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Guidelines to be used in conjunction with completing the BIRTHA postgraduate conference application form.

Conference Description
Have you considered if there are any other conferences on this date? Please check the online listing of events for the University and Faculty of Arts http://www !ris ac uk/arts/research/events/ http://www !ris ac uk/events/ "he #nstitute for Advanced $tudy %#A$& also has a calendar of events which is worth checking http://www !ristol ac uk/ias/

Please consider supplying: i details of cfps 'ade or to !e 'ade ii details of specialist listserves( societies etc to !e circulated to generate interest( papers( and delegates) iii details of e'ail lists used) iv details of the use of print pu!licity to !e used %posters( flyers( 'aga*ine listings&) v plans for or description of we!+presence %including !logs( rss and twitter feeds etc) we!+pages should !e hosted on the ,raduate $chool-s conference page Uo. so that they 'ay !e archived&) v details of involve'ent %if any& with Pu!lic and Cere'onial /ffice) vi plans to record plenaries for podcasts etc

University 0ithin the University( please consider the use of 1y.ristol and the various 2CD screens in the A$$2 %2i!rary&( $enate House( and Hawthorns 2ists for ad'inistrative staff 'ay !e i'portant 34ternally( in the past so'e of the !est audiences for events that include general pu!lic have co'e fro' schools 0idening Participation 'ay !e a!le to help with lists

Ai's and Purposes

Please avoid argu'ents which rely on past success

How will the conference advance understanding( appreciation( 'ethodology( theory and application of knowledge relevant to its su!5ect area? 0hy do you consider this conference suita!le for .#6"HA funding/support?
7.#6"HA will consider a proposal for any such event All such proposals will !e considered on their 'erits However( where possi!le .#6"HA seeks to encourage events that are inter+ or 'ulti+disciplinary( or that involve 'ore than one su!5ect or depart'ent( or that have a national or international di'ension -

/ther Funding $ources

8ou will !e e4pected to apply to all availa!le to you Please consider applying to the following: Ca'paigns and Alu'ni /ffice-s general grant http://www !ristol ac uk/alu'ni/current+students/foundation/apply ht'l9general "he Alu'ni Foundation Co''ittee invites applications for general grants fro' any individual 'e'!er or depart'ent of the University "he Foundation has a policy of 'aking a large nu'!er of s'all grants to individual pro5ects which enrich University life Pu!lic and Cere'onial /ffice %only applica!le if you are running an evening lecture which is open to the pu!lic& http://www !ristol ac uk/pace/ Depart'ental or $chool funds Consider approaching the Head of $u!5ect or Deputy Head of 6esearch for your $chool in consulation with your supervisor %provide an update link to the list of contacts?& %P,&Depart'ental or $chool funds %get advice fro' your supervisor& Pu!lishers are so'eti'es willing to fund for e4a'ple: wine receptions if they can have !ookstalls to e4hi!it relevant literature( or if their authors are speaking at the conference

Guidelines to completing the budget form

#t is possi!le to 'ake use of the .#6"HA purchasing card when !ooking the following in order to take secure the !est price

"ransport Car : the University 'ileage rate for ;<== is ><p/'ile "rain : standard fare only( and wherever possi!le use off+peak tickets 1otor!ike : ;?p/'ile .icycle : ;<p/'ile #f an a'ount is applied for in order to defray costs of deserving applicants( a !reakdown of the e4pected nu'!er and a'ount of !ursaries should !e given

@A< 'a4/night For a co'prehensive listing of University hotels which offer a reduced rate for the University view: http://www !ris ac uk/safe/Purchasing/Hotels ht'l 3nsure you 'ention the University when !ooking to ensure getting the discounted roo' rate and !ook in advance Clifton House( a .B. on "yndall-s Park 6oad also offers good rates to the University and is round the corner fro' 0oodland 6oad http://www tyndallsparkhotel co uk/ 2ast 'inute acco''odation can !e !ooked through 2ateroo's co': http://tinyurl co'/uo!lateroo's

Catering should in general not !e su!sidi*ed !y .#6"HA( !ut the costs covered !y the conference fee 0e reco''end a 'ini'u' charge of @? per delegate "ea and Coffee ++ Hawthorns is accepta!le "here is the advantage that they will deliver( set up and take everything away the following day However a considera!le saving is possi!le if done in+house !y purchasing disposa!le cups( tea( coffee( 'ilk( sugar and !iscuits fro' a super'arket( check with your $chool office to see if they have an urn you can 'ake use of 8ou will need to ensure that you have enough helpers to set up( 'anage and clear away Hawthorns prices: "ea/coffee on china @= >? per person with !iscuits @= C? per person Fruit Duice ++ @= ?< / litre as a usual 'a4i'u' sandwich platters range fro' @;< E< to @;; F< for F packed lunches @F ?? per person %includes !aguette or lu4ury sandwich( kettle crisps( piece of fruit( flap5ack( 'ineral water( serviette pack( wet wipe& http://www !ristol ac uk/conferences+hospitality/hospitality/ 1ini'u' cost of 2unch ++ @=< as a usual 'a4i'u' %"he University reGuires food to !e supplied with insurance 8ou can( then( use an outside supplier as long as they provide insurance #f you supply food yourself( say fro' a super'arket( you are personal responsi!le for all cost should so'eone fall ill : or choke on a peanut Possi!le alternative suppliers Arch House Deli Pret a 1anger CafH ,usto Dinner ++ "he University regulation is that ; guests %e4ternal to the University& 'ay !e clai'ed per = 'e'!er of staff 0ine : @F as a usual 'a4i'u' %Please note you do not have to use Hawthorns to provide the alcohol 734pense- is an accepta!le e4planation to put on the clai' for' where it asks why Hawthorns was not used Corks standard decent !ottle is c @? ?< &

Printing / pu!licity
Posters ++ Costing as per Print $ervices is accepta!le http://www !ristol ac uk/printservices/ Postage : please give details %as opposed to an a'ount without e4planation&
http://www royal'ail co'/delivery/!usiness+delivery+options+uk

Conference packs and na'e !adges

Conference Packs are to !e deprecated "hey %and !adges etc& should cost no 'ore than @= ?< / delegate

;<== prices fro' /ffice Depot %the preferred University supplier&( supplied !y .#6"HA pin and clip !adges @=< ?= p/pack of ;? 3nvelope folders for conference progra''e and papers @; CA p/pack of ?< .adge la!els @> <I p/pack %appro4 =F<< per pack& Folder la!els @; == p/pack %appro4 ?<< per pack&

Print services can produce so'ething 'ore profession( however at a cost Contact the' for details
http://www !ristol ac uk/printservices/

#f your conference is running over a weekend don-t forget to include out of hours porter costs ;<==/=; charges as follows: $aturday or evenings J @=C ;F $unday J @;? FC K3vening porter charges apply fro' Ap' %Fp' in >E 0oodland 6d&

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