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Amnesty International USA Group 48

In This Issue . . .

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1 Demand Dignity Campaign
Underway in Portland OR
3 Central America RAN:
Amnesty International
Believes that Reproductive
Health is a Human Right
4 China RAN: Fear of torture
and other ill-treatment;
human rights defender
6 Legislative Update
6 Central Africa RAN:
Risk of torture or other

AIUSA-Group 48 Demand Dignity Campaign Underway in Portland OR
503-227-1878 By Janie Whitlock, Demand Dignity Campaign Coordinator
Next Meeting:
Friday August 14th
At the Amnesty International Group rights abuse allows poverty alleviation
48 meeting on July 10th, 2009, group to be approached in a different way. If
First Unitarian Church members unanimously voted to adopt poverty is a human rights abuse, it must
1011 SW 12th Ave the corporate accountability portion be caused by something that can be
7:00pm informal of the Demand Dignity campaign in controlled. For instance, natural disas-
gathering Portland, OR. The Demand Dignity ters are not considered human rights
7:30pm meeting starts campaign will seek to alleviate global abuses because they are not caused
poverty through the protection of Eco- by controllable events, and blame for
nomic, Social and Cultural rights. them cannot be easily placed. Poverty
has previously been thought about in
NewsLetter Designed Campaign Synopsis
a similar way. Previous approaches to
By Michelle Whitlock The Campaign is unique in that it
poverty alleviation have been based on defines poverty as a human rights
the assumption that poverty is a natural
abuse and approaches the alleviation of
and inevitable social phenomenon, for
poverty from the standpoint of human
which blame cannot easily be placed.
rights. Redefining poverty as a human
The Demand Dignity campaign focuses »
AIUSA group 48 Newsletter August 2009 Pg 2

on the domestic and international human rights abuses that On December 2nd, 1984 thousands of tons of poisonous gas
cause poverty. By focusing on preventing these abuses, they leaked from the Union Carbide plant in Bhopal, India. Over
are targeting the root causes of poverty. The international De- half a million citizens were exposed to poisonous gas and
mand Dignity campaign targets poverty through focusing on: around 10,000 people died within the first couple of days.
slum dwellings and forced evictions, maternal mortality and Now, twenty five years later, the site remains to be cleaned
access to adequate healthcare, corporate accountability and up, the citizens have not been adequately compensated, and
the human rights abuses associated with the extractive in- over 100,000 people suffer from related illnesses and birth
dustries, indigenous people’s rights and a reaffirmed commit- defects. The disaster has increased poverty in the region over
ment to the Millennium Development Goals as a whole. The the years, as illness and death have taken a toll on people’s
Portland Oregon chapter of Amnesty International will adopt ability to earn an income. Our goal is to get compensation for
the corporate accountability portion of the Demand Dignity the communities in Bhopal and to make the company clean
campaign, which focuses on human rights abuses committed up the area.
by companies investing in the extractive industries. Amnesty Mexico
International will focus its efforts initially on cases in Nigeria, The Demand Dignity campaign may also focus on a case »
Mexico, and Bhopal.
AIUSA Group 48 Contact Information
Oil extraction in the Niger Delta of Nigeria has been a main
source of income for Nigeria for a very long time. Most of the
country’s oil extraction comes from the Niger Delta, however,
Group Coordinator Central Africa RAN
the area is the poorest in the country and bears the brunt of Joanne Lau OR State Death
the environmental damage. Communities throughout the Ni- 971-221-5450 Penalty Coordinator
ger Delta have become poorer over the years of oil extraction Terrie Rodello
due to the environmental damage that the area has incurred, 503-246-6836
Concert Tabling
which has caused health problems in the community and loss Will Ware
of land productivity. Due to the environmental degradation, 503-227-5225 Central America RAN
people who previously relied on fishing or growing food for Marylou Noble
their livelihoods no longer have the option of this source in 503-245-6923
Newsletter Editor marylou_noble@
income. In addition, the labor and environmental exploita- Dan Webb
tion of the region without compensation or clean-up of the 503-253-3491
area has led to an increase in violence. Community groups Guantanamo cases
have taken to protesting in sometimes violent ways. The & Darfur
Treasurer Jane Kristof
company response to violent and non-violent protests alike Janan Stoll
has been overwhelmingly violent. The government of Nigeria 503-282-8834 Marty Fromer
has supported the companies by providing security forces to 503-227-1878
protect the companies and their property. These government
forces have been overwhelmingly brutal and have engaged Coordinator Indonesia RAN
in extrajudicial executions, torture and destruction of homes Dan Johnson Max White
and property. The Demand Dignity campaign seeks to fight for 503-310-4540 503-292-8168
compensation to the community, clean-up for the region, and
to hold the companies and government of Nigeria accountable
for the human rights abuses that have already occurred.
AIUSA group 48 Newsletter August 2009 Pg 3

in Mexico. In March 1998 local farmers in Guerrero State justice for those who have been wrongfully detained and cor-
Mexico filed a report against logging companies for resource porate responsibility within the logging industry in the area.
exploitation and illegal logging. The Mexican army detained
the two farmers on fabricated charges for four years, until the This campaign is exciting in that it attacks poverty by hold-
Government of Mexico demanded their release. Other activ- ing certain people and policies accountable for the ways
ists that have highlighted the environmental degradation of that they cause and perpetuate poverty. I am grateful to the
excessive logging within the region have also been victimized members of Amnesty International Group 48, for voting in
by the army. The goal of this portion of the campaign would favor of the corporate accountability portion of this cam-
be to advocate for protection of the activists in the region, paign and I know that we can make a lasting and profound
impact on corporate accountability.

Central America RAN: Amnesty International Believes that Reproductive Health is a

Human Right
By Marylou Noble, Central American Amnesty International urges the Nicaraguan authorities to
RAN Coordinator ◌◌ Repeal Articles 143, 145, 148 and 149 of the Penal Code
and decriminalize abortion in all circumstances. Women and
sanja gjenero Stock.Xchng

girls must not be subject to criminal sanctions for seeking or

obtaining an abortion under any circumstances;
◌◌ Reform legislation to allow for therapeutic abortion in cases
of pregnancy resulting from rape or incest and in circum-
stances where continuation of pregnancy would put the
health or life of the woman or girl at risk. The reforms must
ensure that safe abortion is accessible without unreasonable
◌◌ Ensure that medical professionals are not criminally sanc-
tioned for providing safe abortion services;
Abortion in Nicaragua ◌◌ Ensure all institutions promote and strengthen awareness
Abortion is a criminal offence in Nicaragua in all circum- and implementation of the Obstetric Protocols when treating
stances. The new Penal Code, introduced in 2008, provides obstetric complications;
for lengthy prison sentences for women and girls who seek an ◌◌ Remove the legal obligation, and any practical obstacles,
abortion and for health professionals who provide abortion that compel women and girls who are pregnant as a result of
services and life-saving and health-preserving obstetric care. rape or incest to continue involuntarily with the pregnancy;
Amnesty International is aware of the importance the Nica- ◌◌Undertake immediate law reform to ensure rape victims
raguan government has given to the alleviation of poverty, have access to comprehensive remedies including counselling,
indigenous rights to land and reduction of maternal mortality. medical care and psycho-social and legal support in line with
It is precisely in this context that Amnesty International is fo- World Health Organization guidelines and ensure they are
cusing on the issue of the complete prohibition of abortion in fully supported to make free and informed decisions on how
Nicaragua, since it marks such a grave departure from thegov- to manage the consequences of rape, including continuation
ernments’ commitment to improving social equality, and has or termination of a pregnancy;
such severe consequences for the protection of human rights ◌◌ Ensure full investigations into cases of suicide of girls or »
of women and girls.
AIUSA group 48 Newsletter August 2009 Pg 4

women of reproductive age to establish whether unwanted services and assistance and support for parenting;
pregnancy was a contributing factor; ◌◌ Ensure human rights defenders and medical professionals
◌◌ Ensure women and men receive and have access to contra- campaigning to raise awareness of the negative impact of the
ceptive services and information in order to make informed revised law and to promote and defend the human rights of
choices about sex and reproduction, free from coercion and women and girls are able to carry out their legitimate work
discrimination; without restrictions of fear of reprisals, in accordance with the
◌◌ Increase the provision of antenatal, maternity and postnatal UN Declaration on Human Rights Defenders.

China RAN Concerns - Fear of torture and other ill-treatment; human rights defender
Following her release, Wang Yonghang’s wife went to several
detention centers in Dalian to look for him. On July 6, she
Peter Skadberg Stock.Xchng

learned that he was being detained at Dalian City Police

Detention Center; however, the police would not allow her to
meet with him. She complained to the police that they had
not informed his family within 24 hours that he was in cus-
tody, as required by law. Dalian City Police Detention Center
gave her a detention notice which said that Wang Yonghang
had been detained on suspicion of violation of Article 300 of
the Criminal Law, which deals with “superstitious sects, secret
societies and evil religious organizations” and has been used
to imprison many Falun Gong practitioners. His wife hired
two lawyers to represent him. However, when they tried to
visit him at the detention center on July 14, they were turned
back. On July 20, a Dalian City internal security police officer
called the two lawyers and again told them that they were not
allowed to meet with Wang Yonghang. This violates article
33 of the Law on Lawyers of the People’s Republic of China
Summary which provides for lawyer-client meetings in detention facili-
Human rights lawyer Wang Yonghang, who has represented ties as long as lawyers bring with them an appointment letter
Falun Gong practitioners, has been held incommunicado establishing client representation, their own professional
since July 4 and reportedly has been beaten during interroga- license and a certification document issued by the law firm
tion. He is at risk of further torture and other ill-treatment. which employs them.
Around 20 plainclothes police broke into Wang Yonghang’s
Wang Yonghang had his license to practice law revoked in
home on July 4 and took him and his wife to a detention
May 2008 after the local judicial authorities failed to renew
center. The police, who had no warrant, also searched their
his license, which all lawyers are required to have in order
home, and confiscated their computer, camera, printer and
to continue working in their profession. He has, however,
several books. His wife was released the next day, and Wang
continued to provide legal advice to Falun Gong practitioners
Yonghang was moved to another place of detention. Wang
and represented them in court. By law, any Chinese citizen
Yonghang lives in the north-east of the country, in Dalian city,
can act as a legal representative without a lawyer’s license but »
Liaoning province. His wife has learned from sources that he
has been beaten during interrogation.
AIUSA group 48 Newsletter August 2009 Pg 5

with certain limitations that do not apply to licensed lawyers. Defenders.

On June 16, 2009 he represented a Falun Gong detainee at
court. Police then followed him and told him to drop his
Director of the Liaoning Provincial Department of Public
involvement in the case.
In May 2008, Wang Yonghang published an article online LI Wenxi Tingzhang
in which he explained his views on the authorities’ persecu- Liaoningsheng Gong’anting
tion of Falun Gong practitioners under Article 300 of China’s 2 Qishan Zhonglu
Criminal Law. Many Falun Gong practitioners have been Huangguqu
charged under Article 300, which states that: Shenyangshi 110032
“Whoever organizes and utilizes superstitious sects, secret PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA
societies and evil religious organizations, or sabotages the Salutation: Dear Director
implementation of the state’s laws and executive regulations
by utilizing superstition is to be sentenced to not less than Acting Governor of Liaoning Province
three years and not more than seven years of fixed-term im- CHEN Zhenggao Daili Shengzhang
prisonment; when circumstances are particularly serious, to Liaoningsheng Renmin Zhengfu
not less than seven years of fixed term imprisonment.” 45 Beilingdajie
Human rights lawyers in China are harassed, assaulted, kept Shenyangshi 110032
under surveillance and face criminal charges for protecting Liaoningsheng
the rights of others. There are more than 140,000 lawyers and PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA
14,000 law firms in China but few take the risk of representing Email:
victims of human rights violations, such as Falun Gong prac- Salutation: Dear Governor
titioners. They risk having their licenses revoked and could
even face imprisonment. Prime Minister of the People’s Republic of China
WEN Jiabao Guojia Zongli
In the May 2009 assessment, at least 20 lawyers had their The State Council General Office
licenses revoked. 2 Fuyoujie
Take Action Xichengqu
Please note that this RAN action is based on an Urgent Ac- Beijingshi 100017
tion.  Please write by SEPTEMBER 8.  Please send politely People’s Republic of China
worded appeals in English, Mandarin or your own language: Fax:  011 86 10 65961109 (c/o Ministry of Foreign Affairs)
Salutation: Your Excellency
◌◌ Calling on the authorities to release Wang Yonghang im-
mediately and unconditionally; Copies To
◌◌Asking them to guarantee that he will not be tortured or PRC Ambassador to the US
otherwise ill-treated, and to ensure that he has immediate The Honorable Wen Zhong ZHOU
access to legal assistance of his choice, his family and any Embassy of the People’s Republic of China
medical treatment that he may require; 2300 Connecticut Ave. NW
Washington DC 20008
◌◌Urging them to take effective measures to ensure that all Fax: 1 202 328-2582
human rights defenders can carry out their peaceful activities Salutation: Your Excellency or Dear Mr. Zhou
without fear of arbitrary detention, imprisonment or intimi- Postage rate to China for letters is 98¢
dation, in line with the UN Declaration on Human Rights
AIUSA group 48 Newsletter August 2009 Pg 6

Legislative Update Jul 29, 2009

By Dan Johnson, Legislative Coordinator
H ello everyone,
This month’s update is quite short, and likely something more compelling.  Voices from the public are needed, and our
you’ve heard before. However, if you haven’t yet called your elected officials are the ones to bring that message to Wash-
Senators and Representative to ask him to support the ap- ington DC.  One of the biggest arguments against this will
pointment of a special prosecutor for detainee abuse, please be that the nation as a whole doesn’t want it.  We mustn’t let
do so.  Momentum has been slowly building, and as more these acts pass into history without any accountability.  If you
and more information gets out, the case becomes more and haven’t called yet, please do so soon.

Central Africa RAN UA 197/09 - Risk of torture or other ill-treatment

CHAD: Haroun Mahamat Abdoulaye (m)
pour le Changement Democratique, FUC), a former armed
Mike Munchel Stock.Xchng

opposition group. He was released in May 2008 but remained

under house arrest at his home in N’Djamena until 20 July.
He has not been charged with any criminal offense.
The Chadian minister of internal affairs and public security
dismissed Sultan Haroun from his position as the Dar Tama
sultan in November 2007. The Sultan later appealed against
the decision at the Chadian Supreme Court. On 16 July, the
Supreme Court nullified minister’s decision and decided that
the Chadian government should reinstate him to the posi-
tion of Sultan of Dar Tama and also pay him 20 million CFA
Francs (around 40,000 USD) as compensation.
Haroun Mahamat Abdoulaye, a Sultan in eastern Chad, was The Chadian president, Idriss Deby Itno, disregarded the Su-
arrested from his home in the Chadian capital N’Djamena preme Court decision by signing a Decree that dismissed the
on 20 July. He is being detained without charge and, his Sultan from his position on 21 July.
family members and lawyers have not been allowed to visit
him. There are fears for his safety as he is at risk of being
Sultan Haroun Mahamat Abdoulaye was arrested on 30
tortured and/or suffering other ill-treatment. Haroun Ma-
November 2007 along with seven men from the Tama ethnic
hamat Abdoulaye, Sultan of the Department of Dar Tama,
group in the eastern town of Guereda. The men arrested with
Wadi Fira region, eastern Chad was arrested at his home by a
director of the Chadian judiciary police. He was taken to the him are Colonels Youssouf Abdelkerim Abdulaye, Yacoub
Renseignements Generaux (Chadian security services cells in Oumar and Ibrahim Idriss Ibrahim, Abdel Aziz Moussa,
N’Djamena) where he remains in detention. Abdel-Kerim Mahamat Toraye, prefet (Governor) of the de-
partment of Dar Tama and Ali Kaikit .They are currently held
Haroun Mahamat Abdoulaye was first arrested in November at Korotoro detention center. Amnesty International is moni-
2007 in Guereda town, Dar Tama department after being ac- toring the situation of the men and will notify the network if
cused by the Chadian authorities of being involved in the ac- campaigning is required. »
tivities of the United Front for Democratic Change (Front Uni
AIUSA group 48 Newsletter August 2009 Pg 7

They have been accused by the Chadian authorities of in- Fax: 011 235252 21 39
volvement in the former armed opposition group, the United Salutation: Dear Minister
Front for Democratic Change (Front Uni pour le Change- Ambassador Mahamat Adam Bechir
ment Democratique, FUC). However, they have not been Embassy of the Republic of Chad
charged with any offense. 2002 R St. NW
An Amnesty International delegation met him in May 2008 Washington DC 20009
and May 2009 in N’Djamena. He was than very concerned Phone: 1 202 462 4009
about his own safety and that of the 7 other people who were Fax: 1 202 265 1937
arrested with him in Guereda in November 2007. PLEASE SEND APPEALS IMMEDIATELY.
Check with the AIUSA Urgent Action office if sending
Recommended Action
appeals after 3 September 2009.
Please send appeals to arrive as quickly as possible:
◌◌ Calling for the immediate and unconditional release of Sul- Tip of the Month
tan Haroun Mahamat Abdoulaye unless he is a charged with a Use shortcuts: Do whatever is necessary to make your letter
recognizable criminal offense; writing as quick and easy as possible. This way, letters will not
◌◌ Calling on the Chadian authorities to guarantee that he is be put off and they can be sent out sooner. Start by making a
not tortured or otherwise ill-treated; generic file for each type of concern; paragraphs on torture,
the death penalty, disappearances, denial of medical care
◌◌Urging the Chadian authorities to give him access to his and so on, can be copied into your working file and edited as
lawyers, medical treatment and his relatives; needed.
◌◌ Calling on the Chadian authorities to respect the Chadian
Postage Rates
supreme court decision and avoid any interference in the Within the United States
Judiciary. $0.28 - Postcards
Appeals To $0.44 - Letters and Cards (up to 1 oz.)
Presidence de la Republique To Canada
Son excellence Idriss Deby Itno $0.75 - Postcards
BP 74, N’Djamena, CHAD $0.75 - Airmail Letters and Cards (up to 1 oz.)
Fax: 011 235251 45 01 To Mexico
Email: $0.79 - Postcards
Salutation: Dear President $0.79 - Airmail Letters and Cards (up to 1 oz.)
Minister of Justice and Keeper of To all other destination countries
the Seal Jean-Bawoyeu Alingue $0.98 - Postcards
BP 1122 $0.98 - Airmail Letters and Cards (up to 1 oz.)
N’Djamena, CHAD Sample Letter
Fax: 011 235252 21 39 His Excellency Idriss Deby Itno
Salutation: Dear Minister Présidence de la République
Copies To BP 74,
Ministre de l’Interieur et de la Securite publique N’Djamena,  Republic of CHAD
Ahmat Mahamat Bashir Fax: 011 235251 45 01
N’Djamena Email:
BP 742 N’Djamena Dear President Déby,
CHAD I am deeply concerned for the safety of Sultan Haroun Maha- »
AIUSA group 48 Newsletter August 2009 Pg 8

mat Abdoulaye of Dar Tama, who was taken from his home arrest in November 2007.  Although the Supreme Court rein-
in N’Djamena on July 20 and is detained at the Renseigne- stated him and awarded him compensation, your Excellency
ments Généraux.   It is possible that he has been tortured or disregarded this decision and decreed his dismissal.   The
otherwise ill-treated. I am also concerned that he has been Court’s decisions should be respected, without executive
denied access to legal counsel and medical care.  His family interference or reversal.
and lawyers have not been allowed to see him.  He has either Sultan Haroun should be released from detention immediate-
been in detention or under house arrest since his November ly and unconditionally, unless he is officially charged.  Please
2007 arrest in Guereda, without being charged with any rec- guarantee that he will not be tortured or  ill-treated, and allow
ognizable criminal offense.   him access to his lawyers, his family, and medical treatment if
The seven other men from the Tama ethnic group who were needed.
arrested with Sultan Haroun in Guereda in November 2007 Thank you for your attention to my sincere concerns,
are still being held at Korotoro detention center.  They have (AIUSA Member’s signature, name and address)
not been formally or legally charged with any criminal of-
fense either.   Cc:  Ambassador Mahamat Adam Bechir
Embassy of the Republic of Chad
I am also concerned to learn that Chad does not benefit from 2002 R St. NW
an independent judiciary system.  According to the Supreme Washington DC 20009
Court of Chad, Sultan Haroun was dismissed illegally from Phone: 1 202 462 4009
his position as Sultan of Dar Tama at the time of his first Fax: 1 202 265 1937


AIUSA group 48 Newsletter August 2009

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