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ACCELERATED LEARNING Accelerated learning methods making learning another language easier and quicker than before.

Accelerated Learning programmes are helping parents develop their children to get better results and teacher to better their learners using multiple intelligence technique. Accerelated teaches you how to achieve relaxed, and present information in new ways that involve the left and right brains. Accelerated Learning present the student with new materials by the concious and subconscious mind. There are the language of Accelerated Learning course French, Spanish, Italian, German and English as a foreign language. An accelerated learning course is designed to transform your ability to learn. You will learn faster you will learn more easily and you will learn better. In this course we have to prepared double cassette and booklet to helping you as a partner. An accelerated learning course is in two parts. Part one is designed to create the basic memory to get all the vovabulary , into your head in a relazed and easy manner. Part two is designed to let you recall vocabullary from your memory whenever you need. Accerelated teaches you how to achieve a relaxed, receptive state of mind and present information in new ways that involve the left and right brains. Accelerated Learning present the student with new materials that is absorbed the student skill by the concious and subconscious mind. For example is in peripheral vision and sentence are short and rhytmical because the fact are easily remembered. We remember things that have powerful association for us that is happen when we are watching TV advertisers because use strong visual image, music, and rhythm so we are easily to remember that. The left and right brains and the conscious and subconscious mind that accounts for dramatic improvement in the speed and effectiveness of learning. Brain is largery complete by age five. There are established of intellectual development at 6 to 8 years old , 10 to 12 and 14 to 16 years old. It is the natural periods of development so that we should try to ensure educational stimuli . Brain development of girl is when she is 11 years old is up to twice that of boys while something like converse is true when he is 15 years old. This different curriculum for girls at these ages with a much more complex and challenging input at 11 and less intensity at 15 years old. With 10 to 15 billion nerve cells, each one capable of making thousand of contacts , the possible permutations of connecyion runs into trillions. There have been five prehistoric landmarks in the use , rather than mere possession , of this vast potential intellegence : walking on two legs, increasing manual dexterity , tool making , speech , and writing . from the study primitive societies that a 400word vocabulary will facilitate most basic communication and an adult today can survive very well on 4000 basic word of his own language. The left brain primarily appears to deal with language , mathematical processes , logical thought , sequences , analysis what we genrally label academic pursuits. The right brain principally deals with music , visual impressions, pictures , spatial patterns , and color recognition . they also ascribe to the right brain the ability to deal with

certain kinds of conceptual thought intangible ideas such as love , loyalty , beauty . The way in which the brain develops enables us to disposeof the question of whether intelligence is a function of heredity (nature) or environment (nurture) . the answer is both because the number of brain cells is a factor , but the brain cells are stimulated to make rich connections significant. It is probably correct to say that almost every normal child is born a potential genius. There is no learning without memory. There are at least two kind of memory there are short-term memory and long-term memory . Dr. Alan Baddeley describe that the short-term memory is the working memory. The short-term memory is effectively a temporary storage device. When you are reading a sentence , it is your short-term memory that retains the words at the beginning of the sentencelong enough to make sense of the whole sentence. Then is the meaning , rather the individual words , that is transferred into your long term memory the long term memory is the permanent storage system from which recall can be made. Our memory like a RAM and ROM in the computer . RAM (randon access memory) is the processing and calculating part and ROM (read only memory is a storage memory. If the computer switch off the RAM contents desappear like the short term memory . they must be recorded a disc or incorporated into the form of a permanent ROM chip if they are to be stored permanent . No one knows exactly how memory is created in the physical sense. But a recent series of experiment indicates that short-term memory involves a primarily electrical activity in the brain , and long term memory involves a predominantly chemical process and the possible modification of proteins. There are three distinct aspects to memorizing something there are Registration, Retention and Recall. The first, become aware of new facts and make an active effort to transfer them to long-term memory. That is Registration or as psychologists term it, encoding .Second,store these facts in your long-term memory and the last is be able to recall the facts when you need them . If library had hundreds thousand of books stores in it in a completely random manner, you would find it almost impossible to retrieve any one book. Encoding is the equivalent of a library index. If you register each new piece of information strongly at the beginning , you will agreed that the better the encoding, or the more the associations the better the retrieval. If you want to remember something, ensure it is outstanding in some way colorful, bizarre , funny , vulgar. Outstanding elements have been measured to increase our arousal level and our attention. In contrasr, the easiest words to remember are always nouns and adjective because they can be visualized and as we shall see, visualization is one of the keys to memory. Remembering the principles involved is always more efficient than trying to remember the specifics for example chess master can play blindfold chess not because they recall but because they retain overall patterns. In learning activity the learner can be learned from inference and example. If you are not involved with

new information it will not be processed at anything , it will go in one ear and out the other. In the learning activity knowing the context is advance made it easier to understand and therefore remember. Human brain needs to go offline to refresh our brain and impossible to explain the behaviour of the brain during sleep. Not only that but also sleep can increase our creativity and make well document in our brain when we are sleep. The differences between learning and sleeping are , learning is an activity when fresh information is presented and sleep is the period when the information reviewed. Motivation can make us easier to success. The teenagers are motivated to learn with a pop song because it is enjoyable and and stress free . Children learn their own language amazingly quicky and partly because they not learning principles but just hearing from their environtment like from their family. This is make accelerated learning and partly because they are highly motivated to do so. It is the only way they can get what they want so the are enjoy to learning anything and have so much motivation. The power of your imagination , your imagination can help you to easier to memorize something because they can feel, sight, smell, and taste something with your imagination. This is make your subconcious mind cannot differentiate between what is real and what it believe is real. The imagination is very simple act because when we are imagine something , we act not according to what things really are but according to what we expect them to be, believe them to be , and imagine them to be. That is because imagination have not rules. So we can free and enjoy to imagine something and of course that is make we are easier to memorize something. If we are cannot iamgine something it means you have self negative image , because the self negative image was the key reason why individual or the students learned something slowly. Dr. Georgi Lozanov is Bulgarias leading research psycologist. A medical doctoe and now he renowned in educational theory that lead to Accelerated Learning. The Lozanov method involves six main principles they are: The first we have to suggest the idea that your ability is limited to remove negative mental , and then we must put the powerful and positive suggestion that learning is in ewality easy , fun, and enjoyable . The second step is relax, we mys relax because we know that relaxation creates the ideal condition of stress free alertness, when information is rapid and effortlessly absorbed. The third step is a mental map, we must create a mental map of the information we are going to learn. In the case of language we go over entire lesson first in english , so we know the story and what to expect and to provide a context we can relate it. Then we must learn about the next side that is the story with foreign language that we will learn. The next step is active concert , in this step we hear what is known the active concert that is the recorder from the cassette this is the reading text and speaker says this with the foreign language with the background classical music , so that we can relax and more concentrate . ussually the background of music is baroque instument , baroque instrument is very slow bit so we can enjoy to hear that . Baroque music has a many function . The relaxing tempo of the music can

produce a matching phsycal and mental sponse in the listener and leads them into a state of relaxed receptivity. After the active concert there is a break. Then the receptive concert take place. Before the receptive concert the student are told the first step is the student must relax in their chair , and we ask them to close their eyes and the student should concentrate on the music.and now the music become dominant in their mind . The purpose of receptive concert is to give the students a familarity with speech as normally it is pattern and natural rhythms. The last step is sleep . the next day class starts with learning activation , these consist of a series of games , puzzles, and playest to review the words learned the previous day that is so fun so can increase the interested from the student. Children have fabulously creative imagination so we have to push it and make their imaginaton so meaning and not can increse their intellectual. A charecteristic of children is their spontaneity , open minded, and high expectation of enjoyment. All children like to play . Play is central to learning. This is way to acting out things need to explore. As a teacher we must have suitable strategy to make our students always happy fun and comfertable so that we have a positive and enjoy athmosphere in the classroom. Accelerated learning is now a movement , a movement to which thousand of profesional teachers and educational , psycologists are contributing accelerated learning is a teaching method of enormous potential. It is style of teaching , a style presentation that still envolving and we have previleged , not only the state of the art but the way to incorporate in our own life. Lozanov says that Accelerated Learning is seems to work not by actually increasing the capacity of the human memory but by overcoming the expectation that memory is limited. Lozanov breakthrought was to adress the simultaneously , every human operates simultaneously at the concious and uncocious levels. In accelerated learning is the way the material is introduced easily , gently , in the context of a story that follow dramatic rules of fiction with no mention the number of how much the word or the lesson we will study . In that ways the student not have negative assumpe and made the mental block , so that the teacher better to say the number of the words or how much lesson we was learn today so the student can happy and thonk smart and of course they will very excited to learn again in the next day. Accelerated learning methods making learning another language easier and quicker than before. Accelerated Learning programmes are helping parents develop their children to get better results and teacher to better their learners using multiple intelligence technique. Accerelated teaches you how to achieve relaxed, and present information in new ways that involve the left and right brains. Accelerated Learning present the student with new materials by the concious and subconscious mind. There are the language of Accelerated Learning course French, Spanish, Italian, German and English as a foreign language. An accelerated learning course is designed to transform your ability to learn. You will learn faster you will learn more easily and you will learn better. In this course we have to prepared double cassette and booklet to helping you as a partner. An accelerated learning course is in two parts. Part one is designed to create the basic

memory to get all the vovabulary , into your head in a relazed and easy manner. Part two is designed to let you recall vocabullary from your memory whenever you need. This is an Accelerated Learning Lesson Part One. You should have prepare a double cassete tape and booklet that teaches you and help you in accelerated learning course. There are the step of accelerated course. The first step is Relax At the beginning of the lesson you must relaxation and breathing. This calms your mind and creates a relaxed body but receptive mind. It also increases the oxygen supply to the brain which impoves brain function. And the second steo is Context, Each lesson is in the form of a story that takes place in real life and believable , practical situation. The first read the story in english and the cassette tape tells you the most important point to notice in your new language and you will understand the context of the story and then you can see that your knowledge of the new language. and then the third step is Peripheral Text, in this step you must review the text side by side. Although you are focused on the english text , your peripheral vision is taking in the foreign translation so you are already involving your subconcious and are beginning to create some memory with no conscious at all , and we have discovered of new infomation. and the next step is Make a Mental Movie of the text, You listen to the text of your course for the first time. The voice and sound effects create a memorable , dramatic impression and enavle to visualize in your minds eye what is happening , so you will be able to recall it . After that is More Security, Reading involves whispered an english translation. Followed by the translation text in your new foreign language. This is gives you the maximum confidence and security because we are already know the meaning of the new words. The next step is Visual Association to Add Right Brain Power. Now , we are ready to use our ppowerful and unique language memory maps. Picture are remembered far better then spoken words , and the right brain now brought into action. Memory maps have a double benefit, they produce powerful visual images and stimulate right brain activity. Then , Sound Association to Add Right Brain Power. In this step you will listening again. It is spoken over a background of baroque music. It is used almost like an instrument in the orchestra and we are creating a strong sound association with new vocabulary that you are learning. The next step is Relax again Take a two minute break to repeat the simpe breathing and relaxing exercises . After that , Let your subconscious do the work Close your book and turn on the tape recorder. Relax and shut your eyes. Now you will listen to second music baroque. The music appeals tou the right brain and creates a receptive relaxed mood and the words are intended to your subsconcious , then the new language in a real sense being floated into our mind. And then we should go to sleep to rehearse and store new information. An Accelerated Learning Lesson Part 2

Active Recall on Demand This part is interesting and enjoyable activity we have learning by playing some games with use simple techniques to recall the vocabulary on demand and use it fluently. They are the steps : The firtst and the important thing is Relax. Take a two minute breathing and relaxation. The second step is Warm Up. The confidential reading is repeated again with follow the memory map to review and warm up to learning And then, Involve Yourself Used colored pencils to highlight, underline, or mark up any words in memory map , this is important things to fix the materials in your minds eye. Next you must Train Your Ear, This is the pronunciation period, lets listen how sound are pronunced in the foreign language. After that , Involve Yourself in Realistic Dialogue. In this step you are use normal conversiation. You can repeating the words and playing one characteristic of the conversation. You can pressing the pause button on your cassete player when you repeat the dialogue. The next step is, Involve Yourself in Personalized Dialogue. In this step you are asked questions directly and answer by yourself. Treating your tape recorder as a partner. Then the important step is Take a Break, take short a break breathing deeply and relax again . After break , the next step is , Maximum Communication with Minimun Effort The next step is learning the multiplier words and phrases. A multiplier phrases or word does not take much effort to learn , just used simple vocabulary for example when you are go to shopping and your vocabulary limited so you can says what is that called, give me one please and the seller will answer your question and increase your vocabulary And then , Rhyme and Reason We have put the grammar rules in rhyme form or sometimes in a chant or song form. Grammar are easy and pleasant to learn if they are expressed in rhytm and rhyme. The next step is , Visualize the Language . This step is of great impotance. It is simple but the effect is powerful. Close your eyes then with a blank tape recorder you visualize the entire scene and describe it out loud in visualize scene. And the last step is Bacome as a Child The lesson ends by fun game like the flashcard with the word in new language and so on. All the learning is in the form of games and you can get the receptivity of a child so you will learn faster. Become as a child and you realli will become a highly successful accelerated learner.



Nourma Maulida 031110081 VI-C

Book Identity
The Title : Now a powerful new method puts you in control of easy effortless Writer : Collin Rose the key to the twenty first century Psychology Magazine Pages : 234 pages Publisher : Dell Trade Paperback

Conclusion Accelerated learning is new way that can make learn foreign langauge fun , relax and easy to memorize. And can increase students ability in commucation with foreign language. Accelerated learning making learning foreign language easier , quicker , and better. Learning foreign language not bored anymore , accelerated learning can make you easier to make you comfort in learning foreign language with the new ways and make the left and right brain useful , not only increase actively the left and right brain but also to help explore the concious and subconcious mind . Accelerated learning is designed to tranform your ability to learn. You will learn faster , you will learn faster and you will learn more easily and you will learn better.

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