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The editors wish all Christmas and health New Year.

their readers a very HaPPy and prosperiiy= in the -

10021 205East78thStreet.Suite#1D. NewYork,N.Y.

1 THE PRIMATE OF THE CHURCH OUTSIDE OF RUSS]A TRAVELSABROAD In October the Primate of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia left the United States to visit the Holy Land and Europe. Metropolitan Vitaly was in Jerusalem for the centenial celebration of the erection of the Sr. Mary of Magdalene church in Gethsemane. Unfortunately the celebrations were clouded by the sudden time in death of the Abbess of the Gethsenane Convent, Theodosia. For the first years by representatives such an important was not the last 20 celebration attended of the Jerusalem Patriarch. ILLNESS OF BISHOP GREGORY In mid November Bishop Grogory underwent a successfull operation for intestinal cancer and after a 10 day stay in the hospital returned home. The post-operative prognosis is excellent and the doctors do not. expect any further complicat,ions. THE FEAST OF THE SYNODCATHEDRAL On Saturday, Nov. 27/Dec. 10 the Synod cathedral, dedicated to the Mj-raculous icon His Grace Bishop Hilarion of the Holy Virgin of Kursk, celebrated its annual feast. in concelebrat.ion with 14 priests, officiated 3 protodeacons and one deacon wiLh The Synod choir under the direction of A.B. Ledkovsky, numerous readers and servers. During supplemented by young people from neighborj-ng parishes, sounded very well. the reading of Lhe hours, V. Dutikow, elder of the Flushing church and a man from Teheran, were tonsured readers and then ordained subdeacons. During the sma1l Entrance, Vladyka bestowed epigonations on the recLor of the Vineland, N.J. paish, Fr. Liubo Miloshevich and pri-est-monk PaLrick. A skufia was given to the rector of the New Brunswick, N.Y. parish, Fr. Serge Klestov. The cathedral was full despite t.he fact that no of the service was given in the Russian language paper. After a short moleben a traDeza was offered to all present. A CATHOLIC THREATTO ORTHODOXY IN RUSSIA The New York Times of December 14, 1988, reported that the Moscow Patriarchate and the Vatican made an agreement according to which Lhe catholics will send Bibles to the USSRand, unfortunately, will also take part in reconsLruction of the Russian schools according to their heret.ical manner. Orthodox ecclesiastical The Vatican, which has dreamed for all these centuries of the conversion of Russia to RomanCatholicism, established relations with the Moscow Patriarchate as early as L962. A ftequent visitor of Lhe VaLican was Metropolitan Nikodem (Rotov) who di.ed ihere (it is believed as a secret catholic). 0n November 24th Archbishop Alexander of Dmitrovsk, the President of the Committee for the reconstruction of the academic program in the seminaries, visited the Vatican. He nade an agreement with the Catholics that they will "assist" Lhe 0rthodox Church in Russia in performi-ng a total reconstruction of the theological education of future The Vati-can spokesman joyfully clerics. announced that "They have new possibilities now and they want to be informed about what, we are doing because there are many t.hings Lhey have no experience withrt. The Pope's delegation of 10 cardinals and several bishops, who attended the rnillenium celebrations in Moscow, strengthened ties between the Vatican and the Moscow Patriarchate. 0n1y a few days after Archbishop Alexanders departure from the Vatican, Archbishop Pitirim of Volokolomsk, who is in charge of all Moscow Patriarchate ecclesiastical publications, arrived. He is seriously considered a possible successor to the old and ailing'Patriarch Pimen. Archbishop PiLirim made an agreement with the Vatican

2 involving receiving supplies of their editions of Bibles.

Due to political considerations, the Moscow Patriarchate, shows a sLrong displeasure Loward the Uniates, but for the same political benefits is willing to support, the Roman Catholic int,erests in the USSR. One does not have to be a prophet to know Ehat Lhe invit,ation of the heretic Catholics to assist in the total reconstrucLion of all ecclesiastical education programs, will lead to unobstructed propaganda of Catholicism in Russia, and that on the invitation of the Moscow Patriarchate. THE RELEASEOF FR. VLADIMIR RUSAK 0n 0ctober 24, 1988 Fr. Vladimir Rusak arrived in Moscow. He was released from a concentration samp due to pressure from western polit.icians. A few days after hj_s release, Fr. Rusak gave a telephone interview, which was published in the November issue (#3I2) of the Kesron News. When asked about his present status with the communj-sL authorities, Fr. Rusak said that inspite of his release he is sti11 considered a criminal and remains under restricti-ons o f a r t i c l e # 7 0 o f t h e C r i m i n a l L a w . H e c a n n o t g e t a p e r m i t t o s t a y i n M o s c o we v e n though his wife lives there. The authorities have ordered him to leave for Belorussia (his birthplace) withj-n 3 days, but so far he has stayed under the pretext of unfinished business and has not experienced undo pressure co comply rith ttr" orders. Fr. Rusak was asked if he has seen any changes in Church life during the 10 years since he wrote his book. He replied that he does noL think that he was able to write a book, more precisely complete it. Due to circumstances the book had to be published in an unfinished form. "I must stress that I stand by all the assertions it contains on purely church matters because these are not my words or deliberation, but ar-e based on i-ncontrovertible documentsand sources. However, there are chapters, which need a g r e a t d e a l o f r e v i s i o n a n d a g u m e n t a t i o n . S a d 1 y , t h e r e w a s n o b o d y w i t h w h o mf c o u l d consult , with whom to discuss or even debate t.he material , this was a great di-sad.vantagetf He was then asked about his feelings toward the glorification of the new marLyrs, slnce during the Council in Moscow, Metropolitan Ant.hony of Surozh and the Archbishop of Canterbury discussed it and Metropolitan Youvenaly briefly mentioned this theme in his speach in the Bolshol Theatre. Fr. Rusak replied: "I am convinced that this is a vital step which the Russian Orthodox Church must take. Indeed, I would say that this must be the primary aim of the Moscow Patrj-archat.e, taking precedence over the resolution of any problems. It is inexcusable to delay any longer.....The glorification of the new nartyrs is a matter of conscj-ence for the Church and t.he sooner it is done, the betterrt. Fr. Rusak expressed his wish to emigrate to Switzerland and Lhe Synod of Bishops is doing whatever possible to obtain a visa for him and his family. Unfortunately, he revealed in a subsequent i-nterview that. he can no longer be considered a clergyman, because of his second marriage. RETURN OF OPTINA PUSTYN During the millenium celebrations of the Baptism of Russi-a, the Soviet government widely propagaLed its good deeds toward the Russian Church by returning to it a tiny portion of confiscated and badly plundered eccleslastical property. An act widely publicized abroad' was the return to the Church of the famous Optina Pustyn (Hermitage). fL was treated by many Russian people abroad as an especially joyful event. Unfortunagely,

the reality

was far

from joyful1.

In its #311- issue, the Keston News stated, that despite hopes that OpLina Pustyn will be restored by the beginning of 1988, litt.le has been achieved in the restoralion work on the still existing buildings, the majority of which had been destroyed by the godless. A school for technical-crafts students is on the territory of the frreturnedtt monastery. The former monastic cells are occupied by 20 families who refuse to move out until the government finds them more suitable dwellings. Theodore Riabov, Lhe staLe represent,ative for religious affairs, who has held this posit,ion for 43 years, creates all sorts of difficult,ies and refuses to explain what happens Lo the monasteryfs ftlosttt mail. He is building himself a dacha close to the monastery and during this period 60,000 bricks belonging to the Church, have mysteriously disappeared. The foreman will not gj-ve workers cement for building. Meanwhile, Lhe Church has hired workers and is paying them of 700 to 900 rubles per month. So far the Church has paid out 300,000 rubles and no visible results can be recorded. At the same time the KGB is building for the tiny a two story house at the entrance to the monastery. The difficulties monastic community which has settled in Optina do not end here: the bridge, which : is essential for reaching the monastery is in poor condition. The_faithful fear that this will be justlfication for authorities no t.o let them come Lo the monastery. EFFORTSTO REPLACETHE CHURCH SLAVONICLANGUAGE !/TTH RUSSIAN The Ecumenical Press Service of November 20, 1988, published excerpts of a report by Mr. Peacock, an exchange student to the Theological EcclesiasLical Academy in Leningrad, who took part in an int,ernational church study conference. One of the main topics of the conference was the ttcontroversialtt question of reform of church language, namely In some corcles it is believed the the Baptists have substantial the Church Slavonic. success because the Russian language is understood by everyone, while the Church Slavonic has become absolete and many understand bery litt1e Yet, the of it if at all. majority of the faithful are strongly attached to slavonic and defend its use as a language which is superior to Russian and in all its forms and nuances nore capable of expressing a fine theological concept. One of the speakers at this conference was Archimandrite Raphael, a represent,ative of the Georgian Orthodox Church, who fervently defended the church slavonic language as being free from any traces of analysis and rati-onalism. The main charnpion of the abolition of church slavonic is Archbishop Cyril of Smolensk, who as rector of the Ecclesiastical Academy introduced into the Liturgy reading of the Gospel and Epistles in Russian. This reform was immediately discontinued when he was removed from this position. Addressing the conference, Archbishop Cyril pleaded wiLh the audience to understand that "the liturgical language_ c_urrently used ll 9_uT church is a hinderance to the asslmilation by modern people of the richness and beauty of OrLhodox worship, because the Church Slavonic language has losL the comprehensibility it once possessed not only for ordinary people, but. also for the int.elligerrzi-at' . of the ttOrthodox Church in Another speaker at. this conference was the representative However, Americarf, V. Rev. John Meyendorf, who defended the need for reform. lesson of Patriarch Nikonrs Fr. Meyendorf also urged not to forget the historical reforms, whi-ch resulted in a schism and warned that such a reform can be successful and reformers to only if iL is based on muLual trust and willingness of the faithful accept them. rrThe faith of the Church i-s preserved not only by apostolic succession, but by the whole people of God", declared Rev. Meyendorf. He also mentioned the reforms made by the Roman Catholic Vatj-can 2 Council and pointed out that they were forced ftfrom abovett and resulted in a ttdangerous seculatj-zation of church li-fe in Lhe West and creaLed a sort of western tfoldbelieverstt who unLil today vigorously oppose the forcible annihilation of Latin in their liturgical services.

IN THE CHURCH ROLE OF WOMEN a conference, which took place in Rhodes (Greece) The Ecumenical Patriarch initiated discussed between OcEober 30th and November 7th 1988, in which 70 Orthodox participants t,he question of "The place of Womenin the Orthodox Church and the question of ordination of womentt. The Ecumenical Patriarch announced that. this conference was arranged in order to base the impossibility of ordaining women in the Orthodox Church". "theologically of the conference heard 14 lectures on the above theme, presented by Participants representatives of the Serbian, Rumani-an,Greek and teh Moscow Patriarchate Russian tt0rthodox Church in Church. Lectures were also given by the representati-ves of the America" and the Theological Institute of Paris, represented by Rev. A . Kniazeff. publication of the Greek Archdiocese in America the "0rthodox Observer", The official of November 23rd, reports that the.conference nade a number of suggestions for the future gaLhering of the 4th pre-councilar meeting, which is to take place in February of the Ecusreni-ca1 chaired by the representariTe of 1989 at Chambessy (Switzerland) Patriarch. .. ,,', r : The most important recommendaLions were to 1) restore the insti-tute of Deaconesses, Request the Church to re-examj-ne which j-s strongly supported by Archbishop Iakovos.2) texts, rites and attitudes, which appear to be demeaningor discriminatory its liturgical of to women. 3) To confirn the Churchrs teaching, whi-chexcludes the possibility woments ordination Lo priests and bishops. Nothine is menti-oned about tonsure of them as readers. participation They also advocated "fuller of women in the life of the Church and acknowledged the current service of women in theology, Christian edu'cation, pastoral counceling, youth work, social services, iconography, Church administration, music and the ecumenical movementtt. of Deaconesses it is In reference to the question of the restoration of the institute proper to recall that when the New Martyr Grand Duchess Elizabeth decided to establish a monastic conmunity, she approached the Holy Synod with a request to have deaconesses i-n her community. The Holy Synod deliberated this question and refused her petj-tion. The fundamental reasoning was that as there was no longer a need to assist at baptisms of deaconesses has ceased to exist so long ago that of adult womenand the institute can no longer be applied in this case. According to the legal reason of tradition, (existing present) practice to those baptised are smeared with oi1 over the Greek whole body and that was the main service of deaconesses at baptism of adult women. THE SHROUD OF TURIN At the end of Septernber, most of the major American newspapers and magazines, published a sensational news story: scientj-sLs had proved without a doubt, that the famous Turin is not the shroud i-n which Our Lord the Saviour was burried, of definitely Shroud but is a ski1lfu1 forgery of the middle ages. for sometime, but until now the Vatican The Shroud of Turin has intrigued scientists permit chemj-cal analysis, because Lhis required a pj-ece the size of a had refused to regular handkerchief. However, advances made in the beginning of 1986, i-n the technique of deLernining the age of fabric have made it possible to work with a piece of fabric the size of a postage stanp. Tn April of last year, identical pieces of fabric from the Shroud of Turin were sent

5 (England), Zurich (Switzerland) to 3 differenL and totaly independent laboratories;0xford every one of these laboraLories to this, In addition and an American University in Arizona. the middle ages. belonging to received a sample of fabric already determined as A postage stamp sized sample of naterial The research was done with atomic technology. was burned and processed to form dense pellets of pure carbon. The pellets were bombarded with atoms and directed into a device that measures the ratio of carbon 14 to other carbon atoms. The ratio determined the age of the sample. A11 three laboratories the fabric was made between the 13th and 14th centuries. reached Lhe same conclusion: disappointment to Lhe Catholic The exposure of this fraud, is a source of terrible among those who believed in Unfortunately, hierarchy and a multitude of faithfull. of this shroud were some Orthodox people, lncluding some clergy. the authenticity Strangely, none of the believers in this Catholic fraud, ever gave a thought to the which tells us anything about fact that the Orthodox Church does not have a tradition t h e L o r d ' s s h r o u d . W e k n o w w h e r e t h e H o l y V i - r g i n t s b e l L i s , . w e k n o r +t h a t b e f o r e t h e ' 'f;:i :'; crusaders destroyed Constantj-noplg oreof its cathedrals housed- the robe of the Holy Virgin, we know the history of the Lordts robe, which was given to tsar Alexis Russia, Michailovich by the Persian Shah and which was preserved in pre-revolutionary in the Assumption Cathedral in lloscow. But, no vrhere is there a reference to the shroud. discovery, will probably be a disappointment to those Orthodox This new scientific who believed in this story. THE CROSSIS DISTURBING The New York Post of Nov. 2, l9BB, published an artj.cle regarding a problem with the aid esLablishments. of first design for a new symbol of the "red cross" for identification the Chermayeff and The City's Health and Hospitals Corporation awarded a contract to ttenhance the image of and hope would express whi-ch symbol, a design to conpany Geismar year firm submited the problems". Last identity solve and corporalion" the "di-fficult wlth red cross single a lrlas which cost of the made at the agency, to $75,000, a design a1arm. an sounded immediately organizations, Jewish right side. on its out cut heart a The president of the New York Board of Rabbis, Rabbi Pul Hait said, "We looked at it .Again we are being overlookedtt. and said: somehowit is not right ttred cross" has been raj-sed for the past Rabbi Hait said that the question of the 40 years and Jews are sti-ll unable to gain recognition of a "red Star of Davidtt as Red Cross did accept a valid medical symbol, despite the fact that the International the Moslem Red Crescent. The president of the Health and Hospitals Corporat.ion, Paul Henrl, defended the symbol ttcarries no religlous connotation whatsoever and of the Cross, stating that this choice symbol of health care.....The same cross is used in is a natj-onal and international Another Jewish to teach my children without itrr. want noL and I would arithmetic Michael Muller, Council, Relations Conmunity of the Jewish Director the representative, saying that displeasure, his voiced organizaLions 60 Jewish more than who represenLs from using away stay should population therefore and large has a Jewish the City c r o s s . symbols of the The spokeswomanfor the the Health and Hospitals Corporation, Suzanne Halpin, said that ihe is "optimistidt that an accepLable solution will be reached inspite of the fact that the partner of the firm which submitted the design, warned city officials that it may cost them $75,000 worth of work which if not accepted, will go down the drain. to note that according to sources obtained by the Catholic paper' It is interesting "Wanderer" of September 22, 1988, Judge Hogan ordered a huge cross (65 feet high) to

6 symbol of Christianity, be removed from,a marine base in Hawaii because, "The principle to be appropriate meaning religious ris laden with too religion, this nationts dominant message". religious of any free asserEedly for a governmenL memorial regarding this issue began in 1986. The lawyer for the defence of the cross LitigaLion based his arguments on the fact thaL the wooden cross was erected in 1966 to memorialize Americans who were dead or missing i-n Vietnam. The attorney for the t'even if you consider this just a memorial, a religious prosecuLion insisted that purpose is combined r^r-ith a secular onett. Evidently, the Cross in any of its forms, is very disturbing to a very smal1 percentage It is Lo be Christian. of a country, which until recent times considered itself worLh while to noLe that even those who defend the symbol of the Cross, actually but as a sign go out of,.:E.heir wd1r-rfg,present it not as a Symbol of Christrs victory, desirable in certain situations. but is still ihat has no important significance,
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AND CANONS POLITICS ABOVETHE CHURCH 'SLaLes, the' Dmoc'raEic 'p6-rty in ,the:United eleitions During'Lhg''Novenbsr;pre-5&dentl'al -''. -drew special attention from 0rthodox people. 'Mj-chael Dukakis candidate, Michael nuhti-s, was baptised in the 0rthodox Church, is Greek by ethnic background and is united in marriage with a Jewish woman. He did not have his children baptised in order a civil The majority of Greeks enthusiasticaly to raise them in Judeo-Christian traditions. Greek settlements and stressed visited who deliberately compatriot, their supported with strong opposition from s,ome met he However, Church. thl Qrthodox to his adherence j-n sin and so may not is living Dukakis that insisted rightly priests, who Greek receive Holy Communi-on. Archbishop Iakovos, the Head of the Greek Orthodox Church in North America, found sympathies, Archbishop fakovos is a himself in a predicameng. In his political ttprayertt for each of he composed a impartiality, at attempt in an Republican, but to give those "prayers" any other name but blasphemy. It is difficult the parties. ttprayertt for the democrats he finds such expressions: "In Thine infinite, In his care, continue to speak, o Lord, to the minds and heart of the loving and providential Guide them and their nominee, Governor people as they leave thi-s Convention. the possesses the ideals and qualifications, believe l,tictraet Dukakis, whom they our domestic in course steady a steer to needed and emotj-onal integrity intellectual assembly on this focused is world entire the of The atteniion and foreign affairs. that the great promises for equality, justice and peace in the hopeful anticipation Continue by this Nation which leads the free worldfor all peoples can be fulfilled dreams" highest their fot all hope to keep ihis .onmry as a steady The "prayer" for the Republicans r+as sinilar and also full of political terms.

Realizing that Dukakis had suddenly gained popularity with the general public, the far sighied Archbishop Iakovos, decided to take measures in case Dukakis is elected president. Archbishop Iakovos became concerned thau if Dukakis is elected, it would be very embaryass:-ng if the President of the UniLed States is refused Holy Communion and this would damage his public image. He therefore, hastily contacted the conference of At ihe July 1988 biannual clergy-laity Ecumenical patriarch Demetrios. his clergy with meeting closed a the Greek Archdiocese, Archbishop Iakovos colducted priests in the USA parish to granied authority has and announced that the Patriarchate who ChrisLians Orthodox to pastoral discretion, at their own to give Holy Communion, from bared been now, unLil have and ad or divorced outside of the Church *"rried "et. this receive would receiving the sacraments. When asked by some pri-estsif they Archbishop Iakovos replied 1n permission in an encyclical or in any written form, rr Ir11 never put that in writi-ngtt. Greek

7 publicatj-on of the Archdiocese, "The Orthodox Observer" of N.ov. 9, 1988, The official in its section of Letters to the reader, print.ed 3 letters by priests, of which 2 supported the views of the Archbishop and one expressed, sound 0rthodox opirTions on the il1ega1 cohabitaLion in our Limes : ) NEGOTIATIONS FOR I'NIFICATION OF ORTHODOX SYR]ANS AND MONOPHYSITES The Ecumenical Press of Nov. 20,1988 reported that the Orthodox and Monophys:.te ,. Patrj-archaLes entered into negotiations in order to unite as one Church. At the bqginningof this year, Metropolitan Philip (Saliba), met with Patriarch Ignatios IV, in order to discuss the possibility of uniting the 0rthodox Syrian (AnEiochean) and Monophysite Syrian Patriarchates. The split occurred when part of the Syrian Church refused to accept the 0rthodox teaching on the two natures of Jesus Chris,t, Lhe divine and human, teaching Lhat the human nature of Christ was absorbed by His .,diuine natur.e.. i''til Metropolitan Philip believes that the unification of monophysiLes with *an"U.:r Church does not have to wait for a Pan 0rthodox Council to convene, since the spfit occurred with in the-fo1,d of the Syrian Church an<i she is the one to-liba1 it.' lle aISo befiJries ' thattt,herpqpblen is.not so much in thq.di-sggreerpgalt-jo_,v.n Ehe _Chalqdoria*rdefi-nitdion.rof the dogma, bul in the divergence of terminology, which was finally defined in the year 451. Since it is now outmoded to call anyone a heretic, the monophysites are now ca11ed ttOriental Orthodoxtt or non-Chalcedonians, which creates confusion for those not farniliar with this subject. Additional confusion is caused by the fact that both patriarch are named Ignatios. In the beginning of 1986, a joint commissi-onwas established to work out details for unification of the two Patriarchates. Metropolitan Philip pointed out some practical difficulties for the expected reunion, for example such problems as the "existance of two Patriarchates, two Synods, the difference in liturgical rites, the caledar, eLc". Should this reunlon take p1ace, the Syrian Church will have about 4 million members. In princi-ple, one can only feel joy at such a perspective, however, r,/e know thaL Metropolitan Philip is an extreenely secularized bishop. Several yeary ago the official pulbication of the Antiochean Church in the USA, printed a photograph of him dressed in a cowboy suit with revolvers in hls holster and hands. Therefore i-t is difficult to predict the outcome: will the monophysites become Orthodox, or was the question of reunion ralsed for political and material reasons. CerLainly it would be wonderful to see the conversion of heretics to Ort.hodoxy, but not t,he Orthodox derneaning themselves by compromise. REPOSE OF TdO ,ABBESSES fn Jerusalem, 0ctober of 19BB brought the unexpected death of the Abbess of the Get,hsemane Convent, Mother Abbess Theodosia. Mother Theodosia was well known for her hospitality. She was preparing to receive His Eminence Metropolitan Vitaly 1n her convent and personally starLed to knead dough for a pie. The strain was too much for her and this caused a heart attack. She was rushed to the nearest hospiLal where she died. Before her appointment to the Holy Land, Mother Theodosia was in a convent in the Canadian Diocese. The schedule of His Emj-nence the Metropolitan did not permit hirn to prlsside at Lhe funeral service of his spiritual daughter. In November 1988, the convent of Novo Diveyevo in Spring Va11ey, lost its Abbess, Mother Seraphima (Yansen). The aged Abbess was ailing for some time and her deat.h was noL unexpected for the convenl. Mother Seraphima was very respected for her directness and loved for her friendliness and att.ention to peoplefs needs. Unfortunately, the conventrs administration did not make an announcement in the Russian language paper, therefore many found out about, her burial too late to be able to escorL her with prayers to her grave.

pouezltsrv MrcltrAEL or pnoiopRnsByrER REposE

Michael Pomazansky, reposed peacefully in his 0n Fridey Oct. 22/NOv. 4j Protopfesbyter He died only a few weeks short of his 100th birthday. ce1l 1n th$ Holy TiinitigMonastetlf: Academy of pre-revolutionary Fr. Micheelt;twas probabtii the last-'grddgate of an Ecclesiastical Seminary. He was the Russia; For'more than 3bl,ye.-ars.heEaught at the Holy Trinity author of an excellent book'on,QruhodO? dogma, which was translated and published in His death is a very big loss EngliOhi several other boqks ?rrd*numgrQds articles. Inspite of his advanced age, Fr. Michael for ou.r Church and $tre Seminary in pdrticular. almost to Lhe time of his repose. retained his memory and'wps abte to wrlte articles He was also an outstaetlii'A pedagogue and lecturer.

ACKNOI'IIESGEMEI{TS: Fr" S. Schneider, Priest-monk Thomas, We received donations and sincereily thank: M r . a n d M r s . S o r o k a , G . M e y e r , F r . S . P u k h , Fr: B. Kizenko, J. Sergieirko;* Mr. and Mrs. Kossovich, Mr. and Mrs. We1ls, J. Hudanich and two anonymous donors. MANY THANKS TO ALL

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