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':. .-' .: :.',:~= "RtS'l'RICTIVE CùVE¡~A¡"¡ti'~ FOR ALLYSOi.J i\CRLS .. OAKS ADj)ITIO~J"

(~;.'.~', 't'HE~EF(Jil, for

,of ALLYSù:1 ¡'.CR1S - OAKS ADjJI'l'Iù~'J and for the

of oursèl ves 2.ndoursucccsGors inti tIc to any
tile purpose of providing an orderly develo¡;nr.ent
property of protection
t~erein, anã for
t~e furt:1c~ purpose of preserving the c:iaracter of è.evelo?;:~nt and construc-
tioi:therein c1n": for th~ protection and safety of t:ia general public.~ "anG
to insure cl pleasant neiShborhooù aprcara~cc, \-7e do here):y declare, esta-
blish :3n(Ì ir!l'ose" certain restrictive covenant:; upon .\LLYS'.)~~ i\':.R~.s _ OAnS
ADiJIJ'Iv~¡, 1...hic;1 are
1m.. , '."hich" restric'.;i 'Ie -:ovenants,
outlined herein be
shall be aJhere~ to by our Successors in title to propertics in hLLYSOr;
ACHLS - :.;'~l-S .~ijJiH'.i-IO;'¡ ,and shalI ocadlE!red to by anypcr:;on, or persons,
of , anyproycrtj thcr~i:1, and any?erson, rier-
'..;ho shall reside or r,le1Ke use

sons, fi~0 or corporation, ncccptihg title or convcyanc25 to, resiaing in,.

or having etny interest, of any kind or type what.5oevcr, in _~~~YS0ii AC?.ES _
ÖAI~S .~\~)JIl'h)ri, s¡¡all strictly;id:1ere tOSUCi1 restricti v€: COV'2:I::nts, anc. ~'i
acccpt.i:i..:; suc:iti tl'.'or conveyc.nc2, eiti1er ûirectly or re¡..:ol:'f:J_~', or by
resi..iia,; i~, or navinÇJ anyintcrl2st in, cit:1:.r directly or r2;:~ct::ly, to an~'
property in rlLYSU,J i\Ci.;i:;s- üi\i(S j\iJûI'l'
IU;J , shdIl 0e ..ieC!îêd to :ia'.reêtssentc.i
and ac:rr0.~~: to, a:iàL:c ~ou.:d by, sucÌ1restricti ve cOVena!1ts and shall ~c e:i-
titled t'.) ..111 ti1C ";0;1.2 fit.:: t:icreof, .:me. siwll ass u;'~c .:1 1. tii~ rfispon.:;ibi 1i-
tiC~ì t.:1.8~CO:.
1. Fo~- t.:¡C ~)ur~)Qs(~ of ri::intainir1g V.:1U2.3 for t;lQ¡;,;;'2lv2:ì Ùn(~ t:lf:ir succes-
sors intitlG, ancl for l:1C i:urpoS0 of ì."\ul.lic ileal t;1 anù safety, an~ to en-
hance t;ic property, and to ins ure a pl'2as~i1t ncighbor:lOoj ¿iS'?etlraric~ and
ciiar:'cL:r 2.:1C: for tl18 ~)urpose ()f co::trollinç tl12 dcveIo:.)ï'lent Ofi'.~LYS,':;:
¡'.CH.l..~ - OAI~S i"\I)DI'l'I0~"¡, t:1C undersigned m.¡ners, to-,ii t: sri'üi)Er..~r;LK Li-i,"¡D

. ", . .... . .. ''',' . .

Cu ,¡PH;;)!, ,\.; 0.i\~,-,¡¡0:~\ CUi~PÜ:;z.\'l'I();¡, or their designees, slw.ll .ret:Ün ¿i::c;1Í t-
ectL!r.:l coi::n)l of .111 r:;C)!structlon, or ù:1V instc:lL:tio:i t:icrein. ?~1erc-
for,no rÜ31.'_¡,~ncei bl1il~-lin7, \';,:111, fenct:, r.í:eli,laSè stru.:t--r8, .:~ri'..'e.:.:ïY,
:?ar~i!1'j :irc.:, etc., .:;;1all i)e ini tl at8(.~, can truct()~l, ins taIled, t;:ine.:: ,
ù.l t.e r'2::, ;:l.:ccc1 or ~)0ri;Ü tt2:l on any pr0t-crty t;icrei n, '.-:i t:iOU:: fir ~ t sulJ~'
mittin:. t:1C plans, plot-~')lùn, and/or t:.1c.:::x~cificatio::3, ,12tai1s, O!" ot~i~r
satisf.=ctory in::or;.~.,ili():- to the undcr3i::nec1, or t~12ir ,jcsi'Jne~.s, f':)r their
e xaiiÙ:-a ti ,:on a!1.J "':ri t t::n a:)~)roval, and s tich c,)ns.tructi on 2.;;i ir.s :.all.: tion ,
etc., s¡'ioll not be initiatei1 until such';:r-it.tcn.:pproval ~a3 bC2n execut¿ù
and gri:1tc:1. In passing ul?on such plans, etc. i the und~rsisr.ed o':::icrs, cr
their ii~si :ince.=, iT,a:.' t.J;'e into consi2eration, the sui tabili ty of -'0ï1., ;:.lï..:C-
the 3ite,
tio:1 and i!13tallatioii, and materi,als U5CJ, to

gen¿rál propertyvalucG, to the specific building ger.cral area,

to tlie t8the anJ
vie'." tc and :ror:~t¡ic .Jè.jacei~ t s itC3 and the qenerñ.l area anJ to tìi,~ :1.Jr~~oni'
of such construction ¿:nd ins.taliat.ion'", it:i t":ead -; c.ccn t Dro'):!rtie:; L\:1'1 t;1C
geneial area, an~ to the s115ceptibility of sue;) c;nstruc~io~ to .fire ~ni/or
other hazard3, incl:idintJhut not limitGktt0, :Jutllic :182.1th,and tr.:tf:-'ic
.c . ~ .. t to. .', ' " .. - 1 . ,
hazards, al'i,l rvl.:/ ta;~cinto cO:::3iJ(lrati\) blockincr of vie,.; 2.n..: the fIo,.-7
may, ..:hail in tj~,~i r o'.:Jiniön, ti tIe

fèrre.J to 0 th~rs, o.r '::~1cn, in

com?lcted, apP8int, or causé to.

- - - £
0.. air. .:r-O,..l al1~ 0 0 riropert:iës in tqe ar2r1. 1'n8 un;:"2r3ignc.: c'.':n~rs ;;
to enouqÌ1 of th(~ tiro;-JsrJcies ::as been tr:ll:S l
their Or-iinion, enoug:1 cons truc.tion h~s :Oee~

be electe,,1, a CÖlìUÚ.1ttee of at.leel~t three.:.. ~.::""
of the tlien O'-lCtS in ,;i.:i,YSO:JACJlL.3 - ùi\KS :ADDI'l'IUd to 3êrve in tr:c c::?acl. ~
Cl(" )
.. \.;. ~ c. ~'.. .L '.~ :. ..:. \. ~_~
, ", '.~:
,.. ,~
'if" _
1;,;," .~"" of~ the Yindersi'Jned . o',mersinsofar .asthis... ..' '.' .' .... ..' ...... ...... ..
ardii:tectural control is c~ncerned..dSh()ulclsuchpians,specifications,
,etc., for. construction....~.andd~.rist~1.1ati.()ri.;ba....s.tlbmitt~dto'.......
owners, th e i rdesi gnec ~"O.f:isuch.:,ÒO'rtl~tEle;d.anc1,.hO\wr ittenactionistaken tIie

\Ü thin 30 Ùi1ys' therè fromithen'~stî9h(aonst:iu~tion àl1Cl"installation:shall.. be.

deemed to been approved~./.":;t" ';i,j' ".
. .' ',""'~" "', .' ,': . "r. .. ' . ". ',.'. ì'
2 .. No .....S i ng 1 e re sident iai.'tl\idiii;;~J co~tal~i ng.....;id~:S3....f~.:~fi:~~~~o/~~i~t_!tE!~S'a f
floor space, exclusive .orgárà,ges',.'CarpÒrts,porChêS', .. or'Jiâcl'ösj"'I"."shall" '
310cks 1foundations
tI1ro'iigh' 3,
be placed, or. permit ted., toremain,oirêitiy,;property in

and all building .'placed',onperman'ent'arid,solidtype

footings, or piers ofconcrete/e)r:.rnasoniy.¡" . .
3. Nbvehiclé ,or machiner~id;:~'ithat:n).,,';tn's'åi.Jdclgé .... .,' '. ..... ..or is'in .... ......... .
': : ':.: ' ,:'::',' ",~_-,':," " '.\' ; ',: ',' '. :' ,',':"C' , ' ,'....:",. "!.i!::: ~;': :::':' ::' . __~~ ~ _ J

process .of being torn .dO\-m'.ot~:rcp.3iréd.,'or:::is;'in,d:àistate....of...jÜnk,... nor

other type sal vage.ofjunkmatërí.~1,';~~.:tOlbêpiac;eclforkept,. or.'permitted any:;, .

to . remain, .on G!ny...tract insÙ9h'¿'mclnnêf...t'.ha:tit.mayibeseen from.....anyofth~
neighboring prop8rties orfrolil,:àilY'rqåd'ii'ti!Ór'adjacenttothe 5ub-di vision ~ ~
0i.mersofany tract,
or' t:raCts,"in)\L¡'Y~9NYACì~dS-QA¡,SAiDITIOi'¡ shall.....,...... ....
notper::lÌt any pileOfdeadfoliagèdt)r:~ruishor..any dead

property butshall\dispÓscofsameinatrees
remain on their
or Shrubbery
an¿ in SUChd maliner that is notoffonsivel,norin::uch a

a fire hazùrûto any~)rop'ertY/d.jndaii:;~'.~nt'rs/ renters,. lessors ,occupa:its,

manner to cause:
and parties\,¡i th interest .in,pr()rjertie5.ihALLYSül~AC¡~I:S _ 0A:\S. i~ùi)Il'103"
shall out of respect to t¡iei.r ncighbors,cmdi~orderto maintain anrlen-
hance property' vùIue 5, S~1c11 1 ;~ecp,their prbpertyin reasonable

sIiall ni:)\'¡ t:iie property at regular.reasonab~eintervals and should 'Jriiss..

repair , and.
ue allo\','cu to grow to .a hcightqrE3iiter than 18"
the (mdersir;ned
enter upon SUC;1 property anJr.o'.dI.3amcand SUch owner oi,¡nersmay
or lessor shall be .'
liable £0:: tl,c cost of SUcfl r,ìo',dn'J iindthei cost of sue;i i:10\~7ingshall b~col.e
a lien upon tha property.
4. ;:Nohouso:trailer,
any teï;lpb-
tent, shac~, garage, 'ba:rn, outbUilding or
rary or;-:lOVdDle structure, sj1al1 ù.t anytime he used for residential pur-
poses o~ .::1Y trùct .::-iJ :¡ostructur:~ of any: Jescription :::13.11 be 1"10'18": .:ro::;
.any other location
into this
5. Eac:i chielIinguni t constructed on any tract s:ialI have rrodern sanitary
facilities, and septic systc~s shall be constructeJ and installeJ in accor~
delnc."3 ',.¡it:1 the reSulaticn::anù standards of tile Ok.lahoma State 0ep2.rt;.~Qnt
of lIcaI t:i. .';0 outdoor t.ri vies shall at a:iy time be per;;li ttcd o¡. a:iy lot,
nor s:lall ,'iny no;Ücu:: i of fen:: i ve, unsig:1hly, maloJorous o~ un¡~::.;1. thy elcti-
vity cr conJitiün ue c.:-rricd 0;1, or ::c r??n,iittcdto n::;,;airi, upon iì.ny Iot, ~
nor s~aii any horse, cow, swine, she0~ or 00Rt ~e kept or pe ~~ittejto ï

re~ain en any trRct.

6. 00 builJing, nor any p~rt thereof, shRll ~e ~iacej ncare~ to any =0al
line t:1L':ì -::12 0ui.-~"in'J SCot :)àC1.: lil1l"s of 1.5 ~~ct ùn-1 r.o st..ri.cture o:::lcr :,
tiI.:n .ft:r\':.:il1'.., ::;1--i1L :.::8 placed üa any caSc¡;,cnt area outlineJ on the ab;)V2 ~
plut nor nearer t:iar-. 5 i to any prop2rty m:n0.:rs;Üp line, except t;13t !:;Ü.3 ~
rest~'ic~iv2 COV2na~1t s:1all ¡-.:: 0e dce:r.:eJ to prohibit instõ:.llation ~£ '.i:ility:;
li:i':~SI '.':eitcr '...ells, ànLì their a~)F,urt¿'j'ânCe3 on such ea:;8raents .

. ._--;:.~. .. :.:..:----_:.-=,-----~

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