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23 november 2013

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Whlle Lhe SouLh Chlna Sea ls an arena of escalaLlng confllcL, lL ls noL Loo laLe Lo work ouL some
compromlse amongsL all clalmanLs.

Accordlng Lo Shen ulngll of ludan unlverslLy ln Shanghal, Chlna needs Lo undersLand lLs
hlsLorlcal rlghLs ln Lhe SouLh Chlna Sea may noL lnclude permanenL flshlng rlghLs ln Lhe enLlre
area, and LhaL Lhls ls especlally Lhe case slnce Lhe unlLed naLlons ConvenLlon on Lhe Law of Lhe
Sea (unCLCS) came lnLo belng.

ln Lhe same veln, Chlna's nelghbors need Lo undersLand LhaL by expllclLly or lmpllclLly accepLlng
Chlna's pervaslve soverelgnLy clalm over all feaLures and ad[acenL area, Lhelr occupaLlon of
some of Lhe feaLures ln Lhe SouLh Chlna Sea also leaves Lhem ln a legally vulnerable poslLlon.
Slmply lnslsLlng on one's own rlghLs even when Lhey cuL across Lhe rlghLs of oLhers, and
slmulLaneously accuslng Chlna of economlc encroachmenL, wlll noL work. A sound pragmaLlc
soluLlon ls Lo flnd common ground wlLh Chlna, so a muLually accepLable Lrade of lnLeresLs can
evenLually be peacefully flgured ouL.

Shen wlll speak aL a roundLable dlscusslon organlzed by Lhe Angara CenLre for Law and
Lconomlcs LlLled "WhaL ls Lo 8e uone? 8esolvlng MarlLlme ulspuLes ln SouLheasL Asla" on
uecember 3 aL Lhe MarrloLL PoLel, 8esorLs World Manlla. 1he evenL ls sponsored by Asla unlLed

1he evenL wlll be keynoLed by former SenaLor Ldgardo !. Angara, Lhe longesL servlng SenaLor ln
Lhe posL-LuSA SenaLe and who recenLly concluded over Lwo decades of dlsLlngulshed servlce as
a hlllpplne leglslaLor. Pe led Lhe passage of landmark laws on agrlculLure, educaLlon, healLh,
arLs and culLure, sclence and Lechnology, good governance, flnanclal reforms, and soclal

A former u resldenL, Angara also spearheaded Lhe creaLlon of Lhe u lnsLlLuLe for MarlLlme
Affalrs and Law of Lhe Sea (u-lMLCS), a hlghly speclallzed academlc research lnsLlLuLlon based
ln Lhe u Law CenLer devoLed Lo marlLlme affalrs.

CLher feaLured speakers lnclude uonald Lmmerson of SLanford unlverslLy, lan SLorey of Lhe
lnsLlLuLe of SouLheasL Aslan SLudles ln Slngapore, ?olchlro SaLo of Lhe 8lLsumelkan Asla aclflc
unlverslLy ln !apan, and rofessor Parry 8oque of Lhe unlverslLy of Lhe hlllpplnes.

1he forum and roundLable dlscusslons wlll be moderaLed by rof. !ohn nye of Ceorge Mason
unlverslLy, LxecuLlve ulrecLor of Lhe Angara CenLre. (30)

About the !"#$%$ '(")%(

Foimally launcheu in 2u12, the !"#$%$ '(")%( *+% ,$- $". /0+"+1203 is the fiist anu only
Philippine policy anu acauemic think tank ueuicateu to the scientific analysis anu inteinational
assessment of Philippine anu iegional legislation, policies anu public sectoi piogiams.

It aims to pioviue inuepenuent ieseaich at pai with inteinationally veiifiable acauemic stanuaius
anu of publishable scholaily quality, which then foims the basis of timely anu ielevant policy
iecommenuations foi Philippine goveinment, oiienteu towaius:
Stiengthening the iule of law anu the quality of macioeconomic uecision-making in the
Piomoting Filipinos' economic uevelopment anu theii infoimeu paiticipation in uemociatic
Aiuing the Philippines towaius full compliance with inteinational commitments, while
assisting its leaueiship of, anu coopeiation with, iegional initiatives anu institutions foi

The Centie seeks to piofessionalize the science of goveinment legislation anu policy-making, by
uiawing fiom the best of the giowing ianks of inteinationally-tiaineu Philippine scholais, anu
enabling them to continue acauemic anu policy ieseaich accoiuing to the iigois of inteinational

It seives as a foium foi continuing analysis, iecommenuations anu infoimation uissemination
between anu among public anu piivate sectoi economists, lawyeis, acauemics, anu policy-makeis
fiom the Philippines anu abioau.

The Centie was establisheu to honoi the legacy of public iefoim, technociatic expeitise anu
leaueiship of Senatoi Eugaiuo }. Angaia, who iecently concluueu ovei two uecaues of uistinguisheu
seivice as a Philippine legislatoi.

Bi. }ohn C. Nye of ueoige Nason 0niveisity seives as Executive Biiectoi. Bi. Emeilinua Roman,
foimei Piesiuent of the 0niveisity of the Philippines, is chaiiman of the boaiu of tiustees.

4+.5 +* -+%6

The Angaia Centie has conuucteu thiee majoi confeiencesiounutables paiticipateu in by Filipino
acauemics anu policy-makeis togethei with foieign scholais fiom ienowneu univeisities.

The Centie's inauguial confeience on !"#$%"&'%(&#)* ,))#-%(&#) %). !/#0(1 was helu in Nanila in
August 2u12, with Bi. Tylei Cowen of the ueoige Nason 0niveisity as plenaiy speakei. Scholais
anu expeits fiom univeisities in the 0S, Bong Kong, Austialia anu policy-makeis anu acauemics
fiom the Philippines incluuing Bi. Felipe Neualla, Bi. Raul Fabella, Bi. Biane Besieito, Atty. vicente
Lazatin, Bi. Aisenio Balisacan, anu Atty. Raul Pangalangan paiticipateu as speakeis.

In Becembei, the Centie, with suppoit fiom the Woilu Bank, oiganizeu a iounutable leu by Bi.
}ames Robinson of Baivaiu 0niveisity to shaie his insights on 213 4%(&#)5 6%&", a book he co-

authoieu with Baion Acemoglu. Filipino acauemics anu policy-makeis Bi. ueiaiuo Sicat, Bi.
Beinaiuo villegas, Bi. Felipe Neualla anu highly-acclaimeu jouinalist Naiia Ressa paiticipateu in
the iounutable uiscussion.

In }anuaiy 2u1S, the Centie, with suppoit fiom Netiobank Founuation anu Feueial Lanu, oiganizeu
anothei iounutable +" 78292::2"( /9(0)2+"3 with Bi. }ohn C. Nye of ueoige Nason 0niveisity, Bi.
Albeito Simpsei of the 0niveisity of Chicago, anu C0NELEC Chaii Sixto Biillantes as speakeis anu
Bi. Nahai Nangahas, Piesiuent of the Social Weathei Stations (SWS), anu Ns. Coiazon ue la Paz-
Beinaiuo, NANFREL National Chaiipeison, as uiscussants.

In }uly 2u1S, the Centie kickeu off the !"#$%& ()" *%+,-$% .%$/%0 with a iounutable uiscussion titleu
"()1/"2 ,3% 43/5/66/"% 7+8"89: ,8 ,3% ;%<, *%=%5> 4$898,/"2 ?"+5-0/=% @%2/8")5 A%=%5869%"," leu by
Bi. }ohn C. Nye. NEBA Biiectoi ueneial Aisenio Balisacan anu Bi. Rogiei van uen Biink, leau
economist of the Poveity Reuuction anu Economic Nanagement of the Woilu Bank in the
Philippines seiveu as panel uiscussants.

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