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The Indian Institute Of Business Management & Studies

Subject: Business Ethics Marks: 100

Section I CASE STUDY: No Minor Offence Census data reveals high level of Under age arriages

Census statics are generall! full of sur"rises# $ut this one is startling : %#& illion Indians under the age of '( are alread! arried# That)s not all# As an! as '#* la+h girls under '( are ,ido,ed and another -%./// are divorced or se"arated# The legal arriagea0le age for ,o en is '(. for en 1'# A centur! and a half after Ish,archandra 2id!asagar)s crusade against child arriage. the "ractice "ersists# O0viousl!. the Child Marriage 3estraint Act. '414. e5ists onl! on "a"er and has not 0een a0le to deter "arents fro arr!ing off under aged sons and daughters# The incidence is understanda0l! higher in rural areas. 0ut not lo, as e5"ected in the cities# It)s ore co on in the $IMA3U states. ,ith 3a6asthan leading the ,a! Ironicall!. the Act renders all under7age arriages illegal 0ut not void. ,hich eans that an illegall! arried cou"le can sta! arried # It is. therefore. violated ,ith i "unit! and hardl! an!one is ever hauled u"# Des"ite the fact that child arriage is a cri inal offence. action is rarel! ta+en 0! the "olice# Even civil societ! re ains a "assive s"ectator# There)s not enough "enalt!7a fine of 3s#'./// and i "rison ent u" to three sho,s that the state does not vie, the cri e seriousl!# The "ractice is lin+ed to the curse of do,ar!# 8Chhota Chhora dhhe6 +a angta9 : the !ounger the groo . the s aller the do,r! de and; 6ustifies an! such alliances# The gri est "art of the scenario is the "h!sical havoc that earl! arriage ,rea+s u"on girls ,ho are too !oung to 0ear the 0urden of aternal and child ortalit!# There is also the 0elief that a daughters) arriage is a scared o0ligation that "arents ust fulfill at the earliest# A ne, legislation. <revention of Child arriages $ill. 1//&. to re"lace the loo"hole7ridden '414 Act is a,aiting "arlia ent)s a""roval# $ut legislation alone is not enough# Co "ulsor! registration of arriages is one ,a! of tac+ling the "ro0le # Creating a,areness a0out the ill7 effects of such arriages and o0ili=ing co itted social ,or+ers to intervence are others# >o,ever. social ,or+ers have to often function in hostile conditions# The '441 case of $han,ari Devi. the 3a6asthan saathin ,ho ,as ra"ed for "reventing a child arriage. is chilling# In the end onl! education. econo ic securit! and increasing e "o,er ent of ,o en can eli inate the "ro0le #

?uestions '# Discuss ethicall! the dra,0ac+s !ou find in the under7age arriages@

The Indian Institute Of Business Management & Studies

Subject: Business Ethics Marks: 100

1# >o, does the increasing e "o,er ent of ,o en hel" eli inate "ro0le s if this t!"e@ Section II ?1# a; Ahat is oral ha=ards and ,h! is it i "ortant@

0; Ahat is e ergent strateg!@ ?*# a; Ahat are the o06ectives of a 0usiness. and ,hich is the 0; >o, ?&# a; Ahat CS3 issues e5ist for NB<s@ 0; Ahat ?-# a; >o, glo0ali=ation effect CS3@ 0; Is glo0ali=ation threat for CS3@ ?%# a; Ah! is the easure ent of "erfor ance i "ortant@ easures of "erfor ance are t!"icall! used 0! these organi=ation@ an! ste"s are there in the decision ost i "ortant@

a+ing "rocess and ,hat are the!@

0; Ahat is ISO'&/// and ,hat factors does it cover@ ?C# a; Ahat are the res"onsi0ilities of 0usiness in their cor"orate decision@ 0; Ahat is the relationshi" 0et,een CS3 and cor"orate 0ehavior@ ?(# a; Ahat are the & factors of sustaina0ilit!@ 0; Ahat are the factors of distri0uta0le sustaina0ilit!@ ?4#

The Indian Institute Of Business Management & Studies

Subject: Business Ethics Marks: 100

a; Ahat 6ustification does sta+eholder Theor! use for considering sta+eholder@ 0; Ahat are the ste" involved in the incor"oration of environ ental accounting into the ris+ evaluation s!ste of an organi=ation@

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