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The Lady Elizabeth School


Year Book 2010-2011

Headmasters Message

Report from Mrs McCammon 4

Departamento de Espaol 6 y MFL Junior School


Yearbook 2010 - 2011

Infants 11 Primary 14

Spanish Department Senior School 33

Secondary & Sixth Form 36

Houses and Charities 52

Sports Activities 57

International Award 69

Results, Special Events and 71 Activities

Welcome to The LAUDE Lady Elizabeth Yearbook 2010-2011

You've got to get up every morning with determination if you're going to go to bed with satisfaction. In a time when there appears to exist crisis and uncertainty throughout many parts of society, it is vital that the pupils who are part of our community here in LAUDE, The Lady Elizabeth School are cocooned in an environment of calmness and positivism. The future is theirs and we strive each day to provide for them the opportunities to fulfil their personal ambitions and for them to develop daily. This will ensure that they will be able to make those choices that will inspire them in their studies and in their careers long after they have left the island that is The Lady Elizabeth School. It is often said that, a busy mind is a creative mind, and you will notice from the pages in this years Yearbook that the pupils, staff and indeed parents have been extremely busy at all levels of the School. The creativity is apparent and portrays in each individual a willingness to take responsibility for their own contribution to the collective success of the School. A five minute stroll along the corridors of the Junior Department brings a smile of admiration, the displays of childrens work not only burst from the walls, they show just what they have been up to and the standards that they have reached. The huge corridors and wide spaces have become wonderful canvasses celebrating the work of our children. Often a youngster will pull me by the hand and jump with excitement as they point their work to me. To see the pride a child enjoys from a finished piece is the ultimate joy of being a teacher. Their determination to impress is the key and should be so each and every day! In Lliber, the pupils attending the Senior department of the School have covered themselves in glory once again. There exists an air of industry, where pupils and staff combine to create successes that may at one time not have seemed possible. Diversity of opportunity is a key element to what is offered as pupils are then able to undertake courses that they are suited to and those that they like. Each department has shown that they are looking to take advantage of new material as well as new technology to extend the pupils in their subjects and encourage them to achieve greater heights. Members of staff in both departments are enjoying the use of Smartboards and a further five will be available for use next year. Many pupils have worked in close synergy with members of staff over a number of years at The Lady Elizabeth School in both the Junior and Senior departments and can now enjoy the success of their considerable commitment to their studies. They are indeed an inspiration for those who will follow. Following last years outstanding achievements by six Lady Elizabeth pupils, where five achieved the Top Marks in Spain in subjects offered by Cambridge International Examinations, and one the Top Mark in the World, another twelve pupils have excelled in this years awards with Cambridge International Examinations and Edexcel Examinations. With one High Achievement Award, there were seven Top Marks in Spain and six Top Marks in the World! The subjects represented were Modern Foreign Language Spanish, Business Studies, English Language, English Literature, Child Development, Art, History, Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics and Further Mathematics. We hope you enjoy our Yearbook which is just a small reflection of the many wonderful things that have taken place in this very special School! We must remember that one determined person can make a significant difference, and that a small group of determined people can change the course of history. Sonia Johnson With very best wishes Richard Wijeratne Headmaster

Anuario Escolar del Colegio LAUDE The Lady Elizabeth School 2010-2011
Hay que levantarse cada maana con la conviccin de ir a la cama con satisfaccin. " Nos encontramos en un momento en que parece existir crisis e incertidumbre en muchas partes de la sociedad, por ello es vital que nuestros alumnos de, Laude The Lady Elizabeth School estn inmersos en un ambiente de calma y positivismo. El futuro es de ellos y nos esforzamos cada da para proporcionarles todas las oportunidades que necesitan para satisfacer sus objetivos personales y mejorar cada da. Con ello pretendemos que puedan ser capaces de tomar decisiones que les motivarn en sus estudios y en sus futuras carreras una vez hayan salido de la burbuja de Laude, The Lady Elizabeth School. A menudo se dice que, "una mente ocupada es una mente creativa", y se darn cuenta a travs de las pginas del Anuario de este ao que los alumnos, los padres y todo el personal que trabaja en el colegio, han estado muy ocupados en todos los departamentos del colegio. La creatividad es evidente, y cada individuo debe de ser responsable y contribuir al buen funcionamiento en general del colegio. Al pasear, durante solo cinco minutos, por los pasillos del Junior School, las exposiciones de los trabajos de los nios, me producen una sonrisa de admiracin no slo son magnficas decoraciones para las paredes, sino que nos muestran exactamente lo que han estado trabajando y a los niveles que han llegado. Los amplios y largos pasillos se han convertido en maravillosos lienzos donde exponer la magnfica labor de nuestros hijos. A veces me encuentro con algn nio, me tira de la mano y salta de emocin a medida que me seala su trabajo. Ver el orgullo con que un nio disfruta al ensear su trabajo bien hecho es la mayor satisfaccin para un profesor. Su empeo en impresionar es el secreto y debe ser as todos los das! En Llber, los alumnos del Senior School, han conseguido el xito una vez ms. Existe un ambiente de trabajo magnfico, donde los alumnos y el profesorado, trabajan conjuntamente para obtener los magnficos resultados actuales, que a veces pueden parecer imposibles. La diversidad de optativas disponibles, es el secreto para que los alumnos puedan elegir y estudiar lo que realmente les gusta con xito. Todos los departamentos estn encantados con los nuevos materiales y recursos, as como de la implantacin de nuevas tecnologas en las aulas para ampliar el currculo de las asignaturas y animarles a alcanzar metas ms altas. El profesorado de ambos colegios estn disfrutando con el uso de las pizarras interactivas y el prximo curso contaremos con cinco ms. Durante varios aos los alumnos de The Lady Elizabeth School han trabajado en estrecha sinergia con los profesores, tanto en el Junior como en el Senior School y ahora pueden disfrutar del resultado del importante esfuerzo realizado en sus estudios. De hecho, son una inspiracin para futuros alumnos. A raz de los resultados acadmicos del ao pasado por seis alumnos del Senior de The Lady Elizabeth School, donde cinco han alcanzado las notas ms altas en Espaa en los Exmenes Internacionales de Cambridge para el acceso a la Universidad y una de las mejores notas del mundo, y de otros doce alumnos que han obtenido certificados con Cambridge International Examinations. A travs del centro examinador de Edexcel, hemos obtenido siete mejores notas en Espaa y seis notas ms altas del mundo! en las siguientes asignaturas Lengua Espaola como segundo idioma, Ciencias Empresariales, Lengua Inglesa, Literatura Inglesa, Desarrollo Infantil, Arte, Historia, Fsica, Qumica, Matemticas y Matemticas Avanzadas. Esperamos que disfrute de nuestro Anuario, que es slo un pequeo reflejo de la gran cantidad de cosas maravillosas que han tenido lugar en este colegio tan especial! "Debemos recordar que una determinada persona puede ser la gran diferencia, y que un pequeo grupo determinado de personas puede cambiar el curso de la historia." Sonia Johnson Con mis mejores deseos Richard Wijeratne Headmaster

The Junior School 2010 2011

As the time of my retirement draws near, I have been reflecting on the twenty very happy years during which I have worked at The Lady Elizabeth School and on the changes that have brought us from small beginnings to the very successful, still growing school we are today. During my time as a class teacher at the school I taught mainly Year 6 but also Years 3 and 4, before taking over as Head of the Junior School, and one of the things that brings me the greatest joy now is bumping into past pupils and their families in and around the area and seeing and hearing the pleasure with which they recall their time with us. I am even beginning to see the children of past pupils joining the school what a recommendation that is! I am sure that, with the wonderful reputation that the school has, it is going to continue to go from strength to strength in the years to come. Coming back to the present, we have had another fantastic, and busy, year in the Junior School. We are now really at home in our new premises and pupils and staff alike have so enjoyed all the facilities for which we waited so long, including our superb indoor, heated swimming pool which is now in use for lessons and for after-school clubs. Despite the economic crisis, our pupil numbers have continued to grow. Our Pre-nursery class, which only started last year, has seen an amazing growth in numbers and provides a very healthy basis for the coming years as these children move up through the school.

David Kolobnev, Romy Geis, Elia Mulet, Jessie Sprosen

Veronika Murga, Victoria Murga, Tallulah Beard, Tegan Buick

Mireia Cisneros, Rebecca Gale

Our very dedicated staff has, as always, worked incredibly hard this year to make learning as interesting and motivating as possible for the pupils, most of whom have, in return, worked extremely hard and been spurred on to even greater personal achievements. Our Plus Clubs (after school activities) have continued to be very popular and the range and variety of clubs on offer has increased once again, to include such things as swimming, water polo, tennis, Zumba, and Russian and Dutch for native speakers. Mums and Dads, and other adults, have also been able to enjoy a range of activities at the Junior School including Zumba, Fitness Workout, Spanish and English. We have had fantastic support as always from the FOLES Parents Association. This year they have, amongst other things, donated a sensory area for Pre-nursery, a table tennis table for the older pupils, a cooker plus cooking utensils and the cost of installation to enable pupils to experience cooking, and two goals and some footballs for the KS2 playground. Once again, thank you all for your hard work on our behalf. Finally, I would just like to wish you all a very happy, restful and safe Summer and look forward to welcoming you back in September to begin another exciting year at the Junior School. Mrs Jenny McCammon

Ahora que se acerca el momento de mi retiro, he estado reflexionando sobre los veinte aos, tan felices en los que he trabajado en The Lady Elizabeth School y en la cantidad de cambios que se han sucedido desde el modesto comienzo hasta el exitoso colegio que es hoy en da y que sigue creciendo.

The Junior School 2010 2011

Durante mi tiempo como profesora en el colegio, di clases no solo a Year 6, sino tambin a Year 3 y 4, antes de ser nombrada Directora del Junior School, y una de las cosas que mayor satisfaccin me produce es encontrarme con los antiguos alumnos y sus familiares y or el grato recuerdo que guardan del tiempo que pasaron con nosotros. Incluso estoy empezando a ver a los hijos de antiguos alumnos incorporarse al colegio Esto s que es una buena recomendacin! Estoy segura de que, con la maravillosa reputacin que actualmente tiene el colegio, seguir creciendo a gran velocidad, en los prximos aos. Volviendo al presente, hemos tenido otro excepcional, y atareado ao en el Junior School. Ahora estamos muy a gusto en nuestras nuevas instalaciones y por fin tanto los alumnos como el personal ya pueden disfrutar de las maravillosas instalaciones que han estado esperando tanto tiempo, incluyendo nuestra magnfica piscina cubierta y climatizada, que est actualmente en uso tanto para las clases como para las actividades extraescolares. A pesar de la crisis econmica, nuestro nmero de alumnos ha seguido creciendo. Nuestra clase de Pre Nursery, que comenz por primera vez el ao pasado, se ha visto incrementada en gran nmero de nuevos alumnos, lo que proporciona una base muy saludable para los prximos cursos. Nuestro dedicado profesorado, como siempre, ha trabajado muy duro este curso para que el aprendizaje sea lo ms interesante y motivador posible para los alumnos, la mayora de los cuales, a su vez, han trabajado muy duro y han estimulado an ms a sus logros personales.

Hannah Aitken, David Kolobnev, Mitja Sorokin, Elia Mulet

Tanja Maccines, Abena Walker, Antonio Verdu

Nuestros Clubes Plus (actividades extraescolares) han seguido siendo muy exitosas debido a la gran variedad de los clubes, lo cual nos ha permitido ampliar con otras actividades tales como la natacin, polo acutico, tenis, Zumba y ruso y holands para nativos. Los padres y otros adultos, tambin han podido disfrutar de una serie de actividades en el Junior school incluyendo Zumba, gimnasia, Espaol e Ingls. Hemos contado como siempre con el gran apoyo de la Asociacin de Padres FOLES. Este ao han conseguido, entre otras cosas, el material necesario para la creacin de un rea sensorial en Pre-Nursery, una mesa de Pin-Pon para los alumnos ms mayores, utensilios de cocina, ms una cocina y su instalacin para que los ms pequeos puedan experimentar con los alimentos, dos porteras y algunos balones de ftbol para el patio del recreo de KS2. Una vez ms, quiero agradecer en nombre de todos, su incansable labor. Por ltimo, me gustara desear a todos un feliz verano, y esperamos poder darles la bienvenida de nuevo en septiembre para comenzar otro emocionante curso escolar en el Junior. Mrs Jenny McCammon

Departamento de Espaol Junior School

En la etapa de Infantil, en Espaol (Pre-nursery, F1, F2 y Y1), hemos podido disfrutar de actividades muy diversas relacionadas con los temas que hemos trabajado y ello ha ayudado a los alumnos a comprender mejor la finalidad de los mismos. Por ejemplo hemos visitado el parque de bomberos, donde muy amablemente los bomberos nos Mireia Cisneros explicaron el funcionamiento de los camiones y todo lo necesario para apagar y prevenir un incendio. Incluso usamos sus potentes mangueras. Tambin hemos iniciado un proyecto sobre el huerto: sembrado, cuidado y recogida de plantas frutales y aromticas, en el que cada alumno plant una semilla. Hemos ido siguiendo su evolucin y aprendiendo su ciclo de vida. Por otra parte tambin hemos estudiado muy de cerca a los animales, tanto que los hemos tenido en la clase: gusanos de seda elaborando su crislida, peces y tortugas. Hemos aprendido cmo debemos respetarlos y cuidarlos. No debemos olvidar la celebracin del 9 de Octubre y la participacin de todos infantil en la los alumnos de representacin navidea de cuentos adaptados para esta poca. La visita de nuestra amiga Sra. Carnaval fue una gran sorpresa ya que estuvimos esperando toda la semana llevando los accesorios que ella nos peda. Por ltimo nombrar la celebracin del Da de la Paz dibujando una paloma gigante en la que todo el colegio plasm su huella en smbolo de lucha por la Paz. Sra. Caravaca, Sra. Aliaga y Sra. Bolufer Eva Basham, Lola Sapena

Departamento de Espaol Infantil

Las araas de Halloween!

Hannah Aitken

Este ao las clases de infantil en el rea de espaol nos hemos dedicado a conocer las araas para la fiesta de Halloween. Reconocemos sus colores, contamos cuantas patas tiene, pegamos sus pelitos, colocamos sus ojitos, hemos jugado en el patio y por ltimo nos las hemos llevado a casa.

Departamento de Espaol Junior School

Gleb Kolesnikov, Conner Wilson, Paul Collington

Da de la Paz
El pasado 30 de enero se celebr el Da de la Paz, organizado por el departamento de espaol. Desde los ms pequeos hasta los ms mayores participaron en la elaboracin del Arco Iris de la Paz, en la cual se simbolizaba la paz con un dibujo diferente. Otra de las actividades fue La paz est en tus manos, en la que plasmamos, nios y profesores, las manos con pintura en una gran paloma pintada en el suelo del patio. Aqu realizamos la asamblea que termin con la cancin Paz, Paz, Paz y la puesta en libertad de dos palomas.

Maria Arroyo

Departamento de Espaol: Primaria Departamento de Espaol y MFL Junior School

Los alumnos de primaria, desde Y2 hasta Y6 han trabajado intensamente durante este curso segn su nivel; han aprendido conceptos sobre los animales, las plantas, sobre la gramtica y la ortografa del espaol, etc. Todos ellos han participado en un nuevo proyecto encaminado a fomentar las competencias en comunicacin lingstica y cultural y artstica. En ste, han aprendido dnde estn La Alhambra, el Monasterio del Escorial, el Parque Garajonay, quines son Miguel Delibes, Miguel de Cervantes. Tambin han descubierto el Silbo o El Camino de Santiago, enriqueciendo sus conocimientos sobre la cultura espaola. Pero lo que ms les gust fueron las excursiones. Y2 fue a visitar el parque de Bomberos de Denia. Y3 conoci una casa rural tpica de la comarca en Teulada. Y4 y Y5 pasearon en barca por La Albufera y Y6 realiz el informativo de las estudios de 14:00h en los televisin de Canal 9 en Burjassot. Tambin disfrutaron participando y observando las actividades que se realizaron en el Da de la Paz y el Da de los Derechos de la Infancia. Sra Ma Jos Signes y Sra Claudia Bolufer Los Estudios de televisin de Canal 9 Year 6 Pupil, Carmen Salvador El Parque Natural de la Albufera Year 4 y Year 5. Left to right: Irene Zapatero, Laura Shearer, Frankie McKenna

Una casa rural tpica de la comarca en Teulada Year 3

Departamento de Espaol Departamento de Espaol y MFL Junior School

Nuestro libro
Todos los nios de primaria, desde Y2 hasta Y6 han participado en un nuevo proyecto creado durante este curso. Los alumnos, cada curso segn su capacidad, han realizado un trabajo mensual sobre el tema que propona la profesora. El objetivo fundamental era conocer autores espaoles y reconocer los principales bienes del Patrimonio de la Humanidad. Han aprendido sobre autores como Miguel de Cervantes, Miguel Delibes y bienes del Patrimonio tan diferentes como la Alhambra, el parque de Garajonay o el silbo gomero. Ha sido muy gratificante observar el esfuerzo y el inters demostrado por los alumnos al realizar los trabajos y mejorar en caligrafa, presentacin, etc Todos estos trabajos formarn parte de un libro que se quedar en la biblioteca. As todos los alumnos que han participado podrn tener su propio libro en el colegio. Sra Ma Jos Signes and Sra Claudia Bolufer

Alumnos de Laude, The Lady Elizabeth School, en las Fallas

Varios alumnos de Laude The Lady Elizabeth school, son miembros de la comisin Fallera Conde Salvatierra -Cirilo Amoros, Mercado Coln. Este ao fue de gran celebracin para ellos ya que Pepe Ivars (Y9) fue nombrado Presidente Infantil y le acompaaron sus primos todos alumnos del colegio Felipe (Y9), Pepe (Y6), Mar (Y2), Sofa (Y1) y su hermano pequeo Vicente (F1). Disfrutaron de unas magnficas fiestas donde a parte de disfrutar convivieron con la cultura y tradiciones de Valencia, se ataviaron con los trajes tpicos regionales para los distintos actos, realizaron pasacalles, ofrendas y no dejaron de asistir a las mascletas y castillos de fuegos artificiales y a un sin fin de eventos ms. Seguro que ya estn deseando que lleguen las del prximo ao. Pepa Ivars Directora de Relaciones Externas.

MFL Spanish Departamento de Espaol y MFL Junior School

Thomas Schutte, Alina Moldokhmetova, Eleise Devine, Luca Wijeratne

During this year the MFL Spanish classroom has been very busy with our students from Year 2 to Year 6, coming in and leaving saying Buenos dias or buenas tardes and hasta maana. Each year group has worked on different topics learning new vocabulary that they can practise. In Year 2 the children have been learning about the classroom, the family, pets and more, through games, songs, etc In Year 3 we started the year describing our routines and we have finished by talking about sports and hobbies, with much more in between. The students in Year 4 have had the opportunity to learn about the countryside, exploring caves and things we can do to look after our planet, amongst other topics. In Year 5, describing animals, comparing them, expressing different feelings and talking about our health are just some of the topics we have covered. Finally in Year 6 the students have worked very hard on areas such as describing actions in the past tense, describing different types of books, etc. There is no doubt that this year has been full of new words, expressions and experiences. We have worked as well to prepare important days like Children Rights Day, Peace Day and Book Day. Now, I just want to wish all the students a great summer holidayand as I always say at the end of my lessons recogemos! Sra Marta Almorox I like Spanish because its fun and you learn words you dont know. Eleise Devine, Year4 aniSpanish is really great because we learn verbs, mals, the circuswe also read a book, it was called S de safari. Ollie Ablitt, Year 5

En este curso en el rea de psicomotricidad con EYFS hemos trabajado muchas actividades. Juegos de destrezas bsicas y las habilidades motrices bsicas, como por ejemplo saltar, lanzar y coger, correr, rodar, trepar, subir, bajar, girar, gatear, etc, todas ellas en nuestra magnfica sala de psicomotricidad. Tambin hemos trabajado actividades propias de gimnasia, de movimiento, de equilibrio y del trabajo en equipo, con especial atencin a las secuencias o acciones de gimnasia y a nuestro paracadas. Adems hemos explorado posibilidades de accin del cuerpo creando pequeos bailes cortos y tablas. Hemos fabricado diferentes materiales para la sala de psicomotricidad, uno de ellos nuestro cazabol con material reciclable. Luego lo utilizamos para jugar a lanzar y coger nuestras pelotas y para una infinidad de juegos. Ahora ya estamos preparando nuestro da divertido de Sport Day o Da del Deporte donde practicaremos diferentes destrezas, retos, carreras, etc.

Juan Zapatero, Francis Lally


Adems este ao hemos empezado nuestras clases de natacin en la piscina del colegio donde hemos aprendido a tener confianza y seguridad en el agua, a flotar con y sin ayuda, a tener nuestra propia autonoma en cambiarnos y sobretodo a movernos como pez en el agua. Sra Maribel Caravaca

What an exciting year weve had in Pre-Nursery. In the Autumn Term we had great fun in our new sensory area (donated by the FOLES parents association). We learnt about light, pattern, colour and sound, exploring with torches, chimes, mobiles, spirals and multi-coloured projectors. We sprang into spring, learning all about Growth. We opened Flos Flower Shop in our role-play area, where we learnt how to make a bouquet with our scented artificial flowers, wrap them and pay for them at the till with our money. How clever are we! We planted seeds, sieved soil and measured ourselves on our own sunflower height charts.

Eva Basham, Alice Nice, Lola Sapena

In the Summer Term we had splashing fun in our new swimming pool. We learned how to balance and race on a woggle, swim through hoops, jump like a frog into the water and swim like a fish! This whole year has been full of Learning, Love and Laughter and our teachers are very proud of our achievements. Mrs Claire Mullock

Joan Bickham

Alex Kolobnev

Freddie Quince, Declan McGrath


Wow! Foundation 1 expanded with many new children and also welcomed Mrs Marlow to take the parallel Foundation 1 group. We have made lots of new friends of different nationalities and learned how to communicate with each other and how to play together. We began the new school year looking at ourselves and our bodies, learning the new vocabulary associated with the topic, which for some was a new language completely! With Christmas fast approaching we created Santas Grotto and workshop in our role play areas and finished the term inviting parents to see our rendition of A Star so Bright where we joined with Pre - Nursery and Foundation 2. There was not a dry eye in the house! Spring term, we are all a little taller and have expanded our knowledge. In this term we started Jolly Phonics, learning about the letters of the alphabet and their sounds. We have used these to identify letters in our names and other words we see around. Our final topic of Creatures Great and Small culminated in an educational visit to the Granja Escuela where the children had a wonderful time in the fresh air. It is now the final term of the year and we have ventured under the sea, helping to set up a seaside in the role play area. We will learn about various modes of transport and the wonderful places they could take us. The term will finish with a picnic in the park where parents will join us for lots of fun and a final good-bye. Mrs Susan Middleton and Mrs Amanda Marlow Vicente Ivars, Stepan Kolesnikov

Foundation 1

Mason Pugsley


Aris Mulet

Winston Dupuis


In September 2010 we started a new year in a new class, with old friends and some new ones. During the Autumn Term we developed our social and emotional skills by playing in small groups, learning to share and take turns and interacting through gestures and talking. We learned to recognise letters and their sounds, we sang songs and listened to stories and responded to what we heard. We learned to recognise numbers and shapes and to describe and compare length and height. In the Spring Term we enjoyed hearing familiar and traditional stories and role playing in our Three Bears Cottage. We explored and investigated materials, magnets and mini-beasts in the world around us using all our senses. We learned about different animals, their babies and their homes and we visited the Farm in Benissa. In the Summer Term, we found we could use our knowledge of letters and sounds to blend to read words, captions and sentences and to segment to spell in our writing. We developed our addition and subtraction skills and learned about time, money and capacity. We looked forward to celebrating Sports Day with our parents and to our end-of-term fun day.

Foundation 2

James Twynham


Miss Petra Blackburn

Yasmin Karlsson

Victoria Strebel, Carla Miana

Grace Broadhead, Marco Wijeratne, Sonny Hudson Allen


Year 1
What a fantastic year we have had in Year 1! In the Autumn Term we learned about Ourselves which included drawing self portraits and learning about our senses. We went on an exciting trip to Terra Natura to support our learning about animals. We started the Spring Term by planting seeds and recording their growth. We visited a local garden centre and enjoyed a picnic in the park. We celebrated Carnaval and had fun on Red Nose Day. During the Summer Term we had a fun-filled day on our Geography field trip to Moraira. We learned about Sound and Hearing in Science and looked at sculptures in Art. Throughout the year we have also enjoyed swimming every week and participating in Sports activities. Mrs Emma Devine and Mrs Caroline Smith


Year 2

We have had a very busy year learning so many things in Year 2. The children learned an enormous amount about The Great Fire of London and compared how the fires were fought back then in 1666, with those extinguished in modern times, by a visit to the local Fire Station in Ondara. We were able to study habitats in Science, learning about all the different regions in the World. The children also focused on the great explorer Christopher Columbus, learning about his discovery of America. To reinforce the childrens knowledge of these two topics, a terrific trip to the Oceanographic in Valencia was arranged. To conclude the exploration topic, the children chose one explorer to accompany them to various habitats or different areas around the globe, writing a letter to their teacher describing their wonderful and incredible experiences. The children loved all the Ronda Armitage stories about The Lighthouse Keeper and they designed and constructed a lighthouse. Using their scientific knowledge about electrical circuits, they even had a working light attached to the lighthouse. It has been a wonderful year with plenty to learn and enjoy. Our learning skills have improved through lots of our hard work. Mrs Gita McLaughlin

Hannah-Florence Broadhead, Bernice Van Zupthen, Emma Cisneros, Irene Ferrer


Year 3

As another academic year is drawing to a close, it is time to reflect upon everything that we have learnt and achieved. In our History lessons we have learnt about the Ancient Egyptians and even practised mummifying one of the children! We then travelled forward in time to the Ancient Greek era, during which we all enjoyed spending a day dressed up as Ancient Greeks (especially Miss Dann and Mrs. Cobo!). We sampled typical Greek foods, performed our own Greek plays and took part in a mini-Olympics which included an opening and closing ceremony. As part of the childrens local study, they visited a museum in Teulada and were given an insight into how people lived in the area when they were dependant on agriculture. They also enjoyed a trip to Jvea Museum, the Old Town and the Port. As part of the Science topic about food and teeth, the children produced their own leaflets containing facts and information about keeping teeth healthy. We loved our Design and Technology day where we worked alongside Year 4 and were involved in various workshops such as sewing, knitting, model making and food technology. Mrs Karen Cobo & Miss Lorna Dann

George Devenish, Isabel Beck, Eduardo Sivera


Mrs Pearl, Ellie MacLachlan, Yasmin Silva and Eleise Devine (Y4)

Another year has flown by for year 4! We have happily completed our second year in the new school. In Literacy the pupils have used many different genres in their writing, to give variety and extra interest to their work. As well as play-scripts, poems , story telling, newspaper reports, comics, instructions, jokes etc. they also revised and extended their knowledge of grammar. Several of our Year Four pupils went to Valencia to take part in a Valencia Region Maths Competition. Some have since been informed that they have progressed to the next stage. Well done! In Science we have continued to enjoy doing experiments, covering the following areas: sorting solids and liquids, circuits and conductors, keeping warm and friction. We also learned more about our bodies and the habitats of animals, both around our school specifically, and in the world generally. We were very fortunate to go to Albufera with the Spanish teachers to see the wildlife and habitats on the beautiful lake there. The boat trip was excellent, taking us out onto the lake to see the bird, insect and water life on the reed islands. The added bonus of binoculars made it easy to see the birds in flight and hiding in the marshes.

Year 4


In History we studied the Romans, Anglo Saxons and Vikings. Our annual visit to the mock Roman camp outside Guadalest was thoroughly enjoyed by all. As well as learning the art of battle Roman style, the pupils made dice games, jewellery and mosaics. Our main topic for Geography in Year 4 is India. The children have loved the comparison of food, clothes and language and are thoughtful of the difference and circumstances of some of the poor children of their age. Art and Design & Technology usually reflect the Science, History and Geography topics with prearranged artistic criteria. These have produced some fabulous pieces of work. Mrs Brewer and Mrs James


Year 5

I liked learning about the sun in Science. Frankie 5J We wrote a story from a different point of view using a Polish legend which I was familiar with so I enjoyed it. Daniel 5J I loved learning about Bloody Mary in History. Joseph 5J I love it all in ICT! Tanisha 5J Music is fun and the teacher always makes it fun. Bethany 5J I really like tables tests because we get better and better and faster. Grace 5J I liked water polo because sometimes I was a good defender . Ines 5T

Mrs Helen Jones and Mrs Rachael Turgoose Comic Relief Day Year 5 Students - (Back) Bethany Woodroof, (Front - Left to Right): Grace Hopson, Lola Alvarez, Irene Zapatero, Tanisha Gaspar This year has been full of exciting activities like the Design & Technology Day in April and interesting trips. The trip to Villajoyosa to see the Valor and Clavileo chocolate factories is always very popular. We also went to Albufera and had an exciting river trip in small motor boats. Our new swimming pool has been a big hit, too. Here are some snap-shots of the year written by the Year 5 children themselves:
I enjoyed going to see the chocolate factories because you could see the chocolate being made and smell the delicious smell. Lola 5T I liked the DT Day because it was fun and very different from what we do in school, like hammering nails. Sam 5T I enjoyed doing Zumba in PE because I enjoy dancing and working in groups. Daisy 5T Art was the best and my favourite has to be Still Life With Knife . Laura 5J I think the best bit was when we made our animals in DT, when we made the mechanisms and bent the wire. Ollie 5J After football club on Tuesdays Im very tired, but I love it. Bradley 5J I enjoy drama and doing plays. Aaron 5J


Design and Technology Miguel Ferrer, Vicente Catal

Design and Technology Adrianna Lpez, Ins Serrat, Lola Alvarez


This year has been full of a myriad of different experiences. We felt very privileged to be provided with the latest technology; each Year Six class was equipped with an interactive touch screen whiteboard. This has enabled the teachers and pupils to benefit from and use materials, activities and games via the internet, related to the topics covered. Earlier in the autumn term the children were able to develop leadership and group-work co-operation with a trip to Vital Parc Centre, where they practised team building skills within a free and natural environment. All the pupils and teachers (including a very stern looking head teacher) experienced what a school day would have been like during the Victorian period. Dunces hats, the cane and imperial measurements were the order of the day. Then the children were separated into two groups; the boys studied mathematics or technical drawing while the girls practised sewing.

Year 6

From Left to Right: Cynthia, Oriol, Cristobal, Jonas, Manoa, Jennifer During our study of Coastlines, the children held a news conference; they role-played the part of journalists, reporting on the (imaginary) catastrophic collapse of a hotel on Cap Prim. Some members of staff acted as Hotel Manager, guest or detective investigating the incident. The children enjoyed the Design and Technology Day during which they designed and made healthy sandwiches and smoothy drinks. A great deal of fun was had by all and they learned plenty about health and hygiene. The children were proficient at producing effective, interesting Powerpoint presentations about Coastlines and Nelson Mandela; these we have been able to view on the huge interactive screens. In order to improve childrens knowledge of the Spanish language, they enjoyed seeing an adaptation of Romeo and Juliet, as well as visiting Canal Nou television studios. Those who were brave enough tried being TV presenters and read the news using an autocue. A lot of hard work has taken place and much progress has been achieved this year. Mrs Maxine Lawton and Mrs Moira Wakeman Cristobal, Pepe


This year saw the opening of the new Junior School indoor swimming pool. Within weeks everyone was confident and happy in the water. Children (and some staff) have had lots of fun joining in activities such as life saving, aqua aerobics, aqua zumba, distance challenges and water polo. It has been very entertaining and often challenging transferring the skills we have learnt in dance, gymnastics and games into the pool. I like swimming because we play lots of fun games including my vourite water polo! Amanda Sykes Y5 fa-

PE and Clubs

I like swimming because we played lots of fun games such as water polo and we did lots of challenging things Daisy Taylor Y5 I enjoyed pool zumba (dancing in pool) because me and my best friend had to get out of the pool and perform the song Waka Waka, while the rest of the class were in the pool copying us. It was so much fun. Elena Stavropoulos Y5 Plus clubs have been as active as ever including karate, performing arts, Russian, Dutch, swimming, water polo, hip-hop dancing, ballet, zumba, fun clubs, art, gymnastics, yoga and football. They have all been a huge success and have helped in keeping our children happy and active after school. We have also expanded our clubs for adults as we now offer Zumba, fitness training and yoga. These classes have also been very popular. This year has been a massive success for the PE department growing in both its facilities and the activities we offer to children, adults and staff. The children have worked extremely hard in all areas of PE and I am very proud of them all. Well done. Dr Jayne Henaghan Luka Last, Isabel Beck, Melanie Bauling, Ellie Hooper Diana Gusev


Pepe Ribes, Blai Morte, Eric Geafar

Dylan (on the right) during a competition

Excellence in Karate
Year 5 pupil, Dylan Broadhead, became the youngest ever karate student to join the growing list of Washinkai Karate Junior Black belts. Dylan has worked diligently for over 3 years, training up to four times a week with his instructor, Sarah Lakin. His grading consisted of a range of strenuous combinations of kicks and punches, free fighting, kata (or forms) and a series of written questions to test his knowledge of the theory and history of karate. Dylan has been very successful in competitions, winning many trophies both in Spain and in the UK. Congratulations Dylan!


Last year saw the installation of 17 state of the art computers, complete with broadband Internet and large flat screen monitors, into our purpose built ICT facility here in the Junior School. This year things have got even better with the arrival of two extremely large rectangular boxes in early Spring. What could they be? As they had the words For the ICT Department on them everyone knew that they were going to be something really exciting. Soon all was revealed... we had just taken delivery of two immense interactive Smart Boards destined for the Year Six classrooms. A Smart Board is an interactive whiteboard that uses touch -sensitive technology to detect input. So just using a finger, you can control computer programs, write notes, draw images, pull up charts and images, search the Internet, and save your work. A projector connected to the computer displays the computers desktop image on the interactive whiteboard which then acts as a large touch screen. These really are very impressive, as is the speed at which the teachers and children have become adept at using them. All the classes can have access to the Smart Boards at various times during the week. If you get a chance you should come and see the boards in action. We have all come a long way from using blackboards and chalk! The pupils continue to have access to a wide range of computer software including: word processing, multimedia presentations, drawing software, databases and spreadsheets as well as using a wealth of information and web pages available on the Internet in a safe and secure environment. We look forward to next year, hoping to meet the challenges of even more advances in how we teach and use Information Technology in the Junior School. Mrs Sonia Crabb


The Junior School Library continues to be a popular venue for the pupils to meet at break-time and lunchtime. Every Tuesday there is a fun Quiz held at lunch-time, in preparation for the House Championships Cup, which this year is being contested at the end of May. The Chess Club is held every Thursday lunchtime and is run by Charlie Harwood and Quirien Peeters, both Year Six pupils. The Chess Club recently accepted a Draughts challenge from other pupils. The selection of reading material has increased many fold, and includes areas of interest for all ages and both sexes. The number of pupils using the Library has also increased. From Pre-Nursery to Year 6, all pupils are enrolled in the Library and use it regularly. Library assistants are a valuable source of help to the Librarian, Mrs Pearl. They are trained in all aspects of librarianship and often help other students to find what they are looking for. This year the Library assistants are Alexia Silva Year 4, Abena Walker Year 4, Eleise Devine Year 4 and Megan Maclean Year 3. The Library provides an opportunity for the pupils to increase their knowledge by choosing their own library books from a choice of over 5,000 books, Fiction, Non Fiction, English and Spanish. Mrs Jenny Pearl



Alexia Silva, Abena Walker, Eleise Devine, Megan Maclean


Alex Palomar

Quirien Peeters, Bethany Woodroof



Drama Once again, a busy year for our department at the Junior School. In addition to our weekly class lessons where children have been improving their performance technique, exploring relevant issues through drama and preparing for LAMDA exams, we have also had a productive year on stage. After the success of Aladdin last summer, many children were inspired to join our Performing Arts club and together we have produced a performance each term. While the children have really enjoyed the excitement of being on stage, they have also come to appreciate the dedication and self-discipline necessary for any team project an invaluable lesson. Doctor Who Saves Christmas! In the Autumn term the children tackled their first devising task: a script of their own based on the famous Dr.Who series. They researched the style, characterisation and themes of the programme and improvised a multitude of scenes until they finally produced an original piece of theatre, which was enjoyed by the whole school as a Christmas treat. Comic Relief We enjoyed the experience of working alongside the Senior performers in the Spring term in order to raise money for Comic Relief. For their contribution, the children devised a comedy mime sequence, Boring Bob Finds a Job, which highlighted Aidan Marshalls talent as a bit of a Marcel Marceau.

Aladdin - June 2010


Seren Davies

Carmen Salvador Harry Simmonds, Aiden Marshall

Pirates of the Curry Bean The children are currently enjoying rehearsals for a tale of swashbuckling adventure to be performed for the school on the last day of term. It promises to be an entertaining end to the year so Hoist the main sail! Anchors away! And let the fun begin! Mrs Louise Dearden Drama and ESOL

Drama Cont..

Roller coaster!

Left to Right: Alexia Silva, Eleise Devine, Abena Walker

Left to Right: Bradley Smith, Leo Laundon, Ollie Ablitt, Aaron Glencross


The sound of music can be heard loud and clear in the Junior School, with a variety of musical activities taking place throughout the year. In the Autumn term we performed songs and dance at a Halloween day. At Christmas the choir sang carols at various KS2 Christmas performances, but music played a large part in all the presentations from Foundation stage, KS1 and KS2 also. The Junior Band also played traditional Christmas songs. In the Spring Term the Junior School came alive to the sound of music when the first Live Music Event took place. Local musicians gave up their time and their talent voluntarily to allow all the junior school children to experience a variety of music live. These included the Costa Blanca Male Voice Choir who gave a stirring rendition of You Raise Me Up, a Welsh hymn, Llanfair and finally a rousing version of Oh When the Saints go Marching in. Other exciting performers were the Moraira Wind Quartet playing themes from Beatrix Potter; Karen Ferris playing a Vivaldi Sonata on cello; John Anthony on banjo and Christian Pearl and Grahame Shepherd performing pop/jazz melodies. As a finale all the musicians joined with the children to play and sing Hey Baby. The whole event was extremely successful in introducing the children to the sounds of live voices and instruments and both musicians and audience ended the afternoon on a high note! The choir also took part in a concert for Comic Relief at the Secondary School and will, as usual, present some songs for Prize Day in June. The band continues to develop with violin, clarinet and saxophone instrumentalists progressing well. Instrumental teaching continues in school and this year we have been successful in Grade 1 and Grade 2 exams. Mrs Rosie Butson



Back Row: Mrs Clare Mullock Middle Row (Left to Right): Joan Bickham, Monty Knowles, Jamie McCaskie, Eva Basham, Lola Sapena, Freddy Quince, Alice Nice, Molly Ross Wright Front Row (Left to Right): Mrs Vicky MacLachlan, Leonardo Gusev, Maria Arroyo, Declan McGrath, Elena Ivars, Alexander Kolobnev, Hugo Arellano, Daud Moldakhmetov, Benjamin Devenish, Mrs Sue Packham Absent: Marc Wanderlei Machado, Maxim Greenwood, Thomas Llewellyn, Laura Ochoa, Marta Ochoa, Jaylen Sanford, Maylee Gaspar, Charlie Coleman, Ava Ventrella, Beau Wesson, Bertie Westover, Grace White

Pre Nursery - Mrs Clare Mullock Assistants - Mrs Vicky MacLachlan, Mrs Sue Packham


Back Row (Left to Right): Mrs Tina McKenna, Mrs S Middleton Front Row (Left to Right): Divina Sastre, Ruslan Moldakhmetov, David Kolobnev, Aris Mulet, Rafael Castell, Elia Mulet, Hannah Aitken, Louie Arnold, Olivia Boddy, Mason Pugsley Absent: Romy Geis, Vasilisa Puryaeva, Vicente Ivars, Maksim Vorganov, Misha Gurov, Jake Sprosen, Jessie Sprosen

Foundation 1 - Mrs S Middleton Assistant - Mrs Tina McKenna


Back Row (Left to Right): Mrs Sylvia Altamira, Mrs Mandy Marlow Middle Row (Left to Right): Alexander Ilin, Louis Barry Front Row (Left to Right): Carlos Merle Cabrera, Diana Gusev, Winston Dupuis, Alexia Fisher Osborne, Luca Ventrella, Mitja Sorokin, Alvaro Ivars, Tommie Dobinson, Stepan Kolesnikov Absent: Lucia Hooper, Taycia Ladychenco, Ariadna Mestre, David Vachnadze

Foundation 1 - Mrs Mandy Marlow Assistant - Mrs Sylvia Altamira


Back Row (Left to Right): Mrs Jackie Hathaway, Matilda Knowles, Francis Lally, Marco Wijeratne, Carla Bauls Bernal, Andrea Orihuel, Sonny Hudson Allen, Finley Goodyear, George Coleman, Mrs Petra Blackburn Middle Row (Left to Right): Owen Basham (In Front of Mrs Hathaway), Victoria Strebel (In Front of Ms Blackburn) Front Row (Left to Right): Ariana Greenwood, Nacho Zapatero, Carla Miana, Beatriz Masanet, Grace Broadhead, Yasmin Karlsson, Nicoli Maestre, Mireia Cisneros, Salom Martnez Absent: Harrison Berkley , John Taylor Austin, James Twynham

Foundation 2 - Ms Petra Blackburn Assistant - Mrs Jackie Hathaway


Back Row (Left to Right): Luis Springer, Joe Barry, Isabel Eagleton, Mrs Emma Devine, Marc Ricou, Charlie Quince, Joseph Nice Front Row (Left to Right): Liam McGrath, Sheila Tur Butti, Susana Garca, Daniela Muoz, Lily Hasirci, Gleb Kolesnikov, Adrian Pamies, Merel Waardenburg, Rosalie Honing Absent: Paul Collington, Jan Samokhvalov

Year 1 - Mrs Emma Devine


Back Row (Left to Right): Alejandro Bayes, Marisa De la Guia, Tamika Borkowski, Mrs Caroline Smith, Sofia Nadal, Michael Tierra, Dimitry Ilin Front Row (Left to Right): Michael Bernard, Libby Richardson, Pepe Catal, Liam Hopson, Connor Wilson, Felipe Sendra, Aitken Pierce Absent: Stella Geis, Jersie Byford, Maryana Nechay, Anglelica Ladychenko

Year 1 - Mrs Caroline Smith


Back Row (Left to Right): Norris Geafar, Jack Stavropoulos, Blas Bauls, Bernice Van Zutphen, Achille Dupuis, Nicolas Boddy, Frankie Wijeratne, Carlos Karlsson, Sean McConnachie, Mrs Gita McLaughlin Middle Row (In front of Mrs McLaughlin): Emma Cisneros Front Row (Left to Right): Hannah Florence Broadhead, Mar Nadal, Lottie Wesson, Blanca Ferrer, Jake Hopson, Tiare Marin Cockcroft, Justus Honing, Sisia Simons, Sonja Sorokina Absent: Rocco Belatran, Irene Ferrer, Anna Maria Kopylova, Bryce Garnier

Year 2 - Mrs Gita McLaughlin


Back Row (Left to Right): Andrea Vives, Dzhamilya Guseynova, Yasmine Silva, Hugo Gil, Anna Malysheva, Felice Peeters, Matthew Robertson, George Devenish, Brandon Merryweather, Mrs Karen Cobo Front Row (Left to Right): Saul Blanco, Max Davis, Nicolas Montenegro, Roy Jenssen, Roald Jenssen, Claire Strubberg, Tally Jay Buik , Isabel Beck Absent: Thomas Wells, Ruslan Mazhukov, Karina Mazhukova

Year 3 - Mrs Karen Cobo


Back Row (Left to Right): Fjore Last, George Hasirci, Tanja Maccines, Pablo Botella, Juan Poch, Antonio Pamies, Eduardo Sivera, Gabriella Clifford, Mrs Lorna Dann, Middle Row (Left to Right in front of Mrs Dann): Alexander Palomar, Alfie Smith Front Row (Left to Right): Aitana Femenia, Ivan Maestre, Raquel Aparicio, Enrique Dobre, Megan MacLean, Luis Garca, Ellie MacLachlan, Melanie Bauling, Floris Waardenburg Absent: Cheyenne Hansch

Year 3 - Mrs Lorna Dann


Back Row (Left to Right): Eleise Devine, Alicia Orihuel, Juan Sendra, Victor Lpez, Luka Last, Nicolas Bolufer, Alexia Silva, Mrs Jill Brewer Front Row (Left to Right): Miguel Bello Ivars, Alba Vives, Revel Groom, Cesar Miravet, Daniel Vacas, Stella Simons, Carlos Franx, Attila Haueter Absent: Natalie Stanley, Ellie Hooper, Natacha Garnier, Nicolai Sondresen Kvam

Year 4 - Mrs Jill Brewer


Back Row (Left to Right): Matias Ivars, Ivan Ferrer, Floris Schutte, Thomas Schutte, Luca Wijeratne, Alina Moldakhmetova, Olivia Lally, Megan Birch, Mrs Lorna James Middle Row (In Front of Mrs James): Abena Walker Front Row (Left to Right): Pablo Salvador, Jack Richardson, Martijn Van Elste, Max Gray, Bennet Klinger, Antonio Verd, Victor Gallego, Carlotta Braun Absent: Louie Westover, Nika Drozdova

Year 4 - Mrs Lorna James


Back Row (Left to Right): Oliver Faine, Daisy Taylor, Ins Serrat, Vicente Catal, Ethan Hughes, Lola Alvarez, Seren Davies, Tasha Fish, Mrs Rachael Turgoose Front Row (Left to Right): Dorian Calkiewicz, Samuel Silva Bataille, Amanda Skyes, Elena Stavropoulos, Miguel Ferrer, Adriana Lpez, Alice Hobley, Elissa Shafeek, Dylan Broadhead Absent: Carmen Marco , Paula Ferrer, Daniel Chucherko

Year 5 - Mrs Rachael Turgoose


Back Row (Left to Right): Tanisha Gaspar, Aaron Glencross, Laura Shearer, Ollie Ablitt, Guillermo Gil, Louis Curits Middle Row (Left to Right): Bradley Smith, Yekaterina Kolodiy, Olivia Ward, Grace Hopson, Irene Zapatero, Artiom Garanin, Joseph Prez, Mrs Helen Jones Front Row (Left to Right): Bethany Woodroof, Ashley Van Esch, Jaime Gomez, Juan Ivars, Leo Laundon, Miguel Andrada, Francesca McKenna

Year 5 - Mrs Helen Jones


Back Row (Left to Right): Tallulah Beard, Noemi Domenech, Harvey Ward, Laurence Monoukian, Aiden Marshall, Maurits Last, Cristobal Miravet Middle Row (Left to Right): Tegan Lee Buick, Joaquin Bloch, Blai Morte, Oriol Verges, Jonas Oliveto, Nicols Rocher, Mrs Moira Wakeman Front Row (Left to Right): Georg Kolbin, Victoria Murga, Eric Geafar, Charlie Harwood, Beatriz Beltran, Cynthia Castro, Laura Rodriguez Absent: Bethany Locke, Didac Llorens, Ben Stanley

Year 6 - Mrs Moira Wakeman


Back Row (Left to Right): Ricardo Haueter, Daniel Cisneros, Daniel Beck, Robert Almiana, Niko Nalbantoglu, Thomas Davies, Mrs Maxine Lawton Middle Row (Left to Right): Pepe Ribes, Enrique Bloch, Ernesto Ferrando, Quirien Peeters, Cristina Nave, Bradley Carbo, Susana Ferrer Front Row (Left to Right): Noelia MacInnes, Rebecca Gale, Carmen Salvador, Lorena Soler, Manoa Kadoche, Emma Braun, Jennifer Dibley, Veronika Murga Absent: Laura Salas, Harry Simmonds, Nina Sondresen

Year 6 - Mrs Maxine Lawton

XX Jornadas Matemticas
Este ao por primera vez Laude The Lady Elizabeth School, present a un reducido grupo de alumnos de primaria a las Jornadas matemticas que se celebran en la Universidad Politcnica de Valencia cada ao. Este proyecto educativo, Jornada Matemtica Valencia, surgi con el propsito de formar inteligencias, proporcionar los medios para que el razonamiento y capacidades intelectuales alcancen un mximo desarrollo, aplicando nuevas estrategias de tratar las matemticas. A travs de la Jornada Matemtica, el objetivo es que los alumnos disfruten resolviendo situaciones, interpretando el jeroglfico de nmeros y palabras que pueden suponer los problemas. Este ao un total de ms de 1.700 alumnos de la Comunidad Valenciana, Murcia y Madrid, se presentaron a la competicin. Siete de nuestros alumnos consiguieron el certificado de la I Fase: Victoria y Vernica Murga, Ernest Ferrando, Pepe Ribes, de Year 6 y Juan Fernado Sendra, Alicia Orihuel y Alexia Silva de Year 4. Miguel Bello de Year 4, consigui el certificado de la II Fase. Victor Gallego consigui pasar la I y II Fase y consigui un 4 premio (Zona 15) en la final. Obtuvo su medalla en la entrega de premios que se celebr el pasado 19 de Mayo en el Palau de la Msica de Valencia con la asistencia de un gran pblico y numerosas personalidades.


Muchas Felicidades a todos! y esperamos que el prximo ao adems de ellos se animen muchos ms a participar. Pepa Ivars Directora de Relaciones Externas

Friends of Lady Elizabeth School are our dedicated group of parents who throughout the year organise fun events to raise money which enables them to purchase items for the Junior and Senior School.

FOLES - Friends of Lady Elizabeth School

Friends of Lady Elizabeth School

The Christmas Ball, at the Marriott Hotel, was once again a huge success and well attended by parents from both Schools. The Easter Fair, held at the Junior School, proved to be a very enjoyable day with over 30 stalls selling a wide variety of goods along with many entertaining games, including the Crossbar Challenge which was very popular with both adults and children. Over 1500 Euros was raised.

FOLES provided funding for the transport for the Year 11 Prom

This year the FOLES have bought new football goals for the Junior School, footballs for both Schools, water for sports day, transport for the Sixth Form Ball and the Year 11 Prom and a cooker and baking equipment for the Junior School. They also provided Pre-nursery with equipment for their sensory area such as colourful lights and torches, mobiles, cushions and feely books. All of the students and staff would like to thank the members of FOLES for all of their hard work!

FOLES provided Pre-nursery with equipment for their sensory area. New Goalposts for the Junior School Water for Sports Day


FOLES provided funding for the transport for the 6th Form Ball

La Seccin Espaola Senior School

Estudiar en un centro docente extranjero en Espaa no slo es una cuestin de idiomas; proporciona unos conocimientos lingsticos, culturales y sociales de Espaa y del pas cuyo currculum se sigue. Las familias espaolas comienzan a demandar estas enseanzas para sus hijos, impulsadas generalmente por el atractivo que supone el iniciarlos en una lengua extranjera desde edades muy tempranas y desarrollarse en un ambiente multicultural. Desde junio del 2000, fecha en la que nuestra primera estudiante espaola accedi a la universidad espaola por medio del examen de Selectividad, hasta hoy, el nmero de alumnos que ha optado por seguir la Seccin Espaola, y por consiguiente, obtener tanto el ttulo de Graduado en Educacin Secundaria como el de Bachiller, ha ido creciendo ao tras ao. Estoy muy orgullosa de todos ellos; creo y confo en que lograrn alcanzar sus metas. La Seccin Espaola cuenta con tres asignaturas obligatorias y requeridas por Ley hasta Year 11 (4 ESO) para poder pedir la al Ttulo de homologacin Graduado en Educacin Secundaria. En VI Form (Bachillerato), ofrecemos asignaturas de las distintas vas impartidas en castellano para la preparacin a la prueba de la Fase Especfica para acceder a la Universidad Espaola. Las fotos y artculos presentes representan algunas asignaturas y cursos. Sra Josefa Trivio (Directora Tcnica)
(J. Trivio)

La Seccin Espaola

(J.Trivio) 16

















30 25 20 15 10 5 0
1999- 2000- 2001- 2002- 2003- 2004- 2005- 2006- 2007- 2008- 2009- 20102000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 total alumnos espaoles otras nacionalidades




Year 8

La Seccin Espaola Senior School

1 ESO (Y8) Como estamos estudiando las primeras civilizaciones, los alumnos han hecho murales referentes al Zigurat o pueblo agrcola para que tomen conciencia de cmo era posible construir grandes y bellos edificios, a pesar de los medios que tenan, y de cmo se viva en aquella poca. Year 9

2 ESO (Y9) En este curso los alumnos han estado conociendo todos los aspectos polticos, econmicos, artsticos de la Edad Media, hicieron unos murales sobre las partes del feudo, la sociedad estamental, el funcionamiento de un monasterio, las ciudades y los castillos. 2 Bachillerato (Y13) Fernndez, una Susana alumna de 2 de Bachillerato, ha hecho una presentacin en PowerPoint como trabajo final de curso sobre la Historia del Arte que incluye desde la descripcin de qu es el arte, pasando por el arte antiguo, continuando con el medieval, moderno para finalizar con el arte contemporneo. Se trata de un trabajo que nos permite contemplar los aspectos ms importantes de cada poca y las diferentes formas artsticas. Esta pgina es un ejemplo de su excelente trabajo. Srta Teresa Soler

Se iniciaron en 1905 en Paris, Alemania, Austria, Rusia, Suiza, Holanda y Nueva York. Debido a la Primera Guerra Mundial, se relaja la moral, las costumbres y aparecen nuevas modas, la mujer tiene un nuevo papel en la sociedad, caen los grandes imperios y se remoldan las fronteras europeas, llegada del marxismo y aparece Estados Unidos Caractersticas: como nueva potencia poltico-militar.
Son todos los movimientos creativos, entre 1905-1945, que cuestionaban lo tradicional y acadmico, buscaban la provocacin sistemtica y experimentaban con el arte. Se acepto la libertad de composicin y de interpretacin, pues a veces no haban referentes anteriores, destruyendo los convencionalismos. Organicismo: Casa Kaufmann (1935-1939) de Frank Lloyd Wright Funcionalismo: Pabelln de la Republica de la Exposicin Internacional de Paris (1937) de Josep Llus Sert Arquitectura: Movimiento Moderno: culto a la maquina que marco la arquitectura y la planificacin urbanstica. Funcionalismo: corriente que tiene como mxima la forma sigue a la funcin. Presenta formas tcnicas Expresionismo: parecidas a las maquinas y se adapta a unos Pabelln de cristal planteamientos higienistas, encaminados a proporcionar (1913) de Bruno Taut la iluminacin, ventilacin y orientacin. Organicismo: derivada del Funcionalismo, por eso los planteamientos se parecen. Se encontr el peligro al racionalismo fri y se buscaron soluciones como una arquitectura funcional pero de carcter orgnico. Arquitectura de Vanguardia: proyeccin arquitectnica de edificios de esttica muy personal, recreando las estticas pictricas. Neoplasticismo: clara influencia del funcionalismo, formas geomtricas, colores blancos y grisceos, cromatismo primario y se busca crear un Neoplasticismo: espacio abierto con una planta libre de soportes. Casa Schroder (1924) Expresionismo: se recupera la visin utpica, por lo que de Gerrit Rietveld muchos modelos no se llegaron a construir.

Primeras Vanguardias


Movimiento Moderno: Fbrica Fargus (1910-1911) de Walter Gropius y Adolf Meyer.

La Seccin Espaola Senior School

Los alumnos de 6 de primaria de la Seccin Espaola, durante este 2 trimestre han seguido un plan de lectura guiada, con el libro: Un Genio en la tele para la asignatura de Lengua castellana. Ellos mismos se han convertido en "genios" ya que han realizado diferentes proyectos para exponer el trabajo exigido para la evaluacin. Estos proyectos han estado basados en el estudio del libro, pero bajo el concepto de la originalidad, convirtindose ellos mismos en periodistas a la hora de mostrar sus trabajos. Ha sido un nuevo reto que los estudiantes han adoptado con ilusin y entusiasmo . Srta Rosa Martnez Year 7 Genios de la lectura

Genios de la Lectura

Departamento de Orientacin
El Departamento de orientacin est compuesto por Inma Ferri y su trabajo est dirigido al alumnado de la seccin espaola y a sus familias. El objetivo principal es contribuir a la mejora de la calidad de la educacin. Para ello se han desarrollado diferentes planes de actuacin: Un plan de atencin a la diversidad dirigido al apoyo de alumnos con necesidades especficas de apoyo educativo. Estos alumnos han sido evaluados y reciben clases de apoyo para trabajar los objetivos programados en beneficio de su progreso acadmico. Un plan de orientacin acadmico profesional. Estas actuaciones estn Uno de los das de la realizacin de la Fase dirigidas para facilitar al alumnado la Especfica toma de decisiones sobre su futuro acadmico y profesional y orientarles en la eleccin de estudios, acceso, universidades, centros de formacin,.. que van a tener que realizar en los prximos aos. Las lneas de actuacin son: Charlas informativas a lo largo del curso. Consultas personalizadas para ayudarles resolver cualquier duda de manera individual. Contacto con universidades. Inma Ferri Pedagoga


Excellence in English
Students in the English Department have achieved significant successes this year. Notably Polly India TaylorPullen attained two Cambridge Outstanding Achiever Awards for International Examinations. Indeed, Polly was awarded Top in Spain for AS English Language and A Level English Literature. She was elated when given the news and attended a special assembly on 4 th May to collect her prestigious awards.

Secondary and Sixth Form

Continuing in this celebratory tone, Danielle Feesey is the Polly Taylor-Pullen (Top in Spain for English overall winner of the Delibes Category in Laudes Annual Language and Literature) and Dr Lorraine Morris Essay Competition. Her composition, Forgotten Music, was placed first out of all of the LAUDE Schools and movingly explores the life of a concert pianist. Emma Blackburn attained third prize with her essay Dedication, writing about an Oxford interview in a skilfully handled narrativ e with a twist in the dnouement. Inspiring and cultivating creativity is at This the heart of English Studies. academic year students have written many outstanding assignments. Ashley Robertson, Year 7, demonstrated ingenuity with his five day diary which was written on a metre long piece of driftwood and explored the experiences of a shipwrecked sailor. Lottie Stone and Ellie May Siddall, Year 8, are two promising stars who write imaginatively with a superb command of language and imagery. In Year 9, Sebastian Croizats analyses of literary texts augurs extremely well for IGCSE. An outstanding student in Year 10 is Krish Hook; his discursive essay on ameliorating the world is compellingly persuasive. Three current examinees in Year 11, Natasha Lakin, Michael Hopkinson and Garry Caprani, excel in Language and Literature. Paloma Martnez, who is studying Literature in a foreign language, continually attains high grades. It is a privilege and honour to work with such talented and creative individuals. From Left to Right: Year 11 Students, Michael Hopkinson, Natasha Lakin, Paloma Martnez and Garry Caprani, excelling in English Language and Literature. Dr. Lorraine Morris Head of Department

Extract from Forgotten Music

I sit down with an air of grace and hear the hushed chatter of the excited audience. . . My fingers glide over the delicate notes with fluidity and ease, starting out quietly and hesitantly and then reaching a sweet crescendo. . . The piece depicts my relationship with my beloved husband, a meaningful melody to end my career. . .I realise true happiness is achieved by helping those you deeply adore and admire. Danielle Feesey

Danielle Feesey (1st Prize LAUDEs annual essay competition) Dr Lorraine Morris and Emma Blackburn (3rd Prize LAUDEs annual essay competition)


Science Department
One of the most rewarding experiences for a Science teacher is watching a new pupil participating in their first science experiment. For most of our new pupils who have transferred from another school in Spain, it can prove an exciting event as they pop their first testtube of hydrogen, but practical work for all of our students is a regular aspect of their Science lessons. This is because they dont just learn Science, they do Science.

Sam Jackson Year 10 Physics

Secondary and Sixth Form

The most important part, of course, is that everyone works safely in a healthy environment and to this end the school has invested in improving the facilities within the Science Department. Chemicals are now secured in a well-ventilated store and the first phase of upgrading the utilities within the laboratories has been completed. However, we must not forget that none of this would be possible without the support of an experienced Science Technician. Maria Thurston, who manages the resources of the department, provides students and teachers with a constant supply of the necessary chemicals and apparatus and also ensures that everything is cleaned and stored away safely. Year 7 Science

Not all topics lend themselves to first hand investigations, so Year 7 pupils demonstrated their learning about the Solar System with this excellent display work. When last years A level scientist, Eline Kvalheim, took up her place at Oxford University to study Chemistry, it reminded our sixth form students that an education in Science at Laude Lady Elizabeth could take them to one of the top universities in the world. Credit must be given to her Chemistry teacher, Mike Colville, who enables his students to complete the practical assessments which are worth 20% of their final grade. Billy Mold and Charlotte Burnham Stevens in Year 13 are shown carrying out the preparation of Billy Mold and Charlotte aspirin. Billy plans to study Bio Burnham-Stevens Year 13 Medicine at university and Charlotte Chemistry has been offered a place at Edinburgh to study Anthropology. In last years examinations, Charlotte gained the top score in Spain for her IGCSE Chemistry result after studying the subject for just one year. She was joined at the Awards ceremony by Joshua Stone who gained the top score in Spain for his Physics IGCSE, while A and A* grades were obtained by a further 48 of last years IGCSE Science candidates. Their Science teachers are delighted that almost half of their students gained these top marks. Well done to everyone! Mrs Sylvia Jarvis Head of Science


Mathematics Department
Last summer the members of the Mathematics department were excited about the new interactive whiteboards that we were to receive in September. After a visit to a school in the UK to see how technology can enhance Mathematics in teaching, the Key Stage 3 scheme of work was revised and a new one introduced. Pupils now have their text books in a CD ROM. From Year 7 to A, level students have access to the widely acclaimed MyMaths program. They are encouraged to follow online lessons at home with their parents as well. There are games too on the website that encourage learning by having fun. Mrs Jean Telfer and Elisabeth Lindberg

Information Technology
Carlos Gallego Year 11

Secondary and Sixth Form

Key Stage 3 ICT students have been further developing their skills in numerous applications such as: Word Processing, Desktop Publishing, presentations, Web Design, Spreadsheets and Databases. The main objective is to familiarise themselves with the rapid change in technology. Whilst Year 11 are thempreparing Beatriz Mas Year 11 selves for exams and in the process of finishing the course, Year 10 students are facing a new challenge due to the changes in the syllabus. The aim of the new course is still very practically orientated, however, they are now given a more comprehensive task to be completed over the two year period where they are able to apply the skills they learn to a real life situation. The new syllabus has been updated in order to keep abreast of the times and the students deal with topics such as: social networks, mobile communications and other aspects of new technologies. Years 12 and 13 have steadily made an excellent progress during the year and they are now facing the arduous task of completing a10 hour exam. They have also developed an insight into the skills needed to Arantxa Rossi Year 11 manage ICT projects. Sr Santiago Altamira

After some training, we soon came to the conclusion that all classes should have the opportunity of having at least one lesson a week in which some of the software packages could be used as a tool to enhance learning. We are now looking forward to analysing the results at the end of the year to see if these new tools will make a difference to students exam marks. We are optimistic that our Key Stage 4 and Sixth Form students can emulate the success of Stephanie Wybrow who received an award for the Best Further Mathematics result in Spain last year and Pollyanna Smith-Cohen who was awarded a certificate for Top in the World in GCSE Mathematics. Mrs Maria Wickman Head of Mathematics Department Stephanie Whybrow Pollyanna Smith-Cohen


Following on from last years successes, the department has continued to grow, with even more pupils taking up History and Geography at GCSE and A Level. History, Geography and Psychology remain popular and successful. Particular mention should be given to Polly Taylor Pullen in her outstanding achievement in consolidating her success at AS Level to achieve an A* at History A2 along with being the Top in Spain for this subject. Whilst in Psychology, Joe Wilkinson matched this, through sheer determination and hard work, and attained an A* at A2. Hannah Ogilvie and Alex Oak-Rhind both achieved As. This was all the more pleasing as the full A Level was achieved in one year. In AS Geography three pupils attained A in the International Cambridge Examinations and are working hard to equal this in their final examinations this year. Once again a group of Year 8 pupils are going to Tabaca for a field study day. Meanwhile the Year 10 Geography group will carry out their GCSE coursework at Font dAgar and Guadalest, investigating tourist honeypot sites. Year 7 Humanities: Elysha Fish Studying Contour Lines

Year 10 Geography Map Reading: Sam Turner, Kevin Calkiewicz and Krish Hook

Secondary and Sixth Form

We are looking forward to a new year when we are planning to take a GCSE and A Level group, along with Biology students to the Gredos Mountains in the centre of Spain, for a week long fieldwork experience collecting data relevant to their examination studies. This will include river, glacial and settlement studies, environmental studies for the Biologists and visiting historical sites around Madrid. These are exciting times for the Humanities Department. Mr Nathan Lord, Head of Department

We have had another successful year in Child Development. All of the pupils completed excellent research and supporting experiments relating to their chosen investigations. These investigations included the different types of nappies available to parents and the advantages and disadvantages of disposable versus cloth, the ill effects of smoking during pregnancy and other key factors relating to

Child Development

GCSE Child Development 2010-2011 a healthy pregnancy, the eating habits of children and the benefits of a healthy diet during all stages of development. Other topics researched were Down Syndrome children and the effects of sugars and different foods on childrens teeth. All students worked extremely hard and the finished projects were of a very high standard. Priscila Alvarez: Investigating the effects of smoking.
Anastasia Strygina, Laura Brown and Beatriz Mas: Studying the effects of different foods on childrens teeth.


One of the major highlights of the year has to be with Faye Hughes achieving the Top in the World award from the Cambridge Examination Board for her Child Development examination. Mrs Kate Armstrong, Child Development Teacher

ESL Department
The English as a Second Language Department has enjoyed another busy year. Mrs Gaughan and myself have been preparing Year 11 and some of the 6th formers for their IGCSE in ESL. We teach every year group throughout the KS3 and KS4, starting from absolute beginner level right up to the Cambridge Proficiency exam level. This year we are entering 32 candidates for a very wide range of levels, between KET (A1) and proficiency (C2). Going the Extra Mile. No not a marathon this time! 18 students who study English as a Second Language, between the ages of 13 and 16 were invited by the local Cambridge Exam Centre to do a Trial First Certificate examinations. This was to help the University of Cambridge establish a level of quality and standard for the ESOL (English for Speakers of other Languages) examinations, exams that are recognised internationally. The students gave up their Saturday to participate in the examination trial and we would like to thank all of those who took part. It was a good opportunity for the students to practise exam techniques. Mrs June Stone Head of ESL Department Students who participated in the Trial Cambridge Examination

Secondary and Sixth Form

Food from Around the World

This term Year 10 have embarked on a project which culminated in a mini -feast. The first stage of the project had Year 10 splitting up into pairs and deciding which countrys cuisine they were going to work on. Their choices spanned the World, including such countries as Bolivia, France and the Emirates. They then went on to do their research using both the internet and the facilities offered by our library. Once they had completed their research, written up the text and chose the photographs they were going to use, they produced a poster with all the information. This was followed by an oral presentation of the work done.

Carolina Chao Fuster, Magnus Magnusson and Sebastian Van Baars

The final stage of the project had the students bring in food from the country they had studied to share with the rest of the class. This allowed the group to sample food from as far afield as China, India, Mexico and Russia. A resounding success whereby they learnt something, tasted some delicious food and ended up with a full stomach! Mrs Pilar Gaughan ESL Teacher Year 10 ESL - Celebrating Food from Around the World


The Modern Languages Department uses interesting methods of teaching to develop enjoyment in the learning and also teaching of languages. Food is an important part of a nations culture, and Srta Catal (Spanish) and Madame Ronda (French) recently combined languages and cooking to prepare an edible lesson of cocas and crpes.

Modern Languages

Joseph Wright Yr 9 Cooking crpes in French

Year 10 French

GCSE French students enjoyed variation to their normal lessons when they put on a very entertaining fashion show - Paris style. Cross curricular methods were adopted for German classes and Year 8 students showed their acting talents during role plays where they demonstrated their knowledge of the German language whilst having a lot of fun. We have all enjoyed a great year! Sra Censi Navarro

Modern Foreign Languages

MFL Spanish

Jack Devenish, Srta Catal, Karolina Volkova, Nicholas Cannon and Scott Stephens Yr 7 Spanish class

In year 7 Spanish, we have gone through the topic FOOD AND EATING HABITS, learning voacabulary and structures and specific texts such as; how to write a recipe. After having finishing the topic, we decided to put the theory into practice by baking some typical Spanish food, COCAS, which are similar to little pizzas with vegetables on the top.

Year 7 MFL Spanish


The students enjoyed baking the cocas and afterwards eating them. Languages can also be fun!!! Srta. nglea Catal

MFL French

Modern Foreign Languages

Students have a range of different activities in their first taster years of French. Year 7s start by meeting and greeting, learning to talk about themselves, their families and their homes and then they enjoy producing a class-display about their pets and favourite animals. They also learn the basics about F rench cult ure and geography. Year 7 study the four areas of the language, (reading, listening, speaking and writing) through pair work, IT, group projects and individual tasks. Intressant, non? Yr 9 Cooking crpes in French

Y ear 8s continue gaini ng knowledge about French culture as they study specialist dates and festivals in France. They also learn to talk about the weather and the seasons, school and their daily routines. They practise giving directions and asking for tourist information, ready for that family holiday in France! Their whole class project is about leisure activities and weekends. Once in Year 9, students begin consolidating their knowledge ready for their GCSE years. They do projects on their holidays or their town and region but also gain practical knowledge all about shopping! Cest chic, nest -ce pas?! Year 10 French Students Fashion show - Paris style! GCSE French continues to develop language skills that are learnt during Key Stage 3 and advances the students to the next level. This years GCSE group enjoyed putting on a very stylish French Fashion Show. As part of the project they were required to describe clothing and fashion, design a catalogue and prepare a power-point presentation. Madame Claire Post and Madame Cristina Ronda

Introducing the wonderful display work of the Year 12 AS French class, covering all the sub-topics under 'Youth Culture and Concerns'. The AS French class covers a wide range of fun and challenging topics. The work is difficult, but is worth it and is always a pleasure to learn under the guidance of the French teacher. Je vous prsente le travail de la classe de AS Franais des lves de Premire. Il montre tous les sous thmes de 'Youth Culture and Concerns'. Les classes sont difficiles, mais avec l'aide du professeur de Franais, c'est toujours un plaisir d'apprendre. Joe Staton Year 11 Student studying A Level French

A Level French

A Level French Students


Last year saw the first LES pupils taking Russian exams, achieving A and A* grades at A Level. This year, there were candidates for both A Level and GCSE, including a number of external candidates. We hope all pupils will achieve similar success to last year. Mr Philip Baldwin Russian Teacher


MFL German

Year 8 German Class Using Drama Skills to demonstrate a Doctor (Cameron Curtis) Patient (Edward LaFrenais) scenario

Modern Foreign Languages

Year 8 MFL German students have been learning about body parts and health issues and by utilising their drama skills had a lot of fun acting out and videoing different doctor/ patient scenarios. (Below are some of the examples of phrases used) What is wrong with you? Was ist los mit dir? Mein Knie tut weh! My knee hurts! Ich kann nicht tanzen. I cannot dance. Year 7 MFL German students have been learning how to describe different looks and practicing giving a detail of someones character. I have green eyes. Ich habe grne Augen. I have blond hair. Ich habe blonde Haare. My mother has long straight black hair. Meine Mutter hat lange, glatte, blonde Haare. She is very intelligent! Sie ist sehr inteligent! Year 10 First Language German and their Metamorphosis display

Year 7 Students

Year 10 First language German learned about different writing styles: These skills included discursive and argumentative essays as well as narrative and descriptive writing skills. They are also beginning to learn summarizing techniques. In this picture however, students display their creative writing work. They were required to describe and illustrate the progress of the metamorphosis including all five senses whilst slowly converting into a part of the nature.

First Language German


The results were varied and original. Frau Brown

Top Results

Following last years outstanding achievements by six Lady Elizabeth pupils, where five achieved the Top Marks in Spain in subjects offered by Cambridge International Examinations, and one the Top Mark in the World, another twelve pupils have excelled in this years awards with Cambridge International Examinations and Edexcel Examinations. The following is a list of the recipients of this years awards:

On Top of the World

A Level Art IGCSE Child Development Top In World Top In World Top In Spain Top In Spain Top In Spain Highly Commended Tara McInerney Faye Hughes Polly Taylor-Pullen Polly Taylor-Pullen Jo Wilkinson Marco Manic

Secondary and Sixth Form

AS English Language A Level English Literature A Level Business Studies A Level Business Studies

IGCSE Mathematics IGCSE Spanish IGCSE Spanish IGCSE Spanish IGCSE Chemistry A Level Further Mathematics IGCSE Physics A Level History Top In World Joint Top In World Joint Top In World Joint Top In World Top In Spain Top In Spain Top In Spain Top In Spain Polly Cohen Jessica Such-Devine Phoebe McCrae Natalie Perez Charlotte Burnham-Stevens Stephanie Whybrow Joshua Stone Polly Taylor Pullen

Tara McInerney Top in the World - Art

The above pupils have worked in synergy with many members of staff over a number of years at The Lady Elizabeth School and can now enjoy the success of their considerable commitment to their studies. They are indeed an inspiration for those who will follow. I should mention that pupils attending the School do also attempt external examinations through AQA and OCR examination boards. These boards do not offer awards as yet, but the efforts and successes enjoyed by the pupils must be recognized as equal amounts of work are invested in these areas of study. Preparation is the Key, and I commend the excellent work undertaken by pupils and members of staff in all departments of the School. Heres to the future! Richard Wijeratne Headmaster


Design and Technology Senior School
pieces of work which were painstakingly produced whilst they were completing A Level. The calibre and diversity of the paintings was extraordinary and enjoyed by everyone who attended the opening. The exhibition housed art work from Estefana Ash-Coulter, who has gone onto study art in Altea, Robert Gray, Tobias Laube, Louisa Stone Wakeman. and Anthony students All of these received an A for A Level Art. The second exhibition exhibited paintings from last years A Level students, Sophie Bonaventure, Saadia Hipkiss, Marko Jukic, Dasha Lesnaya, Tara McInerney, Faye Mitchell and Michael Rawle. The opening night was once again a success portraying the wonderful talent of these students, all of them who are pursuing a career in art. We are looking forward to the exhibitions becoming an annual event. Thank you to everyone who helped to make the art show possible and we would especially like to congratulate the students for their hard work and effort to produce such great work. Mr Paul Noble

James Shaw - Work in Progress

Amelia Denty - GCSE Art 2010 Portrait of Brother, Oliver

Marco Jukic - A Level Art 2010 Portrait of Father Reading The success of our Art students once again continues with more fantastic results at GCSE and A Level. The quality and variety of the work produced is excellent. Tara McInerney was rewarded for her excellence in Art when she was awarded Top in the World in her Cambridge A Level examination. We were delighted this year to introduce the Schools inaugural Art Exhibition. At the opening evening on Friday 4 February at the Museo Arqueolgico y Etnogrfico in students from Javea, five talented art recent years were proud to display their

Josh Stone - GCSE Art 2010 The Krakens Fury


Design and Technology Senior School


Creativity, challenge and fun inspire the students within Textiles to produce a wide variety of pieces. Students work with inspiration, creating exciting patchworks in Year 7. Imaginative and very individual work is designed in Year 8 resulting in unique hand painted textile panels. The Year 9 pupils enjoy exploring a wide variety of materials and techniques to further develop their skills. They source information and designs, collect and draw images to reflect personal choice then translate their images into a design. They learn the art of pattern cutting to create an experimental textile work using cotton, felt, velvet, finishing fabrics, silk etc. Other materials are included such as sequins, buttons, beads, feathers, metallic pens, ribbon to add further texture and interest.

Socrates Lozano Pons Year 7 Patchwork


Farah Smolders Year 9 World Textiles Competition

We are happy to have entered the work of two Year 9 students, Farah Smolders and Omayma Boussejda, for the VI International Biennial of Contemporary Textile Art. The venue is the Centro de las Artes de San Agustin, in Etla, Mexico. The purpose is to link people from around the world in a sole textile activity as a means of connecting creative beings on the face of the Earth, all breathing the same element, AIR. The grand opening of the salon for Collaborative Textile Art is May 28, 2011 until July 28, 2011. Bronwyn Cayley Textile and English Teacher

World Textiles Competition

Design and Technology Senior School

Food Science
Food Science Exam Year 7 Food Science students have enjoyed the challenge of experimenting with a variety of different dishes in the Food Science room. For some of them it may have been the first time in a kitchen, however, it certainly didnt show in the beautifully presented and very tasty fruit salads, crumbles, potato bakes and other dishes which were all prepared to a high standard. Food Science Exam

Christmas Cake Competition Luke Packham, Joseph Wright, Hannah Waite

Food Science Exam Year 8 and Year 9 have continued developing their cooking skills and as part of the course were required to complete a practical examination. The variety, effort and imagination that they applied to both the table settings and the food was excellent and very professional. The Christmas Cake Decorating Competition was once again a huge success with students from Year 7, 8 and 9 participating. The quality of the cakes made the judging extremely difficult for local restaurateurs, David and Vicky Reeley. Mrs Dodd is delighted to have introduced basic cooking classes to 6th form students. The classes are designed to teach the students how to prepare some easy and healthy meals for when they are in university. The sessions have proved to be very popular! 13 students entered IGCSE Food and Nutrition this year and nervously, but with great enthusiasm and motivation, worked hard at their two and a half hour practical examinations to complete dishes of an exceptionally high standard. The practical element constitutes 50% of their overall mark and now all are studying for the forthcoming theory paper. We wish them the very best of luck. Mrs Gail Thomas and Mrs Wendy Dodd


Performing Arts
Sophie Prideaux Kayleigh Franks

Performing Arts Secondary

COMIC RELIEF The Comic Relief show in March raised well over 1000 Euros for the charity and was huge fun for both the performers and the audience alike. We were also delighted to welcome Jack Bradley back to host the show. Jack left LES in 2005 to pursue a degree in music and media management. Emilia Galvani, Mr Kevin Whybrow, Eleanor Knowles

Elysha Fish and Jack Bradley

Ciara Morris

Thursday, 24th of March 2011 saw our theatre bursting with energy and audience numbers and raised an astonishing 1,400 euros for Comic Relief. The Variety show, held in the school theatre, was oozing with two hours of amazing performances, from the teachers hilarious evolution of dance stunt, to showcasing the talents of the schools excellent student body. One of the highlights of the night, definitely had to be that of Sophie Prideaux, whose act blew the audience away with her portrayal of a young girl singing Party Dress and most definitely had everyone in fits of giggles. Another highlight was the choir, who sang numerous different songs, from popular songs like Viva La Vida by Coldplay to classics such as Ill be There by The Jackson 5, and Pride by U2. The event was planned by the year 12 Performing Arts team as part of their A level studies and we can all agree that the show was a major success in terms of planning and artistic direction. It was definitely a highlight of our school year here at Laude The Lady Elizabeth School and we are sure it was one of the audiences too! Emma Edmondson Year 12 Performing Arts Student


Mrs Suzanne Millington, Mr Bryan ForrestCharde


Miss Lauren Hay, Mrs Aileen Lightfoot

Liberty Glister, Michael Hogg

Performing Arts

Lamda Students

Performing Arts Secondary

This years LAMDA results have surpassed all previous years with students from all ages and levels working extremely hard and being rewarded with exceedingly good results. Students from key stage 3 took exams in the speaking of verse and prose, spoken English and reading for performance whilst Performing arts students in KS 4 and 5 concentrated on acting, musical theatre and public speaking exams at medal standard which appoints UCAS points towards entry into university worthy of up to 65 UCAS points at Grade 8 level.


Demi Hobbs during her performance in the Pantomime, Cinderella

Pollyanna Cohen Year 12 Doing Something Funny for Money, Comic Relief

Particular mention should go to Pollyanna Cohen who achieved a Gold medal in both acting and Verse and Prose with distinction. Demi Hobbs achieved distinctions at Gold medal in both acting and musical theatre and Michael Hopkinson achieved a high distinction for public speaking silver medal. Congratulations also go to Tatiana Nesterenko for 92% Verse and Prose grade 3 and Franx Verse and Prose grade 4 - 91%.



Secondary and Sixth Form

The choir have had a very successful school year performing in many venues, singing in different styles and building a select repertoire for all occasions. We began by singing at the British Legion Remembrance service in Javea in November. The choir sang Bring Him Home from Les Miserables and We are the World and were applauded by the congregation for our moving performance. Members of the choir were specially invited to sing as the childrens choir for Footlights production of Joseph in the autumn. They performed in three different venues culminating in a final show at Benidorm Palace. For our Christmas celebration we headed up to the Jazz and Blues bar at the Marriott Hotel and presented an evening of carols and readings which was a very special start to many a family Christmas. We were delighted to perform at the annual congress of the National Association of British Schools in Spain in March. The choir presented a 20 minute programme at the cocktail reception at the Melia Hotel in Alicante. We will finish the year once again at the Marriott for prize day where we will be singing Bridge over Troubled water to open the event. Mrs Suzanne Millington Head of Performing Arts


Mrs Carol Webster, Mr Adam King and Mrs Suzanne Millington, Careers Fair 2010

It has been an exciting year in the Careers Department this year and I would like to thank all the parents, students and staff who have been so supportive in helping me develop this important area of the school curriculum over the last few months in my first year as Head of Careers.

Secondary and Sixth Form

The year started with a new innovation our first Careers Fair. This was aimed primarily at students in Years 9 & 11, the two years when important subject and career choices need to be made. Professionals from a range of career areas were invited into the school to do short presentations to small groups of students, not just focusing on their particular career area but also on the more general aspects of what the world of work is all about. The students were able to attend 4 different talks over the afternoon, armed with their Passport to Success where they could record notes, and there was a great deal of interest and involvement in the sessions. The visiting delegates were very impressed by our students and the whole event has helped us create even stronger links with the Rebecca Marshall, Year 13, and local community. Again a very big thank you to Mr Andy Headford, Mock Interview all who took part and made it all such a big success! As I write, our Year 10 students are getting set to go out of school for a week of work experience. This annual event gives them the chance to experience the world of work at first hand and will help them make some important career decisions, as well as teaching them new skills. The range of work placements this year is even more varied than in previous years, ranging from national newspapers, to major food companies and British Aerospace! In addition to these larger focus events there are a number of other on-going services we provide in the Careers Department, including individual careers interviews, mock job interviews, a careers noticeboard, and careers testing (using the Cambridge Aptitude Tests). I am always happy to see students and parents to help with Careers advice and appointments can be made via the school office. Andy Headford, Head of Careers Back Row (Left to Right): Mr Andy Headford, Mr Russell Hollingworth, Mrs Carol Webster, Mr Noel Eastwell, Mrs Louise Stone, Mr Mark Broadhead, Mr Rob Croizat and Mr Andy Stammers Front Row (Left to Right): Mrs Bronwyn Cayley, Mrs Denise Sanderson, Assistant to Mrs Sanderson, Mr Adam King and Mrs Suzanne Millington

Delegates: Careers Fair



Natasha Lakin

Felipe Bayona

Supporting Charities

Abseiling for Charity

Mr Richard Wijeratne, along with 19 students from the Leos Club and the 6 th Form had an adventurous afternoon in Llber when they abseiled down a mountain face to raise money for local childrens cancer charity, Aspanion. They showed no fear as they bravely walked backwards off the ledge and made their way confidently down the sheer rock face eventually reaching the bottom of the cliff where they could relax and watch their friends. Fifteen other adults, including three dressed as clowns, from local communities, joined the students in the abseiling event. The atmosphere was brilliant with both the participants and the spectators being very supportive and encouraging. Over 11 000 Euros was raised for the charity and everyone should be congratulated for their marvellous efforts. Apart from the abseiling event, the Leos have continued to work tirelessly this year to help many charities, both nationally and internationally. Cake stalls, raffles, Christmas Fayre stalls and many other successful money-raising activities have been carried out with the funds being used to help local primary schools to purchase equipment they would otherwise go without, pensioners and families in need in the Jaln Valley and the children from Emaus. Well done once again to this responsible group of volunteers for their great efforts. Mr Ian Goodwill Leos Coordinator Dasha Lesnaya, Holly Nicholson, Coral Butterworth

Laura Born


(Chatsworth House)
Year 7 Students on Sports Day (From left to right): Karolina Volkova, Simone Somers, Tatiana Nesterenko and Lauren Glencross - modelling the new House T-shirts

Green House

Harry Phillpott Year 8

House System

Green Houses big idea this year was House T-Shirts. As can be seen from the photos on these pages, the brightly coloured T-shirts, with a logo designed by House Captain Vanessa Walters, made Sports Day a colourful event. The idea was to allow the pupils to identify more visibly with their Houses at inter-house sporting events, and to raise money for charity - both aims were achieved with success. It is hoped that all pupils will have bought a House T-shirt by next years Sports Day, including pupils in the Junior School. Some of our pupils participated in a sponsored walk of the famous 6000 step Barranc de LInfern - two of them raised well over 199 Euros each. Green House has supported the international environmental charity Cool Earth for some years. The House representatives feel that it is time for a change and we will be supporting a smaller, more local charity next year. Mr Philip Baldwin, Head of Green House


Green House Representatives: Back Row (Left to Right): Harry Mold, Sebastian Baldwin, Reece Groom, Head of House, Mr Baldwin Middle Row (Left to Right): Liberty Glister, Laura Brown, Maria Garca Front Row

(Marlborough House)

Red House

Megan Wilmot Year 8 Sports Day

House System

Red House have enjoyed another exciting year ably captained by Hari Hook (House Captain) and Karen Cuming (Deputy House Captain). Our main event, which has become a school tradition in the last few years, was the Hearts & Roses for Valentines Day. This year in addition to the always popular packages consisting of a hand-made card (supplied by the very talented Marion Carter!), a heart shaped chocolate brownie (there are none as good as those made by Gaia Cavallaro!) and a rose we decided to have a limited edition of extra special deliveries. These had a larger more elaborate card, a bigger rose, an extra gift of a cute little bear clasping a heart, and no less than two brownies! Clearly there were some very romantic souls out there as these were all snapped up in the first few days of selling! With the money raised from the Hearts & Roses deliveries, the non uniform day and the Valentines Cake Sale we were delighted to have raised almost one thousand euros towards the House Charity Fund! Well done everyone! We also had a very successful Xmas Fayre with our Handicrafts stall proving as popular as always. Sports Day was a fun event and all were envious of our glowing fiery red T shirts. And this year we were not last but joint second! So watch out everyone as next year we aim to win!! I will be standing down as Head of Red House this year and would like to thank all the students and staff who have done a great job over the last 3 years to make Red House the House to belong to! Mr Andy Headford Head of Red House Maravillas Fullana, Victoria Bertomeu, Anika Lipscombe


Red House Representatives: Back Row (Left to Right): Oliver Denty, Edward LaFrenais, Dominic Cobo, Joseph Staton, Darren McHattie, Paul Pugsley, Head of House, Mr Headford Front Row (Left to Right): Joshua Ablitt , Hari Hook , Dasha Lesnaya, Zach Miller

Yellow House
(Longleat House)
Lottie Stone Year 8 Sports Day This year has been a very successful, busy year for all of the Houses. There have been several events organised to raise money for our various charities. In total we have managed to raise approximately 1000 Euros for each of them. The yellow House Treasure Hunt at Easter proved to be a great success, with KS3 students rushing around the School in order to answer questions which tested their knowledge of subjects as varied as History, James Bond, Literature and Science. We also held a cake sale just after Easter and I would like to thank Mrs Dodd and her students who kindly donated brownies and cakes to the cake sale. A special mention also goes to our Head and Deputy Head of House who also donated delicious home-made cakes. Sports Day was also a tremendous success with some wonderful performances across the board. We have some amazing athletes in our House, some of which we have had the pleasure of seeing them develop and mature, such as James Biggs, and others who are new on the scene, Taylor Devine in year 7 and Miguel Palomino in Year 8, who even after giving himself a nose bleed in the high jump, was ready to compete in one of his races within minutes. I would also like to commend the performance of some members of the House who can always be relied on to compete in several events at Sports Day to help both their House and also their Year level. These include such stars as Andrea Planelles, Year 11, and Rosa Catal, Year 9. All in all it has been a good year and I look forward to working with Yellow House in the next academic year! Mrs Pilar Gaughan Head of Yellow House

House System

Ciara Morris Year 8 Sports Day


Yellow House Representatives: Back Row (Left to Right): Mateo Galvani, Natasha Lakin, Emilia Galvani, Head of House, Mrs Gaughan, Rosa Catal, Yi (Sissi) Hu Front Row (Left to Right): Yago Escriv, Sophie Jackson, Holly Nicholson, Santiago Criado

Blue House
(Woburn House)
Santiago Criado, Victoria Bertomeu, Carla Mira - Halloween

Busy, Busy Blue House!

Blue House fund raising activities began with the 2010 Horrendous, Horrible, Halloween Disco! Lady Elizabeth students appeared in Rebecca Marshall, Victoria Bertomeu, many horrific costumes, and truly looked to be Paloma Buhlmann, Sports Day half dead!

House System

The Christmas Fayre was a success, as usual, with the Blue House stall selling homemade Christmas Goodies and delicious Christmas Mulled Wine, using a special, secret recipe.

Mrs Maddocks Sports Day

Sports Day was an exciting and very successful day for our Blue House Athletes. Many over excited people, including the author of this article, screamed, shouted, clapped and encouraged all to perform to their personal best standard.and they did! Way out in front with the points total from the start, Blue House Students were deservedly awarded the Trophy.a Brilliant Blue House Day! Again we are delighted to support our chosen charity, MABS, who give so much time and effort to help people recovering from cancer treatments. Mrs Sharon Maddocks Head of Blue House

Ana Alvarez Year 8


Blue House Representatives: Back Row (Left to Right): Laura Born, Fraser Turgoose, Farrah Smolders, Alex Pole, Zach Miller, Sophie Prideaux, Pepe Ivars, Juan Manuel Horcajada, Daniil Murga Middle Row (Left to Right): Sara Ripoll, Chanelle OBrien, Ashley Robertson, Ana Alverez, Mackenzie Hopson Front Row (Left to Right): Rebecca Mashall, Charlotte Burnham-Stevens, Head of House, Mrs Maddocks, Poloma Buhlmann, Victoria Bertomeu

Physical Education Secondary School

Sam Ferguson GCSE Practice Day

This year has been a very successful one in terms of enthusiasm, maximum participation and achievement. Sporting activities have encompassed football, volleyball, basketball, handball, uni-hoc, rounders, fitness activities, including cross country, circuit training and weight training; athletics and swimming. The 46 pupils involved in the GCSE and A Level programmes have, in addition to the School curriculum, participated in monthly trips to Alfaz del Pi sports complex, where they have been regularly monitored in fitness, athletics, tennis and football. Our pupils have achieved excellent standards in their chosen options, including sports such as skiing, rugby, boxing, dance and wakeboard, to name but a few, and received a letter of congratulations from the visiting moderator from England. Extra curricular activities currently include volleyball, football, karate and swimming, the latter being held throughout the year in Benissa pool. These have given the pupils an extra opportunity to have fun, develop new skills and techniques and develop the confidence to make the transition to club level. Many people new to Spain and accustomed to different cultures and systems ask why the School does not field teams in all sports. Spain has a club sports system and only clubs affiliated to either the local Government Ayuntamiento at district level or Sports Governing Body Federacin de La Comunidad Valencia at country or regional level can participate in the established leagues. The pathway to success is through the club system and our School has an important role in providing strong links between the School and clubs, which will give the opportunity for talented juniors to train and participate in regular competition. Strong established links include football, volleyball, basketball, rugby, athletics, swimming, tennis, golf, dance and karate. Individual performers from the School at regional, national and international level are true ambassadors for their sports and positive leaders for others to follow and also proof that the club -school link is effective.


Sport cont...
Physical Education Secondary School

Reece Groom GCSE PE

Danni Smith

Highlights in the sporting calendar this year have been the full School Sports Day in Alfaz del Pi, where we were warmly received by representatives of the sporting community, athletics Federation, Local Government and TV; the School ski trip to Vallnord, Andorra and the adventure holiday to Lleida in the Pyrenees, where we participated in trekking and rafting. Finally initiatives for the School year 2012 will be the re-introduction of dance and an exciting new soccer school in conjunction with Ftbol City, Chelsea Foundation FC. Thank you for supporting the Physical Education Department. Mrs Alyson Lovell, Head of Physical Education Sr Isaac Martn Madame Cristina Ronda Mr Kevin Whybrow

Laura Brown

Hadley Langley-Smith, Jonathan Telfer, Josh Ablitt and Cameron Hay, A Level PE

Oliver Denty, Sports Day Yr 7 Relay

Darren McHattie A Level PE Iris Domenich GCSE PE

Ski Trip
Physical Education Secondary School

Staff and students spent a wonderful half term on the ski slopes in Andorra. They enjoyed a fantastic cover of snow accompanied with brilliant sunshine making the skiing even more pleasurable. Ski lessons took place in the morning followed by free skiing in the afternoon where the students had the opportunity to practice what they had been taught during their lessons. As well as the skiing they all had the opportunity to ice skate and on the last day were able to relax at the Caldea Spa Resort. A great week was had by everyone.

Megan Wilmot Year 8

Tegan Lee Buick Year 6


Sixth Form

Head Pupils

Sixth Form

Representing LAUDE, The Lady Elizabeth School has been a highly enjoyable yet challenging experience. We are all extremely grateful to both Mr Wijeratne and all of the staff for granting us this opportunity to show that we can rise to the challenges and responsibilities of being Head Pupils. We have learnt to deal with a variety of demanding yet rewarding tasks throughout this academic year and the important value of teamwork. We would like to wish the future Head Boy and Head Girl the very best of luck with their upcoming roles within the School. Marie Thrse Bitterlich, Sophie Prideaux and Alex Pole

Head Pupils: Marie Thrse, Alex and Sophie


The sixth Form Mentoring Programme at LAUDE, The Lady Elizabeth School is designed to offer support for the year 7 and year 8 students. Weekly sessions are arranged to encourage the Sixth Form to mix with our younger year groups and to deal with any concerns they may have during their first daunting years in secondary education. Mentoring does not only generate educational benefits to the pupils, it also provides social advantages by giving the year 7 and 8 pupils more confidence within themselves and to be more comfortable interacting amongst others throughout the school. It helps them not to feel nervous around the older pupils but to see them as figures for guidance and advice. Anneliese Hill Year 13

Mentoring: Sophie Prideaux (Year 13) Mackenzie Hopson and Elysha Fish (Year 7)

Head of Sixth Form


With the increase in university fees in England from 2012 the Year 13 students have been faced with increased competition this year for places in September. Nevertheless, all of them have secured offers and have been working hard to ensure that they achieve the required grades. Students in the Spanish section have prepared for the new fase especfica examinations which took place in Valencia. This year we had mentors from Year 13 delivering tutorials to both Year 7 and Year 8 pupils, following the value of the month theme. The mentors learned the importance of preparation, organization and team work and the pupils, both young and old, thoroughly enjoyed the experience. Throughout the 6th Form, students have been very active in their houses helping to organise activities for charity and participating in exciting events such as Sports Day. In the tutorials we have developed team work though various activities such as a themed fashion show, debates, including such topics as the legalization of non -

6th Form Ball: Felipe Bayona, Josh Stone, Jamie Ibberson and Lawrence Halls voluntary euthanasia and an inter-tutor group 5 a side football tournament where only girls can score. Congratulations to Mrs Telfers winning group! Mrs Maria Wickman

Senior School and Sixth Form

Back Row (Left to Right): Mr Ian Goodwill, Nicholas Disley, Jack Devenish, Carla Garca, Karolina Volkova, Scott Stephens, Ashley Robertson Middle Row (Left to Right): Jaume Moreno, Oliver Denty, Natalia Alexander, Simone Somers, Mari Carmen Verd, Nicolas Giammatteo Front Row (Left to Right): Sirli Salume, Maria IIina, Eva Van der Wee, Ana Cardona, Rafael Swift, Mikhail Sokolov Absent: Assistant Tutor: Srta Lola Rosell

Year 7G Tutor - Mr Ian Goodwill Assistant Tutor - Srta Lola Rosell


Back Row (Left to Right): Edgar Espinosa, Amber Gray, Melissa Shaw, Tatiana Nesterenko, Shaytae Gaspar Middle Row (Left to Right): Taylor Devine, Mackenzie Hopson, Elysha Fish, Caitlin Courtney Dunn, Lauren Glencross, Ben Markwick, Mrs Sharon Maddocks Front Row (Left to Right): Mateo Galvani, Sebastian Helmesley, Nicholas Cannon, Socrates Lozano, Erik Franx, Paul Pugsley Absent: Assistant Tutor: Mr Nick Ravenscroft, Maxim Magnus, Hollie Townsend

Year 7M Tutor - Mrs Sharon Maddocks Assistant Tutor - Mr Nick Ravenscroft

Senior School and Sixth Form

Back Row (Left to Right): Alexandra McKenna, Andreu Crespo, Benjamin Gale, Harry Lakin, Oliver Lewis, Christian Cechmann, Harry Mold, Lottie Stone, Charlotte Warriner, Mr Philip Baldwin Middle Row (Left to Right): Srta Teresa Soler, Mrs Elaine Shapiro, Ciara Morris, James Turner, Michael Hogg, Cameron Curtis, Lola Manzanares, Ana Alvarez, Savanaugh Robertson, Megan Wilmot, Toni Vila Front Row (Left to Right): Alvaro Rodriguez, Miguel Polomino, Edward LaFrenais, Cherie Somers, Harry Phillpott, Bianca Cobo

Year 8B: Tutor - Mr Philip Baldwin Assistant Tutors - Srta Teresa Soler, Mrs Elaine Shapiro


Back Row (Left to Right): Miss Natalie Symmonds, Celia Ripoll, Liberty Glister, M Teresa Agull, Katie Gibbins, Ellie -May Siddall, Sasha Alexander, Kevin Boge, Tom Evans, Rory Selley Middle Row (Left to Right): Caitlin Hathaway, Sara Bordes, Owen MacLachlan, Joshua Huiskamp, Chanelle OBrien, Victoria Woodroof, Marcel Ferrando, Charlotte Wells, Monica Vakili, Sr Isaac Martn Front Row (Left to Right): Lara Thalmann, Eloise Burns, Millicent Mitchell, Yi (Sissi) Hu, Oliver MacLachlan, William Pape, Kris Turner Absent: Michael Earle

Year 8S: Tutor - Miss Natalie Symmonds Assistant Tutor - Sr Isaac Martn

Senior School and Sixth Form

Back Row (Left to Right): Luke Packham, Rosa Catal, Sara Caselles, Jose Ivars, Alejandro Rodriguez, Jorge Ivars Middle Row (Left to Right): Miss Lauren Hay, Marcel Borkowski, Nicola Williams, Charlotte Dibley, Abigail Catlin, Sebastian Croizat, Hannah Waite, Mrs Suzanne Millington Front Row (Left to Right): Jordi Araque, Felipe Ribes, Joseph Wright, Max Stammers, Daniel Barnish Absent: Omayma Boussejda, Ryan Dearden

Year 9M: Tutor - Mrs Suzanne Millington Assistant Tutor - Miss Lauren Hay


Back Row (Left to Right): Victoria Lipscombe, Maria Garca, Angela Bertomeu, Raul Giammatteo, John Paige Fuster, Farah Smolders Middle Row (Left to Right): Mrs June Stone, Katie McKenna, Luz Lpez, Joey Hutchin, Nathalie Hogg, Javier Tejedor, Yury Klyev, Lena Martini Front Row (Left to Right): Ellie Burton, Robert Leicester, Nicolai Gavrilenkov, Alejandro Mart, Noel Lpez, Lorenzo Buhlmann

Year 9S: Tutor - Mrs June Stone Assistant Tutor - Sr Jose M Carri

Senior School and Sixth Form

Back Row (Left to Right): Daniel Boge, Sam Turner, Ciara Edmondson, Andrea Soler, Lucy Mitchell, Luca Paos Middle Row (Left to Right): Brendan Spaun, Daniil Murga, Katie Laundon, Lily Barker, Laura Franx, Sebastian Van Baars Buisman, Sr Santiago Altamira Front Row (Left to Right): Mailin Klinger, Olivia Partington, Paula Bordes, Maya Krasnova, Magnus Magnusson Absent: Sebastian Baldwin, Prokhor Brovko, Assistant Tutor: Angela Catal

Year 10A: Tutor - Sr Santiago Altamira Assistant Tutor - Srta Angela Catal


Back Row (Left to Right): Victor Sashnev, Nicolas Rodriguez, Emilia Galvani, Sabina Wijker, Jake Linfield, Diego Dur, Rebecca Welfoot Middle Row (Left to Right): Mr Michael Colville, Jordan Castle, Hannah Glencross, Eleanor Knowles, Danni Smith, Ilya Mozhaev, Alexander Burns, Sam Ferguson, Coral Butterworth, Mrs Sylvia Jarvis Front Row (Left to Right): Alysha-Winona Sommerfeld, Lucas Manzanares, Denis Lesnoy, Martina Familiari, Sara Ripoll

Year 10C: Tutor - Mr Michael Colville Assistant Tutor - Mrs Sylvia Jarvis

Senior School and Sixth Form

Back Row (Left to Right): Cristian Perez, Pedro Fullana, Maxim Beard, Fraser Turgoose, Maxwell Butcher, Connor Barker, Kevin Calkiewicz, Krish Hook Middle Row (Left to Right): Mr Andy Headford, Nicolaj Borkowski, Carolina Chao Fuster, Ena Bittner, Sebastian Pole, Dominic Cobo, Miss Gaia Cavallaro Front Row (Left to Right): Robert Gordon, Joren Meylaerts, Henry Dobinson, Abigail Tucker, Laura Conway, Samuel Jackson Absent: Natasha Simmonds, Brandon Wells

Year 10H: Tutor - Mr Andy Headford Assistant Tutor - Miss Gaia Cavallaro


Back Row (Left to Right): Juan Manuel Horcajada, Vicente Ivars, Anthony Van der Linden, Carlos Gallego, Ben McGillivray Middle Row (Left to Right): Garry Caprani, Phoebe McCrae, Paula Bordallo, Mara Catal, Andrea Planelles, Laura Disley, Michael Hopkinson, Mrs Pilar Gaughan Front Row (Left to Right): Anna Martini, Natasha Lakin, Paloma Martnez, Sergio Rosell, Joseph Staton Absent: Alexandra De La Trobe, Alice Walker, Assistant Tutor: Srta Rosa Martnez

Year 11G: Tutor - Mrs Pilar Gaughan Assistant Tutor - Srta Rosa Martnez

Senior School and Sixth Form

Back Row (Left to Right): Reece Groom, Kieran Gaughan, Dan Wilkinson, James Milan, Levi Meylaerts Middle Row (Left to Right): Mr Nathan Lord, Robyn Hathaway, Elliot Powell, Oliver Siniarski, David Weinberg, Nathaniel Wilmot, Sebastian Rodriguez, Joaquin Caselles Front Row (Left to Right): Emma Blackburn, Anika Lipscombe, Laura Brown, Katy Leicester, Natasha Woodhams, Barbara Sanchez

Year 11L: Tutor - Mr Nathan Lord Assistant Tutor - Sra Censi Navarro


Back Row (Left to Right): Didac Escriv, Alexander Tullett, Daniel Vakili, James Biggs, Paula Font Middle Row (Left to Right): Mr Peter West, Abigail Shearer, Hannah Drake, Georgina Dobinson, Arantxa Rossi, Chad Crookes, Anastasia Strygina Front Row (Left to Right): Lily More, Beatriz Mas, Roco Bordallo, Iris Domenech, Sandra Moreno, Declan OBrien Absent: Priscila Alvarez, Danielle Feesey, Assistant Tutor: Sra Rosa Fernndez

Year 11W: Tutor - Mr Peter West Assistant Tutor - Sra Rosa Fernndez

Senior School and Sixth Form

Back Row (Left to Right): Scott Ward, Mike Wilmes, Duncan Barry, Adam Pimlott, Kayleigh Franks, Emma Edmondson, Zach Miller, Middle Row (Left to Right): Felipe Bayona, Alexey Ustiyantsev, Maria Dur, Carla Mira, Marie -Thrse Bitterlich, Georgina Lipscombe, Katie More, James Shaw, Mr Paul Noble Front Row (Left to Right): Brendan Rogers, Claudia Laube, Maria Samoylova, Elizabeth Stammers, Charlotte Stewart Absent: Tutor: Frau Brown, Assistant Tutor: Mrs Carter, Jonathan Pointer, Jessica Such Devine, Maria Zyunina, Polina Katalina, Oscar Mestre

Year12/13 AB: Tutor - Frau Brown Assistant Tutor: Mrs Marion Carter


Back Row (Left to Right): Chloe Evans, Gabriella Wilkinson, Alexander Pole, Pablo Borho, Alejandro Barber, Juanjo Tur, Jacob Barker, Ben Davis Middle Row (Left to Right): Manisha Bal, Zoe Coltman, Jordan Byman, Emma Bourke, Daniel Perez, Natalie Perez, Sophie Prideaux, Lawrence Halls, Joshua Stone, Dr Lorraine Morris Front Row (Left to Right): William Mold, Victoria Bertermeu, Rebecca Marshall, Holly Nicholson, Laura Born, Sarah Ogilvie Absent: Tutor: Mrs Brenda Burgess, Daniel McMenemy, Scott McHattie

Year12/13 BB: Tutor - Mrs Brenda Burgess Assistant Tutor - Dr Lorraine Morris

Senior School and Sixth Form

Back Row (Left to Right): Marcos Soler, Raphal Durand, Benjamin Cechmann, Marina Albiana, India Hook, Kellly Morris, Sarah Webster, Jorge Criado Middle Row (Left to Right): Jamie Ibberson, Srta Inma Ferri, Santiago Criado, Daniella Waters, Alicia Fernndez, Gabriel Asenjo, Yago Escriv, Karis Goodwill, Janneke Feenstra, Madame Cristina Ronda, Danielle Williams Front Row (Left to Right): lvero Ortega, Pollyanna Smith-Cohen, Charlotte Dobinson, Anneliese Hill, Dasha Lesnaya, Susana Fernndez Absent: Egor Kopylov, Darren McHattie, Lewis Walker

Year12/13 CR: Tutor - Madame Cristina Ronda Assistant Tutor - Srta Inma Ferri


Back Row (Left to Right): Leticia Ras Anderica, Amelia Denty, Rory Hathaway, Cameron Hay, James Blackburn, Jonathan Telfer, Hadley Langley-Smith, Hari Hook, Peter Wickman Middle Row (Left to Right): Martijn Van Baars Buisman, Mrs Claire Post, Lucy Walton, Joshua Ablitt, Sean Collins, Marco Garca, Alberto Sanchez, Charlotte Burnham-Stevens, Mrs Jean Telfer Front Row (Left to Right): Adele Somers, Sophie Jackson, Karen Cuming, Vanessa Walters, Maravillas Fullana, Paloma Buhlmann

Year 12/13 JET: Tutor - Mrs Telfer Assistant Tutor - Mrs Claire Post

Absent: Jasmin Such Devine, Demi Hobbs, Lee Rainey

This year has been a great year for the International Award. Due to the very generous sponsorship of Blevin Franks we were able to purchase rucksacks, tents compasses and cooking equipment which allowed the students to complete the award with their final phase, the expedition. During the Spring term groups went off on a practice one day walk to learn how to use a routeplanner and navigate using a map. Later in the term they navigated their way along the Jaln Valley to the Vital Par Centre at Parcent where they camped, cooked for themselves and some enjoyed the experience of the ropes course at the centre. The following day they wearily made their way back to school. They all enjoyed themselves especially as it was the first time for many of them to experience camping. There are several people who will attain their awards this summer or very early in the Autumn term. These include Danielle Williams, Pollyanna Cohen, Natasha Woodhams, Karis Goodwill, Natasha Lakin, Michael Hopkinson, Declan OBrien and Adam Pimlott, just to name a few. This would not have been possible without the sponsorship of Blevin Franks and now the present year 10s, who have taken up the challenge of the award, will have the opportunity to take advantage of the equipment in the coming year along with others in the sixth form who have embarked on their Gold award. Mr Nathan Lord, International Award

International Award

This year our group of Year 12s had the privilege of being the first students to take part in an expedition for the Duke of Edinburgh/International Award. We left Llber on Friday afternoon and walked for 3 hours until we reached Parcent camping ground. It was hard work, but we pulled together to motivate each other and have a laugh. We ended up having a great time and after a slightly sleepless night (thanks to the cold and Mr Lords snoring!), we set off for another 3 hour walk. We finally arrived back at Llber, exhausted, but extremely proud of ourselves. Polly Cohen Year 12

International Award

Anthony Van der Linden Year 11 - Completing the ropes course at the Vital Par Centre, Parcent


Senior Sport cont...

Doing the expedition phase of the International Award was different to anything I have ever done before. We planned a route and had to follow it from School to Parcent. Our destination had to be reached by nightfall and upon arrival we had the experience of setting up camp. This was a fun experience, especially camping in the freezing cold. All in all the acexpedition was enjoyable and I complished my Silver Award. Danielle Williams Year 12

International Award

Marina Albiana Year 12

Michael Hopkinson, Mr Lord, Supporting Charities Natasha Lakin and Joseph Staton After completing six months of dance, guitar and participating in the Leos Club, I went on a camping trip with other International Award students to complete the expedition phase of the Award. The journey was tiring and the bag weighed a lot, yet our out of breath talking got us to our destination before we could really think about how tired we actually were. Upon arrival we proceeded to set up our tent, which was difficult as I have never been camping before, yet somehow we managed. We cooked a very appetising meal of hamburgers and beans and then talked and played cards until eventually we collapsed in our tents where we spent a slightly uncomfortable and a bit of a cold night. Despite this I had a great time and it was nice to become closer to your team mates, push yourself physically and cope alone. It was fun! Karis Goodwill Year 12

From Left to Right: Anthony Van der Linden, Carlos Gallego, Karis Goodwill, Janeke Feenstra, Adam Pimlott, Danielle Williams and Marina Albiana


Prize Day

Secondary and Sixth Form


Prize Day, held at the Marriott Hotel, is one of the highlights of the Academic Year. It is a celebration of the pupils achi evements and a tribute to the hard work and dedication of students, staff, and of course, our parents. It is an opportunity to welcome our new Head Girl and Head Boy in both the Junior and the Senior School and farewell the outgoing Head Students who have proved themselves to be excellent ambassadors of our School. Academia, sporting achievements, musical and theatrical talents, creative arts and many more aspects of everyday life at School are rewarded during this wonderful occasion. June 2010 saw Polly Taylor-Pullen win the prestigious Folland-Maddocks cup and Pollyanna Cohen was extremely happy to be named as the recipient of the Adina Harper Award. In the Senior School members of Blue House were delighted when they discovered that they were the winners of the House Cup. Prize Day is the final event of the year and for some students the last celebration of their schooling years. It is a time for staff to farewell these students who are moving on to the next stage of their lives. We wish them every success!

Adina Harper Award

Year 12 student, Pollyanna Cohen, spent two weeks of her Summer holidays studying Biotechnology at Cambridge University. As recipient of the Adina Harper Award, she chose to attend the course at Cambridge where she is hoping to go after completing her A Levels. She stayed in Trinity Hall College and enjoyed the daily lectures on subjects ranging from microbiology to evolution. Every afternoon she and her classmates participated in an array of activities including laboratory practicals, extracting DNA and manipulating bacterial genes, all of which was university level work. During her time at Cambridge, she also visited five museums, including the Science Museum, and experienced punting along the River Cam. After such a fantastic two weeks Pollyanna is looking forward to working hard to ensure that one day she has the opportunity to return to Cambridge University as a student. We would like to thank Mr and Mrs Harper for the opportunities that the award offers to our students.

We entered 112 school candidates for one or more (I)GCSE examinations in the summer of 2010. These 112 candidates made 636 individual subject entries in 29 different syllabuses resulting in 120 A* passes, 157 As and a massive 555 entries achieving a grade between A* and C (87.3%). Our 65 Year 11 candidates accounted for 581 of these subject entries with almost one fifth of entries in this category resulting in A* passes, 43.3% achieving A* or A Grades with 509 or 87.6% achieving grades between A* and C. In considering the magnitude of these achievements by students of LAUDE The Lady Elizabeth School, it is important to compare them with the National UK averages of: A*-A = 22.6%, A*-C = 69.1%. It is also important to consider the fact that a high percentage of LLES candidates sit their examinations in English, a language that is not their home tongue. At GCE A2 Level our 68 candidates made an overall subject entry of 138 in 23 different A Level syllabuses. For the first time in 2010 an A*grade has been awarded at GCE A Level, with LLES candidates achieving 24 A* grades, 41 achieving A grades (LLES 47.1% compared with 27% UK National average for A*-A grades) and 120 between A*-C (87%. UK average not available). LLES has always encouraged Language entries in areas not covered by the school curriculum. In recent years we have arranged for candidates to sit GCSE and GCE A Level language examinations in Dutch (First and second Language), Italian and Chinese. This year three candidates achieved As in either AS or A Level Russian and 4 candidates achieved A/ A* in A Level Dutch. Mr Barry McCrae, Examinations Officer

Outside Activities
Adventuring in Lleida
On Friday 25 June, 2010, a group of 14 students, accompanied by Alyson Lovell and Isaac Martin from the physical education department and Roberto Sanchez and Enriqu Romany from GMS Travel, travelled to Lleida in the Pyrenees to take part in an action packed adventure week-end. The ages of the pupils ranged from 11 to 17 and within a very short time a very warm and positive atmosphere set the tone for firm friendships to be formed throughout the group. Early on Saturday morning our group set off for the National Park of San Mauricio. We travelled to the park in 4 x 4 jeeps, where we met our guide, who accompanied us throughout the day to spectacular waterfalls, up to the snow capped mountains and to see the wild horses, birds of prey and marmottes of the Spanish Pyrenees. On Sunday our intrepid explorers set off for Llavors, where we were kitted out in wetsuits, helmets and lifejackets in preparation for the 10k rafting expedition. Nerves took hold and both staff and pupils looked on in trepidation at flowing river, following a week of heavy the very fast rainfall. Adrenaline and excitement took over and nerves vanished as we negotiated a series of rapids of increasing difficulty and more than a few boulders and trees!! For most of us this was our first experience of rafting and this exhilarating experience will certainly be repeated in 2011. Following a well deserved rest and lunch we set off for more action packed fun at a multi adventure centre, were we donned helmets and safety ropes in preparation for an hour of high level thrills on wobbling ladder bridges, wires and zip lines, where we were catapulted into the air to land, to the amusement of all, face down in safety nets. The students had their chance to get their own back on the teachers and encouraged the instructors to launch us through the year in the hope of us landing in the most undignified positions possible. The week-end was far too short!!! Our trip finished with a full day in Port Aventura, an adventure park situated outside Tarragona, where we accepted the challenge of high speed roller coasters, water rides and sky-high drops!

Secondary and Sixth Form


An exhausted but extremely happy group arrived back from the trip, full of very positive and wonderful memories. Alyson Lovell and Isaac Martn

This Summer children from all over Europe and as far away as America enjoyed Summer School at LAUDE The Lady Elizabeth with the opportunity to learn English or Spanish combined with activities such as Drama, Sport, Swimming, ICT and Art. As part of their swimming programme they were taught basic life saving skills and their stroke technique was enhanced by coach and international medal winner, Marion Slater. They played interesting and fun games in Drama and PE and created fantastic and unusual art work during art lessons. As always the professional and friendly staff helped the children with their language skills and these skills were enhanced during ICT lessons in the fully equipped computer suites. The specialised nursery staff kept the younger children very busy for the whole summer with wonderful activities including art, dancing, gym games, face painting, biscuit and cake decorating, just to name a few.

Summer School

Summer School

New friends were made and the introduction of a residential section and our newly formed relationship with Inglaterra en Casa was a huge success. Adult language classes were also a feature of this years Summer School and parents were not only able to drop their children at the school but also utilise the time to learn or improve on a second and sometimes a third language.


Entrada Norte de la Cumbre del Sol 03726 Benitachell (Alicante) Tel. 96 579 02 52 Email:


Ctra. Benissa- Jaln, s/n 03729 Llber (Alicante) Tel. 96 573 19 60 Email:

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