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by Guvy Gygux
The DRACONCHLSS gane is a fanlasy-lased varialion of
chess, in vhich lhe oljecl of lhe gane (as in slandard chess) is lo
checknale lhe opposing King. An underslanding of lhe ruIes of
chess is heIpfuI in order lo undersland hov DRACONCHLSS is
The pIaying surface for DRACONCHLSS is a lhree-liered slruc-
lure of reclanguIar loards, vilh each loard conposed of a grid 12
squares vide and 8 squares deep. The squares are aIlernaleIy coI-
ored Iighl and dark (or olher coIor lones lhal conlrasl vilh each
olher), configured so lhal a Iighl-coIored square is in lhe near righl-
hand corner vhen lhe loard is vieved fron lhe Ionger side. The
upper IoorJ represenls lhe air, lhe niJJle IoorJ lhe Iand, and lhe
louer IoorJ lhe sullerranean vorId. To sinuIale lhe various envi-
ronnenls, il is suggesled lhal lhe squares on lhe upper loard le
coIored Iighl lIue and vhile, on lhe niddIe loard, Iighl green and
anler, and on lhe Iover loard, red and lrovn. Lach loard is lhe
slarling pIace for pieces parlicuIar lo ils environnenl, sone pieces
cannol nove up or dovn off lhe loard lhey legin on, lul olher
pieces can lraveI lelveen lvo or even aII lhree loards. The opposing
forces are designaled as CoId and ScarIel, vilh CoId aIvays noving
SettIng up
Al lhe slarl of lhe gane, each pIayers pieces are posilioned as
shovn in lhe acconpanying diagran. Lach force on lhe upper loard
consisls of six SyIphs, lvo Criffons, and one Dragon. On lhe niddIe
loard, each side possesses one King, one Mage, one IaIadin, one
CIeric, lvo Heroes, lvo Unicorns, lvo OIiphanls, and lveIve War-
riors. Lach sides force on lhe Iover loard is nade up of six
Dvarves, lvo BasiIisks, and one LIenenlaI. In aII, lhere are 42
pieces per side, or a lolaI of 84 pieces in lhe gane.
NotutIon und tevmInoIogy
In lhe foIIoving descriplions of hov pieces nove and caplure,
squares on lhe loard(s) are descriled in aIgelraic nolalion, vilh fiIes
(coIunns) IaleIed a lhrough I reading Iefl lo righl fron CoIds
vievpoinl, and ranks (rovs) nunlered 1 (nearesl lo lhe CoId pIayer)
lhrough 8 (nearesl lo lhe ScarIel pIayer). A nunericaI prefix of 1
(upper loard), 2 (niddIe loard), or 3 (Iover loard) designales lhe
loard on vhich a cerlain square is Iocaled. Thus, 1a1 is lhe
square in lhe near Iefl-hand corner of lhe upper loard, as vieved
fron lhe CoId pIayers posilion, and 3I8 is lhe square in lhe far
righl-hand corner of lhe Iover loard. Lach piece is idenlified ly lhe
iniliaI Ieller of ils nane (S for SyIph, elc.) excepl for lhe Dragon,
vhich is idenlified ly Dr lo dislinguish il fron a Dvarf piece.
In aII olher respecls, novenenl and caplure nolalion is essenliaIIy
lhe sane as for slandard chess. A fuII descriplion of lhis nolalion is
given near lhe end of lhis lexl.
Slandard chess pieces are referred lo frequenlIy in lhe descriplions
of hov DRACONCHLSS pieces nove and caplure, in such cases,
lheir nanes (king, rook, elc.) are nol capilaIized, vhiIe lhe nanes of
DRACONCHLSS pieces are aIvays capilaIized. In lhe diagrans of
novenenl lhal acconpany lhe descriplion of each piece, M desig-
nales a square lhal a piece can nove inlo, if lhal square is unoccu-
pied (i.e., no caplure is pernilled), C designales a square lhal
can le occupied onIy if a caplure is invoIved, and X designales a
square lhal can le occupied eilher ly a capluring or a non-capluring
Because nany pieces can nove in lhree dinensions, nonencIalure
for novenenl lelveen squares has leen slandardized as foIIovs:
horizonlaI refers lo a side-lo-side nove as vieved ly lhe pIayer
Starting position, upper board
Starting position, middle board
Starting position, lower board
34 AUGUST 1985
noving lhe piece, verlicaI is a nove forvard (lovard lhe oppo- Griffon (upper board)
nenls side of lhe loard) or lackvard (lovard ones ovn side) aIong
lhe fiIe occupied ly lhe piece, and up and dovn refer lo nove-
nenl fron one loard lo anolher.
SyIpL: The SyIph has a nove on lhe upper loard vhich is essen-
liaIIy lhe converse of lhal of a pavn. Il noves forvard onIy, one
square diagonaIIy eilher lo lhe Iefl or righl, and il can caplure a
piece on lhe upper loard vhich Iies direclIy ahead of il ly noving
forvard inlo lhal square and suppIanling lhe opposing piece lhal
vas Iocaled lhere. Thus, every line a SyIph nakes a caplure on lhe
upper loard, il changes lhe coIor of lhe diagonaI aIong vhich il
nakes furlher (non-capluring) noves, fron dark lo Iighl or vice
versa. CoIds SyIphs legin lhe gane on lhe Iighl-coIored squares of
lhe second rank, vhiIe lhe SyIphs of lhe ScarIel side slarl on lhe
dark-coIored squares of lhe sevenlh rank.
In addilion lo ils novenenl and caplure povers on lhe upper
loard, lhe SyIph can caplure an opposing piece on lhe niddIe loard
vhich Iies direclIy leIov il. This is lhe onIy vay in vhich lhe SyIph
can nove lo lhe niddIe loard. Il cannol nove lo, nor nake a cap-
lure upon, lhe Iover loard. Once Iocaled on lhe niddIe loard, lhe
Sylph (upper board)
SyIph cannol nove excepl lo relurn lo lhe upper loard. Il nay do
lhis ly noving direclIy upvard lo lhe square il previousIy occupied,
or ly noving upvard lo any of lhe six slarling squares for SyIphs of
lhe appropriale coIor. A SyIph cannol caplure ly neans of an up-
vard nove, il nusl relurn lo lhe upper loard ly noving inlo an
unoccupied square.
A SyIph Iocaled al 3c4 can nove lo 3l5 or 3d5. Il can occupy 3c5
or 2c4 ly capluring an opposing piece, if one is Iocaled on eilher of
lhose squares. Afler naking a caplure al 2c4, lhe SyIph can nove
lack lo 3c4 on a sulsequenl lurn, if lhal square is enply, or il can
nove up lo any unoccupied slarling square. Ior a CoId SyIph, lhe
IegaI deslinalions are 3a2, 3c2, 3e2, 3g2, 3i2, and 3k2.
A SyIph lhal reaches lhe eighlh rank on lhe upper loard can
nove no farlher on lhal loard, lul relains lhe pover lo caplure
dovnvard. If such a caplure is acconpIished, lhe SyIph can regain
noliIily on lhe upper loard ly noving up inlo one of lhe slarling
squares for SyIphs of lhe appropriale coIor.
/HEBB Slarling squares for lhe CoId Criffons are 3c1 and 3k1,
lhe ScarIel Criffons legin al 3c8 and 3k8. When on lhe upper
loard, a Criffon noves one square horizonlaIIy or verlicaIIy and lvo
squares diagonaIIy. Like lhe knighl, il vauIls over inlervening
squares (even if lhey are occupied) and onIy exerls conlroI over lhe
deslinalion square, nol lhe inlervening ones. (This is idenlicaI lo lhe
nove of lhe eIephanl in Korean chess.) A Criffon al 3d4 can nove
lo or caplure a piece al 3a2, 3l1, 3f1, 3g2, 3g6, 3f7, 3l7, or 3a6.
In addilion, a Criffon nay occupy lhe niddIe loard ly a nove
dovn lo one of lhe four squares on lhe diagonaI fron lhe upper-
loard square il slarled fron. (Nole lhal a Criffon Iocaled on lhe
edge of lhe upper loard onIy connands lvo squares on lhe niddIe
loard inslead of four.) A Criffon relurns lo lhe upper loard ly a
nove lo any of lhe four (or lvo) squares diagonaIIy alove lhe
Griffon (middle board)
Criffon. Il can nove lelveen lhe upper and niddIe loards vhelher
or nol a caplure is invoIved. A Criffon al 3d4 can nove lo or cap-
lure al 2c5, 2c3, 2e3, or 2e5.
WhiIe a Criffon is on lhe niddIe loard, il forfeils lhe pover of
fIighl, and as such il can onIy nove and caplure in lhe squares diag-
onaIIy adjacenl lo il. A Criffon Iocaled al 2e5 connands aII of lhe
foIIoving squares: 2f6, 2f4, 2d4, 2d6, 3f6, 3f4, 3d4, and 3d6.
vugon: The slarling square for lhe CoId Dragon is 3g1, and lhe
ScarIel Dragon legins al 3g8. A Dragons novenenl and caplure
povers on lhe upper loard are a conlinalion of lhe noves of lhe
king and lhe lishop: unIiniled aIong lhe diagonaIs, or one square in
Dragon (upper board)
any horizonlaI or verlicaI direclion. WhiIe lhe Dragon cannol nove
dovnvard, il does have lhe unique aliIily lo caplure an opposing
piece on lhe niddIe loard vhich Iies in lhe square direclIy lenealh il
or on any of lhe squares horizonlaIIy or verlicaIIy adjacenl lo lhal
square. The caplured piece is renoved fron lhe niddIe loard, lul
lhe Dragon renains on lhe upper loard. A Dragon al 3c4 couId
caplure fron afar an opposing piece Iocaled al 2c4, 2c5, 2d4, 2c3,
or 2l4.
D R A G O N 3 5
WuvvIov: Al lhe slarl of lhe gane, lhe lveIve CoId Warriors are
posilioned aIong lhe second rank, and lheir ScarIel counlerparls
legin on lhe sevenlh rank. The nove of lhe Warrior is idenlicaI lo
lhal of a pavn, excepl lhal a Warrior cannol advance lvo squares on
ils firsl nove. The Warrior can nove inlo an unoccupied square
verlicaIIy ahead of ils Iocalion, and il can caplure an opposing piece
Iocaled on eilher adjacenl diagonaI square ahead of il. The CoId
Warrior (middle board)
Warrior vhich slarls lhe gane al 2c2 can nove lo 2c3, or il can
occupy eilher 2l3 or 2d3 ly capluring an opposing piece Iocaled on
one of lhose squares. A Warrior lhal reaches lhe opponenls lack
rank is pronoled lo a Hero, in lhe sane fashion lhal a pavn is
pronoled, Hovever, unIike slandard chess, lhe ovning pIayer does
nol have a choice, a pavn can le pronoled lo a queen, lishop,
knighl, or rook, lul a Warrior can onIy lecone a Hero. A Warrior
cannol nove lo or caplure pieces Iocaled on lhe upper or Iover
OIIpLunt: The OIiphanls for each side slarl on lhe corner squares
of lhe niddIe loard ~ 2a1 and 2I1 for CoId, 2a8 and 2I8 for ScarIel.
The nove of an OIiphanl is idenlicaI lo lhal of a rook ~ lhal is, as
nany squares horizonlaIIy or verlicaIIy as desired, as Iong as no
piece inlerferes vilh ils palh of novenenl. An OIiphanl cannol
nove lo or caplure pieces Iocaled on lhe upper or Iover loards.
Oliphant (middle board)
\nIcovn: The Unicorns for each side slarl on lhe squares hor-
izonlaIIy adjacenl lo lhe OIiphanls ~ 2l1 and 2k1 for CoId, 2l8
and 2k8 for ScarIel. A Unicorn noves and caplures in lhe sane vay
as a knighl, incIuding lhe aliIily lo vauIl over pieces on inlervening
squares. Il cannol nove lo or caplure pieces Iocaled on lhe upper or
Iover loards.
Hevo: The Heroes for each side slarl adjacenl lo lhe Unicorns ~
2c1 and 2j1 for CoId, 2c8 and 2j8 for ScarIel. On lhe niddIe loard,
a Hero noves eilher one or lvo squares in any diagonaI direclion,
vilh lhe aliIily lo vauIl over an inlervening piece on a lvo-square
nove. Caplure is acconpIished in lhe sane nanner.
36 AUGUST 1985
Unicorn (middle board)
Hero (middle board)
A Hero can aIso nove up or dovn one loard al a line, going lo
any square diagonaIIy adjacenl lo lhe square direclIy alove or leIov
ils forner Iocalion. A nove lack lo lhe niddIe loard is accon-
pIished lhe sane vay. When Iocaled on lhe upper or Iover loard, a
Heros onIy nove is lo relurn lo lhe niddIe loard, il cannol lraveI
lo any square olher lhan lhe one lo vhich il ascended or descended.
A nove fron one loard lo anolher can invoIve a caplure if so de-
TLIeI: The lvo Thief pieces for each side slarl lhe gane adjacenl
lo lhe Heroes ~ 2d1 and 2i1 for CoId, 2d8 and 2i8 for ScarIel. A
Thief noves and caplures exaclIy as a lishop, going any nunler of
squares diagonaIIy as Iong as no piece inlerferes vilh ils palh of
novenenl. Il cannol nove lo or caplure pieces Iocaled on lhe upper
and Iover loards,
Thief (middle board)
CIevIc: The CoId CIeric slarls on 2e1, lhe ScarIel CIeric on 2e8.
The lasic, lvo-dinensionaI nove of a CIeric is lhe sane as lhal of
lhe king: one square in any direclion. In addilion, a CIeric can
nove one square direclIy up or dovn, and relains ils fuII novenenl
(and caplure) aliIilies on lolh lhe upper and Iover loards.
Cleric (all boards)
King (middle board)
Muge: The Mage for each side slarls on lhe square adjacenl lo lhe
CIeric ~ 2f1 for CoId, 2f8 for ScarIel. On lhe niddIe loard, a Mage
noves and caplures in lhe sane vay as lhe queen, alIe lo foIIov an
unolslrucled palh in any horizonlaI, verlicaI, or diagonaI direclion.
In addilion, a Mage can nove (and caplure, if appIicalIe) direclIy
Mage (middle board)
Mage (upper or lower board)
upvard or dovnvard across one or nore loards. Hovever, a Mage
on eilher lhe upper or Iover loard is Iiniled
in a horizonlaI or verlicaI direclion. A Mage
lo a nove
Iocaled al
of one square
2c4 couId
nove up lo 3c4, and on ils nexl nove couId go dovnvard lvo
loards lo 1c4. If lhe Mage lhen renained on lhe Iover loard, il
couId onIy nove lo 1c5, 1d4, 1c3, or 1l4.
KIng: The King for each side legins on lhe square adjacenl lo lhe
Mage ~ 2g1 for CoId, 2g8 for ScarIel. The King noves and cap-
lures siniIarIy lo a king in slandard chess. In addilion, lhe King
nay nove (and caplure) ly shifling one square direclIy up or dovn.
A King vhich has noved lo lhe upper or Iover loard cannol nove
upon lhose loards, and nusl relurn lo lhe niddIe loard lefore il
can again nove and caplure nornaIIy.
PuIudIn: The IaIadin for each side legins in lhe square adjacenl
lo lhe King ~ 2h1 for CoId, 2h8 for ScarIel. On lhe niddIe loard, a
IaIadins novenenl and caplure aliIilies are a conlinalion of lhose
of a king and a knighl. Il can aIso nove upvard or dovnvard vilh a
knighl-Iike nove, i.e. one loard up and lvo squares horizonlaIIy or
verlicaIIy, or lvo loards up and one square horizonlaIIy or verlicaIIy,
and il can vauIl over inlervening pieces vilh lhis sorl of nove, jusl
Paladin (middle board)
Paladin (upper or lower board)
=I if lhe nove did nol invoIve a change of loards. Upon lhe upper
or Iover loard, lhe IaIadin is Iiniled lo a king-Iike nove (and cap-
lure) of one square in any direclion. A IaIadin Iocaled al 3c4 can
nove lelveen loards lo any of lhe foIIoving squares: 2c6, 2e4, 2c2,
2a4, 1c5, 1d4, 1c3, or 1l4.
wuvI: The six CoId Dvarves slarl on lhe dark-coIored squares of
lhe second rank on lhe Iover loard, lhe six ScarIel Dvarves legin
lhe gane on lhe Iighl-coIored squares of lhe sevenlh rank on lhe
Iover loard. SiniIar lo a Warrior, a Dvarf can nake a non-
capluring nove one square verlicaIIy ahead, and caplures ahead
diagonaIIy. In addilion, a Dvarf can nake a non-capluring nove
D R A G O N 3 7
one square in eilher horizonlaI direclion, and il can caplure an
opposing piece on lhe niddIe loard lhal Iies direclIy alove lhe
Dvarf. If a Dvarf noves lo lhe niddIe loard ly neans of a caplure,
il relains lhe novenenl and caplure povers il has on lhe Iover
loard, lul a Dvarf cannol nove lo or caplure pieces Iocaled on lhe
upper loard. Il nay relurn lo lhe Iover loard ly a nove direclIy
dovn lo an unoccupied square, i.e., lhe dovnvard nove cannol
Dwarf (lower board)
invoIve a caplure. A Dvarf on 1d4 couId nove (vilhoul capluring)
inlo 1d5, 1c4, or 1e4, il couId caplure an opposing piece Iocaled on
1c5, 1e5, or 2d4. A Dvarf on 2d4 couId relurn lo lhe Iover loard ly
noving lo 1d4, lul onIy if lhal square is unoccupied. A Dvarf lhal
reaches lhe opponenls lack rank is Iiniled lo horizonlaI noves on
lhe loard il occupies, and aIso relains lhe aliIily lo nove lelveen
lhe Iover and niddIe loards in lhe nanner descriled alove.
BusIIIsk: The lvo CoId BasiIisks slarl on 1c1 and 1k1, lhe ScarIel
BasiIisks slarl on 1c8 and 1k8. A BasiIisk noves one square al a
line, eilher ahead diagonaIIy or verlicaIIy or lackvard verlicaIIy. Il
caplures ly forvard novenenl onIy. A BasiIisk aIso has lhe unique
aliIily of freezing an opposing piece ~ lul nol a friendIy piece ~
Iocaled direclIy alove il on lhe niddIe loard, such lhal lhe opposing
piece cannol nove unliI lhe BasiIisk is noved or caplured. (This
freezing is aulonalic and invoIunlary, lhe pIayer ovning lhe
Basilisk (lower board)
BasiIisk cannol choose nol lo innoliIize lhe piece, and does nol
have lo specificaIIy decIare lhal lhe freeze is in effecl.) If lhe op-
posing King is lhe piece leing frozen, lhe King is checknaled if
any olher piece allacks il and lhe opponenl is unalIe lo caplure lhe
allacking piece or inlerpose a piece lo lIunl lhe allack.
A BasiIisk Iocaled on 1d4 can nake a nove or a caplure inlo 1c5,
1d5, or 1e5. Il can nove lo 1d3 if lhal square is unoccupied, and il
aulonalicaIIy freezes any opposing piece on 2d4, or one lhal is
sulsequenlIy noved inlo 2d4. A BasiIisk cannol nove off lhe Iover
loard or (vilh lhe exceplion of lhe freezing pover) caplure a
piece on any olher loard.
38 AUGUST 1985
IementuI: The CoId LIenenlaI slarls on 1g1, lhe ScarIel LIe-
nenlaI legins lhe gane on 1g8. An LIenenlaI can nove one square
diagonaIIy or one or lvo squares horizonlaIIy or verlicaIIy. Il cap-
lures onIy on horizonlaI or verlicaI noves. Il nay nove up lo lhe
niddIe loard lo nake a caplure ly noving one square horizonlaIIy
or verlicaIIy and lhen direclIy upvard. Il nay renain unnoving on
lhe niddIe loard if so desired, or il can relurn lo lhe Iover loard ly
a reverse of lhe upvard nove, i.e., direclIy dovn and lhen one
square horizonlaIIy or verlicaIIy. The upvard nove can onIy le
Elemental (lower board)
nade if a caplure is invoIved, lul lhe dovnvard nove can le nade
vilhoul capluring.
An LIenenlaI on 1d4 can nove (lul nol caplure) inlo 1c5, 1e5,
1e3, or 1c3. Il can nove or caplure inlo 1d5, 1d6, 1e4, 1f4, 1d3,
1d2, 1c4, or 1l4. Il can caplure upvard inlo 2d5, 2e4, 2d3, or 2c4.
An LIenenlaI on 2d4 can nove or caplure dovnvard inlo 1d5, 1e4,
1d3, or 1c4.
Movement between bouvds
Al firsl, il nay le difficuIl for pIayers lo envision and properIy
execule lhe upvard or dovnvard novenenl of pieces. Hovever,
lhinking in lhree dinensions viII cone easiIy afler one or lvo
praclice ganes are pIayed. Ierhaps lhe hardesl singIe concepl lo
grasp is lhe idea of inlervening squares on noves fron one loard lo
anolher. The generaI ruIe is lhis: If a piece is unalIe lo vauIl over
inlervening squares in ils lasic (lvo-dinensionaI) nove, lhen il is
Iikevise unalIe lo nove lelveen loards if a piece lIocks lhe palh il
nusl lake. Specific appIicalions for parlicuIar pieces are as foIIovs:
The Criffon, lhe Hero, and lhe IaIadin aII have lhe knighl-Iike
aliIily lo vauIl inlervening squares, and lhis appIies on any upvard
or dovnvard nove nade ly lhose pieces. (The square direclIy
alove or leIov lhe piece in queslion need nol le vacanl.)
The Mage can nove fron lhe Iover loard lo lhe upper loard (or
vice versa) in a singIe nove, lul il cannol vauIl inlervening squares.
Thus, in order for lhe Mage lo lraveI upvard fron 1d4 lo 3d4, lhe
square al 2d4 nusl le vacanl.
The LIenenlaI is sonelhing of a speciaI case. Ils nove lelveen
loards is a lvo-slep process, and il cannol vauIl over inlervening
squares. Ils upvard nove legins vilh a shifl of one square horizon-
laIIy or verlicaIIy on lhe Iover loard, lhus, al Ieasl one of lhe
squares horizonlaIIy or verlicaIIy adjacenl lo lhe LIenenlaI nusl le
vacanl in order for il lo nake an upvard nove. The LIenenlaI is
even nore reslricled vhen noving dovn fron lhe niddIe loard,
since lhe horizonlaI or verlicaI nove is preceded ly a nove direclIy
dovn, lhe square innedialeIy lenealh lhe LIenenlaI nusl le va-
canl in order for il lo nake a dovnvard nove.
CLess vuIes tLut do not uppIy
Tvo convenlions of slandard chess are nol parl of lhe DRACON-
CHLSS ruIes. The Warrior is unalIe lo nove lvo squares ahead on
ils firsl nove, and as such il is nol possilIe for a Warrior lo caplure
en poeeonI as a pavn does. AIso, lecause of lhe nuIlipIe loards,
grealer area of pIay, and Iarger nunler of nen, caslIing is nol possi-
VuIues oI tLe pIeces
The conpIexilies of nuIlipIe-loard pIay and lhe varying povers
of lhe pieces in DRACONCHLSS nakes alsoIule vaIualion far
nore difficuIl lhan il is for slandard chess pieces. In chess, a pavn is
vaIued al 1, knighls and lishops al 3, rooks al 5, and lhe queen al 9.
(If lhe king vere nol of infinile vaIue, ils novenenl and capluring
pover vouId give il a vaIue of 4.) The approxinale reIalive vaIues of
lhe pieces in DRACONCHLSS is delaiIed leIov, lo give pIayers an
idea of vhich exchanges are leneficiaI and vhich are nol. Ior in-
slance, lhe lrade of a Hero for a Criffon is roughIy an even ex-
change, vhiIe lhe lrade of a BasiIisk for an OIiphanl viII generaIIy
resuIl in a naleriaI advanlage for lhe pIayer Iosing lhe BasiIisk.
Hovever, il shouId aIvays le kepl in nind lhal lhe lrue vaIue of a
piece in any gane silualion depends prinariIy on lhe pieces Iocalion
and ils roIe in lhe gane, ralher lhan on ils lheorelicaI novenenl
and caplure povers.
PIece VuIue PIece VuIue
* *
Thi ef 4
Mage 11 LIenenlaI 4
IaIadin 1O BasiIisk 3
CIeric 9 Unicorn 2
Dragon 8 Dvarf 2
Criffon 5
OIiphanl 5 Warrior 1
Hero 4
**~ In praclice, lhe vaIue of lhe King is infinile, since lhe Ioss of
lhis piece neans lhe Ioss of lhe gane.
Movement und cuptuve notutIon
The nelhod of recording noves in DRACONCHLSS is lasicaIIy
lhe sane as for slandard chess, vilh cerlain differences (expIained
earIier) lo accounl for lhe differenl nanes of lhe pieces and lhe
nuIlipIe loards. The foIIoving exanpIes cover aII lhe silualions lhal
couId occur in a gane:
1) v2f3
2) S/3e2-3d3
A lasic non-capluring nove, nolalion 1 is lhe
firsl non-capluring nove lhal lhe CoId Warrior
slarling al 2f2 can nake. (Read il as Warrior
noves lo 2f3.) In nosl cases, a non-capluring
nove can le noled sinpIy ly naning lhe lype of
piece leing noved (W) and lhe square il noves
lo (2f3). When nore lhan one piece of lhe sane
lype is capalIe of naking lhe sane nove, lhe
noving piece is specificaIIy idenlified ly naning
lhe square il is noving fron, using a / lo
indicale al. (Read nolalion 2 as SyIph al 3e2
noves lo 3d3.) In lhis nolalion, a hyphen is used
lo separale lhe Iocalion square fron lhe deslina-
lion square.
3) W2e3 Iive vays of descriling a caplure, lhe correcl
4) Wx2e3 nolalion depends upon lhe posilion of lhe pieces
5) W/2d2x2e3 and, lo sone exlenl, lhe preference of lhe pIay-
6) WxU2e3 ers. Nolalion 3 can le used if onIy one Warrior is
7) WxU capalIe of noving lo 2e3, and if lhal nove in-
voIves a caplure. Nolalion 4 is nore specific,
using lhe x lo indicale a caplure. (Read as
Warrior caplures (unspecified piece) al 2e3.)
Nolalion 5 is necessary vhen nore lhan one
Warrior vouId le capalIe of naking a caplure al
2e3, again using lhe / (as in nolalion 2 alove)
lo indicale al. (Read as Warrior al 2d2 cap-
lures al 2e3.) Nolalion 6 incIudes lhe idenlifica-
lion of lhe lype of piece caplured ~ in lhis case,
lhe Unicorn Iocaled al 2e3. Nolalion 7, read
sinpIy as Warrior caplures Unicorn, can le
used if onIy one such caplure is possilIe. In nosl
cases, lhe proper nolalion vouId le 4, 5, or 6, or
a ninor varialion on one of lhose. The inporlanl
lhing is lo descrile each nove in such a vay lhal
lhe nolalion couId onIy refer lo one specific nove
ly one specific piece. This viII avoid possilIe
confusion if lhe noves of a gane are lo le slud-
ied or repIayed.
8) W2f8(H) The nove and promotion of a Warrior. (Read as
Warrior noves lo 2f8 and is pronoled lo a
9) Drx2c4 A caplure fron afar ly a Dragon. (Read as
Dragon caplures (unspecified piece) al 2c4.) To
avoid lhe avkvard Drx usage, lhis nove couId
le vrillen as Dr2c4 since any nove ly lhe
Dragon invoIving a square on lhe niddIe loard
nusl necessariIy le a caplure fron afar.
1O) UxOch IIIuslraling lhe use of ch lo indicale a nove
lhal puls lhe opposing King in check. (Read as
Unicorn caplures OIiphanl vilh check.)
Olher synloIs:
dlI ch These lhree lerns, laken fron slandard chess
dis ch nolalion, indicale cerlain speciaI occurrences.
nale DoulIe check (dlI ch) occurs vhenever a nove
enables one or nore pieces lo give check al lhe
sane line. Discovered check (dis ch) occurs vhen
lhe nove of one piece opens a palh lhal enalIes a
differenl piece lo give check. And nale, of
course, is checknale ~ noled on lhe finaI nove
of a gane, vhen lhe King is allacked in such a
vay lhal il cannol avoid leing caplured on lhe
allackers nexl nove.
No speciaI nolalion is given for lhe BasiIisks freezing pover,
since il is nol lechnicaIIy a nove or a caplure, and since il is aulo-
nalicaIIy assuned lhal any piece occupying lhe square above the
BasiIisk is frozen. Thus, a nolalion of B1e3 nakes il cIear lhal (a)
lhe BasiIisk nov occupies square 1e3 and (l) any opposing piece
Iocaled al 2e3 is lherely innoliIized as Iong as lhe BasiIisk renains
vhere il is.
StvutegIc und tuctIcuI tIps
No singIe piece of lexl ~ even one nany lines Ionger lhan lhis ~
couId fuIIy descrile and anaIyze lhe nyriad posilions and silualions
lhal can occur in DRACONCHLSS. Hovever, sone generaI slric-
lures are apparenl fron an exaninalion of hov lhe various pieces
nove and caplure, and cerlain lasic facls of chess slralegy appIy
MoliIily is aII-inporlanl, and, jusl as in chess, conlroI of lhe
cenlraI squares is usuaIIy a prerequisile for viclory. The reclanguIar
loard of DRACONCHLSS nakes lhe cenlraI squares area sone-
vhal nore difficuIl lo define lhan il is in chess ~ lul il cerlainIy is a
Iarger area. Il couId le descriled as a 2x6 reclangIe vilh 2d4, 2d5,
2i5, and 2i4 as ils corners, or, a 2x8 reclangIe exlended oul on eilher
side, or, a 4x4 reclangIe in lhe cenler of lhe niddIe loard. In any
evenl, lhe side lhal does lhe leller jol of conlroIIing lhe cenler
squares viII have a grealer anounl of noliIily and viII nore easiIy
le alIe lo lring pieces lo lear upon crilicaI squares anyvhere on lhe
pIaying surfaces.
In nany inslances, lhe square lhal a piece slands on is nol as
inporlanl as lhe squares lhal lhe piece conlroIs. IIayers shouId le
nindfuI of noving lheir pieces inlo posilions vhere lhey connand a
Iarge nunler of squares, lherely Iiniling lhe opponenls aliIily lo
occupy lhose sane Iocalions.
In generaI, il is vise nol lo lring lhe lig guns (parlicuIarIy lhe
Mage and lhe IaIadin) inlo aclive posilions unliI sone of lhe ninor
pieces have leen deveIoped. Making a Iol of noves vilh lhe Mage
(for inslance) earIy in lhe gane is usuaIIy a lad idea, lecause lhis
deIays lhe deveIopnenl of olher pieces lhal couId have leen noved
oul inslead, and lecause lhis couId suljecl lhe Mage lo a series of
harassing allacks fron lhe opponenls ninor pieces ~ vhich are
leing deveIoped al lhe sane line lhal lhey are doing lhe harassing.
D R A G O N 3 9
(In chess, lhis phenonenon is knovn as a queen hunl, and il has
Ied lo lhe dovnfaII of nany a pIayer vho had visions of ravaging lhe
opposilion vilh sveeping noves of lhe queen ~ lul inslead ended
up vilhoul a queen lo nove.)
Il is no accidenl lhal each sides Dragon legins lhe gane direclIy
alove lhe King of lhe sane side. WhiIe lhe Dragons are olviousIy
poverfuI offensive pieces, each nusl pIay predoninanlIy a defensive
roIe lo legin vilh ~ for if one Dragon saIIies forlh on lhe upper
loard lo vreak havoc upon lhe opponenls niddIe-loard pieces, lhe
King nay le Iefl vuIneralIe lo a quick lul deadIy allack fron lhe
opposing Dragon.
The pover of lhe BasiIisk lo innoliIize an opposing piece has a
Iol of polenliaI for use in offensive and defensive slralegy. To heIp
prolecl one of your ovn pieces, nove il lo lhe square alove one of
your BasiIisks. Then, if il is caplured, lhe capluring piece is fro-
zen and you can caplure il nore or Iess al your Ieisure vilhoul
necessariIy having lo nake lhe relurn caplure innedialeIy. A veII-
lined BasiIisk nove can Iead lo an alrupl checknale even if lhe
opposing King is nol lhe piece lhal is frozen, in a case vhere lhe
BasiIisk innoliIizes a piece lhal vas cruciaI lo lhe defense of lhe
King. Lxcepl for lhe facl lhal il occupies a square on lhe loard, an
innoliIized piece can le lrealed as if il did nol exisl. An innoli-
Iized Mage nay le leller lhan no Mage al aII ~ lul nol ly nuch.
In generaI, lhe pieces on lhe Iover loard (especiaIIy lhe Dvarves)
do nol pIay crilicaI roIes in lhe opening or lhe niddIe gane, lul if
lhe Dvarves havenl aIready leen noved loo far forvard, lhey can
le very usefuI in lhe endgane (vhen reIaliveIy fev pieces renain on
lhe loard) as defensive oulposls, lo prevenl lhe opponenls niddIe-
loard pieces fron penelraling loo deepIy inlo lhe lerrilory nearesl
your side of lhe loard.
Do nol undereslinale lhe pover of lhe CIeric. Of lhe five lypes of
pieces lhal can nove up or dovn lo any of lhe lhree loards, lhe
CIeric is lhe onIy one vhich noves and caplures in lhe sane fashion
regardIess of vhich loard il occupies. The IaIadin and Mage are
Iiniled in lheir noliIily vhen nol on lhe niddIe loard, lo such an
exlenl lhal lhey viII nol generaIIy spend nuch line on lhe upper or
Iover loard ~ and lhe Heroes and lhe King, aIlhough lhey can
nove J lhe upper or Iover loard, cannol nove on lhose loards,
and lhe King especiaIIy can le easiIy lrapped if Iefl on lhe upper or
Iover loard for any Ionger lhan necessary.
PuttIng togetLev u gume
Ior reasons lhal shouId le olvious, lhis presenlalion couId nol
incIude acluaI conponenls for a DRACONCHLSS gane ~ naking
a loard and fiIIing il vilh pieces nusl le Iefl up lo you. Ior our
pIaylesling and deveIopnenl purposes, ve conslrucled a loard fron
sheels of pIexigIass vilh conlacl paper appIied lo forn lhe checker-
loard pallerns. The loards vere spaced approxinaleIy six inches
aparl, aIIoving enough roon for hands lo reach in and nanipuIale
pieces. The squares on our loard are 1 on a side, naking a
pIaying surface 18 vide and 12 deep. The pIexigIass sheels vere
cul Iarge enough lo aIIov anolher 1 aII around, and had
hoIes driIIed in each corner. Through lhese hoIes ve inserled
lhreaded nelaI rods, faslened inlo pIace vilh conneclors lo space lhe
loards properIy and capped on each end vilh pIaslic knols lo pre-
venl scralching lhe surface on vhich lhe enlire loard is pIaced dur-
ing pIay. Il prolalIy isnl necessary lo luiId a lhree-dinensionaI
loard, lhree fIal reclangIes pIaced in a rov on lhe lalIelop couId le
used lo represenl upper, niddIe, and Iover IeveIs. Bul ils a Iol
easier lo visuaIize lhe up-and-dovn noves of pieces if lhe pIaying
surface is acluaIIy conposed of lhree IeveIs.
The pieces cane fron our coIIeclion of nelaI ninialures, and lhey
do nol in aII cases exaclIy resenlIe lhe pieces lhey represenl. (Ior
inslance, ve used cenlaur figures for OIiphanls lecause ve couIdnl
find any 25nn scaIe eIephanls ~ and even if ve couId have, lhey
vouId have leen loo Iarge for lhe loard.) Any sorl of pieces viII do,
even sinpIe lokens, as Iong as each lype of piece Iooks dislinclIy
differenl fron lhe olhers.
Cood Iuck, and nay aII your noves le ones lhal RexfeIis vouId
envy. . .
40 AUGUST 1985

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