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Turner-Graham Honors Biology B Final Exam Study Guide This will be accepted at the time of the final exam

only, no late study guides will be accepted.

chapter 7

topic Meiosis, crossing over

# of questions 8

Study questions When does crossing over occur? What advantage to the species does crossing over provide? What are the differences between mitosis and meiosis? What happens at each stage of meiosis? Difference between parent and daughter cells? How many daughter cells are produced in meiosis? Define: homozygous, heterozygous, allele, codominant, recessive, dominant, punnett square, genotype, phenotype, test cross. Be able to do a Punnett square and determine genotype and phenotype ratios of the offspring. Tt x tt show this punnett square and give the ratios State in your own words the law of segregation and the law of independent assortment. What is meant by P generation, F1 and F2 generations? Give an illustration of these What are the parts of Darwins idea of evolution? Where did Darwin collect specimens? What is natural selection? What are the two ideas about the rate of evolution? What are the types of fossils? Give an example of each. What are the lines of evidence of evolution? Briefly explain each. Define: homologous, vestigial structures, population, adaptation, fossil, What are the different types of natural selection? What would a of each type look like? What are the Hardy-Weinberg conditions? Explain each condition. What happens if the conditions are not met? Define: biotic, abiotic, habitat, community, species, food web, trophic level, producer, consumer, heterotroph, autotroph, Briefly describe the biogeochemical cycles. What happens to the amount of energy at each trophic level? Why does this happen? What are decomposers? Give 2 examples of decomposers. What is succession? What are the two types and when do you see them? Plant structure, what are the types of leaves? How do they differ? How does this difference affect the plant? What is transpiration? What cells are involved in controlling transpiration? What are the different plant tissue types? What are the cells in xylem? In phloem? What are the types of root systems? What are the types of blood vessels? How do they differ in structure? What is the function of the red blood cell? What are the parts of the heart? Where does gas exchange take place? Define: pathogen, antibody. What are the types of cells in the immune system? What are their functions? What are the components of specific and non-specific immunity? Describe the structure of a neuron. What are the 2 divisions of the nervous system? What are the parts of the 2 divisions? How is a nerve impulse transmitted from one neuron to another? What are hormones? Name the major endocrine glands. What are the functions of hormones?

















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