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Vowels Sound a aa i ee u oo e ai o au .n M.ah .a .o .a.

n sound of "h" with hard stop Comment as sound of "a" in ahead, metal {short "a" } as sound of "a" in arm, cart, bar or as sound of "i" in ice, bite, fire {long "a"} as sound of "i" in it, pencil, credible {short "i" } as sound of "i" in if, give, mirror {long "i" } or as sound of "ee" in feet or esteem as sound of "u" in put, push, pull as sound of "o" in soon, spoon, fool {long "u" } or as sound of "u" in rule as sound of "e" in egg, bed, merry or as sound of "a" in age, aim, came as sound of "a" in crane as sound of "o" in go, low similar to the sound of "ow" in owl (if it pronounced as single syllable) or -Nor as sound of "um" in number, sound of "um" as in jump or umbrella

or .m

sound of "a" as in cat sound of "awe" as in awe nasalized sound of "a" as in cat

.o.n xr

nasalized sound of "awe" as in awe distinct sound similar to gutteral sound of "r" as in riddle

Consonants Sound k kh g gh xn ch chh j jx z zh yn t Comment as sound of "k" in karate or sound of "c" in cut as sound of "kh" in khaki as sound of "g" in gum as sound of "gh" in ghost similar to the sound of "n" in bring, thing. Rarely used in English as sound of "ch" in chuck;use of middle palate similar to the "ch" in chuck , but with the release of breath, or aspiration. as sound of "j" in jug variation of sound of "j" in jug; use of front palate as sound of "z" in lazy variation of sound of "z" in lazy; use of middle palate distinct sound of "y" and "n" pronounced together as sound of "t" in tune, hit

tdh d

sound of "dh" using back palate and moving toung down instantantly blowing air out as sound of "d" in done


sound of "dh" using back palate as sound of "dh" in "adhere"

tn tv th dv dh n p f b bh m y r l w sh hsh s h

sound of "n" using middle palate. soft sound of "t" , dental sound of "t" as sound of "t" in Spanish word "tamale" as sound of "th" in thumb, thick as sound of "th" in mother, there as sound of "th" this as sound of "n" in nun, none as sound of "p" in pun as sound of "f" in firm as sound of "b" in bum as sound of "b" using lips and saying "b" and "h" together as in "bhaji" as sound of "m" in mother as sound of "ye" in yes as sound of "ru" in run as sound of "lo" in love as sound of "wo" in work as sound of "sh" in shun {middle palate} close to the sound of "ssion" in mission {back palate} as sound of "so" in some as sound of "hu" in hut as sound of letters "ksh" pronunced together


dn tvr

distinct sound similar to "gya" as sound of "tr" in Russian word peristroika Or close to the sound of "tr" in tree if used front palate.

Variations of Consonants Some borrowed words (from Persian and Urdu language) have sounds not available in Hindi, for such words nukta (dot under the consonant) is used for consonants k, kh, g, yn, f etc. Many newspapers, writers consider using nukta optional. For some words like doctor, borrowed from English, .o used to add .o sound to consonant. Sound k.x kh.x g.x j.x z.x xn.x dhv.x Comment sound of guttural "k", similar to sound of "q" sound of guttural "kh", similar to sound of "kh" in khan sound of guttural "g" variation of sound j variation of sound z variation of "xn" variation of "dhv" dhv.xee f.x


" " , difficult to produce in English " " , difficult to produce in English as in see-


variation of "f", similar to sound of "f" in fast

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