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Angels On Assignment
by Charles & Frances Hunter, as told by Roland Buck Table of Contents
Who Is Roland Buck? A Word From the Wife of Roland Buck Chapter ! "ncounter

#ossibly the $uestions most often asked are %%% &Ho' did it happen that (od chose you?& &Was it throu)h deep hun)er on your part?& &Was it throu)h prayer and fastin)?& I 'ould honestly ha*e to say %%% &I don+t kno', I fall short in all of these areas,&

Chapter - ! (ood .e's For /ou and /our Family

About three o+clock in the mornin), I 'as abruptly a'akened 'hen someone )rasped my arms and sat me ri)ht up in bed, 0o you kno' %%% that if e*en one member of your family is li*in) for (od, each indi*idual member is hi)hly fa*ored? 1hat a )reat host of an)els has been assi)ned to brin) these hi)hly fa*ored people to (od? 1hat they ha*e orders to listen to no ob2ections, but to hasten indi*iduals to a point of choice? 1hat is a person chooses the 'ron) 'ay, the an)els 'ill be)in the cycle all o*er a)ain?

Chapter 3 ! 4inistry of An)els

1he li)ht flipped on and I sa' 'hat appeared to be t'o of the lar)est men I had e*er seen, 5tron) currents of radiation pulsated from them% I started to fall, but 'as steadied by the stron) hand of these se*en6foot6plus bein)s% I1 578.0"0 9I:" H" 5AI0, &I A4 (ABRI"9,& but it couldn+t be %%% he has not been seen for centuries% Am I really seein) thin)s or I5 H" R"A99/ H"R" %%% I. 4/ H74"?

Chapter ; ! 4y <isit to the 1hrone Room

1he chain of stran)e happenin)s in my life date back to =anuary - , >??, 'hen I became (od+s )uest% I disco*ered he 'ants to be treated like a friend% His 'ords to me %%% &Rela@, I already kno' you,& ha*e chan)ed my life% When he said, &I don+t record failure,& he opened a door of hope for all mankind%

Chapter A ! 5e$uel to the 1hrone Room

Would you say %%% 1hirty correct predictions out of one hundred is phenomenal? %%% Ho' about -B out of -B? %%% (od ne*er misses% 1hat is 'hy you can rely 'holly on him% %%% (od told me the pope has no more influence 'ith him than the least of his saints, and has no )reater pri*ile)es, but because his influence 'ith man is )reat, his choice is (od+s concern% 1herefore, in order to help in the restoration of his fra)mented body, (od had chosen a man named :arol Wo2tyla of #oland% 0ate of predictionC =anuary - , >?? %%% 0ate of fulfillmentC 7ctober D, >?E, #ope =ohn #aul II%

Chapter D ! (od+s #riorities

Fueenie, that+s my do) %%% a purebred (reat 0ane %%% $uietly &'oofed& as she pressed her 'et nose a)ainst my face% 1he time 'as - A4% I kne' 'hat 'as up by no'% 1his is the 'ay she rouses me 'hen she becomes a'are that an)elic *isitors are in the house% %%% Filled a)ain 'ith a'e and 'onder, I listened as (abriel stressed se*en thin)s of utmost importance to (od% #riorities that the 'orld must hear %%%

Chapter ? ! He 1asted 0eath

7ne time as the an)els ministered to me, (od allo'ed me to see =esus as the sacrificed lamb %%% 4y heart broke %%% As this panorama of truth passed before me, I sa' him as the lamb lyin) there in death% %%% 1hen I sa' the little lamb slo'ly start to rise, and as it rose up, it became a mi)hty ram 'ith se*en horns upon its head and it had se*en eyes %%% &/ou ha*e seen him die as the lamb, no' see him as he arose the )reat con$ueror, 'ith complete po'er in hea*en and earth )i*en to him%&

Chapter E ! /ou Are Co*ered GAtonementH

I sat )lued to my chair %%% unable to mo*e %%% 1he same di*ine radiance 'hich )lo'ed from 4oses+ face after forty days 'ith (od, multiplied a hundred times from an eternity in (od+s presence, streamed from (abriel+s bein) and literally en)ulfed me %%% His 'ord and his touch brou)ht back my stren)th% I cried %%% and you, too, 'ill cry as you disco*er the beauty of this messa)e he brou)ht directly from (od+s bi) heart,

Chapter > ! (od+s Warnin) 5i)nals

%%% It happened in broad dayli)ht the 5aturday before Christmas %%% 1he door of my church office opened and once a)ain (od+s hi)hest an)el had come 'ith a special 'ord from (od %%% Remember, if you feel numb and cold inside and it+s a 'ei)ht and a burden for you to think, &Here+s another 'eek and I ha*e to )o to church% I don+t 'ant to fail (od, but it+s a choreI there is no e@citement in my spiritual life,& WA1CH 781,

Chapter B ! When (od 5ays 1hanks,

His eyes 'ere like deep, )lo'in) embers, his *oice resonant and clear %% this )iant an)el %% as he told me about &1he Belie*er+s =ud)ment%& 4y heart leaped 'hen I heard him say, &1H" B"9I"<"R+5 =80(4".1 I5 .71 A 0AR: .I(H1 1HR78(H WHICH H" 4851 #A55 B"F7R" H" BR"A:5 781 I.17 (70+5 "1"R.A9 0A/, B81 A 0A/ I. WHICH (70 HA5 CH75". 17 5A/ 1HA.:5 17 HI5 #"7#9"%&


! 4ission #hilippines

%%% About four in the mornin), the li)ht came on in my room, and I opened my eyes %%% 1here 'ere t'o cots in the room% I 'as sleepin) in one, and 'hen I looked o*er at the empty one, I sa' (abriel sittin) there% &Ho' did you find me here?& &We didn+t ha*e any trouble findin) you, because 'e arran)ed for you to be here,& (abriel replied%

Chapter - ! 4ichael and His An)els

I heard loud noises do'nstairs *ery early one 4onday mornin) %%% I 'ill ne*er for)et the si)ht in my li*in) room as I 'ent to in*esti)ate %%% An)elic 'arfare 'as bein) directed from my home as the Command post %%% this attack 'as serious enou)h for 4ichael, the leader of all 'arrin) an)els, to appear on the scene%

Chapter 3 ! An)els 7n Assi)nment

What did an)els do bet'een those times of recorded appearances %%% did they rest %%% or 'hat happened to them? &We are busy all the time scatterin) (od+s enemies and puttin) the pieces of his plan to)ether %%% I commanded a hea*enly army 'ith orders

from (od to push the 'alls of =ericho into the )round %%% and 'e did,& 1hat+s 'hat Chrioni, the )reat 'arrin) an)el, told me %%% and more,

Chapter ; ! He is Comin) A)ain,

%%% As I think of the return of =esus, I remember 'hat (abriel said, &1here has ne*er been such e@citement and acti*ity in the courts of hea*en since =esus came the first time, as there is ri)ht no',&

Chapter A ! In Closin) %%% Charles & Frances Hunter

#astor Buck looked do'n% (abriel+s feet 'ere about four inches off the floor, %%% 1hen he looked at Cyprion+s feet, and they 'ere about ei)hteen inches off the floor% %%% 1hen he looked at his o'n feet, and to his utter amaJement, they 'ere also about ei)hteen inches off the floor,

Chapter D ! In the Be)innin)

As the book )oes into its third printin) before the end of t'o months, 'e 'ondered 'hy (od had left the se*en empty pa)es at the end of the book% .o' 'e kno', 5cripture Fuotations are taken fromC 1he AuthoriJed :in) =ames <ersion G:=<H 1he 9i*in) Bible, #araphrased G19BH, K >? by 1yndale House #ublishers, Wheaton, I9 1he Amplified .e' 1estament GA4#H, K 1he 9ockman Foundation >A;, >AE =B #hillips, 1he (ospels, K 1he 4acmillan Company, .e' /ork All references not specified are from the :=<% I5B. B6> ??-D6336-

Who Is Roland Buck?

Born: Everett, Washington, June 13, 1918 Graduated from Northwest Co ege, !eatt e, W", 1939 #astored $hur$hes in Granger and %a&ima, W", and Gooding and Boise, 'daho( #astor of Centra "ssem) * of God Christian +ife Center, Boise, 'daho, from 19,- . /resent( "verage !unda* morning attendan$e in 1908 was a)out 18--( 1arried Charmian Ja$o)son, June 13, 1922 Born "gain s/iritua * in 1929, and re$eived the )a/tism with the 3o * !/irit at the same time( Charmian was Born "gain at age 1-, and re$eived the )a/tism with the 3o * !/irit at age 21( 4his is the true stor* of an ordinar* man who has e5/erien$ed an e5traordinar* series of events( When we first heard of 6o and Bu$&, we had )een sharing the stor* of how God had / a$ed a s/e$ia warrior ange with us to /rote$t us from the fier* darts of the devi unti Jesus $omes )a$&( " $ou/ e as&ed us, 73ave *ou heard a)out the /astor in Boise, 'daho, who has )een having visitations from ange s8 4he* have )een ta &ing to him 2

and )ringing messages from God(7 Even in these da*s when the su/ernatura /ower of God is more in eviden$e than ever )efore, this sho$&ed us9 es/e$ia * when :oug and 6uth to d us that Gabriel was the one who )rought the messages; <or a moment it sounded i&e the most wa*.out statement we had ever heard, )ut somehow or other, there was su$h a ring of truth to it that we had a hungering $reated in our hearts to hear more; =ur )us* s$hedu e &e/t us from $a ing this /astor to find out an* of the detai s, )ut in God>s /erfe$t / an he &e/t nudging and nudging us to $onta$t 6o and Bu$& a)out writing a )oo&( We were sti too )ogged down with other wor&, so we didn>t do it; 4hen God rea * got )us* when we $ontinued )eing too )us*; 3e )rought a $ou/ e down to 3ouston from !it&a, " as&a, who had sto//ed )* Eugene, =regon, and /i$&ed u/ a series of 7ange 7 ta/es the* wanted us to isten to( 4he* were )u)) ing over )e$ause the* had istened to these ta/es a the wa* from =regon to 4e5as( " the* $ou d sa* was, 7%ou>ve got to isten to them . *ou>ve got to isten to them;7 "nd isten we did; Ever* time we got in the $ar, the ta/e / a*er $ame on with another ange ta/e( "t night when we went to )ed, we went to s ee/ istening to 7ange 7 ta/es, unti one <rida* afternoon Char es said, 7' am utter * $om/e ed to $a #astor Bu$& to see if we $an interview him with the idea of writing a )oo&( 4hese messages from the ange s are so fantasti$, the entire wor d needs to hear them(7 <ran$es was e?ua * fas$inated with the idea of ange s ta &ing to an individua , so we )oth went to the te e/hone to ma&e the $a ( #astor Bu$& immediate * invited us to minister in his $hur$h in the evenings and said he wou d )e more than ha//* to $oo/erate with interviews in the da*time( " though he assured us that the heart of the messages the ange s had given him were on the ta/es we had istened to, he said there might )e some e5tras we wou d )e interested in hearing( We $ou d hard * wait to get there; We arrived on a !unda* evening @ust minutes )efore the $hur$h servi$e, and afterwards we went out for a )ite to eat with 6o and and Charmian Bu$&( 'f there had )een an* s&e/ti$ism in our hearts )efore then, it was gone as he )egan to share from his heart some of the ,

)eautifu truths the ange s have )rought to him dire$t * from God( 4hat evening was fo owed )* two da*s of interviews in whi$h we saw the heart of a man who said, 7' want God to )e in fo$us and g orified( ' do not want an* g or* for m*se f(7 We as&ed him man* of the ?uestions *ou might as&: 7Was it an unusua da* when *ou had the first e5/erien$e87 3e said, 7No, it was @ust an ordinar*, run. of.the. mi da* )efore ' went to )ed that night( "nge s are the ast thing ' wou d have thought of when ' sat u/ in )ed(7 We were )oth fas$inated with his &now edge, not on * of the Bi) e, )ut of the s$ri/tura referen$es as we ( 't seemed his tota $onversation was dire$t from the Word of God; We as&ed him if he had a wa*s had the good memor* whi$h he has had sin$e he returned from the 4hrone 6oom( 3e said, 7' wou d have to sa* >no(> Before this e5/erien$e ' had to use the s$ri/tures that ' &new, so ' studied and read the Bi) e over and over again( ' have )een in the ministr* man*, man* *ears, and ' a wa*s had to use a $on$ordan$e to oo& u/ verses, )ut for the 2,--- verses God gave me ' don>t have to do that an* more( ' don>t even have to read them from the Bi) e when ' s/ea&, )e$ause ' JA!4 BN=W 43E1;7 =ne of the things that s/o&e to our hearts a)out the genuineness of these e5/erien$es was the fa$t that the* a tied )a$& to the Bi) e; =ne night Char es said, 7Can *ou imagine /eo/ e )e ieving the son of a Jewish $ar/enter who $ame u/ and said, 'I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me! 7 CJohn 12:DE( We find it easier to )e ieve the stories of ange i$ visitations in the twentieth $entur* than it was for those /eo/ e to )e ieve that this ordinar* *oung man was Jesus, the !on of God; !ome /eo/ e didn>t )e ieve that stor*( !ome did; 't wi )e the same wa* toda*( !ome wi )e ieve this stor*( !ome won>t( We do; Whether *ou )e ieve it or not, this )oo& wi $ause *ou to see God>s ove in a greater wa* than ever )efore and it wi ma&e Jesus $ome a ive to *ou; 't wi give a fee ing of iving right now in the imit ess dimension of eternit*; D

Charles & Frances Hunter

A Word From the Wife of Roland Buck

What an e5$iting da* to )e a ive; " though we have the dar&ness of wi$&edness on ever* hand, we have the assuran$e of God $aring through a great su/ernatura renewa in our da*( " s/iritua awa&ening is a wa*s $hara$teriFed )* mira$ es of hea ing, man* $onversions and a new tou$h in ives( #art of the s/e$ia wor& God is doing is a )roader reve ation of himse f through the messages )rought )* ange i$ visitation( 4o thin& that our fami * and $hur$h $ou d )e a /art of this e5/ression of his ove is more than ' $an $om/rehend( 4wo ?uestions /eo/ e as& me when the* &now that m* /re$ious hus)and has had man* ange i$ en$ounters are: 73ave *ou seen an ange ,7 and 7Wh* did God $hoose *our hus)and87 ' have not *et had an ange i$ en$ounter, )ut at times when ' have gone to )ed at night ' have e5/erien$ed su$h an overwhe ming inf ow of God>s /resen$e that ' have had to go downstairs to /raise and worshi/ him( ' am ver* mu$h at /ea$e )e$ause ' &now God does ever*thing right( 1* hus)and is the eader and the one who is ministering to the /eo/ e, so God has aid his hand es/e$ia * on him( Who am ' to ?uestion God8 =ur ove is so $ ose and we share the ministr* so mu$h together that a though ' have not seen an ange , ' have )een a)undant * ) essed as m* hus)and /ours out to me the truths that God has shown to him( 'n answer to the se$ond ?uestion, 7Wh* did God $hoose him87 *ou must understand m* eva uations are /ure * human )e$ause we $annot imit God( 'n the first / a$e, m* hus)and is not easi * swa*ed( We have /astored in Boise, 'daho, for 29 *ears( 4hrough the *ears ' have seen su$h a $onfiden$e and trust in God that he has )een i&e a ro$& of Gi)ra tar( 3e has maintained a stead*, even ministr* in s/ite of so.$a ed 7fads7 in re igious $ir$ es . not 7swa*ed with ever* wind of do$trine,7 )ut 0

weighing $arefu * those things whi$h $ou d )e of a ?uestiona) e nature( 3e has a wa*s )een a great student of the Word and in his ministr* has )ui t a )ridge for the un)e iever instead of a )arrier to the &ingdom of God( 4he ange i$ en$ounters have not )een his first &now edge of God dea ing with him in a s/e$ia wa*( 1an* times he has $ome to )ed in the morning after God has s/o&en to him through the night hours regarding truths in the Word, giving him man* s$ri/tures to )ear out the /arti$u ar message he wanted to give him( 3is $onsisten$* and sta)i it* have $reated within me and our four $hi dren a trust in God that is unwavering( 3e has suffered three heart atta$&s and one heart arrest, )ut through it a the /ea$e of God was fe t within our who e fami *( God has given us a wonderfu heritage( " though m* hus)and has meditated a great dea on the Word, he is not a m*sti$, )ut ver* human and a /erson ' have grown to ove and trust( God $an do as he / eases( :idn>t he visit man* /eo/ e in the = d and New 4estaments8 3e is sti a) e to do the same in these da*s . God is the God of the su/ernatura . who $an den* it8 -- Charmian Buck

Chapter 1 !ncounter
4he most outstanding and thri ing thing that has ever ta&en / a$e in m* ife has )een the ange i$ visitations whi$h have o$$urred during the /ast two *ears( God made it ver* $ ear to me that ' am to share what ha//ened in m* ife so ' am /assing on des$ri/tions of what ' have seen, e5/erien$es ' have had, and messages ' have )een given( God is i uminating truths of the Bi) e in un/re$edented wa*s /rior to the return of Jesus( 6eve ations are )eing )rought forth in a ministries f owing in the !/irit( 'n this re ation, God ?ui$&ened m* 8

s/irit to John 1D:12.1,: "Oh, there is so much more I want to tell you, but you can't understand it now. When the Holy !irit, who is truth, comes, he shall "uide you into all truth, for he will not be !resentin" his own ideas, but will be !assin" on to you what he has heard. He will tell you about the future" C4+BE( 4hese words were s/o&en )* Jesus( ' have written these en$ounters and messages with the imitation of m* own human understanding( 'n doing this, ' have made referen$es to what the ange s have said, )ut not with the thought of ?uoting them ver)atim, e5$e/t where ' have so stated( When *ou $onsider that there have )een some fift* hours of ange i$ $onversation whi$h ' have $ondensed with m* own words and understanding into this sing e vo ume, *ou $an /erha/s rea iFe that ' have re ied on m* human a)i it* to e5/ress these truths as ' have $om/rehended them( ' have not added to, or ta&en awa* from the Word of God, )ut the !/irit has o/ened m* e*es to things ' had not /revious * seen, @ust as he revea s truths to an* )e iever who sear$hes the Word( "mong the man* agen$ies the !/irit uses to minister to us are the Bi) e, $ir$umstan$es, other )e ievers and ange s( 3e s/ea&s dire$t * to us in man* wa*s . through dreams, visions, and gifts of the !/irit, )ut a wa*s, it is the same 3o * !/irit who s/ea&s to us( "Our words are wise because they are from God ... #ut we $now about these thin"s because God has sent his !irit to tell us, and his !irit searches out and shows us all of God's dee!est secrets" C' Cor( 2:0, 1- 4+BE( #au a so referred to re$eiving messages from God when he said, "%et when I am amon" mature &hristians I do s!ea$ with words of "reat wisdom, but not the $ind that comes from here on earth, and not the $ind that a!!eals to the "reat men of this world, who are doomed to fall" C' Cor( 2:D 4+BE( #raise God he is sti s/ea&ing to us toda*; ' &now there are ris&s invo ved in s/ea&ing of unusua and un$ommon e5/erien$es su$h as these( 1* first rea$tion was to tr* to get out of giving the message )rought to me )* an ange ( ' va ued m* $redi)i it* and fe t it wou d )e shattered( %ou wi dis$over in these writings that God he /ed me $hange m* mind( 9

!ome have as&ed what has ha//ened as a resu t of these messages( Need ess to sa*, ' have no wa* of measuring the tota im/a$t, )ut eviden$e a)ounds that the 3o * !/irit, true to his /romise, has given wings to these messages and the* have $ir$ ed the g o)e )* ta/e $assettes( #eo/ e in a /arts of the wor d have )een i)erated )* these fresh truths from God>s heart( 4housands have a$$e/ted Christ( 4housands of others with whom ' am /ersona * a$?uainted had )e$ome dis$ouraged and eft the ministr*( 4oda*, )e$ause the* have found new ho/e, have returned to a / a$e of servi$e( "s the !/irit a$$om/an*ing these messages made the words the* were hearing $ome a ive, a new door of faith has o/ened wide to )e ievers ever*where; "t the time of this writing, there have )een si5teen se/arate visitations )* ange s( 4hough the* $ome often, ever* two or three wee&s, ' have not, and $annot, )e$ome a$$ustomed to them( 4here is su$h a ho iness and su$h an awesomeness $onne$ted with ea$h visit, that ever* time ' see them, ' am reminded of the eterna and un$hanging God who has sent them, his $ oseness to us, and his intense interest and oving $on$ern for our fami ies( Ea$h time the ange s have $ome, the* have )rought a message from God for the wor d( 'f ' $ou d /ut the su)stan$e of these messages into one sim/ e /hrase, it wou d have to )e, 7' C"6E;7 "s *ou read, ' wou d en$ourage *ou to oo& )e*ond the en$ounter to the message( 3ow ver* im/ortant ea$h one must )e to God for him to send them )* 7s/e$ia 7 messenger( 4he messages in$ uded in this )oo& have )een given to m* $hur$h fo owing ea$h one of the en$ounters 4he* are not ange i$ ?uotations as su$h, )ut a sharing of truths made rea ( 't might )e of interest to *ou to &now that during the two to four hours the* have sta*ed ea$h time the* have $ome, there has not )een one verse of !$ri/ture ?uoted( 'nstead, a iving /anorama $auses truth to itera * $ome a ive as it /asses )efore me( "t times ' have found m*se f iving what ' was seeing( Not on$e did the* eave without giving me Bi) e referen$es where the message $ou d )e found( 1-

Be$ause of the nature of this )oo&, some ma* oo& for reasons to refuse to a$$e/t ((( instead of reasons wh* God has sent these messages( 4o others it ma* )e in $onf i$t with a$$e/ted )e iefs( 4his is understanda) e( God mere * stated how things rea * are, and made no effort to su//ort an* $hosen /osition or theo og*, )ut rather to revea his dee/ ove for a wor d that had ost its wa*, )ut has )een found as a resu t of the sa$rifi$e of Jesus( #ossi) * the ?uestions as&ed most often are, 73ow did it ha//en that God $hose *ou87 7Was it through dee/ hunger on *our /art87 7Was it through /ra*er and fasting87 ' wou d honest * have to sa*, 7' don>t &now;7 ' fa short in a of these areas( 4he a$tivit* of ange s wi intrigue *ou, )ut a word of $aution was )rought from God )* Ga)rie : 7:o not see& ange s( !ee& Jesus; 3e is far greater than an* ange s;7

Chapter " #ood $e%s For &ou and &our Famil'

=n the night of June 18, 1908, ' went to )ed at m* usua time with no advan$e noti$e that something was a)out to ha//en whi$h wou d $hange m* entire ife; ")out three o>$ o$& in the morning, ' was a)ru/t * awa&ened when someone gras/ed m* arms and sat me right u/ in )ed; 4he room was dar& )e$ause the shades were /u ed, )ut there was @ust enough ight from outside so ' $ou d dete$t the out ine of a huge )eing( 4o sa* the east, ' was frightened )e$ause he was so strong ' $ou dn>t free m*se f from his gri/( 1* fear didn>t ast, however, )e$ause ' ?ui$& * )e$ame aware of a su/ernatura /resen$e, and it didn>t ta&e me ong to rea iFe that this heaven * )eing was an ange from God( 3e $onfirmed this, turned oose of m* shou ders, and to d me not to )e afraid; 4hen he to d me that God had sent him )e$ause the /ra*ers of God>s /eo/ e had )een heard, and he was to de iver the message that their /ra*ers had not on * )een heard, )ut had )een answered; 3a e u@ah; ' wasn>t dreaming, it wasn>t a vision, it was something ver*, ver* rea ; "s we $ontinued ta &ing, he s/o&e so oud * ' was sure he was going to wa&e u/ m* wife who was as ee/ ne5t to me( 3e didn>t, )ut ' wish 11

he had; 1* dog, Gueenie, $omes into our room on$e in awhi e when she gets onesome, and s ee/s )eside the )ed( !he was there that night and was interested in ever*thing the ange had to sa*( !he was right )eside me and ' $ou d fee her head turning ever* whi$h wa* against m* eg as first the ange s/o&e and then ' answered; 't was an unusua visit; 't sounds strange, and ' imagine some /eo/ e might ?uestion m* $redi)i it*( 4his is not im/ortant9 God>s message is, and he had something he wanted me to )ring to the wor d; 4his uni?ue $onversation asted for two so id hours as the ange shared magnifi$ent truths from the Word of God with me( 3e dis$ussed the unfo ding / an of God for the entire wor d and )rought me warm fee ings from God>s own heart as to the $on$ern he has for /eo/ e( 3is ove for /eo/ e is so great, he is a ot more interested in them than he is in /ro$edure; 3e +=HE! /eo/ e; 4he ange gave me information whi$h went in ma*, man* different dire$tions, )ut there was a &e*note whi$h the +ord em/hasiFed to me that fo owed a the wa* through, and at first ' wasn>t $ertain how to re ate this message unti one night three wee&s ater, he returned, )ringing more )eautifu truths from God on the same su)@e$ts( ' wanted to see what he oo&ed i&e, )ut again ' $ou d on * see the out ine of this heaven * )eing in the dar&ness of our )edroom( 4he morning fo owing the se$ond visit, m* wife as&ed me if we had another visitor during the night, )e$ause she said whi e she did not hear an*thing, she was aware of the rea warmth of God>s /resen$e fi ing the room( 4here is something so awesome a)out God sending these s/e$ia messengers with words from heaven that ' fee a tremendous res/onsi)i it* in sharing this( We are iving in a )eautifu time and a great awa&ening is ha//ening throughout the wor d( " ong with the great move of the 3o * !/irit, there are a so renewed atta$&s )* the enem* against the wor& of God( 'n an effort to get at God and to tr* to hurt him, satani$ for$es are 12

atta$&ing the home, whi$h is the $ osest thing on earth to God>s heart( 3omes are hurting and man* times the* do not understand wh*( 4his atta$& is more than @ust an atta$& on the home for ever* time *ou find a new $ha/ter a)out to )e o/ened in God>s great wor&, *ou wi find in$reased satani$ a$tivit*( 4he enemies of God are fo owing a /ra$ti$e that )egan a ong time ago( 'n ta &ing a)out these satani$ atta$&s, the ange )rought to m* mind the wa*s the enem* fought in times /ast( When 1oses was )orn and the / an of God )egan to unfo d so that the $hi dren of 'srae wou d )e )rought out of the and of Eg*/t, God /re/ared a sma $hi d whose mother re$ogniFed that he was ver* s/e$ia and !atan made an effort to fight against God>s / an( !atan didn>t &now whom God had $hosen, so he /ut it into the heart of the &ind to &i ever* $hi d )e ow a $ertain age so that he $ou d get rid of the one )a)* who was going to have a definite /art in the unfo ding of God>s / an( "nother time was when a de$ree was given in !hushan( 4he enem* &new that the time was a most here for the great de iveran$e of 'srae , so he wor&ed through the heart of a man named 3aman( " de$ree went out that a of the Jews were to )e s ain( "gain the enem* tried to sto/ God>s / an, )ut he did not su$$eed( When Jesus was )orn, the greatest $ha/ter of a times )egan to unfo d( "gain the satani$ for$es said, 7We have to sto/ him( 3e is God>s own !on( We have to sto/ this de iverer, )ut we don>t &now where he is(7 4he* in?uired, 7Where is he8 Where is he going to )e )orn87 'f !atan $ou d have read minds, a he wou d have had to do was to go to the she/herds or the wise men and read their minds, )ut the* weren>t te ing; 3e dis$overed the genera area, so that same satani$ for$e went into o/eration( =n$e again a the )a)ies were &i ed( But Jesus wasn>t there; 'n our da*, there is a )eautifu new $ha/ter unfo ding as God is )ringing into fo$us fami ies of the earth( 3e is etting them &now that his / an of sa vation, a /rin$i/ e he /ut into o/eration *ears and 13

*ears ago, is not @ust a / an for a sing e /erson( 3e reserves a / a$e for the who e fami *, )ut ea$h mem)er must individua * )e )orn again( ' thought, 74hat>s strange theo og*; 4hat doesn>t seem right(7 But ' dis$overed that God himse f is the one who started this; 't was in his )eautifu / an that he gave to 1oses in the ta)erna$ e( 4he ange )rought to m* attention the fa$t that God wanted the name of ever* head of the house and his fami * in$ uded in the gate of the ta)erna$ e9 the si ver so$&ets, whi$h he d the vei of the tem/ e, were to )e made out of the she&e s of their redem/tion( 4hese sa$rifi$es of ha f a she&e of si ver were made )* ea$h man as a ransom for his sou unto the +ord( 4he she&e s were to )e me ted, and the gates were to hang on the ver* fa$t that God has in$ uded "++ in his / an( 4his redem/tion / an for the fami ies was so im/ortant to God that he re?uired ea$h fami * to give a memoria offering of ha f a she&e ever* *ear so the* wou dn>t forget( 4his is dis$ussed in E5odus 3-:12.1D and 38:2,.28( :o *ou remem)er when 6aha) saved the s/ies who went into Jeri$ho8 4he s/ies, )* ins/iration of God, said, 76aha), $a *our fami * here to this house and the* wi a )e saved(7 God wor&ed through the one /erson that he had $onta$t with in that home( 6aha) )rought ever* mem)er of her fami * there, and the* were a saved )e$ause God $ared for the entire fami *; God>s / an is a fami * / an( " of the )eautifu ties of home and fami * are eterna , and *ou are going to have @o* su$h as *ou have never dreamed of when *ou get to heaven( Ga)rie s/o&e to me over and over again a)out the im/ortan$e of fami ies to God, and that we $an trust him, even though we $annot $om/rehend how he $an a$$om/ ish a fami * re ationshi/ in heaven( 73ow im/ossi) e it is for us to understand his de$isions and his methods;7 C6omans 11:33 4+BE( 4he enem* wants to s/oi God>s / an )* hur ing heav* arti er* into the homes, $ausing hus)ands to ose fee ings for their wives9 $ausing rest essness9 $ausing things to fa a/art9 $ausing $hi dren and /arents to hate ea$h other( But God sa*s !atan is not going to get awa* with 12

it; =ne of the most im/ressive things the ange to d me was that God a wa*s has a )a$&.u/ / an( God sa*s his wor& wi get done even if he has to $a in someone e se to do it . or he wi do it himse f; 4his is )eautifu * des$ri)ed in the stor* of Esther, when 1orde$ai $ame to her and /ro/heti$a * to d her that God had /ut her right there at that /arti$u ar time to get a @o) done( !he $ou d $hoose to do it if she wanted to, and )e rea * ) essed of God, )ut she $ou d a so )e $onfident that his de iveran$e was not going to fai if she de$ided not to do it CEsther 2:12E( God>s / an wi go through and he wi raise u/ de iveran$e from another sour$e if ne$essar*( 3e wi not fai ; God et me &now that events whi$h he has de$reed 3"HE 4= 3"##EN; When he de$rees it, an irreversi) e for$e is set in motion that nothing $an sto/( '4 3"! 4= 3"##EN; #eo/ e he has in$ uded in his unfo ding / an are not irreversi) * stu$& with that / an for themse ves un ess the* want to )e( God has /redestined the event, )ut not the individua s( 3e said, 7'f *ou wi in& arms with me, there wi )e @o* and ha//iness in it for *ou( ' have <=6E=6:"'NE: *ou to )e a /artner with me in the great wor& that ' am doing, )ut ' wi not ho d *ou to it(7 God is at wor&; 4he enem* is at wor&; 4hese are the two o//osing for$es, )ut God has a read* de$reed that he is the winner; 1an* Christians have )een /ra*ing for the unsaved oved ones in their fami ies( When the ange )rought me the message that their /ra*ers had a read* )een answered, ' thought, 7:oes this mean the* are a read* "++ saved87 7No, god does not mean he wi vio ate the free right of $hoi$e he has given, )ut it means that he is going to do ever*thing ne$essar* to )ring /eo/ e to the /oint where it wi )e eas* for them to ma&e the $hoi$e to server him( ' have heard it said, 7't>s a good thing to ma&e it hard for /eo/ e to $ome to God )e$ause that wa* the* wi a//re$iate him(7 4hat isn>t God>s wa*; 3e wants to ma&e it rea eas* to $ome to him, and rea hard to get awa*; 3is who e desire is for *ou( 3e oves *ou; 3e>s not oo&ing for some reason to $ast *ou awa*( 3e is oo&ing for ever* 1,

reason to ho d *ou; !in$e God has said that *our /ra*ers are a read* answered, those who have aid their oved ones )efore him in sin$erit* and in faith $an sto/ /ra*ing right now; 4he ange said the* $an start /raising God right now( 3e is on the @o), and has re eased the for$es to )ring a)out $ir$umstan$es whi$h wou d ma&e it hard for these /eo/ e to resist God( 4hen the ange said, 7' am here right now eading a great )and of ange s in order to $ ear the wa*, to s$atter the enemies, to move awa* the road) o$&s, and to et /eo/ e &now that the heart of God is warm toward them(7 3e shared man* )eautifu truths with me, and on this /arti$u ar visit as he s/o&e to me, ' rea iFed the ange was the same one who had a//eared to Ia$harias with an identi$a message, 7%our /ra*ers are heard;7 C+u&e 1:13E( 4his message that God )rought to me through his ange was a itt e /i$ture of the )ig heart of God and what he is doing toda*( 4he ange to d me that God was interested in restoring homes into the &ind of unit that wou d / ease him and that he $ou d ) ess( 3e said his desire was to restore $ommuni$ation )etween $hi dren and their /arents, and )rea& down )arriers of hatred so the* $ou d )e )uddies and have a wonderfu fami * re ationshi/( God showed his &een interest in fami ies )* forming the home )efore he made the $hur$h( 3e wants that same wonderfu unit*, and that re$ognition of himse f, whi$h /eo/ e e5/e$t to fee on * in the $hur$h, to a so )e in the home( 3e said, 7' want the fathers to fee the hurts of their fami *( ' want the $hi dren to &now that when the enem* atta$&s, the* $an find a strong arm at home on whi$h to ean( ' want the mother>s hearts to )e o/ened and fi ed with $om/assion for the &ids(7 ' was $ertain * aware of the fa$t that God was interested in fami ies, )ut to have an ange te me this made it more rea ; 3e said that God>s /ur/ose, his desire, and one of the things that he wants to a$$om/ ish in a that he is doing, is to rea$h the re)e ious 1D

$hi dren( 3e wants to turn the hearts of fathers and mothers toward their $hi dren( 3e said, 7' want to ta&e those re)e ious $hi dren, those who are diso)edient, and )ring them to a /oint of &nowing how $om/ ete m* forgiveness rea * is( ' want them to &now that when the* o)e* me, there is not one thing from the /ast against them on their re$ord u/ in heaven( When ' forgive, ' not on * forget the thing for whi$h ' have forgiven them, )ut ' even forget that ' forgave; When *ou $ome to God the ne5t time and sa*, 7God, ' hate to &ee/ $oming, )e$ause ' &now this is the twentieth time *ou have forgiven me, )ut wi *ou forgive me on$e again87 3e wi oo& at *ou and sa*, 7What are *ou ta &ing a)out8 ' do not have an* re$ord of that( ' do not have an*thing in m* memor* a)out that( "s far as '>m $on$erned, this is the first time *ou have $ome(7 :id *ou &now that this is the &ind of forgiveness God has8 ' have heard man* messages on how )eautifu it is that God @ustifies the god * /eo/ e, and ' thin& this is wonderfu ; But God goes a ste/ further, and sa*s, 7' want *ou to $arr* the message that ' am read* to @ustif* the ungod *7 C6omans 2:,E( 4he word @ustif* means 7@ust as though it had never ha//ened(7 God said, 7Be$ause of the snares and the atta$&s of the devi , ' want m* /eo/ e to &now how $om/ ete that @ustifi$ation rea * is; ' want to go into their minds, their hearts, and into their we .)eing( ' want them to )e a) e to oo& u/ into m* fa$e and &now that the* do not have to hang their heads and )e ashamed, )e$ause when ' see them, ' see them as first.$ ass mem)ers of m* fami *(7 3e to d me that ' $ou d find a )rief of this message in +u&e 1:10( 4his was the time of another great unfo ding of a $ha/ter in his / an( ' got out m* Bi) e to read it to see if it rea * said it that wa*, and o and )eho d, it sa*s it @ust that wa*( 3e was s/ea&ing a)out John the Ba/tist and the anointing of the !/irit and how John was going to go out and do God>s wor&( 73e sha go )efore him in the s/irit and /ower of E ias, to turn the hearts of the fathers to the $hi dren, and the diso)edient Cor re)e iousE to the wisdom of the @ust9 to ma&e read* a /eo/ e /re/ared for the +ord(7 3e wanted to et them &now e5/erientia * what @ustifi$ation rea * means( God wants *ou to &now that he is not *our enem*9 he is *our friend; 3e doesn>t want to 10

hurt *ou9 he wants to he / *ou; 4hen he reminded me of something that ha//ened in "$ts 20:2where #au was shi/wre$&ed( ' rea * got e5$ited when ' read this; " terri) e storm $ame u/ and a ho/e was gone( 4he $rew gave u/ in des/air, )e$ause the* fe t the* wou d not )e saved( But, in verse 22, #au said, 7' e5hort *ou to )e of good $heer: for there sha )e no oss of an* man>s ife among *ou, )ut of the shi/(7 3ow did #au &now this8 7((( <or there stood )* me this night the ange of God, whose ' am, and whom ' serve, !a*ing, <ear not, #au 9 thou must )e )rought )efore Caesar: CGod>s / an was unfo ding, and he was not going to a ow an*thing i&e a storm to sto/ those / ansE and, o, God hath given thee a them that sai with thee(7 4o *ou /arents, God is sa*ing the same thing, 7'>m giving *ou a those who are sai ing with *ou(7 When he said, 7Wherefore, sirs, )e of good $heer: C'>ve got good news for *ouE for ' )e ieve God, that it sha )e even as it was to d me(7 ' sha )e @ust the wa* the ange said it; #au to d them to stand )*, )ut man* of the /eo/ e didn>t )e ieve him( '>m sure some of them thought, 71an, this gu*>s had ha u$inations( We have )een in the storm area for too man* da*s(7 4he* had seen men ose their minds )efore, )e$ause of the storms( 4he* said, 7We $an hear the ground under the shi/9 we have sounded down(7 !o with the guise of throwing some an$hors over, the* threw a )oat over, and were going to get into it, )ut #au said, 7%ou had )etter o)e*( God has / ans to save *ou, )ut *ou have to ma&e the $hoi$e *ourse f(7 4he so diers $ut the ro/e and the )oat fe into the water( God sti had a / an, and he sent a host of ange s and the* too& the )a$& end of the shi/, twisted it off, and )ro&e it u/ into itt e /ie$es so ever*one wou d have something to hang onto( 4he ange visitor said that he had ed a host of ange s in at that time to ma&e sure ea$h /erson got to shore( Ea$h one of the 20D who were saved had a )ig ange wat$hing over them; 18

' as&ed the ange , 7Wou dn>t it have )een )etter if the* had drowned, sin$e the* were a /rett* rough )un$h of $hara$ters8 4he* were /risoners, man* of them murderers, and humans of the owest &ind(7 No, the great mira$ e ha//ened )e$ause God wants to save; Jesus didn>t $ome to $ondemn the wor d, )ut that the wor d through him might have ife; ' thin& of the re u$tan$e ' had in de ivering the first message that was )rought to me( ' didn>t &now where it was going to go; ' didn>t &now what it was going to do; ' have s/ent twent*.nine *ears in m* $ommunit* endeavoring to share Christ with the /eo/ e9 the $ommunit* re$ogniFes m* ministr*9 it is a$$e/ted, and ' didn>t want to destro* the wor& of a ifetime in one evening )* te ing an e5/erien$e that wou d $ause defenses to rise, and turn /eo/ e awa*( 4he ange to d me to give the message, )ut ' $ou d not( ' waited three wee&s, and in the midd e of the night, those same strong hands that had gras/ed m* arms )efore, raised me u/ in )ed and said, 7%ou haven>t given that message(7 ' &new ' was in trou) e; ' was sti re u$tant, so ' as&ed the ange , 7!in$e *ou are here, wh* don>t ' introdu$e *ou to the /eo/ e and et *ou give the message to them87 3e re/ ied that God wou d not /ermit him to, so ' had to give it m*se f( ' was es/e$ia * $autious when ' gave this message in $hur$h )e$ause the ange was there, ma&ing sure ' gave the entire message( 3e said, 7Even though ' wi not give the message to the $ongregation, ' want *ou to &now that ' am here, and ' have m* who e arm* of ange s with me right now(7 't rea * e5$ited me to &now that ange s were in the servi$e; 4hen he said there were more ange s there that night than /eo/ e; 3ow ' wish we $ou d have $r*sta iFed them to ma&e them visi) e( Be$ause God is ra/id * moving forward to a$$om/ ish his / an on s$hedu e, !atan is a so wor&ing hard( 3e wants to s/oi what God is doing, )ut God said he is not going to su$$eed( 'n Num)ers 1-:3, we read that when the $ oud moved, and the ar& and the /eo/ e were read* to move ahead, 1oses said, 76ise u/, +ord, and et thine enemies )e s$attered(7 God showed him when to 19

sa* it( 4here were a ot of enemies ur&ing a ong the wa*, and when 1oses gave the signa , the ange i$ hosts of heaven swung into a$tion and swoo/ed out a$ross the area where 1oses and the 'srae ites wou d )e trave ing, $ earing the wa* of a enemies, whether s/iritua or /h*si$a ( :id *ou &now that *ou are on God>s s/e$ia ist )e$ause some)od* in *our fami * oves Jesus and the* are as&ing God to save *ou8 Even if *ou have not *et given him *our ife, a host of ange s has a read* $ome; 3e has a read* given the $r*, 7Enemies )e s$attered;7 4here are ange s wor&ing to )ring *ou out of the enem* $am/ into God>s safet*( 4he* are /ushing things out of the wa* )e$ause God said that *ou are high * favored( 'f *ou have )een /ra*ing for a fami * mem)er who does not &now the +ord, and have sin$ere * aid them on the a tar, sto/ /estering them; Guit /rea$hing at them; 4he*>re getting enough /ushing and /u ing right now from the ange s, and the 3o * !/irit is doing a thorough @o) of /rea$hing to them( =ne of the )ig ange s who ater ta &ed to me said he was the same one who was standing )eside Joshua when Joshua said, 7"re *ou on our side, or the enemies> side87 4he ange re/ ied, 7%ou are wrong on )oth a$$ounts, )ut ' have $ome as the eader of another arm* and we are ta&ing our orders from heaven( %our God, who is giving those orders, &nows what the needs are(7 4here>s an arm* at wor& right now( Wherever men and women honest * a* their oved ones out )efore God, those names are written on a ver* s/e$ia ist( 4his does not mean that God is going to sto/ on * with those fami ies, God is rea$hing /eo/ e and drawing them in from a wa &s of ife( 'n #sa m 89:33.30 we read a)out that ver* s/e$ia ist where God said he wou d ma&e an ever asting $ovenant with us, even the sure mer$ies of :avid( 4hen he te s us what the sure mer$ies of :avid are, that if *our $hi dren drift awa* from God, the* are going to get into trou) e( 74hen wi ' visit their transgression with the rod, and their ini?uit* with stri/es7 C#s( 89:32E( 2-

4he* are going to have a rough time, )ut neverthe ess, )e$ause ' made a /romise to *ou, 7m* oving&indness wi ' not utter * ta&e from him, nor suffer m* faithfu ness to fai (7 C#s( 89:33E( 3e is going to sta* right on them, en$ouraging them to $ome )a$& to his fami *( ' didn>t as& this ange to identif* himse f, or to give an* $redentia s( But, he said, 74o set *our mind at ease as to the authenti$it* of this visit, to erase an* dou)ts from *our mind, ' want to give *ou some s$ri/ture referen$es where ' am referred to in God>s Word, and it>s sett ed there;7 and that is what he did; 3e was the ange who was with Ia$harias, with #au at the shi/wre$&, with 1oses to s$atter the enemies, and with Joshua( "gain toda* ' $an hear the )att e $r*, 76ise u/, +ord( +et *our enemies )e s$attered,7 and a read* the ange s have moved out for a$tion; When ' gave this first message to m* $hur$h, God gave me a $onfirmation that it was from him; !omeone too& the ta/e of G==: NEW! and gave it to a friend who was visiting here from Canada( ")out two o>$ o$& one !aturda* morning, m* wife answered the /hone and as she handed it to me said, 7!omeone is rea * $r*ing and ' $an>t ma&e sense out of him(7 ' to d the man on the other end of the ine to ta&e it eas* so ' $ou d understand him( 3e said, 7'>m u/ here in Canada, and some)od* )rought me a ta/e of *ours( " )un$h of us de$ided we wou d have a )ig /art* tonight, and have a ot of fun aughing at someone who was ta &ing a)out ange s( 7We thought this wou d )e the funniest thing ever, so we a got together and went to the sa oon( We got our @ugs of )eer and sat around the ta) e( We were going to / a* the ta/e over and over and @ust have a )ig time aughing; We thought it wou d )e a rea ) ast; We turned the ta/e re$order on, )ut none of us tou$hed our )eer; 'n a)out five minutes, a few of us started $r*ing( 4here were seventeen of us together in the sa oon( 7We / a*ed it over three times and someone said, >What are we going to do, we>ve got to do something;>7 4he* $ou dn>t figure out what to do( 't was i&e the* were in a daFe( <ina * one of them said, 7Wh* don>t we $a him . that /astor(7 !o the* $a ed the o/erator and got m* num)er( When he re ated the stor* a)out istening to the ta/e, he / eading * as&ed 21

me, 7What are we going to do87 ' said, 7God has fo owed that ta/e to Canada with his ange s, and he wants *ou to turn *our ife over to him( Just s i/ *our hand into his right now(7 "fter the man /ra*ed with me over the te e/hone, he said, 71* ife is )eginning right toda*( '>m going )a$& and te those other si5teen what to do and get them a to turn their ives over to God;7 3a e u@ah; ' had si5 $a s the first wee& whi$h $onfirmed to me that this message was from God and that ' was to share it with the wor d( Not one of the individua s who $a ed me &new who ' was, and none of them had heard the ta/e e5$e/t the man from Canada( "nother time the /hone rang ear * one morning, and it was a man $a ing from W*oming( 3e said, 7' fee i&e an idiot( ' don>t &now what '>m $a ing *ou for(7 7We , what are *ou $a ing me for, wa&ing me u/ in the midd e of the night i&e this87 7%ou ma* not )e ieve this, )ut tonight ' heard a oud voi$e sa*, >Ca #astor Bu$& in Boise, 'daho(>7 3e said he thought he was osing his mind so he ignored the order and in a few minutes he heard that same voi$e again sa* with great authorit*, 7' want *ou to $a #astor Bu$& in Boise, 'daho;7 4here was so mu$h /ressure on him, he fina * $a ed the o/erator to see if there was a #astor Bu$& in Boise, 'daho( 3e said, 74he* gave me *our num)er, so here ' am( ' don>t &now what ' $a ed *ou for, )ut ' was to d to $a *ou, so here ' am(7 ' BNEW 43E "NGE+! 3": BEEN BA!%; 7' &now wh* *ou $a ed,7 ' said, and ed him to the +ord( 4hen ' as&ed him, 7's there someone in *our fami *, a re ative /erha/s, who &nows God87 7' have a 7nutt*7 sister who &nows God, or sa*s she &nows him( '>ve )een istening to her, )ut ' didn>t )e ieve her;7 7Be$ause of this nutt* sister, *ou are high * favored of God( God made a /romise that he was going to sta* right on *ou and he didn>t et u/ unti *ou were saved;7 't was a rea @o* when another man sto//ed )* who had )een trou) ed a)out his sister who didn>t &now the +ord( When he heard a)out ange s going out to )ring /eo/ e to the ones who wou d minister sa vation to them, he got down on his &nees and said, 7+ord, '>m going to a* m* sister and m* fami * out )efore *ou, and '>m going to /raise *ou for what *ou are going to do(7 4hat ver* wee& his sister found Jesus as her !avior and +ord, and now God is wor&ing on the rest of the mem)ers of the fami *( 22

6e/orts are $oming in from a over that these ange s are )ringing /eo/ e to the / a$e where the* $an ma&e a de$ision for Christ( God>s messages and his sa vation are snow)a ing around the wor d( 4he ange reem/hasiFed the fa$t to me that these ministering ange s were out wor&ing and )ringing /eo/ e to those who wou d minister sa vation to them( "gain he em/hasiFed the fa$t that we must /re/are ourse ves and )e a ert to he / those who wi $ome to us( 4hen he said, 7%ou have a$$e/ted the tea$hing that Jesus is the door and the wa*( %ou are )ringing /eo/ e to the door,7 he said, 7)ut God wants *ou to &now that *ou are a so a door(7 When Jesus said, 7"s m* <ather sent me, so send ' *ou,7 he dis/at$hed us e5a$t * as he is( We are a door to Christ, and he is the door to God( Jesus said, 7Heri *, veri *, ' sa* unto *ou, 3e that )e ieveth on me, the wor&s that ' do sha he do a so9 and greater wor&s than these sha he do9 )e$ause ' go unto m* <ather7 CJohn 12:12E( 3e has not on * given us the 3o * !/irit, )ut he gave us his @o) to do; Jesus, as a human $hanne of God, was the door through whi$h /eo/ e found God( 7"nd Christ )e$ame a human )eing and ived here on earth among us (((7 CJohn 1:12 4+BE( #eo/ e who $an>t find Jesus in this wor d $an find us; 4oda* man* /eo/ e are going out and )e$oming a door, or a $hanne , through whi$h others are finding Christ as their !avior( Jesus said, 7' am the ight of the wor d,7 in John 8:12, and in 1atthew ,:12 he said, 7%e are the ight of the wor d(7 4his does not give deit* to man, )e$ause we are not Jesus, )ut we are the human doors and 7the ight of the wor d7 whi$h he uses on this earth; 3e wants us to ta&e this same &ind of authorit* that these ange s are ta&ing and not isten to an*one>s o)@e$tions when the* $ome to us( "s the !/irit draws and $a s /eo/ e, the* often refuse to isten, and strenuous * o)@e$t, )ut the ange s don>t isten( 4he* have orders to )ring /eo/ e to a /oint of either a$$e/ting or re@e$ting Jesus( 'f the* refuse, the ange s start the $*$ e over again, and again, and again as dire$ted )* the !/irit( Not ever*one who $omes *our wa* wi )e )rought )* the !/irit, )ut God wants *ou to )e sensitive enough to hear the words the* are 23

sa*ing, or sense their dis$ouragement( We are to et them &now the ange s are at wor& and the* $annot dis/ose of them @ust )* turning awa* and refusing to isten( 'f the* do, the ange s wi start the $*$ e right over again; "nd if the* refuse again, the ange s wi start on$e more( "nge s do not get dis$ouraged( 4he* are ta&ing a their orders from heaven( #raise God; We $an s/ea& in Jesus> name )e$ause we have his authorit*( When someone sin$ere * sa*s, 7Jesus, ' a$$e/t *ou,7 it is our res/onsi)i it* to et them &now that God has a$$e/ted them( God has given us this authorit* through Jesus( We are his re/resentatives; We $an sa* this, )e$ause God wi )a$& us u/ in ever*thing we do that is a$$ording to his Word( 7Whosoever *ou free,7 he said, 7' am going to free(7 God>s Good News for *ou toda* is that God is vita * interested in ea$h /erson and in fami ies, and that he is even sending ange i$ messengers to )ring those who are awa* from him into his own fami *( 3e rea * oves /eo/ e;

Chapter ( )inistr' of Angels

4hrough the ins/iring messages )rought )* ange s, the +ord has given me some )eautifu insights that ' $ou d never have earned )* intensive stud*( When God )rought these e5$iting truths to me, he did not sa*, 7!ee if *ou $an tai or these to fit into *our do$trina $on$e/ts( !ee if *ou $an fit them into the /osition *ou have $hosen(7 3e doesn>t even a$t i&e he &nows of an* /ositions; 3e @ust said, 74his is what is going to ha//en;7 'n the awesomeness of the /resen$e of God>s ange s, ' have often fe t i&e 1ar*, who said, 71a* ever*thing *ou said $ome true7 C+u&e 1:38 4+BE( When #au said, 7(((4here stood )* me this night the ange of God, whose ' am, and whom ' serve7 C"$ts 20:23E, he &new it wou d $ome to /ass; 'n the same wa*, ' BN=W that these messages whi$h have $ome from God>s heart are $ontinua * ro))ing he of its future inha)itants( 4hese truths are vita and rea ; 4he mere /resen$e of these magnifi$ent ange i$ )eings, who $ome right from the throne of God is so awesome ' $ou d never $riti$iFe an* /erson for fa ing f at on 22

his fa$e )efore one; ' wou d not even $riti$iFe those few /eo/ e in the Bi) e who had a desire to worshi/ them, even though the* did not; 4hese ange s have made sim/ e, )asi$ truths )e$ome a ive and rea to me; 4he* have high ighted, and )rought into fo$us, $ertain s$ri/tures whi$h $ou d never have )een o/ened to me an* other wa*( 4hese are sim/ e Bi) e /rin$i/ es whi$h God has a owed me to view through his e*es, )ut ' $ertain * did not )*/ass the Bi) e in order to see them( God /ut them there a ong time ago, )ut s$a es on our s/iritua e*es have /revented us from seeing them( Ever* truth these ange i$ )eings have made rea to me, has )een su//orted )* the Word of God( "fter these g orious reve ations, diffi$u t truths )e$ome sim/ e; 3ow $ou d ' have missed them a this time8 4he* are so / ain and so )eautifu , and ever* one of these messages high ights the sa$rifi$e of Jesus, for the ange s NEHE6 s/ea& of God>s eterna / an without mentioning his death( 't>s a wa*s in the message, somewhere, that )eautifu , $om/ ete sa$rifi$e of Jesus; ' s/ent some time musing a)out these things( %ou $an we understand that *ou $annot $ ose the door to an overwhe ming e5/erien$e i&e this, ta&e it out of *our mind and sa*, 7We , now, that>s that; ' got the message; '>ve had this e5/erien$e, and now we wi move on to the ne5t /hase;7 't is tota * im/ossi) e; 4he awesomeness of the e5/erien$e, and the overwhe ming /resen$e of God, are things ' $annot /ut out of m* mind even when ' $ ose m* e*es at night( Be$ause of these ange i$ visits, there is a su)$ons$ious awareness of God, his /resen$e, and his rea it* at a times( =ne of the greatest things to me a)out these visitations has )een the fa$t that the* have et /eo/ e &now that God ives, and he hasn>t forgotten them( ' do not &now if ' wi ever have another ange i$ visit( 3owever, these visits have had enough im/a$t on m* ife that nothing on this earth, or even in heaven, $ou d ta&e what this has done from m* heart and m* mind; God is /re/aring /eo/ e, and in his /re/aration, he is read*ing us, ' fee , for the return of Christ; 3e is /re/aring us, 2,

i)erating us from fears and )ondages, and giving us /ower to )e, and then /ower to do; God is on the move; 'n s/ite of the fa$t that he wants us to &ee/ our e*es on the message, and not on the messenger, we $annot ignore the messenger( " fee ing of awe surrounds me when ' even thin& a)out God>s goodness in )ringing messages to his /eo/ e )* ange i$ )eings( "s ' oo& at an ange and hear him sa* that God $ares a)out us, ' rea iFe it isn>t @ust the ange who stands there( 't is God himse f who $ares enough to )ring this message to our hearts( "t times there are things whi$h sound a itt e humorous in the ministr* of ange s and the wor& the* do, )ut there is a wa*s a tremendous fee ing of awe surrounding them )e$ause the* $ome dire$t * from the /resen$e of God, and his g or* $omes with them( 'f there had on * )een one visit, ' wou d have )een $om/ ete * $ontent )e$ause it is an e5/erien$e of a ifetime( 3owever, severa wee&s after the origina en$ounter, the ange s visited me for the se$ond time, reinfor$ing the origina message given to me( 't didn>t even sto/ there, and a)out five wee&s ater, @ust after ' had gone to )ed, ' noti$ed a ) uish g ow $oming from the stair$ase( ' &new it was too dim to )e the ight for the stair$ase, so ' thought that /ossi) * ' had eft a ight on in one of the downstairs rooms( ' got u/, and started down to turn the ight off( ' was ha fwa* down the stairs when the ight f i//ed on; !tanding )efore me were two of the argest men ' had ever seen in m* ife; ' was sho$&ed; ' wasn>t e5a$t * frightened, )ut there was su$h a radiation of divine /ower whi$h $omes from them dwe ing in the )rightness of God>s /resen$e, that ' $ou d not stand u/; 1* &nees )u$& ed and ' started to fa ; =ne of these huge )eings rea$hed out, too& ho d of me, and m* strength returned; 3e ver* sim/ * to d me he was the ange Ga)rie ; ' was stunned; Cou d this )e the same Ga)rie ' had read a)out in the Bi) e8 4he im/a$t of the first visits were far ess awesome than now, )e$ause here he stood, as $ ear * visi) e as an* earth * man, and introdu$ed himse f as the ange Ga)rie ; 't is im/ossi) e to des$ri)e m* fee ings 2D

of awe and wonder; 4hen he introdu$ed me to the se$ond ange whose name was Chroni; Chroni8 4hat>s a /e$u iar name( ' never heard of that; Wh* not 1aha a ee , or 4u)a $ain, or !hadra$h, 1esha$h or ")ednego, "s*n$ritus, #h egon, #hi o ogus, !osi/ater, or =nesi/horus8 ' had never thought of a the ange s having names, and as it turned out, a having different "##E"6"NCE!; ' as&ed Ga)rie , 7Wh* are the two of *ou here87 3e mere * said that the 3o * !/irit had sent them, and then Ga)rie immediate * )egan te ing me some )eautifu truths( 4heo ogi$a *, ' &new that the 3o * !/irit was ever*where at on$e, )ut it too& on new meaning when he to d me that the 3o * !/irit $onstant * monitors the who e earth and /i$&s u/ signa s from ever*where at on$e( 3e even hears a )ird as it fa s to the ground, wherever it is; 3e hears the softest footste/s, and he $ares; 74he +ord is sti in his ho * tem/ e9 he sti ru es from heaven( 3e $ ose * wat$hes ever*thing that ha//ens here on earth7 C#sa m 11:2 4+BE( 3e said that in seeing what is ha//ening throughout the who e earth, he dete$ted a massive )ui d.u/ of satani$ for$es who were / anning to atta$& me( 4he !/irit not on * monitors, )ut sends out orders, so at God>s $ommand, the ange s were right here in Boise, 'daho, to defeat the enem*; ' was a itt e $on$erned )e$ause ' didn>t want them standing around if the enem* was going to atta$& C' wanted them to )e out fighting;E )ut he said, 7We have a read* finished the @o);7 ' as&ed him if the* norma * $ome in answer to a $a for he /(J No,7 he re/ ied, 7if the !/irit waited unti *ou &new a)out an atta$&, *ou wou d a read* )e in trou) e; 4his is not an*thing unusua ( We are $onstant * ho ding )a$& the enem* and /utting them to f ight;7 4hen he as&ed me to oo& out the window( ' oo&ed, and there were a)out a hundred of these )ig W"66'NG ange s standing in the drivewa*( 4he* had a read* finished their @o) an were @ust $asua * ta &ing with ea$h other; 't gave me a rea good fee ing to &now that God has wa*s and means of ta&ing $are of his /eo/ e; Ga)rie s/o&e to me a)out the enormit* of the s/irit of ini?uit* 20

whi$h is wor&ing overtime in the wor d toda*( 4here is a sinister attem/t )* de$eiving s/irits to get God>s /eo/ e sidetra$&ed from the iving Christ( 3e wants to )e a iving, /u sating /erson to ever* one of us, )ut )e$ause of these enem* for$es, some /eo/ e have ta&en their e*es off of Jesus and started oo&ing to tea$hers( !ome of these tea$hers disse$t and $ategoriFe the Bi) e unti it oses its ife( Ga)rie said, 76ead the Word, feed on it, et it )e$ome the +iving Word to *ou, not @ust $o umns of truths and o/inions of men(7 3e referred to Christ )eing &nown as a ) a$&)oard Christ, a diagrammed Christ, a /rinted Christ, or even as a f anne .gra/h Christ( 3e said that Jesus wants to )e &nown as the +iving Christ, $oming out the /ages of the Bi) e to us; 3a e u@ah; ' fe t this message was rea * needed; 3e added that though stud* sounds s/iritua , some /eo/ e wou d a wa*s )e earning, and never doing, )e$ause )* the time the* a$?uired &now edge of one t*/e of a stud* or do$trine, it was and the* had to start a over again; 3e said, 7<eed on the Word(7 3e re/eated, 7<eed on the Word;7 :on>t sett e for the disse$ted Word torn into itt e )its and ana *Fed )* se$tions( Bee/ it the +iving Word; 4his is e5$iting )e$ause there is no su)stitute for Jesus W'43 *ou and 'N *ou; 3e to d me a)out different t*/es of ange s, su$h as /raise ange s, worshi/ ange s, ministering ange s, and warring ange s( 6egard ess of their fun$tion, their highest /ur/ose is to EK"+4 the name of Jesus; When that name sounds in heaven or here on earth, the* fa fa$e down and worshi/ him )e$ause he is so e5a ted; =ne night whi e Ga)rie and Chroni were ta&ing to me, there sudden * a//eared a ) uish shaft of /ure ight a)out eighteen in$hes in diameter from the $ei ing to the f oor of our stud* room( 4he instant the ight a//eared, )oth ange s fe /rostrate on the f oor( 4he* sta*ed in a /rone /osition for at east five minutes without a sing e motion or sound( ' didn>t &now what to do, so ' fe on m* hands and &nees and worshi//ed God( 4he* never to d me what this was, )ut ' fee that @ust as a )right ight a//eared to !au on the road to :amas$us, this a so $ou d have )een an a//earan$e of Jesus in the form of a )right ight( 't was awesome to me; 28

!ome of the uni?ue e5/erien$es God has ) essed me with are so un)e ieva) e from our human view/oint that ' am often hesitant to share them /u) i$ *( 3ere is one of them: :uring a visit one night, Ga)rie said that God had sent me a itt e gift for m* strength and energ* as he handed me a round wafer a//ro5imate * five in$hes in diameter and ,L8 in$h thi$&, that oo&ed i&e )read( 3e instru$ted me to eat it9 so ' did( 't had the taste of hone*( When ' finished the )read, he gave me a si ver. i&e ad e fi ed with what a//eared to )e water( ' dran& ever* dro/ of it, and an overwhe ming desire to /raise and worshi/ God instant * $ame over me( 6ivers of /raise )i owed u/ to God, )u)) ing u/ out of m* innermost )eing, and for da*s after ' dran& this i?uid, there was a sensation of 7fiFFing7 inside of m* veins( What an indes$ri)a) * / easant and e5hi arating fee ing it was; 4he effe$ts were astounding )e$ause the first da* after ' ate the wafer and dran& the water, ' +=!4 <'HE #=AN:!; 4he se$ond da* ' +=!4 "N=43E6 <'HE #=AN:!; 4he third and fourth da*s "N=43E6 <'HE #=AN:! E"C3 :"%; 4hen it ta/ered off to a)out a /ound a da*( ' had an e5$ess of 7f a),7 and that is a gone now( When ' @ogged /rior to this, ' ?ui$& * )e$ame winded, )ut now ' have no )reath shortage at a ( 1* strength and stamina have )een fantasti$; #raise God for his ever asting Word, the Bi) e, whi$h is our sta)i iFation /oint for a things, )e$ause there is a stor* in the Bi) e of the time when E i@ah was wea& from hunger, and God dis/at$hed an ange to )ring him something to eat( "fter that, he went for fort* da*s and nights without food; God>s Word is $onstant * )eing $onfirmed )* the fu fi ing of s$ri/tures through a$tivities on earth toda* not un i&e those whi$h have o$$urred throughout a of God>s / an( "nother of the man* )eautifu truths God gave me through the mouth of the ange Ga)rie was that ever*thing God has /romised is a read* $om/ eted as far as God>s )oo& in heaven is $on$erned( 4his statement was ver* diffi$u t for me to understand, so Ga)rie too& a /en$i whi$h ' he d in m* hand, and drew a rough s&et$h of the /i$ture frame( Ever*thing God has /romised is $om/ eted in this /i$ture( But, he 29

said, 73ere is a tin* itt e s/ot re/resenting things un$ ear to *ou . things not *et $om/ ete( %ou often s/end *our time oo&ing at these things unti the tin* s/ot e5/ands outward and fi s the frame, and tota * hides what God has done( 'f *ou oo& to Jesus instead of the /ro) em, *ou wi see the $om/ ete /i$ture(7 'n 's( 23:2 the +ord said, 7When *ou go through dee/ waters and great trou) e, ' wi )e with *ou(7 'f *ou oo& at the waters of trou) e, it wi hide the /i$ture, )ut if *ou oo& to Jesus, that itt e /ie$e that oo&s so ominous to *ou has to shrin& )a$& into / a$e and then *ou wi see the who e /i$ture $om/ ete with ever*thing that God /romised( 1an* /eo/ e have as&ed me if Ga)rie had said an*thing a)out the return of Christ( 3e hadn>t, so ' as&ed him if he $ou d te me an*thing a)out it( 3e re/ ied that Jesus is returning, )ut the time is something that God has reserved in his own &now edge( Ga)rie has a$$ess to the timeta) e on ever*thing e se that has )een /redi$ted, )ut God has &e/t this /arti$u ar se$ret to himse f( 4hen he said to me, 7' $an te *ou this: there has never )een su$h e5$itement and a$tivit* in the $ourts of heaven sin$e Jesus $ame the first time as there is right now;7 3a e u@ah; 4hese ange s s/o&e in a heaven * anguage and were $onstant * /i$&ing u/ messages from the !/irit( =ften when the* wou d /i$& u/ re/orts, the* wou d augh and )e$ome e5treme * ha//*( =)vious *, these were re/orts of great vi$tories that the* were $e e)rating( "s Ga)rie was ta &ing with me, Chroni, the other ange , / a*ed with Gueenie, ti$& ing her ears, getting her on her )a$& and having fun with her( Gueenie a//ed it u/; ' wish she $ou d ta & )e$ause ' wou d i&e to &now what her im/ressions were( !he has had the rare e5/erien$e for a dog, and a$ted as though she thought it was rea * great; Ga)rie went to the door and rea$hed for the &no)( 3e said he had to eave )e$ause of an urgent $a of the !/irit, )ut he said, 7' have as&ed Chroni to sta* here with *ou during this time whi e ' am gone( '> )e )a$& short *(7 't was so strange, )e$ause whi e ' W"! +==B'NG "4 3'1, 3E JA!4 H"N'!3E: 'N4= 43'N "'6( 4here was no f ash, no sounds, no nothing( 3e @ust disa//eared; =ne 3-

minute ' was ta &ing with a ver* so id, mus$u ar individua , and the ne5t instant there was nothing; " ' $ou d see was the / a$e where he had )een standing; 3e had $om/ ete * vanished; Ever*one seems to )e interested in &nowing something a)out the /h*si$a a//earan$e of ange s( No two of them oo& a i&e; 4he* are different siFes, have different hair st* es, and $om/ ete * different a//earan$es( Chroni has a hairdo mu$h i&e man* men have toda*, and he oo&s a)out twent*.five *ears o d( ' do not &now what he wou d weigh in earth * /ounds, )ut m* guess wou d )e $ ose to 2-/ounds( 3e is huge, seven or more feet in height, and often wears a )rown /u .over shirt and is $asua *, )ut neat * dressed in oose. fitting trousers( 3is shirt a$es at the to/ with what oo&s i&e a shoe a$e( Ga)rie often a//ears in a shimmering white tuni$ with a radiant go d )e t a)out five in$hes wide, white trousers and high * /o ished, )ronFe.$o ored shoes( 3is hair is the $o or of go d; 4he reason for the ) ue g ow ' had seen ear ier was that their entire $ othing was radiant, with an irides$ent g ow; 4heir s&in a so had a g ow; "nd those e*es . ' wou d re$ogniFe them an*where; 4he* were i&e )a s of fire, )ut there was su$h warm $om/assion *ou $ou d a$tua * fee it in their gaFe; 't seemed as though the* oo&ed right through me; ' understood what John meant he des$ri)ed his meeting with Jesus in the first $ha/ter of 6eve ation where he said his e*es were i&e 7f ames of fire(7 4here is something a)out )eing in the /resen$e of God that $reates a g ow or shine( When 1oses was with God for @ust fort* da*s and fort* nights, the* had to /ut a vei over his fa$e )e$ause it shone so mu$h when he $ame down out of the mountain that the* $ou d not oo& at him; When 1oses and E i@ah $ame down to the mount dire$t * from heaven and ta &ed with Jesus, the dis$i/ es said the* had 7g istening7 garments( 4he* itera * shone; :uring one visit, Chroni said that God had given him /ermission to answer ?uestions whi$h ' might have( ' was so over$ome, ' rea * didn>t &now what to as& him; ' fe t a tremendous awe, and *et there was great @o* in his /resen$e( ' fina * mustered u/ some $ourage and said, 7' have often wondered what ange s do in )etween the times of their &nown a//earan$es( 4hree or four hundred *ears went )* in the Bi) e without one word having )een written a)out ange s( 31

3ow do *ou &ee/ from getting )oard87 3e oo&ed ver* /uFF ed when ' as&ed him this ?uestion( 4hen he answered with the dee/est, ri$hest voi$e ' have ever heard, 74hose a//earan$es mentioned in the Bi) e were @ust the times when the +ord o/ened the e*es of /eo/ e so the* $ou d see us( Be$ause there are a wa*s /eo/ e around for us to ta&e $are of, we are )us* "++ the time(7 "nge s are )eings of eternit*( 4ime means nothing to them; "ge means nothing to them; We ta &ed a)out different su)@e$ts than those ' had dis$ussed with Ga)rie , and these /ertained most * to their wor&( 3e to d me a)out another res/onsi)i it* ange s have, and that is to ta&e $are of the wi$&ed and ungod * /eo/ e( 3e said, 7%ou $an never $om/rehend the de/th of God>s ove )e$ause it is too great;7 't is so amaFing to see how /eo/ e $an $urse and hate God and turn their )a$&s on him, and *et God>s arms &ee/ rea$hing out )e$ause he oves them so mu$h( ' as&ed Chroni to te me a)out some of his most interesting e5/erien$es( =ne of the most e5$iting ha//enings reminded me of how o d he must )e, sin$e ange s were $reated )efore the earth was formed( 't $on$erned the time when he he /ed ead the $hi dren of 'srae out of the and of Eg*/t( 3e said, 7God gave us the right to /unish the Eg*/tians and to use an* of God>s wea/ons( We threw ightening )o ts at them; We /u ed the whee s off their $arts;7 3e didn>t a$tua * sa* it was fun, )ut he did sa* it was fi5ed in his mind )e$ause of the great de iveran$e of 'srae when the sea was /ushed )a$&( 3e to d me of another interesting event when 'srae was on a for$ed mar$h( 74he men of Gi)eon hurried * sent messengers to Joshua at Gi ga ( >Come and he / *our servants;> the* demanded( >Come ?ui$& * and save us;> <or a the &ings of the "morites who ive in the hi s are here with their armies(> !o Joshua and the 'srae i arm* eft Gi ga and went to res$ue Gi)eon( >:on>t )e afraid of them,> the +ord said to Joshua, >for the* are a read* defeated; ' have given them to *ou to destro*( Not a sing e one of them wi )e a) e to stand u/ to *ou>7 CJoshua 1-:,.8 4+BE( God had de$reed that 'srae wou d have the vi$tor*, so the* had to have the vi$tor*, )ut the* were too tired to fight; Chroni said the ange s had orders to intervene, )ut not to interfere with what God was doing in man>s norma $ourse of ife( 4he* had a terrifi$ e5/erien$e when a grou/ of the warring ange s made huge i$e )a s and threw them down on to/ of the enem* for$es;7 7"nd it $ame to /ass, as the* f ed from )efore 'srae , and 32

were in the going down to Bethhoron, that the +ord $ast down great stones from heaven u/on them unto "Fe&ah, and the* died: the* were more whi$h died with hai stones than the* whom the $hi dren of 'srae s ew with the sword7 CJoshua 1-:11E( "nge i$ )eings are $ontinua * ministering to /eo/ e in man* wa*s in these /resent da*s( 1an* seeming $oin$iden$es are rea * ange s on the @o); We haven>t fu * rea iFed God>s use of heaven * hosts to get his @o) done )e$ause of our imited information $on$erning ange s( God et #au see the /ower of these for$es, and a so :avid, who s/o&e of the tremendous num)ers of ange s and the greatness of their /ower( #au said ever* one of them is sent forth of God to minister for those who sha )e heirs of sa vation C3e)rews 1:12E( God $ertain * doesn>t want us to worshi/ ange s, )ut he does want us to )e aware of them and their im/ortan$e in our ives toda*( 4he* are not @ust stories in the Bi) e9 the* are iving, a$tive )eings wor&ing for God in the unfo ding of his might* eterna / an( Ga)rie a so to d me that God said man* /eo/ e wou d 7fantasiFe7 and re/ort, 7' saw an ange here, ' saw an ange there(7 3e said this wou d )e norma )e$ause of human imagination, and )e$ause of sin$ere desire to witness what God is doing through ange s, )ut, he $ontinued, 74here wi )e definite times when /eo/ e>s e*es wi )e o/ened and the* wi see rea ange s, not @ust figments of their imaginations(7 3e a so said that God and the ange i$ for$es were @ust as near to /eo/ e who do not see them as to those who a$tua * do; ' am g ad the +ord has a owed me to ive in su$h an e5$iting da*; 4hese are the )est da*s of a histor*; 4hings might oo& dar& in some areas, )ut when *ou /ro@e$t Jesus over them, the* oo& ight( 3e te s us, 74he who e earth is fi ed with his g or*;7

Chapter * )' +isit to the Throne Room

=ne !aturda* night in Januar* of 1900, at a)out 1-:3- #1, ' was seated at m* des&, meditating, /ra*ing, and /re/aring m* heart for !unda*( ' had m* head down on m* arm at the des&, when sudden *, without an* warning, ' was ta&en right out of that room; ' heard a voi$e sa*: 7Come with me into the 4hrone 6oom where the 33

se$rets of the universe are &e/t;7 ' didn>t have time to answer9 s/a$e means nothing to God; 't was i&e a sna/ of the fingers . )oom . and ' was right there; =n * then did ' re$ogniFe that the voi$e ' had heard s/ea&ing to me was the voi$e of the " might* God; ' was nervous, and God to d me to re a5( 3e said, 7%ou $an>t /rove an*thing to me, )e$ause ' a read* &now *ou( ' )egan to re a5 even though it was so awesome ' had diffi$u t* $om/rehending what was ha//ening( 3e $ame right to the /oint and said, 7' want to give *ou Cand this is 3'! e5/ressionE an >over a*> of truth(7 'n a s/ it se$ond of eternit*, we went from Genesis to 6eve ation, oo&ing first at God>s / an for his /eo/ e( 4hroughout a of the Bi) e, God dis$ussed his $hara$ter, stating, ' wi do nothing in $onf i$t with m* nature or m* $hara$ter( 1* / an for *ou is good and it wi )e a$$om/ ished(7 3e referred me to Jeremiah 29:11, 7<or ' &now the thoughts that ' thin& toward *ou, saith the +ord, thoughts of /ea$e, and not of evi , to give *ou an e5/e$ted end(7 'n giving me these thoughts, God wanted me to see how he rea * fe t a)out man9 that he had man in mind )efore he made the earth9 and he made the earth so man wou d have a / a$e on whi$h to ive( When he oo&s at man, he does not oo& at the evi whi$h has ta&en / a$e, )ut he oo&s at the ver* heart of man( :uring this visit, God tru * gave me a g orious g im/se of the hidden se$rets of the universe9 of matter, energ*, nature and s/a$e, a )earing the same )eautifu trademar&( "s he gave me this daFF ing over a* of truth, it added a new )eaut* and unit* to the entire Bi) e whi$h ' /revious * did not have( Certain )i) i$a truths whi$h ' had seen dar& * were now /erfe$t * $ ear, and ' $ou d see how a the /ie$es fit together in what God was doing; 4hen God said ' $ou d as& ?uestions; 1* mind was whir ing; 3ow does a human as& ?uestions of God8 't was so awesome )eing in his /resen$e ' $ou d hard * thin&( <ina * a thought $ame into m* mind to find out whether or not he a$tua * made individua / ans for ea$h and ever* ife, )e$ause for some reason or other, ' fe t this giganti$ tas& wou d )e too )ig even for God; 32

'n answer to m* ?uestion, God et me see the vastness of his heaven * ar$hes; 1* head swam; 4here was no wa* m* finite mind $ou d understand how God $ou d &ee/ tra$& of these fi es( 4here must )e )i ions of them; 3e said, 7!in$e *ou are overwhe med )* this, and it staggers *ou, et me /u out one that *ou $an re ate to(7 "nd he immediate * /u ed out mine; 3e wou d not et me see the $ontents of it, )ut mentioned a few of the future items isted whi$h ' $ou d use as $onfirmation of this visit( 4hen he did another ver* sur/rising thing; 3e wrote down 12events whi$h he said wou d ha//en in m* ife in the future( 't wasn>t i&e *ou and ' write9 the information @ust sudden * a//eared; ' did not even need to read it, )ut right now, ' $an te *ou EHE6%43'NG that was on that /a/er, )e$ause it was instant * im/ressed on m* mind i&e a /rinting /ress /rints on /a/er( 4he /ress doesn>t have to read what is im/rinted( 't>s there; 'n the same wa*, ever* sing e notation was )urned into m* mind, and it>s sti there; Even though ' had this &now edge, God a so et me &now that he did not want me to revea an* of these things unti su$h times as he wou d re ease me to share them( 3e said, 7+et me show *ou someone e se>s re$ord that *ou wi easi * understand(7 3e /u ed out the fi e on C*rus and reminded me of the ast verse of 'saiah 22, and the first five verses of 2, where he said, 7When ' sa* of C*rus, >3e is m* she/herd,> he wi $ertain * do as ' sa*9 and Jerusa em wi )e re)ui t and the 4em/ e restored, for ' have s/o&en it( 74his is Jehovah>s message to C*rus, God>s anointed, whom he has $hosen to $on?uer man* ands( God sha em/ower his right hand and he sha $rush the strength of might* &ings( God sha o/en the gates of Ba)* on to him9 the gates sha not )e shut against him an* more( ' wi go )efore *ou, C*rus, and eve the mountains and smash down the $it* gates of )rass and iron )ars( "nd ' wi give *ou treasures hidden in the dar&ness, se$ret ri$hes9 and *ou wi &now that ' am doing this . ', the +ord, the God of 'srae , the one who $a s *ou )* *our name( 7"nd wh* have ' named *ou for this wor&8 <or the sa&e of Ja$o), m* servant . 'srae , m* $hosen( ' $a ed *ou )* name when *ou didn>t &now me7 C4+BE( God oo&ed far into the future and saw e5a$t * what was going to ha//en( 3e a owed me to see the re$ord )oo&s, and a so his ) ue/rints for 3,

man* ives( =ne )oo& was that of the a/ost e #au ( 't revea ed that he wou d )e used to )ring the gos/e to &ings, ru ers, and men of authorit*( <or this reason, God gave him a )igger )rain $a/a$it* than norma , and )e$ause he was more )ri iant, he $aused him to stud* under the greatest tea$hers of his da*, fina * )eing tutored )* Gama ie , the most outstanding tea$her of that time( God had $hosen #au to write the s$ri/ture, the e/ist es, his / an for the $hur$h and his )od*, so he /re/ared him for this tas&( =ne of the most e5$iting things to me was the /ee& that God gave me into ")raham>s and !arah>s re$ords( "s ' g an$ed through them, ' saw things with whi$h ' was tota * unfami iar( ' saw re$ords of ")raham>s and !arah>s hos/ita it* to strangers( 4he* had a rea fee ing for those who were ess fortunate than the*( 4he* watered the $ame s of their guests, gave them a / a$e to sta*, and shared their food with them( God honored this, and it was written down, )ut ' had never /revious * noti$ed this when ' read the )oo& of Genesis; =ne thing ' $ou d not find was the / a$es where ")raham stum) ed( When ")raham ied to the &ing of Eg*/t, sa*ing that his wife was his sister, it was not re$orded there; 4he time his faith was wea& and he aughed )e$ause of un)e ief in God>s /romise that a man of his age $ou d )e a father, was not re$orded there( 7God, where is the other )oo&87 7' have no other )oo& for the )e ievers(7 7Where did *ou write a)out the fai ures of ")raham whi$h ' have seen re$orded in *our own words in the Bi) e87 7' have no other )oo&( ' := N=4 6EC=6: <"'+A6E 'N 3E"HEN;7 C!ee 3e)rews 1-:10.18E( 4his is a )eautifu ho/e for a man&ind; Eternit* fi es are not i&e man wou d ma&e9 the* are more $om/ ete, and ever*thing is meti$u ous * re$orded( 4hese are the re$ords he wi )ring into fo$us when the )oo&s are o/ened at the )e iever>s @udgment( 4his is the heaven * fi ing s*stem, a tota * different dimension than that of the wor d9 an eternit* of ar$hives( "nother of the e5$iting things God did was to ta&e me in s/irit to visit the homes of severa fami ies in m* $hur$h( Without seeming * 3D

an* e5/enditure of time, God too& me from one home to another, @ust i&e we were going from door to door( "s we istened to the $onversations of /eo/ e in these homes, it seemed strange to )e in the room with /eo/ e ta &ing who a//arent * didn>t &now ' was there( ' $ou d see them, )ut it a//eared as though the* were oo&ing right through me( 4hen ' thought a)out the fa$t that Christ is in homes, istening, wat$hing what is going on, and often we are tota * unaware that he is there; 4here were $ount ess ange s ever*where( <or a f eeting /eriod ' saw m* own $hur$h )ui ding /a$&ed with ange s( 4here were more heaven * )eings than earth * )eings; 3a e u@ah; 4here isn>t an* wa* ' $an te *ou a the things that were im/rinted on m* mind during this time of unadu terated g or*( 't is utter * im/ossi) e; ' do, however, want to share some of the things whi$h made the greatest im/ression u/on me( =ne of the dis$overies whi$h was so )eautifu to me in heaven, was the tota a)sen$e of the /iet* /eo/ e often want to a// * to their ives when the* thin& of God; 4here was none there; Ever*thing was on a ight, ha//*, re a5ed )asis, with rea )rightness; ' didn>t fee i&e ' had to wa & on eggs )e$ause ' was tota * at ease; ' didn>t have to thin& twi$e of what ' was going to sa* for fear ' wou d dis/ ease someone for there was a sense of tota o/enness( 't was a )eautifu , )ut awesome e5/erien$e that ' wi never forget; God em/hasiFed to me that we shou d ?uit worr*ing a)out 3'! res/onsi)i ities( 3e a$tua * et me view /eo/ e who are tr*ing to serve him )* seeing how mu$h the* $an get their minds in tune with him, )* tr*ing to thin& @ust e5a$t * right, or tr*ing to sa* the right word at the right time; God em/hasiFed to me, 74hat is m* )usiness( %ou worshi/ me, wa & with me, /ut *our hand in mine, get *our heart in tune with me and ' wi give *ou the /rivi ege of moving with me( 7+et me ta&e $are of m* own )usiness; What ' have /romised is m* )usiness, and ' wi ta&e $are of it( ' have not fai ed in a of this time( Not even one of m* words has fai ed in a of m* good /romises(7 30

' earned some things that were tru * astounding; =ne of these was the fa$t that God et me &now mone* isn>t going to have a who e ot of va ue e5$e/t when it is used for his wor&( 4o those who dire$t their resour$es for his wor&, he wi o/en the $hanne wide and there wi )e no imit as to how mu$h he wi ) ess them( 3e even et me see those inside of m* own $hur$h whom he was going to ) ess in a finan$ia wa*( 4here were /eo/ e who did not have great finan$es at the time, )ut )e$ause the* fe t the most im/ortant thing in the wor d was to use their ta ents to $reate a $ash f ow for the things of God, he to d me he was going to /our out ) essings u/on them( !in$e that time ' have ta&en a itt e /ee& at some of the giving re$ords( 4his is something ' do not usua * do, )ut ' wanted to see for m*se f if God had a read* ) essed these /eo/ e( "++ =< 43E1 43"4 43E +=6: 6E<E66E: 4= moved from a s/ot of meagerness in their giving to an overwhe ming amount; "nother of the e5treme * interesting things God to d me a)out when ' was with him was a truth that earth s$ientists did not dis$over unti ater( ' ta &ed to m* wife a)out it, and she was as amaFed as ' was at this s$ientifi$ fa$t( God said we wou d soon )e hearing a)out this new dis$over*; 4here has )een a ot of s/e$u ation a)out the em/t* s/a$es in heaven( 3e e5/ ained that the reason it a//ears that there are dar&, em/t* s/a$es, is that the gravitationa /u of stars inside of themse ves is so strong that it )ends their ight ra*s )a$& inside, so the stars go out and $onse?uent * the* do not give out ight ra*s an* more( 4he ) a$& ho es do not mean that there are no stars there, )ut sim/ * that their ight has gone out and the* $annot )e seen( 4he ) a$& ho es are the grave*ards of stars( God said that when our thoughts turn inward, we )e$ome @ust i&e the stars that are wandering in dar&ness( " s/a$e engineer sto//ed )* our house one night CJu *, 1908E, and ' dis$ussed this with him( "s ' to d him what God had said to me a)out the stars going out, he was astonished( 3e said, 7' $an>t )e ieve this; 't has on * )een a)out two months sin$e we got information on this through s/a$e /ro)es that there rea * are stars whi$h have gone out in these ) a$& ho es(7 3e said that this was not *et &nown )* the /u) i$( 1* wife, Charm, smi ed when he said that, )e$ause ' had 38

ta &ed to her a)out this months )efore( +ater on he wrote me a etter sa*ing, ' was /arti$u ar * amaFed when *ou to d me a)out outer s/a$e( ' was rea * sur/rised when *ou e5/ ained how the +ord $om/ared some /eo/ e who former * were Christians who ived and witnessed for the +ord, with some stars in the heavens whi$h used to shine, the* don>t even ref e$t ight whi$h does $ome their wa*( 4o me, these are the 7) a$& ho es7 of outer s/a$e( %ou &new a)out s$ientifi$ matters $on$erning things whi$h most ministers are not &now edgea) e( 4he +ord had to have given *ou this information( God a so reminded me that the earth is a wonderfu / a$e, )e$ause the who e earth is fi ed with his g or*; 3e et me see an in$reasing num)er of /eo/ e turning to him( Not /eo/ e )a$&ing awa*, not a surrendering of the $hur$h, not a $hur$h heading underground, )ut a $hur$h trium/hant; ' )e$ame tota * re a5ed and at ease with God( %ou don>t have to 7/ut *our )est foot forward,7 )e$ause he even &nows what *our worst foot oo&s i&e; 4here is no use /utting on an a$t or tr*ing to ma&e an im/ression . @ust )e *ourse f; ' found it wou d )e im/ossi) e to )e an* other wa* in heaven; 't seemed as though ' was with the +ord for severa months, /ossi) * even onger( " the things ' saw $ou d fi a huge )oo& of severa hundred /ages, )ut there is something a)out the dimension of eternit* that *ou $an>t ?uite identif* with time( ' wou dn>t have even had time to read the /a/er God showed me )e$ause it was ess than five minutes from the time ' eft m* offi$e unti ' returned( Eternit* is not run )* wat$hes )e$ause time is not measured( 4ime is @ust for the earth( Eternit* is not going to )e a ong, drawn.out e5isten$e( 't is not some ong, )oring e5tension of time( 't is not time at a ; 't is @ust a g orious e5/erien$e of )eing; When ' )egan sharing these su/ernatura e5/erien$es with m* $hur$h, ' was a itt e eer* a)out te ing them )e$ause there $ou d )e man* who wou d fee ' had some 7s$rews oose;7 'n the )eginning there were times when ' wondered m*se f if ' had )een having 39

ha u$inations( Just a)out the time ' )egan to fee that wa*, God wou d $ause things to ha//en e5a$t * as he had written them on the /a/er; When *our time $omes to eave this earth, don>t worr* a)out it, )e$ause heaven is not a drag; 'f things get )ad here, don>t worr* a)out that either( God wants us to ma&e the most of our ives whi e we are on his )eautifu earth, to ive for him, and )e ha//*; God is not near * as $on$erned as we are a)out a ot of things that /eo/ e have /ut their itt e red f ags on( What he as&s is that we wa & with him and ove him( 3e wants us to oo& at what he is doing, )e$ause the gra$e of God and his g or* fi s the who e earth; God a so a owed me to see oved ones who had died( 4hen he et me see )e ievers who were /assing from this ife( ' saw their fami ies in heaven )eing a erted )* the ange s that a oved one was $oming home and for them to read* themse ves to we $ome them( #au referred to these /eo/ e as having 7heaven *7 or 7$e estia 7 )odies( 4his am/ ified and $ arified for me another eterna dimension( 4he* were identifia) e, and a//eared e5a$t * the wa* the* oo&ed here, minus the $ares, the hurts and other /ro) ems( 4he* were $onstant * e5/erien$ing tremendous @o*, e5$itement and ha//iness, for heaven is a / a$e of $ontinua dis$over* a)out the )eaut* of God; God et me see something e se ' had never understood( 4here is an area )etween our /ermanent a)iding / a$e in heaven and this earth from whi$h we $an )e )rought )a$&( #eo/ e who have died and have )een restored to ife at God>s /rerogative, were sti in this area( 4he* had not *et rea$hed the / a$e of their fina a)ode( 4hese are some ver*, ver* interesting arrangements, )ut it isn>t guesswor&( ' saw it; ' was there; =ne thing God to d me was so o//osite to m* theo og* that it was hard for me to ad@ust m* understanding to the a$tua fa$ts( ' have /rea$hed that on$e *ou ?uit )reathing, if *ou are not saved, and do not &now God, *ou have missed heaven( God said that was not ne$essari * so( 3e said that there is a s/ot where the s/irit of man&ind ma* inger for a itt e time )efore going on to their /ermanent a)ode( 1an* /eo/ e who have )een $ ini$a * dead &now the* have had this e5/erien$e( CWe)master>s note . at the time of the 2-

/u) ishing of this )oo& in 1909 *ou didn>t hear mu$h a)out these &ind of things( 't was in the ear * 8-s that )oo&s started $oming out a)out the Near :eath E5/erien$e MN:EN, though a//arent * these events have )een o$$urring sin$e the )eginning of time( =n * in the /ast few de$ades have /eo/ e )egun to write a)out their e5/erien$es( #astor Bu$&>s visit to the 4hrone 6oom wou d )e $ assified as an =BE . =ut of Bod* E5/erien$e, to use a re$ent * deve o/ed term( When ' first read this )oo& in 1909 ' &now ' had never heard of the terms =BE or N:EE( !ome of them have a//roa$hed the gates of he , have even oo&ed in, or have )een a) e to oo& into heaven, and *et have $ome )a$&( 3e did not tr* to give it in a te5t)oo& fashion so *ou $ou d /rove it, or tea$h it as a su)@e$t, )ut @ust as a fa$t; ' remar&ed to God that this was tota * against m* theo og*, and he sim/ * stated that he wasn>t tr*ing to $om/are it to m* theo og*; ' saw a t*/e of ha wa*, whi$h was something i&e a $orridor or a tunne )etween ife and death, a waiting room from whi$h individua s enter into the fina dwe ing / a$e( God to d me that a /erson who dies and $omes )a$& has returned from this $orridor( ' was tota * at ease the entire time ' was in the 4hrone 6oom, )ut it was a over too ?ui$& *( !udden * ' $ame )a$& into m* offi$e, and saw m*se f with m* head on m* des& where ' had )een /ra*ing( Anti that ver* instant, ' thought ' was in the 4hrone 6oom in m* )od*, )ut ' was not; 4he +ord has a wonderfu sense of humor, and there is a ot of aughter and @o* in heaven( ' $ou d see the )a$& of m* head, and ' remar&ed, 7+ord, ' $ertain * did not &now the )a$& of m* head was getting that white;7 ' was rea * sho$&ed after ' found m*se f )a$& in m* $hair, )e$ause ' !4'++ 3": 43E #"#E6 43"4 G=: 3": G'HEN 1E; ' didn>t &now what to do with it, )ut there it was, right in m* hand( ' &new he didn>t want me to share it at that time, and it $om/ ete * unnerved me( ' $arefu * aid it on to/ of some other /a/ers on m* des& so nothing wou d ha//en to it and went home( 1* wife as&ed me wh* ' was so /a e and ?uiet( ' to d her e5a$t * what had ha//ened, and we ta &ed a)out m* visit to the 4hrone 6oom for a ong time( We fina * went to )ed, and ' got u/ ear * !unda* morning and went to m* 21

offi$e for another oo& at the /a/er( ' dis$overed '4 3": 4A6NE: 4= "!3E!; 4he ashes oo&ed a most i&e fur( 4he* were feather* ight, sort of fuFF* oo&ing, and the s ightest )reath $aused them to move in a a$* manner; 4he* reminded me of snowf a&es, on * the* were a different $o or( ' didn>t &now what to do with them( ' $ou dn>t )ring m*se f to throw them out, and ' was afraid to more them, so ' eft them there unti ate in the da*( 1an* /eo/ e $ame into m* offi$e to oo& at them( ' fina * s$oo/ed them into an enve o/e, and this $ondensed them so the* weren>t the same $onsisten$*( ' sti have the enve o/e as a reminder of a $a endar of events that ' didn>t /ut together( ' /ersona * do not have a thing to do with seeing that these events $ome to /ass( God @ust et me see what he is doing, great * in$reasing m* faith; 'f God wasn>t in it, ' wou dn>t &now how to a$$ount for that /a/er and for those ashes( 1an* /eo/ e heard a)out this and $ame from great distan$es to see the ashes whi$h were ver* unusua ( !evera /astors saw them eva/orate right off of their hands as the* he d them( 'n two.and. a.ha f wee&s there was not even a s/e$& of dust eft; 1an* have as&ed what the /a/er oo&ed i&e( 't was a)out as thi$& as a /ie$e of eather, )ut white, s ight * o/a?ue( 't a//eared to have )een torn on four sides, rather than $ut, and it s ight * resem) ed /ar$hment( !omeone as&ed me if it seemed em/t* $oming )a$& to tem/ora things, )ut it doesn>t, )e$ause it is a /art of his s*stemati$ / an for his eterna &ingdom( ' fee God is @ust as $ ose here as there; =ne of the most tremendous things that ha//ened to me whi e ' was there was when God mentioned that the Bi) e>s highest /ur/ose was to revea his $hara$ter( 3e gave me Jeremiah 9:23.22: 74hus saith the +ord, +et not the wise man g or* in his wisdom, neither et the might* man g or* in his might, et not the ri$h man g or* in his ri$hes: But et him that g orieth g or* in this, that he understandeth and &noweth me, that ' am the +ord whi$h e5er$ise oving &indness, @udgment, and righteousness, in the earth9 for in these things ' 22

de ight, saith the +ord(7 4hen he referred me to E5odus 32:D.0 where he to d 1oses, *ou $an>t see me, )ut ' wi te *ou of m*se f, what ' am i&e( 74he +ord God, mer$ifu and gra$ious, ong. suffering, and a)undant in goodness and truth, &ee/ing mer$* for thousands, forgiving ini?uit* and transgression and sin (((7 and then he went on to sa*, 74hen for those who re@e$t, there is the other side(7 God gave me s/e$ia i umination in over 2,--- verses of the Bi) e( 'nstant * ' &new these verses and their s$ri/tura referen$es )* memor*( ' have no wa* to e5/ ain how it was done; ' don>t need to re$a them . it>s i&e seeing them an* time ' desire( 't ma* seem strange to *ou, )ut the thought never o$$urred to me to see what God oo&ed i&e( ' was on * aware of the )ri ian$e of his radiant g or*( +i&e #au of o d said, the wonders and the g ories of that / a$e find no ade?uate des$ri/tion in earth * anguages(

Chapter , -e.uel to the Throne Room

=ne )* one, the 12- events on the s/e$ia ist God had given me whi e ' was in his 4hrone 6oom, )egan to ta&e / a$e in the e5a$t order isted; God had to d me that these were mar&ers a ong the road in $onfirmation of m* visit to the 4hrone 6oom; Whi e ' was there, God too& me in a vision to m* own offi$e on earth, and et me see a ad* who had )een invo ved in wit$h$raft( 3e didn>t te me her name, )ut in one s/ it se$ond ' saw this woman $ ear * and distin$t * and noti$ed a the detai s of her a//earan$e( 'n the vision, God to d me to )ind the s/irits, $ast them out, and set her free, and ' did @ust that; 4he fo owing 4uesda* night, a woman $ame into m* offi$e dressed e5a$t * as God had shown her to me, and she was $om/ ete * set free @ust as ' had seen her in the vision in heaven( 4his was item num)er one on the ist( Whi e ' was in heaven, the +ord a so et me see m*se f ministering in a / a$e of rea need( ' didn>t see the $ongregation as su$h, )ut ' saw /eo/ e who had various t*/es of s/iritua and /h*si$a )ondages, and 23

the +ord was )eautifu * giving them new ife and vi$tor*( 4he name of the / a$e was Christian +ife Center, )ut it definite * wasn>t our $hur$h( =n the fo owing 1onda*, we re$eived a te e/hone $a from a /astor of a $hur$h in a ver* sma town in Washington( God had / a$ed it on his heart to $a me and have me minister in his $hur$h( 3e didn>t &now wh*, )ut he BNEW that he had to $a me( We $he$&ed the $a endar and m* wife $a ed him )a$& some definite dates( When he answered the te e/hone she was amaFed to hear these words, 7Christian +ife Center;7 4here it was, @ust i&e God had shown me; 4hat was item num)er two( =ne of the reasons ' get e5$ited a)out this is that when God sa*s something, we don>t have to fo ow him around and &ee/ reminding him, nudging him, and sa*ing, 7God, ' have to &ee/ an e*e on *ou to ma&e sure that *ou do the things *ou said *ou wou d(7 God had to remind me severa times, 7%ou tend to *our )usiness, and '> tend to mine(7 3e @ogged m* memor* over and over again as he re/eated these same words; 'f he doesn>t do what he said he wou d, there isn>t an*thing ' $an do a)out it, )ut ' &now he wi ( ' trust him, and he has never fai ed; 'f he doesn>t do it toda*, he /ro)a) * has it on his s$hedu e for tomorrow( But he wi do it; %ou don>t ever have to worr* a)out that; Event num)er four on the ist re ated to a man who was to a$$e/t Christ on <e)ruar* 2, 1900, and who wou d die on 1a* 3- in an air/ ane $rash; God saved him on the e5a$t da* he said he wou d; 3e was in our servi$es on the <rida* )efore he died, and as&ed to have un$h with me, sa*ing, 74here are some things ' @ust have to ta & to *ou a)out(7 "s we ate together he said, 7#astor, ' have a strange fee ing that ' might )e going to die( Wi *ou te me ever*thing *ou $an a)out heaven87 ' had to )ite m* i/ )e$ause ' BNEW what was going to ha//en, )ut $ou dn>t te him( God had said ' $ou d not )e$ause of the im/a$t it wou d have on other ives; 3owever, ' did te him ever*thing ' $ou d a)out heaven; 22

Just e5a$t * as God had said over four months )efore, he went to )e with the +ord on 1a* 3-, 1900, when he was &i ed in an air/ ane $rash; "nother e5$iting event, num)er 32, $on$erns a *oung man who had so d out his ife to !atan as a satani$ /riest( 4he +ord had given me his name and had even et me see him( =n God>s designated date, he $ame into the $hur$h and ' re$ogniFed him, greeted him, and to d him to $ome )a$& into m* offi$e( God saved him, ) otted out a of the o d evi that was in him, and gave him new ho/e and new vi$tor*; 3ere is a etter ' re$ent * re$eived from him: "s ' re ated m* ife to *ou on "/ri 9, 1900, *ou didn>t seem sur/rised at an*thing ' said( 't was if *ou a read* &new; ' dis$overed ater that *ou did )e$ause m* name was on a ist *ou had re$eived from the 4hrone 6oom of the " might* God( %ou had )een e5/e$ting me, and it was no sur/rise to *ou that ' a$$e/ted Jesus as m* +ord and !avior( 1* ife had )een a series of u/s and downs( ' was raised in a /arsonage and had )een to the a tar man* times, )ut somehow ' never $om/ ete * surrendered( ' wandered from / a$e to / a$e, unsett ed, undis$i/ ined, with no /ur/ose to m* ife, fina * ending u/ in a s/iritua ist $enter( ' )e$ame a medium and minister, ho ding sOan$es and giving readings( Contro ed )* demons, ' had sun& as ow as a man $an go( 4ru * 7m* house was eft unto me deso ate7 C1atthew 23:38E( "s ' tried to )rea& awa* from this wa* of ife, m* home )e$ame infested with rats that wou d not )e &i ed; ' ost m* home, m* dignit*, and then m* fami *( ' had no / a$e to go( ' $a ed m* mom and dad in 'daho, and found that the* sti oved me( ' eft the s/iritua ist $enter and $ame to 'daho, and i&e the /rodiga son, ' was we $omed home; 'n a short time the +ord gave m* fami * )a$& to me and m* wife and ' too& a tri/ to 3awaii( We met a $ou/ e there from Boise who invited us to *our $hur$h( #6"'!E 43E +=6:; 4here is a white f ag that stands in m* offi$e( 't reads: 7' 3"HE !A66EN:E6E:;7 LsL Jim = son 2,

'tem num)er D3 was another one whi$h God a$tua * a owed me to see and witness in detai )efore it ha//ened( 't $on$erned a fami * who were having serious marita /ro) ems( Whi e ' was in heaven, ' saw them $oming into m* offi$e and noti$ed the date was on the /a/er when this was to o$$ur( When the date arrived, these /arti$u ar /eo/ e didn>t show u/( ' wondered what had ha//ened, so ' de$ided to sta* a itt e whi e onger at m* offi$e( " short time after m* norma $ osing hour, the te e/hone rang and a /erson who didn>t identif* himse f, said, 7#astor Bu$&, wi *ou )e in *our offi$e for a itt e whi e87 ' said, 7%es(7 3e didn>t te me who he was( When the* $ame to the door, ' greeted them B% N"1E; 4his rea * shoo& them u/; 4hen ' as&ed, 7What )rought *ou here87 4he* said the* had )een having terri) e marita /ro) ems and de$ided the* wou d have to go some/ a$e to $ ear the air( 4he* didn>t &now wh*, )ut the* had de$ided to $ome to Boise, 'daho( 7We drove u/ here, rented a mote room, and when we got inside the room, we noti$ed the te e/hone )oo& was *ing o/en to the s/ot where *ou have *our ad whi$h reads, >Counse ing )* a//ointment(>7 'nstant * ' &new that one of those ange s had )een there ahead of time and had o/ened the dire$tor* to the right / a$e, and had a so arranged at the front des& for them to get the right room( "s we $onversed, the ad* said, 7We have had a good time driving u/ here together, things are a straightened out, and ever*thing is going to )e a right, so we won>t waster *our time( We> )e eaving now;7 ' said, 7No, *ou had )etter sta* here, )e$ause that isn>t the wa* it is(7 ' to d them that God had et me see this event ha//ening months )efore( ' said to the wife, 7%ou have a gun in *our /urse, and *ou are / anning to shoot *our hus)and as soon as *ou get )a$& to *our mote (7 3e was rea * a armed, and e5$ aimed, 7%ou>d )etter not shoot me;7 !he was sha&ing a over( ' said, 7=/en *our /urse and give me that gun;7 2D

!he o/ened her /urse and handed me the gun e5a$t * as ' had seen it ha//en )efore( 4hen her ver* sou $ried out to God; !he &new there was no wa* ' $ou d have &nown an*thing a)out the gun un ess God had to d me, and he had et me &now a)out it a most si5 months )efore it ha//ened; Both of them immediate * fe down on their fa$es )efore God( 3e washed their sins awa* and instant * /ut their marriage )a$& together( ' have had one )eautifu etter from them sin$e then( 4he* are going to a good $hur$h in Ca ifornia, ha//* in the +ord and serving God; God to d me he wasn>t isting ever*thing that wou d ha//en( 3e said, 7' @ust want to /i$& out a few things so *ou $an see )* $onfirmation that ' am rea * on the @o);7 4here were undou)ted * hundreds of ha//enings )etween ea$h of these events, )ut he et me see @ust a few to have as mar&ers a ong the road( #eo/ e have as&ed me what is going to ha//en when a 12- events have $ome to /ass( ' wou d i&e to sa* that the future events are / anned in advan$e, @ust as mu$h as the* were / anned in the /ast, on * ' don>t &now a)out them, )ut *ou $an rest assured God has ever*thing a ma//ed out; "n interesting item on the ist $on$erned a Jewish man who owns a great $hain of restaurants( 4hrough a )eautifu set of $ir$umstan$es he met and a$$e/ted Jesus as his !avior( Eviden$e of his e5/erien$e was seen )* his desire that the hundreds of em/ o*ees in these restaurants a$ross the $ountr* wou d have the same o//ortunit*( 3e said, 7!ure * God $ares as mu$h a)out these em/ o*ees as he does a)out me(7 When he to d me who he was, m* s/irit ea/ed inside of me )e$ause his name was num)er 112; Num)er 113 of the 12- events whi$h God entered on this /a/er from m* )oo& in heaven on Januar* 21, 1900, was the se e$tion of a new /o/e( God to d me the /o/e has no more inf uen$e with him than the east of his saints, and has no greater /rivi eges, )ut )e$ause his inf uen$e with man is great, his $hoi$e is God>s $on$ern( 4herefore, in order to he / in the restoration of his fragmented )od*, God had $hosen a man named Baro Wo@t* a of #o and( 4his /ro/he$* was fu fi ed =$to)er 1D, 1908, when he )egan his reign as #o/e John #au ''( 20

Num)er 11D on the ist had to do with 6ed China( God to d me not to /ani$ when di/ omati$ re ations with 6ed China were restored, and 4aiwan was seeming * $ut off( God has not forgotten nor forsa&en his /eo/ e( God has $hosen to o/en the doors so that through this sma o/ening the )right ra*s of his ight $an shine, )ringing ight and de iveran$e from $hains of dar&ness( =ne of the things God to d me when he )rought me )a$& from heaven was, 7' wi $ome to *ou again(7 3ow ' ove him; 3e has revisited me over and over again )* means of these heaven * ange i$ )eings with messages for toda*>s wor d; 'n answer to those who as& if ange )eings wi $ome at m* $a . this is to /ossi) e; 4he* do not res/ond to human )eings, )e$ause the* don>t ta&e orders from an*one e5$e/t God( ' have heard man* /eo/ e sa*, 7' $ommand the ange s to do this and that;7 4his is an effort in futi it*, )e$ause *ou $an>t $ommand an ange to do one thing; Ever* sing e order $omes from God, and that is wh* ' &now when the* are s/ea&ing the* are e$hoing words right out of God>s heart( 4his is wh* the* don>t isten to the o)@e$tions of /eo/ e when God orders them to minister to individua s( 7<or sin$e the messages from ange s have a wa*s /roved true and /eo/ e have a wa*s )een /unished for diso)e*ing them, what ma&es us thin& that we $an es$a/e if we are indifferent to this great sa vation announ$ed )* the +ord Jesus himse f, and /assed on to us )* those who heard him s/ea&87 C3e)rews 2:2.3 4+BE( 1* visit to the 4hrone 6oom has $hanged m* ife $om/ ete *; ' &now God in a more rea and /ersona wa* than ever )efore( 1* times of /ra*er have )e$ome visits with him( 4he Bi) e too& on a new dimension and )egan to ive( 't is a//arent that this e5/erien$e )e$ame a )ig /art of m* entire ife for it has o$$u/ied a most a of m* thoughts and meditations sin$e it ha//ened( 4hough ' do not have the )enefit of the heaven * /a/er sin$e God turned it into ashes, ever* item written on it was )urned into m* mind i&e a /hotogra/h( ' have often menta * gone over the various items on the ist wondering how God wou d )ring them to /ass( !ome of the things 28

oo&ed i&e tota im/ossi)i ities( A/on o$$asion ' mused over these seeming * diffi$u t /ro/he$ies, @otted down m* thoughts, and dro//ed them into m* fi es( 6e$ent *, for m* /ersona en@o*ment, ' drew out some of these /a/ers( =ne was dated <e)ruar* 2, 1900, @ust two wee&s after the 4hrone 6oom e5/erien$e when most of the /ro/he$ies were sti in the future( 't read, 73ow $an these things ha//en8 3e was saved toda*, )ut it a so shows his death in an air/ ane a$$ident, 1a* 3-, 1900, 1emoria :a*( ' sure * don>t understand wh*(7 "s ' thin& of the ong ist of events whi$h have a read* )een fu fi ed, and these /redi$tions that God said wou d definite * ta&e / a$e, ' $annot he / )ut than& him )e$ause he has &e/t his word( 110 of these great events, these /ro/he$ies )* God, have )een fu fi ed in se?uen$e( 4he other three are in the /ro$ess of )eing fu fi ed at the time of this writing( 4he ?uestion is often as&ed if the num)er of events have an* signifi$an$e, and what their $om/ etion wi mean( "$tua *, these 12- things are mere * a minute fra$tion of God>s unfo ding / an( 4he* are referen$e /oints a ong the wa*, reminding us of his faithfu ness( God / a$ed in the Bi) e far more than 12- s/e$ifi$ events whi$h he /redi$ted wou d ha//en( " those whi$h were to ha//en u/ to this time have ha//ened @ust e5a$t * as he said the* wou d, and those whi$h are *et to $ome wi sure * $ome to /ass( 4hese mira$ es foreto d are /roof that he is God; 3is unfo ding / an wi $ontinue una)ated, even though ' ma* not have an* more s/e$ia mar&ers a ong the wa*( =ne of the greatest truths this message )rings is the assuran$e that God has s$hedu ed ea$h da* of our ives( "s we wa & with him, he wi dire$t our /ath, and though un&nown to us, he wi )ring to /ass his /ur/ose for ea$h of us, @ust as sure * as he has $aused, or wi $ause, the 12- events to ha//en whi$h were given to me that g orious da* in the 4hrone 6oom(

Chapter / #od0s 1riorities


=n a re$ent visit, Ga)rie had me write down seven things he referred to as 7God>s #riorities(7 !even is God>s /erfe$t num)er; ' have reviewed these truths, fed on them, and mu ed over them man* times )e$ause the* have )een made so a ive and rea to me, and are in agreement with and su//orted $om/ ete * )* the Word of God( First 1riorit'2 The Blood of 3esus Ever* message the ange )rought has /ointed to the sa$rifi$e of Jesus( 3is ) ood is im/ortant, )e$ause the demands of @usti$e have )een satisfied, the wrath of God a//eased, and the re$ords of ini?uit* erased through the shedding of that ) ood( Wh* wou d God>s wrath have to )e a//eased8 3e had to find an o)@e$t to stri&e )e$ause the sin of this wor d vio ated his /erfe$t righteousness( 4he shedding of the ) ood of Jesus diverted the stro&e of God>s hand from us, and Jesus /aid the demands of God>s @udgment for our sins( When Jesus went into heaven, he s/rin& ed his ) ood over a of the things whi$h were there( 4he )oo& whi$h $ontained a of the re$ords of our ini?uities, our fai ings, and our fau ts, / us our ina)i it* to /erform, was s/rin& ed( 4he )oo& of the o d $ovenant isted God>s demands, )ut in the new )oo& he /uts his aws into our hearts( 't is no onger 74hou sha t not,7 )ut 7' want to;7 4his )eautifu truth Ga)rie )rought dea t with the /erfe$t and $om/ ete sa$rifi$e of Jesus, not our strugg e with dai * /ro) ems( 1an* )e ievers &now that the re$ord of the things )etween them and God is straightened out, )ut the* worr* a)out the things )etween man and man( Ga)rie to d me that God has even erased these from this )oo&( 'n the first $ovenant, he said he wou d remem)er a sin and ini?uit*( 'n the se$ond $ovenant he said he wou d remem)er them no more )e$ause the* have )een ) otted out )* the ) ood of Jesus( 3e tasted death for ever* man and woman to i)erate them from the )ondage and /ena t* of sin C3e)rews 2:9E( ,-

4he ) ood of Jesus has )een $onsidered insignifi$ant )* man* /eo/ e( !ome have even made the statement that the ) ood was of no more effe$t when s/i ed during the $ru$ifi5ion than when it was f owing through his )od* in dai * ife9 )ut God said that the ) ood of Jesus was so im/ortant that not one dro/ was wasted( 't is the on * ) ood that has ever )een referred to as in$orru/ti) e( 4his was God>s / an( 'n 3e)rews 12:22, the writer states, 74here it is, the ) ood that $overed sin;7 <orever throughout eternit*, the ) ood has a / a$e; -econd 1riorit'2 Fello%ship and Communion %ith #od 3e wants us to )e a) e to have ri$h and wonderfu $ommunion with him( 3e is a$$om/ ishing this through his Word and )* his !/irit( God wants to fe owshi/ with *ou; 3e wants *ou to en@o* an awareness of his /resen$e ever* da*; God not on * wants )e ievers to $ome $ oser to him9 he wants those who are far awa* from him to $ome, too( 3e said that if *ou wou d $a to him from wherever *ou are, from the ver* farthest /oint in a $reation, he wou d remove a the distan$e )etween *ou and him( God W"N4! *ou; 3e is not oo&ing for reasons to disown *ou, )ut he is oo&ing for reasons to he / *ou and to )ring *ou $ oser to himse f( 74hough *our sins )e as s$ar et, the* sha )e as white as snow9 though the* )e red i&e $rimson, the* sha )e as woo 7 C'saiah 1:18E( Third 1riorit'2 3esus Is Ali4e Jesus is a ive; :eath has )een $on?uered; Even though we ma* e5/erien$e death as far as this /h*si$a ife is $on$erned, this isn>t the rea death( 4he death of the sou , the rea death, has )een $on?uered; When Christ tasted the se$ond death, he a$tua * e5/erien$ed the @udgment of God u/on sin( 3e didn>t taste /h*si$a death for us, )e$ause we sti have to die, )ut he wants us to &now that we don>t have to worr* a)out the se$ond death )e$ause he has a read* ta&en $are of that for a who are /utting their trust in him( 4he ange reminded me of how $om/ ete God>s / an is, and gave the ,1

referen$e of "$ts 2:22 where he referred to Jesus sa*ing it was im/ossi) e for death to ho d him( Wh* was it im/ossi) e8 Be$ause it was a read* re$orded in heaven that he $ame out of death and he ( Be$ause it was in God>s / an, it was im/ossi) e that he $ou d ho d him( !atan was defeated; 4he )eautifu stor* of what Jesus did is to d in 3e)rews 2:9.1, C4+BE: 7)ut we do see Jesus . who for awhi e was a itt e ower than the ange s . $rowned now )* God with g or* and honor )e$ause he suffered death for us( %es, )e$ause of God>s great &indness, Jesus tasted death for ever*one in a the wor d( "nd it was right and /ro/er that God, who made ever*thing for his own g or*, shou d a ow Jesus to suffer, for in doing this he was )ringing vast mu titudes of God>s /eo/ e to heaven9 for his suffering made Jesus a /erfe$t +eader, one fit to )ring them into their sa vation( We who have )een made ho * )* Jesus, now have the same <ather he has( 4hat is wh* Jesus is not ashamed to $a us )rothers( <or he sa*s in the )oo& of #sa ms, >' wi ta & to m* )rothers a)out God m* <ather, and together we wi sing his /raises(> "t another time he said, >' wi /ut m* trust in God a ong with m* )rothers(> "nd at sti another time, >!ee, here am ' and the $hi dren God gave me(> !in$e we, God>s $hi dren, are human )eings . made of f esh and ) ood . he )e$ame f esh and ) ood too )* )eing )orn in human form9 for on * as a human )eing $ou d he die and in d*ing )rea& the /ower of the devi who had the /ower of death( =n * in that wa* $ou d he de iver those who through fear of death have )een iving a their ives as s aves to $onstant dread(7 When the /eo/ e who had /ut Jesus to death saw him iving in those who )e onged to him, instead of having on * one Jesus to $ontend with, the* had man*; 'n fa$t, a of those who served him were ref e$ting his /ower and his ife; 4he )est wa* to et /eo/ e &now that he is a ive toda* is to et them see *ou ref e$ting his ife as he ives in *ou; Fourth 1riorit'2 The 1romise of the 5ol' -pirit God / ans ahead; 3e didn>t sudden * stum) e u/on the idea of giving /ower to his $hi dren; 4his great /romise was / anned )efore the earth was $reated, and we were informed of it in his /ro/he$*, the ,2

Bi) e, ong )efore the da* of #ente$ost arrived( 't was a /riorit* /art of his tota / an for the redem/tion of his /eo/ e( 3e wanted to ma&e ea$h and ever* one of us $onformed to the image of his !on, so that as we view him CGodE, we are transformed into the same image from g or* to g or*; 'n order to do what Jesus did on earth, we must have the same /ower he had; 'n order to )e i&e Jesus, we must have God>s 3o * !/irit; 4here are man* /eo/ e toda* who ru e this out, and there are some who sa*, 7'f it is true that an ange gave this message to *ou, he wou dn>t )e ta &ing a)out the 3o * !/irit )e$ause that is a $ontroversia su)@e$t, and an ange wou d $ertain * sta* on neutra ground(7 Ga)rie didn>t even $omment as to whether or not it was $ontroversia ( 3e @ust stated a fa$t that this was high /riorit* with God toda*; Fifth 1riorit'2 #o Tell The World 4he fifth /riorit* was en arge u/on one da* when Ga)rie was ta &ing with me in m* $hur$h offi$e( 3e /a$ed )a$& and forth as he ta &ed( 't was the first time ' had ever seen a severe oo& on his fa$e( 3e said God was $on$erned that /eo/ e wou d hear his message and )e roused to the truth, and then go )a$& to s ee/( =ne of the to/ /riorities of God is that we G= 4E++ 43E W=6+:; Jesus said, go *e into a the wor d and $arr* this Good News: God sa*s, 7%ou $an $ome to me now;7 74he )arriers are down;7 7%ou have )een re$on$i ed )* the death of m* !on;7 4his is the message of redem/tion we are to $arr* to a the wor d; 3e has given us his / an( 3e has fi ed us with his 3o * !/irit( 3e sa*s, 7Go *e(7 Now he has sent forth s/e$ia for$es of ange s to move men toward God; 't is im/ortant to God that /eo/ e hear and &now that he is not etting an* stone go unturned( =ne da* Ga)rie said that these heaven * )eings were on ever* hi , ever* tree, and even in the ho es of the ground, sear$hing out men and women who are tr*ing to hide from God; 4he* are out there doing what we $annot do; We are so imited, )ut the* are not( God is sa*ing )* this, 7' want them to &now ' $are, and ' want them to $ome ,3

to me(7 4here are man* who have their e*es on sin instead of God . $onstant * reminding others of the terri) e $ondition of the wor d and the ) a$&ness of sin( 4hat is not on God>s /riorit* ist at a ( 3e wants men to &now that there is a tota es$a/e from that horri) e )ondage of sin( #eo/ e a read* &now how evi sin is( When the* are )ound and entang ed )* it, the* $ertain * don>t want to hear it from others( God said that he did not send his !on into the wor d to $ondemn the wor d, )ut to o/en the door of es$a/e( 3e said his /ur/ose is to ma&e us 7!on7 $ons$ious instead of 7sin7 $ons$ious( 3e wants us to see Jesus ifted u/ so he $an draw a men unto himse f; #eo/ e have $ome to me who have had tremendous )urdens on their heart and have fe t the nudging, the drawing, the /u ing of God>s ange s, as we as the !/irit of the +ord s/ea&ing to their heart( 4here was su$h a hunger for God that the* have gone from $hur$h to $hur$h and instead of finding God, the* have heard messages on how terri) e things are( 4he wi$&edness of the wor d was /ointed out to them, )ut the* sti eft with an em/tiness in their hearts and ives; =ne man $ame into m* offi$e as&ing if there was he / an*where( 3e said, 74his is the fifth $hur$h ' have $ome to( ' have to find God(7 7%ou have $ome to the right s/ot here(7 ' didn>t even as& him what his sin was( ' @ust said, 7When *ou fee m* hands on *our head, ' want *ou to sa* the name of Jesus @ust as oud as *ou $an; 3e has )een nudging *ou, he has )een waiting for *ou to $a (7 4hat man shouted one word, 7JE!A!;7 and the +ord heard him and instant * ife $ame into him; -i6th 1riorit'2 Atonement of 3esus is !4erlasting #eo/ e need to )e reminded of this /riorit* $onstant *( 4he wor& JE!A! did for them '! "N EHE6+"!4'NG W=6B; 't isn>t something that he did and then forgot a)out( 't is something that is intended to he / us, to $arr* us right through to heaven( 't is the message of atonement, a message of new )eginnings( Ga)rie to d me it was of high /riorit* that /eo/ e &now and understand the sa$rifi$e of Jesus, and that the ) essings of atonement are a ,2

$ontinuing thing( Ever* da* that we ive we $an e5/erien$e these ) essings in our s/irit, sou and )od*( " of our needs are $overed in the atonement( With this $overing over us, God $an see us and a$$e/t us( Without the atonement, Ga)rie said, we $ou d not )e a$$e/ted( Be$ause /eo/ e are in )ondage to fear, it is im/ortant to God that /eo/ e &now that )efore he made the earth, he / anned that the* wou d )e $overed )* his atonement( 4his is wh* he said in E/hesians 1:2: 7+ong ago, even )efore he made the wor d, God $hose us to )e his ver* own, through what Christ wou d do for us9 he de$ided then to ma&e us ho * in his e*es, without a sing e fau t . we who stand )efore him $overed with his ove7 C4+BE( God ta &s a)out this in the twent*.fourth and twent*.fifth verse of Jude, 7Now unto him that is a) e to &ee/ *ou from fa ing, and to /resent *ou fau t ess )efore the /resen$e of his g or* with e5$eeding @o* (((7 4he atonement $overs, $ eanses, and removes the gui t( We $annot / ease God or rea * serve him if we are $onstant * iving in fear that God has some hidden sin to )ring against us( 3e wants us to &now that our ives are $overed when our faith and our trust are in him; 4he reason this is of su$h high /riorit* with God is that /eo/ e $annot rea * serve him without genuine assuran$e that their /osition in him is safe( Bnowing this is 6E"+ se$urit*; God is etting /eo/ e &now that he wi not et them go without a strugg e, )ut he a so wants us to &now that there "6E two things whi$h wi /u us out from under the $overing( =ne is rebellion and the other is idolatry( =utside of that re)e ious s/irit and ido atr*, the things whi$h ha//en in the norma $ourse of ife wi not se/arate *ou from the ove of God, or from the )eautifu /rote$tion of this $overing( %ou $an ive for him in re a5ed ha//iness, &nowing that he is on the @o); When ange s s/ea&, the* $annot s/ea& for themse ves, )ut the* are e$hoing a message from God>s heart that he wants *ou to &now *ou are safe; -e4enth 1riorit'2 The Return of 3esus ,,

God is te ing us to /re/are ourse ves for that great da*; <or those whose names are written in the +am)>s Boo& of +ife, it wi )e g or*; <or those whose names are not there, it wi )e doom forever( 4he $hoi$e is ours toda*, and that $hoi$e is sim/ * to $hoose to serve Jesus or to fo ow !atan into his eterna damnation( +oo& at the $ontrasting resu ts of our $hoi$es: 7((( sudden * two men Cange s of GodE were standing there among them, and said, >1en of Ga i ee, wh* are *ou standing here staring at the s&*8 Jesus has gone awa* to heaven, and some da*, @ust as he went, he %ill return;>7 C"$ts 1:1-.11 4+BE( 7"nd ma* the +ord ma&e *our ove to grow and overf ow to ea$h other and to ever*one e se, @ust as our ove does toward *ou( 4his wi resu t in *our hearts )eing made strong, sin ess and ho * )* God our <ather, so that *ou ma* stand )efore him gui t ess on that day when our 'ord (esus &hrist returns with all those who belon" to him7 C' 4hessa onians 3:12.13 4+BE( 7"nd ' saw a great white throne and the one who sat u/on it, from whose fa$e the earth and s&* f ed awa*, )ut the* found no / a$e to hide( ' saw the dead, great and sma , standing )efore God9 and the Boo&s were o/ened, in$ uding the Boo& of +ife( "nd the dead were @udged a$$ording to the things written in the Boo&s, ea$h a$$ording to the deed he had done( 4he o$eans surrendered the )odies )uried in them9 and the earth and the underwor d gave u/ the dead in them( Ea$h was @udged a$$ording to his deeds( "nd :eath and 3e were thrown into the +a&e of <ire( 4his is the !e$ond :eath . the +a&e of <ire( "nd if anyone's name was not found recorded in the #oo$ of 'ife, he was thrown into the 'a$e of Fire 7 C6eve ation 2-:11.1, 4+BE( 7'n a vision he too& me to a towering mountain /ee& and from there ' wat$hed that wondrous $it*, the ho * Jerusa em, des$ending out of the s&ies from God( 't was fi ed with the g or* of God, and f ashed and g owed i&e a /re$ious gem, $r*sta $ ear i&e @as/er7 C6eve ation 21:1-.11 4+BE( 7No tem/ e $ou d )e seen in the $it*, for the +ord God " might* and ,D

the +am) are worshi//ed in it ever*where( "nd the $it* has no need of sun or moon to ight it, for the g or* of God and of the +am) i uminate it( 'ts ight wi ight the nations of the earth, and the ru ers of the wor d wi $ome and )ring their g or* to it( 'ts gates never $ ose9 the* sta* o/en a da* ong . and there is no night; "nd the g or* and honor of a the nations sha )e )rought into it( Nothing evi wi )e /ermitted in it . no one immora or dishonest . )ut only those whose names are written in the 'amb's #oo$ of 'ife 7 C6eve ation 21:22.20 4+BE( <or those who $hoose him, the return of Jesus is the /riorit* God is oo&ing forward to with su$h e5$itement that the ange s of heaven are re@oi$ing with him a)out it( When Ga)rie had finished te ing me this message of God>s to/ /riorities, he said that the* are so mu$h a /art of God>s / an that he had them a s/e ed out even )efore he made the wor d( 3e dire$ted me to the twent*.third $ha/ter of +eviti$us, where God gave 1oses / ans for the ta)erna$ e, a miniature mode of his tota / an( 4hen, to m* amaFement, he re ated ever* one of these /riorities for us toda*, to the seven festiva s God had given to 'srae ong ago; ' marve ed at God>s re$orded / ans in the = d 4estament whi$h dire$t us to his / ans for this da* in whi$h we ive( 17 1riorit'2 The Blood of 3esus Festi4al2 The 1asso4er of the 8ord 4his feast was a 7t*/e7 of the death of Christ, his sa$rifi$e, and the ) ood of Jesus that was so /re$ious )efore God( 't was written )efore God ever made the earth( 4he ) ood ine of God and his fami * is the ) ood of Jesus, the thread of God>s redem/tion stor* throughout the entire Bi) e, his / an; 4he de iver* of the $hi dren of 'srae was made /ossi) e when ) ood was s/rin& ed on the inte and the side /ane s for a $overing so that the destro*er wou d /ass over the homes and not &i the first)orn of ea$h fami *( =ur great #assover was /rovided when Jesus s/rin& ed his ) ood over the )oo&s in heaven to /rovide a $overing for our sins so that we $ou d )e a$$e/ta) e to God and )e a /art of his eterna fami *( 4he first of God>s /riorities whi$h Ga)rie gave me was a)out the ,0

B+==: =< JE!A!, and the first on the ist of the seven annua s/e$ia da*s of the +ord was the #"!!=HE6 =< 43E +=6:; "7 1riorit'2 Fello%ship and Communion %ith #od Festi4al2 The Festi4al of 9nlea4ened Bread 4his festiva was to )e $e e)rated )eginning the da* fo owing the #assover( When Jesus /rovided de iveran$e from sin )* his ) ood, God immediate * /rovided a $overing for our sins9 not a $ondoning of sin, )ut a /rovision so we $ou d )e a$$e/ted )* him( +eaven is a t*/e of sin, and at the festiva the* were to eat un eavened )read, re/resenting sin /ardoned( Ander the new $ovenant, eavened )read was used )e$ause God /rovided @ustifi$ation( 'nstead of !'N, <"A+4 and <"'+A6E, God sees, through the $overing he /rovided, 3=+'NE!!, B+"1E+E!!NE!! and #E6<EC4'=N( 4hose who $hoose re)e ion and ido atr* vo untari * move out from under his $overing( 4hose who $hoose o)edien$e instead of re)e ion vo untari * sta* under his $overing )e$ause the* $hoose to ove and serve God a)ove se f and a)ove the desire to sin( 7<or )* that one offering he made forever /erfe$t in the sight of God a those whom he is ma&ing ho *( "nd the 3o * !/irit testifies that this is so, for he has said, >4his is the agreement ' wi ma&e with the /eo/ e of 'srae , though the* )ro&e their first agreement: ' wi write m* aws into their minds so that the* wi a wa*s &now m* wi , and ' wi /ut m* aws in their hearts so that the* wi want to o)e* them(> "nd then he adds, >' wi never again remem)er their sins and aw ess deeds>7 C3e)rews 1-:12.10 4+BE( (7 1riorit'2 3esus Is Ali4e: Festi4al2 The Festi4al of First Fruits Ga)rie said this festiva re/resents the resurre$tion of Jesus and his ife( Not on * is he a ive, )ut it is a read* written down in God>s )oo& that we who are his wi fo ow after him in the great resurre$tion( 't>s in God>s )ig heart; *7 1riorit'2 The 1romise of the 5ol' -pirit Festi4al2 The Festi4al of 1entecost ,8

4he $oming of the 3o * !/irit at #ente$ost is not something that was a itt e afterthought in God>s mind( 3e had this a / anned )efore he made the earth( 4he word 7#ente$ost7 sim/ * means fift*( 't was fift* da*s after the #assover( When he to d the dis$i/ es to tarr* in Jerusa em, it wasn>t @ust a $oin$iden$e9 it was God>s / an unfo ding, and e5a$t * fift* da*s after the #assover, something new and /owerfu ha//ened; "t the <east of the #assover, the* were as individua sta &s of wheat )efore the +ord( When the dis$i/ es were a assem) ed together in one / a$e in Jerusa em, the* were individua s( 4here was no ) end( 't was not a $hur$h *et( Con$erning the feast of #ente$ost, God was sa*ing, 74a&e the grain, grind it into f our, and turn it into )read( #ut some eaven in it )e$ause the $hur$h wi never )e without sin or evi in it(7 God has it $overed, )ut on the underside of the $overing where *ou ive, sin often $ro/s u/( 3e $overs his $hur$h, even though sin C eavenE is /resent9 )* his !/irit and the /ower of the ife) ood of Jesus, he $ eanses it; B* this he was sa*ing, 7' want *ou to grind the wheat and turn it into f our and ma&e some oaves of )read( 1a&e a strong unit whi$h is $a ed m* )od* of )e ievers, instead of having individua , se/arate )e ievers( 1* )od* is going to $ome together )* the /ower of the 3o * !/irit( 't>s going to )e ) ended as one( 't is not, as some /eo/ e thin&, a /erfe$t )od*9 so /ut the eaven in )e$ause it has to re/resent the $hur$h as it is(7 '>m not e5$using sin9 '>m @ust g ad that God made /rovision for us in s/ite of it, )e$ause his / an was to ta&e $are of "++ things( 'n God>s great / an, the )a/tism with the 3o * !/irit is avai a) e for a his $hi dren and is ne$essar* to he / us to )e and do; God>s !/irit must )e in us, and it $annot )e ?uen$hed9 the f ow of the 3o * !/irit /ower must never )e he d )a$&( 7:o not ?uen$h Csu//ress or su)dueE the C3o *E !/irit7 C1 4hessa onians ,:19 "m/E( 4he )a/tism with the 3o * !/irit endues us with /ower to )e i&e Jesus; 't is a vita /art of God>s / an( %ou $annot erase it; 't>s there; 't is sett ed forever; ,9

,7 1riorit'2 #o Tell The World Festi4al2 The Festi4al of Trumpets "fter the da* of #ente$ost was the <estiva of the 4rum/ets where the /eo/ e met to hera d the sound, and we too have the message to hera d the Good News( +et>s get out where /eo/ e don>t &now Jesus, )e the voi$e of the trum/et, and $arr* the Good News that Jesus saves; 3is wor& is done; 4he news is good; %ou $an $ome now; Christ has defeated the devi ; 4he )att e is over, and we $an go out with the trum/ets; 4hat is what he meant when he said, 7((( *e sha re$eive /ower, after that the 3o * Ghost is $ome u/on *ou9 and *e sha )e witnesses unto me )oth in Jerusa em, and in a Judaea, and in !amaria, and unto the uttermost /art of the earth7 C"$ts 1:8E( /7 1riorit'2 Atonement of 3esus is !4erlasting Festi4al2 The ;a' of Atonement 4he <estiva of "tonement was a reminder that 'srae >s /ro)ation had e5/ired and that their $overing must )e renewed( 't was the time for the annua sa$rifi$e for sin( 't was a time when God reviewed a the $harges against man ea$h *ear and he stood ho/e ess and he / ess )efore the a .seeing e*e of God( <or this reason, man was given $ertain guide ines )ased on $om/ ete o)edien$e so that he wou d earn a re/rieve during this time of e5/osure( 4his annua offering for sin $ou d never ma&e /eo/ e /erfe$t, )ut wou d give them another *ear of /ro)ation C+eviti$us 23:20 and +u&e 1:8.12E( When we are )orn again and God>s 3o * !/irit gives us new ife from heaven, our /ro)ation does not @ust e5/ire, it is $an$e ed9 the $overing is not @ust renewed, it is an ever asting $overing through the sa$rifi$e of Jesus( What a)out those who sin, who remove themse ves from under the $overing of God>s /rote$tion8 Just as God /rovided a wa* under the o d aw, he has a wa* for them toda* . and that wa* is re/entan$e and a return to fe owshi/ sin$e there is no other sa$rifi$e, no other wa*; D-

7But if we $onfess our sins to him, he $an )e de/ended on to forgive us and to $ eanse us from ever* wrong( C"nd it is /erfe$t * /ro/er for God to do this for us )e$ause Christ died to wash awa* our sins(E7 C' John 1:9 4+BE( <7 1riorit'2 The Return of 3esus Festi4al2 The Festi4al of Tabernacles 4he desire of God is that we ive with him forever and forever( 4his festiva was a tota * @o*ous $e e)ration( =n the first da*, the /eo/ e were to )ui d the she ters out of )oughs of fruit trees aden with fruit, /a m fronds, and the )oughs of eaf* trees, whi e re@oi$ing )efore the +ord their God( 4hese were to )e the she ters where God wou d dwe with them( +ong ago God said, 7' want to ta&e *ou where ' am( ' want to ive with *ou )* m* !/irit, and then ' want to ta&e *ou to ive with me forever(7 4his wasn>t something that ha//ened or that was de$ided on )* a $ommittee of theo ogians( 3e to d 1oses to institute this feast, )e$ause 7' want to ta)erna$ e with *ou(7 %ou $an>t get awa* from the message of the return of Christ and God>s ta&ing us to ive with him, )e$ause it is a read* esta) ished in heaven and it is going to unfo d e5a$t * the wa* God said it wou d; We have the assuran$e that we are $overed through God>s gra$e and that he doesn>t see our sin, our fau t or fai ure, )ut sees us e5a$t * i&e Jesus . ho *, fau t ess and e CCo ossians 1:22E( We $an rest in his finished wor&( =ur $onfiden$e in the $om/ eteness of his /erfe$t / an wi get others read* for that great da* when he returns to re$eive us unto himse f( 4his is the ast of the seven festiva s given to 1oses and this /riorit* wi )ring to $om/ etion God>s great / an of redem/tion( 4hese festiva s were so im/ortant to God that he had 'srae rehearse them ever* *ear as a s*m)o of eaving this wor d for the seven *ears of 4ri)u ation @udgment( 3a e u@ah;

Chapter < 5e Tasted ;eath

Ear * one morning the 3o * !/irit said, D1

Write, /reserve the words whi$h ' have s/o&en to *ou( 4he* sha )e$ome a ight to man*( ' wi not on * minister through *ou, )ut wi a$$om/an* these words, and give them ife wherever sent, even as ' have a read* given wings to m* messages )rought to *ou )* the ange of the +ord( <ear not to s/ea& in his name, for the words ' give are not *our words, )ut his words, and are esta) ished forever( "re the* not found in his eterna , iving Word8 +ong $ osed doors of man* /eo/ es and nations wi )e /enetrated )* these words of ife( ' $ommand the hosts of the +ord who have )een sent forth for this hour to hasten the gathering together unto him a /eo/ e for his name, and to /re/are them for that great da* of the +ord( 4he* wi )oth /re$ede and fo ow these words from the <ather to ma&e read* the /eo/ e, to s$atter for$es of dar&ness, and to gent * $are for the mu titudes who wi hear( 4here are often mi5ed rea$tions in /eo/ e>s minds when we s/ea& of the su/ernatura ( 4here have )een man* different t*/es of rea$tion to the visitation of ange s, or some su/ernatura truth that God has )rought, )e$ause it is a itt e @o t, )ut in most $ases, s&e/ti$ism ?ui$& * eaves when /eo/ e isten to the messages themse ves( :own in their hearts, /eo/ e are sin$ere * ho/ing that God '! revisiting his /eo/ e in s/e$ia wa*( "s the +ord dea t with me sin$e that morning, ' have mused over these words he to d me to write and /reserve, and ?uestioned, 7What is the heart of his message8 What is the truth that God is )ringing to the wor d toda*8 's it something so im/ortant to God that he is using divine messengers to ?ui$&en the Word where /eo/ e have fai ed to dis$ern what he has rea * said87 3e is not giving us a new Word( 3e is ta&ing his Word, the Bi) e, and turning a ight on inside of it, ma&ing it a ive; 4hat ?uestion ran over and over in m* mind, 7God, what is the heart of the message that *ou want the wor d to have at this hour87 "s ' thin& a)out a of the thri ing messages that the +ord has given to me through ange s, ' rea iFe a of them /oint )a$& to one $entra truth( 4his has /roven to )e the ver* heart of God, the heart of the Bi) e, the heart of a histor*( 4he ver* $ore, the ver* $enter of God>s message to us is 43E !"C6'<'CE =< JE!A!; D2

Jesus $ame from the )osom of the <ather( 4he Word te s us he was a am), s ain )efore the foundation of the earth C6eve ation 13:8E( 4he sa$rifi$e of Jesus was the ver* heart of God e5/osed to man( Ever*thing that God has done gravitates around the $om/ eted wor& of Jesus and that instant when he hung on the $ross and )reathed those words, 7'4 '! <'N'!3E:(7 4he sa$rifi$e of Jesus was the heart of God and the heart of his message;

Christ has )e$ome the heart of so$iet* and $ivi iFation( 3istor* must date to Christ from )oth sides( Wherever Christ and his message have )een $arried, there has )een ight( Where he has not gone or where the message has fai ed to /enetrate, there is dar&ness( 3e is the $enter of ife; 3e is the heart; Without Jesus, the ver* ife, the ver* heart)eat wou d )e gone from ever*thing( =h God, ma* we never )e the same )e$ause we wi see, we wi &now, we wi fee , we wi have, we wi ive, )e$ause of what the death of Christ has )rought to us( 1a* this )e the time in our ives when we ta&e out the $ontra$t *ou made with us, written in the ) ood of Jesus, oo& at it, and re$ogniFe that something ver* s/e$ia too& / a$e( 't was not mere * the snuffing out of his ife, and the /utting to death of his human morta it*; 4housands of /eo/ e have suffered /h*si$a death and torment, )ut this was not the death he was referring to( 4he death he refers to was not @ust the sto//ing of his heart( 't was not the $essation of his )reath, it was not the end of ife for$es for him, and it was not on * se/aration( 't was more; We &now the /angs of earth * death and we a so &now that death hurts )e$ause of se/aration from friends, oved ones and earth * a$tivities, )ut his was not @ust a se/aration from things he d dear( God to d "dam and Eve that the da* the* ate of the fruit was the da* the* were going to die, and the Word a so te s us that the sou that sinneth, it sha die; God>s e*es are u/on ea$h /erson who has ever ived, whether the* &now Jesus or not; Even the ungod * are $ared for )* God; 3is arms D3

are stret$hed out to /eo/ e when the* are sti in their sins( God te s us that when we were his enemies, he oved us enough to give Christ to die for us, even )efore we &new him( 4his was not for the $essation of our ife on earth( We wi sti have to taste the earth * death, or e se )e $hanged so that we $an eave this morta it*( 4he se$ond death whi$h fa$es man&ind )rings fear, dread and torment to him a of his ifetime( 4his was the death Jesus too& for us( When he hung there on the $ross, it wasn>t the anguish of the /h*si$a torment, a though he fe t ever*thing that we $ou d /ossi) * fee 9 and it wasn>t the se/aration from /eo/ e whom he he d dear, a though he fe t it @ust as &een * as an*one9 )ut Jesus suffered /ains that even the ungod *, those tota * se/arated from God, had never fe t, for the ungod * have never fe t the /angs that $ome when the ast itt e f i$&er of ho/e is e5tinguished and the* hear the words, 7:e/art into eterna damnation(7 Whi e iving on this earth, the* have never fe t the weight, the ho/e essness and the horror of fee ing the $o d side of God as he turned his )a$& on them( Jesus suffered the torment of a damned sou ; <rom his heart he $ried out, 7=h, God, wh* have *ou forsa&en me87 and the $o d /angs of eterna damnation, those i$* fingers gri//ed his ife, and Jesus suffered the @udgment of God( 3e was tota * se/arated from God at that moment; =h, God; =h, God; =h, God; =h, God; ' want to )ring this truth to /eo/ e( Bui d a /i$ture )efore us right now( +et us see what *ou have done( +et us see *our ove for us that was so great that *our on * )egotten !on )e$ame our su)stitute; 4he !/irit to d me to give the message that *our sin has a read* )een @udged9 the se/arating )arriers )etween God and man are down9 *ou are free, i)erated )* his /ower9 and *ou $an )e restored to a / a$e of tota inno$en$e, to man>s origina /osition of $ oseness and fe owshi/ with God( 4he im/ortan$e of this message is seen )* the reminders of the sa$rifi$e in ever* message that has )een )rought )* the ange ( ' remem)er so distin$t * the ver* first time Ga)rie $ame, he unfo ded a )eautifu truth from the third $ha/ter of Ie$hariah( 3e said, 7%ou D2

have )een aware of the sa$rifi$e of Christ as seen from the earth whi$h is from man>s view/oint9 now wou d *ou i&e to see what ha//ened from God>s view/oint87 'nstant *, he a owed me to see Jesus, the s/ot ess am) of God, tota * sin ess, as a moving, iving /anorama, $oming from the <ather to earth( 4hen Ga)rie said, 7Now oo& at him as he returns to heaven(7 4hen ' saw Jesus )owed down, with his /riest * garments torn and s/ attered with mud, fi th* with the rot and the sten$h of the wor d( 3e $ame with his shou ders )owed, into the /resen$e of God( 1* heart )ro&e when ' saw that( ' saw Jesus in a different ight than ' had ever seen him )efore( ' saw him $oming into heaven from the dar&ness of the /it of he , )earing the sins of the who e wor d( 4hen as Jesus stood there, )owed, with God>s )a$& turned towards him, Ga)rie , the ange of the +ord, s/o&e in a oud voi$e and said, 74a&e those fi th* garments from him, remove them to a / a$e where the* wi never )e found, and /ut on him now the new, &ing * ro)es, the ro*a /riest * ro)es(7 4hen the ange s who stood )efore him / a$ed the ro)es over him and Ga)rie said, 74a&e a $rown and /ut it on his head(7 =n that $rown was the message that as$ended )efore God: 73o iness to the +ord;7 Count a of those /eo/ e who fo ow me as ho *( "$$e/t them )e$ause of what ' have done( 4here it was, written right a$ross the $rown( 4hat>s when Jesus )e$ame our Bing and our 3igh #riest; ' had read the third $ha/ter of Ie$hariah man* times, )ut not unti Ga)rie reminded me did it o$$ur to me that in the Gree& anguage the name of Joshua is rea * the name Jesus( ' had never )efore seen the truth of how Jesus returned to heaven( " of Ie$hariah 3 is ?uoted here so that *ou wi see the /ro/he$* fu fi ed e5a$t * as God a owed me to see it in this )eautifu : 74hen the ange showed me Cin m* visionE Joshua CJesusE the 3igh #riest standing )efore the "nge of the +ord9 and !atan was there too, at the "nge >s right hand, a$$using Joshua of man* things( "nd the +ord said to !atan, >' re@e$t *our a$$usations, !atan9 *es, ', the +ord, for ' have de$ided to )e mer$ifu to Jerusa em . ' re)u&e *ou( ' have de$reed mer$* to Joshua and his nation9 the* are i&e a )urning sti$& /u ed out of the fire(> Joshua>s $ othing was fi th* as he stood D,

as he stood )efore the "nge of the +ord( 4hen the "nge said to the others standing there, >6emove his fi th* $ othing(> "nd turning to Joshua he said, >!ee, ' have ta&en awa* *our sins, and now ' am giving *ou these fine new $ othes(> 4he ' CIe$hariahE said, 7# ease, $ou d he a so have a $ ean tur)an on his head87 !o the* gave him one( 4hen the "nge of the +ord s/o&e ver* so emn * to Joshua and said, >4he +ord of 3osts de$ ares: 'f *ou wi fo ow the /aths ' set for *ou and do a ' te *ou to, then ' wi /ut *ou in $harge of m* 4em/ e, to &ee/ it ho *9 and ' wi et *ou wa & in and out of m* /resen$e with these ange s( +isten to me, = Joshua the 3igh #riest, and a *ou other /riests, *ou are i ustrations of the good things to $ome( :on>t *ou see7 . Joshua re/resents m* servant 4he Bran$h whom ' wi send( 3e wi )e the <oundation !tone of the 4em/ e that Joshua is standing )eside, and ' wi engrave this ins$ri/tion on it seven times: ' W'++ 6E1=HE 43E !'N! =< 43'! +"N: 'N " !'NG+E :"%( "nd after that, the +ord of 3osts de$ ares, *ou wi ive in /ea$e and /ros/erit* and ea$h of *ou wi own a home of *our own where *ou $an invite *our neigh)ors(7 C4+BE( 4he ange then )rought me to 'saiah ,3 and made some truths so rea that ' $an never forget them( Beginning with verse 3, 73e is des/ised and re@e$ted of men9 a man of sorrows, and a$?uainted with grief9 and we hid as it were our fa$es from him9 he was des/ised, and we esteemed him not( !ure * he hath )orne our griefs, and $arried our sorrows: *et we did esteem him stri$&en, smitten of God, and aff i$ted( But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was )ruised for our ini?uities: the $hastisement of our /ea$e was u/on him: and with his stri/es we are hea ed( " we i&e shee/ have gone astra*9 we have turned ever* one to his own wa*9 and the +ord hath aid on him the ini?uit* of us a (7 4here are those fi th* garments that were aid u/on him( 73e was o//ressed, and he was aff i$ted, *et he o/ened not his mouth: he is )rought as a am) to the s aughter, and as a shee/ )efore her shearers is dum), so he o/eneth not his mouth( 3e was ta&en from /rison and from @udgment: and who sha de$ are his generation8 <or he was $ut off out of the and of the iving: for the transgression of m* /eo/ e was he stri$&en( "nd he made his grave with the wi$&ed, and with the ri$h in his death9 )e$ause he had done DD

no vio en$e, neither was an* de$eit in his mouth7 Cvs( 2.9E( 'n verses 1- and 11 are the words that $ame right from the heart of God and ' /ra* that the* wi gri/ *ou as the* did me( 7%et it / eased the +ord to )ruise him9 he hath /ut him to grief: when thou sha t ma&e his sou an offering for sin (((7 God too& that und*ing sou and a owed him to swa ow, not @ust a itt e taste of death, )ut a taste for ever* man( 3is eterna sou was given as an offering for sin( "s Jesus was /ut to grief, as he was )ruised, as his sou was made an offering for sin, the Bi) e sa*s now oo& u/on him, oo& at him, he is giving )irth to a new ra$e; 3e was in travai 9 his sou travai ed( Herse 11 sa*s: 73e sha see the travai of his sou , and sha )e satisfied(7 Herse 1- sa*s, 7he sha see his seed, he sha /ro ong his da*s, and the / easure of the +ord sha /ros/er in his hand(7 'n ma&ing his sou an offering for sin, Jesus made eterna redem/tion /ossi) e for ever*one, for the who e wor d; <rom the agonies of a damned sou was )orn the seed s/ringing forth( 73e sha see his seed(7 3e saw the $hur$h s/ring u/, and he>s oo&ing toda* at his seed, his offs/ring his redeemed, his ransomed, his i)erated, who have s/routed u/ from his death; When he oo&s down at *ou, he sa*s, 7' remem)er the travai u/on m* sou , and what ' see satisfies me and ' i&e it( %ou are a mem)er of the fami *, *ou are redeemed, *ou are a $hi d of God( %ou are a mem)er of a new ra$e( Not a Jewish ra$e, not a Genti e ra$e, )ut a mem)er of that new ra$e, a mem)er of the heaven * &ingdom, a heaven * ra$e, a ro*a /riesthood;7 3is death was Jesus a$tua * )eing stru$& )* God>s hand with the @udgment for sin for the entire wor d; "t this /oint, Jesus entered into a tota se/aration from God, and God turned his )a$& u/on him )e$ause of sin; 4his great messenger that God sent )rought this truth home to me so for$efu * that as ' saw it, ' a* in )ed and we/t; ' $ou dn>t he / it . the )ed shoo& )e$ause of m* seeing the /ri$e that Jesus /aid and what his sa$rifi$e and our remem)ering it rea * re/resents( 4here is a da* $oming for man*, man* /eo/ e who refuse to identif* D0

with Jesus, not rea iFing that he has a read* tasted death for them9 that he has a read* )e$ome their su)stitute in @udgment( 4here is a da* $oming when men wi hear those words again, 7:e/art from me, *e $ursed, into ever asting fire (((7 C1atthew 2,:21E( 4he wi fee the agon* that Jesus e5/erien$ed, )ut the* don>t have to( God and the hosts of heaven are wor&ing fu time toda* to s/are men and women the awfu ness of that da*( "udi) *, or @ust from *our heart, sa*, 7Jesus, than& *ou for tasting death for me( 4han& *ou for destro*ing a eviden$e of sin that has )een he d against me, for removing the re$ords(7 't>s @ust that / ain sim/ e; "s this )eautifu /anorama of truth $ontinued to /ass )efore me, ' saw Jesus as the am) *ing there in death( 4hen ' saw the itt e am) s ow * start to rise, and as it rose u/, it )e$ame a might* ram with seven horns u/on its head and it had seven e*es( 4he ange as&ed me, 7:o *ou &now what these horns stand for87 3e e5/ ained to me that horns signified /ower, and that the divinit*, the $om/ eteness of heaven, of divine things, was a wa*s asso$iated with the num)er seven( 3e said, 7%ou have seen him die as the am), now see him as he arose the great $on?ueror, with $om/ ete /ower in heaven and in earth given to him( 4hen Ga)rie /ointed to 1atthew 28:18, 2-), and said, 7!ee him now with his dis$i/ es9 hear what he sa*s, >" /ower is given unto me in heaven and in earth ((( +o, ' am with *ou a wa*s(>7 4he greatness of our &ing who has a /ower, was $entered on his sa$rifi$e( Ga)rie /ointed to the am), fo owed )* the ram $oming forth C6eve ation ,:DE( 4hen he said, 7%ou wi see the honor that is given to him,7 and he a owed me to witness ange s as far as ' $ou d see in ever* dire$tion )owing down )efore him, and the* $ried out that he was the Bing of Bings, and +ord of +ords, and that he was going to reign forever and ever( Nothing was ever going to sto/ him( 3e was the am) that was s ain, )ut now he is a ive forever more( 3a e u@ah; 4hen the ange s/o&e to me again a)out the )od* of Jesus that was /re/ared )* God for the sa$rifi$e( 4his )e$omes es/e$ia * im/ortant D8

as we see the /ur/ose of this sin ess )od*( Jesus )e$ame the )earer of the sins of others )e$ause he was sin ess( 3e was smitten, not for his own sins, )ut for ours; :anie had an o//ortunit* to oo& at this in :anie 9:21.2, C4+BE: 7Ga)rie , whom ' had seen in the ear ier vision, f ew swift * to me at the time of the evening sa$rifi$e, and said to me, >:anie , ' am here to he / *ou understand God>s / ans( 4he moment *ou )egan /ra*ing, a $ommand was given( ' am here to te *ou what it was, for God oves *ou ver* mu$h( +isten, and tr* to understand the meaning of the vision that *ou saw; 7>4he +ord has $ommanded 29- *ears of further /unishment u/on Jerusa em and *our /eo/ e( 4hen at ast the* wi earn to sta* awa* from sin, and their gui t wi )e $ eansed9 then the &ingdom of ever asting righteousness wi )egin, and the 1ost 3o * # a$e Cin the 4em/ eE wi )e rededi$ated, as the /ro/hets have de$ ared( Now isten; 't wi )e fort*.nine *ears / us 232 *ears C283 *earsE from the time the $ommand is given to re)ui d Jerusa em, unti the "nointed =ne $omes; Jerusa em>s streets and wa s wi )e re)ui t des/ite the /eri ous times(>7 4his same Ga)rie who was in m* home showing me these truths, was the one who was te ing :anie that the* had 283 *ears unti Jesus wou d $ome to ma&e a sa$rifi$e and restitution for sin, not for his sins, )ut for the sins of others( Ga)rie to d :anie when he $ou d start $ounting for those 283 *ears, and it a ties together )eautifu *( Ga)rie saw to it that the timing of God>s / an was /erfe$t( 3e said when C*rus gave the de$ree that Jerusa em wou d )e )ui t, the $ o$& started ti$&ing( Ga)rie said his fun$tion is in the fu fi ing of God>s / an, and he was the ange God assigned to instigate the a$tion( Ga)rie to d me he was the ange s/o&en of in Ie$hariah 1:12.10 C4+BE, 7A/on hearing this, the "nge of the +ord /ra*ed this /ra*er: >= +ord of 3osts, for sevent* *ears *our anger has raged against Jerusa em and the $ities of Judah( 3ow ong wi it )e unti *ou again show mer$* to them8> "nd the +ord answered the ange who stood )eside me, s/ea&ing words of $omfort and assuran$e( 4hen the ange said, >!hout out this message from the +ord of 3osts: :on>t *ou thin& ' $are a)out what has ha//ened to Judah and Jerusa em8 ' am as D9

@ea ous as a hus)and for his $a/tive wife( ' am ver* angr* with the heathen nations sitting around at ease, for ' was on * a itt e dis/ eased with m* /eo/ e, )ut the nations aff i$ted them far )e*ond m* intentions( 4herefore the +ord de$ ares: ' have returned to Jerusa em fi ed with mer$*9 m* 4em/ e sha )e re)ui t, sa*s the +ord of 3osts, and so wi a Jerusa em( !a* it again: 4he +ord of 3osts de$ ares that the $ities of 'srae wi again overf ow with /ros/erit*, and the +ord wi again $omfort Jerusa em and ) ess her and ive in her(>7 "nother time he a owed me to see Jesus going into heaven with his ) ood, not as the sa$rifi$e with fi th* garments, )ut as the /riest with the ) ood of the $ovenant( ' $ou d see him as he entered, as he too& the ) ood and s/rin& ed it on the ho * things of God( ' had never understood it in this wa*, )ut the ) ood a so had to )e s/rin& ed Godward on the things in heaven C3e)rews 9:19.28E( Jesus went into heaven with his own ) ood and s/rin& ed it over the a tar as the fina sa$rifi$e, the fina $overing of our sins; 3e)rews 1-:1D.23 C4+BE states, 7>4his is the agreement ' wi ma&e with the /eo/ e of 'srae , though the* )ro&e their first agreement: ' wi write m* aws into their minds so that the* wi a wa*s &now m* wi , and ' wi /ut m* aws in their hearts so that the* wi want to o)e* them(> "nd then he adds, >' wi never again remem)er their sins and aw ess deeds(> Now, when sins have on$e )een forever forgiven and forgotten, there is no need to offer more sa$rifi$es to get rid of them( "nd so, dear )rothers, now we ma* wa & right into the ver* 3o * of 3o ies where God is, )e$ause of the ) ood of Jesus( 4his is the fresh, new, wa* whi$h Christ has o/ened u/ for us )* tearing the $urtain . his human )od* . to et us into the ho * /resen$e of God( "nd sin$e this great 3igh #riest of ours ru es over God>s househo d, et us go right in, to God himse f, with true hearts fu * trusting him to re$eive us, )e$ause we have )een s/rin& ed with Christ>s ) ood to ma&e us $ ean, and )e$ause our )odies have )een washed with /ure water( Now we $an oo& forward to the sa vation God has /romised us( 4here is no onger an* room for dou)t, and we $an te others that sa vation is ours, for there is no ?uestion that he wi do what he sa*s(7 'n this /anorama of truth that the +ord a owed me to see, he )rought 0-

me )a$& to oo& at the )oo& severa times )e$ause it was so im/ortant( Ga)rie said that the )oo& on whi$h God had instru$ted ) ood to )e s/rin& ed was the )oo& $on$erning man>s dea ing with man( 3e $a ed m* attention to E5odus, $ha/ters 21.23( 4he other aws had to do with man>s dea ing with God and, among other things, $on$erned man>s attitudes( God gave the $ovenant to 1oses @ust )efore he went into the mountain to get the 4en Commandments, and said to 1oses, 7Write it in a )oo&, and then read it to the $hi dren of 'srae (7 74hen 1oses announ$ed to the /eo/ e a the aws and regu ations God had given him9 and the /eo/ e answered in unison, >We wi o)e* them a >7 CE5odus 22:3 4+BE( 4he* wanted to o)e* these aws, )ut the things of their ever*da* ife $aused their good intentions to fade awa*( #eo/ e toda* are @ust the same, a owing the /ro) ems and interests of this wor d to /u their minds and hearts awa* from God>s ) essings( 4hen gui t $omes their wa* and the* sa*, 7' &now that God has forgiven these great )ig o d sins that ' have had, )ut it>s these itt e things that give me trou) e9 m* attitudes toward m* fami * and the /eo/ e ' wor& with ever* da*(7 4he* sa*, 7' rea * want to ive for God, and ea$h da* ' /ut m*se f in God>s $are, )ut these itt e things )other me( '>m afraid, )e$ause ' $an>t get the vi$tor* over them(7 4he +ord a owed me to see Jesus, the high /riest, s/rin& ing his ) ood over the to/ of the )oo& so that those things are $overed( 4he* are $om/ ete9 tota * fu fi ed in Jesus( God sees the ) ood, not our fau ts, and we are a$$e/ted; ' )e ieve that man* of the i s and frustrations of )e ievers $ome )e$ause the* do not see the fu ness of what Jesus> )od* means( Be$ause of the a$$usations of !atan, and )e$ause of dai * reminders of sins, fai ure, and human wea&ness, we often forget what Jesus has done( We are so aware of these other things, that we must )e reminded that God in his wisdom has /rovided a time and a wa* for this to )e a$$om/ ished( 'n ta&ing $ommunion, *ou remem)er the +ord>s death unti he $omes; 3e tasted the se$ond death( 3e fe t the fu ) ast of it( 4he 01

Word te s us that he )ore a of our sins in his own )od* on the tree( 3e as&s us to oo& u/on his )od*, to see our sins, and the sins of the wor d / a$ed u/on him )* God( Ever* ie, ever* sin against ourse ves and others, ever* murder, a adu ter*, a immora it*, a dishonest*, a $heating, a re)e ion, a ido atr*, a enmit* through wit$h$raft and satanism9 *es, ever*thing we $ou d )e $harged with is aid on him( 3e has )e$ome the sin )earer( 3e has )e$ome sin, )earing the $on$entrated dregs of the rottenness of )i ions of /eo/ e( Hisua iFe him as the )u war& against !atan>s atta$&s( God sa*s, 7!ee him, dis$ern him, )e$ause if *ou don>t, *ou are often wea&, *ou are si$& *, and *ou are su)@e$t to the atta$&s, the et.down and the draining of *our s/iritua strength( !ee him, not as something of )eaut*, )ut as that sa$rifi$e, with that rottenness u/on him, with ever* murder, ever* ie, ever* )it of immora it*, ever* )it of wi$&edness that $ou d /ossi) * e5ist, a the sten$h of homose5ua it* that $aused !odom to )e )urned9 ever*thing aid u/on him there;7 4hen as *ou see him, God wants *ou to see on that )od*, %=A6 sin, %=A6 wea&nesses, %=A6 fai ings, EHE6%43'NG that *ou have )een worried a)out; 4he* are there, )ut the* don>t have an* strength; 4he* are on * the ashes of sins that used to )e( Just the )urned.out $inders; When *ou see this, sin oses its gri/ and its /ower to hurt *ou( %our sins are nothing )ut ashes, )e$ause the ) aFing stro&e of God>s wrath and @udgment fe on that )od*( With a the sins aid on him, and a of God>s goodness /oured into us, we $an stand )efore God, &nowing that sin has ost its /ower over us( 4hen we $an fo ow the ) ood as Jesus, our high /riest, $arries it into the /resen$e of God for us, and $overs, destro*s, and tota * ) ots out a sins( 4his is e5a$t * what his ) ood did when he $overed us( 't ) otted out ever* re$ord against us so that God>s unfo ding / an for us $ou d )e $om/ ete( 4hat / an is to restore us to the / a$e of tota inno$en$e and fe owshi/ with God whi$h "dam and Eve en@o*ed in the garden )efore sin $ame( 'n 3e)rews 1-:,, Jesus is ta &ing a)out the wor& God gave him to do9 the wor& of )e$oming a sa$rifi$e for sin, and he said, 7" )od* hast thou /re/ared for me(7 " itt e further down, in verse twent*, he 02

said that we $an now enter into that / a$e of $ ose fe owshi/ through his f esh( Ga)rie reminded me that the ta)erna$ e had to )e e5a$t * as God instru$ted, and the sa$rifi$es were to )e $arried out in ever* detai , )e$ause the* re/resented God>s / an of redem/tion for a man&ind( 4his / an was a /i$ture of Jesus and his sa$rifi$e( 3e e5/ ained to me some interesting truths whi$h made the sa$rifi$e of Jesus even more meaningfu ( " )raFen a tar was the first thing inside the ta)erna$ e, and on this a tar the sa$rifi$es were to )e made( 4he offerings were to )e )urned to ashes, and the ashes then were s/rin& ed on individua s who were to )e a$$e/ted of God( " the sins of 'srae were / a$ed on the sa$rifi$e( 4hen the sa$rifi$e, )eing made sin, fe t the searing heat so that when 'srae $ame to )e a$$e/ted, and the ashes s/rin& ed a ong with the ) ood, God was sa*ing to 'srae , 7%ou have given me *our sins( ' am giving them )a$& to *ou now, and etting *ou see the em/t* she s, the ashes of something that has ost its /ower and its ife( 't is redu$ed to nothing )e$ause the fire of @udgment has )een diverted to a su)stitute, and *our sins whi$h were there on the )od* of that su)stitute, were destro*ed;7 Ga)rie )egan with 3e)rews 9:13.12 as he ta &ed to me more a)out the sa$rifi$e and its meaning( 7<or if the ) ood of )u s and of goats, and the ashes of an heifer s/rin& ing the un$ ean, san$tifieth to the /urif*ing of the f esh: 3ow mu$h more sha the ) ood of Christ, who through the eterna !/irit offered himse f without s/ot to God, /urge *our $ons$ien$e from dead wor&s to serve the iving God87 4his &ind of sa$rifi$e was effe$tive in 'srae in the /urif*ing of a ife so that /eo/ e $ou d sa*, 7't is done, it is done; 1* sins that were / a$ed there are nothing )ut ashes9 sin sha not have dominion over me9 it has ost its sting, and its /ower(7 'f the* o)tained freedom for a who e *ear through anima sa$rifi$es, how mu$h more sha the ) ood of Christ and his sa$rifi$e /urge and /ermanent * remove sin from our minds, our $ons$ien$es, and our emotions8 Jesus itera * tasted he for us, his )od* )eing stru$& )* the righteous @udgment of God( When the enem* $omes our wa*, we $an 03

sa*, 74hose sins that *ou are tr*ing to haunt me with are nothing )ut )urned out $inders, and the /ower of sin has )een $an$e ed;7 We $an @o*fu * sa*, 73is wrath has )een diverted from me to Jesus, and m* sins were @udged when he was @udged;7 +oo& at Jesus, the 3igh #riest, $arr*ing his ) ood as he enters the ver* ta)erna$ e of God in the heavens where the re$ords of sin are &e/t; Ga)rie said, 7!ee him as he s/ ashes his ) ood on the )oo& of )ro&en aws and u/on the a tar of the )ro&en $ommandments as a thi$& $ oud ) otting out forever the re$ords of an*thing that is written in heaven that *ou $ou d )e $harged with( "s we see him doing that, we see him )ringing to us a new $ovenant(7 3e)rews 1-:1D,10 sa*s: 74his is the $ovenant that ' wi ma&e with them after those da*s, saith the +ord, ' wi /ut m* aws into their hearts, and in their minds wi ' write them9 "nd their sins and ini?uities wi ' remem)er no more(7 3e has turned sin into $inders( 3e has ) otted out the re$ords and given us a )rand new $ovenant( :o *ou &now wh* he did that8 't is )e$ause he W"N4! us; 3e is not oo&ing for reasons to destro* us, )ut to save us( !ee him as the s/ot ess am) of God /re/ared from the foundation of the wor d( !ee him as the sin )earer $oming )efore God with fi th* garments, stri$&en of God, s/rin& ing his ) ood in heaven, s/rin& ing the )oo& of the $ovenant that is now fu fi ed( " of man>s /ossi) e fai ures are $overed )* the ) ood that s/ea&s to God, and it sa*s, 7't is done;7 'n 'srae there was a remem)ran$e of sin made *ear after *ear after *ear( 1an was /ardoned )ut sin was remem)ered( 1* heart was so stirred when Ga)rie s/o&e to me with su$h $ommanding tones and said, 7When Jesus $ame, the need for /ardon was removed, )e$ause /ardon reminds God of the sin whi$h has a read* )een forgiven( 3e $om/ ete * removed the re$ords of the stain and gui t( 4he ) ood of Jesus s/ea&s and sa*s, >Justified, restored to a / a$e of tota inno$en$e )e$ause of Christ( We are returned to the / a$e we o$$u/ied )efore sin ever entered the wor d(>7 02

'n the = d 4estament, /ardon $ame )e$ause of faith in the sa$rifi$e( But Ga)rie said when Jesus $ame, he W"! the sa$rifi$e that too& a the sins awa*( 7<or this reason *ou are not /ardoned in God>s e*es( !in$e Jesus made the sa$rifi$e, not one /erson has )een /ardoned( God wants no reminder of those sins as the* were /revious * remem)ered *ear after *ear, )ut he te s us now that the* are NEHE6 to )e remem)ered again;7 Ga)rie said, 74hat>s wh* *ou wi never find the message of /ardon in the New 4estament( 4here is no need for /ardon: '4 3"! BEEN :=NE;7

Chapter = &ou Are Co4ered >Atonement?

4he message of atonement is a tremendous * /owerfu and i)erating message for Christians( 't is a message that is in$ uded in God>s unfo ding / an for toda* and is for ever* /erson who ives on earth or who wi ive )efore the fina da* of the +ord arrives( "tonement a$tua * means to $over C3e)rew: &a/har, to $over, $an$e 9 Gree& $atalla"e: e5$hange, re$on$i iationE( Ga)rie showed me how to draw the diagram whi$h e5/ ains the im/ortan$e and fun$tion of the atonement( 4his d message is for those who are iving for God, for those who are $are ess, and for the un)e iever, to et them &now the awesomeness of God( 4his message is so im/ortant that has )een a /art of ever* ange i$ visitation( 't is the fo$a /oint of a histor* and for a /eo/ e . it is the $enter of God>s / an for the redem/tion of man&ind( 't is the aun$hing /ad for eternit*( 4he urgen$* and im/ortan$e of this message is so signifi$ant that ' fee $ha enged )* God to te *ou to get it into *our heart, into *our mind, and to ta & a)out it with /eo/ e wherever *ou are( +et /eo/ e &now what Jesus has done and what he $an do( 'n the $enter of the diagram is an ar$h, simi ar to a rain)ow( 4his ar$h over us is the atonement, the $overing, the ) ood of Christ( ")ove the atonement ar$h is God and the wa* he sees us( Be ow it is man and the wa* he sees us( 1an sees us with sin, fau t, and fai ure9 )ut God oo&s through this $overing, this atonement, and sees 0,

ho iness instead of sin )e$ause he has a read* ta&en $are of sin( 'nstead of fau t, God sees ) ame essness( 'nstead of fai ures, he sees us unre/rovea) e, he sees nothing with whi$h we $an )e re/roved, re)u&ed or even $hided for CCo ossians 1:22 4+BE( God $annot to erate sin )e$ause of his ver* nature( <rom his view/oint, there must )e tota /erfe$tion )efore he $an a$$e/t us( <rom our earth * view/oint, we oo& for a wa* to ma&e ourse ves free from sin )* /u ing ourse ves u/ )* our own )oot stra/s, )ut God e5/ ained ho iness to me in an entire * new ight( 3o iness is ver* simi ar to the g or* of God( 't is the out.ra*ing of his /ersona it* and his /resen$e( ")sen$e of sin is the result of holiness, not holiness itse f( 3o iness is itera * the $hara$ter and the nature of God( G=: '! 3=+%; God s/ea&s of the highwa* of ho iness whi$h rea$hes right down to earth( 4hrough gra$e, God>s unmerited favor, man a//roa$hes God on that highwa*( Jesus was and is the ho iness of God e5tended to us, and he /rovides the wa* )e$ause he '! the wa*; We are a$$e/ted )* God )e$ause Jesus was ho *, and then we are $overed with righteousness so that G=: !EE! A! EK"C4+% +'BE 3E !EE! JE!A!; We see )e ow the atonement ar$h Csee diagramE the wa* we are viewed in the e*es of man( 1an oo&s at our sin, our fau t, and our fai ures from the underside, and a$$usations $ome against us )oth )* /eo/ e and )* !atan( God>s desire for us is that we see those a)out us as he sees them( 4o a$$om/ ish this, he has given us his Word, his !/irit, and the ) ood of his !on, Jesus; Just as God $annot stand sin, he $annot even stand fau t( When a am) was sa$rifi$ed under the o d aw, not on * did the am) have to )e /erfe$t, without a sing e ) emish or fau t, )ut the /riest who made the sa$rifi$e had to )e without ) emish in order to fun$tion as a /riest9 he $ou d not even have one mo e on his entire )od*( God is a God of /erfe$tion; God gave ver* stri$t and e5a$t aws to "aron, the high /riest, as to how he was to /resent sa$rifi$es of anima s for the atonement of the 0D

sins of God>s $hosen fami *, the $hi dren of 'srae ( God a owed me to see the = d 4estament /riest as he went in with the sa$rifi$es to offer for the sins of the /eo/ e, so the* $ou d )e $overed from one *ear to the ne5t( ' had /revious * inter/reted this s$ri/ture to mean that the /riest was read* to go into the ho * / a$e within the vei )e$ause he had done a the right things )efore he went in9 that he had attained $om/ ete /erfe$tion )* fo owing ever* sing e one of God>s instru$tions( ' had a wa*s fe t that this was suffi$ient /re/aration( But God et me see that this was not a $om/ ete understanding of the /ur/ose of these rites( "aron, the high /riest, and his su$$essors, $ou d on * go to a $ertain / a$e in the sa$rifi$e )efore $om/ eting their /re/aration for entran$e into the most ho * / a$e within the vei ( 't was $a ed this )e$ause of the sa$redness of this inner / a$e of the ta)erna$ e( 4he "r&, $overed with the mer$* seat, was &e/t )ehind the vei in the most ho * / a$e( God said, 7<or ' m*se f am /resent in the $ oud a)ove the / a$e of mer$*(7 4he one /erson in a the wor d who $ou d have )een s/o&en of as tota * righteous, as tota * read*, as tota * /re/ared, wou d have )een the high /riest( God a owed me to see this s$ene a most i&e a iving /anorama; ' saw "aron, the high /riest, $oming in, )ringing a *oung )u , whi$h had to )e s ain @ust for the $ eansing of this /riest( 4he ) ood of this $a f had to )e a// ied to "aron and /ut on a of the arti$ es in the room where he went( But he $ou d not )egin his wor& in the most ho * / a$e unti something e se ha//ened; 3e was instru$ted to ta&e a handfu of in$ense whi$h had )een )eaten and /ounded into a fine /owder( 4his re/resented the s$ourging whi$h Jesus had to endure for us( 4hen "aron too& some ive $oa s dire$t * from the fire, entered into the most ho * / a$e, and ?ui$& * /ut that handfu of in$ense on the $oa s( 'nstant * a $ oud )i owed u/ from the in$ense and $overed the mer$* / a$e a)ove the "r&( "aron )e$ame engu fed in the $ oud whi$h was a sweet.sme ing in$ense that rea$hed u/ and / eased God( 4hen when God oo&ed down, he saw "aron through the $ oud whi$h re/resented Jesus Christ and his suffering( =n * )* this a$t $ou d "aron save his own ife( "aron>s ife was s/ared )* a su)stitute sa$rifi$e for the stro&e of 00

God>s wrath( 3is ho/e of a$$e/tan$e rested in what the in$ense re/resented, whi$h was Jesus; "aron was $overed )e$ause the fire of @udgment stru$& the su)stitute and 'srae was given another *ear of re/rieve( Jesus, the sin ess !on of God, went in as the high /riest for the sins of the wor d with no atonement for himse f( 3is hands were em/t*; 3e had no $overing; God>s wrath was diverted from man, and Jesus too& the stro&e of God>s @udgment u/on himse f; " $ oud arose from the )urning in$ense whi$h Jesus re/resented, that s/read around the wor d( 't moved )a$& through histor* to the )eginning of man( 't moved ahead from Ca var* to that great da* of his $oming; "s it s/read through time and s/a$e, it $overed a /eo/ e of a ages who have / a$ed their trust in the eterna $overing, God>s sa$rifi$e of Jesus; "fter seeing the /anorama of this )eautifu truth, Ga)rie to d me that if ' wou d i&e to read a)out this, ' $ou d find it in +eviti$us 1D:D,11.12( 4hen he to d me ' $ou d read a)out what ha//ened to the /eo/ e after "aron offered the sa$rifi$e( 4he ) ood of one of the goats Ca so a t*/e of JesusE whi$h was the sa$rifi$e for the sins of the /eo/ e, was to )e )rought within the vei and s/rin& ed u/on the / a$e of mer$* and in front of it( 4his $overed the )ro&en $ommandments whi$h were man>s sins, $ontained in the "r& of the Covenant( "fter the rite of atonement was $om/ eted, the ive goat was )rought in( "aron aid )oth hands u/on the head of the ive goat and $onfessed a the sins of the /eo/ e over it( 4hen he sent the goat, with a these sins on it, into the desert where no one ived( 4his was the 7s$a/egoat,7 and it too& a the sins awa*( "fter first $overing sins of the /eo/ e so he $ou d a$$e/t them, then God tota * removed a eviden$e of sin( God wants us to &now that when he $overs our sin, he is not going to eave a rotting, smo dering /i e of sin underneath the $overing( 3e $overs it first so he $an a$$e/t us, then he ta&es it a awa* to a / a$e where it $an never )e found( =ur sins are not on * $overed, )ut the* are removed as far as the east is from the west( 08

Be$ause of the sa$rifi$e of Jesus, whi$h was the atonement for our sins, God $an oo& down at us and u/on a that ha//ens in the norma $ourse of this ife, and our sins are hidden from him( 4hat is his wa* of /roviding for our a$$e/tan$e in the most ho * / a$e where he is /resent in the $ oud a)ove the / a$e of mer$*( When God gave me this /anorami$ view of the atonement, or $overing, Ga)rie )rought a message to me from God>s heart, te ing me that as Christians we $an )e $om/ ete * re a5ed in the g orious &now edge that he is ta&ing e5$e ent $are of a things in his &ingdom, and that )e ievers do not need to fee weighted down on$e the* understand their /osition in God( 3e to d me that when God oo&s down u/on us and sees our faith in Jesus and his sa$rifi$e, he sees us looking e6actl' like 3esus; We are a$$e/ted in the ) ood and wra//ed u/ in his ove( 3e referred me to E/hesians 1:2.,, and said God>s intention was that man shou d )e ho * and without ) ame in his sight( 7+ong ago, even )efore he made the wor d, God $hose us to )e his ver* own, through what Christ wou d do for us9 he de$ided then to ma&e us ho * in his e*es, without a sing e fau t . we who stand )efore him $overed with his ove( CE/hesians 1:2., 4+BE( 3a e u@ah; God has given us his Word and his 3o * !/irit )e$ause he wants the wor d to see us in the same wa* he sees us, whi$h is oo&ing i&e Jesus; 'n 4itus 2:11 it is written, 7<or the gra$e of God that )rings sa vation has a//eared Chas )een revea edE to a men(7 " men have not a$$e/ted sa vation, )ut the /rovision has )een made( 't has a message of @ustifi$ation, of sin essness, that )eams u/ toward God9 )ut it has a message that )eams downward, 74ea$hing us that, den*ing ungod iness and wor d * usts, we shou d ive so)er *, righteous *, and god *, in this /resent wor d7 C4itus 2:12E( 4hen Ga)rie reminded me that sin$e we are now @ustified, we have a read* )een a$$e/ted )* God so these other things whi$h are done )* our own efforts and our own s/iritua a$hievement are not for the /ur/ose of God>s a$$e/tan$e, )ut so that men might see his i&eness in us( 74hese things are good and /rofita) e unto men7 C4itus 3:8E( 4he* need to see Jesus in us, @ust i&e God does, then we a$tua * 09

)e$ome an e5tension of the )eaut* of Christ; 3e gave me a referen$e in Co ossians 1:21.22 where he said God has wra//ed u/ this message in a )rief verse @ust as he showed me on the atonement diagram( 7"nd *ou, that were sometime a ienated and enemies in *our mind )* wi$&ed wor&s, *et now has he re$on$i ed in the )od* of his f esh through death, to /resent *ou ho * and un) amea) e and unre/rovea) e 'N 3'! !'G34:7 +oo& )a$& at the atonement diagram . from God>s view/oint( 4hen God ists the $onditions for this to )e so 'N 3'! !'G34( Co ossians 1:23: 7'< *ou $ontinue in the <"'43 Cin his $overingE grounded and sett ed C$onfidentE, and )e not moved awa* from the 3=#E =< 43E G=!#E+ Cthis Good NewsE (((7 7<or from the ver* )eginning God de$ided that those who $ame to him . and a a ong he &new who wou d . shou d )e$ome i&e his !on, so that his !on wou d )e the <irst, with man* )rothers( "nd having $hosen us, he $a ed us to $ome to him9 and when we $ame he de$ ared us >not gui t*,> fi ed us with Christ>s goodness, gave us right standing with himse f, and /romised us his g or*7 C6omans 8:29.34+BE( 3e is sa*ing that he wi )eam down on us the ver* atmos/here of heaven and give us a itt e foretaste of what it is going to )e i&e u/ there( 4his is the reason )e ievers are ha//*( 4he +ord has itera * given us a )eautifu sam/ ing of what he has in store for us )e$ause he has /romised us his g or*; 7Who dares a$$use us whom God has $hosen for his own8 Wi God8 No; 3e is the one who has forgiven us and given us right standing with himse f( Who then wi $ondemn us8 Wi Christ8 No; <or he is the one who died for us and $ame )a$& to ife again for us and is sitting at the / a$e of highest honor ne5t to God, / eading for us there in heaven( Who then $an ever &ee/ Christ>s ove from us8 When we have trou) e or $a amit*, when we are hunted down or destro*ed, is it )e$ause he doesn>t ove us an*more8 "nd if we are hungr*, or /enni ess, or in danger, or threatened with death, has God deserted us8 No ((( )ut des/ite a this, overwhe ming vi$tor* is ours through Christ who oves us enough to die for us7 C6omans 8:33.30 4+BE( 8-

Be$ause of his great ove, God does not, and wi not $ondemn us( Jesus said in his own words in John 3:1D.10, 7<or God so oved the wor d, that he gave his on * )egotten !on, that whosoever )e ieves in him shou d not /erish, )ut have ever asting ife( <or God sent not his !on into the wor d to $ondemn the wor d9 )ut that the wor d through him might )e saved(7 1an* /eo/ e thin& Jesus $ame to $ondemn them, )ut the truth is, 73e that )e ieves on him is not $ondemned: )ut he that )e ieves not is $ondemned a read*, )e$ause he has not )e ieved in the name of the on * )egotten !on of God7 CJohn 3:18E( God was sa*ing in this s$ri/ture that this wor d had ost its wa*, and it needed a wa* out( 3is /ur/ose in sending Jesus was to ma&e a wa* for us to go into God>s /resen$e and remove the $ oud of $ondemnation( Great ange s from heaven are around us to ta&e $harge of us and )ear us u/, est we s i/ C!ee #sa m 91:11.12E( God didn>t save us to $ondemn us, )ut to give us ife( 3is / an is to restore us into a / a$e of fe owshi/ and then reunite us with himse f( 4his is God>s / an; 3a e u@ah; Be$ause we are his, the atoning ) ood &ee/s on f owing to $ eanse us a the time( We are not $ eansed @ust )* ver)a $onfession, )e$ause our i/s $an sa* words we don>t mean( =ur true $onfession $omes from the heart when our sin$ere desire is to / ease him( God oves us so mu$h he wants us to &now that we don>t have to )e on /ins and need es in his /resen$e, / agued )* fear of fai ure in word, thought, or deed( When itt e things divert our attention, a itt e tem/er rises or a )ad attitude $ree/s in, and we forget to as& God>s forgiveness for it, he oo&s at our hearts and our intentions( We are @ustified under the new aw )e$ause of what Jesus did when he died for us, and that /re$ious ) ood $ontinues to $ eanse as ong as we want to sta* under the $overing God /rovided, and he has a so /rovided guiding signa s from his 3o * !/irit whi$h are ever /resent to &ee/ us under his $overing( 'n this da*, the fina message )efore the $a of the trum/et for us to $ome higher, is the one of atonement( 4his fo ows the /attern whi$h God gave in his / an of sa vation )efore he made the earth( 3e wants /eo/ e toda* to fu * understand that the* are $overed, and the 81

sinners need to &now what God has in mind for them in order to ena) e them to $ome to him and )e at /ea$e with him( Even if *ou refuse and re@e$t him, nothing $an se/arate *ou from his ove( 3e oves even the most ungod *, )ut he does te us in E5odus 32:0 that though his mer$* and his oving &indness rea$hes out generation after generation, it wi not $ ear the gui t*9 on * faith in his sa$rifi$e wi do this( 3e oves /eo/ e who are gui t* and far awa* from him, and the* are )eginning to fee the warmth of his ove( But this a one wi not give *ou a ti$&et to heaven( 't means that God oves *ou and gives *ou the o//ortunit* to $hoose him, )ut the on * /rovision for gui t is the a$$e/tan$e of what Jesus has done( We a so need to remem)er that God is not on * a God of ove, )ut he is a so a God of wrath( !ometimes /eo/ e are oo&ing for a i$ense or e5$use to sin )e$ause the* have no rea desire to turn from evi ( 3owever, the* sti want to have the safet* of the $overing and are tr*ing to /u it over themse ves( God wants /eo/ e to &now that whi e he has /rovided a / a$e of safet*, there is a so an edge )e*ond whi$h the $overing does not rea$h( 4he things whi$h give )e ievers their )iggest /ro) ems are not their sins against God, )ut the short$omings and attitudes of man against man in their dai * ives( 7't is the thought. ife that /o utes( <or from within, out of men>s hearts, $ome evi thoughts (((7 C1ar& 0:2-,21 4+BE( " short$oming $ontinued )e$omes sin, whi$h is re)e ion against God, and is not $overed )* the ) ood( " short$oming dis$ontinued )e$omes o)edien$e to God>s wishes, and is $overed )* the ) ood( 7((( %ou $an $hoose sin Cwith deathE or e se o)edien$e Cwith a$?uitta E (((7 C6omans D:1D 4+BE( 1oses and "aron ived with the $hi dren of 'srae and oo&ing at them from earth eve the* saw evi in the $am/( But from God>s view from a)ove the $overing, God saw their o)edien$e instead of their sin( 73e has not seen ini?uit* in Ja$o), neither has he seen /erverseness in 'srae 7 CNum)ers 23:21E( 4he +iving Bi) e states, 73e has not seen sin in Ja$o)(7 82

God to d Ba aam he had oo&ed at 'srae from man>s view/oint, )ut now he wanted him to oo& at them through his e*es( 'n the 22th $ha/ter of Num)ers, Ba aam said he saw something tota * different now that his e*es were o/ened to see it the wa* God sees it( 7>3e has said, whi$h heard the words of God, whi$h saw the vision of the " might*, fa ing into a tran$e, )ut having his e*es o/en: 3ow good * Cnot evi nowE are *our tents, = Ja$o) and *our ta)erna$ es, = 'srae ; "s the va e*s are the* s/read forth, as gardens )* the river>s side, as the trees of ign CwoodE a oes whi$h the +ord has / anted, and as $edar trees )eside the waters(>7 God is not $reating a )ig irrigation s*stem so he $an o/en the f oodgates and water them a at the same time, )ut he is oving * ta&ing individua $are of ea$h one( 3e wants us to grow strong and hea th* in him( When the +ord s/o&e a)out this, ' said, 7God, what a)out 'srae 8 'f *ou had them so )eautifu * $overed during this time, wh* did *ou /unish them over and over and over again in )etween those sa$rifi$es87 God e5/ ained to me that re)e ion and ido atr* are the two things whi$h wi ta&e man out from under the $overing( 't is not that God removes the $overing, it is not that God goes down and oo&s under it, )ut man removes himse f( +oo& at the ife of 'srae and *ou wi find that whenever God smote them and /unished them, it was )e$ause of re)e ion and ido atr*( When /eo/ e /ut their faith in an*thing other than what Jesus has done, the* vo untari * $hoose to )e out from under his /rote$tive $overing( When this is their de$ision, the* are e5/osed to God>s e*es, and he sees their sins, fau ts, and fai ures( =ur sins were a washed awa* )* the ) ood of the am), and the on * wa* God oo&s at us is through the $ eansing ) ood of Jesus( 4hen he sees: 3o iness instead of sin( B ame essness instead of fau t( Anre/rovea) e C/erfe$tionE instead of fai ure( We GE4 AN:E6 the $overing )* re/enting of our sins( We !4"% AN:E6 the $overing )* wanting to / ease God, and )* o)e*ing him 83

even to the thoughts and intents of our heart( We GE4 =A6 <6=1 AN:E6 the $overing )* re)e ion or ido atr*( 7"! <=6 1E "N: 1% 3=A!E, WE W'++ !E6HE 43E +=6:; CJoshua 22:19E(

Chapter @ #od0s Warning -ignals

God wants us to en@o* s&ating on his a&e of @o* whi e we are on this earth, )ut he a so wants us to &ee/ awa* from the area mar&ed 743'N 'CE;7 4his is sim/ e to do, for he has $ ear * mar&ed the warning signs in the Bi) e( We don>t have to worr* and fret tr*ing to ive a Christian ife( When we are wa &ing with him in his ight, we have $om/ ete freedom from fear and we never have to )e afraid; 3is heart is )eating twent*.four hours a da*, and as ong as it )eats, whi$h is for a of eternit*, we are tota * and $om/ ete * /rote$ted whi e we are serving him( God oves us so mu$h that he offers us ever*thing in heaven and earth, even ma&ing us @oint.heirs with Jesus( 3owever, some individua s sti $hoose to vo untari * wa & out from under the atonement Cthe $overing, or the ) ood of JesusE through 6EBE++'=N and ':=+"46%( 4o re)e is to refuse a egian$e to or resist the authorit* of someone or some authorit* over *ou( God is our authorit*( 4o re)e against him is to turn our )a$&s on that whi$h he offers: the /rote$tion, the ) essings, the ove and the /romises( 4hroughout the Bi) e, God / ain * s/e s out the overwhe ming ) essings whi$h $ome when we su)mit to his a)so ute $ontro , and the $urses whi$h $ome when we resist or re)e against him( 'do atr* is e5$essive atta$hment or veneration Creveren$eE for some /erson or thing9 admiration whi$h )orders on adoration( 'do atr* is not @ust worshi//ing a god or image other than God, it is usting after our own desires and / easures, instead of doing what he wants us to do for him( 4he message of re)e ion and ido atr* are divine warning signa s for us to heed so that we ma* )e /rote$ted from s i//ing awa* from God( Ga)rie referred me to 1 Corinthians 1-, and et me oo& at 82

1oses and the $hi dren of 'srae , who were God>s $hosen /eo/ e, to see what too& them out from under the $ oud $overing whi$h is a i ustration of the ) ood $overing God / a$es over us toda*( Herse 1 sa*s, 71oreover, )rothers, ' wou d not that *ou shou d )e ignorant, how that a our fathers were under the $ oud, and a /assed through the sea(7 4he* had ever*thing going for them; 4he* were se/arated from Eg*/t, whi$h was a t*/e of the Cevi E wor d9 the* were /rote$ted and s/ared9 and the* had this )eautifu $overing, the $ oud; 4hen he said, 7"nd the* were a )a/tiFed unto 1oses in the $ oud and in the sea9 "nd did a eat the same s/iritua meat9 "nd did a drin& the same s/iritua drin&9 for the* dran& of that s/iritua 6o$& that fo owed them9 and that 6o$& was Christ( But with man* of them God was not we / ease9 for the* were overthrown in the wi derness(7 Noti$e that even though the* had su/ernatura e5/erien$es, and the $ oud $overed them, God was not / eased( Wh* wasn>t he / eased8 7<or the* were overthrown in the wi derness(7 Wh*8 Be$ause the* usted after evi things; 4he* re)e ed against what God had for them and the* worshi//ed the ido of se f. / easure; What is an evi thing8 't>s hungering after those things whi$h God sa*s to eave a one )e$ause he &nows the* wi )ring u timate destru$tion( +oo& at it from God>s written Word: 7Now these things were our e5am/ es, to the intent we shou d not ust after evi things, as the* a so usted( Neither )e ido aters, as were some of them9 as it is written, 4he /eo/ e sat down to eat and drin&, and rose u/ to / a*( Neither et us $ommit forni$ation, as some of them $ommitted, and fe in one da* three hundred and twent* thousand(7 C1 Corinthians 1-:D.8E( 4he* fe into ido atr* and /ut something e se in / a$e of God( 4he* $a ed him +ord )ut f agrant * fai ed to do the things he to d them to do( 4he same thing is ha//ening toda* )e$ause there is a fa se tea$hing going around the wor d whi$h sa*s that forni$ation is not wrong; 4hese fa se tea$hers that the Bi) e warns a)out are sa*ing 8,

that this is an o d.fashioned idea of another generation to &ee/ this one from having fun; 4his $ommandment didn>t start a generation or two ago9 God gave it to the 'srae ites over 3,--- *ears ago( 3e /ut this in his / an and his Word )e$ause he hates this sin, and et us &now that when we re)e against him, we are starting down that road whi$h eads out from under the $overing( " *oung man and woman who had )een 7 ive.in7 /artners under the new mora it* re$ent * gave their ives to the +ord( 4he* were e5$ited when the* dis$overed their sins were forgiven, and thought for a whi e the* $ou d $ontinue iving in sin( +i&e man* *oung /eo/ e toda*, the* had )een ensnared )* a st* e of iving whi$h $ondones forni$ation or other forms of re)e ion and ido atr*( #raise God, the* saw the ight and were married short * afterward; !ome /eo/ e show an utter a$& of res/e$t for what God has said( 7Neither et us tem/t Christ, as some of them a so tem/ted, and were destro*ed of ser/ents7 C1 Corinthians 1-:9E( God showed his hatred for what the* did in diso)e*ing his wishes for them, and when the* murmured, God sent his ange to destro* 23,--- of them; W"6N'NG; 7!o )e $arefu ( 'f *ou are thin&ing, >=h, ' wou d never )ehave i&e that> . et this )e a warning to *ou( <or *ou too ma* fa into sin( But remem)er this . the wrong desires that $ome into *our ife aren>t an*thing new and different( 1an* others have fa$ed e5a$t * the same /ro) ems )efore *ou( "nd no tem/tation is irresisti) e( %ou $an trust God to &ee/ the tem/tation from )e$oming so strong that *ou $an>t stand u/ against it, for he has /romised this and wi do what he sa*s( 3e wi show *ou how to es$a/e tem/tation>s /ower so that *ou $an )ear u/ /atient * against it( !o, dear friends, $arefu * avoid ido .worshi/ of ever* &ind7 C1 Corinthians 1-:12.22E( :o *ou see how God>s $overing wor&s8 3e does not $ondone sin, )ut he wants /eo/ e to hear the Good News so the* $an rea$h out and find the /ower to )e ifted out of these sins( =n * those who def* him and wa & in their own wa* find themse ves on thin i$e )e$ause the* have /aid no attention to his warning signs( God is not oo&ing for 8D

reasons to $ondemn *ou, and that>s the reason he has /osted warning signs( 3is heart $r* is, 7' want to save *ou9 ' want *ou to have ife and have it more a)undant *;7 W"6N'NG; 4here are some definite warning signa s in the Word where God high ights his / an, his a$$e/tan$e and his $overing for his /eo/ e( 3e is not de eting the warnings and the $a to his /eo/ e to wa & with him and to ive for him( 4he warnings that he has given are @ust as sure as ever, )ut he wants them to )e /ut in their /ro/er /ers/e$tive( 3e wants /eo/ e who ove him and desire to ive for him to &now how safe the* are( But he wants /eo/ e to &now that the /ath the* are on $ou d ead to rea trou) e if the* are not ta&ing him serious *( +aw.a)iding /eo/ e are not worried ever* da* )e$ause there ha//ens to )e a @ai downtown; 'n fa$t, the* $an even wa & right u/ to a /o i$eman, oo& him in the e*e, sha&e hands and give him a friend * greeting( 4he* don>t need to )e worried, )e$ause the* have )een o)e*ing the aw( 4hat is e5a$t * the wa* God wants *ou to fee a)out him; W"6N'NG: Beware of a oss of a sense of the im/ortan$e of s/iritua things; 4here are man*, man* )e ievers on the road of etharg*( +etharg* is a sense of a$& of im/ortan$e9 a drows* du ness to God9 a a$& of s/iritua energ*9 s uggish in a$tivit*( +etharg* s/ea&s forth from our inner )eing when we sa*, 7't>s easier to sta* home( 't>s hard to generate e5$itement and Fea for the things of God( ' have a few other things ' want to do toda*, so ' @ust won>t go to $hur$h;7 God>s remed*: 7+et us not neg e$t our $hur$h meetings, as some /eo/ e do, )ut en$ourage and warn ea$h other, es/e$ia * now that the da* of his $oming )a$& again is drawing near7 C3e)rews 1-:2, 4+BE( 6emem)er, if *ou fee num) and $o d inside and it>s a weight and a )urden for *ou to thin&, 73ere>s another wee&end and ' have to go to $hur$h( What a $hore;7 W"4C3 =A4; :"NGE6; 43'N 'CE; W"6N'NG; ANBE+'E<; God wants us to have an a ive awareness 80

of what he is doing( 3e wants us to )e ieve in the su/ernatura , )e$ause he is the God of the su/ernatura ( 'f in *our heart *ou are standing a oof, )eware; 7C4herefore )eware,E )rothers9 ta&e $are est there )e in an* one of *ou a wi$&ed, un)e ieving heart . whi$h refuses to $ eave to, trust in and re * on 3im . eading *ou to turn awa* and desert or stand a oof from the iving God7 C3e)rews 3:12 "m/E( %ou might have had a rea interest in $hur$h and wor&ing for God, )ut there has $re/t into *our thin&ing a s/irit of s&e/ti$ism( %ou stand a oof with un)e ief or dou)t, )oth of whi$h are enemies of God( 'f *ou sa* *ou )e ieve in the su/ernatura and give one reason wh* *ou do and nine wh* *ou don>t, *our words are @ust ho ow e$hoes( 4he warning sa*s that *ou don>t rea * )e ieve in the su/ernatura , and without even rea iFing it, *ou find *ourse f ?uestioning God>s wa*s in *our mind( 't is so eas* to )e u ed into )e$oming an o)server who stands a oof sa*ing, 7' $an>t get too invo ved9 '>m more or ess neutra (7 4here is no neutra ground . *ou are either /u ing one wa* or another( We need to )e i&e #eter and #au and some of the other dis$i/ es who fo owed Jesus and were wi ing to a* down their ives for God; '>m e5$ited to sa* that there has never )een a time in the histor* of the wor d when God>s /eo/ e were more dedi$ated to what he is doing that the* are toda*( W"6N'NG: 74he )a$&s ider in heart wi )e fi ed with his own wa*s97 C#rover)s 12:12E( When *ou )egin drifting )a$&, ong )efore *ou get tota * awa* from God, *ou are interested on * in those things that /ertain to *ou, not the things of God( 4his is a warning sign( W"6N'NG; 7What wi we sa* then8 Wi we $ontinue in sin, that gra$e ma* a)ound87 C6omans D:1E( 4he gra$e of God is a )eautifu $overing, )ut it is not a i$ense to sin( God>s gra$e is something we did not earn, something we $annot )u*( " /erson who thin&s the* $an do what the* / ease is re)e ing against God and s&ating on thin i$e; 88

W"6N'NG; 7((( 6e$eive not the gra$e of God in vain7 C2 Corinthians D:1E( God>s gra$e is a gift and shou d not )e re$eived in vain( #au te s a)out this in $onne$tion with what God did in /roviding his $overing, and he gave us this warning: 7<or God too& the sin ess Christ and /oured into him our sins( 4hen, in e5$hange, he /oured God>s goodness into us; "s God>s /artners we )eg *ou not to toss aside this marve ous message of God>s great &indness(7 God did this for *ou and what a )eautifu word of assuran$e he is giving, )ut he warned us not to toss it aside for wor d * / easures( 7<or God sa*s, >%our $r* $ame to me at a favora) e time, when the doors of we $ome were wide o/en( ' he /ed *ou on a da* when sa vation was )eing offered(> 6ight now God is read* to we $ome *ou( 4oda* he is read* to save *ou(7 4hen he goes on to te us how we $an &ee/ from tossing it aside: 7We tr* to ive in su$h a wa* that no one wi ever )e offended or &e/t )a$& from finding the +ord )* the wa* we a$t, so that no one $an find fau t with us and ) ame it on the +ord( 'n fa$t, in ever*thing we do we tr* to show that we are true ministers of God7 C2 Corinthians ,:21 and D:1.2 4+BE( 3a e u@ah; !u//ose *ou @ust /ur$hased a new dishwasher for *our home( %ou are e5$ited a)out a the new features and the man* hours it wi save *ou in *our &it$hen, and *ou are reading the instru$tions on how to ma&e it do the )est @o) for *ou( %ou dis$over a itt e sign that sa*s, 7W"6N'NG; <or the )est and most effi$ient o/eration, do thus and so(7 What wou d ha//en if *ou sudden * thought, 7' $an>t &ee/ this in m* home9 it ma* fai me;7 Just for a moment *ou too& *our e*es off of the )enefits and en arge on the word of $aution and immediate * a the )enefits diminished in *our mind; What God has /romised is the same thing for the individua who re$ogniFes what has )een done for him and what God wants to do( God>s /romises and his )enefits are a s/e ed out for him and the e?ui/ment is su/erior( We are so d on how good God is and how his interest in us is to d in a of his good /romises, not one word of whi$h has he ever fai ed to /erform( 3is guarantee is un imited; But there is sti a warning sign, and it is there to ma&e it wor& for *ou; 89

" red ight f ashes at a rai road $rossing when the train is $oming, to /revent us from getting &i ed; " fire engine sounds a siren to warn us of its a//roa$h; "n am)u an$e and a /o i$e $ar f ash ights when there is danger, and the wai of their siren warns us to /u over and get out of the wa*( " fever warns us of si$&ness and infe$tion( " of these signa s are good, and so are God>s warning signs( 4he* are @ust as effe$tive to &ee/ us from getting &i ed Cs/iritua *E as the f ashing ights at a rai road $rossing are to &ee/ us from getting &i ed /h*si$a *; God oves us so mu$h he has /osted warning signs a a ong the a&e of @o*, @ust for our /rote$tion;

Chapter 1A When #od -a's Thanks:

4here is tremendous @o* in m* heart, &nowing that God $ares enough for his /eo/ e to give them divine guidan$e and dire$tion( ' a so fee a /rofound res/onsi)i it* to )ring to the wor d the truths whi$h God has / a$ed u/on m* heart( 4hese are )i) i$a fa$ts whi$h man* of us &now, )ut to have God arti$u ate them so $ ear * and $a our attention to them )* ange i$ messengers and other su/ernatura means, adds an e5tra weight; 4hese e5/erien$es the +ord has a owed me to have a /art in and to share have not )een @ust em/t* dreams or imaginations( Ever* time God has dea t with me, he has )rought the Word of God to me with great for$e and su//orting /ower( =n his first visit to me, this ange s/o&e of three main areas( 4he first was God>s $hara$ter, what he is rea * i&e, the desires of his heart toward /eo/ e, and the things that are im/ortant to God( 4he se$ond was our /osition in God, and third, he wanted me to remind *ou of the /re/aration for that great @udgment da*; 4he first area is summariFed in the $ha/ter on >Good News <or %ou and %our <ami *; 4he se$ond area is the /osition from whi$h God sees us, and this is $overed in the $ha/ter on the >"tonement(> ' as&ed him, 7Where in the Bi) e $an ' a$tua * see this at wor&87 and God said, 7' have had it re$orded( %ou $an read it in Num)ers7 CNum)ers 23:21E, and he to d me e5a$t * what it meant( 3e et me &now that the sa$rifi$e that 9-

'srae had /ut their trust in, was a t*/e of the great sa$rifi$e of Christ in whi$h we /ut our faith, and that it made them a$$e/ted )* God )etween the *ear * sa$rifi$es( ' had read through the Bi) e man* times and had never seen this )eautifu truth of God, stating that he oo&s at man from a different eve than man himse f does( God>s e*e view is on the to/ side of this $overing9 man>s e*e view is on the underside( 4his has )een referred to /ra$ti$a * ever* time God has dea t with me( God wants us to &now our /osition in him( "s we desire to ive for him, and we W"N4 him as our +ord, the ) ood $overing is there; 3e sees us through the $overing as the f owers and trees whi$h he has / anted himse f( 3e sees us i&e Christ )e$ause we are a$$e/ted in him, a wra//ed u/ and $overed in his ove( With our faith in him, he wants us to &now this /osition( 3e wants us to &now that the da* is $oming whi$h the "/ost e #au s/o&e of in 2 4imoth* 1:12 where he said, 7' &now whom ' have )e ieved, and am /ersuaded that he is a) e to &ee/ that whi$h ' have $ommitted unto him against that da*(7 4his wi )e a da* of )eaut* and a da* of reward; God wants us to )e aware of what is im/ortant to him( When we &now how mu$h he $ares a)out $ertain things, then we wi want to $are a)out them( 3e sa*s, 7's not this the fast that ' have $hosen8 to oose the )ands of wi$&edness, to undo the heav* )urdens, and to et the o//ressed go free, and that *ou )rea& ever* *o&e78 C'saiah ,8:D. 0E( God wants us to )e interested in the things he is interested in, and that is /eo/ e; 7's it not to dea *our )read to the hungr*, and that *ou )ring the /oor that are $ast out to *our house8 when *ou see the na&ed, that *ou $over him9 and that *ou hide not *ourse f from *our own f esh87 God is giving us an inside /i$ture of his heart( 3e is te ing us a)out the things that are 6E"++% im/ortant; 3e said /eo/ e are doing a ot of things that are 7good7 things, ne$essar* things, things of this ife, and things that need to )e done( 4he* have a rea va ue whi e in this ife, so the* are not worth ess( 4he* have a reason here, )ut the* are not a things whi$h are going to remain( 3e mentioned s/e$ifi$a * $ertain )oo&s whi$h /eo/ e 91

s/end a their time writing, )oo&s whi$h ma* have va ue, )ut do not meet the needs of /eo/ e( !inging /erforman$es, un ess dire$ted to the need of a ife, are tem/orar* and wi not go on( Even sermons that are /rea$hed whi$h $an )e giving out information, ma* )e /rea$hed to a C6=W: of /eo/ e, )ut not to the NEE: of the /eo/ e; 4hese ma* he / to guide and motivate /eo/ e and steer them in a $ertain dire$tion, )ut the* wi not )e something that a$tua * remains( Bui dings have a great /ur/ose, )ut God doesn>t need )ui dings( 3e has )ui dings whi$h /ut those in this o d wor d to shame( 3e s/o&e a)out >giving> $am/aigns( 3e said if *ou give for $redit, *ou get *our reward here, )ut not in heaven( =ften an individua >s missionar* vision has )een hurt )e$ause of a desire for $redit or re$ognition( 't is a right if /eo/ e have to )e motivated, )ut this &ind of giving is not going down in God>s )oo&( 3e wants giving from the heart; 4hese are the e5a$t words the ange used: 74hese things ma* have satisf*ing reward in this ife, and the* are im/ortant, )ut the* wi not remain(7 7What wi remain87 ' ?uestioned( 3e referred to #hi i//ians 2:10.18 where #au to d them to )ring a gift out of their want( 't wasn>t that he desired that the* )ring a gift to him, )ut as he said, 7' desire fruit that man* a)ound to *our a$$ount(7 !o, when this )oo& is o/en, it wi show that these /eo/ e did something s/e$ia , not for reward here, )ut for the +ord( 'n John 1,:1D, Jesus> /ra*er was that the fruit of *our ife shou d remain( God wants us to have something that is in the )oo& forever, )e$ause he oves us so ver* mu$h; '>m sure this ministering ange has )een with me man* times )efore( Whi e ' was in the hos/ita man* *ears ago, ' heard a voi$e whi e ' was ver*, ver* si$&( 4he message that $ame to me a most ever* da* was: 7!trengthen those things that remain(7 4oda* he is ta &ing a)out the same thing( 3e wants us to strengthen those things that ast forever( #eo/ e are s/e$ia to God( 'f *ou want to &now where God ives on 92

this earth, oo& where /eo/ e are and *ou wi find his address )e$ause God ives where /eo/ e are hurting( 3e wants to he / them( 3e invo ves himse f with the needs of /eo/ e( 't is when we get down on the eve of human need and ta&e a /erson into our hearts and a$tua * meet their need that something is written down in our )oo& in heaven( =ther things ma* he /, )ut the fruit he wants is *our /ersona ove, *our /ersona he /, and *our /ersona $on$ern( When *ou see an individua hurting and *our own heart a$tua * hurts with them, this is when *ou $are; 6e$ent *, ' as&ed the $hi dren in m* $hur$h, 7What is Jesus i&e87 +oo& at their answers: 7Jesus is some)od* who oves to he / *ou(7 7'f *ou are hungr*, he wi /rovide food(7 7'f *ou are si$&, he wants *ou we ;7 73e oves *ou;7 4his is the wa* itt e $hi dren understand the message from God( God>s desire is that we )e i&e Jesus and we wi a wa*s find him moving in the areas of human need( 4he ange s/o&e a)out /ersona invo vement with our own fami * . with our own f esh and ) ood( Not what we := for them, )ut what we "6E to them( What the* mean to us; !ome mem)ers of our own fami * ma* have )een rea 7stin&ers(7 4he* ma* have ta&en advantage of us( 4he* ma* have ied to us, and we said, 7'>m writing that /erson off(7 God doesn>t want us to hurt that /erson9 he wants our heart to go out and ove them and he / them in ever* wa* we /ossi) * $an( 4hat is God>s nature( 4his message a// ies not on * to our own fami *, )ut to the fami * of God( 'n Ga atians D:1-, it is written that God desires for us to do good to a men, es/e$ia * to the househo d of God( 3e wants us to re/resent Jesus and to )e i&e him( 4his is what is re$orded in our heaven * a$$ount( We $an he / that /erson who is one *; We $an he / that /erson who is hurting; We $an he / that /erson who ma* )e fi ed with frustration; Jesus said, 7'nasmu$h as *ou have done it to one of the east of these m* )rothers, *ou have done it to me7 93

C1atthew 2,:2-E( 4hese are the deeds whi$h are written in our )oo&( 4he ange said it was more im/ortant to )e i&e Jesus in meeting the area of a /erson>s need, than to )e witnessing to /eo/ e a)out sa vation( 4hat rea * sur/rised me( We have )e$ome so $onditioned to the idea that we aren>t doing an*thing for God un ess we are a) e to get out and witness and to s&i fu * use the Word( But this ange said, 7When *ou are he /ing /eo/ e, *ou )e$ome a iving word to them whi$h sa*s, >' $are and God $ares for *ou;>7 4hat doesn>t mean we e5a t ourse ves as Jesus9 it sim/ * means Jesus is iving his ife through us( We )e$ome a word that is a ive to them, not a dead, /rinted word, )ut a iving word( 4his is something we $an do, and it is more im/ortant than witnessing, ?uoting s$ri/ture or tea$hing( 'nstead of witnessing, we BEC=1E a witness of what Jesus is rea * i&e( 4his is something ever*one $an do; We don>t have to have a s/e$ia ta ent to a* u/ treasure in heaven( "n* Christian $an ma&e a de/osit in the )an& of heaven ever* da*, )e$ause there are /eo/ e who need he / ever* da*; When we $are for them, we are )ringing the heart of God to them in their / a$e of need( When we do this for God, something goes into our a$$ount; Whi e we are waiting for the $oming of Jesus, et>s get out and get our )oo& fu , not doing it for that s/e$ifi$ reason, )ut doing it )e$ause that is the wa* God>s heart )eats for /eo/ e( When we are $ ose to him, we wi fee the same wa*( 4hings whi$h are done )e$ause of his ove and his !/irit in us are / a$ed in our a$$ount in the ar$hives of heaven; 'n 1atthew 2,:3,.2-, Jesus taught that when we feed the hungr*, give water to the thirst*, and do a servi$e to /eo/ e, we are doing this as unto him( 4his in$ udes a visit to a rest home to $heer u/ a /erson who is de/ressed, or $aring for a itt e $hi d whose mother is so wear* she $an hard * stand( When we have )een tired ourse ves, )ut have said, 7' want to share this oad with *ou,7 and haven>t oo&ed for a reward, we are doing this as unto Jesus( 4hese deeds are re$orded in the )oo&; We wi )e doing what Jesus did when we show &indness to 92

individua s )* he /ing them fee their worth when the* have )een )eaten down and are de/ressed, when their se f.worth and their se f. esteem has )een $rushed( God $ares for /eo/ e, and the on * wa* /eo/ e wi &now that he $ares is through *ou and me( 4hat is wh* it is so im/ortant for us to &now what he is i&e( God said not to g or* in wea th, or wisdom, or might, or other things of this wor d, )ut to g or* in this, that *ou &now God, that he is a God of @usti$e and a God fi ed with &indness( #eo/ e often get their thin&ing $onfused( 4he* thin& the on * things *ou do for God are what *ou do in a s/iritua wa*( When we minister, it might )e hard to re ate to a /erson>s s/irit, )ut it>s not hard to re ate to their /h*si$a needs, their )odies and their emotions( Jesus a wa*s ministered to )oth s/iritua and /h*si$a needs( <or e5am/ e, one da* a man $ame into m* offi$e who was invo ved in homose5ua it*, a wa* of ife that ' hate( ' had a rea )att e with m*se f( 3e didn>t want /ra*er and he wou dn>t even admit his need for de iveran$e from homose5ua it*, )ut he was hungr*( 3e hadn>t had an* food for a whi e( ' had to as& m*se f, 7What wou d Jesus do87 ' &new that Jesus wou d se/arate the man from his sin, so ' did the same, and in /ee ing awa* the vi eness, ' found the signature of God( 4his man was hungr*; Jesus said, 7'f *our enem* hungers, give him to eat(7 ' have to $onfess ' had a hard time )e$ause ' thought a)out /eo/ e who deserved food more than he did, so ' to d him, 7' &now what *our ife is( %ou $annot hide it, )ut *ou are hungr*, and God $ares a)out that, and ' $are(7 4hen ' /rovided food for him( ' didn>t do it to get something re$orded, )ut ' &now that a$t of &indness is in God>s )oo&( ' wasn>t doing it for that reason, )ut when *ou fee the wor&ing of the !/irit in *our heart, he gives *ou ove for /eo/ e, and that is *our motive( <or 74he fruit of the !/irit is ove, @o*, /ea$e, ong.suffering, gent eness, goodness, faith, mee&ness, tem/eran$e7 CGa atians ,:22E( " of these are traits of God whi$h rea$h out to /eo/ e( ' wish ' had &nown a ong time ago how God fee s a)out /eo/ e and 9,

how mu$h he oves them( When Jesus wa &ed on this earth, he was sear$hing for /eo/ e in need, and he is sti oo&ing for them( 3e has mu titudes of emissaries wa &ing around, and is sa*ing to them, 7' want *ou to get out there where the need is(7 When we have oving * /re/ared a mea for someone who has )een si$&, and have )rightened u/ their da* )* $aring, something is )eing written down in that )oo&( Caring for those who are not in the fami * of God is a so im/ortant( We $are when we he / the father ess and the widows who don>t &now whi$h wa* to turn )e$ause the* $an>t find dire$tion( God said through this ange , 74his is /ure re igion and it is undefi ed( 4his is what wi ast and )e re$orded in the ar$hives of heaven(7 ' remem)er some of those he , fire and )rimstone evange isti$ sermons that used to ma&e straight hair $ur , tr*ing to s$are /eo/ e into heaven( ' heard one man sa*, 7God ta&es a the sins that he is ho ding in reserve against *ou and ho ds them over *our head to &ee/ *ou going straight;7 4hen he wou d thunder on, 7%ou>re going to have to fa$e ever* sin )e$ause the* are a written down in *our )oo& and he d in reserve( =n the da* of @udgment, God is going to ta&e a )ig s$reen and /ro@e$tor and show a *our sins to the wor d, in$ uding *our fami * and friends(7 4hen he said, 74he wrongs that *ou did )efore *ou were saved are a forgiven, )ut ever*thing *ou do after *ou are saved is &e/t in reserve to )e he d against *ou(7 #eo/ e rea * s?uirmed when the* heard a message i&e that, and it seeming * moved some /eo/ e toward God, )ut /raise God, it isn>t true; "s the ange gave me this message, he said that this is in $onf i$t and $ontrar* to the $hara$ter of God( When *ou $onfess *our sin, he destro*s it, wi/es it out, and sa*s he wi never, never remem)er it again( 'f *ou have )een de$eived into )e ieving that on that g orious da* of @udgment a ot of $ondemnation is going to )e )rought against *ou, ' have good news for *ou; 't sim/ * wi not ha//en that wa*( 't>s going to )e a BE"A4'<A+ da* when, instead of @udgmenta $ondemnation, God sa*s, 743"NB!;7 Christ is our foundation( Nothing $an move him( %our faith and trust in Jesus /uts *ou on a foundation that $an never )e destro*ed( God te s us that a we have done whi$h is i&e Jesus wi )e /ermanent 9D

and asting( +u&e said C+u&e 3:10E that God is going to se/arate the $haff from the wheat on that da*( 3e is oo&ing for the &erne that is going to ast; 4he ange a$tua * made the statement that 7God is not interested in the $haff(7 3e has no use for it9 he is removing it from *our ife so on * that whi$h is /erfe$t, that whi$h is i&e Jesus, wi remain( " he is interested in is what is inside of that $haff . he wants that itt e &erne and is going to remove the she and find the ife inside that wi ast forever; 3a e u@ah; 'n 1 Corinthians 3:12, the a/ost e #au made referen$e to the foundation that is going to ast forever: 7Now if an* man )ui d u/on this foundation go d, si ver, /re$ious stones, wood, ha*, stu)) e9 Ever* man>s wor& wi )e made manifest Ce5/osedE: for the da* sha de$ are it, )e$ause it wi )e revea ed )* fire9 and the fire sha tr* ever* man>s wor& of what sort it is(7 3e refers to the remova and )urning of the $haff, revea ing that whi$h wi ast forever( 4he things of this ife are going to /ass awa* on that great @udgment da*, )ut to the )e iever it wi )e a time of great reward where God )rings /raise to his /eo/ e( 4here is not going to )e a /erson /resent at this )e ievers> @udgment who wi hear one harsh word of $ondemnation, )e$ause Jesus has a read* /aid our /ena t* through his death( "s the ight of heaven )egins to g ow )efore us, and the things of this earth )egin to me t and fa awa*, there is going to emerge a )od* of )e ievers from a different eve s of s/iritua growth and s/iritua ife( " of the things whi$h are transitor* are going to )e gone, and those who have / eased God wi stand on that firm foundation in the e*es of God; 4his da* is s/e$ia to God( 't is a da* that he has oo&ed forward to for a ong time( 4his is the da* #au ta &ed a)out when he said he &new he $ou d trust God to &ee/ those things whi$h he had $ommitted to him against that da*; 3e $ontinues in 1 Corinthians 2:, where he sa*s, 74herefore @udge nothing )efore the time, unti the +ord $ome, who )oth wi )ring to ight the hidden things of dar&ness, and wi ma&e manifest the $ounse s of the hearts: and then 90

sha ever* man have #6"'!E =< G=:;7 7"t that time God wi give to ea$h one whatever /raise is $oming to him7 C4+BE( Ever* /erson is going to hear those words, 74han& *ou, than& *ou; %ou did a good @o)(7 !ome /eo/ e do more than others, )ut EHE6%B=:% there wi have /raise of God( 74hen sha EHE6% man have /raise of God(7 4he a/ost e #au said that the da* was going to de$ are it( " the )eautifu things God has written down for *ou are going to )e &nown on that g orious da*( God doesn>t do things that aren>t im/ortant, so thin& what it wi mean to him when he ta&es *our hand as *ou stand )efore him, oo&s *ou in the e*e, and sa*s 74han&s; 4han&s for a those things *ou did for me;7 Ever* Christian is going to hear those words, 74han& *ou; %ou did a good @o);7 1* human mind $ou d not $om/rehend how God $ou d ever sa* than& *ou to me( ' sha never forget the awesomeness of the moment when the ange to d me that on that g orious da*, God wou d sa* those words, )e$ause it is )e*ond m* a)i it* to understand that God $ou d ove me so mu$h that he wou d ever* sa*, 74han& *ou, 6o and Bu$&;7 ' as&ed the ange to e5/ ain what is meant )* 7things of dar&ness and the $ounse s of the hearts,7 and this was his answer: 7God wi shine his ight on the hidden $orners of the hearts of those who have served him )e$ause of their ove, not e5/e$ting than&s( <or these things, too, the* wi hear God sa* than&s(7 4his does not mean in re ation to evi deeds( 4he ange referred to it as the )eautifu , )ut hidden things that /eo/ e have not &nown a)out *our ife( God is going to te *ou good things that *ou don>t even &now a)out *ourse f; 3e &nows a of *our thoughts, and even those good thoughts are worth* of /raise; ' don>t &now when Jesus is $oming( 3ow ' wish the ange had given me some indi$ation, )ut he didn>t( Events /ointing toward his $oming are ha//ening fast, however, and ange s are moving hindran$es out of the wa*( #eo/ e are )eing moved a)out and tou$hed )* God more than ' have ever witnessed )efore( 1an* more /eo/ e are going to )e saved and turn to God when the* 98

see us doing God>s wor& for him )* meeting their needs, than when we are tr*ing to /ut the 7)ee7 on them for sa vation( #eo/ e are s/iritua * hungr*( 4he* are onging for someone who a$tua * )e$omes a iving word e5/ressed right in front of them( 4his is something ever*one $an do, not @ust a few s&i ed /eo/ e, )e$ause we $an a )eam out that ove of God( CWe)masters note: Just as ' was t*/ing this se$tion out ' heard the gar)age tru$& outside m* house( 't>s more than 9- degrees out there at the moment( ' ?ui$& * ran downstairs and o/ened m* garage door, $arr*ing two i$e.$o d $o$a.$o as in m* hand( =ne of the *oung $o e$tors immediate * s/otted m* intent and ran over, $overed in sweat, and with a smi e and a than& *ou g ad * a$$e/ted the $oo drin&s for he and his hard wor&ing /artner( 7' a//re$iate a *our he /,7 ' said, and retrieved m* em/t* trash $an( 't was rather /ain ess . *ou $an do it too( Ni$e timing +ord ((( #raise God;E When *ou &now God is going to sa* 7than&s7 to *ou some da*, doesn>t it ma&e *ou fee i&e finding someone in need and he /ing them8 God has /ut great em/hasis on fami * re ationshi/s through these messages )rought )* the ange s( 1a*)e *ou have some mem)ers of *our fami * *ou haven>t ta &ed to for a ong time( Wh* not give them a $a and sa*, 7'>m e5$ited; ' )e ieve our $ir$ e u/ there is going to )e un)ro&en )e$ause God is wor&ing to )ring who e fami ies to himse f(7 !ometimes the /eo/ e in our own fami * seem to )e the most diffi$u t ones to ta & to, )ut among the easiest to whom we $an show the ove of Jesus( What this wor d needs is Jesus; Just a g im/se of him, and it is through us that the* $an see him( 4he ast thing the ange said on this su)@e$t was that the rea desires of our heart and the ongings that we have in this ife wi )e met when we ta&e $are of another>s need in the / a$e of Jesus( 4he ange stated that we $ou d see what God>s interests rea * are in the fift*. eighth $ha/ter of 'saiah( ' read it, and sure enough, it was written right there in the Bi) e @ust as he had )een te ing me( 99

7No, the &ind of fast ' want is that *ou sto/ o//ressing those who wor& for *ou and treat them fair * and give them what the* earn( ' want *ou to share *our food with the hungr* and )ring right into *our own homes those who are he / ess, /oor and destitute( C othe those who are $o d and don>t hide from re atives who need *our he /( 'f *ou do these things, God wi shed his own g orious ight u/on *ou( 3e wi hea *ou9 *our god iness wi ead *ou forward, and goodness wi )e a shie d )efore *ou, and the g or* of the +ord wi /rote$t *ou from )ehind( 4hen when *ou $a , the +ord wi answer( >%es, ' am here,> he wi ?ui$& * re/ *( " *ou need to do is to sto/ o//ressing the wea&, and to sto/ ma&ing fa se a$$usations and s/reading vi$ious rumors; <eed the hungr*; 3e / those in trou) e; 4hen *our ight wi shine out from the dar&ness, and the dar&ness around *ou sha )e as )right as da*( "nd the +ord wi guide *ou $ontinua *, and satisf* *ou with a good things, and &ee/ *ou hea th* too9 and *ou wi )e i&e a we .watered garden, i&e an overf owing s/ring7 C'saiah ,8:D.11 4+BE( "t the same time *ou are ref e$ting Jesus )* these a$ts of &indness, et the message of sa vation )u)) e out of *ou i&e a we .watered garden, i&e an overf owing s/ring( 4his is what Jesus did( 3e never forgot the s/iritua needs of /eo/ e, and neither $an we; Both are vita ; When we are giving ove and $on$ern to /eo/ e, God is writing in the ar$hives of heaven those a$ts for whi$h he wi sa* to ea$h of us, 743"NB!;7

Chapter 11 )ission 1hilippines

't>s a strange fee ing to )e sitting in the !an <ran$is$o air/ort on the wa* to a foreign $ountr*, wondering what>s going to ha//en when *ou get there; 4hat>s the wa* ' fe t on the !aturda* night ' was utter * $om/e ed to go to the #hi i//ines( 4he wee& )efore ' was to eave on this mission, the ange Ga)rie met me, s/o&e with me a)out the wor&, and gave me assuran$e in m* heart that what was ha//ening was something that God himse f had / anned( 3e gave me the names of /eo/ e to whom he had )een ministering, that he said ' wou d meet, some of whom were not 1--

ne$essari * im/ortant to the mission, )ut were given as a $onfirmation to me that this tri/ was from God, and that it was not @ust a visit; 4he / ane was s$hedu ed to de/art at midnight, and ' had a D 1L2 hour a*over( ")out 11 #1 ' $he$&ed in to re$eive m* seat assignment, sat down in the /rede/arture area and wat$hed the /eo/ e as the* mi ed around( !/iritua * ' was tuned in a the wa* to see what God was doing, and ' had a tremendous fee ing of anti$i/ation; 4here was an em/t* seat )eside me, and a *oung <i i/ino sat down( We had an interesting $onversation and when we )oarded the / ane, ' dis$overed this same man was sitting ne5t to me; ' immediate * got out the ist of names given me )* Ga)rie to $he$& things out( 4he name !.".6.'.".N.= was at the ver* to/ of the ist( ' too& a dee/ )reath, as&ed this *oung man if !a.ree.on.o was the $orre$t wa* to /ronoun$e his name, and ' wish *ou $ou d have seen the oo& on his fa$e; 3e was e5treme * u/set )e$ause ' &new his name; 3e oo&ed around to see if there was an*thing on his /erson that wou d identif* him, )ut there was nothing; 3e ?ui$& * got u/ ad too& a seat in another /art of the / ane, whi$h was not fu ( ' had his seat and mine, so ' s e/t a the wa* to 3awaii( #rior to de/arture from 3awaii, the stewardess announ$ed that ever*one must ta&e their assigned seats )e$ause of the new /assengers $oming a)oard( 6e u$tant *, this *oung man $ame )a$& to sit down )eside me, so ' thought it wou d )e we to $a m him down( ' $ertain * didn>t want him to )e uneas* for the entire ten.hour f ight )e$ause that>s a ong time to )e misera) e( ' sim/ * and honest * to d him ' &new his name )e$ause it had )een given to me )* the ange Ga)rie ( When ' said this, he oo&ed around again, )ut there were no em/t* seats, and there was no / a$e for him to go; ' to d him that God oved him and that this tri/ was going to )e more than a visit, )e$ause he had )een $hosen to $arr* some good news to his fami *( ' a so to d him that God had his e*e on him, had &nown him a a ong and $ared for him( 3e said, 73ow $ou d God &now me8 ' don>t &now him( ' go to the 1-1

/riest and the /riest /ro)a) * te s God a)out me, )ut ' don>t rea * &now God(7 ' e5/ ained to him that God &new him, that God had /re/ared him and had dire$ted this entire tri/, and had even given me his name( 4hen ' said that God had a so seen to it that when the seats were assigned to the 3-- /eo/ e on the / ane, his seat wou d )e right ne5t to mine; 3is e*es were wide with astonishment as ' to d him these things, and he said, 7:o *ou mean that God is rea * interested in me, with a that he has to do8 :o *ou mean that God rea * $ares a)out someone who doesn>t even &now him87 ' answered, 7%es, he wants *ou to $ommit *our ife to him, in order to et him &now that *ou are than&fu to him for his $on$ern for *ou, as great as he is, and as insignifi$ant as *ou are(7 6ight then and there this *oung man a$$e/ted Jesus as his !avior and +ord; 3e e5$ited * said, 7+et me te *ou a)out m* father and m* fami *( ' remem)er man* times as m* father wou d oo& u/ into the night s&* and see the stars, he wou d sa*, >!ure * there must )e a God, some/ a$e, if on * we $ou d find him(>7 4hen he $ontinued, 7Now '>m going to go )a$& and te him that he was right, there is a God, and that ' have found him(7 4hen ' as&ed him a)out his fami *( ' thought when he referred to his fami * that he was referring to his immediate fami *( 3e $ontinued on, 7" of m* fami * are going to )e together )e$ause the* ive n a itt e $ uster( When ' eft thirteen *ears ago to go to the Anited !tates, there were a)out 2-- mem)ers in m* fami *( ' don>t &now how arge it is now, /ro)a) * 0--, or ma*)e even more than that, )ut '>m going to te them a ; 4he* are going to &now that God oves ea$h and ever* one of them;7 4his rea * e5$ited me, )e$ause then he added, 7'f the ange s are interested in me, don>t *ou su//ose the* are interested in m* fami * too8 's it a right if ' te them87 7!ure, that>s what God wants *ou to do( God is so interested in *our fami * that he gave me *our name( %ou are going )a$& there as God>s re/resentative(7 1-2

With great emotion, he oo&ed me straight in the e*e, and said, 74his is the most serious, the most im/ortant tas& '>ve ever had(7 3e &new it was s/e$ia )e$ause he re$ogniFed the fa$t that ' had no wa* of getting his name, e5$e/t from God, and he )e$ame an instant missionar*; 4he #hi i//ine tri/ was one of the 12- events God had to d me wou d o$$ur, )ut nothing ha//ened unti two months /rior to m* a$tua de/arture date, when ' re$eived an invitation to $ome to the #hi i//ines( ' immediate * $he$&ed the $ost of the tri/ and m* estimate was P1,03-( 3ow was God going to su// * the mone*8 't didn>t ta&e ong to find out, )e$ause the ver* ne5t da* a $he$& $ame for P1,03- from an une5/e$ted sour$e; Ga)rie had met me in m* offi$e at $hur$h to give me the instru$tions for this mission to the #hi i//ines( "t that time he oo&ed ver* serious as he /a$ed )a$& and forth, a most as if he were trou) ed( 3e ref e$ted God>s $on$ern over the fa$t that /eo/ e wou d hear the message of going into a the wor d and then go )a$& to s ee/( 4his tri/ was definite * not @ust a s/ur.of.the.moment thing, )ut was in the unfo ding / an of God( 3e said m* message wou d )e from the 9Dth $ha/ter of #sa ms and 90:1,2: 7!ing a new song to the +ord; !ing it ever*where around the wor d; !ing out his /raises; B ess his name( Ea$h da* te someone that he saves; #u) ish his g orious a$ts throughout the earth( 4e ever*one a)out the amaFing things he does( <or the +ord is great )e*ond des$ri/tion, and great * to )e /raised( Worshi/ on * him among the gods; <or the gods of other nations are mere * ido s, )ut our God made the heavens; 3onor and ma@est* surround him9 strength and )eaut* are in his 4em/ e( = nations of the wor d, $onfess that God a one is g orious and strong( Give him the g or* he deserves; Bring *our offering and $ome to worshi/ him( Worshi/ the +ord with the )eaut* of ho * ives( +et the earth trem) e )efore him( 4e the nations that Jehovah reigns; 3e ru es the wor d( 3is /ower $an never )e overthrown( 3e wi @udge a nations fair *( +et the heavens )e g ad, the earth re@oi$e9 et the vastness of the roaring seas demonstrate his g or*( #raise him for the growing fie ds, for the* dis/ a* his greatness( +et the trees of the forest rust e with /raise( <or the +ord is $oming to @udge the earth9 he wi @udge the nations 1-3

fair * and with truth; JE3=H"3 '! B'NG; +et a the earth re@oi$e; )ell the farthest islands to be "lad( C ouds and dar&ness surround him( 6ighteousness and @usti$e are the foundation of his throne7 C4+BE( !unda* was an unusua da*( 1* first servi$e was at the 3o ida* 'nn, and was a /art of 'nternationa 3ote 1inistries, a wor dwide organiFation( 4he auditorium was /a$&ed with what oo&ed i&e to/. of.the. ine $itiFens( 4his was ver* interesting to me, )e$ause ' had /i$tured the #hi i//ines as )eing a / a$e of /overt*, a / a$e where ' was going to see the gos/e rea * wor& in the raw( %et here was m* first introdu$tion to the #hi i//ines, and it was in one of the fan$iest, ni$est )ui dings ' have ever )een in throughout m* entire ife( 1en were dressed in )eautifu suits and ties, and the women were e5?uisite * gowned( 4he* had their ) a$& hair wound u/ high on their head, and were su$h so/histi$ated oo&ing /eo/ e, ' wondered if ' had a$tua * @ust made a few $ir$ es around one of the )ig "meri$an $ities and anded; 4he* oo&ed i&e the* were from an*where e5$e/t the #hi i//ine 's ands; 1* se$ond servi$e was on !unda* night at the <aith "ssem) * in 1ani a( When ' wa &ed into this $hur$h, ' didn>t see an* of the wea th ' had seen in the morning servi$e, )ut ' did see /eo/ e here who rea * oved God, in s/ite of their /overt*( 4his )ui ding was in an area of tremendous $rime and vio en$e( Ever* window had )ars @ust i&e a @ai ( What a differen$e in surroundings from the morning servi$e; ' was sta*ing at the guest house of the W*$ iff 4rans ators( 't>s a )ig / a$e, a $om/ound, and the* have a)out 0- guests at a time( God had a owed me to sta* there to fe owshi/ and minister to these /eo/ e who have dedi$ated their ives to earning the anguages of tri)es who have no written anguage, giving them a written anguage, and then trans ating the Bi) e into those anguages( God had arranged for me to meet with /erha/s the most signifi$ant grou/ in the $ountr* in rea$hing the far.f ung tri)es( 4here were do$tors, /i ots, $o ege /rofessors, tea$hers and other eaders /oo ing their efforts to rea$h the is and /o/u ation( +ater ' s/o&e a)out ange i$ visitations to a grou/ of missionaries 1-2

during an evening servi$e( "s ' was s/ea&ing, ' rea iFed that it might )e something so new to them that it $ou d )e a itt e diffi$u t to a$$e/t( God a so &new this, and he &new e5a$t * what to do a)out the situation; :uring the /ra*er time, the /resident of the Bi) e s$hoo fe t a heav* hand on his shou der, and he thought /ossi) * someone had /ut their hand on him to /ra* for him( 3e oo&ed around to see who it was, )ut there was no one there; 3e said to the /eo/ e, 74his is rea , it>s rea ; God has $onfirmed it( Even though ' $an>t see him, ' BN=W this ange >s hand is u/on m* shou der(7 3e and his wife sta*ed u/ most of the night ta &ing a)out how he had fe t the divine hand of God as this ange rea$hed out and gri//ed his arm( ' hadn>t seen Ga)rie there, )ut it was interesting to &now that he was around and had found his wa* to the #hi i//ine 's ands; 't was there ' re$eived m* s$hedu e of meetings for this tri/( ' was trou) ed when ' oo&ed at it, )e$ause ' saw that seven who e da*s were going to )e s/ent in on * two $hur$hes( ' hadn>t fu * ana *Fed ahead of time what ' was going to )e doing, )ut this information rea * sur/rised me; ' wondered wh* ' had $ome a the wa* over here @ust to do that; 'f a ' was going to do was s/ea& in two $hur$hes, ' $ou d have done that )a$& in 'daho; ' had )een ta &ing to the /eo/ e at the W*$ iff guest house and the* were te ing me e5$iting stories of )eing among the tri)es who didn>t &now an* Eng ish at a ( 4he* were $om/ ete * un$ivi iFed and man* of them @ust wore G.strings( 4he* sti $arried )ows and arrows, and their darts had /oison in them( ' was ver* interested in this, fee ing it might )e the reason for m* tri/, and it did /rove to )e an im/ortant /art, )ut not in the wa* ' e5/e$ted it to )e; =n 1onda*, ' met with one medi$a do$tor, a $o ege /rofessor, and two /i ots( 4he* had @ust returned from 1indanao where there is a tri)e whi$h had )een dis$overed @ust a *ear.and.a.ha f /revious *( 4he* were wa* )a$& in the @ung es, and whi e this grou/ had )een there, the /rofessor was a) e to /ut together some t*/e of a $ommuni$ation )ridge to them( ' e5/ ained to them that God had sent me to the #hi i//ines, and the* said, 7We had $ome here for a itt e rest, )ut we don>t need the rest, et>s go )a$& tomorrow; We want to ta&e %=A down there; God>s in this;7 1-,

' rea * got e5$ited unti ' rea iFed that it was im/ossi) e for me to go )e$ause ' was s$hedu ed e sewhere( ' &e/t tr*ing to thin& of wa*s to $ ear m* s$hedu e so ' $ou d go( 4he* had a / ane whi$h wou d f * me to the airfie d $ osest to this /arti$u ar tri)e( "t that airfie d the* had a he i$o/ter /i ot who $ou d f * me in and( 4he* &e/t sa*ing, 7We want *ou to go;7 But ' $ou dn>t, )e$ause it wasn>t on the itinerar* to whi$h ' was $ommitted; ' went to )ed 1onda* night thin&ing, 7'>ve rea * muffed it; ' got ahead of God in te ing them to arrange a s$hedu e for me( God rea * wanted me to $ome over here and he / this )rand new tri)e, and ' missed it; ' $an>t get out of this new, )e$ause the meetings have a read* )een advertised;7 't was hot and sti$&* in the / a$e, ver* diffi$u t to s ee/, and m* mind &e/t whi//ing me so )ad * ' $ou dn>t s ee/ an*wa*; ' /u ed the sheet u/ into a )ig, o d &not as ' wrest ed and wrest ed with this /ro) em unti a)out 2 "1, when ' fina * went to s ee/( ")out four in the morning, the ight $ame on in m* room, and ' o/ened m* e*es( 4he guest house was ver* / ain * furnished and there were @ust two $ots in a room( ' was s ee/ing in one, and when ' oo&ed over at the em/t* one, ' saw Ga)rie sitting there with Chrioni, the ange who trave s with him( ' was so s ee/*, ' said, 73ow did *ou find me here87 Norma * ' wou dn>t have ta &ed to them the wa* ' did, )ut ' was so grogg* from s ee/ ' forgot that when God has sent someone on assignment to re/resent him, *ou don>t ?uestion them( Ga)rie said, 7We didn>t have an* trou) e finding *ou, )e$ause we arranged for *ou to )e here; We had a reason( We want *ou to ming e with these /eo/ e so the* $an get a good gri/ on this message and ta&e it )a$& to their area(7 4his made me fee )etter, and then he said, 74he reason we have $ome is that God has sensed the $on$ern in *our heart that *ou might )e wasting *our time over here with these $hur$hes, and wants us to te *ou not to )e $on$erned a)out that s$hedu e, )e$ause it is so ordered and arranged that ever* /erson who meets with *ou wi )e divine * se e$ted( 4he* have )een /ersona * se e$ted )* God to hear what *ou have to sa*(7 1-D

't was interesting to me to rea iFe that regard ess of whether ' was in one s/ot or another, whoever was going to )e there was there at God>s dire$tion, so ' didn>t $on$ern m*se f a)out it an* more( ' wondered who God was going to )ring, so ' )egan oo&ing and anti$i/ating( ' was tem/ted to do a few things m*se f @ust to tr* to wor& things out, )ut ' didn>t( ' de$ided that ' might )e out doing something when ' shou d )e waiting and wat$hing what God was doing; Whi e in 1ani a, ' s/o&e at the <ar East "dvan$ed !$hoo of 4heo og*, and ' rea iFed that this a so was in God>s order( 4he *oung /eo/ e attending this Bi) e $o ege are from !outheast "sia, and the im/a$t from this s$hoo $overs that entire /art of the wor d( God had arranged things so that his messages wou d wor& u/ from the roots of the #hi i//ine 's ands through the W*$ iff wor&ers, and now he had arranged for it to go to different / a$es in "sia( !tudents were there from Burma whi$h is now $ osed to western missionaries( ' went down to ' oi o where m* s/onsors /ut me in the )est hote avai a) e( 't was severa mi es to the )usiness se$tion, or the mar&et / a$e as the* $a it, and ' wondered what was going to ha//en here( ' thought, 7We , if what the ange s to d me is true Cand who wou d dou)t ange s8E, the* wi )ring /eo/ e around( ' don>t &now who the* wi )ring, )ut at east ' &now that the* &now where ' am(7 ' didn>t sta* in m* room ver* mu$h( ' went down to the o))* and sat there wat$hing ever*thing and ever*)od*, )e$ause ' wanted to )e in the right / a$e at the right time( Nothing mu$h ha//ened the first evening( 4he ne5t morning ' went down to )rea&fast, and God>s )eautifu / an )egan to unfo d( 4wo )usinessmen were sitting at a ta) e, and the* said, 7We saw *ou here ast night and wondered what *ou were doing here( %ou don>t oo& i&e a tourist to us, so wh* don>t *ou sit with us and te us wh* *ou are here(7 ' sat down and started the $onversation )* sa*ing, 7Gent emen, ' don>t &now what *our )a$&ground is, so ' don>t &now whether or not *ou are going to a$$e/t this, )ut an ange to d me that ever*one that ' s/ea& with has )een es/e$ia * se e$ted )* God to hear what ' have 1-0

to sa*, so ' )e ieve that *ou two men have )een se e$ted )* God(7 4he* oo&ed at me as though the* didn>t ?uite )e ieve what ' was sa*ing, so then ' said, 74he fa$t that *ou have )een se e$ted is )e$ause *our training or *our )a$&ground, whatever it is, has )een dire$ted )* God, and God is $a ing it into a$$ount at this time( 3e doesn>t do things /romis$uous *, and he has se e$ted *ou for something s/e$ia ( ' don>t &now what it is, )ut ' do &now that he has se e$ted *ou( 4his is his / an and his /ur/ose( 3e wants what *ou have and what he has given *ou, )e$ause ever*thing *ou have has )een given to *ou )* God, whether *ou &now him or not(7 4hese men oo&ed at ea$h other, and one of them said, 7't sounds strange, )ut we )e ieve *ou, so if we have )een se e$ted, what is the ne5t ste/87 ' &new what the ne5t ste/ wou d )e, )ut ' thought that /ossi) * ' wou d have to argue with them a itt e )it, )ut here the* were, read* to go on( ' said, 7God wants *ou to sa*, >" right, God, here ' am( ' am g ad that *ou $are enough for me that *ou want to do something with m* ife( '>m read* to do what *ou want me to, and here is m* ife( ' a$$e/t *ou(>7 4hese men, with no ?uestion mar& in their minds whatsoever, fe t that what ' was te ing them was dire$t * from God, and without hesitation at a , )oth of them raised their hands and said, 7God, we want to /ut our hands in *ours( 'f we have something that *ou have given to us that *ou $an use, we give it to *ou( We want *ou to use us;7 ' ta &ed to them for a few minutes, then together we ta &ed to God( We worshi//ed and /raised him for the su/ernatura wa* he wor&s( 4hen the* said, 7We are here on s/e$ia )usiness, and a of our training has )een in the area of /o iti$s and government $ontro , and we are giving the rest of our ives to God in order to he / /eo/ e(7 ' mentioned to them that the ange had to d me that m* ministr* wou d )e in the area of i)eration( ' said, 7God is smi ing on the #hi i//ine 's ands, and he is )ringing i)eration to s/irit, sou and )od*( 3e is raising u/ /astors who are going to he / free /eo/ e>s 1-8

s/irits(7 4hen ' added, 74he* are im/overished9 the* are o//ressed9 these /eo/ e have )een under o//ressors for hundreds of *ears( <irst were the Chinese, the !/anish, the "meri$ans, then the Ja/anese, then the "meri$ans again, and now the <i i/ino government( 4he* have )een under the hee of an o//ressor and God wants to set them free;7 4he men said, 7We are in that /osition( We are going to /ut some whee s in motion to set them free(7 ' $ou dn>t he / )ut sa*, 73a e u@ah;7 ' hadn>t / anned on sa*ing it, )ut a ' &new was that God was $on$erned a)out the needs of the who e )eing of these /eo/ e and that he was smi ing on them( =n 1onda* morning, ' met a man in the hote o))*( 3e &e/t staring at me, so ' thought ' wou d go over to see if he had )een se e$ted )* God( 3e oo&ed i&e an "meri$an, so ' wa &ed over and said, 7%ou oo& i&e an "meri$an to me(7 3e to d me he was German( ' to d him that a good num)er of "meri$ans are of German des$ent( 4hen he as&ed me, 7What are *ou doing here87 3a e u@ah; God had given me the same o//ortunit* ' /revious * had with the two )usinessmen( ' started off the same wa*, 7' don>t &now whether *ou wi )e ieve this or not, )ut an ange met me and to d me that those /eo/ e with whom ' wou d ta & in the #hi i//ines had )een se e$ted )* God for a s/e$ia assignment( ' don>t &now how *ou are going to ta&e this, )ut *ou have )een se e$ted to hear what ' have to sa*(7 4hen ' $ontinued and to d him the same thing, that God had use for a of his training and )a$&ground( 4his man o/ened his heart and said, 7' never rea iFed that God rea * $ared that mu$h a)out what ' did, )ut ' wou d i&e to have more /ur/ose in m* ife(7 ' to d him that the +ord had use for his ta ents, his training and his s&i s and that he wanted him to turn his ife over to him( Without an* ?uestion at a , he immediate * a$$e/ted the +ord; 4hen ' noti$ed that he was so))ing and soft * s/ea&ing to God( 3is e*es were o/en and he was oo&ing u/ with )oth hands in the air and said, 7God, @ust thin&, '>ve on * )een in the #hi i//ine 's ands one da* and a read* ' have a new )oss;7 1-9

' as&ed him what )rought him to the #hi i//ines( 3e had )een sent to the is ands )* the Wor d Committee of the Anited Nations to deve o/ food resour$es for the im/overished and underfed /eo/ e of the and( ' to d him that the /eo/ e se e$ted )* God were invo ved in the i)eration of these /oor /eo/ e( 4hen ' said to him, 7%ou, in *our /osition now, are going to he / i)erate )ondage>s of hunger(7 3e said, 74hat>s the thing ' have )een s&i ed at and trained for, so ' give m*se f to the +ord for this;7 <rom ' oi o ' went to the is and of Negros )* shi/( 1* hote was in the midd e of the $it*, and ' didn>t te an*one, in$ uding the /astor, what ' was doing in the da*time( ' oo&ed at the /eo/ e, and m* heart went out to them, )ut ' $ou dn>t $ommuni$ate with them )e$ause even though ?uite a num)er of the /eo/ e s/ea& )ro&en Eng ish, ' nudged a ot of /eo/ e and $ou dn>t find an*one who rea * s/o&e Eng ish( <ina *, ' found one *oung man who $ou d s/ea& ?uite we , or at east he $ou d get )*( 3e was @ust twent*.one *ears o d, and he sta*ed with me the entire time ' was there( 'f ' $ame out of the hote at ,:3- in the morning, he was standing on the ste/s waiting for me( God divine * /ut him there as an inter/reter to a ow me to $ommuni$ate with the /eo/ e, )e$ause the ones ' rea * wanted to rea$h $ou d not understand me at a ; 4he first da* as we wa &ed down the street ' noti$ed a we .dressed ad* wee/ing, with a towe he d over her fa$e( ' dis$overed she was the owner of one of the stores there( ' $ou d see her shou ders heave as she so))ed( ' said, 7Wh* are *ou $r*ing, ad*87 !he didn>t answer, )ut &e/t so))ing, so ' said, 7'>m here to he / *ou( '>m a /astor, and ' want to he / *ou( God oves *ou and he $ares a)out *our need(7 ' waited as the inter/reter re a*ed what ' had said( 74e the man it is not im/ortant(7 4he )o* inter/reted, and ' said, 7"n*thing that is im/ortant to *ou is im/ortant to God,7 so she too& the towe off her fa$e( !he had )een $r*ing a ong time and her e*es were red( ' too& her hands and /ra*ed that God wou d /ut his strong arms around her and he / her 11-

with whatever her need was( "s she ifted her head, it oo&ed as though the $ ouds were /ushed )a$&, and the sun had $ome u/; 7"s& him if his name is Jesus; '>ve $ried man* times )efore, )ut no)od* has ever $ared, and this man did;7 ' was vio ating the ru es that *ou get as a tourist or a missionar*, )e$ause the* give *ou a ot of do>s and don>t>s, and *ou are not su//osed to interfere in an*one>s )usiness( ' wasn>t aware of it, )ut the /eo/ e in the $rowded mar&et / a$es were )eginning to gather around to see what was going on( Before ong, it was noised around the who e mar&et / a$e that ' $ared for this woman; 4he ne5t vio ation o$$urred when ' saw a ad* $arr*ing a heav* )ag of ri$e whi$h oo&ed i&e it weighed a)out eight* /ounds( !he was e5treme * o d and her egs were )ad * )owed, so ' as&ed he how far she had to $arr* the )ag( !he re/ ied that it was a)out two mi es( ' /ro)a) * $ou d have as&ed the *oung man to $arr* the )ag for the ad*, )ut ' too& the )ag of ri$e m*se f and $arried it for her( #eo/ e saw this, and whis/ering started in that $it* of a)out 3D-,--- /eo/ e( "s ' went )a$& through the mar&et / a$e, /eo/ e started fo owing me( 4he* sto//ed and as&ed me to / ease ta & to them( =n different o$$asions, as ' was sim/ * sharing God>s ove and $on$ern with /eo/ e, ' noti$ed the* were hea ed of man* aff i$tions, in$ uding some who were )ad * twisted with arthritis( ' wasn>t ta &ing a)out hea ing to them, ' wasn>t /ra*ing for them, ' was @ust te ing them a)out Jesus and how mu$h he $ared for them( 4here were some deaf mutes who were hea ed without /ra*er of an* &ind( 4he* $ou dn>t hear what ' was sa*ing, )e$ause the* were deaf, and the* $ou dn>t have to d an*one a)out it )e$ause the* were mute, )ut the +ord hea ed them and the* $ou d )oth s/ea& and hear; God /roved that those /eo/ e were se e$ted )* him, )e$ause after that the* rea * made a run on m* hote , and it $ertain * )e$ame a )us* / a$e( 4he* $ame da* after da* whi e ' was there and ' /ra*ed for them in the o))* of the hote and ministered to them( 4hen $ame the news that a &i er t*/hoon was s$hedu ed to hit Bo$o od at a)out 8 #1( " read* the rain was /e ting down fier$e *( ' 111

to d the /eo/ e to sta* at the $hur$h )e$ause the $onstru$tion there was mu$h stronger than their f ims* houses whi$h ' fe t wou d ) ow over( <or a $ou/ e of hours ' thought that the t*/hoon had a$tua * hit( 't sounded i&e @et / anes were going overhead, )ut this was $aused )* the winds whi$h /re$eded the fu for$e of the t*/hoon( ' to d the /eo/ e to sto/ worr*ing )e$ause it wou d )e no /ro) em for the +ord to )end that t*/hoon and ma&e it turn around( "fter a , God is sti God; 4here /eo/ e have a wa*s ived with fear )e$ause there are a)out twent* t*/hoons a *ear whi$h hit the #hi i//ine 's ands, and this was the worst the* had had for man* *ears( 't was $a ed a 7&i er7 t*/hoon, and the* were frightened; ")out 0:3- we gathered around the front of the $hur$h, worshi//ing God and /ra*ing( We as&ed the +ord to )end that t*/hoon in a different dire$tion )e$ause it was @ust a short distan$e awa* at that time( #raise God, the +ord intervened and it swerved over a s/ot whi$h wasn>t inha)ited( 3a e u@ah; 4he $enter of the t*/hoon whi$h wou d have &no$&ed down the )ui dings and houses $om/ ete * missed that area( 't a so missed 1ani a, and went over a s/ot where it wasn>t heavi * /o/u ated, @ust as if there had )een divine intervention; 'f it had stru$& the heavi * /o/u ated $it* of 1ani a, there wou d have )een itera * hundreds of thousands of deaths( 4he rain and the wind made over 20-,--fami ies home ess, )ut the &i er /art missed and went over the ri$e fie ds( 4he ri$e was &no$&ed out, )ut the /eo/ e were a ive; 't>s a )eautifu thing to wat$h the +ord in a$tion; =n m* ast night ' was getting read* to return home via 1ani a when ' got the word, 7< ight $an$e ed(7 ' thought, 73ow ong wi 4*/hoon 6ita ast8 What a)out m* reservations from here to 1ani a8 "re the* now o)so ete8 What a)out m* reservation our of 1ani a87 't didn>t ta&e ong to find out( 1* reservations were now o)so ete and a f ights were fu unti Wednesda*( 1* reservation out of 1ani a was a so forfeited( ' wondered how ong it wou d ta&e me to get another( 4hen ' thought, 7Wh* worr*8 God &nows; 3e is the one who )rought me here(7 112

"t one o>$ o$& ' $a ed the air/ort at 1ani a( 4he streets were fu of water and the winds were rea$hing gusts u/ to 19D mi es /er hour( 4here was no $han$e for reservations( !even to ten da*s at the ear iest( ' thought of one of the men God had /ut in m* /ath who had given me his $ard( 3e had said if ' ever needed he / to use his $ard and his name( ' needed he / now, so ' de$ided to see what wou d ha//en( When ' gave his name and his $onversation, whee s )egan to turn( Within minutes a seat had )een /rovided, and $onne$tions were made for to/ /riorit* $ earan$e( God &new ' wou d need this he /; ' arrived in 1ani a a)out noon( 4rees and houses were down( 4he f ooding was so )ad that from the air it oo&ed i&e the $it* was in the sea( +itera * tens of thousands of /eo/ e were see&ing /assage( ' was the on * one without /revious reservations to )e )oo&ed to the Anited !tates( 4han&s to God who sent the government offi$ia , ' was )i ed as an un isted, s/e$ia /assenger( !/e$ia note: "++ the names whi$h Ga)rie had given me were identified whi e ' was in the #hi i//ines;

Chapter 1" )ichael and 5is Angels

")out two o>$ o$& one 1onda* morning, ' was awa&ened when ' heard noises in the downstairs /art of m* house( ' immediate * investigated to find the $ause( When ' did, ' saw one of the most awesome sights '>ve ever seen( !tanding in m* iving room were four great warrior ange s, and there was tremendous a$tivit* going on in m* house( Ever* time God has revea ed himse f through the visits of ange s to m* home or stud*, it has )een awesome, )ut this seemed to )e sti more staggering )e$ause there was a rea awareness in m* s/irit of the im/ortan$e of what God was doing( Ga)rie met me at the foot of the stairs and as&ed me to $ome into the fami * room( 3e said, 7' don>t want *ou to )e frightened or fearfu , )ut !atani$ for$es have started an atta$& against *ou( Just as God has his ange i$ organiFation, !atan a so has his organiFation with /rin$es of dar&ness, a though he doesn>t have as man*, and the* are not as /owerfu ( 4he* are not omni/resent and the* $annot )e ever*where at on$e( 4heir doom is a read* s/e ed out(7 113

' istened intent * to Ga)rie as he said he wanted to give me this assuran$e so that ' $ou d strengthen the )onds of God>s /eo/ e, and remind them of the ver* s/e$ia time in whi$h we are iving( 3e said that !atan is aware of the fa$t that God is doing something in Boise, and he has sent /rin$es of dar&ness to this area in an endeavor to hurt and ro) /eo/ e, to fi their minds with the things of the wor d and to tr* to hinder the wor& of God( 3e reminded me of the time when 'srae was going to )e de ivered out of the and of Eg*/t, that the /rin$es of dar&ness tried to sto/ and hinder God>s wor& )* &i ing a the )a)* )o*s, ho/ing to &i 1oses( 3e did the same thing after Jesus was )orn( ' thought it was e5treme * interesting when Ga)rie said that !atan does not &now what is going to ha//en( 3e $annot forete the future and he $annot read the minds of /eo/ e( 3e is e5treme * nervous )e$ause he doesn>t &now e5a$t * what is going on, )ut he is ho/ing somehow to s ow down whatever it is that God is doing; Ga)rie said sin$e the 3o * !/irit monitors ever*thing on earth, he wi not a ow him to do this( When he sees the a$tivit* of !atan )e$oming dangerous, he dis/at$hes hosts of ange s to straighten out the situation( 1* attention was drawn to a s/e$ia ange there, who was ver* huge and war i&e; "s ' oo&ed at him, ' noti$ed that in s/ite of this fier$eness, there was a so a tremendous resem) an$e to Ga)rie ; ' wi never forget the e*es of this arge ange )e$ause the* oo&ed i&e /oo s of fire; ' was o)serving his strength and might when Ga)rie ver* sim/ * to d me that God had sent his mightiest warring ange to $ ear awa* and /ush )a$& those /rin$es of dar&ness( ' $ou d hard * )reathe, it was so awe.ins/iring, )e$ause this was m* introdu$tion to 1'C3"E+; 't is virtua * im/ossi) e to des$ri)e the radiation and the g ow that $ame from their /resen$e( ' $ou d sense $om/assion and ove, and the fruit of the 3o * !/irit, )e$ause the atmos/here of heaven is the nature of Jesus( " of these ange i$ )eings have that same nature and tremendous $om/assion( Ga)rie to d me that God had given 1i$hae some words for me( ' 112

istened with awe; 't was rea ; 4here was no wa* ' $ou d ?uestion it( ' was there; Ga)rie informed me that a )att e was going on that night and these warring ange s in the iving room were a$tua * dire$ting the armies of heaven who were /ushing )a$& the for$es of dar&ness( 1i$hae and the three $a/tains who were there with him were re$eiving messages from the 3o * !/irit, as he monitored a of the a$tivities, and in turn the* were giving messages in anguages ' didn>t understand, to ange eaders who were $arr*ing out the )att e( 1i$hae said that unti the a//ointed time when !atan wou d )e $ast out $om/ ete *, God a ows this, and there is a $onstant dis/ersing and s$attering of evi for$es )* the warring ange s( 3e to d me there was nothing to fear )e$ause the ange s were over$oming the enem*, guarding and /rote$ting us; 3a e u@ah; 1i$hae ta &ed with me ?uite at ength a)out something ' had /revious * never /ut in its /ro/er /ers/e$tive( When God )rings truth, we have to forget our itt e )o5es of do$trine, for God $an := what he wants, and BN=W! what he wants to do( 1i$hae said, unti the a//ointed time, our tas& is not to destro* !atan, )ut to s$atter the for$es of dar&ness, to ho d them in a)e*an$e, to over$ome them and to &ee/ them from God>s /eo/ e(7 4hen he said, 7' have an assignment that ' am an5ious * awaiting where ' am not going to have to show res/e$t for +u$ifer an* more( 4hat assignment is to swee/ the heavens $ ean of !atan and ever* sing e one of his ange s( We wi not eave even one;7 3e said, 7'n $ase *ou are not aware of it, twent*.four hours a da* there is some t*/e of evi for$e a$$using God>s /eo/ e of things he has a read* forgiven(7 !atan does not see things the wa* God sees them( 3e &nows the* are forgiven, )ut he &ee/s on a$$using them an*wa*( 7But,7 he said, 74he heavens wi )e swe/t $ ean; +u$ifer is going to tr* to fight, )ut he doesn>t have a $han$e( 'f *ou want to read a)out what is $oming, it is found in the twe fth $ha/ter of 6eve ation, verses seven through ten(7 C6eve ation 12:0.1-E( 4his was the first time ' rea iFed that 1i$hae had ange s he 11,

$ommanded( 4he Word sa*s, 74hen there was war in heaven9 1i$hae and the ange s under his $ommand fought against the :ragon and his host of fa en ange s( "nd the :ragon ost the )att e and was for$ed from heaven( 74his great dragon . the an$ient ser/ent $a ed the devi , or !atan, the one de$eiving the who e wor d . was thrown down onto the earth with a his arm*( 4hen ' heard a oud voi$e shouting a$ross the heavens, >'t has ha//ened at ast; God>s sa vation and the /ower and the ru e, and the authorit* of his Christ are fina * here9 for the "$$user of our )rothers has )een thrown down from heaven onto earth . he a$$used them da* and night )efore our God( 4he* defeated him )* the ) ood of the +am), and )* their testimon*9 for the* did not ove their ives )ut aid them down for him( 6e@oi$e, = heavens; %ou $itiFens of heaven, re@oi$e; Be g ad; But woe to *ou /eo/ e of the wor d, for the devi has $ome down to *ou in great anger, &nowing that he has itt e time7 C6eve ation 12:9.12 4+BE( !atan and his troo/s $annot do an*thing to s/oi God>s / an( :uring the tri)u ation, the da*s wi )e horri) e )e$ause a of the fa en ange s wi )e on the earth( #raise God he is ta&ing us out )efore this ha//ens( 1i$hae said, 74here wi not )e a / a$e in a of the vast heavens for even one of those demons, not even one;7 3e em/hasiFed this and said that it is his assignment, and he is read* to go on it as soon as the da* is a//ointed; Ga)rie to d me to share this news to en$ourage the hearts of God>s /eo/ e( 3e has his e*e on them; 3e has his e*e on the who e wor d9 he hasn>t given it u/ to !atan, and he wants us to oo& at things through his e*es( We might thin& things oo& dar&, )ut God wants us to &now that he is in $ontro ( Ga)rie and 1i$hae )oth to d me that the /revious !unda* the /rin$es of dar&ness were so $ ose that the warring ange s stationed themse ves in our $hur$h servi$e to ma&e sure the enem* $ou dn>t get in( 3a e u@ah; ' re@oi$ed when he said he wou d eave his ange s as ong as the* were needed( 11D

1i$hae had $ome dire$t * from the /resen$e of God, and the /ower and for$e in m* house was so strong that most of the da* had gone )* )efore ' regained m* strength( 4he human )od* is not made to $ontain the for$e that radiates from an ange i&e 1i$hae , and it $ertain * had an im/a$t on me; 't is hard for the human mind to $om/rehend what is a$tua * ta&ing / a$e, and it sounds strange, )ut the $reator of the heavens and the earth is doing something s/e$ia ( 4hese might* ange s $annot $ome, the* $annot a//ear, and the* $annot s/ea& unti God sa*s, 7Go;7 "nd he is sa*ing it toda*; ' sensed more of a fier$e $ountenan$e in 1i$hae than in Ga)rie , even though there was a definite resem) an$e( 3e had fine, $hise ed features, and the des$ri/tion whi$h :anie gave of the ange i$ )eings was even more $om/ ete when ' noti$ed 1i$hae was dressed somewhat i&e Ga)rie ( 3is white tuni$ had a t*/e of e egant go d em)roider* on it, and he wore a wide, go d )e t( 3e wore a t*/e of sanda , and his feet were the $o or of someone with a dee/ tan( :anie said, 7't was i&e )urnished )rass(7 3is hands and arms a so shone( 4he $o//er $o or of his s&in was unusua )e$ause it was )ri iant with the radiation that f ows out of him from having )een in the /resen$e of God( 4here was su$h a definite $ommand a)out him that ' $ou d see what it wou d mean to an* for$e $oming against him; 3is hair is ight, a most f a5en( 3e a//ears to )e a)out twent*.five *ears o d, so it>s hard to rea iFe that he is o der than the earth; 4he other warring ange s wore a t*/e of )rown tuni$, or shirt, tied at the ne$& with what a//eared to )e a shoe a$e( 4his was worn over ver* oose trousers( "nge s of God have different ran&s( Ga)rie is the eading ange , and he stands in the /resen$e of God as a $oordinator( God>s organiFation is high * stru$tured and is a)so ute * )eautifu ; 1inistering s/irits are ange s who ive right here on this earth with us( God sa*s the* en$am/ around us( 4he* are he /ing a the time )* ministering to us and removing hurts and $ares( 4he* &now the o)@e$tions, the strains and the /ressures of ife, and the* are around 110

to he / us( 4he* $arr* the ver* heart)eat of God, his ove, his $are and his $on$ern( 4he* ive in ange i$ $ommunities and ma* a//ear as ordinar* humans( 4he* do not have the strong radiation of the heaven * ange s( !era/hims and Cheru)ims are two other &inds of ange s( 6ight now there is a s/e$ia tas& for$e of ange s on s/e$ia assignment who wi not isten to o)@e$tions of an* &ind( Ga)rie eads them, and the* are rea * )us* )ringing the ost to )e ievers who wi share God>s message of sa vation to them( 1i$hae is head of a the great warring ange s who do )att e with the for$es of dar&ness( Chrioni is a $a/tain of the +ord>s host and is one of the eading warrior ange s(

1an* ange s have a ran& or /osition in the heaven * arm* simi ar to a genera or $a/tain( Ea$h one has his own res/onsi)i ities with a $hain of $ommand under him( When +u$ifer fe , he too& a se$tion f ange s of different ran&s with him, so he a so has a $hain of $ommand, whi$h means there are a so various eve s of demons( 4he Word s/ea&s of the /rin$es of dar&ness( 4he* are the highest in !atan>s arm*( "t an* time in histor*, when !atan &new that God was doing something s/e$ia , he gathered the /rin$es of dar&ness together and used a the strateg* /ossi) e in a s/e$ia de a*ing ta$ti$ to hurt God>s wor&( <or e5am/ e, when :anie was )eing $onta$ted, the /rin$es of dar&ness wanted, if /ossi) e, to sto/ the message God was sending to him( Ga)rie $ame against this great for$e for twent*.one da*s, and was de a*ed )e$ause the demons had gathered to hinder him in $oming( <ina * the 3o * !/irit sent 1i$hae , the great ange who is in $ommand of a warring ange s( Be$ause of 1i$hae >s tremendous s/iritua might, he was a) e to /ush )a$& a of those for$es of dar&ness( 4hen Ga)rie got through( When he was ta &ing to :anie , he said, 7:anie , ' $ou dn>t get through for twent*.one da*s, )ut then 1i$hae $ame, and a it too& was 1i$hae to stand with me to /ush them )a$&;7 118

God is doing something ver* s/e$ia now; 3e has $hosen a / a$e to /our out his message, his word and his s/e$ia insight for this da*, @ust as he did in :anie >s time( 4here is no ?uestion a)out it, Boise, 'daho, is a tou$hdown / a$e for ange i$ )eings( !atan has re$ogniFed that( 3e doesn>t &now what it is a a)out, )ut he has )rought /rin$es of dar&ness to this area to tr* to sto/ it( But he $an>t win; +ater that night when the* were read* to eave the house, 1i$hae and another of the ange s o/ened our s iding /atio doors eading to the )a$& *ard( 't had snowed a)out si5 in$hes whi e the* were here( 4he* too& three ste/s, whi$h /ressed the snow down a the wa* to the ground, and $arried them $ ose to fifteen feet, near * five feet /er ste/, and then sudden * the* disa//eared . $om/ ete * vanished; " the* eft )ehind were huge foot/rints in the snow;

Chapter 1( Angels On Assignment

4his is a da* of renewed s/iritua a$tivit*; !trange things are ha//ening; #eo/ e are )eing awa&ened; Enemies of Christ are eaving the enem* $am/ and are moving over to God>s side( New voi$es are )eing heard /ro$ aiming the Good News( What we are seeing is eviden$e that an arm* from heaven is on the move; ' have heard man* testimonies of /eo/ e who were $om/ ete * awa* from God9 friends have ta &ed to them, mem)ers of the fami * have ta &ed to them, and others have /ra*ed for them, )ut the* stu))orn * resisted God( 4he* wou d a//ear to )e the east i&e * ones to $ome to Jesus, )ut in God>s great / an and /ur/ose he sent word through a divine emissar* whi$h turned them around( 't>s ha//ening in the s/orts wor d, the )usiness wor d, the entertainment wor d, and the /o iti$a wor d; #eo/ e are turning to God and finding him rea ( 4he ange i$ hosts of heaven are on the move; 4he who e stud* of ange s is )eautifu ; 4he thirteenth $ha/ter of Judges /oints out an e5$iting truth a)out them( 7"nd the $hi dren of 'srae did evi again in the sight of the +ord9 and the +ord de ivered them into the hands of the #hi istines fort* *ears( "nd there was a $ertain man of Iorah, of the fami * of the :anites, whose name was 1anoah9 and his wife was )arren, and )are not(7 119

'n God>s / an )oo&, he had destined these fort* *ears, )ut during this time, he /re/ared a fami * through whi$h he $ou d )ring de iveran$e to the /eo/ e( 7"nd the ange of the +ord a//eared unto the woman, and said unto her, Beho d now, *ou are )arren, and )are not9 )ut *ou wi $on$eive, and )ear a son( Now therefore )eware, ' /ra* *ou, and drin& not wine or strong drin&, and eat not an* un$ ean thing9 <or, o *ou wi $on$eive, and )ear a son9 and no raFor wi $ome on his head9 for the $hi d sha )e a NaFarite unto God from the wom)9 and he sha )egin to de iver 'srae out of the hand of the #hi istines( 4hen the woman $ame and to d her hus)and, sa*ing, " man of God $ame to me, and his $ountenan$e was i&e the $ountenan$e of an ange of God, ver* terri) e9 )ut ' as&ed him not when$e he was, neither to d he me his name9 But he said to me, Beho d, *ou wi $on$eive, and )ear a son9 and now drin& no wine or strong drin&, neither eat an* un$ ean thing9 for the $hi d wi )e a NaFarite to God from the wom) to the da* of his death( 4hen 1anoah entreated the +ord, and said, = m* +ord, et the man of God whi$h *ou did send $ome again to us, and tea$h us what we shou d do unto the $hi d that wi )e )orn( "nd God hear&ened to the voi$e of 1anoah9 and the ange of God $ame again to the woman as she sat in the fie d9 )ut 1anoah her hus)and was not with her( "nd the woman made haste, and ran, and showed her hus)and, and said to him, Beho d, the man has a//eared unto me, that $ame to me the other da*( "nd 1anoah arose, and went after his wife, and $ame to the man, and said to him, "re *ou the man that s/o&e unto the woman8 "nd he said, ' am( "nd 1anoah said, Now et *our words $ome to /ass( 3ow wi we order the $hi d, and how wi we do to him8 "nd the ange of the +ord said unto 1anoah, =f a that ' said to the woman et her )eware( !he ma* not eat of an* thing that $omes of the vine, neither et her drin& wine or strong drin&, nor eat an* un$ ean thing9 a that ' $ommanded her et her o)serve( "nd 1anoah said to the ange of the +ord, ' /ra* *ou, et us detain *ou, unti we wi made read* a &id for *ou( "nd the ange of the +ord said to 1anoah, 4hough *ou detain me, ' wi not eat of *our )read9 and if *ou wi offer a )urnt offering, *ou must offer it to the +ord( <or 1anoah &now not that he was an ange of the +ord( "nd 1anoah said to the ange of the +ord, What is *our name, that when *our sa*ings $ome to /ass we ma* do *ou honor8 "nd the 12-

ange of the +ord said to him, Wh* do *ou as& m* name, seeing it is a se$ret8 !o 1anoah too& a &id with a meat offering, and offered it u/on a ro$& unto the +ord9 and the ange did wondrous *9 and 1anoah and his wife oo&ed on( <or it $ame to /ass, when the f ame went u/ toward heaven from off the a tar, that the ange of the +ord as$ended in the f ame of the a tar( "nd 1anoah and his wife oo&ed on it, and fe on their fa$es to the ground7 CJudges 13:1.2-E( 4his is a )eautifu stor* with truths whi$h are u/ and /ertinent for us toda*( God saw to it that the message )rought )* the ange $ame to /ass( "nge s $an ta&e on the a//earan$e of a /erson, )ut their image is not ne$essar* for their /resen$e to )e there( 'n this stor*, the ange a//eared so that he $ou d )e seen with the natura e*es( 4he Bi) e te s us that the ange s are God>s messengers and the* do his )idding( 3e gives the signa s and $a s out the orders to them( <or this reason, when 1anoah /ra*ed, he said, 7God, send the ange (7 4his esson / ain * shows that we are not to /ra* to ange s, nor $an we $ommand them to do an*thing; 't a so shows that the ange sta*ed ?uite some time with them and $arried on $onversation, even tea$hing them( "nge s are never to )e worshi//ed( 4he* are so ordained and $reated that there is no / a$e in their entire )eing for /raise or honor( 4he* are $a ed the hosts of the +ord, and their /ur/ose is to serve the eterna God( 4here are man* )eautifu /assages throughout the Bi) e whi$h re ate stories of ange s( Be$ause Chrioni had )een a /art of man* of these events, he to d me some of these stories, and it made them $ome a ive; 'n Joshua ,:13,12, the $hi dren of 'srae had @ust $rossed over the Jordan and were read* to invade the /romised and( Joshua went out ad saw a man with a sword in his hand and as&ed him if he was for the 'srae ites or for their adversaries( 'f an ange were to te )e ievers toda* what he to d Joshua, the* wou d /ro)a) * )e de/ressed, )e$ause this ange said, 7Wrong on 121

)oth $ounts; '>m not with *our enemies, and '>m not /art of *our arm*( '>m /art of another arm*, and ' have $ome with orders from God( !tanding a around me and )ehind me in great and might* $o umns, are m*riad>s of ange s( %ou $an>t see them, Joshua, )ut there is a host of them, and '>m the $a/tain;7 Be$ause someone as&ed me if this s$ri/ture was referring to Jesus as an ange , ' as&ed Chrioni and he said it was not, )e$ause he CChrioniE was there as the $a/tain of the host of the +ord( When Joshua fe on his fa$e to worshi/, Chrioni to d him to ta&e off his shoes9 7for the / a$e whereon *ou stand is ho *7 CJoshua ,:1,E( 4his is the identi$a thing the ange of the +ord said to 1oses from the )urning )ush; CE5odus 3:2.,E( Chrioni said that God, in his great / an, had it a ma//ed out( Jeri$ho was the first $it* the* $ame to, and with a great vi$tor* for God here, the other &ings and armies wou d fear the 'srae ites and &now that God was on their side when the* saw a great mira$ e, so God sent Chrioni with a )and of ange s and with his orders for Jeri$ho( God &new e5a$t * how the $it* was going to )e $on?uered; 'f we $ou d somehow rea$h )a$& into time and ta&e a oo& at God>s )att e / ans for this ange i$ arm*, the* wou d /ro)a) * read something i&e this: 74he $hi dren of 'srae are our a ies( 4he* are going to mar$h around those wa s seven da*s, and the ast da* the* wi go around seven times( ' have a read* given them their orders, so we are going to have to $oordinate those with what we do here( 4he /riests are to ) ow their trum/ets and the /eo/ e are to shout at a given signa ( When *ou hear their shout, #A!3 43E W"++! :=WN;7 Chrioni to d me the ange s too& their /ositions on to/ of those wa s, waiting for the shout; 'srae didn>t even &now what was going on, )ut God did, and the ange s did; 4he* waited, and when the* heard the shout, ever* ange who was there /ushed with a his might and strength, and the great )ig thi$& wa s went :=WN into the ground; 4hose wa s were thi$& enough to )ui d a house on, and if the* had ti//ed over, or had )een /ushed over, the* wou d sti have )een a wa , )e$ause the* were a)out as thi$& as the* were high; God said to the ange s, 7#ush them down(7 "nd the Bi) e te s us that the wa s 122

went down 7f at7 CJoshua D:2-E( 4he* didn>t even have to /i$& their wa* through $ra$&s and ru)) e )e$ause the wa s were /ushed :=WN into the ground; 4his was an a$t of the ange s( ' $an visua iFe Chrioni oo&ing at his orders and noti$ing a s/e$ia $ondition God had made for one itt e /art of this wa ( When 6aha) /rote$ted the two s/ies sent to o)serve the /romised and, God made a /romise to her and assured her that he wou d /rote$t her and her fami *( ' $an @ust see Chrioni ordering some of his ange s to go to that /art of the wa and ho d it u/, whi e the others /ushed down on the rest of the wa ; !omeone to d me re$ent * that the a$tua e5$avation shows the wa s were /ushed down i&e an e evator shaft( 4hin& of the /ressure the ange s /ut on them; ' have a so )een to d that in the ar$haeo ogi$a findings of the diggings of o d Jeri$ho, there is sti eviden$e of the wa where 6aha)>s house was( 3a e u@ah; 4his rea * ma&es the Bi) e $ome a ive to &now that the ange s who he /ed ta&e $are of Jeri$ho are sti around and are sti wor&ing with us under the dire$tion of the 3o * !/irit( God has an eternit* fu of ange s( 3e is not eft without resour$es, and even though he $ou d do ever*thing himse f )e$ause he is God, he has ange s and /eo/ e wor&ing with him a the time( 4he ange of the +ord &e/t Ba aam from $ursing 'srae ; Ba aam was tem/ted to $urse 'srae for some mone*, )ut God to d the ange not to et him do it( ' $an imagine Ba aam tr*ing to $urse 'srae , and ever* time he started, the ange turned his tongue around, and he ) essed them instead( 3e /ro)a) * said, 7What>s the matter with me, am ' osing m* mind87 4hen he wou d again start to $urse, and again it wou d $ome out a ) essing; 3e didn>t rea iFe there was a )ig ange standing there who was /utting a different 7re$ord7 in his mouth, and 'srae was ) essed; 4his was so mu$h an order from God that he even made a don&e* ta &; 't rea * frightened Ba aam, and he tried to for$e the don&e* to move, )ut the don&e* was stu))orn, so instead he turned around and said, 7Ba aam, haven>t ' served *ou we a these *ears87 123

Wh* wou d God ever a ow su$h a stor* to )e /ut in the Bi) e8 Be$ause it ha//ened; 4hat don&e* s/o&e )e$ause of the /resen$e of God>s ange , even though he didn>t &now how to s/ea&; 3ere are some s$ri/tures to he / us not on * &now and rea iFe the va idit* of the fa$t that ange s are with us, )ut that we might )e aware of their /resen$e, and &now that we $an e5/e$t God>s he / through this arm* from heaven( "n ange $ame to Ia$harias and E isa)eth with the message that John the Ba/tist wou d )e )orn C+u&e 1:11.2-E( 4he ange Ga)rie $ame to 1ar* and to d her that Jesus, the !on of God, was going to )e )orn to her C+u&e 1:2D.3,E( 4hat was God>s / an unfo ding right on time, as he had /re/ared, / anned, and written down )efore he ever made earth( 3e a owed @ust e5a$t * the right amount of time, so that on a given da* ever*thing wou d )e in readiness( Jesus /resented himse f as a sa$rifi$e on the e5a$t da* that God intended for him to do it( 't was definite * not something that God de$ided on @ust a few *ears )efore it ha//ened; 3e et :anie ta&e a oo& over his shou der and said, 7:anie , '>m going to show *ou some of m* / ans( 'srae is going to go into $a/tivit* for sevent* *ears( When the sevent* *ears are u/, there is going to )e a de$ree go out )* a &ing to re)ui d Jerusa em( 'f *ou wou d i&e to start $ounting and $ount 283 *ears, *ou wi dis$over a man who hasn>t even )een )orn *et(7 3e to d of the mar$h of " e5ander the Great, and a)out the four genera s who wou d )e ta&ing over in / a$e of his four sons )e$ause God had it / anned that wa*( 7But,7 he said, 7"t the end of 283 *ears, Jesus is going to give his ife for the wor d( 3e is going to die, not for himse f, )ut for the sins of the wor d;7 E5a$t * on time, Jesus died for the sins of the wor d; 'n ever*thing God does, he is te ing us he oves us, that he $ares for us, that he wants us, and that he wi he / us; "n ange warned Jose/h( 7"fter the* were gone, an ange of the +ord 122

a//eared to Jose/h in a dream( >Get u/ and f ee to Eg*/t with the )a)* and his mother,> the ange said, > and sta* there unti ' te *ou to return, for Bing 3erod is going to tr* to &i the $hi d>7 C1atthew 2:13 4+BE( "fter Jesus was )a/tiFed in the Jordan 6iver, the Word sa*s, 74hen Jesus was ed out into the wi derness )* the 3o * !/irit to )e tem/ted there )* !atan( <or fort* da*s and fort* nights he ate nothing and )e$ame ver* hungr*( 4hen !atan tem/ted him to get food )* $hanging stones into oaves of )read( >'t wi /rove *ou are the !on of God,> he said( But Jesus to d him, >No; <or the !$ri/tures te us that )read won>t feed men>s sou s9 o)edien$e to ever* word of God is what we need(> 4hen !atan too& him to Jerusa em to the roof of the 4em/ e( >Jum/ off,> he said, >and /rove *ou are the !on of God9 for the !$ri/tures de$ are, 7God wi send his ange s to &ee/ *ou from harm,7 ((( the* wi /revent *ou from smashing on the ro$&s )e ow(> Jesus retorted, >'t a so sa*s not to /ut the +ord *our God to a foo ish test;> Ne5t !atan too& him to the /ea& of a ver* high mountain and showed him the nations of the wor d and a their g or*( >'> give it a to *ou,> he said, >'f *ou wi on * &nee and worshi/ me(> >Get out of here, !atan,> Jesus to d him( >4he !$ri/tures sa*, 7Worshi/ on * the +ord God( =)e* on * him(>7 4hen !atan went awa*, and ange s $ame and $ared for Jesus7 C1atthew 2:1.11 4+BE( 'n +u&e 22:23 we a so read that an ange from heaven $ame down and strengthened Jesus and ministered to him at the 1ount of = ives in his hour of need( "nge s are mentioned throughout the Bi) e from Genesis to 6eve ation( 'n Genesis 22:0, God sent forth an ange to get a )ride for 'saa$( 4his was another /art of God>s / an( 'n E5odus 23:2- he sent 7an "nge )efore *ou, to &ee/ *ou in the wa*, and to )ring *ou into the / a$e whi$h ' have /re/ared(7 3e sent his ange s to $ ear the wa* in the going forth out of Eg*/t( 'n #sa m 32:0, the 3o * !/irit had :avid write these words, 74he ange of the +ord en$am/s round a)out them that fear him, and de ivers them(7 4hin& of :anie when he was thrown into the ion>s den C:anie 12,

D:22E( 4he &ing fe t sure that :anie wou d )e eaten u/ and there wou d )e nothing )ut s$ra/s down there in the morning( 4he &ing didn>t s ee/ that night, )e$ause he was tormented a)out the thoughts of :anie )eing eaten )* those vi$ious ions( 3e thought a)out the horri) e thing he had done )* throwing :anie into the ion>s den, so the first thing in the morning, he ran and oo&ed in and $ried out, 7=h :anie , servant of the +iving God, was *our God, whom *ou worshi/ $ontinua *, a) e to de iver *ou from the ions87 7:id he do it87 3e rea * didn>t e5/e$t an answer )a$&, )ut he thought he wou d tr* an*wa*( 71* God has sent his ange ,7 he said, 7to shut the ions> mouths so that the* $an>t tou$h me7 C:anie D:2-,22 4+BE( 4he ange s of God are might*; !in$e the* are /erforming the wor& of God, the* are un imited in /ower( 'f one sing e ange $ou d do so mu$h, thin& of what the hosts of heaven that are mar$hing toda* $an do; 4hin& of what the* $an a$$om/ ish( 'n ever* $ase, as the / an of God was unfo ding and another $ha/ter was )eing o/ened, the ange s of God )e$ame visi) e and )rought messages, and in our da*, /eo/ e a over the wor d have had visits from visi) e ange s( 4his ought to te us something( God isn>t etting this wor d run down without his noti$e and his attention( "nother $ha/ter is unfo ding; Jesus is a)out read* to $ome; 3a e u@ah; 4he greatest res$ue mission ever a$$om/ ished in a of the universe is a)out read* to ta&e / a$e( 3e has his ange s out wor&ing now( 4he* haven>t @ust a//eared in rare instan$es, )ut re/orts are )eing re$eived a over the $ountr* that ange i$ )eings are )eing seen; ' was thri ed when a Christian )rother, John Weaver, /astor of Christian Center, BoFeman, 1ontana, to d a)out how he was visited twi$e )* an ange ( When he was visited the first time, the ange gave him instru$tions( 3e thought it was a dream and that /eo/ e wou d augh at him, )ut the ange met him two wee&s ater whi e he was driving his $ar on his wa* home from a fe owshi/ meeting( 4he $ar was moving, the doors and windows were $ osed, the front seat )eside him was em/t*, when sudden * this ange sat down )eside him( 3e ta &ed with him a itt e, reminding him of the assignment God had given him( When #astor Weaver said he wou d do what God had to d him to, the ange moved out the wa* he $ame 12D

in, and even though the $ar was going a)out ,- mi es /er hour, he @ust vanished; 'f the ange who visited 1anoah $ou d ste/ into a f ame and disa//ear, wh* $ou dn>t an ange ste/ out of a moving $ar without )eing hurt; 4he Bi) e te s us that God hasn>t $hanged( 4he Word sa*s that /eo/ e have entertained strangers and were not aware that the* were ange s( %ou don>t a wa*s &now them when *ou see them, un ess *ou ha//en to see them ste/ into a fire and go u/ in a f ame, @um/ out of a $ar when it>s moving and not hit the ground, or wa&e *ou in the midd e of the night, )ut the* are around( Not one of the ange s have ever died( 4he* have not de$reased in strength, the* are sti might*; 4he* have )een sent forth to he / us, to /rovide and $are for us, and to $am/ around us( #sa m 91:11 sa*s he has given them $harge over us( 4he* $ome as fast as the $ommand of God or the thought of God( 4he* ma* a//ear as an ordinar* man of the street, the* ma* a//ear as a dim, a most invisi) e figure, or the* ma* a//ear as distin$t a /erson as *ou or '( But one thing *ou $an )e sure of, *ou $an $ ear * distinguish the differen$e )etween the rea ange s and *our imagination( %ou don>t have to strugg e to see them to &now the* are there( 4he* wi ma&e it / ain that the* are rea ange s, if that is their mission( 4he ange s /re/are the wa* for us @ust as the* /re/ared the wa* for /eo/ e in the Bi) e( God wants us to )e aware of the fa$t that he is not he / ess in a $orner somewhere, )ut his ange s have )een sent forth with the assignment to ta&e $are of his /eo/ e( 7"fter testif*ing and /rea$hing in !amaria, #eter and John returned to Jerusa em ((( But as for #hi i/, an ange of the +ord said to him, >Go over to the road that runs from Jerusa em through the GaFa :esert, arriving around noon(>7 C"$ts 8:2,.20 4+BE( What was the /ur/ose of the ange te ing him to go over there8 !o he $ou d meet the Ethio/ian eunu$h and introdu$e him to Jesus; God is doing the same thing toda*; 't wou d )e e5$iting to see what the ange s are doing right now in re ation to *our unsaved oved ones( %ou might thin& that nothing in heaven or earth $ou d move them and turn them toward God, )ut 120

there are ange s out there tugging at them and fo owing them a ong, )e$ause God wants them to )e his( "nge s are on s/e$ia assignment from God to he / *ou and *our friends and re atives find him; God oves us enough that he has /re/ared ever*thing that we need for our de iveran$e and our he /( 3e has sent his 3o * !/irit to )e with us, to tea$h us, and wat$h over us( 4he ange s en$am/ around us; 3ow $an we ose8 "nge s are on assignment toda*; 3a e u@ah;

Chapter 1* 5e is Coming Again:

Where are we on God>s $a endar8 'f man>s sta* on earth from the time of "dam and Eve $ou d )e / a$ed into a $ o$& with twe ve hours, ' )e ieve we wou d )e right at the end of the e eventh hour, read* for the $ o$& to stri&e twe ve; 4here are man* indi$ations that we are ra/id * moving $ ose to the end of time as we &now it; Jesus is $oming; 3e didn>t sa* when, )ut he did te us we $an &now the times and the seasons( We $an &now the seasons )e$ause ea$h one has individua indi$ations of when it is $oming( 4hen s/ring $omes, the grass starts turning green and the itt e roots start /utting out their shoots( When summer $omes, the f owers ) oom( When fa arrives, ever*thing turns orange and )rown( Winter )rings the $o d and snow( %ou $an see the eviden$e and &now what season it is( 3ow mu$h time is eft, we don>t &now, )ut we do &now this, that God has /ermitted ea$h of us to ive in the greatest and most e5$iting da*s of a histor* ((( da*s when /eo/ e around the wor d are res/onding to God and to what he is doing( #eo/ e from a faiths, from a wa &s of ife and from a nationa ities are hearing the $a and the* are wa&ing u/; #eo/ e are dis$overing that the most im/ortant thing we $an stand on is the eterna , ever asting Word of God; " growing hunger is )eing $reated in hearts a over the wor d for a greater understanding of God>s /romises( #eo/ e are earning that God wi never vio ate his $hara$ter and he wi never vio ate his Word; 128

7' go to /re/are a / a$e for *ou( "nd if ' go and /re/are a / a$e for *ou, ' wi $ome again, and re$eive *ou unto m*se f9 that where ' am, there *ou ma* )e a so7 CJohn 12:2,3E( JE!A! !"': 3E W"! C=1'NG "G"'N; 7"nd there wi )e signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars9 and u/on the earth distress of nations, with /er/ e5it*9 the sea and the waves roaring9 1en>s hearts fai ing them for fear, and for oo&ing after those things whi$h are $oming on the earth9 for the /owers of heaven wi )e sha&en( "nd the* wi the* see the !on of man $oming in a $ oud with /ower and great g or*( "nd when these things )egin to $ome to /ass, then oo& u/, and ift u/ *our heads9 for *our redem/tion draws near7 C+u&e 21:2,.28E( 7"nd whi e the* oo&ed steadfast * toward heaven as he went u/, )eho d, two men stood )* them in white a//are 9 Whi$h a so said, %ou men of Ga i ee, wh* stand *ou gaFing u/ into heaven8 this same Jesus, whi$h is ta&en u/ from *ou into heaven, wi so $ome in i&e manner as *ou have seen him go into heaven7 C"$ts 1:1-,11E( "nge i$ )eings visited the earth when Jesus was here( 4he* are visiting the earth toda*; :id *ou noti$e that the ange s said, 74his same Jesus87 "nge s are ta &ing toda*, @ust as the* did then, and are )ringing the good news that he is $oming; 4his same Jesus is $oming )a$& to earth; ' $ertain * don>t &now how or when, )ut ' definite * &now that he '!; God has an eternit* fu of se$rets he hasn>t to d us an*thing a)out, )ut one thing he has made $ ear is that Jesus is $oming; 4he dis$i/ es fe t a genuine urgen$* a)out /re/aring for the se$ond $oming of the +ord( 4he* oo&ed forward to the time when 7((( the +ord himse f wi $ome down from heaven with a might* shout and with the sou .stirring $r* of the ar$hange and the great trum/et.$a of God7 C1 4hessa onians 2:1D 4+BE( #au to d us that if *ou )e ieve Jesus died, and arose from the dead, *ou a so have to )e ieve that he is $oming again; 3e en$ouraged us to 7$omfort one another with these words7 C1 4hessa onians 2:18E( We have something e5$iting to ta & a)out to other /eo/ e; When *ou 129

see them oo&ing down, sa*, 7Cheer u/, Jesus is $oming;7 We find this /ositive )e ief man* / a$es in #au >s writings( 3e said /art of the Good News is that God is ta&ing $are of things so *ou won>t have to worr* and )e in a $onstant frenF*, wondering whether or not *ou are going to )e read* when Jesus $omes( 4here ma* )e a ot of u/s and downs on the /ath, )ut if *ou have in&ed arms with Jesus and are serving him, *ou are in God>s fami *, and he wi &ee/ 7*our s/irit and sou and )od* strong and ) ame ess unti that da* when our +ord Jesus Christ $omes )a$& again( God, who $a ed *ou to )e$ome his $hi d, wi do a this for *ou, @ust as he /romised7 C1 4hessa onians ,:23, 22 4+BE( =ne of the most )eautifu things a)out these messages the ange s are )ringing from God>s heart is that the* are ma&ing it /ossi) e for /eo/ e to find new vi$tories( 4he* $an re a5, sto/ strugg ing and et his ife f ow through them( 4hat f ow.through of his ife wi ta&e $are of a the /ro) ems and situations that are trou) ing *ou( When we &ee/ our e*es on the answer, whi$h is Jesus, instead of the /ro) em, we wi find it eas* to et his ife f ow through us( James ta &ed a)out it in the fifth $ha/ter, verses seven and eight, 7Be /atient therefore, )rothers, unto the $oming of the +ord( Beho d, the hus)andman waits for the /re$ious fruit of the earth, and has ong /atien$e for it, unti he re$eives the ear * and atter rain( Be a so /atient9 esta) ish *our hearts9 for the $oming of the +ord draws near(7 3e ma* not $ome when *ou thin& he is going to, )e$ause there are some things he must sti a$$om/ ish, )ut )e /atient, 3E '! C=1'NG; #eter ta &ed a)out it and s/o&e of the time when Jesus wou d )e revea ed from heaven( 'n 1 #eter 1:13 he sa*s that *ou $an sto/ worr*ing now and rest se$ure in the &now edge that Jesus is )ringing with him a s/e$ia oad of gra$e when he $omes( We don>t need to oo& at the wea&nesses, the hurts and the hard times around, we need to start oo&ing for that s/e$ia gra$e whi$h is going to )e )rought to us at the a//earing of Jesus Christ when he is revea ed from heaven( 7"nd this is the se$ret9 that Christ in *our hearts is *our on * ho/e of g or*7 CCo ossians 1:20 4+BE( 13-

John s/o&e of the return of Jesus in 1 John 3:2, where he said it doesn>t *et a//ear what we wi )e, )ut we &now that when he a//ears, something is going to ha//en; 7((( We wi )e i&e him9 for we wi see him as he is;7 Jude s/o&e of his $oming )a$& to earth in the 22th verse where he said, 7Now to him that is a) e to &ee/ *ou from fa ing, and to /resent *ou fau t ess )efore the /resen$e of his g or* with e5$eeding @o*(7 Jude )e ieved it, and he was en$ouraging /eo/ e to ?uit worr*ing a)out fa ing( God is )ig enough to $a *ou, to he / *ou, and to de iver *ou of *our sins( " of the mar&ers of histor* te us that he is $oming; !o$ia standard, indi$ating the in$reased a$tivit* of !atan, the /h*si$a signs u/on this earth, and the great s/iritua moves that we are seeing, a /oint to the return of Jesus; 4here is no ?uestion a)out it( !omething is ha//ening toda* in the s/iritua rea m of the wor d, and we are a iving /art of it; "s ' thin& of the return of Jesus, ' vivid * remem)er those sou . stirring words that Ga)rie said, 74here has never )een su$h e5$itement and a$tivit* in the $ourts of heaven sin$e Jesus $ame the first time, as there is right now;7 1"6"N"43", C=1E +=6: JE!A! !==N;

Chapter 1, In Closing 777 Charles B Frances 5unter

"s we finished writing this )oo&, we $onta$ted #astor Bu$& a)out some s ight $hanges in the fina $o/*, and he ver* re u$tant * shared another /art of a visitation whi$h o$$urred during the ear * morning hours on !unda*, 1ar$h 18, 1909( Ga)rie , Chrioni, and a ministering ange named C*/rion $ame to his home with the message from God that one of the desires of his heart is to tea$h his /eo/ e the signifi$an$e of /raise and worshi/( 4he ange s said, 7We want *ou to @oin in worshi/ with us,7 and #astor Bu$& was immediate * given a anguage he had never s/o&en )efore( <or thirt*.five minutes, Ga)rie , Chrioni, C*/rion, and #astor Bu$& /raised and worshi//ed God together( 3e said /raise f owed 131

through him i&e a 7river anguage7 whi$h he $ou dn>t start or sto/ himse f; "s the* were a worshi//ing and /raising God together, #astor Bu$& o/ened his e*es and saw something he $ou d hard * $om/rehend( Chrioni is the ta est of the ange s who were there that ear * !unda* morning, )ut when he oo&ed at him, )oth he and Chrioni were e5a$t * the same height; 4hen he oo&ed at Ga)rie ; 3e was a so the same height; C*/rion a so measured e?ua * with the rest of them; 3ow $ou d this )e8 #astor Bu$& oo&ed down( Ga)rie >s feet were a)out four in$hes off the f oor; 4hen he oo&ed at C*/rion>s feet, and the* were a)out eighteen in$hes off the f oor, then he oo&ed at his own feet, and to his utter amaFement, the* were a so a)out eighteen in$hes off the f oor; <or the first time he rea iFed that his )od* had )ee sus/ended in air; Ga)rie gave him an e5treme * interesting )it of information at this time )e$ause he said that from the highest to the owest of ange s, to human )eings, when we /raise and worshi/ God, we are a on the same eve ( 3e )rought him news from God that worshi/ is the )est e?ua iFer there is )etween heaven and earth, and he said what was ha//ening was an i ustration of this great truth( Wi an* of this ha//en to us8 "$$ording to the words of Ga)rie , it wi o$$ur when Jesus returns for us, and a$$ording to the Bi) e, this is what wi ha//en: 7"nd now, dear )rothers, ' want *ou to &now what ha//ens to a Christian when he dies so that when it ha//ens, *ou wi not )e fu of sorrow, as those are who have no ho/e( <or sin$e we )e ieve that Jesus died and then $ame )a$& to ife again, we $an a so )e ieve that when Jesus returns, God wi )ring )a$& with him a the Christians who have died( ' $an te *ou this dire$t * from the +ord9 that we who are sti iving when the +ord returns wi not rise to meet him ahead of those who are in their graves( <or the +ord himse f wi $ome down from heaven with a might* shout and with the sou .stirring $r* of the ar$hange and the great trum/et.$a of God( "nd the )e ievers 132

who are dead wi )e the first to rise to meet the +ord( 4hen we who are sti a ive and remain on the earth wi )e $aught u/ with them in the $ ouds to meet the +ord in the air and remain with him forever( !o $omfort and en$ourage ea$h other with this news7 C1 4hessa onians 2:13.18 4+BE( With a )o dness of faith we have never seen in an*one e se, #astor Bu$& has a tota re ease of freedom in sharing what is ha//ening in his own ife, and in this )oo& has sim/ ified man* great s$ri/tura truths for us( We fee i&e this is a $ountdown for the aun$hing of Christians into the outer s/a$e of our eterna destination . 3E"HEN <=6EHE6 W'43 G=: "N: C36'!4 JE!A!; 3a e u@ah; Char es and <ran$es 3unter

Chapter 1/ In the Beginning

When we wrote the 7"nge 7 )oo&, God gave us su/ernatura strength and energ*( We wor&ed 1D to 2- hours man* da*s )e$ause we fe t the urgen$* of getting the message out to the wor d; 4he /resen$e of ange s fi ed our house as God $ontinued to /our out his ove and strength to us, )ut itt e did we rea iFe even in those /ower hours of God>s ove what wou d ha//en when *n"els On *ssi"nment got into /rint( God said he wou d give wings to the messages and give them life wherever the* were sent, )ut we never dreamed of the magnitude of God>s / an for saving fami ies even though our hearts thri ed as wrote the $ha/ter Good +ews for you and your Family! "s the )oo& goes into its third /rinting )efore the end of two months, we wondered wh* God had eft the seven em/t* /ages at the end of the )oo&( Now we &now; 3e wanted us to share with *ou some of the things whi$h ha//ened 7in the )eginning7 of the )oo&>s re ease( ((( "n eight*.four *ear o d ad* )ought si5 $o/ies of *n"els on *ssi"nment and gave one to ea$h of her unsaved $hi dren( "fter 133

reading the )oo&, ea$h one of them individua * a$$e/ted Jesus as their !avior and +ord; 3a e u@ah; ((( " /rea$her>s daughter $a ed #astor Bu$& and shared this e5$iting stor*( !he had re)e ed at the age of si5teen and had wandered far awa* from God( !omeone sent her a $o/* of *n"els on *ssi"nment, and as she read it, and a she $ou d hear was 7God oves *ou, God oves *ou, God oves *ou; 't rea * tou$hed her heart, and she gave her ife )a$& to the +ord, and then /rom/t * ed her $ eaning ad* to Jesus; ((( " man $a ed from !/o&ane, Washington, who wor&s in the #ost =ffi$e( 3e saw the fu /age ad for the )oo& on the )a$& of a magaFine when he was /utting u/ the mai , and it interested him so mu$h he went out and )ought a $o/*( 3is twe ve.*ear o d son was going to surger* for $an$er, and he read the entire )oo& )efore going to surger*( 3is dad said, 7' haven>t )een a) e to read the )oo& *et, )e$ause he wou dn>t a* it down, )ut he>s going to surger* a $hanged )o*;7 ((( " ad* in 1ississi//i $a ed to re/ort that her hus)and and three grown sons were awa* from the +ord when the* )egan to read the )oo& *n"els on *ssi"nment( When the* read the $ha/ter 7Good News for *ou and *our <ami *7 the* a turned their ives )a$& over to the +ord, ad one of them fee s the +ord has $a ed him into evange ism; ((( We were in +orain, =hio, and as&ed the $ongregation the first night to / a$e the names of their unsaved oved ones in the /a m of their hand( We /ra*ed and as&ed God to dis/at$h ange s to )ring them to the /erson who wou d ead them to the +ord, and then we than&ed him for some resu ts )efore we even eft town( 4hree nights ater, a sevent*.nine.*ear o d man $ame forward and ver* sim/ * said, 7' want to )e saved;7 3e was the atheist father of one of the men in the $hur$h who had he d his name u/ the first night; G or*; ((( "t an "G+=W meeting in 4e5as, we as&ed the gir s there who had unsaved hus)ands to ift u/ their hands and /ut the names of 132

their hus)ands in their hand; 4he ver* ne5t morning, one hus)and wo&e u/ and said, 73one*, ' don>t &now what>s the matter with me, )ut $a the 0-- C u) )e$ause '>HE G=4 4= GE4 !"HE: 6'G34 N=W;7 3e a$$e/ted Jesus as his !avior and +ord; 3e didn>t &now what was the matter, )ut we did . ange s had surrounded him a night ong; ((( "t a meeting in New %or&, we as&ed a those who had unsaved oved ones to /ut them in the /a m of their hands for God to send ange s out to /ush them or /ut them or do whatever ne$essar* to )ring them to the one who wou d ead them to the +ord; ' /ra*ed s/e$ifi$a * with one woman who said her hus)and wou d NEHE6 $ome to a $hur$h servi$e( ' $autioned her to never underestimate the /ower of God, and her hus)and a//eared at the evening servi$e mu$h to her sur/rise( 3e did not sa* the sinner>s /ra*er, )ut the !/irit to d me to run down to the )a$& of the $hur$h whi e Char es was /ra*ing for the si$&, and ' arrived at the )a$& of the $hur$h at the same time this man did( ' to d him the ange s had )rought him, and as&ed him if he wou dn>t i&e to $ommit his ife to the +ord right then and there, and 3E :':; 4ears streamed down his fa$e as the rea it* of what ha//ened to him dawned on him as he started a new ife in Christ; ((( 'n 1i$higan, the 3o * !/irit to d me to go to the )a$& of the $hur$h, whi$h ' did, )ut there was no one there( ' o/ened a side door, and standing there was a man who was as drun& as an*one $ou d )e( ' sim/ * said, 74he ange s )rought *ou here tonight to )e saved( Wou d *ou i&e to a$$e/t Jesus87 4he ange s had done their wor&, )e$ause he )egan to wee/ as he /ra*ed the sinner>s /ra*er; 3a e u@ah; ((( " *oung man )ought a $o/* of "nge s on "ssignment one evening and $ou d not /ut the )oo& down unti he finished it( 4he ne5t da* he said, 7' have a wa*s heard that God oved me, )ut for the first time in m* ife ' &now it inside(7 ((( =ne of the things that rea * tou$hed our hearts ha//ened as we were f *ing to Boise, 'daho, to dedi$ate the )oo&( "s we oo&ed out the window of the / ane somewhere )etween !a t +a&e Cit* and Boise, <ran$es saw our s/e$ia warrior ange that God sent to /rote$t 13,

us 7 o/ing7 a ong outside of the / ane( !he turned to Char es and said, 73one*, isn>t that funn* that he>s outside the / ane instead of )eing inside87 We were aughing )e$ause Char es said, 71a*)e he needs some e5er$ise toda*;7 +itt e did we rea iFe what was in store for us; "s the / ane started to and at Boise, we were near * to the ground when the /i ot 7gunned7 the / ane )a$& u/ into the air( 4hen he announ$ed that the / ane in front of us had tou$hed down a itt e ate and we had to $ir$ e Boise and $ome )a$& in for another anding( We did this, and when we anded, something ha//ened and the / ane )oun$ed /ro)a) * thirt* feet in the air; What a sho$& this was to us unti ' $aught a g im/se of what was going on outside; =ur )ig ange had sim/ * ta&en the wing of the / ane in his hand, and the @arring and )oun$ing sto//ed; 7<or he sha give his ange s $harge over *ou, to &ee/ *ou CsafeE in a *our wa*s C#sa m 91:11E( ((( =ne of the most e5$iting things that ha//ened to us /ersona * was in W*$&off, New Jerse*( We were having an afternoon meeting and were sharing a)out the in$reased a$tivit* among the ange s in these da*s, when sudden * si5 or seven /eo/ e )egan to /oint at the /u /it area and e5$ aimed, 7+oo& at those shafts of ight( +oo& at those shafts of ight right )ehind *ou; 4he*>re right )e*ond *ou;7 'n a s/ it se$ond of time, there were /eo/ e a over the $hur$h @um/ing u/ and down shouting, 7!hafts of ight, shafts of ight . oo& at them;7 We e5/ ained that man* times there was su$h a radian$e surrounding ange s )e$ause the* had )een in the /resen$e of God that this was /ro)a) * what the* saw, )ut for some reason or other, neither of us oo&ed around; +ater, when we were in Boise for the dedi$ation of the )oo&, #astor Bu$& said, 7!a*, did ' te *ou that Ga)rie said the* dro//ed in on *our New %or& meetings8 4he* did not a//ear as the* usua * do, )ut a//eared "! !3"<4! =< +'G34; 13D

G or* to God;


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