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Neuropsychologia 42 (2003) 14–24

Brain activity during intra- and cross-modal priming:

new empirical data and review of the literature
G. A. Carlesimo a,b,∗ , P. Turriziani b , E. Paulesu c , A. Gorini e ,
C. Caltagirone a,b , F. Fazio d , D. Perani d,e
a Clinica Neurologica, Università Tor Vergata, Rome, Italy
bIRCCS S. Lucia, V. Ardeatina, 306, 00179 Rome, Italy
c Università Milano-Bicocca, Milan, Italy
d INB-CNR, Milan, Italy
e Università Vita-Salute HSR, Milan, Italy

Received 2 September 2002; received in revised form 19 June 2003; accepted 19 June 2003

A positron emission tomography (PET) study was conducted to investigate the neurofunctional correlate of auditory within-modality
and auditory-to-visual cross-modality stem completion priming. Compared to the auditory-to-auditory priming condition, cross-modality
priming was associated with a significantly larger regional cerebral blood flow (rCBF) decrease at the boundary between left inferior temporal
and fusiform gyri, brain regions previously associated with modality independent lexical retrieval and reading. Instead, within-modality
auditory priming was associated with a bilateral pattern of prefrontal rCBF increase. This was likely the expression of more efficient access
to output lexical representations and involuntary retrieval of the recent episode during which the just generated word had been encountered.
© 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Priming; Stem completion; Memory; PET

1. Introduction The reliance of repetition priming on a different memory

system from that involved in the deliberate recollection
Repetition priming is a form of implicit memory that typ- of episodic memories has been hypothesised on the basis
ically manifests as a facilitation in re-processing recently of neuropsychological evidence of a dissociation between
experienced stimuli or as a bias in completing fragments the two forms of memory in pure amnesic patients. These
with recently encountered items when test instructions do patients (with mesio-temporal or diencephalic damage)
not make any reference to prior events. In most cases, the generally show normal repetition priming levels despite
magnitude of the priming effect is larger when the same severely impaired performances on episodic memory tasks
modality of stimulus presentation is used for study and test- (Graf, Squire, & Mandler, 1984). The opposite dissociation,
ing than when it differs (Graf, Mandler, & Haden, 1982). i.e. poor repetition priming (at least for visually presented
This supports a prevalent role of facilitated perceptual pro- words) but normal performance on episodic memory tests,
cessing at the origin of the priming phenomenon (Tulving & has also been described in a patient with bilateral occip-
Schacter, 1990). However, significant cross-modality prim- ital lobe lesions (Keane, Gabrieli, Mapstone, Johnson, &
ing (i.e. facilitated re-processing of items previously expe- Corkin, 1995).
rienced in a different modality) is also commonly observed The positron emission tomography (PET) technique has
(Graf, Shimamura, & Squire, 1985), suggesting the partici- been mostly used to investigate the neural substrate of
pation of more abstract levels of memory representation in verbal repetition priming (for a review, see Schacter &
the emergence of the priming effect. Buckner (1998)). Stem completion has been the most fre-
quently used repetition priming procedure in these studies.
In a typical stem completion paradigm, subjects are first
∗ Corresponding author. Tel.: +39-06-5150-1517; exposed to a list of words. After a short delay, they are
fax: +39-06-5150-1584. presented with a list of two- or three-letter stems and are re-
E-mail address: (G.A. Carlesimo). quested to complete them with the first words that come to

0028-3932/$ – see front matter © 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
G.A. Carlesimo et al. / Neuropsychologia 42 (2003) 14–24 15

mind. The priming effect is demonstrated by a bias in com- Finally, three studies investigated the neurofunctional cor-
pleting the stems with the words of the previously studied relate of cross-modality verbal priming. In the first study
list rather than with unstudied words. Early PET studies in- (Badgaiyan et al., 1999), subjects were visually presented
vestigated stem completion priming in a condition in which with a word list during the pre-scanning study phase and
both words in the study phase and stems in the test phase were then scanned while trying to complete auditorily pre-
were presented visually (within-modality visual priming). sented stems. In the other two studies (Badgaiyan et al.,
The most consistently replicated finding in these studies is 2001; Schacter et al., 1999), the experimental design for
a decrease in regional cerebral blood flow (rCBF) in the evoking cross-modality priming was reversed by present-
occipito-temporal extrastriate cortex, more frequently in the ing the word list auditorily during the study phase and the
right hemisphere, when subjects were completing stems of stems visually during the PET scanning phase. In strik-
previously studied words as compared to the condition in ing contrast with within-modality priming experiments, in
which they were completing stems of previously unstudied which the PET correlate was mainly a pattern of rCBF
words (Backman et al., 1997; Buckner, Koutstaal, Schacter, decreases, cross-modality priming was consistently associ-
& Rosen, 2000; Schacter, Alpert, Savage, Rauch, & ated with rCBF increase in prefrontal cortical areas (BAs
Albert, 1996; Schacter, Badgaiyan, & Alpert, 1999; Yasuno 9 and 10) of the right (Badgaiyan et al., 2001; Schacter
et al., 2000). The peaks of rCBF suppression associated et al., 1999) or the left (Badgaiyan et al., 1999) hemisphere.
with priming in these studies generally do not involve the Badgaiyan et al. (1999) and Schacter et al. (1999), but not
striate and extrastriate visual cortex (V1, V2 and V3) but Badgaiyan et al. (2001), also reported an area of signifi-
are localised in the proximity of higher level retinotopic or cant rCBF decrease related to cross-modality priming in the
“fringe” retinotopic cortical areas such as the V4 and V8 parieto-temporal cortex (BAs 39/40 and 39/22). According
regions (Tootell, Hadjikhani, Mendola, Marrett, & Dale, to these authors, the frontal pattern of cortical activation is
1998). More frequently, the foci of activity suppression are likely an expression of contamination of the repetition prim-
located in the fusiform and inferior temporal gyri, which lie ing procedure by explicit strategies of memory retrieval. In
at the convergence of retinotopically organised visual areas, fact, there is usually agreement that deliberate retrieval of
and whose neural activity related to visuo-verbal stimuli has episodic memories is associated with an rCBF increase in
been found invariant across receptive fields (Tootell et al., prefrontal cortical areas, mainly on the right side (see Cabeza
1998). The finding of priming-related rCBF suppression in & Nyberg (2000) for a review). On the other hand, the incon-
cortical areas known to be involved in visual processing sistently reported rCBF decrease in the temporo-parietal cor-
has been generally interpreted as a manifestation of the tex has been interpreted as the expression of priming-related
reduced neural activity needed to reprocess recently seen facilitation in some aspect of phonological or lexical pro-
words compared to unseen words (Wiggs & Martin, 1998). cessing (Badgaiyan et al., 1999; Schacter et al., 1999).
Interestingly, this pattern of metabolic suppression related Here, we report the results of an experiment with PET in
to verbal priming agrees with what emerges from studies of which healthy subjects performed an auditory or a visual
repetition priming evoked by repeated presentations of pic- stem completion. Since the word-lists were always pre-
tures. In some of these studies, significant deactivations in sented auditorily during the pre-scanning study phase, two
occipito-temporal retinotopic visual areas anterior to regions main experimental conditions were created: (a) auditory-to-
V1, V2 and V3 (Tootell et al., 1998) or in the fusiform gyrus auditory within-modality priming, (b) auditory-to-visual
(Henson, Shallice, & Dolan, 2000) have also been reported. cross-modality priming. Our aim was to investigate the neu-
More recent PET investigation has been concerned with rofunctional correlate of the priming effect when it could
the neurofunctional correlate of within-modality auditory be subsumed (at least partially) by a facilitated perceptual
priming. In two studies (Badgaiyan, Schacter, & Alpert, level of auditory stimulus analysis or when it necessarily
1999; Badgaiyan, Schacter, & Alpert, 2001), healthy sub- relied on a more abstract level of lexical representation.
jects first listened to a word list and were then scanned while
trying to complete auditorily presented three-letter stems
with the first words that came to mind. Quite surprisingly, the 2. Methods
PET correlate of the priming effect in these studies was also
an rCBF decrease in extrastriate cortical visual areas (BA 2.1. Subjects
19). It was bilateral in the first study (Badgaiyan et al., 1999)
and confined to the left side in the second study (Badgaiyan The experimental protocol was approved by the Ethics
et al., 2001). No analogous priming-related rCBF decrease Committee of the Scientific Institute H San Raffaele (Milan)
was detected in cortical areas in superior and middle tempo- and IRCCS S. Lucia (Rome). Informed written consent was
ral gyri (BAs 21 and 22) known to be involved in the audi- obtained from all participants prior to the study. The exper-
tory processing of language (Price et al., 1996). Moreover, iment was conducted with Italian speaking volunteers who
a number of foci with significant priming-related deactiva- were right-handed as assessed by the Edinburgh handedness
tions were found in the prefrontal regions bilaterally (BAs inventory (Oldfield, 1971). Eight male college students (age
9 and 10). range: 20–27) participated in the study. All subjects had
16 G.A. Carlesimo et al. / Neuropsychologia 42 (2003) 14–24

normal or corrected to normal vision and hearing. The ex- often in the within and cross-modality condition, priming
clusion criteria included a history of prolonged use of a pre- and baseline scans. The order of within and cross-modality
scription or recreational drug, a neurological or psychiatric conditions as well as priming and baseline scans was also
condition, claustrophobia. Subjects were advised not to use counterbalanced across blocks and subjects (Latin square
alcohol for 24 h and tobacco for 3 h prior to the scan. design).
The within-modality priming effect was measured as the
2.2. Materials and procedure difference between the number of auditorily presented stems
that were completed with a target word from a studied list
2.2.1. Stem completion and the number of stems that were casually completed with
Target materials for the stem completion test consisted of a target word from an unstudied list. The cross-modality
a list of 360 common Italian words, 4–11 letters in length. priming effect was measured in an analogous way on the
Frequency of occurrence of these words in the Italian lan- basis of completion of visually presented stems.
guage ranged from 0 to 23 with a mean of 6.51 per mil-
lion (Bortolini, Tagliavini, & Zampolli, 1971). The stem 2.2.2. PET data acquisition and analysis
(i.e. the first three letters) of each word was unique among rCBF was measured by recording the distribution
the words and constituted the beginning of at least 10 en- of radioactivity following the intravenous injection of
tries in Zingarelli’s Dictionary (Zingarelli, 1983). The 360 15O-labelled water (H2 15 O) with the GE-Advance scan-
words were divided into 12 30-word sets comparable for ner (General Electric Medical System, Milwaukee, WI)
frequency of occurrence, word length and number of possi- which has a field of view of 15.2 cm, allowing sampling
ble completions. Another 180 words were selected to form of the entire brain and cerebellum at once. Data were ac-
six foil lists of 30 words each. They were presented dur- quired by scanning in 3D mode. A 7 mCi slow-bolus of H2
15 O was injected as a tracer of blood flow and 90 s scans
ing the study phase preceding the baseline (non-priming)
scans. Constraints regarding the selection of words for the were acquired immediately after initial raise of head-counts
foil lists were that they should be comparable in length and (Silbersweig et al., 1993). After attenuation correction (mea-
frequency to and not share their initial three letters with the sured by a transmission scan), the data were reconstructed
experimental target words. as 31 transaxial planes by three-dimensional filtered back
Before each PET scan, a list of 30 words, recorded in projection using a Hanning filter (cut-off 4 mm filter width)
a single female voice, was presented through headphones in the transaxial plane, and a Ramp filter (cut-off 8.5 mm)
(one word every 4 s). The subjects were instructed to rate in the axial direction. The integrated counts accumulated
the pleasantness of each word on a 1–5 point scale. Approx- over 90 s scans were used as an index of rCBF.
imately 5 min after the study list presentation, the partici- PET data were analysed with Statistical Parametric Map-
pants were scanned while they were performing the stem ping 1996 (Wellcome Department of Cognitive Neurology,
completion test. During this phase, thirty word stems were London, UK) (Friston et al., 1995a). The original brain im-
presented (one stem every 3 s) and the subjects were asked ages were first realigned and then transformed into a stan-
to say aloud the first word that came to mind beginning with dard stereotactic anatomical space (Friston et al., 1995b).
each stem. Participants were told to avoid proper nouns and Stereotactically normalised images were also smoothed with
were assured there were no right or wrong answers. a Gaussian filter (16 mm×16 mm×16 mm). Statistical anal-
The PET experiment involved four conditions: (1) yses were performed according to the SPM96 implementa-
within-modality condition (auditory-to-auditory priming): tion of the general linear model (Fletcher, Shallice, Frith,
the stems were presented auditorily through headphones by Frackowiak, & Dolan, 1996). Global differences in CBF
the same female voice used for the study list; (2) cross- across conditions were made using the t statistic (Friston
modality condition (auditory-to-visual priming): word stems et al., 1995a). The resulting set of t values constituted a sta-
were visually presented in the centre of a PC monitor. The tistical parametric map (SPM{t}) which was transformed
stems presented during the PET scanning phase were the into Z score maps (SPM{Z}).
first three letters of the just studied word list. The only ex- The analysis was based on a 2 (auditory versus visual
ceptions were stems 1, 4, 7, 14 and 25. These stems were modality of stem presentation) × 2 (studied versus unstud-
derived from non studied words in order to make the rela- ied words) factorial design. We first calculated the simple
tionship between studied words and stems less transparent effects of the rCBF changes (both increases and decreases)
(priming scan). There were two control conditions matched associated with the priming effects (priming minus base-
for conditions 1 and 2. Here the stems presented during the line scans) (statistical threshold one-tailed, P < 0.001 un-
PET scan did not correspond to the word list presented in corrected). Then we directly contrasted the rCBF changes
the pre-scanning phase (foil list). related to within- and cross-modality priming by means
Each subject underwent 12 scans, three in each of the four of analyses of interactions between the two main factors
conditions (i.e. within-modality and cross-modality priming masked on the relevant simple main effects (threshold for
and relative baselines). The stimuli were counterbalanced the mask: P < 0.001). Finally, we performed correlation
across subjects so that each 30-word set occurred equally analyses for both within- and cross-modality priming scans
G.A. Carlesimo et al. / Neuropsychologia 42 (2003) 14–24 17

between rCBF and number of stems that were completed retrieval strategies for stem completion. In fact, reliance on
with a target word. The analysis considered only the regions such strategies would have inflated the target completion
showing a significant activation or deactivation in the sub- rates across successive blocks (Badgaiyan et al., 1999).
tractive analysis. Moreover, informal assessment of subjects during postscan
debriefing revealed that nearly all subjects in both within-
and cross-modality conditions were aware of the fact that
3. Results some of the stems came from the study list. However, no
subjects reported that they intentionally attempted to recall
3.1. Behavioural data studied words in either conditions.

The percentage of target words used to complete word 3.2. PET data
stems in the priming and baseline scans of the within- and
cross-modality conditions are reported in Table 1. Cortical areas showing significant rCBF changes, lo-
These data were analysed by means of a three-way calised using the conventional Talairach co-ordinate system
ANOVA with modality of stem presentation (auditory ver- (Talairach & Tournoux, 1988), are reported in Table 2.
sus visual), condition (priming versus baseline) and block Comparison of priming and baseline scans in the within-
(from 1 to 3) as repeated factors. The modality effect was modality auditory condition show a pattern of bilat-
significant (F = 16.8; P < 0.01 with d.f. = 1, 7). Across eral prefrontal rCBF increases in the left inferior frontal
the priming and baseline conditions, auditorily presented gyrus (BA 46) and in the right superior (BA 9) and
stems were completed with the target words more fre- middle (BA 10) frontal gyri. Another area of significant
quently than visually presented stems (6.1 versus 5.1). The within-modality priming-related activation was located in
condition effect was also significant (F = 42.2; P < 0.001 the right occipito-parietal junction (BA 39/19). There were
with d.f. = 1, 7). More stems were completed with target no significant rCBF decreases related to within-modality
words during the priming than the baseline scans (7.7 ver- priming using this threshold. This is in contrast with previ-
sus 3.5). The condition and modality effects did not interact ous reports in the literature which showed rCBF decreases
significantly (F = 0.4; P = n.s. with d.f. = 1, 7), thus in the lateral occipital cortex (BA 19) during auditory stem
revealing comparably sized priming effects in the within- completion priming (Badgaiyan et al., 1999; Badgaiyan
and cross-modality conditions (4.4 and 3.9). This is an et al., 2001). To make sure that the lack of significant rCBF
unexpected finding. Previous behavioural studies consis- decrease in BA 19 was not due to a lack of power of sta-
tently reported significantly larger within-modality than tistical comparison, we performed an exploratory analysis
cross-modality stem completion priming (e.g. Carlesimo, in this region at the lowest levels of statistical significance
Marfia, Loasses, & Caltagirone, 1996; Graf et al., 1985). (P = 0.005). In this analysis, an area of rCBF suppression
However, it should be noted that the stem completion rate in priming with respect to the baseline condition emerged
with target words during auditory baseline scans (3.9) was in right BA 19 (x = 48; y = −84; z = 12; Z = 2.59).
(likely by chance) quite a bit higher than during visual Comparison of priming and baseline scans in the
baseline scans (3.2; P = 0.10). As a consequence, even auditory-to-visual condition (cross-modality priming) was
though the completion rates with target words during the associated with areas of significant rCBF increase in the
auditory priming scans (8.3) were significantly higher than middle frontal gyrus (BA 10) and inferior (BA 20) and
during visual priming scans (7.1; P < 0.01), a significant middle (BA 21) temporal gyri of the left hemisphere. There
difference between the priming effects in the two condi- were also rCBF bilateral increases in the inferior parietal
tions failed to emerge. The Block effect was not significant lobules (BA 39, 40), which were more extended on the right
(F = 0.7; P = n.s. with d.f. = 2, 14) and did not interact side, and in the precuneus (BA 7). An area of significant
reliably with any of the other factors, thus demonstrating rCBF decrease was found at the boundary between left
that the size of the priming effect was similar across repli- fusiform and inferior temporal gyri (BA 37/20). We also
cations. This also suggests that subjects did not use explicit performed a random effect analysis of PET data and found

Table 1
Proportion of stems completed with words from the experimental lists and size of the priming effect in the different conditions and across successive
study-test blocks
Auditory Visual

Studied Unstudied Within-modality priming Studied Unstudied Cross-modality priming

Block 1 0.33 0.10 0.23 0.28 0.09 0.19

Block 2 0.31 0.14 0.17 0.31 0.12 0.19
Block 3 0.36 0.15 0.21 0.26 0.11 0.15
Mean 0.33 0.13 0.20 0.29 0.11 0.18
18 G.A. Carlesimo et al. / Neuropsychologia 42 (2003) 14–24

Table 2
Regions showing significant rCBF changes related to within- and cross-modality priming
Condition and cortical area Talairach co-ordinates Z

x y z Fixed effects Random effects

Within-modality auditory-to-auditory condition: priming minus baseline

rCBF increases
(1) Right superior frontal gyrus (BA 9) 30 52 32 4.4 4.2
(2) Right middle frontal gyrus (BA 10) 28 60 12 3.3 3.4
(3) Left inferior frontal gyrus (BA 46) −30 34 4 3.5 3.5
(4) Right occipito-parietal junction (BA 39/19) 48 −74 36 3.3 3.2
Cross-modality auditory-to-visual condition: priming minus baseline
rCBF increases
(1) Left middle frontal gyrus (BA 10) −40 56 0 4.0 3.5
(2) Left/right precuneus (BA 7) −2 −62 48 3.5 3.4
(3) Right inferior parietal lobule (BA 39) 52 −66 32 3.6 3.3
(4) Right inferior parietal lobule (BA 40) 48 −60 44 3.3 3.6
(5) Left inferior parietal lobule (BA 39) −48 −62 28 3.4 4.8
(6) Left middle temporal gyrus (BA 21) −60 −42 −4 3.6 3.5
(7) Left inferior temporal gyrus (BA 20) −64 −34 −16 3.2 3.4
(8) Left inferior temporal gyrus (BA 20) −58 −24 −28 3.6 3.4
rCBF decreases
(1) Left fusiform/inferior temporal gyrus (BA 37/20) −50 −52 −28 3.5 3.5
Interaction: greater activations for within-modality compared with cross-modality priming
rCBF increases
(1) Right middle frontal gyrus (BA 9) 32 48 36 3.3 3.3
Interaction: greater de-activation for cross-modality compared to within-modality priming
rCBF decreases
(1) Left fusiform/inferior temporal gyrus (BA 37/20) −50 −52 −28 4.1 4.2

that all peaks identified by the fixed effects subtractive anal- cross-modality priming is a significantly greater activation
ysis were replicated (Table 2). in the right middle frontal gyrus. In contrast, in the context
Finally, we compared the magnitude of rCBF changes in of a temporo-parietal pattern of rCBF changes what charac-
within- and cross-modality priming as interaction effects. terises the cross-modality with respect to within-modality
The analysis showed a significantly greater activation in the priming is a larger rCBF decrease in the left inferior tem-
right middle frontal gyrus (BA 9) in the within-modality poral cortex.
than in the cross-modality condition. Conversely, there The results of the PET investigation will be now dis-
was an area of significantly larger rCBF decrease in the cussed in detail. To ease a comparison of the present re-
cross-modality condition at the junction between the left sults with the results previously reported in the literature, a
fusiform and inferior temporal gyrus (BA 37/20). The rate meta-analysis of the activation and de-activation patterns is
of rCBF decrease in this area showed a significant negative shown in Table 3.
correlation with the amount of cross-modality priming, as
measured behaviourally (x = −50; y = −48; z = −20; 4.1. rCBF decreases
Z = 2.0; P = 0.02) (Fig. 1).
An area of rCBF decrease related to within-modality au-
ditory priming was localised in the right BA 19 (x = 48;
4. Discussion y = −84; z = 12) at a level of statistical significance below
the conventional threshold utilised for this kind of compar-
A straightforward result of the present study is that ison (Z = 2.59). This area of sub-threshold deactivation is
auditory-to-auditory within-modality and auditory-to-visual important because of its close proximity to the area which
cross-modality stem completion priming are associated demonstrated a significant rCBF decrease in a previous study
with distinct patterns of rCBF changes as detected by PET. by Badgaiyan et al. (1999). Also in that case it was related
Particularly relevant, in this regard, are the results of the in- to within-modality auditory stem completion priming (x =
teraction contrasts which highlight those cortical areas that 40; y = −80; z = 4). Both of these areas are adjacent to
significantly differ in the within-relative to cross-modality the retinotopic V3A region whose role in vision is primarily
priming. Indeed, in the context of a bilateral activation of related to visual motion detection (Braddick et al., 2001).
pre-frontal regions, what differentiates within-respect to Badgaiyan et al. (1999, 2001) have extensively discussed
G.A. Carlesimo et al. / Neuropsychologia 42 (2003) 14–24 19

Fig. 1. The left BA 37/20 (panel a) was an area with significantly larger rCBF reduction during cross-modal than intra-modal priming (panel b); analysis
of data points associated with each subject shows a good within-subject consistency of this effect (panel c); rCBF here showed a negative correlation
with the number of primed words recalled during the scanning phase (panel d). IMP: intra-modal priming; IMPB: baseline for intra-modal priming;
CMP: cross-modal priming; CMPB: baseline for cross-modal priming. In all graphs the ordinate reports rCBF equivalents. Priming effect: number of
primed words that were recalled during the scanning phase (raw values are mean-centred).

the reasons for the quite surprising finding that the neural modulate their own activity when repeatedly exposed to the
correlate of auditory-verbal priming is localised in a cortical same auditory-verbal stimuli.
area known to be implicated in vision. After ruling out al- Likely the most intriguing result of the present study
ternative explanations, Badgaiyan et al. argued for the pres- is an area of significant rCBF decrease associated to
ence of a distinct neuronal subpopulation, in the context of cross-modality auditory-to-visual stem completion prim-
the V3A region, implicated in the processing on nonvisual ing in the left inferior temporal gyrus extending somewhat
stimuli (Nakamura & Colby, 2000). These neurons might medially and dorsally to involve the fusiform gyrus (BA
20 G.A. Carlesimo et al. / Neuropsychologia 42 (2003) 14–24

Table 3
Cortical areas of significant priming-related rCBF change in previous PET studies using the word-stem completion paradigm
Author Cortical area rCBF decreases rCBF increases

x y z x y z

Within-modality visual-to-visual condition: priming minus baseline

Buckner et al. (1995) L posterior insular cortex (BA 41) −35 −18 −9
R middle occipital/fusiform gyrus (BA 19) 28 −63 4
Schacter et al. (1996) R inferior occipital gyrus (BA 19) 33 −74 0
L middle occipital gyrus (BA 19) −33 −79 24
R insular cortex (BA 41) 39 −26 0
R motor–premotor cortex (BA 4/6) 61 −8 28
R superior parietal lobule (BA 7) 30 −55 52
L inferior frontal gyrus (BA 47) −39 30 −8
L precuneus (BA 7) −13 −51 56
Backman et al. (1997) R lingual gyrus (BA 19) 31 −67 −17
Schacter et al. (1999) R lingual gyrus (BA 19/37) 42 −58 −8
R precuneus (BA 7) 6 −64 32
Yasuno et al. (2000) R inferior frontal gyrus (BA 47) 62 20 2
L inferior temporal/fusiform gyrus (BA 37) −42 −46 −16
R cuneus (BA 19) 16 −96 22
R superior frontal gyrus (BA 6) 32 8 42
Within-modality auditory-to-auditory condition: priming minus baseline
Badgaiyan et al. (1999) R middle occipital gyrus (BA 19) 40 −80 4
L middle occipital gyrus (BA 19) −44 −82 4
R angular gyrus (BA 39/40) 50 −66 28
R precuneus (BA 7) 2 −62 48
R middle frontal gyrus (BA 10) 26 62 12
L middle temporal gyrus (BA 38/21) −26 6 −28
Badgaiyan et al. (1999) L medial/superior frontal gyrus (BA 10) −6 48 0
R angular gyrus (BA 39/40) 42 −46 24
L lingual gyrus (BA 19) −20 −56 4
R precuneus (BA 7) 0 −46 44
L superior frontal gyrus (BA 10) −6 58 28
R middle frontal gyrus (BA 9) 36 42 36
L middle frontal gyrus (BA 9) −36 30 36
R middle temporal gyrus (BA 37) 42 −58 8
Cross-modality visual-to-auditory condition: priming minus baseline
Badgaiyan et al. (1999) L angular gyrus (BA 39/40) −40 −46 28
R medial frontal gyrus (BA 10) 0 48 20
R middle frontal gyrus 36 60 8
Cross-modality auditory-to-visual condition: priming minus baseline
Schacter et al. (1999) L superior/middle temporal gyrus (BA 39/22) −34 −46 12
R superior frontal gyrus (BA 10) 28 50 24
In all of these studies, the critical subtraction was between completion of studied and unstudied words (priming and baseline conditions, respectively).

20/37). This finding is robust because it was reliable both et al., 1998; Henson et al., 2000). Interestingly, in most of
in the simple main effect and interaction analyses. More- these studies the functional suppression in response to stim-
over, the magnitude of priming-related rCBF decrease in ulus repetition was prevalent (Buckner et al., 2000; Schacter
this region was significantly correlated with the behavioural et al., 1996) or also exclusively localised (Backman et al.,
index of cross-modality priming (Fig. 1). As noted above, 1997; Henson et al., 2000; Schacter et al., 1999) in the
an area of rCBF decrease in the occipito-temporal cortex right hemisphere. In our case, instead, the region of rCBF
was the most consistent finding in previous PET studies suppression related to auditory-to-visual cross-modality
of within-modality visual stem completion priming (e.g. priming was strictly left lateralised. The reasons for distinct
Backman et al., 1997; Buckner et al., 2000; Schacter et al., lateralisation patterns in the neurofunctional correlate of
1996). Moreover, in fMRI studies of object priming, the repetition priming should be considered.
fusiform gyrus also showed an attenuated response to re- There is converging behavioural, neuropsychological and
peated presentations of the same visual stimuli (Buckner functional neuroimaging evidence that the right and left
G.A. Carlesimo et al. / Neuropsychologia 42 (2003) 14–24 21

hemispheres make a distinct contribution to repetition prim- from pre-surgical exploration in epileptic patients (Schaffler,
ing. In particular, consistent with current conceptualisations Luders, Morris, & Wyllie, 1994), the term “basal tempo-
that emphasise the role of the right hemisphere in retaining ral language area” was proposed to define a cortical region
instance-based representations of visual stimuli (Gauthier, involving the left fusiform, inferior temporal and parahip-
Behrmann, & Tarr, 1999; Warrington & Taylor, 1978), this pocampal gyri. Electrical stimulation of these areas produces
hemisphere seems to be specifically involved in a kind of pervasive language impairment, including reading disorders,
perceptual priming (both verbal and non-verbal) requiring speech arrest and comprehension deficits (Schaffler, Luders,
that the same physical format of stimulus presentation be & Beck, 1996). PET investigation has provided additional
reinstated in both study and test phases. The left hemi- data about the role of this region in integrating multimodal
sphere, instead, is likely involved in the visual processing language processes. Based on the finding that processing
of more abstract representations of both words and pictures both words and non-word letter-strings elicited a common
(Marsolek, Squire, Kosslyn, & Lulenski, 1994). Thus, it area of rCBF increase in BA 37, regardless of the modality
plays a prevalent role when the priming experiment involves used (visual or tactile), Buchel, Price, and Friston (1998)
changes in the physical format of visual stimuli from study proposed that this area has a specific role in integrating “con-
to testing. verging inputs from many regions” (p. 274).
Support for the view of a prevalent role of the right hemi-
sphere in strictly perceptually-driven visual priming comes 4.2. rCBF increases
from a series of behavioural studies by Marsolek, Kosslyn,
and Squire (1992) with healthy subjects. Neuropsycholog- A greater rCBF increase in the within-modality than in
ical evidence supporting the view of specialisation of the the cross-modality priming condition was observed in the
right hemisphere in mediating a strictly perceptual form of right middle frontal gyrus (BA 9). As previously noted, a
priming is provided by the case of a patient who failed to metabolic activation in the right prefrontal areas is com-
show the generally observed font-specificity effect in word monly associated with deliberate retrieval of recently learned
priming (i.e. more priming when the same print font is rein- information in episodic memory tasks (e.g. Tulving et al.,
stated at study and test phases than when it differs) following 1994). Could this finding imply that experimental subjects
a right occipital lobectomy. However, this patient showed were engaging in the deliberate recollection of words of the
a priming effect of the same magnitude as normal controls study list to complete the stems? Although this possibility
when different fonts were used for study and testing (Vaidya, cannot be completely dismissed, the analysis of behavioural
Gabrieli, Verfaellie, Fleischman, & Askari, 1998). A recent data does not support this hypothesis. First, the magnitude
event-related fMRI investigation also provided relevant data of priming in the present study is more similar to that ob-
for the hypothesis that the right and left inferior temporal served in previous behavioural studies in which healthy sub-
cortices play distinct roles in repetition priming. Dehaene jects and memory disordered patients completed the stems
et al. (2001) reported two areas of attenuated response in implicitly than when they performed an explicit cued recall
the right extrastriate occipital cortex when subjects re-read task (e.g. Carlesimo, 1994; Carlesimo et al., 1996). More-
words printed in the same case. However, when the words over, in the present experiment the completion rate of the
were printed in different cases for study and testing, then stems with the target words remained substantially the same
the neurofunctional correlate of priming was an area of sig- across successive blocks. Thus, it is unlikely that the subjects
nificant attenuation in the left fusiform gyrus. became progressively more aware of the memory nature of
The results of the present study, which document a peak the stem completion task as the study-test blocks repeated.
of rCBF decrease in the left inferior temporal and fusiform To account for the pattern of right prefrontal activa-
gyri when the experimental subjects were completing visu- tion related to auditory-to-visual and visual-to-auditory
ally presented stems with words that had been previously cross-modality stem completion priming Badgaiyan et al.
listened to, suggest that the level of abstraction of word rep- (1999), Badgaiyan et al. (2001) and Schacter et al. (1999)
resentation underlying repetition priming in these cortical proposed the rCBF increase in this region could be the
areas is more pronounced than previously thought. In par- manifestation of a sort of post-completion awareness that
ticular, it suggests that this cortical region might be involved the words used for completing the stems had been re-
in the complex interactions between the phonological and cently encountered rather than evidence of a deliberate
orthographic codes of words which ultimately allow for the strategy to complete stems with previously studied words.
cross-modality facilitation in verbal stimulus re-processing. Schacter (1987) coined the expression “involuntary con-
Support for the view that regions in the left inferior tem- scious memory” to describe this phenomenon. To ac-
poral cortex can modulate their neural activity in response count for rCBF increases in the right prefrontal regions
to verbal stimuli independent of stimulus-driven perceptual related to cross-modality but not to within-modality prim-
processes comes from an fMRI study by Buckner et al. ing, Badgaiyan et al. (1999) and Schacter et al. (1999)
(2000). This study shows a common area of activity reduc- argued that the contamination of repetition priming by ex-
tion in this region whether the verbal cue prompting the plicit memory processes (mainly as “involuntary conscious
word generation task was visual or aural. Based on findings memory”) is more frequent when a different rather than
22 G.A. Carlesimo et al. / Neuropsychologia 42 (2003) 14–24

the same modality of stimulus presentation is used during involvement of regions in the left temporal lobe appears to be
the study and test phases of a stem completion paradigm. theoretically relevant. BAs 21 and 22 in the middle and supe-
However, the conclusion that cross-modality priming is rior temporal gyri are consistently activated in word recog-
more exposed to contamination by explicit retrieval strate- nition tasks whether the modality of stimulus presentation is
gies than within-modality priming is not supported by auditory or visual and whether or not a spoken response is
neuropsychological evidence. The latter generally shows required (Howard et al., 1992). Moreover, the participation
normal repetition priming in memory disordered patients of these cortical regions is not limited to lexical retrieval
both when the same or when a different modality of stim- but also involves semantic processing, as documented by
ulus presentation is used for study and testing (Carlesimo, their activation during semantic retrieval tasks whether
1994; Carlesimo et al., 1996; Graf et al., 1985). words (Wise et al., 1991), pictures (Martin, Haxby, Lalonde,
In conclusion, the right prefrontal activation found in the Wiggs, & Ungerleider, 1995) or faces (Gorno-Tempini
present study confirms the possible participation of explicit et al., 1998) are involved. Ishitobi et al. (2000) pointed out
memory mechanisms in stem completion priming. The sub- the existence of axonal connections between the regions in
stantially low level of the completion rate and the lack of an the “basal temporal language area” and the linguistic areas
increase in priming magnitude across successive study-test in the dorso-lateral surface of the temporal lobe.
blocks suggest that the contribution of such mechanisms is
more in eliciting post-retrieval awareness of a recent en-
counter with the generated word than in actual support for 5. Conclusions
active retrieval. In the present study, this mechanism was par-
ticularly active in the within-modality condition. This sug- In the present study, priming is associated with both
gests that in the specific experimental condition of our study rCBF increases and decreases in different neocortical areas
such “involuntary conscious memory” was more likely to of the brain. These results as well as full consideration of
occur when the same experimental context of stimulus pre- findings from previous studies suggest that verbal repeti-
sentation (modality and specific voice) was reinstated for tion priming is associated with a complex re-modulation of
study and testing than when experimental contexts differed rCBF activity both in the sense of neocortical distribution
from study (hearing words) to testing (reading stems). and in direction of changes. In the posterior regions of the
In addition to the rCBF increase in the right frontal polar brain, the most consistent correlate of repetition priming
region, the within-modality condition activated a cluster of is an rCBF decrease in cortical areas known to be impli-
left prefrontal areas in the middle and inferior frontal gyri. cated in lexical processing. When the priming test involves
In this case, however, the interaction analysis failed to doc- re-processing the verbal stimulus in the same modality as the
ument a greater activation in the within-modality respect previous presentation (either visual or auditory), the right
to cross-modality condition. For this reason, the peculiarity temporo-occipital extrastriate cortex is the most consistent
of left prefrontal activation in the within-modality priming site of rCBF change. If, instead, re-processing facilitation
can be regarded as only suggestive. rCBF changes related is mediated by more abstract levels of lexical-semantic
to stem completion priming in the left prefrontal cortex representations, then the inferior and lateral surfaces of the
have already been described (Schacter et al., 1996). A sig- left temporal cortex are more directly involved. In the pre-
nificant left frontal activation is generally found in word frontal regions, the main PET correlate of verbal priming
fluency tasks which, analogously to the stem completion is a bilateral rCBF increase, likely the expression of more
procedure, require generating words from a common first efficient access to output phonological representations and
letter (Frith, Friston, Liddle, & Frackowiak, 1991; Paulesu of the involuntary retrieval of the recent episode during
et al., 1997). However, it is unlikely that the priming-related which the just generated word has been encountered.
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