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Rajiv Gandhi was blown up by a Christian conspiracy

The history of LTTE reveals a discernible pattern in its

relations with religious institutions: LTTE has ruthlessly
attacked and killed Muslims, Hindus and Buddhists but
hardly ever touched Christians. It has never confronted the
Churches the way it has taken on the other three main
religionists. In fact, it has had a very cozy relationship with
the Churches. Though the LTTE has raided and taken over
Hindu Temples in Sri Lanka, by force it has never dared to
touch a single Christian church run by the Jaffna Tamils or in
Western countries. The Christian churches are considered to
be richer than the Hindu Temples. Nevertheless, what has
prevented the LTTE from grabbing Christian Churches is no
more a mystery.

Churches have been the backbone of LTTE politics in Western

countries. Some of the leading Christian priests have acted
as front men for the LTTE in Western countries. Fr. S. J.
Emmanuel, former Vicar General of Jaffna, who is now
residing in Germany, is a prime example of the Church
joining hands with the LTTE. He is on record saying that he is
a Tamil first and then a Christian. Once he compared
Prabhakaran to Jesus. He not only campaigns for the LTTE
abroad but he is also the first to claim that he is writing a
theology for Tamils only. Imitating the radical priests of Latin
America he is supposed to write a new “liberation theology”
praising Prabhakaran. He was followed by S. Jebanesan,
Bishop of the Church of South India (CSI), who said that he
too was working on a theology for the Tamils. A theology
only for the Tamils. It excludes Sinhala Christians. This
theology is tied to LTTE politics glorifying the new “Surya
Devan” (Sun God). The object of their theology is to tie
Christianity with the brutal ethnic politics of Prabhakaran.
Emmanuel rushed to Bishop Desmond Tutu and managed to
convince him to write an foreword to his booklet, Let My
People Go. But to where? Into Prabhakaran’s hell?

The close links between the Church and the LTTE was
revealed when Jebanesan brought in LTTE muscle-men to
influence the vote of the last annual general meeting of the
CSI that was to decide on an extension for Jebanesan as he
has reached retiring age. He wanted an extension to mark
time until another pro-LTTE candidate comes of age to
contest. Pro-LTTE Bishop Jebanesan thrown out by young
Church delegates in Jaffna. Despite the LTTE agents speaking
on behalf of Jebanesan, the young turks in the Church
refused to give pro-LTTE Jebanesan another extension. As he
has reached retiring age he will be thrown out
unceremoniously from the Bishopric of the CSI.

LTTE has joined hands with Radio Veritas, a worldwide

Christian broadcasting station. Radio Veritas outfit is owned
and run by the Asian Catholic Bishops’ Conference The
Hindustan Times dated May 25th , 1999, reported that the
Voice of Tigers (VOT) “has established on Sunday 23rd ‘a
coordinating office’ to tie up Radio Veritas at St. Sebastian
Church in Mallavi located in the Wanni. “The rationale behind
the tiie-up is that it will give VOT access to the vast audience
of Radio Veritas. Nearly 850,000 Sri Lankan Tamils living as
refugees or migrants across the globe tune in to Radio
Veritas, because it gives sensational "Eelam Tamil" news,
often ahead of the BBC Tamil service Tamil Osai, says the
Hindustan Times.. The Tamil wing of the church in Sri Lanka
has been active agents of Tamil separatism. They have been
in the forefront manufacturing excuses and covering up for
the political crimes of the LTTE. Tamil Christian priests have
infiltrated the Churches in Western countries and through
them they propagated pro-LTTE politics. A good example is
that Prof. S. Chandrakanthan attached to the Theology
Department of the Toronto University, Canada. He is a
political fundamentalist disguised in Christian robes. To him
Christianity is merely a vehicle to propagate separatist
politics and white-wash LTTE crimes against humanity. In
Australia, LTTE has a foothold in the Uniting Church through
Prof. Christie Eliezer a lay preacher. His proxy was Rev. Dick
Wootton who was viewed as card-carrying member of the
LTTE. He had an office in the Headquarters of the Uniting
Church in the city of Melbourne. Finally, the Uniting Church
eased Christie Eliezer out after strong protests from Sri
Lankans who demanded that the “Uniting Church must Unite
and not Divide. The CSI. Bishop Kenneth Fernando returned
from a visit to LTTE supreme Prabhakaran, with Charles
Abeysekera and Jayadeva Uyangoda and announced to the
media that “Prabhakaran is humane” which t shocked the Sri
Lankan community. The LTTE and the Churches maintain
this close relationship because it serves their mutual
interests. LTTE has found in the international network of the
Churches easy access to Western media, politicians,
churches and other powerful lobbies to cover-up their crimes
against humanity. The pastoral letters written by Sri Lankan
bishops and priests are distributed world-wide. No
Churchmen has ever said that a Sinhala-Buddhist leader is
“humane” though some of the world’s biggest welfare
schemes have been implemented by them within a
democratic framework that respects all religions.

The Churches too find it necessary to tie up with the LTTE

1. to weaken the Sinhala-Buddhist community for

2. to prevent the Church breaking up on ethnic lines
3. to win converts to the Churches in the guise of being
their best political allies and
4. to break up the state which would help them to
establish a separate church and hierarchy of their own.

Under (4), for instance, the Tamil Catholic need not go the
Pope through the Sinhala Bishops in Colombo. Under (4) the
ambitions of the Church and the LTTE coincide. In this and in
other respects, both fulfill each other’s needs. The Churches
in Sri Lanka which could have acted as the most effective
instrument in uniting both communities through the
channels of the common churches established in both
communities took sides and worsened the ethnic enmities.
Though the separatist movement claims to have its roots in
the Jaffna Hindu Tamils, it has always had a strong element
of Christians either leading it or influencing it. Its very first
leader, S. J. V. Chelvanayakam, was an Anglican. However,
when the Church of South India established its branch in Sri
Lanka he switched over from the Anglican to CSI because of
its ethnic leanings. Chelvanayakam preferred to be linked
with Tamils of South India than with the Anglicans, most of
whom were Sinhalese in Sri Lanka. Chelvanayakam’s mono-
ethnic politics extended to every aspect of his life. He did not
want to buy a house in Colombo fearing that his children
would be influenced by the multicultural forces that would
liberalize their thinking and attitudes. He did not want Tamil
public servants to learn Sinhala fearing that the Sinhala
influence would make them less amenable to separatist
politics. He did not want to attend the Christian God’s church
fearing that the God in Sinhala-dominated Churches would
dilute the Tamil identity and make them children of a Sinhala
God rather than a Tamil God. In short, he was the arch
symbol of racism designed to separate communities. The
seeds of dissension sown by Chelvanayakam saw his political
descendants blow up the Sacred Temple of the Tooth in
Kandy, massacring Muslim praying in Kathakudy in the East,
shooting in broad daylight a Japanese Buddhist monk who
went on a mission of peace in the north, spraying bullets on
Buddhist pilgrims at the Sacred Bo Tree in Anuradhapura and
the list is unending.
LTTE And Churches Protect Each Other

Asian Tribune

The history of LTTE reveals a discernible pattern in its

relations with religious institutions: it has ruthlessly attacked
and killed Muslims, Hindus and Buddhists but hardly ever
touched Christians. It has never confronted the Churches the
way it has taken on the other three main religionists.

In fact, it has had a very cozy relationship with the Churches.

Though the LTTE has raided and taken over Hindu Temples
by force in Western countries it has never dared to touch a
single Christian church run by the Jaffna Tamils abroad. The
Christian churches are considered to be richer than the
Hindu Temples. Nevertheless, the fear of severe backlash
from the dominant Christian governments and Christian
communities abroad has prevented the LTTE from grabbing
Christian Churches.

In any case there has been no necessity for the LTTE to act
against the Churches because they have been the backbone
of LTTE politics in Western countries. The LTTE does not want
to kill the goose that lays the golden eggs. Some of the
leading Christian priests have acted as front men for the
LTTE in Western countries. Fr. S. J. Emmanuel, former Vicar—
General of Jaffna, who is now residing in Germany, is a prime
example of the Church joining hands with the LTTE. He is on
record saying that he is first a Tamil and then a Christian.
Once he compared Prabhakaran to Jesus. He not only
campaigns for the LTTE abroad but he is also the first to
claim that he is writing a theology for Tamils only. Imitating
the radical priests of Latin America he is supposed to write a
new “liberation theology” praising Prabhakaran. He was
followed by S. Jebanesan, Bishop of the Church of South
India (CSI), who said that he too was working on a theology
for the Tamils. A theology only for the Tamils! excludes
Sinhala Christians.

Obviously, this theology is tied to LTTE politics glorifying the

new “Surya Devan” (Sun God). The obsession of the
Churches with Prabhakaran’s racist politics makes them blind
to the teachings of Jesus who preached a doctrine in which
all are children of God. The object of their theology is to tie
Christianity with the brutal ethnic politics of Prabhakaran.
Emmanuel rushed to Bishop Desmond Tutu and managed to
convince him to write an foreword to his booklet, Let My
People Go. But to where? Into Prabhakaran’s hell?

The close links between the Church and the LTTE was
revealed when Jebanesan brought in LTTE muscle-men to
influence the vote of the last annual general meeting of the
CSI that was to decide on an extension for Jebanesan as he
has reached retiring age. He wanted an extension to mark
time until another pro-LTTE candidate comes of age to
contest. Pro-LTTE Bishop Jebanesan thrown out by young
Church delegates in Jaffna. Despite the LTTE agents speaking
on behalf of Jebanesan, the young turks in the Church
refused to give pro-LTTE Jebanesan another extension. As he
has reached retiring age he will be thrown out
unceremoniously from the Bishopric of the CSI.

Quite early, LTTE joined hands with Radio Veritas, a

worldwide Catholic broadcasting station. The Hindustan
Times (May 25, 1999) reported that the Voice of Tigers (VOT)
“has established on Sunday 23rd ‘a coordinating office’ to tie
up Radio Veritas at St. Sebastian Church in Mallavi located in
the Wanni. “The rationale behind the tiie-up is that it will
give VOT access to the vast audience of Radio Veritas.
Nearly 850,000 Sri Lankan Tamils living as refugees or
migrants across the globe ro tune in to Radio Veritas,
because it gives sensational "Eelam Tamil" news, often
ahead of the BBC Tamil service Tamil Osai, said the
Hindustan Times. Radio Veritas is a Catholic outfit run by the
Asian Catholic Bishops’ Conference. The Tamil wing of the
Catholic church in Sri Lanka has been active agents of Tamil
separatism. They have been in the forefront manufacturing
excuses and covering up for the political crimes of the LTTE.

Tamil Christian priests have infiltrated the Churches in

Western countries and through them they propagated pro-
LTTE politics. A good example is that Prof. S. Chandrakanthan
attached to the Theology Department of the Toronto
University, Canada. He is a political fundamentalist disguised
in Christian robes. To him Christianity is merely a vehicle to
propagate separatist politics and white-wash LTTE crimes
against humanity.

In Australia, for instance, the LTTE got a foothold in the

Uniting Church through Prof. Christie Eliezer who was a lay
preacher of the Uniting Church. His proxy was Rev. Dick
Wootton who was viewed as card-carrying member of the
LTTE. He had an office in the Headquarters of the Uniting
Church in the city of Melbourne. Finally, the Uniting Church
eased him out after strong protests from Sri Lankans who
demanded that the “Uniting Church must Unite and not

The Anglican Church is not far behind the Catholic Church

and CSI. Bishop Kenneth Fernando returned from a visit to
Prabhakaran, with Charles Abeysekera and Jayadeva
Uyangoda and announced to the media that “Prabhakaran is
humane”. It shocked the Sri Lankan community, Christians
and non-Christians alike.

The LTTE and the Churches maintain this lovey-dovey

relationship because it serves their mutual interests. LTTE
has found in the international network of the Churches easy
access to Western media, politicians, churches and other
powerful lobbies to cover-up their crimes against humanity.
The pastoral letters written by Sri Lankan bishops and priests
are distributed world-wide. No Churchmen has ever said that
a Sinhala-Buddhist leader is “humane” though some of the
world’s biggest welfare schemes have been implemented by
them within a democratic framework that respects all

The Churches too find it necessary to tie up with the LTTE (1)
to weaken the Sinhala-Buddhist community for conversions
(2) to prevent the Church breaking up on ethnic lines (3) to
win converts to the Churches in the guise of being their best
political allies and (4) to break up the state which would help
them to establish a separate church and hierarchy of their
own. Under (4), for instance, the Tamil Catholic need not go
the Pope through the Sinhala Bishops in Colombo. Under (4)
the ambitions of the Church and the LTTE coincide. In this
and in other respects, both fulfill each other’s needs. The
Churches in Sri Lanka which could have acted as the most
effective instrument in uniting both communities through the
channels of the common churches established in both
communities took sides and worsened the ethnic enmities.

Though the separatist movement claims to have its roots in

the Jaffna Hindu Tamils, it has always had a strong element
of Christians either leading it or influencing it. Its very first
leader, S. J. V. Chelvanayakam, was an Anglican. However,
when the Church of South India established its branch in Sri
Lanka he switched over from the Anglican to CSI because of
its ethnic leanings. Chelvanayakam preferred to be linked
with Tamils of South India than with the Anglicans, most of
whom were Sinhalese in Sri Lanka. Chelvanayakam mono-
ethnic politics extended to every aspect of his life. He did not
want to buy a house in Colombo fearing that his children
would be influenced by the multicultural forces that would
liberalize their thinking and attitudes. He did not want Tamil
public servants to learn Sinhala fearing that the Sinhala
influence would make them less amenable to separatist
politics. He did not want to attend the Christian God’s church
fearing that the God in Sinhala-domi!
nated Churches would dilute the Tamil identity and make
them children of a Sinhala God rather than a Tamil God. In
short, he was the arch symbol of racism designed to
separate communities.

The seeds of dissension sown by Chelvanayakam saw his

political descendants blow up the Sacred Temple of the Tooth
in Kandy, massacring Muslim praying in Kathakudy in the
East, shooting in broad daylight a Japanese Buddhist monk
who went on a mission of peace in the north, spraying
bullets on Buddhist pilgrims at the Sacred Bo Tree in
Anuradhapura and … the list is unending. But his political
children dared not touch the Christians. They are too
powerful and the backlash against them would be too hard
to bear.

Rajiv assassination: Swamy accuses Sonia of 'cover-up'

Monday, February 16, 2004

Janata Party president Dr Subramanian Swamy today

charged the Congress president Sonia Gandhi with joining
the DMK alliance because she had something to cover up in
former Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi's assassination.

Talking to reporters here, Swamy said, 'Sonia had joined it

(the DMK alliance) at the behest of her mother and family
friend to create a LTTE-friendly lobby in Tamilnadu.'

In this regard, the Janata Party leader said that 'in the
wireless intercept of a conversation between LTTE's Pottu
Amman and Sivarasan after the assassination there was a
mysterious reference to 'people in high places in Delhi' who
would protect LTTE from being caught in the assassination
perfidy. Now it has become clear that Sonia Gandhi is one of
those in high places.'

Also, he remarked that 'the nation in general and Tamilnadu

in particular is shocked at the capitulation of Sonia Gandhi at
the Anna Arivalayam when she said to the media that the
Jain Commission had in its 'final report' exonerated the DMK
in the assassination of Rajiv Gandhi.'

Stating that Sonia Gandhi had betrayed Tamilnadu's Kannagi

tradition, Swamy said the Tamil people should wipe out the
DMK-led alliance in the forthcoming Parliamentary elections.
To facilitate this, the AIADMK must ensure that the anti-LTTE
focus is not blurred by the periodic indiscretions of their
electoral partner, the BJP, he added.
Further, he said that the BJP-led Union government had been
weak during the last five years in dealing with the LTTE.
There have been many lapses in this regard that need to be
rectified by the BJP before the election campaign gets
underway, he remarked.

The Janata Party would contest the elections on the promise

of 'An Agenda for National Renaissance', he said and added
that the party would field candidates to win enough seats in
Parliament to be a factor in government formation.

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