaxn n pat.
//-- * * * --//
Hoxnann-xa rt menx, a ram n x rex noxnanm.
You scratch my back, Ill scratch yours.
Houemn cnnny mne, a x nouemy ree.
Claw me and Ill claw thee.
Hocxpen menx, a x nocxpey rex.
Scratch my breech and Ill claw your elbow.
Houemn mne sa, a x nocxpey ree noxort.
//-- * * * --//
Hoxnant ne xopmxr, ne rpemr.
Praise is not pudding.
Hoxnana ne nynnr.
Praise without profit puts little in the pot.
Hoxnana es oxoa mano uro xnaer n ropmox.
Ofpepakfupoean u onynukoean ua cafe : PRESSI ( HERSON )
//-- * * * --//
Hoxnanx npoart, a xynx xynnrt.
He that blames would buy.
Kro pyraer, ror xoren t xynnrt.
He that speaks ill of the mare would buy her.
Kro nnoxo ronopnr o xotne, ror xoren t ee xynnrt.
He praises that wishes to sell.
Kro xouer npoart, ror xnannr.
//-- * * * --//
Houer opoxe ener.
A good name is better than riches.
opoe nmx nyume orarcrna.
//-- * * * --//
Homen no mepcrt nepnyncx crpnxent.
Many go out for wool and come home shorn.
Mnorne ornpannxmrcx sa mepcrtm, a npnxoxr omo crpnxentmn.
//-- * * * --//
Hpana n nanrxx, a xpnna n canorax.
Craft must have clothes, but truth loves to go naked.
Hyxancrny nyxnt oext, a npana nmnr xonrt rono.
//-- * * * --//
Hpana ncera neperxner.
Truth is mighty and will prevail.
Hpana morymecrnenna, n ona nocropxecrnyer.
//-- * * * --//
Hpana rnasa xoner.
Truths and roses have thorns about them.
Hpana n post nmemr noxpyr cex mnnt.
The sting of a reproach is the truth of it.
Xano ynpexa n ero npane.
//-- * * * --//
Hpana ne crapeer.
Truth never grows old.
Hpana nnxora ne crapeer.
//-- * * * --//
Hpana cnoe nostmer.
Truth will out.
Hpana onapyxnrcx.
//-- * * * --//
Hpana cya ne onrcx.
Truth fears no trial.
Hpana ne onrcx cya.
//-- * * * --//
Hpana ymn eper.
The truest jests sound worst in guilty ears.
Camte npannnte myrxn snyuar xyxe ncero n nnnonartx ymax.
//-- * * * --//
Hpana uro macno: nce nanepxy.
Truth and oil are ever above.
Hpana n macno ncera nanepxy.
//-- * * * --//
Hpanom ne oenemtcx.
Honesty is ill to thrive by.
uecrnocrtm ne pasorareemt.
Plain dealing is a jewel, but they that use it die beggars.
uecrnocrt paronennocrt, no ror, xro em nnaeer, ymnpaer nnmnm.
//-- * * * --//
Hpany ronopnrt pyra ne naxnrt.
Truth finds foes, where it makes none.
Hpana naxonr nparon n ram, re ona nx ne enaer.
//-- * * * --//
Hpany ronopnrt cee ocanrt.
Confess and be hanged.
Hpnsnacx, n rex nonecxr.
//-- * * * --//
Hpany xpacnrt ner nyxt.
Truth needs no colours.
Hpane ne nyxnt npnxpact.
//-- * * * --//
Hpasnax monoocrt ecnyrnax crapocrt.
Ofpepakfupoean u onynukoean ua cafe : PRESSI ( HERSON )
An idle youth, a needy age.
Hpasnax monoocrt, enax crapocrt.
If you lie upon roses when young, youll lie upon thorns when old.
Ecnn n monoocrn yemt nexart na posax, n crapocrn yemt nexart na xonmuxax.
//-- * * * --//
Hpasnocrt mart ncex nopoxon.
Idleness is the root of all evil.
Hent xopent ncero sna.
Of idleness comes no goodness.
Hs esentx ne ntxonr nnuero xopomero.
An idle brain is the devils shop.
Hpasnt ym macrepcxax txnona.
By doing nothing we learn to do ill.
Hnuero ne enax, mt yunmcx enart sno.
The devil finds work for idle hands to do.
uepr naxonr paory nx npasntx pyx.
If the devil find a man idle, hell set him to work.
Ecnn uepr ynnnr, uro xro-ro esentnnuaer, on saacr emy paort.
//-- * * * --//
Hpeynpexenne ro xe epexenne.
A danger foreseen is half avoided.
Hpennennax onacnocrt nanononnny npeornpamena.
Forewarned is forearmed.
Hpeocrepexen sapanee noopyxen.
Good watch prevents misfortune.
Xopomn nasop npeornpamaer ey.
Providing is preventing.
Hpeycmorpnrentnocrt ecrt npeoxpanenne.
//-- * * * --//
Hpexe coepnct, a norom epnct.
Draw not thy bow before thy arrow be fixed.
He narxrnna rernny, noxa ne ncrannmt crpeny.
//-- * * * --//
Hpn rope repnenne nenontnoe cnacenne.
Patience is a plaster for all sores.
Tepnenne nnacrtpt nx ncex pan.
Patience is a remedy for every grief.
Tepnenne nexapcrno or nmo neuann.
Of sufferance comes ease.
Hpn repnennn npnxonr oneruenne.
//-- * * * --//
Hpn nnpe, npn paxxe nce pyxxn, npn rope-xpyunne nce ymnn.
In time of prosperity friends will be plenty; in time of adversity, not one amongst twenty.
B narononyunoe npemx pyse yer mnoro, n rxxenoe npemx ne naemt n onoro
cpen nanarn.
//-- * * * --//
Hpnntuxa nropax npnpoa.
Habit is a second nature.
Hpnntuxa nropax narypa.
//-- * * * --//
Hpnntuxa ne oronox: c norn ne cxnnemt.
Old habits die hard.
Crapte npnntuxn ymnpamr rxxeno.
//-- * * * --//
Hpnroxax xena nnmnxx cyxora.
Who has a fair wife, needs more than two eyes.
Tomy, xro nmeer xpacnnym xeny, nyxno nmert ontme nyx rnas.
A fair wife and a frontier castle breed quarrels.
Kpacnnax xena n npnrpannunt samox nopoxamr pasopt.
//-- * * * --//
Hpner crapocrt, nacrynnr n cnaocrt.
Age breeds aches.
Crapocrt poxaer onn.
Old age is sickness of itself.
Crapocrt +ro onesnt cama no cee.
//-- * * * --//
Hpnsnanne nononnna ncnpannennx.
A fault confessed is half redressed.
Hpnsnannax nnna nanononnny ncxynnena.
//-- * * * --//
Ofpepakfupoean u onynukoean ua cafe : PRESSI ( HERSON )
Hpnsnanne cecrpa noxaxnnm.
Confession is the first step to repentance.
Hpnsnanne nepnt mar x pacxaxnnm.
//-- * * * --//
Hpnmna ea ornopx nopora.
Misfortunes never come singly.
Hecuacrtx nnxora ne npnxoxr noonnouxe.
It never rains but it pours.
Ecnn ner oxt, ro ncera nnnnem.
Of one ill come many.
Hs ono et ntxonr mnoro.
Ill comes often on the back of worse.
Hnoxoe uacro npnxonr na cnnne xymero.
//-- * * * --//
Hpnxrene mnoro, a pyra ner.
A friend to everybody is a friend to nobody.
Kro pyr ncem, ror nnxomy ne pyr.
//-- * * * --//
Hpo nonxa peut, a on nancrpeut.
Talk of the devil, and he is bound to appear.
3aronopn o uepre, n on oxsarentno noxnnrcx.
//-- * * * --//
Hpoxnroro ne nepexnrt, a npomemero ne nopornrt.
Things past cannot be recalled.
uro npomno, roro nentsx nepnyrt.
It is too late to call back yesterday.
Cnnmxom nosno snart nasa nuepamnn ent.
//-- * * * --//
Hpomex cnentx n xpnno nepnt noxt.
In the country of the blind, the oneeyed man is king.
B crpane cnentx n onornast uenonex xopont.
//-- * * * --//
Hpornn nerpa ne nayemtcx.
Puff not against the wind.
He ntxrn npornn nerpa.
//-- * * * --//
Hpornn not rxxeno nntrt.
It is ill striving against the stream.
Hnoxo nponpartcx npornn reuennx.
//-- * * * --//
Hpornn mepcrn ne rnaxr.
It is ill shaving against the wool.
Hpornn mepcrn ne crpnryr.
//-- * * * --//
Hpomna nopa, pyro ne oxemtcx.
Opportunity never knocks twice at any mans door.
Cuacrnnnt cnyua naxt n nept nn x xomy ne cryunrcx.
He that will not when he may, when he will he shall have nay.
Kro ne coepercx, noxa moxer, xora coepercx, ne yer nmert nosmoxnocrn.
//-- * * * --//
Hptrxo eramr, a uacro naamr.
Haste trips up its own heels.
Cnemxa cnortxaercx o cocrnennte nxrxn.
Hasty climbers have sudden falls.
Hocnemno nsnpammnecx nnesanno naamr.
//-- * * * --//
Hynx nnnonaroro naer.
Every bullet has its billet.
V xaxo nynn cnoe nasnauenne.
//-- * * * --//
Hycr memox croxrt ne yer.
Empty sacks will never stand upright.
Hycrte memxn nnxora ne yyr croxrt npxmo.
//-- * * * --//
Hycrax ouxa nyme rpemnr.
Empty vessels make the most sound.
Hycrte cocyt cosamr ontme ncero myma.
Shallow streams make most din.
Menxne pyutn enamr camt ontmo mym.
//-- * * * --//
Ofpepakfupoean u onynukoean ua cafe : PRESSI ( HERSON )
Hyrnomy nauany naro xonen.
A good beginning makes a good ending.
V xopomero nauana n xonen xopomn.
//-- * * * --//
Hyrt x cepny myxunnt nexnr uepes ero xenyox.
The way to a mans heart is through his stomach.
opora x cepny myxunnt uepes ero xenyox.
//-- * * * --//
Htxnoro a manoro For epexer.
Heaven protects children, sailors, and drunken men.
Heeca saorxrcx o erxx, mopxxax n ntxntx.
Drunken folks seldom take harm.
Htxnte nmn pexo nonaamr n ey.
//-- * * * --//
Htxnt npocnnrcx, a ypax nnxora.
He who is born a fool is never cured.
Kro ponncx ypaxom, ror nnxora ne ntneunrcx.
Fools will be fools still.
ypaxn rax n ocranyrcx ypaxamn.
//-- * * * --//
Htxnt cxauer, a npocnancx nnauer.
Drunken days have all their tomorrows.
V ncex ntxntx ne ecrt cnoe sanrpa.

Paora c syamn, a nent c xstxom.
The tongue of idle persons is never idle.
stx y nennntx nme nnxora ne nennrcx.
//-- * * * --//
Pannte otuan xpenxax nmont.
Likeness causes liking.
Cxocrno nopoxaer cnmnarnm.
//-- * * * --//
Pa yemt, xax onr nsyemt.
Out of debt, out of danger.
Ocnoonncx or onra, ocnoonncx or onacnocrn.
//-- * * * --//
Pasronopamn ctr ne yemt.
Fair words fill not the belly.
Kpacnnte cnona ne nanonnxmr
Fine words butter no parsnips.
Kpacnntmn cnonamn ne namacnnmt nacrepnax.
Many words will not fill a bushel.
Mnornmn cnonamn ne nanonnnrt ymenx.
//-- * * * --//
Pannn cmex nosnne cnest.
Laugh before breakfast, youll cry before supper.
Hocmeemtcx nepe sanrpaxom yemt nnaxart nepe yxnnom.
Sing before breakfast, cry before night.
Hert nepe sanrpaxom nnaxart nepe nacrynnennem noun.
//-- * * * --//
Pano ocenann, a nosno nocxaxann.
They that are booted are not always ready.
Kro oyr, ror ne ncera roron.
//-- * * * --//
Pantme naunemt, pantme nocneemt.
The sooner begun, the sooner done.
uem tcrpee nauaro, rem tcrpee saxonueno.
Early sow, early mow.
Pano noceemt, pano n noxnemt.
//-- * * * --//
Pacxyaxranact, a ne cnecna.
You cackle often, but never lay an egg.
uacro xyaxuemt, no nn pasy ne cnec xna.
//-- * * * --//
Pacnyrtx oxrtcx, rax n n nyrt ne xonrt.
He that forecasts all perils, will never sail the sea.
Kro ymaer nanepe oo ncex onacnocrxx, ror nnxora ne ornpannrcx n mope.
//-- * * * --//
Ofpepakfupoean u onynukoean ua cafe : PRESSI ( HERSON )
Pexe nnnmt ontme nmnmt.
Absence makes the heart grow fonder.
Pasnyxa sacrannxer cepne nmnrt cnntnee.
Men are best loved furthest off.
Hme ontme ncero nmxr, xora onn antme ncero.
//-- * * * --//
Pemecno sonoro xopmnnen.
Trade is the mother of money.
Pemecno mart ener.
An handful of trade is an handful of gold.
Hpnropmnx pemecen npnropmnx sonora.
//-- * * * --//
Ponrcx porox, ponrcx n xycox.
God never sends mouths but He sends meat.
For nnxora ne noctnaer prt, a noctnaer nnmy.
//-- * * * --//
Pontx mnoro, a ronona onnoxa.
Many kinsfolk, few friends.
Mnoro pontx, mano pyse.
//-- * * * --//
Pyaxa xa]rana x reny nnxe.
Near is my shirt, but nearer is my skin.
Fnnsxa mne pyamxa, no xoxa eme nnxe.
//-- * * * --//
Pyxa pyxy moer, a ne pyxn nnno.
One hand washes the other.
Ona pyxa moer pyrym.
//-- * * * --//
Pta menxa, a yxa cnaxa.
Little fish are sweet.
Manentxax ptxa cnaxa.
//-- * * * --//
Pta c ronont rnner.
Fish begins to stink at the head.
Pta naunnaer rnnrt c ronont.
//-- * * * --//
Ptax ptaxa nnnr nsanexa.
It takes one to know one.
Cno cnoero ysnaer.
Birds of a feather flock together.
Hrnnt onoro nna conpamrcx nmecre.
Like will to like.
Cno rxnercx x cnoemy.

C eom ne nepexopxcx, repnn.
What cant be cured must be endured.
uro nentsx ntneunrt, ro nyxno ntrepnert.
//-- * * * --//
C nerpy npnmno, na nerep n ymno.
Come with the wind, go with the water.
Hpnxonr c nerpom, yxonr c noo.
//-- * * * --//
C nonxamn xnrt no-nonutn ntrt.
Who keeps company with the wolf, will learn to howl.
Kro nonrcx c nonxamn, ror nayunrcx ntrt.
//-- * * * --//
C ntcoxoro mecra ontno naart.
The higher standing, the lower fall.
uem ntme cronmt, rem nnxe naaemt.
The higher the mountain the greater descent.
uem ntme ropa, rem nnnnee cnycx.
//-- * * * --//
C rnas ono ns cepna non.
Out of sight, out of mind.
Hpout ns nny, npout ns ronont.
Far from eye, far from heart.
anexo or rnas, anexo n or cepna.
What the eye doesnt see, the heart doesnt grieve over.
Ofpepakfupoean u onynukoean ua cafe : PRESSI ( HERSON )
uero rnas ne nnnr, o rom n cepne ne neuannrcx.
Seldom seen, soon forgotten.
Pexo nnnrcx, tcrpo satnaercx.
Long absent, soon forgotten.
onro orcyrcrnymmn tcrpo satnaercx.
Salt water and absence wash away love.
Conenax noa n orcyrcrnne cmtnamr nmont.
//-- * * * --//
C entramn mnn, es ener nocrtn.
Love lasts as long as money endures.
Hmont nnrcx, noxa ecrt entrn.
When poverty comes in at the door, love flies out of the window.
Kora enocrt nxonr n nept, nmont ntneraer n oxno.
//-- * * * --//
C opo xeno rope nonropx, a paocrt nnone.
Marriage halves our griefs, doubles our joys and quadruples our expenses.
Cynpyxecrno ennr nononam name rope, ynannaer namn paocrn n yuernepxer namn
//-- * * * --//
C ypnoro xycra n xroa nycra.
No good apple on a sour stock.
He tnaer xopomnx xnox na xncnom uepenxe.
//-- * * * --//
C xamnx ntx ne naepemt.
No man can flay a stone.
Hnxro ne moxer copart ntxa c xamnx.
//-- * * * --//
C xem noneemtcx, or roro n naepemtcx.
He that dwells next door to a cripple, will learn to halt.
Kro xnner no cocecrny c xanexo, ror nayunrcx xpomart.
//-- * * * --//
C xypamn noxnct, c neryxamn ncrana.
Go to bed with the lamb, and rise with the lark.
Hoxnct cnart c xrnxramn, a ncrana c xanoponxamn.
//-- * * * --//
C nmtmn conerycx, a cnoero yma ne repx.
Though thou hast never so many counsellors, yet do not forsake the counsel of thy soul.
Xorx y rex nnxora ne tno rax mnoro conerunxon, ne orxastnacx or conera cnoero cepna.
//-- * * * --//
C mantmn erxamn rope, a c ontmnmn nnoe.
Children when they are little make parents fools, when they are great they make them mad.
Manentxne ern enamr ns ponrene ypaxon, a ontmne ern cnoxr nx c yma.
//-- * * * --//
C menxo ptt yxa cnaxa.
Little fish are sweet.
Manentxax ptxa cnaxa.
//-- * * * --//
C mnntm roox noxaxercx sa uacox.
Pleasant hours fly fast.
Hpnxrnte uact nponeramr tcrpo.
//-- * * * --//
C mnntm pa n n maname.
In love is no lack.
B nmnn ner neocrarxa.
//-- * * * --//
C mnpy no nnrxe ronomy pyaxa.
Every little helps.
Kaxax menout nomoraer.
//-- * * * --//
C onoro yapa ya ne cnannmt.
An oak is not felled at one stroke.
y ne nannrcx or onoro yapa.
//-- * * * --//
C pemecnom nese opo.
Who has a trade, has a share everywhere.
V xoro ecrt pemecno, y roro nese ecrt onx.
He who has an art, has everywhere a part.
Kro nmeer macrepcrno, ror nese nmeer onm.
//-- * * * --//
C pemecnom nect cner npoemt ne nponaemt.
Who hath a good trade, through all waters may wade.
Kro nmeer xopomee pemecno, ror moxer nepern npo nmym noy.
Ofpepakfupoean u onynukoean ua cafe : PRESSI ( HERSON )
//-- * * * --//
C coaxo nxxemt, c noxamn ncranemt.
If you lie down with dogs, you will get up with fleas.
Ecnn nxxemt c coaxamn, ncranemt c noxamn.
//-- * * * --//
C cocexmn pyxn, a rtn ropon.
Love your neighbour, yet pull not down your hedge.
Cocee nmn, no saop ne cnocn.
Good fences make good neighbours.
Xopomne saopt cosamr xopomnx
A hedge between keeps friendship green.
3aop nocpenne noepxnnaer pyxy cnexe.
//-- * * * --//
C xnrpenom nonrtcx n oa rnasa rnxert.
If you deal with the fox, think of his tricks.
Ecnn nmeemt eno c nnco, nomnn o ee xnrpocrxx.
He who sups with the devil should have a long spoon.
Kro yxnnaer c txnonom, ror onxen nmert nnnnym noxxy.
//-- * * * --//
C xopomnm nonyrunxom n opora xopoue.
Good company upon the road is the shortest cut.
Xopomax xomnannx n opore xparuamn nyrt.
A merry companion is a waggon in the way.
Becent nonyrunx xax nonosxa na opore.
//-- * * * --//
Cam xnnn n pyrnm ne mema.
Live and let live.
Xnnn n ana xnrt.
//-- * * * --//
Cam xamy sanapnn, cam ee n pacxnetna.
As you brew, so must you drink.
Kax cnapnmt, rax n yemt nnrt.
//-- * * * --//
Cam or cex ne yranmt, cam cex n onnunmt.
A guilty conscience needs no accuser.
Heuncro conecrn onnnnrent ne nyxen.
//-- * * * --//
Cner ne xnnnom comencx.
There are as good fish in the sea as ever came out of it.
B mope ocraercx crontxo xe xopome ptt, cxontxo ns nero ntxonr.
There are more ways to the wood than one.
B nec neer ontme ono oporn.
There are more ways of killing a cat than choking it with cream.
Ecrt mnoro cnocoon ynrt xomxy, nomnmo yronnennx ee n cmerane.
There are more ways of killing a dog than hanging it.
Ecrt mnoro cnocoon ynrt coaxy, nomnmo nonemennx.
Where one door shuts, another opens.
Ie ona nept saxptnaercx, pyrax orxptnaercx.
//-- * * * --//
Cnnntx n sonorom omennxe nce cnnntx.
An ass is but an ass, though laden with gold.
Ocen, axe rpyxennt sonorom, nce panno ocen.
//-- * * * --//
Cnnntx ne ponr opa, a cona ne ntcnxnnaer opna.
Eagles do not breed doves.
Or opnon ne poxrcx ronyn.
//-- * * * --//
Cnnntx xpm, n nopocxra xpm.
The young pig grunts like the old sow.
Monoo nopocenox xpmxaer rax xe, xax n crapax cnnntx.
//-- * * * --//
Cnon coaxn rptsyrcx uyxax ne cycx.
Put not thy hand between the bark and the tree.
He xnan pyxy mexy xopo n epenom.
//-- * * * --//
Cno rnas anmas.
If you want a thing well done, do it yourself.
Ecnn xouemt, urot eno tno cenano xopomo, cena ero cam.
//-- * * * --//
Cno cyxapt mnnee uyxnx nnporon.
Dry bread at home is better than roast meat abroad.
Cyxo xne oma nyume, uem xapenoe mxco na uyxnne.
//-- * * * --//
Cnox pyamxa nnxe x reny.
Near is my shirt, but nearer is my skin.
Fnnsxa mne pyamxa, no xoxa eme nnxe.
Ofpepakfupoean u onynukoean ua cafe : PRESSI ( HERSON )
//-- * * * --//
Cnoxx cnoxxa nnnr nsanexa.
It takes one to know one.
Cno cnoero ysnaer.
A thief knows a thief as a wolf knows a wolf.
Bop snaer nopa, xax nonx snaer nonxa.
//-- * * * --//
Cnxxnct c ypaxom, cam ypax yemt.
He is not a fool that the fool is, but he that with the fool deals.
ypax ne ror, xro ypax, a ror, xro c ypaxom cnxsancx.
//-- * * * --//
Cnxro mecro nycro ne tnaer.
Nature abhors a vacuum.
Hpnpoa ne repnnr nycrort.
//-- * * * --//
Cenan xyo, ne xn opa.
He that does evil, never weens good.
Kro rnopnr sno, ror nnxora nnuero xopomero ne xer.
He that mischief hatches, mischief catches.
Kro sno samtmnxer, ror sno n nonyuaer.
Curses, like chickens, come home to roost.
Hpoxnxrnx, xax ntnnxra, npnxoxr omo na nacecr.
//-- * * * --//
Cenacx onno nonxn roront.
He that makes himself a sheep, shall be eaten by the wolf.
Kro cranonnrcx onno, roro cecr nonx.
//-- * * * --//
Cenannoro ne nopornmt.
Things done cannot be undone.
Cenannoro nentsx ormennrt.
//-- * * * --//
Cee ne n cnaocrt, pyrnm ne n paocrt.
He that is ill to himself will be good to nobody.
Kro son x cee, ror nn x xomy ne yer op.
//-- * * * --//
Cemt e onn orner.
One might as well be hanged for a sheep as a lamb.
Bce panno, sa uro trt nonemenntm, sa onny nnn sa xrnenxa.
//-- * * * --//
Cemt pas ormept, onn pas orpext.
Score twice before you cut once.
naxt ormept, npexe uem onn pas orpesart.
Measure thrice and cut once.
Tpn pasa ormept n onn pas orpext.
//-- * * * --//
Cepne necennrcx, n nnno nnerer.
A blithe heart makes a blooming visage.
Or cuacrnnnoro cepna nnerymee nnno.
//-- * * * --//
Cepny ne npnxaxemt.
Love cannot be compelled.
Hmont nentsx ntsnart cnno.
//-- * * * --//
Cepentxoe yrpo xpacnentxn enex.
A foul morning may turn to a fair day.
Cxnepnoe yrpo moxer cmennrtcx npexpacntm nem.
Cloudy mornings turn to clear afternoons.
Onaunoe yrpo cmenxercx xcntm nem.
//-- * * * --//
Csan nemt ontme naemt.
The hindmost dog may catch the hare.
Camax orcranmax coaxa moxer nomart sana.
//-- * * * --//
Cxaxn mne, xro rno pyr, n x cxaxy ree, xro rt.
Tell me with whom thou goest, and Ill tell thee what thou doest.
Cxaxn mne, c xem rt xonmt, n x cxaxy ree, uem rt sannmaemtcx.
//-- * * * --//
Cxasannoe cnono nymennax crpena.
A word spoken is an arrow let fly.
Cxasannoe cnono +ro ntnymennax crpena.
//-- * * * --//
Cxasano cenano.
The shortest answer is doing.
Camt xoporxn orner +ro cenart.
Sooner said than done.
Kax rontxo cxasano, cpasy n cenano.
Ofpepakfupoean u onynukoean ua cafe : PRESSI ( HERSON )
//-- * * * --//
Cxontxo ronon, crontxo n ymon.
So many heads, so many wits.
Cxontxo ronon, crontxo n ymon.
So many men, so many opinions.
Cxontxo nme, crontxo n mnenn.
//-- * * * --//
Cxontxo nn xnrt, a cmeprn ne ortrt.
They that live longest, must die at last.
H ror, xro xnner ontme ncex, n xonne xonnon onxen ymepert.
//-- * * * --//
Cxontxo nnery nn nnecrt, a trt onaart.
The fairest rose at last is withered.
H camax xpacnnax posa n xonne xonnon nxner.
//-- * * * --//
Cxopo enamr, rax cneno ntxonr.
Good and quickly seldom meet.
Xopomo n tcrpo connaamr pexo.
Haste makes waste.
Cnemxa cosaer nanpacnte rpart.
//-- * * * --//
Cxopo noeemt ne cxopo npneemt.
More haste, less speed.
uem ontme cnemxa, rem mentme cxopocrt.
Fools haste is no speed.
Cnemxa ypaxa ne cxopocrt.
//-- * * * --//
Cxopocnenxa o nopt sarnnnaer.
Soon ripe, soon rotten.
Ftcrpo cospenaer, tcrpo n noprnrcx.
//-- * * * --//
Cxpnnyuax epesa ontme cronr.
A creaking door hangs longest.
Cxpnnxmax nept nncnr ontme ncex.
//-- * * * --//
Cxyno n nx cex cxynnrcx.
The covetous man is good to none and worst to himself.
Xant uenonex nnoxo ornocnrcx xo ncem, a x cee xyxe ncero.
//-- * * * --//
Cxyuen ent o neuepa, xonn enart neuero.
It is more pain to do nothing than something.
Hnuero ne enart ropaso rxxenee, uem uro-ro enart.
//-- * * * --//
Cnaxnm cnonom pmxa ne nactrnmt.
Fair words fill not the belly.
Kpacnnte cnona ne nanonnxmr xenyox.
Fine words butter no parsnips.
Kpacnntmn cnonamn ne namacnnmt nacrepnax.
Many words will not fill a bushel.
Mnornmn cnonamn ne nanonnnrt ymenx.
//-- * * * --//
Cnaox me, a ne no ne noxxn n por.
Too much honey cloys the stomach.
Or nepenstrxa mea xnnor cnnnnercx.
//-- * * * --//
Cnesa cxopo coxner.
Nothing dries sooner than a tear.
Hnuro ne ntctxaer rax tcrpo, xax cnesa.
//-- * * * --//
Cnesamn ropm ne nomoxemt.
Sorrow will pay no debt.
Heuant ne sannarnr onr.
It is no use crying over spilt milk.
Fecnonesno nnaxart na nponnrtm monoxom.
//-- * * * --//
Cneno xypnne nce nmennna.
A pebble and a diamond are alike to a blind man.
nx cnenoro yntxnnx n pnnnnanr nnuem ne ornnuamrcx.
//-- * * * --//
Cneno cxasan: nocmorpnm.
Let me see, as the blind man said.
are nocmorpert, xax cxasan cneno.
//-- * * * --//
Cneno cnenna nonr, oa srn ne nnxr.
When the blind lead the blind, both shall fall into the ditch.
Ecnn cneno neer cnenoro, oa ynayr n xanany.
Ofpepakfupoean u onynukoean ua cafe : PRESSI ( HERSON )
//-- * * * --//
Cnon mnoro, a ena mano.
Great boast and small roast.
Mnoro noxnantt, a mano xapenoro mxca.
Great braggers, little doers.
Camte ontmne xnacrynt enamr mentme ncex.
The greatest talkers are the least doers.
Kro ontme ncex ronopnr, ror mentme ncex enaer.
They brag most that can do least.
Kro moxer mentme ncex cenart, ror ontme ncex xnacraercx.
//-- * * * --//
Cnono eno, a eno uepno.
Fine words dress ill deeds.
Kpacnnte cnona macxnpymr ypnte ena.
//-- * * * --//
Cnono ne nopoe: ntnernr ne nomaemt.
A word and a stone let go cannot be called back.
Cnono n xament, ornymennte na nonm, nentsx nepnyrt oparno.
//-- * * * --//
Cnono ne oyx, a or nero nmn rnnyr.
The tongue breaks bone, though itself has none.
stx nomaer xocrn, a cam nx ne nmeer.
//-- * * * --//
Cnono ne crpena, a nyme crpent pasnr.
The tongue is not steel yet it cuts.
stx ne crantno, no pannr.
Words cut more than swords.
Cnona panxr cnntnee, uem meu.
//-- * * * --//
Cnono cepepo, monuanne sonoro.
Speech is silver, but silence is golden.
Peut cepepo, no monuanne sonoro.
//-- * * * --//
Cnyma ontme, a ronopn mentme.
Hear much, speak little.
Cnyma mnoro, ronopn mano.
Keep your mouth shut and your ears open.
epxn por saxptrtm, a ymn orxptrtmn.
Hear twice before you speak once.
Btcnyma na pasa, npexe uem onn pas cxasart.
//-- * * * --//
Cmenocrt ropoa eper.
None but the brave deserve the fair.
Tontxo xpapte ocront xpacannn.
//-- * * * --//
Cmentm cuacrte nomoraer.
Fortune favours the brave.
Cyta naronpnxrcrnyer cmentm.
//-- * * * --//
Cmeprn oxrtcx na cnere ne xnrt.
He that fears death lives not.
Kro onrcx cmeprn, ror ne xnner.
//-- * * * --//
Cmeprt nonutx ecrt soponte oneute.
The death of the wolves is the safety of the sheep.
Cmeprt nonxon narononyune onen.
//-- * * * --//
Cmeprt nce npnmnpxer.
Death squares all accounts.
Cmeprt onnaunnaer nce cuera.
Death pays all debts.
Cmeprt onnaunnaer nce onrn.
//-- * * * --//
Cmeprt a xena Forom cyxena.
Hanging and wiving go by destiny.
Cmeprt na nncennne n xennrta onpeenxmrcx cyto.
Marriages are made in heaven.
Fpaxn conepmamrcx na neecax.
//-- * * * --//
Cnapyxn mnno, a nnyrpn rnnno.
A fair face may hide a foul heart.
Kpacnnoe nnno moxer cxptnart rpxsnoe cepne.
Fair without, false within.
Kpacnno cnapyxn, ]antmnno nnyrpn.
//-- * * * --//
Cnauana noyma, norom ronopn.
Ofpepakfupoean u onynukoean ua cafe : PRESSI ( HERSON )
Think first and speak afterwards.
Cnauana noyma, norom ronopn.
Think today and speak tomorrow.
Ceronx noyma, a sanrpa cxaxn.
//-- * * * --//
Cnona n noxxa xpacna.
New things are fair.
Honte nemn npexpacnt.
Everything new is fine.
Bce nonoe xopomo.
//-- * * * --//
Co cropont ncera nnnee.
Lookers-on see most of the game.
3pnrenn nnxr ontmym uacrt nrpt.
//-- * * * --//
Co cuacrtem xopomo n no rpnt xonrt.
Give a man luck and throw him into the sea.
a uenonexy yauy n poct ero n mope.
//-- * * * --//
Coaxa ocrona xopmy.
A good dog deserves a good bone.
Xopomax coaxa sacnyxnnaer xopomym xocrt.
//-- * * * --//
Coaxa naer, a apt eyr.
Dogs bark, but the caravan goes on.
Coaxn namr, a xapanan ner antme.
//-- * * * --//
Coaxa naer, nerep nocnr.
The moon does not heed the barking of dogs.
Hyna ne opamaer nnnmannx na na coax.
//-- * * * --//
Coaxa, uro naer, pexo xycaer.
Barking dogs seldom bite.
Hammne coaxn pexo xycamr.
Great barkers are no biters.
Kro mnoro naer, ror ne xycaer.
Dogs that bark at a distance bite not at hand.
Coaxn, xoropte namr na paccroxnnn, ne xycamr nnnsn.
//-- * * * --//
Coautx pyxa o nepno xocrn.
While the dog gnaws bone, companions would be none.
Kora coaxa rptser xocrt, y nee ner ronapnme.
//-- * * * --//
Cona cnonx ere xnannna, uro onn nynornaste.
The owl thinks her own young fairest.
Cona cunraer cnonx nrennon camtmn xpacnntmn.
//-- * * * --//
Coner opoxe ener.
Good counsel has no price.
Xopomn coner ne nmeer nent.
//-- * * * --//
Conpemt ne nompemt, a nnpet ne nonepxr.
He that once deceives, is ever suspected.
Kro pas omaner, roro ncera noospenamr.
A liar is not believed when he speaks the truth.
Hryny ne nepxr n rora, xora on ronopnr npany.
//-- * * * --//
Cornacnomy cray n nonx ne crpamen.
The lone sheep is in danger of the wolf.
nx onnoxo onnt nonx onacen.
There is safety in numbers.
Fesonacnocrt n xonnuecrne.
//-- * * * --//
Connne cnxer na narne n snte.
The sun shines upon all alike.
Connne cnernr na ncex onnaxono.
The sun loses nothing by shining into a puddle.
Connne nnuero ne repxer, xora cnernr na nyxy.
The sun is never the worse for shining on a dunghill.
Connne nnxora ne cranonnrcx xyxe, ocnemax nanosnym xyuy.
//-- * * * --//
Conntmxo nac ne oxnaercx.
Time and tide wait for no man.
Bpemx n npnnnn nnxoro ne xyr.
//-- * * * --//
Coce ne saxouer, rax n mnpy ne yer.
Ofpepakfupoean u onynukoean ua cafe : PRESSI ( HERSON )
You must ask your neighbour if you shall live in peace.
Tee nyxno cnpocnrt cocea, yemt nn rt xnrt n mnpe.
//-- * * * --//
Cnepna as a yxn, a norom nayxn.
First things first.
Hepnte nemn nepntmn.
//-- * * * --//
Cnepna nponept, a norom nept.
First try and then trust.
Cnauana nponept, a norom nept.
Try your friend before you trust him.
Hcntra pyra npexe, uem onepnrtcx emy.
//-- * * * --//
Cnect n opo ne nnonr.
Pride goes before a fall.
Ioptnx npemecrnyer naennm.
//-- * * * --//
Cnxmemy xory mtmt n por ne saexnr.
The sleeping fox catches no poultry.
Cnxmax nnca nrnny ne nomaer.
//-- * * * --//
Cranemt nennrtcx, yemt c cymo nonounrtcx.
Idleness is the key of beggary.
Hent xnmu x nnmere.
Laziness travels so slowly that poverty overtakes it.
Hent nyremecrnyer rax menenno, uro enocrt ee oronxer.
The slothful man is the beggars brother.
Henrx par nnmemy.
Idleness must thank itself if it go barefoot.
Fesente onxno naroapnrt cex, ecnn ono xonr ocnxom.
//-- * * * --//
Crapax nnca naxt nomart cex ne acr.
An old fox is not easily snared.
Crapym nncy nenerxo nomart n nonymxy.
//-- * * * --//
Crapax nmont ne satnaercx.
Old love will not be forgotten.
Crapax nmont ne sayercx.
//-- * * * --//
Craporo nopotx na mxxnne ne nponeemt.
You cannot catch old birds with chaff.
Craptx nrnn na mxxnny ne nomaemt.
//-- * * * --//
Craporo ne yuar, meprnoro ne neuar.
You cannot teach an old dog new tricks.
Hentsx nayunrt crapym coaxy nontm rpmxam.
//-- * * * --//
Crapocrt ne paocrt.
Age breeds aches.
Crapocrt poxaer onn.
Old age is sickness of itself.
Crapocrt +ro onesnt cama no cee.
//-- * * * --//
Crapym nncy xnrpocrxm ne yunrt.
An old fox need learn no craft.
Crapo nnce ner nyxt yunrtcx xnrpocrxm.
Old foxes want no tutors.
Craptm nncam ne nyxnt yunrenx.
//-- * * * --//
Crapte ypaxn rnynee monotx.
There is no fool like an old fool.
Her raxoro ypaxa, xax crapt ypax.
//-- * * * --//
Crapt nonx snaer ronx.
The devil knows many things because he is old.
txnon snaer mnoroe, noromy uro on crap.
Years know more than books.
Iot snamr ontme, uem xnnrn.
//-- * * * --//
Crapt pyr nyume nontx nyx.
Old friends and old wine and old gold are best.
Crapte pystx, crapoe nnno n crapoe sonoro nyume ncero.
Ofpepakfupoean u onynukoean ua cafe : PRESSI ( HERSON )
Old fish, old oil and an old friend are the best.
Crapax pta, crapoe macno n crapt pyr nyume ncero.
//-- * * * --//
Crapt xont opost ne ncnoprnr.
An old ox makes a straight furrow.
Crapt non neer npxmym oposy.
//-- * * * --//
Crapt nec na nerep ne naer.
An old dog barks not in vain.
Crapax coaxa nanpacno ne naer.
//-- * * * --//
Crapt uro mant.
Old men are twice children.
Crapnxn naxt ern.
//-- * * * --//
Crexnxnnym nocyy epern, uro enxy: pacmnemt ne nounnnmt.
Glasses and lasses are brittle ware.
Crexnxnnax nocya n enymxn xpynxn ronap.
A woman and a glass are ever in danger.
Xenmnna n crexno nce npemx n onacnocrn.
//-- * * * --//
Cronr no ropno n noe, a nnrt npocnr.
The sea complains it wants water.
Mope xanyercx na nexnarxy not.
//-- * * * --//
Croxuax noa nnecentm noxptnaercx.
Standing pools gather filth.
Croxune nooemt conpamr rpxst.
//-- * * * --//
Crpamno eno o saunna.
Every beginning is hard.
Hmoe nauano rpyno.
It is the first step that is difficult.
Tpyen rontxo nepnt mar.
All things are difficult before they are easy.
Bce nemn rpynt nepe rem, xax crart nerxnmn.
The greatest step is that out of doors.
Camt ontmo mar +ro mar sa nept.
//-- * * * --//
Crt ne tm, rnasa ne ntecr.
The cat shuts its eyes while it steals cream.
Komxa saxptnaer rnasa, xora nopyer cmerany.
//-- * * * --//
Cuacrnnn ror, y xoro conecrt cnoxona.
A good conscience is a continual feast.
uncrax conecrt +ro nocroxnnt npasnnx.
//-- * * * --//
Cuacrte opoxe yma.
Better be happy than wise.
Hyume trt cuacrnnntm, uem ymntm.
//-- * * * --//
Cuacrte ypaxon nmnr, a necuacrte n ymnoro rynr.
Fortune favours fools.
Cyta noxponnrentcrnyer ypaxam.
Fools for luck.
ypaxn na cuacrte.
God sends fortune to fools.
For noctnaer ypaxam yauy.
//-- * * * --//
Cuacrte ne n nosyxe ntercx, a pyxamn ocraercx.
Good luck comes by cuffing.
Vaua npnxonr, ecnn nrt pyxamn.
//-- * * * --//
Cuacrte uro nemnee nepo: nenaexno.
Fortune is fickle.
Cuacrte nenocroxnno.
//-- * * * --//
Cuacrte uro nanxa: o nyx xonnax.
Great fortune brings with it great misfortune.
Fontmoe cuacrte npnnocnr c coo ontmoe necuacrte.
Ofpepakfupoean u onynukoean ua cafe : PRESSI ( HERSON )
//-- * * * --//
Cemt n pxanoro, xonn ner nnxaxoro.
They that have no other meat, bread and butter are glad to eat.
V xoro ner pyro et, re pat n xney c macnom.
//-- * * * --//
Ctnt xonm memxom, ne yemt xonrt nemxom.
Corn him well, hell work the better.
3aa emy noontme onca, n on yer nyume paorart.
//-- * * * --//
Ctroe pmxo x yuentm rnyxo.
A belly full of gluttony will never study willingly.
Xnnor, nonnt nnmn, nnxora ne yer yunrtcx c oxoro.
Fat paunches have lean pates.
V roncrtx xnnoron romn ym.
Full bellies make empty skulls.
Honnte xnnort enamr uepena nycrtmn.
//-- * * * --//
Ctrt rononomy ne ronapnm.
He whose belly is full, believes not him who is fasting.
V xoro xnnor nonon, ror ne nepnr romy, xro ronoaer.
It is ill speaking between a full man and a fasting.
Ctromy c ronontm pasronapnnart nnoxo.

Ta ne onna, xoropax c nonxom rynxrt nomna.
It is a foolish sheep that makes the wolf his confessor.
Inyna ra onna, xoropax enaer nonxa cnonm yxonnnxom.
//-- * * * --//
Tam xopomo, re nac ner.
The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence.
Tpana ncera senenee no ry cropony saopa.
//-- * * * --//
Tnon entrn, rnon n rnasa: rnxn cam, uro noxynaemt.
The buyer has need of a hundred eyes, the seller of but one.
Hoxynammemy nyxno nmert cro rnas, npoammemy rontxo onn.
Hycrt noxynarent yer ocropoxntm.
//-- * * * --//
Tno om rnox n nonx.
Every man is a king in his own house.
Bcxxn uenonex xopont y cex oma.
//-- * * * --//
Tenx ymepno n xnene mecra npntno.
There is no great loss without some gain.
Her ontmo norepn es neontmo ntrot.
//-- * * * --//
Tem nmn ne nrpamr, or uero ymnpamr.
It is ill jesting with edged tools.
Hnoxo nrpart c ocrptmn
//-- * * * --//
Tepnenne npnnocnr cnacenne.
Patience is a plaster for all sores.
Tepnenne nnacrtpt nx ncex pan.
Patience is a remedy for every grief.
Tepnenne nexapcrno or nmo neuann.
//-- * * * --//
Tepnn, xasax, aramanom yemt.
Patient men win the day.
Tepnennnte nmn oepxnnamr noey.
//-- * * * --//
Tnxne not rnyoxn.
Still waters run deep.
Tnxne not rnyoxn.
//-- * * * --//
Tnme eemt, antme yemt.
Fair and softly goes far.
uecrnt n rnxn anexo ner.
He that goes softly goes safely.
Kro rnxo eer, ror nepnee npneer.
Ride softly, that we may come sooner home.
Ofpepakfupoean u onynukoean ua cafe : PRESSI ( HERSON )
Esxa nornme, urot mt mornn notcrpee nepnyrtcx omo.
//-- * * * --//
To rycro, ro nycro.
Feast today and fast tomorrow.
Ceronx nnp, a sanrpa nocr.
//-- * * * --//
To n nonesno, uro n om nonesno.
Everything is of use to a housekeeper.
omoxosxnny nce npnronrcx.
//-- * * * --//
Tonap ne xnannrt c nneu ne cnannrt.
He praises that wishes to sell.
Kro xouer npoart, ror xnannr.
//-- * * * --//
Tor es nyxt xnner, xro entrn epexer.
Waste not, want not.
He rpart nanpacno, ne yemt n nyxartcx.
Wilful waste makes woeful want.
Moroncrno nopoxaer ypyuammym nyxy.
//-- * * * --//
Tor n orar, xro nyxt ne snaer.
He is rich enough that wants nothing.
Kro nn n uem ne nyxaercx, ror ocrarouno orar.
//-- * * * --//
Tor n ctmer, xro nmer.
He that seeks, finds.
Kro nmer, ror n naxonr.
Nothing seek, nothing find.
Hnuero ne ncxart, nnuero n ne narn.
Seek and ye shall find.
Hmnre n operere.
//-- * * * --//
Tounocrt nexnnnocrt xopone.
Punctuality is the politeness of princes.
Hynxryantnocrt nexnnnocrt npnnnen.
//-- * * * --//
Tpesnoro yma, a ntxnoro peut.
What soberness conceals, drunkenness reveals.
uro rpesnocrt cxptnaer, ro ontxnenne orxptnaer.
//-- * * * --//
Tpn at asap, a cemt xpmapxa.
Three women make a market.
Tpn xenmnnt cosamr asap.
//-- * * * --//
Tpycnnnax coaxa rpomxo naer.
A bully is always a coward.
3anpa ncera rpyc.
//-- * * * --//
Tyua npomna, a oxx ne nnann.
All clouds bring not rain.
He nce ryun npnnocxr oxt.
//-- * * * --//
Ttma cnery ne nmnr sno oporo ne repnnr.
He that does ill, hates the light.
Kro rnopnr sno, ror ne repnnr cnera.
//-- * * * --//
Txxy sanen cran, xax yen, ron.
Lawsuits consume time, and money, and rest, and friends.
Txxt ornnmamr n npemx, n entrn, n noxo, n pyse.
//-- * * * --//
Txxeno narpeemt omo ne ynecemt.
Covetousness breaks the bag.
Xanocrt pner memox.

V enoro n na rpoma xyua xopoma.
Poor folk are fain of little.
Fente nmn pat n manomy.
//-- * * * --//
Ofpepakfupoean u onynukoean ua cafe : PRESSI ( HERSON )
V Fora nce nosmoxno.
Nothing is impossible to God.
nx Fora ner nnuero nenosmoxnoro.
//-- * * * --//
V Fora mnnocrn mnoro.
God gives his wrath by weight, and without weight his mercy.
For opymnnaer cno rnen no necy n es neca cnom mnnocrt.
//-- * * * --//
V pmxa ner yme.
The belly has no ears.
V xnnora ner yme.
//-- * * * --//
V ncxxoro monona cnox yxnarxa.
Every man in his way.
Kaxt uenonex na cno manep.
//-- * * * --//
V rononoro pmxa ner yxa.
Hungry bellies have no ears.
V ronontx xenyxon ner yme.
An empty belly hears no body.
Hycroe pmxo nnxoro ne cntmnr.
//-- * * * --//
V ronono xyme xne na yme.
A hungry man smells meat afar off.
Ionont uenonex uyncrnyer ey nsanexa.
//-- * * * --//
V oporo myxa n xyax xena ocyxa.
A good husband makes a good wife.
V xopomero myxa n xena xopomax.
A good Jack makes a good J ill.
V xopomero xexa n xnnn xopomax.
//-- * * * --//
V ypaxa n ropcrn tpa.
A fool and his money are soon parted.
ypax tcrpo paccraercx co cnonmn entramn.
//-- * * * --//
V xoro no pry xenut, romy nce roptxo.
To the jaundiced eye, all things look yellow.
Xenunomy rnasy nce xaxercx xenrtm.
//-- * * * --//
V xoro xonx ner, ror xonr n nem.
Who has no horse, may ride on a staff.
V xoro ner xonx, ror moxer exart n na nanxe.
//-- * * * --//
V xoro cuacrte noneercx, y roro n neryx necercx.
Whom God loves, his bitch brings forth pigs.
Koro For nmnr, y roro n coaxa ponr cnnne.
//-- * * * --//
V xoro conecrt ne uncra, romy n rent or xoueprn nncennna.
The thief does fear each bush an officer.
Bopy or crpaxa xaxercx, uro xaxt xycr +ro nonnnecxn.
A guilty conscience feels continual fear.
Heuncrax conecrt omymaer nocroxnnt crpax.
//-- * * * --//
V xoro conecrt uncra, y roro noymxa no ronono ne neprnrcx.
A good conscience is a soft pillow.
Cnoxonax conecrt +ro mxrxax noymxa.
A quiet conscience causes a quiet sleep.
Hpn cnoxono conecrn cnoxont n con.
A quiet conscience sleeps in thunder.
Cnoxonax conecrt cnnr n no npemx rpost.
//-- * * * --//
V xomeuxn xorrn n pyxannuxax.
Cats hide their claws.
Komxn npxuyr cnon xorrn.
//-- * * * --//
V xpnnoro onn rnas, a nnnr ontme nac.
He that has but one eye, sees better for it.
V xoro ecrt rontxo onn rnas, ror nnnr nm nyume.
//-- * * * --//
Ofpepakfupoean u onynukoean ua cafe : PRESSI ( HERSON )
V nenrxx ueopxn ncera orronopxn.
Idle folks lack no excuses.
V notpe ner neocrarxa n orronopxax.
//-- * * * --//
V nnoxoro macrepa n nnna nnoxax.
A bad shearer never had a good sickle.
V nnoxoro xnena nnxora ne tnaer xopomero cepna.
//-- * * * --//
V cemn nxnex nrx es rnasy.
Everybodys business is nobodys business.
eno ncex nnute eno.
A pot that belongs to many is ill stirred and worse boiled.
Iopmox, xoropt npnnanexnr mnornm, nnoxo memaercx n xyxe xnnnr.
Too many cooks spoil the broth.
Cnnmxom mnoro nonapon noprxr ynton.
//-- * * * --//
V craporo xosna xpenxn pora.
Old oxen have stiff horns.
V craptx txon xpenxne pora.
//-- * * * --//
V cren ecrt ymn.
Walls have ears.
Crent nmemr ymn.
//-- * * * --//
V xopome xent n nnoxo myx yer mononom.
A good wife makes a good husband.
V xopome xent n myx xopomn.
//-- * * * --//
V napx pyxn onrn.
Kings have long arms.
V xopone nnnnte pyxn.
//-- * * * --//
Vorn no mnorom nyxaercx, a cxyno no ncem.
A poor man wants some things, a covetous man all things.
Fent nyxaercx n nexoroptx nemax, a cxyno no ncem.
Poverty wants many things, and covetousness all.
Fenocrt nyxaercx no mnorom, a xanocrt no ncem.
//-- * * * --//
Vorn pa xncenm, a oraromy n sonoro n ropno ne ner.
Poor folk are glad of porridge.
Fente nmn pat n oncxno xame.
//-- * * * --//
Vronop opoxe ener.
A bargain is a bargain.
Cenxa ecrt cenxa.
Promise is debt.
Oemanne ecrt onr.
//-- * * * --//
Vxanennt smee nepenxn onrcx.
He that has been bitten by a serpent is afraid of a rope.
Kro tn yxymen smee, ror onrcx n nepenxn.
Whom a serpent has bitten, a lizard alarms.
Koro yxycnna smex, roro n xmepnna nyraer.
//-- * * * --//
Vm sa mopem ne xynnmt, xonn ero oma ner.
Send a fool to France and a fool he will return again.
Ornpant ypaxa no upannnm, on ypaxom n nepnercx.
//-- * * * --//
Vm ncrnnom npocnernxercx, cepne nmontm corpenaercx.
Love makes all hard hearts gentle.
Hmont enaer nce xecrxne cepna nexntmn.
//-- * * * --//
Vm xopomo, a na nyume.
Two heads are better than one.
ne ronont nyume, uem ona.
//-- * * * --//
Vme nonpemx cxasart, nonpemx cmonuart.
There is a time to speak and a time to be silent.
Ecrt npemx ronopnrt, n ecrt npemx monuart.
//-- * * * --//
Ofpepakfupoean u onynukoean ua cafe : PRESSI ( HERSON )
Vmepennocrt mart sopontx.
Temperance is the best physic.
Vmepennocrt nyumee cnaote.
//-- * * * --//
Vmnax mtcnx npnxonr onocnx.
Second thoughts are best.
Bropte mtcnn nyumne.
//-- * * * --//
V ymnoro orna a emena onna.
Many a good cow has a bad calf.
V mnornx xopomnx xopon tnamr nnoxne renxra.
//-- * * * --//
Vmnomy cnncrnn on yxe cmtcnnr.
A word to the wise is enough.
Onoro cnona ymnomy ocrarouno.
//-- * * * --//
Vmnt monunr, xora ypax nopunr.
Wise men silent, fools talk.
Vmnte monuar, ypaxn ronopxr.
//-- * * * --//
Vmnt cmnpxercx, rnynt naynaercx.
A wise man cares not for what he cannot have.
Vmnt ne ecnoxonrcx o rom, uro on ne moxer nmert.
//-- * * * --//
Vmnt ronapnm nononnna oporn.
Good company upon the road is the shortest cut.
Xopomax xomnannx n opore xparuamn nyrt.
A merry companion is a waggon in the way.
Becent nonyrunx xax nonosxa na opore.
//-- * * * --//
Vmnt yunrcx na uyxnx omnxax, a ypax na cnonx.
Wise men learn by other mens mistakes; fools, by their own.
Vmnte yuarcx na omnxax pyrnx nme, ypaxn na cnonx.
Experience keeps a dear school, but fools will learn in no other.
Ontr epxnr oporym mxony, no ypaxn n pyro n ne yuarcx.
//-- * * * --//
Vmpem, nnuero c coom ne nostmem.
You cant take it with you when you die.
Kora ympemt, c coo +ro ne nostmemt.
Shrouds have no pockets.
V cananon ner xapmanon.
//-- * * * --//
Vnpxmcrno nopox cnaoro yma.
A wise man changes his mind, a fool never will.
Vmnt moxer nepeymart, ypax xe nnxora.
//-- * * * --//
Vcnyra sa ycnyry.
One good turn deserves another.
Ona opax ycnyra sacnyxnnaer pyrym.
//-- * * * --//
Vronammn sa conomnnxy xnaraercx.
A drowning man will catch at a straw.
Vronammn cxnarnrcx n sa conomnnxy.
//-- * * * --//
Vronnnn mtmn xora n nomono xme, a meprnoro.
Hares may pull dead lions by the beard.
3ant moryr eprart meprntx ntnon sa opot.
//-- * * * --//
Vrpo neuepa mypenee.
Night brings counsel.
Hout aer coner.
Night is the mother of counsel.
Hout mart conera.
An hour in the morning is worth two in the evening.
Onn uac yrpom cronr nyx neuepom.
//-- * * * --//
Vuente cner, a neyuente rtma.
Learning is the eye of the mind.
Vuente oxo yma.
//-- * * * --//
Ofpepakfupoean u onynukoean ua cafe : PRESSI ( HERSON )
Vunrtcx nnxora ne nosno.
It is never too late to learn.
Vunrtcx nnxora ne nosno.

uaxrt ynpxmax nemt.
Facts are stubborn things.
uaxrt ynpxmte nemn.

Xnann xnsnt npn cmeprn, a ent neuepom.
Praise day at night, and life at the end.
Xnann ent noutm, a xnsnt n xonne.
Call no man happy till he is dead.
He nastna nnxoro cuacrnnntm, noxa uenonex ne ymper.
Praise a fair day at night.
Xnann xopomn ent noutm.
In the evening one may praise the day.
ent moxno noxnannrt neuepom.
//-- * * * --//
Xnann mope c nonare.
Praise the sea, but keep on land.
Xnann mope, no ocranacx na epery.
//-- * * * --//
Xnacrnnnoe cnono rnnno.
A mans praise in his own mouth stinks.
Hoxnana cee ns cocrnenntx ycr ypno naxner.
He that praises himself, spatters himself.
Kro cam cex xnannr, ror cam cex onnentnaer.
//-- * * * --//
Xne ncemy ronona.
Bread is the staff of life.
Xne onopa xnsnn.
//-- * * * --//
Xne-cont emt, a npany pext.
Tell the truth and shame the devil.
Cxaxn npany n npncrtn uepra.
//-- * * * --//
Xosxxo om cronr.
The wife is the key of the house.
Xena xnmu x omy.
//-- * * * --//
Xosxcxn rnas sopox ne nao copox.
One eye of the master sees more than ten of the servants.
Onn rnas xosxnna nnnr ontme, uem ecxrt rnas cnyr.
//-- * * * --//
Xopom nannnn, a noramn xy.
The peacock has fair feathers, but foul feet.
V nannnna xpacnnoe onepenne, no rpxsnte norn.
//-- * * * --//
Xopoma n uecrt n cnana, a nyume roro xapana cana.
Honour buys no beef in the market.
Houer ne noxynaer mxca na ptnxe.
Honour without profit is a ring on the finger.
Houer es ntrot xontno na nantne.
//-- * * * --//
Xopomee nauano nonena orxauano.
Well begun is half done.
Xopomo nauaroe nanononnny cenannoe.
//-- * * * --//
Xopomentxoro nonemnoxxy.
You can have too much of a good thing.
Moxno nmert n nepenstrox xopomero.
Too much of a good thing is good for nothing.
Hepenstrox xopomero nnxya ne ronrcx.
Too much honey cloys the stomach.
Or nepenstrxa mea xnnor cnnnnercx.
Ofpepakfupoean u onynukoean ua cafe : PRESSI ( HERSON )
Too much pudding will choke a dog.
Or nepenstrxa nynnra coaxa saoxnercx.
Too much water drowns the miller.
Or nepenstrxa not mentnnx roner.
//-- * * * --//
Xopomn ronap cam cex xnannr.
Good wine needs no bush.
Xopomemy nnny ne nyxen xycr [3 - Berxn nnmma na sannn yxastnann na nnrenoe
//-- * * * --//
Xopomo mope c epery.
Praise the sea, but keep on land.
Xnann mope, no ocranacx na epery.
//-- * * * --//
Xopomo nnxcart romy, xomy cuacrte nocnncrtnaer.
He dances well to whom fortune pipes.
Xopomo nnxmer ror, xomy cuacrte notrptnaer.
//-- * * * --//
Xopomo cmeercx ror, xro cmeercx nocnennm.
He laughs best who laughs last.
Kro cmeercx nocnennm, ror cmeercx nyume ncex.
//-- * * * --//
Xopomo romy opo enart, xro nomnnr.
To a grateful man, give money when he asks.
Fnaroapnomy uenonexy a entrn, xora ror nonpocnr.
//-- * * * --//
Xopomo xyo ne xnner.
Do well and have well.
ena opo n nonyunmt opo.
//-- * * * --//
Xort ropmxom nasonn, rontxo n neut ne cranonn.
Call me cousin, but cozen me not.
Hastna menx xort xysenom, rontxo ne omantna [4 - Hrpa cnon: cousin xysen n cozen
omantnart, naynart.].
//-- * * * --//
Xort ecrt xnoxy, a na cnoe nontxe.
A bean in liberty is better than a comfit in prison.
Fo na cnooe nyume, uem sacaxapennte ]pyxrt n rmptme.
Lean liberty is better than fat slavery.
Xyax cnooa nyume roncroro pacrna.
//-- * * * --//
Xorx npoa pxn, a onry na cee ne epxn.
Better to pay and have little than have much and to be in debt.
Hyume sannarnrt n nmert mano, uem nmert mnoro n trt n onry.
Better go to bed supperless than to rise in debt.
Hyume neut cnart es yxnna, uem ncrart c onrom.
//-- * * * --//
Xouercx ecrt, a ne xouercx nesrt.
The cat would eat fish, but would not wet her feet.
Komxa n cena t ptxy, n ne samounna t nanxn.
//-- * * * --//
Xouy nononnna mory.
Nothing is impossible to a willing heart.
Her nnuero nenosmoxnoro nx xaxymero cepna.
Where theres a will, theres a way.
Ie ecrt xenanne, ram ecrt n nosmoxnocrt.
//-- * * * --//
Xouy c xame em, xouy c macnom naxram.
A wilful man must have his way.
Cnoenontnt uenonex onxen nce cenart no-cnoemy.
//-- * * * --//
Xpen petxn ne cname.
Small choice in rotten apples.
Mexy rnnntmn xnoxamn ntop neontmo.
//-- * * * --//
Xya ra mtmt, xoropax ony nasexy snaer.
The mouse that has but one hole is quickly taken.
Mtmt, xoropax nmeer rontxo ony nopxy, tcrpo nonnrcx.
//-- * * * --//
Xyo, naxnroe nnpox, neer.
Ofpepakfupoean u onynukoean ua cafe : PRESSI ( HERSON )
Ill gotten goods never thrive.
ypno naxnroe nmymecrno nnxora ne ner nnpox.
Ill gotten, ill spent.
ypno nonyueno, ypno n norpaueno.
//-- * * * --//
Xyoe nnenn, xopomee ynnnm.
The worse luck now, the better another time.
He nonesno ceuac, noneser n pyro pas.
//-- * * * --//
Xyoe nopxncrno xyxe nonomapcrna.
Gentility without ability is worse than plain beggary.
3narnocrt es nosmoxnocre xyxe, uem npocro nnmera.
//-- * * * --//
Xyo mnp nyume opo ccopt.
Better a lean peace than a fat victory.
Hyume xyo mnp, uem roncrax noea.
//-- * * * --//
Xyte necrn ne nexar na mecre.
Bad news travels fast.
Hnoxne necrn nyremecrnymr tcrpo.
Ill news comes apace.
Hnoxne necrn npnxoxr tcrpo.
//-- * * * --//
Xyxe ncex e, xora ener ner.
A man without money is no man at all.
uenonex es ener +ro ne uenonex noome.
A light purse makes a heavy heart.
Or nerxoro xomentxa rxxeno na cepne.
A light purse is a heavy curse.
Herxn xomenex +ro rxxenoe npoxnxrne.
An empty purse fills the face with wrinkles.
Or nycroro xomentxa nnno noxptnaercx mopmnnamn.
//-- * * * --//
Xyxe ncxxoro cnenoro ror, xro ne xouer nnert.
None so blind as those who wont see.
Hnxro rax ne cnen, xax ror, xro ne xenaer nnert.

Hent onpantnaer cpecrna.
The end justifies the means.
Hent onpantnaer cpecrna.
//-- * * * --//
Heny nemn ysnaemt, xax norepxemt.
The cow knows not what her tail is worth till she has lost it.
Kopona ne snaer, nacxontxo nenen ee xnocr, noxa ero ne norepxer.
You never miss the water till the well runs dry.
Tt nnxora ne ymaemt o noe, noxa xonoen ne ntcoxner.
Blessings are not valued till they are gone.
Cuacrte ne nennrcx, noxa ono ne ncuesner.
The worth of a thing is best known by the want of it.
Hennocrt nemn ysnaercx xenannem ee nmert.
//-- * * * --//
Htnnxr no ocenn cunramr.
Dont count your chickens before they are hatched.
He cunra ntnnxr, noxa ne ntnynnnnct.

uame cuer xpenue pyxa.
Short reckonings make long friends.
Koporxne cuera cosamr onrnx pyse.
//-- * * * --//
uero rnas ne nnnr, roro n xstx ne penr.
What the eye doesnt see, the heart doesnt grieve over.
uero rnas ne nnnr, o rom n cepne ne neuannrcx.
Far from eye, far from heart.
anexo or rnas, anexo n or cepna.
Out of sight, out of mind.
Ofpepakfupoean u onynukoean ua cafe : PRESSI ( HERSON )
Hpout ns nny, npout ns ronont.
//-- * * * --//
uero ne nonmemt, roro nepno ne ctmemt.
He that seeks, finds.
Kro nmer, ror n naxonr.
Nothing seek, nothing find.
Hnuero ne ncxart, nnuero n ne narn.
Seek and ye shall find.
Hmnre n operere.
//-- * * * --//
uero ne uaemt, ro nonyuaemt.
The unexpected always happens.
Hmenno neoxnannoe ncera n cnyuaercx.
Nothing is certain but the unforeseen.
Hnuro ne xnnxercx onpeenenntm, nomnmo nenpennennoro.
//-- * * * --//
uero ner, roro n ne cnpamnna.
Seek that which may be found.
Hmn ro, uro moxno narn.
//-- * * * --//
uero cam ne nmnmt, roro n pyromy ne xena.
Do as you would be done by.
ena rax, xax enanoct t ree.
//-- * * * --//
uenonex npenonaraer, a For pacnonaraer.
Man proposes, God disposes.
uenonex npenonaraer, a For pacnonaraer.
//-- * * * --//
uenonex uenonexy nonx.
Man is a wolf to man.
uenonex uenonexy nonx.
//-- * * * --//
uenonexy cnocrnenno omnartcx.
To err is human.
uenonexy cnocrnenno omnartcx.
//-- * * * --//
uem nnxe x nepxnn, rem antme or Fora.
The nearer the church, the farther from God.
uem nnxe x nepxnn, rem antme or Fora.
//-- * * * --//
uem ontme emt, rem ontme xouercx.
One shoulder of mutton draws down another.
Onn xycox apannnt rxner nnns pyro.
//-- * * * --//
uem antme n nec, rem ontme pon.
The farther in, the deeper.
uem antme, rem rnyxe.
//-- * * * --//
uem corpemnn, rem n naxaxemtcx.
Like fault, like punishment.
Kaxona nnna, raxono n naxasanne.
//-- * * * --//
uem ymncx, rem n neunct.
Seek your salve where you get your sore.
Hmn nennrentnym mast ram, re nonyuaemt onxuxy.
//-- * * * --//
uemy trt, roro ne mnnonart.
What must be, must be.
uemy trt oxsarentno yer.
//-- * * * --//
uepna xopona, a eno monouxo.
A black hen lays a white egg.
H uepnax xypnna orxnatnaer enoe xno.
//-- * * * --//
uepnoro xoenx ne ormoemt oena.
The crow is never the whiter for washing herself often.
Bopona xort n moer cex uacro, no enee ne cranonnrcx.
Black will take no other hue.
uepnt nner ne npnmer pyroro nnera.
//-- * * * --//
Ofpepakfupoean u onynukoean ua cafe : PRESSI ( HERSON )
uepnt ent npner npnxrenn orxnnyrcx.
Poverty parts fellowship.
Fenocrt pasenxer pyxy.
In time of prosperity friends will be plenty; in time of adversity, not one amongst twenty.
B narononyunoe npemx pyse yer mnoro, n rxxenoe npemx ne naemt n onoro
cpen nanarn.
//-- * * * --//
uecrnocrt ncero opoxe.
Fair play is a jewel.
uecrnocrt +ro coxponnme.
Honesty is the best policy.
uecrnocrt nyumax nonnrnxa.
//-- * * * --//
uecrt ne n uecrt, xax neuero ecrt.
Honour buys no beef in the market.
Houer ne noxynaer mxca na ptnxe.
Honour without profit is a ring on the finger.
Houer es ntrot xontno na nantne.
//-- * * * --//
uncrax conecrt cnoxont con.
A good conscience is a soft pillow.
Cnoxonax conecrt +ro mxrxax noymxa.
A quiet conscience causes a quiet sleep.
Hpn cnoxono conecrn cnoxont n con.
A quiet conscience sleeps in thunder.
Cnoxonax conecrt cnnr n no npemx rpost.
//-- * * * --//
uncrora nyumax xpacora.
Cleanliness is next to godliness.
uncrora cronr pxom c npanenocrtm.
//-- * * * --//
uro ontme uecrn, ro ontme nanacrn.
The post of honour is the post of danger.
Houernoe nonoxenne onacnoe nonoxenne.
//-- * * * --//
uro tno, ro npomno.
Things past cannot be recalled.
uro npomno, roro nentsx nepnyrt.
Let bygones be bygones.
Hycrt npomnoe ocranercx n npomnom.
//-- * * * --//
uro n epenne ponrcx, ro n ropoe npnronrcx.
The chicken is the countrys, but the city eats it.
Htnnxra npnnanexar epenne, no ropo nx ecr.
//-- * * * --//
uro n cepne napnrcx, ro n nnne ne yranrcx.
The face is index of the heart.
Hnno xnnxercx orpaxennem cepna.
//-- * * * --//
uro nsxro, ro cnxro.
Possession is nine points of the law.
Bnaenne +ro enxrt nynxron saxona.
//-- * * * --//
uro nopam c pyx cxonr, sa ro nopnmex tmr.
Little thieves are hanged, but great ones escape.
Menxnx nopnmex nemamr, a xpynnte ycxontsamr.
//-- * * * --//
uro saceno n xocrxx, roro ns mxca ne ntxonornmt.
What is bred in the bone will not out of the flesh.
uro ncxopmneno n xocrn, ro ne nter ns nnorn.
//-- * * * --//
uro nmeem, ne xpannm, norepxnmn, nnauem.
Blessings are not valued till they are gone.
Cuacrte ne nennrcx, noxa ono ne ncuesner.
You never miss the water till the well runs dry.
Tt nnxora ne ymaemt o noe, noxa xonoen ne ntcoxner.
The cow knows not what her tail is worth till she has lost it.
Kopona ne snaer, nacxontxo nenen ee xnocr, noxa ero ne norepxer.
The worth of a thing is best known by the want of it.
Hennocrt nemn ysnaercx xenannem ee nmert.
Ofpepakfupoean u onynukoean ua cafe : PRESSI ( HERSON )
//-- * * * --//
uro ncnex, ro n xyma.
As you brew, so must you drink.
Kax cnapnmt, rax n yemt nnrt.
//-- * * * --//
uro nerom ponrcx, ro snmo npnronrcx.
Winter eats what summer lays up.
3nma ecr ro, uro npnnacaer nero.
//-- * * * --//
uro nmn ronopxr, ro n npana.
What everybody says must be true.
uro nce ronopxr, ro onxno trt npano.
Common fame is seldom to blame.
Haponym cnany pexo moxno n uem-ro ynpexnyrt.
//-- * * * --//
uro na yme, ro n na xstxe.
Speech is the picture of the mind.
Peut +ro oropaxenne yma.
What the heart thinks, the tongue speaks.
O uem cepne ymaer, o rom n xstx ronopnr.
//-- * * * --//
uro nanncano nepom, roro ne ntpynmt ronopom.
The pen is mightier than the sword.
Hepo cnntnee meua.
//-- * * * --//
uro nn ropo, ro nopon.
So many countries, so many customs.
Cxontxo crpan, crontxo n otuaen.
//-- * * * --//
uro o rom ryxnrt, uero nentsx nopornrt.
It is no use crying over spilt milk.
Fecnonesno nnaxart na nponnrtm monoxom.
Never grieve for that you cannot help.
Hnxora ne rpycrn o rom, uemy rt ne moxemt nomout.
Past cure, past care.
Cnnmxom nosno neunrt, cnnmxom nosno n ecnoxonrtcx.
It is too late to grieve when the chance is past.
Cnnmxom nosno ropenart, xora nosmoxnocrt ynymena.
//-- * * * --//
uro ea nx onoro, ro orpana nx pyroro.
One mans meat is another mans poison.
uro nx onoro ea, ro nx pyroro x.
//-- * * * --//
uro noceemt, ro n noxnemt.
As you sow, so you reap.
Kax noceemt, rax n noxnemt.
//-- * * * --//
uro npnmno maxom, ro yer npaxom.
Easy come, easy go.
Herxo npnxonr, nerxo n yxonr.
Light come, light go.
Herxo npnxonr, nerxo n yxonr.
Quickly come, quickly go.
Ftcrpo npnxonr, tcrpo n yxonr.
//-- * * * --//
uro cxopo, ro xnopo.
Good and quickly seldom meet.
Xopomo n tcrpo connaamr pexo.
Haste makes waste.
Cnemxa cosaer nanpacnte rpart.
//-- * * * --//
uro rpyno anoct, ro oporo nennrcx.
The more cost, the more honour.
uem ntme nena, rem ontme nouer.
What costs little, is less esteemed.
uro emeno cronr, ro mentme nennrcx.
//-- * * * --//
uro y ponrene cneraer c xstxa, ro peenxy cxauer na xstx.
What children hear at home, soon flies about.
uro ern cntmar oma, pasneraercx tcrpo.
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The child says nothing, but what it heard by the fire.
Peenox ronopnr rontxo ro, uro on cntmnr y neuxn.
//-- * * * --//
uro y rpesnoro na yme, ro y ntxnoro na xstxe.
What soberness conceals, drunkenness reveals.
uro rpesnocrt cxptnaer, ro ontxnenne orxptnaer.
//-- * * * --//
uyeca ne xoneca camn xarxrcx.
Wonders will never cease.
uyeca nnxora ne npexparxrcx.
//-- * * * --//
uyxax noma ne rxner.
None knows the weight of anothers burden.
Hnxro ne snaer, nacxontxo rxxena uyxax noma.
//-- * * * --//
uyxax cropona npnannr yma.
He that travels far, knows much.
Kro anexo nyremecrnyer, ror mnoro snaer.
Travel broadens the mind.
Hyremecrnne pacmnpxer xpyrosop.
//-- * * * --//
uyxnm oeom rocre noruenart ne ytrouno.
Hens are free of horse corn.
Kypnnam ne xanxo nomannoro sepna.
He is free of horse that never had one.
V xoro ner noman, romy ne xanxo ee orart.
//-- * * * --//
uyxoe opo nnpox ne ner.
Ill gotten goods never thrive.
ypno naxnroe nmymecrno nnxora ne ner nnpox.
Ill gotten, ill spent.
ypno nonyueno, ypno n norpaueno.
//-- * * * --//
uyrt-uyrt ne cunraercx.
A miss is as good as a mile.
Hpomax pannocnnen mnne.
//-- * * * --//
utx t xopona mtuana, a rnox t monuana.
Those who live in glass houses should not throw stones.
Xnnymne n crexnxnntx omax ne onxnt pocartcx xamnxmn.

Bnna n memxe ne yranmt.
You cannot hide an eel in a sack.
Vrpx n memxe ne cnpxuemt.
//-- * * * --//
Brona tpy, noxa ne nennxa.
A stitch in time saves nine.
Onn crexox, cenannt nonpemx, nsannxer or enxrn.
//-- * * * --//
Byrnn Maprtn, a n cnannncx no rtn.
He laughs ill that laughs himself to death.
Kro or cmexa ymnpaer, ror nnoxo cmeercx.
//-- * * * --//
Byrnrt na pyrnm nmnrt myrxy n na coo.
If you give a jest, you must take a jest.
Ecnn cam myrnmt, ro yme myrxy n npnnxrt.

Benx snoe or sno cyxn.
We may not expect a good whelp from an ill dog.
Hentsx oxnart xopomero menxa or nnoxo coaxn.
//-- * * * --//
Bn ncemy ronona.
Good kail is half a meal.
Xopomn cyn nononnna rpanest.

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noxo or xnonn neanexo naaer.
The apple never falls far from the tree.
noxo nnxora ne naaer anexo or epena.
//-- * * * --//
stx es xocre.
The tongue breaks bone, though itself has none.
stx nomaer xocrn, a cam nx ne nmeer.
//-- * * * --//
stxom onra, a pyxam nonn ne ana.
Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me.
Hanxn n xamnn moryr cnomart mne xocrn, no cnona mne nonpenrt ne moryr.
Hard words break no bones.
Xecroxne cnona xocre ne nomamr.
//-- * * * --//
stxom monort ne pona xonort, cnnna ne saonnr.
Talk is cheaps.
Pasronop +ro emenxa.
//-- * * * --//
na xypnny ne yuar.
Shall the goslings teach the goose to swim?
onxnt nn rycxra yunrt ryctnm nnanart?
Dont teach your grandmother to suck eggs.
He yun cnom aymxy ntcactnart xna.

An1op: Anna Ipnroptena
Hsa1entc1no: ACT
ISBN: 978-5-17-062629-8
Io: 2009
C1pannn: 608

Ofpepakfupoean u onynukoean ua cafe : PRESSI ( HERSON )

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