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Stephen Macaspac Professor Steven Holmes English 100 5 October 2013 No, You Cant Use the Bathroom. When people think of teachers in the media they think of the drunken addict, the legend, or the one who hasnt changed in thirty years. This distorted image of teachers is prevalent throughout pop culture and evolved as a comedic norm in cinema. Whether or not this portrayal holds true in reality, the embellishments on the character traits of teachers has satisfied the targeted audience. There are often educators in real life that detest such representation and suffer from the stereotypes these movies naturally render. After analyzing some teachers claims, it is evident in that the media does in fact manipulate the authentic depiction of a teacher, provoking prevalent stereotypes. In order to maintain the overall entertainment factor, the media hyperbolizes traits and actions of teache, the media hyperbolizes the traits of teachers, either over-glorifying their image of heroism or highlighting their There are various stereotypical representations of teachers in the media that falsify the bona fide reality . One of theof the classic examples of the stereotypical teacher examples is the hero (Kpausz). This teacher is recurrently portrayed as an instructor who goes above and beyond for the sake of the students, disregarding his or her own well-being. In the movie, Freedom Writers, Erin Gruwell transfigures apathetic students in a school split by racial schism into hardworking, high-achieving pupils (Alsop). Such a martyr-like act comes, but it was at the expense of her marriage and her safety. Pat Brothwell, a current high school English teacher,

Macaspac 2 argues that movies like this ingrain in us that in order to be a good teacher, teaching has to be your life, it has to define you as a person. These movies set the bar unreasonably high, giving off the impression that respectable teachers must relinquish their own personal welfare for the sake of students (Brothwell)). Another stereotypical teacher portrayed within the media is Mr. or Mrs. Cool. These teachers are inevitably loved by their students for reasons including, but not limited to, their mellow personality, easy quizzes, sense of style, or fun teaching techniques. Dewey Finn, a rock star teacher in the movie School of Rock, was innately adored by many of his students. Rather than teaching formal education, he enlightened the class in rock and roll and even cultivated his own rock band from the profusion of his students. Movies like this insinuate that a teacher must stoop to a students appeal for fun in order to be respected as a consummate educator.. The epitome of the hero stereotype can be clearly seen in the prominent Harry Potter series. This popular series thrives in the heroic teachers that play crucial roles within the story line. One in particular is celebrated headmaster, Albus Dumbledore. This professor goes to extreme lengths to protect and aid his fellow students, putting his life on the line in several occasions to save his pupils. He even allowed himself to be killed in order to protect the life of one of his students who was given an order from the main antagonist to kill or be killed. Looking at all of Dumbledores courageous acts, he definitely personified a noble teachera little too noble. In actuality, there are virtuous teachers that sacrifice a lot for students who spend a lot of their time away from their families helping their students. In fact, an anonymous teacher from Kapolei high school asserted that teachers only get paid from 8 am to 2 pm, but much of us are here working from 6 am to 6 pm. It is only but right to concede that teachers do so much for

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their students, but Albus Dumbledore goes beyond reasonable expectation, thus strengthening the stereotype that good teachers must put the students well being first over themselves. Contrasting its induction of the hero stereotype of educators, the media has also evoked the stereotypical image of irresponsible dictators. Major news corporations have also had their share in the birth of stereotypes affiliated with teachers. There is no point refuting that when looking at the ensemble of educators as a whole, they have their imperfections. The problem is that the media, especially credible news networks like CNN, FOX News, MNBC, etc. display pretty much any form of misconduct by teachers they can get their hands on that they wouldnt bother with if the person was not of that occupationand plaster the occupation as the central focus of the report (Wren). .In many cases, a headline would read Teacher Guilty For Murder or Teacher Sex Scandal. Jessie Wren, a current high school English teacher, argues that because titles like this, the world gets the notion that all teachers are inherently bad people (Wren). As a result, the frequency of negative teacher headlines has caused poor overgeneralization in the reputation of the profession. With worried parents and cautious students, the crimes committed by a select few of teachers have impeded innocent educators in their drive to properly educate without drawing suspicion. Because of this, news mediaThe media is definitely a profound offender in which vilifying stereotypes of teachers has been derived.s for teachers have been derived. The media may have not completely contorted the portrayal of teachers, but it definitely stretched the truth, contrasting reality. In Tthe movie Bad Teacher gives a quintessential representation of the stereotypical reckless teacher., In this film, Elizabeth Hasely, takes the

Macaspac 4 disposition of a substandard teacher to a whole new level. Herwhose daily routine consisted of cursing at students, sleeping instead of teaching in class, smoking pot during lunchtime, and getting drunk at the end of the day. In reality, there are teachers like this that commit such acts and therefore the media isnt entirely guilty of misrepresentation.. In fact, Peter Mulloy, a formal Warren Township High School teacher, was recently suspended for smoking marijuana under the school bleachers similarly to how the movie character, Elizabeth Hasely, smoked weed in her car. Where fiction and actuality diverge is in the contrasting consequences of misdemeanor. misdemeanor. Teachers with even such a suspicion of those violations would at least be carefully observed and not totally overlooked like in this movie.Elizabeth Hasely was reported several times to the principle by fellow co-worker, Amy Squirrel, but to no avail. Conversely, real teachers face greater consequences for even the most minor offenses. Jim Piculas, a teacher in Florida was fired for showing an innocent magic trick in class. It was assumed by a few students to be demonic practice, so as a result, he was fired for wizardry, without any form of trial (Florida Substitute Teacher Fired, Accused of Wizardry). Piculas is a saint in comparison to the absurdity of the educator in Bad Teacher. The professors in the prominent series, Harry Potter, also deviated discernibly from reality. It is apparent that teachers in a fantasy world would differ in many ways from real life, but the unorthodox forms of education within this story stray to far from morals even in a wizard society. Professor Umbridge is a quintessential example, punishing students through painful dark arts and forbidden curses. The paddle was a prevalent punishment instrument in educational history, but is incomparable to chastisement in Harry Potter. Looking through these examples in the media, it is lucid that pop culture alters the image of teachers.

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After comparing and contrasting teachers within the media and actuality, it is clear that the portrayals of teachers within pop culture are not realistic. Media teachers maintain a hint of essence of reality, but their traits are distinctly exaggerated. These embellishments are necessary in order to preserve the interest of an audience. If teachers in movies per say lacked these qualities, humor or or essential meaningentertainment would be forfeited. Certain real teachers like an anonymous teacher from Kapolei High School, prefer a more realistic appeal to their life-long occupation. While a being a worthy desire, it is impractical and boring to portray a realistic image of educators. The movie, Bad Teachers, would not be funny without a horrendous teacher. The Harry Potter series would not be as entertaining without the dreaded Professor Umbridgeprevalent without the legendary headmaster, Dumbledore. This is why even though the media may hyperbolize the characteristics of teachers, this exaggeration is imperative in keeping viewers satisfied. The media consciously alters the image of teachers in order to keep the world-wide audience content. It can be seen that in these stereotypical portrayals that media fiction veers from the reality, depicting educators as heroic or careless. In the world of education, teachers who flagrantly drink, get high, and curse at students would easily be fired, but without this entertaining factor in film, movies would be lifeless and unappealingIn order to thrive in modern day society, the media has to illustrate the occupation on one side of the spectrum, habitually to the extreme. Our generation craves the the absurdityheroism or absurdity in teachers within the media and enjoys this appeal to distortion. This is why in reality, these misrepresentations of teachers thrive and are integral parts of pop-culture.

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Works Cited Alsop, Elizabeth. " ot so !ot For Teacher." "ti#es, $% Sept. &'$&. Web. ( )ct. &'$(. *http+,,,&'$&,'/,$0,#a1azi.e, pa1e-a.ted4all56r4'7.

$) 8roth-ell, 9at. "The 9roble# With Teachers i. :o;ies." The Good Men Project. <, &0 Sept. &'$(. Web. '> )ct. &'$(. *http+,,,educatio.2&,the2proble#2-ith2teachers2i.2#o;ies,7.

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&) "Florida Substitute Teacher Fired, Accused of Wizardry." Fox News. F)? e-s et-ork, 0 :ay &''0. Web. '@ )ct. &'$(. *http+,,,story,&''>,'@,'0,florida2substitute2teacher2fired2accused2 -izardry,7.

() Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. Bir. Ba;id "ates. 9erf. Ba.iel Cadcliff, E##a Watso., Cupe.t <ri.t. 8ros, &''D. BEB.

%) Fpausz, 9eter. "Boes the Ci.e#a Ceprese.t Teachers Fairly." Ebsco. E8SC) 9G8HIS!I <, &''(. Web. $ )ct. &'$(. *http+,,,ehost,pdf;ie-er,pdf;ie-er3 sid4$>c>e&@e2beD(2%bf$2>b'02a($(/df''a%%J%'sessio.#1r$@5;id4>5hid4&%7.

@) Schoo of !oc". Bir. Cichard Hi.klater. 9erf. Kack 8lack. 9ara#ou.t !o#e E.tertai.#e.t, &''%. BEB.

0) Wre., Kessie. "Co.sta.t e1ati;e 9ortrayal of Teachers i. the :edia eeds to Stop. 2 C ICeport." #NN $!e%ort. C , &% Feb. &'$(. Web. '> )ct. &'$(.


Macaspac 8

Co##e.tary This essay -as a research paper that co#pares a.d co.trasts teachers i. actuality a.d i. pop culture. For this essay I had a #ultitude of differe.t types of sources such as fil#s, -eb articles, a.d -ritte. accou.ts by teachers. After co#pleti.1 the research sta1e of #y -riti.1 process, I produced a. outli.e of #y paper, -hich or1a.ized the differe.t body para1raphs a.d the #ai. poi.ts that -e.t -ithi. the#. For this essay I =u#ped strai1ht -riti.1 #y draft ri1ht after that step a.d felt #ore co.fide.t, fro# already 1oi.1 throu1h this process pre;iously. It -as actually rather easy -riti.1 this essay because there -ere a lot #ore sources to utilize. If

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there -as a.y #a=or proble#, it -as probably co#i.1 up -ith the occupatio. I -ould -rite about. I did.Lt -a.t to be redu.da.t a.d -rite about .ursi.1 a1ai. a.d e;eryo.e already the idea of -riti.1 about doctors or la-yers. It should.Lt ha;e bee. hard to co#e up -ith, but I e;e.tually settled o. -riti.1 about teachers. I -as satisfied -ith this topic because there -ere #a.y refere.ces to teachers -ithi. the #edia. );erall, I felt that it -as e.=oyable -riti.1 this paper, a.d it really ope.ed #y eyes to the -ay the #edia dilutes reality.

Stephe., "our prose style is ;ery clear, a.d you utilize a -ide ra.1e of sources to hi1hli1ht the ;aryi.1 represe.tatio.s of teachers i. popular culture. The #ai. challe.1e I see faci.1 this paper is -ith co.trolli.1 the scope of your body para1raphs. Althou1h I applaud your efforts to i.clude a -ide ra.1e of sources, the -ay you prese.t the# here feels at ti#es like you are lu#pi.1 to1ether as #a.y sources as possible -ithout tra.sitio.i.1 clearly bet-ee. i#porta.t eAa#ples or throu1h the i#plicatio.s of so#e of the represe.tatio.s. A clearer hierarchy bet-ee. eAa#ples -ould ha;e helped as -ell i. your thesis+ -hich are the #ost da#a1i.1, -hich the closest to reality3 <rade+ $0%,&'' Co##e.tary+ @,@

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