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Healthcare and Hospital Management


Healthcare and Hospital Management

A 30-hour, 3-credit PGDM/MBA course

Jyotinath Ganguly Research Associate, Healthcare (University of Maastricht), Consultant, Visiting Faculty ganguly@ hin!"y##etri$%co# &'( '))*+ ,-*.)

Healthcare and Hospital Management ontents /ntro0uction 123ectives Au0ience 4elivery #o0e Career 5aths "ections e$t 6oo! Rea0ings 7valuation Course /nstructor "ession 8lan


Healthcare and Hospital Management !ntroduction


he 9orl0:s 5o5ulation has 2een gra0ually ageing as a result of continually i#5roving stan0ar0s of living, nutrition an0 #e0ication% he glo2ali;ation of 2usinesses an0 the 0is5ersal of fa#ilies is increasingly resulting in sections of the ol0er 5o5ulation having to fen0 for the#selves in ter#s of living an0 healthcare% he situation is si#ilar in /n0ia% Gro9ing econo#ic 5ros5erity cou5le0 9ith grossly unhealthy lifestyles an0 foo0 is creating the e<uivalent of a tic!ing ti#e 2o#2 rea0y to e$5lo0e% Managers an0 care givers in the healthcare seg#ent have the 5otential to #a!e a 0ifference to #illions of 5eo5les: lives% /n0ia, an0 #ost other countries, are to0ay 5resente0 9ith #assive healthcare relate0 challenges that they nee0 to urgently solve to 0evelo5 syste#s an0 5rocesses for the 0elivery of affor0a2le healthcare% o0ay, increasingly, / 5o9ers 2usiness efficiency an0 2usiness gro9th aroun0 us% An a55reciation of the relationshi5 2et9een technology an0 healthcare 0elivery is conse<uently a fun0a#ental re<uire#ent in to0ay:s healthcare 0o#ain% =hile o55ortunities e$ist, so 0oes gro9ing co#5etition% he integration of entre5reneurshi5, i#5rove0 5rocesses, #onitoring technology, co##unications technology, 0ata analytics, 0evices an0 efficient service 0elivery 9oul0 constitute so#e of the 5illars on 9hich to#orro9:s healthcare 0elivery syste#s 9oul0 0e5en0 on%

Healthcare in !ndia re#en0ous sco5e e$ists in /n0ia for entre5reneurs, e$isting healthcare 0elivery syste#s an0 those 9ho are li!ely to e#erge in the near future% Accor0ing to a =H1 re5ort 5u2lishe0 in ,*(,, the nu#2er of hos5ital 2e0s in /n0ia 9as a2out (%+ 5er (,*** 5o5ulation, co#5are0 to the =H1 gui0eline of +%>, a2out t9o?thir0s of 9hich are in the 5rivate sector% he total healthcare e$5en0iture in /n0ia in ,*(* 9as -@ of G48, co#5are0 to an average of >%A@ in Bo9 an0 Me0iu# /nco#e Countries (BM/C)% /n0ia:s healthcare s5en0 co#5are0 to G48 has fallen fro# -%-@ to -@ 2et9een ,*** an0 ,*(*% he current out of 5oc!et healthcare s5en0 (non?Govern#ent) in /n0ia is a2out )*@, far higher than the glo2al average an0 BM/C average% he nu#2er of registere0 allo5athic 0octors an0 nurses 9as a2out ,%, 5er thousan0 5o5ulation, lo9er than the =H1 2ench#ar! of ,%>, 9ith a2out -*@ 2eing non?5racticing or 9or!ing in the infor#al sectors% /n s5ite of this shortfall, a large nu#2er of ACU"H 0octors are non?5racticing or 9or! in the infor#al sector% Conse<uently the nu#2er of registere0 0octors an0 nurses 9as a total of a2out (%' 5er (,*** 5o5ulation in ,*(*%

Healthcare and Hospital Management


he 5revalence of Don?co##unica2le 4iseases (DC4) has gro9n alar#ingly% Accor0ing to the /nternal 4ia2etic Fe0eration (/4F) in ,*(,, a2out >*@ of /n0ians are li!ely to 2e suffering fro# high 2loo0 sugar, of 9ho# over .* #illion are 0ia2etic% /n0ia is calle0 the :4ia2etes ca5ital of the 9orl0:% 4ia2etes can trigger several co#5lications inclu0ing 2lin0ness, stro!e an0 #yocar0ial infraction% =H1 esti#ate0 in ,*(, that a2out -** #illion (over +*@) /n0ians #ay suffer fro# high 2loo0 5ressure, an0 that u5 to -*@ of the over?,> 5o5ulation #ay 2e affecte0 in so#e ur2an areas% 4ia2etes an0 hy5ertension are t9o of the DC4s, along 9ith cancer an0 5ul#onary 0iseases, that are together res5onsi2le for a2out >*@ of all 0eaths in /n0ia% he nu#2er of citi;ens li!ely to re<uire #e0ical care is going to increase significantly in the near future% his tren0 has 2een 9itnesse0 in the U"A, 9here CDD re5orte0 that healthcare is the largest in0ustry 9ith the secon0 largest nu#2er of 3o2s% Further, /n0ia has the 5otential to 0evelo5 the Me0ical ouris# sector% here is, conse<uently, high 5otential for the i#5rove#ent of healthcare services, 0elivery of affor0a2le healthcare to larger sections of the 5o5ulation an0 for entre5reneurs to start u5 ne9 ventures in the healthcare 0o#ain not only to a00ress /n0ia, 2ut 5o5ulations aroun0 the 9orl0% Deli"er# mode he course 9ill 2e offere0 as a +*?hour, +?cre0it course% Fiel0 9or! 9ill 2e strongly encourage0, su23ect to /nstitutional 5olicies% areer paths he content has 2een 0esigne0 in a structure0 #anner to e<ui5 stu0ents to 2e rea0y for various Managerial roles in Healthcare inclu0ingE Healthcare "trategy 8lanning an0 /#5le#entation Hos5ital "ales, 15erations, "ervices an0 Mar!eting #anage#ent Healthcare 8ro0uct, "ales, Mar!eting, Alliance #anage#ent 7ntre5reneurshi5

ontent he course is 0ivi0e0 into four #o0ules, 9ith e<ual e#5hasis on conce5tual an0 5ractical case stu0ies% Conte#5orary e$a#5les, very relevant to the to5ic of 0iscussion, 9ill 2e 5rovi0e0 in the class to ai0 learning% /f #ore interaction ti#e is re<uire0, the /nstructor 9ill 9or! 9ith the stu0ents an0 the institute to acco##o0ate, at #utual convenience% he final content an0 the sche0ule #ay vary 0e5en0ing on the o55ortunity for fiel0 9or!%

Healthcare and Hospital Management


8art /E /#5ortance of Hos5ital Manage#ent A 5ers5ective of the glo2al an0 /n0ian healthcare in0ustry% he challenges facing the health sector in /n0ia% Decessary 2ac!groun0 an0 conte$t to un0erstan0 an0 a55reciate the e#erging role of hos5ital #anage#ent% 8art //E Hos5ital Manage#ent Conce5ts A 2asic un0erstan0ing of #anage#ent conce5ts in general an0 their a55lications to hos5ital #anage#ent% 7<ui5 the hos5ital #anagers of to0ay an0 to#orro9 9ith the re<uire0 #anage#ent ca5acity an0 confi0ence to a00ress the #anagerial challenges in healthcare service 0elivery% 8art ///E Hos5ital Manage#ent Case "tu0ies an0 ren0s Real case stu0ies fro# large hos5itals, 5rivate an0 5u2lic% 7$5osure to a 9i0e range of #anagerial issues in the areas on 15erations Manage#ent, Finance an0 Cost Manage#ent, HR Manage#ent, Materials Manage#ent, Mar!eting an0 / syste#s% /n0ustry characteristics, 8rivate an0 8u2lic sector, 6ig 4ata, Analytics, Mo2ility, /0entity, "ecurity, 7ntre5reneurshi5, /ncu2ation case stu0ies 8art /VE A Fra#e9or! for case analysis A fra#e9or! for analy;ing hos5ital #anage#ent case stu0ies an0 0e#onstrate the use of our fra#e9or! in the analysis of #anaging out5atient services at Christian Me0ical College Hos5ital (CMC Hos5ital), Vellore% Rea0ers are e$5ecte0 to use this fra#e9or! in solving other case stu0ies 5resente0 in this 2oo!% $e%t &oo' Hos5ital Manage#entE e$t F Cases 2y G% V% Ra#ani, 8earson /"6DE 'A))(+(A'-*(, (eadings here 9ill 2e t9o ty5es of rea0ingsE 8resentations an0 other #aterial 5rovi0e0 2y the /nstructor Articles fro# in0ustry an0 research 3ournals )"aluation =ill 2e finali;e0 as 5er /nstitute 5olicy, co#5rising ofE Atten0ance Class 5artici5ation /n?class e$ercises Assign#ents an0 8ro3ect 5resentations 7$a#inations%

Healthcare and Hospital Management ourse !nstructor


Jyotinath Ganguly is a Research "cholar in Healthcare at the University of Maastricht ( he Detherlan0s)% His /n0ia host is "t John:s Research /nstitute ("t John:s Me0ical College an0 Hos5ital, 6angalore)% Jyotinath is also an /n0ustry Consultant an0 Visiting Faculty% He has over ,> yearsH in0ustry e$5erience, inclu0ing 5ositions 9ith 4igital 7<ui5#ent, /6M, "un Microsyste#s, /ntel an0 He9lett?8ac!ar0% /n his last assign#ent 9ith H8, he 9as res5onsi2le for 7nter5rise Channel 7na2le#ent, Mar!eting an0 "trategic 4evelo5#ent for H8 7nter5rise Channels, the largest / channel 5artner ecosyste# in /n0ia% He 5reviously hel0 5ositions inclu0ing 8rinci5al "olution Architect 9ith H8, General Manager, "yste#s 7ngineering 9ith "un Microsyste#s an0 Consultant, 70ucational "ervices an0 Barge 8ro0ucts 9ith 4igital 7<ui5#ent% Jyotinath hol0s a 67 0egree (6angalore University) an0 M" 0egree (Cle#son University, "outh Carolina, U"A)% He has consulte0 for 6usiness an0 / ransfor#ation 5ro3ects an0 evangeli;e0 echnologies an0 7nter5rise architecture 5latfor#s over ,* years% He has strong raining an0 Mentoring e$5erience in /n0ustry% "ince ,**>, Jyotinath has taught M6A an0 8G"7M courses at //M 6angalore, //M Go;hi!o0e, A#rita "chool of 6usiness, Asian "chool of 6usiness an0 "M Ma0urai, covering "trategy, /nnovation, echnology, Manage#ent an0 "ales% *in'edin+ htt5EII999%lin!e0in%co#IinI3yotinathganguly

,ession plan 8AR / E /M81R ADC7 1F H7AB HCAR7 AD4 H1"8/ AB MADAG7M7D Health Care /n0ustry Health "ector in /n0ia 8AR // E H1"8/ AB MADAG7M7D CHABB7DG7" Hos5ital Manage#entE "ervice Juality Hos5ital Manage#ent Functions Hos5ital Manage#ent "u55ort "yste#s 8AR /// E H1"8/ AB MADAG7M7D E CA"7 " U4/7" AD4 R7D4" Hos5ital 15erations Manage#ent

Healthcare and Hospital Management Hos5ital Finance an0 Cost Manage#ent Hos5ital HR Manage#ent Hos5ital Materials Manage#ent Hos5ital / "yste#s an0 /ntegration% /n0ustry characteristicsE 8rivate an0 8u2lic sector ren0s, 155ortunities 6ig 4ataE Analytics Mo2ility /0entity, "ecurity 7ntre5reneurshi5, /ncu2ation centres


8AR /VE A FRAM7=1RG F1R CA"7 ADABC"/" Hos5ital Manage#ent CasesE A Fra#e9or! for Analysis (to 2e use0 to analy;e a2ove cases)

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