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Supplemental Handouts for Fundamentals of Nursing

DIET THERAPEUTIC DIET AND NUTRITION DIET - an allowance of food and drink consumed regularly y an indi!idual" Nutrition therapy interventions used in the treatment of a disorder or illness and includes diet therapy , nutrition counseling or the use of specialized nutrition therapies such as supplementation with nutritional or medical foods and nutritional support through enteral or parenteral methods Defini#ion of #erms Recommended Dietary Allowance recommended levels of energy and nutrient intakes for a a specific population group. ased on average re!uirement "t has #plus # allowance , called margin of safety to cover variations in individual re!uirements and incomplete utilization of food Defini#ion of #erms Dietary history a record of the usual day to day food intake of an individual. "t is part of the nutritional history and can $e taken $y means of recall or $y food record Nutritional history record of events related to the act of nourishing the $ody. "t includes dietary history, socioeconomic factors such as income, educational $ackround and other data relevant to nutritional status Defini#ion of #erms %herapeutic diet a diet modified or adopted from the normal diet to suit specific disease conditions, one designed to treat or cure disease , or to support medical management of a disease Dietary guidelines !ualitative advice on healthy eating &ood e'change lists gropuings of food with similar car$ohydrate , protein and fat content designed to facilitate planning of computed diets and serve as $asis for further classifying foods according to content of other components Desira le ody weig$# Desira$le $ody weight (hildren ) *Age in years '+ , - . Adults ) * height in cm -/00 , /0 1 "nfants weight Dou$les at 2-3 mos. %riples at /+ mos. 4uadruples at +5 mos. TOTA% CA%ORIE RE&UIRE'ENT "N&AN%6 /+0 //0 7(A8 9 7D : (;"8DR<N /00- */00 ' A=< "N ><AR6, AD?8%6 / 7(A8 9 7D :9 ;R @;>6"(A8 A(%"A"%> B 1 A CA< A6A8 <DR<6%- /0 6<D<N%AR> -D0 8"=;% 20 ECD<RA%< -F2 ;<AA> /007(A8 DI(TRI)UTION O* TER


(;C 20-F0 1 CR AA<RA=< C& 30 (;CN /0-+01 &A%6 +0-+2 AND D0-521 T$era+eu#ic die#s Eodifications of the normal diet (hange in consistency. "ncrease or decrease in energy values =reater or lesser amount of certan

"ncrease or decrease in $ulk Alterations in flavor "nclude or e'clude specific foods Eodify intervals of feeding Clear li,uid die# "llness or surgery marked $y intolerance to food, acute inflammatory conditions of the ="%, for conditions re!uiring)decreased fecal material. "nade!uate in nutritional essentials, li!uid at room temperature.use for / -+ days only. (lear fat free $roths , strained Guices,tea and coffee , sala$at, plain gelatin , sugar plain, hard candies

*ull li,uid die# @ost op , acute infection, acute inflammatory conditions of the =.".%. for patients too ill to eat solid or semi solid foods, impaired chewing and swallowing a$ility 8i!uid at room temp. and free from cellulose and and irritating spices and condiments. 3-. small feedings recommended 6trained cream or soups, pureed strained meat and fish,strained fruit Guices ,plain

Prepared by: Mark Dave C. Labergue S!D" #N" M$N %ue&

Supplemental Handouts for Fundamentals of Nursing

ice cream and plain gelatin, constarch pudding and milk and cocoa (of# Die# @atients who are una$le to chew, swallow or digest foods included in the full diet.mild to moderate infection6imple =" distur$ances and convalescence Eodification in consistenncy and te'ture &oods low in cellulose content low in fi$er free from connective tissues and strong flavors, simple and easily digested %ow residue die# Dysentery , diarrheas , pre-op and post op when it is desired to reduce fecal residue, as in colostomy, ileostony , and $owel resection. Eade of foods which form the least anount of fecal matter, inade!uate in vitamins and minerals therefore supplementation is instituted (ereals strained soups, chicken *no skin, 8CR<6 )land die# =astric and duodenal ulcers, gastritis , ulcerative colitis, in some cardiac cases in order to provide rest to the heart &oods are non iiritating Eildly flavored foods without fi$er, connective tissue, and should $e non irritating and non stimulating * avoid alcohol , coffee $lack pepper and chili powder 'ec$anically sof# die# @oor dentures , lack of teeth, presence of sores and mouth lesions, mechanically una$le to chew, masticate and digest foods. &oods given re!uire little chewing =rinded, chopped , minced and pureed food Hig$ fi er die# Atonic constipation, Atherosclerosis, diverticulosis, DE Eore than /0 grams &ull diet with emphasis on long fi$ered vegeta$les , raw fruits and vegeta$les, whole grain cereals and coarse $reads Hig$ caloric ?nderweight, protein energy malnutrition, fevers and infections, hyperthyroidism, $urns, growth pregnancy and lactation D meals with in$etween feeding gradual rather than drastic. Aitamins and minerals at or a$ove RDA. (ontains greater amount of total energy (ereals, $read, $utter , cream and other fats and sugar %ow caloric C$esity and those cases where e'cess weight is a complicating factor as DE, (AD, renal D' , ;@N , gout , gall $ladder D' and preceeding surgery (ontains reduced amount of energy to effect a negative energy $alance 6ufficient $ulk , low in calories . Avoid high fat foods and high (;C foods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

Prepared by: Mark Dave C. Labergue S!D" #N" M$N %ue&

Supplemental Handouts for Fundamentals of Nursing

"N&<(%"C?6 ;<@A%"%"6 ;"=; (AR . &I< R<@8A(<E<N%, 6EA88 , &R<4?<N% E<A86 A"D6 AND "EE?NC6?@R<66<D @A%"<N%6 &CCD 6A&<%>, NC RA:, ?ND<R(CC7<D &CCD RA "<6 ;"=; (A8CR"( AND 8<ND<R"J<D &<<D"N= =A6%R<(%CE> 6EA88 &R<<4?<N% &<<D"N=6 ;"=; &A% AND @RC%<"N, DR> 6C8"D,8C: &" <R AND 8C: R<6"D?<, NC A8(C;C8 CR 6:<<% (AR CNA%<D <A<RA=<6,;"=; (A8CR"(, 6"E@8< (;C R<6%R"(%<D

;"=; (;CN , A"% (, ;"=; (A8 AND A"% (CE@8<H

)URN( %C%A8 <N<R=> R<4?"R<E<N%6 M +2 7(A8 H @R< ?RN :<"=;% *7=.,N - M 50 7(A8 H 1 6A ?RN<DN AD?8% (;"8DR<N D0 7(A8 %C /00 7(A8

&8?"D6 + 5 E8. 9 7 : H 6A B %C%A8 +5 ;C?R6

"8<C6%CE> AND (C8C6%CE> (8<AR &8?"D A% &"R6%, 8C: R<6"D?< AND 8AND, ;" (A8CR"< AND ;"=; @RC%<"N, A"%. 6?@@8<E<N%<D K<K?NC"8<C6%CE> 8C: &A%, 8C: (;C , 8C: &" <R , ;"=; @RC%<"N AND 6"H 6EA88 &<<D"N=6 @<R"%CN"%"6 AND "N%<6%"NA8 C 6%R?(%"CN N@C AND (8<AR 8"4?"D6 %C 8C: R<6"D?<

?RN6 ;"=; (A8CR"( ,(;CN , (;C, EA> R<4?"R< %@N CR %? < &<<D"N=, CRA8 N?%R"<N% 6?@@8<E<N%6, A"%. / AND (, AN%A("D6 %C @R<A<N% (?R8"N=L6 ?8(<R. N=% %C @R<A<N% =A6%R"( D"6%<N%"CN, <AR8> A(?%< =A6%R"( D"8A%"CN AND @ARA8>%"( "8<?6 :"%; ?RN 6;C(7.ECN"%CR C:<8 6C?ND6. &"R6% +5-5. ;C?R6 * 8C: @C%A66"?E, 5.-F+ ;C?R6;"=; @C%A66"?E

THERAPEUTIC DIET *OR (PECI*IC CONDITION( A=< (8<AR 8"4?"D A=N 8C: NA , 8C: (;CN ADD"6CNL6 ;"=; NA , 8C: 7 AN<E"A , @<RN"("C?6 ;"=; (;CN , A"%. . AN<E"A 6"(78< (<88 ;"=; &8?"D =C?% @?R"N< R<6%R"(%<D AD;D AND "@C8AR &"N=<R &CCD6 ?RN ;"=; (A8. ;"=; (;CN (<8"A( =8?%<"N &R<< (;C8<(>6%"%"6 ;"=; (;CN, ;"=; (AR , 8C: &A% (;& 8C: NA , 8C: (;C8. (RC;N6 ;"=; (;CN AND (;C, 8C: &A% THERAPEUTIC DIET *OR (PECI*IC CONDITION( (>6%"( &" RC6"6 ;"=; (A8., ;"=;


)URN(- E'ER.ENT1H/PO-O%E'IC AND DIURETIC "EE<D"A%< 6;C(7 @<R"CD*/-D,&8?"D %;<RA@>, <8<(%RC8>%<6 6CD"?E AND (;8CR"N< > ?6< C& 6A8"N< 6C8?%"CN R<(CA<R> @<R"CD*D-2,-(AR<&?8 " AND C 6<(CNDAR> &<<D"N= @<R"CD*3 /2,

8"%;"A6"6----A("D A6; &CR A87. 6%CN<6------A87. A6; &CR A("D 6%CN<6 D<(? "%?6 ?8(<R6 ;"=; (;CN , ;"=; A"% ( D"ARR;<A ;"=; 7 AND NA D?E@"N= 6>NDRCE< ;"=; &A%, ;"=; (;CN,DR> ;<@A%"( <N(<@;A8C@A%;>-8C: (;CN ;<@A%"%"6 ;"=; (;CN,;"=; (A8. ;"R6@R?N=6 8C: R<6"D?<, ;"=; (;CN AND (;C ("RR;C6"6 8C: (;CN E<N"<R<L6 8C: NA

Prepared by: Mark Dave C. Labergue S!D" #N" M$N %ue&

Supplemental Handouts for Fundamentals of Nursing


E" AND ;@N 8C: (;C8.,&A%6,NA ;>@<R%;>RC"D"6E- ;"=; (A8. AND

Transcul#ural Die#- die#ary +ro$i i#ions2 +g" 3445 ;"ND?- all meats and animal shortening "68AE- pork , alcohol and $everages*e'tracts of lemon and vanilla, , animal shortening and gelatin made of pork K?DA"6E pork , fowl , shellfish and scavenger fish* without scales or fins, , $lood $y ingestion*transfusion o.k.,, packed fods kosher-properly presserved or fitting 7C6;<R- no meat and milk altogether @areve made without milk or meat items ECRECN alcohol, to$acco, $everages with caffeine stimulants F%; DA> ADA<N%"6% pork , certain seafoods including shelfish, fermented $everages , vegeta$les are encouraged >"N AND >AN= cold foods in hot illness , vice versa ;ot rash , fever , sorethroat , surgery , ulcer , infection (old (a , ;A , stomach cramps and colds Acid-ash diet Retards the formation of alkalinic renal stones "ndicated to patients with renal calculi *Alkaline stones, <.g. cheese, cran$erries, eggs, meat, plums, prunes, whole grains Alkaline ash diet Retards the formation of acid renal stones. "ndicated to patients with renal stones *Acidic stones, <.g. fruits *e'cept cran$erries, plums, prunes,, milk, vegeta$les land diet 8ow fi$er, mechanical irritants, chemical stimulants "ndicated for patients with gastritis, diarrhea, $iliary indigestion, and hiatal hernia RA% Diet anana, Rice, Apple. %oast "ndicated for patients with diarrhea

;>@C%;>RC"D"6E 8C: (A8. , 8C: (;C8, 8C: 6A%. &A% THERAPEUTIC DIET *OR (PECI*IC CONDITION( N<@;RC%"( 6>NDRCE< 8C: NA, ;"=; (;CN , ;"=; (A8. ;>@<R@ARA%;>RC"D"6E 8C: (A8("?E ;>@C@ARA%;>RC"D"6E ;"=; (A, 8C: @;C6@;CR?6 C6%<C@CRC6"6 ;"=; (A8("?E AND ;"=; A"%. D @AN(R<A%"%"6 8C: &A% @?D ;"=; &A%, ;"=; (AR . 8C: (;CN @7? 8C: (;CN 9 @;<N>8A8AN"N< @"; ;"=; (;CN @<D>A &CR (CN6 AND D"ARR RA%

THERAPEUTIC DIET *OR (PECI*IC CONDITION( R<NA8 &A"8?R< *A(?%<, 8C: (;CN,;"=; (AR 8C: NA *C8"=?R"( @;A6<, ;"=; (;CN , ;"=; (A8 AND R<6%R"(%<D &8?"D *D"?R<%"( @;A6< R<NA8 &A"8?R< *(hronic, 8C: (;CN , 8C: NA , 8C: 7 DAI%/ (ER-IN.( R<AD (<R<A8 @A6%A R"(< 3// A<=<%A 8<6 D-2 &R?"% +-D E<A%,@C?8%R>, <AN6 <==6 AND N?%6 +-D95 E"87,>C=?R% AND (;<<6< +-5 &A%6 C"86 6:<<%6 6@AR.

Prepared by: Mark Dave C. Labergue S!D" #N" M$N %ue&

Supplemental Handouts for Fundamentals of Nursing

utter$all diet 6pare protein $ut high in car$ohydrates "ndicated for patients with liver disorders (lear li!uid Diet %o relieve thirst and help maintain fluid $alance "ndicated for post-operative patients and following vomiting and gastroenteritis Dia$etic Diet :ell $alance diet %he purpose is to maintain near to normal $lood glucose level "ndicated to patients with dia$etes mellitus

"ndicated to patients with dumping syndrome 8ow fat9cholesterol Diet "t serve the purpose of reducing hyperlipedemia, and to patients with intolerance to fats "ndicated to patients with cardiovascular diseases, patients who underwent resection of the small intestines, hypertension cholecystitis and cholelithiasis

&ull li!uid diet "t serves to provide nutrition to patients who cannot chew or tolerate solid foods "ndicated to patients with stomach upsets, post-surgical patients, after progression from clear li!uid diet =iordano Diet 6pare protein "ndicated to patients who suffers from (hronic renal &ailure =luten free Diet No to R C : arley. Rye. Cat, :heat %his is the diet of a patient who suffers from celiacLs Disease ;alal Diet No pork diet Diet of the Eoslems ;igh &i$er Diet &ruits and vegeta$le "t speeds up the passage of food to the digestive tract, it softens the stool, "ndicated to patients who are constipated, with diverticolosis, with hyperlipedemia ;igh @rotein Diet 8ean-meat, cheese, eggs, "ndicated to patients with nephrotic syndrome 7osher Diet Eeat ad milk cannot $e served simultaneously Diet of the Crthodo' Kews 8ow car$ohydrate diet

8ow Residue diet Reduces the $ulk of stools "ndicated to patients with ulcerative colitis, diverticulitis, patients who will undergo surgery of the =" tract 8ow 6odium Diet "ndicated to patients with cardiovascular and renal disorders @urine restricted diet %o reduce uric acid "ndicated to patients with gouty arthritis, renal calculi, and hyperuricemia 6odium-restricted diet "ndicated to patients with heart failure, hypertension, renal diseases, @";, and steroid therapy 6oft diet ?sed to provide nutrition for those patients who have pro$lems in chewing &or patients with ill-fitting denturesO transition from full-li!uid to general diet, patients with gastrointestinal distur$ances such as gastric ulcers and cholelithiasis %yramine-free Diet ?se to prevent hypertensive crisis for patients who are taking-in EAC" antidepressant. No to A (Ls- Avocado, anana, (anned and @rocessed &oods, and also, no to fermented foods Aegan Diet Diet of the 6eventh Day Adventists >in Diet (old deserts after a surgery. "t is a (hinese $elief.

:ater 6olu$le Aitamins Ait. (. *Ascor$ic Acid, prolonged deficiency- scurvy Ait. (omple'

Prepared by: Mark Dave C. Labergue S!D" #N" M$N %ue&

Supplemental Handouts for Fundamentals of Nursing


Ait. / *%hiamine, @rolonged deficiency- eri-$eri Ait. + *Ri$oflavin, @rolonged deficiency- 6kin 8essions Ait. D *Niacin, @rolonged deficiciency- @ellagra Ait. 3* @rrido'ine, @eripheral Neuritis Ait. P *&olic Acid9 &ollacin, @rolonged deficiency- Eegalo$lastic

Ait. /+ *(o$alamine9 (yanoco$alamine, @rolonged deficiency- @ernicious Anemia @anthotenic Acid Deficiency- fatigue, sleeplessness, nausea, poor coordination iotin Deficiency- fatigue, depression *a#-(olu le -i#amins Ait. A. *Retinol, Deficiency- Night lindness and Cpacity of the 8ens Ait, D* <rgocalciferol, Deficiency to (hildren) Rickets Deficiency to Adult) Csteomalacia Ait. <*%ocoferol, Defieciency- Anemia Ait. 7* Eenadione, Deficiency- leeding T$e following diseases need a $ig$ folic acid die# e6ce+# Ealnutritional anemia and "DA (hronic Alcoholism and "DA @regnancy 8actation and chronic alcoholism leeding disorders of pregnancy

Prepared by: Mark Dave C. Labergue S!D" #N" M$N %ue&

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