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QUESTIONS1 * Brief description of last 4 5 years jobs. Q: Draw Xmas tree and associated valves, a! es etc" #: $ncl!de ann!l!

!s valves and a! es, Ba%er &ydra!lic panel wit& s!pply press!res to 'in ()aster *+,,bar - . D/01 *4,,bar -. Q: '&at is t&e p!rpose of a D/01" #: to prevent f!ellin a 2ire or 34plosion on t&e platform. 30D wo!ld s&!t in event of 2ire or 5as Detection. Q: '&y do we monitor ann!l!s press!res" #: 6o identify comm!nication between ann!li and it co!ld also &i &li &t a poor cement job. 0mall fl!ct!ations e4pects wit& t&ermal e4pansion. Q: Draw flow lines to 0eparator and describe w&at is involved in flow line, i.e. diverter valves press!re and 6emperat!re switc&es, probes corrosion co!pons etc. Q: Draw 0eparator and internals. #: $ncl!de $nlet deflector Baffle 7lates, 'eir 7late, 1orte4 Brea%ers. Demister, anti foamin pads, 'ater(oil . as o!tlets. 8et was&in and injection points. Q: '&at is involved in brin in on a new well" #: Be aware of operatin proced!res for brin in on new well. 3ns!re eno! & !la e in vessel, probably 6est 0eparator. 5as set to flare and probably very little bac% press!re to allow effective flow bac% of 'ell completion fl!ids. Be aware of possible rapid rises in level and potential misreadin of levels d!e to different fl!id densities. 7ersons on site standin by for level read o!ts etc. 3ns!re all relevant parties and personnel aware of activity. Q: Draw part of a compressor train, 9ooler, 0cr!bber and compressor. Describe eac& step t&ro! & process as t&o! & yo! were tal%in to a national. #: Describe process from cooler off 0eps t&ro! & to disc&ar e cooler incl!din trip and protection devices.

Q: '&at is yo!r essential !tilities e:!ipment" #: Diesel 0ystem 2!el 0!pplies. 0eawater 0ystem 2or 9oolin . #ir compressors ; 2or 5enerator !tilities. /1#9 2or inte rity of protected areas. Q: Draw describe 5lycol re eneration system" #: )ention 2ilters to trap solids w&ic& can ca!se foamin and <ow press!re and(or &i & flow rates ca!sin floodin and carry over by lycol &an in !p in contactor. 5ive w&at eac& filters are !sed for i.e. trappin solids and condy. 5ive e4ample of ot&er type, molec!lar sieve !sin adsorbtion. Q: 0.6.=.7. Do yo! !se it" 5ive 34ample. #: > per trip *eac&- and team inspections every day evenly distrib!ted between crew. ?eaction of 7eople, 773, 7ositions of 7eople, 6ools and e:!ipment, 7roced!res and =rderliness. Decide 0top =bserve #ct ?eport. Q: Describe #larm 9ate ories" #: /i & ; )edi!m <ow !s!ally si nified by colo!r and so!nd of alarm. @tility warnin , 7rocess warnin , 70D, 30D. Q: /ow and w&y wo!ld yo! apply in&ibits" #: $n&ibits may be applied as part of wor% bein carried o!t !nder a wor% permit and will always be ris% assessed, lo ed in in&ibit re ister. #n in&ibit mi &t be applied d!e to process anomaly b!t m!st still be ris% assessed and approved prior to bein applied as well as bein lo ed in in&ibit re ister. Q: 34plain 0!r e and 0tonewall" 0!r e: '&en t&e disc&ar e press!re of t&e compressor cannot be overcome by t&e &ead of t&e impeller blades *s!ction starvation- flow reversal occ!rs. 0!r e is defined as t&e minim!m flow t&ro! & a compressor before flow reversal occ!rs. 0tonewallin : 6&is is t&e point w&ere t&e effective ratio across t&e compressor &as disappeared. 0tonewall is opposite to s!r e and is t&e point on t&e operatin c!rve w&ere an increase in flow res!lts in a s&arp drop in ratio and flow ceases.

'&ere 0!r e is starvation, 0tonewall is over ind!l ence. Q: '&at are t&e 701 types" #: + basic typesA bellows and Bon;Bellows. Bellows are !sed w&en yo! &ave a c&ance of ot&er !sers disc&ar in into t&e same system creatin a bac% press!re a ainst t&e 701 i.e. in a flare &eader. 6&ey are tolerant of t&is w&ere Bon;Bellows are donAt li%e bac% press!re applied to t&em. Q: $n terms of p!mps w&at does B70/ stand for and w&at does it mean" #: B70/ C Bet 7ositive 0!ction /ead. $t is t&e minim!m amo!nt of s!ction press!re re:!ired for a p!mp to operate correctly, preventin cavitation. Q: Describe &ow 5as lift wor%s, t&e principles" #: 5as <ift is !sed to maintain t&e differential press!re between t&e formation press!re and 2B/7 *2lowin Bottom /ole 7ress!re-. 5as <ift mandrels are installed d!rin completion in specially desi ned t!bin , w&ic& &as poc%ets to &old t&e 5as <ift mandrels. )andrels will be set at specific dept&s dependin on t&e c&aracteristics of t&e reservoir. 6&e as w&ic& ets injected, !s!ally down t&e D 5(Et&s ann!l!s, will open vario!s 5as lift mandrels in order to li &ten t&e col!mn of fl!ids s!fficiently to allow t&e well to flow by restorin s!fficient D7 across t&e formation and 2B/7As. =nce t&e well is flowin properly t&e very bottom 5as lift mandrel will be t&e one left open. Q: '&at wo!ld &appen to t&e 0eparation process in a 0eparator if yo! red!ce t&e press!re" #: Fo! will carry over more &eavy ends. 6&ere are eneral :!estions abo!t permit to wor% systems and doin tas%s follows laid o!t proced!res. $ncl!din t&in s li%e 807As. 6&ere also eneral :!estions abo!t if yo! &ave trained any one in t&e past and w&at sort of e4perience yo! &ave at trainin people as t&e idea is to train t&e Bationals. 5eneral :!estions abo!t p!mps types yo! &ave wor%ed wit&, positive displacement and centrif! al etc. #s%ed to ive a brief description of dry as seals.

Q: /ow wo!ld yo! prepare to allow man entry into 5as 0!ction scr!bber" #: =nce all isolations and paperwor% in place tests m!st be carried o!t to determine t&e followin : =4y en Deficiency(enric&ment, 9omb!stible 5ases, 6o4ic 5ases */+0- pl!s any ot&er s!bstances appropriate to t&e process bein inspected. =nce t&e job is ready to pro ress t&e followin m!st be in place and remain in place for t&e d!ration of t&e job: >. 9ontin!o!s detection e:!ipment in position and operational. +. 9ompetent 0tandby man. G. #ppropriate 773 !sed. 4. 'arnin si ns posted w&ere appropriate. 5. 0!itable resc!e arran ements in place. H. 5ood radio comms between wor% party(0tandby man(99? or ?adio ?oom. #lso ive brief description of isolation process, isolated inte rity test fl!s& p!r e isolate fit spades etc.

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