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By: Michael Vilmer April 2011 Have you ever been influenced by the speech habits of others? Have you ever found yourself speaking in a similar manner? It is very easy to be influenced without realizing it. I know at times I have been influenced both for the better and for the worse! How about you, does your speech include any vulgar, off color remarks or euphemisms? Do your friends use euphemisms when they talk? Euphemisms are a very common element in todays language. Do you recognize a euphemism whenyouhearone?Doyouknowthedefinitionofaeuphemism?Isthereevenanythingwrongwith using them? A euphemism is defined as a word that is less expressive or direct than another, or less distastefuloroffensivethananother. Mostpeoplewouldadmitthatcertaintypesofspeechcanbehurtfulorimproper.Forinstancevulgar language or cursing can be hurtful or offensive to some, while tolerated or accepted by others. Would cursing at work, in church or at home be acceptable? How would your boss or your minister feel about that type of language? What about your children or parents? How do you feel about the type of language you use? Have you ever said something wrong only to be embarrassed later? Have you ever spoken ill of someone when you were unaware they could hear you? Have you ever been theonesomeoneelsewastalkingabout?Howdidyoufeel?Probablyhurttosomedegree! After doing some research I was surprised to learn that many of todays euphemisms are a form of using God's name in vain! There is a wide range of examples from the obvious to the seemingly innocent. Obviously using Gods name in the context of cursing would be easily recognized as wrong. What about the seemingly innocent words such as golly,gee,gosh ? These all are derivations of the name of GOD. What about holy cow, holy smoke? Is anything other than God truly holy? All of these are wrong because they profane Gods name or lesson the greatness of His Name! To speak in this mannerisnotshowingGodthegloryHedeserves!GodisholyandsoisHisname. Ezek36:22(RSV)"ThereforesaytothehouseofIsrael,ThussaystheLordGOD:Itisnotforyour sake, O house of Israel, that I am about to act, but for the sake of my holy name, which you haveprofanedamongthenationstowhichyoucame. Psal111:9(KJS)Hesentredemptionuntohispeople:hehathcommandedhiscovenantforever: holyandreverend[is]hisname. Have you ever been exposed to the bible, or know of the Ten Commandments? Sounds like a silly questiondoesn'tit?Ofcoursemostpeopledohavesomeknowledgeofitandofthecommandments. The third commandment states not to take Gods Name in vain. Exod 20:7 (RSV) "You shall not take thenameoftheLORDyourGodinvain;fortheLORDwillnotholdhimguiltlesswhotakeshisnamein vain. This seems pretty clear right? Well what of those seemingly innocent words I mentioned before golly,gee,gosh,holycow,etc.?Thesameverse(Exodus20:7)intheInternationalChildren'sBiblereally applies here. Exod 20:7 (ICB) "You must NOT use the name of the Lord your God thoughtlessly. The Lord will punish anyone who is guilty and misuses his name. God tells us that irreverent speech and whatcomesoutofamaniswhatdefileshim.

Matt 15:11 (KJS) Not that which goeth into the mouth defileth a man; but that which cometh outofthemouth,thisdefilethaman. How often do we hear someone from another culture misspeak a colloquialism? What about a child who innocently repeats a bad word they heard others say? Do we take them to task or scold them? No, usually we try to teach them the correct saying or teach the child why the word they said was wrong.Whydowedothis?Isntitbecausewecarefortheirfeelingsandonlywishthebestforthem? Well God is very loving and merciful and will forgive those who didn't know they were blaspheming HisName. 1Tim 1:13 (KJS) Who was before a blasphemer, and a persecutor, and injurious: but I obtained mercy, because I did [it] ignorantly in unbelief. blasphemies wherewith soever they shall blaspheme: Mark 3:28 (KJS) Verily I say unto you, All sins shall be forgiven unto the sons of men, and blasphemieswherewithsoevertheyshallblaspheme: When you are speaking to, or about someone you love I'm sure that you try to use only your best language. Why not try to do the same with God? Surely if we respect and honor Him and want to obeyHimwewill. 1Tim 6:1 (KJS) Let as many servants as are under the yoke count their own masters worthy of allhonour,thatthenameofGodand[his]doctrinebenotblasphemed. GodstatesinColossiansthatourspeechshouldbepositiveanduplifting. Colo 3:8 (ICB) But now put these things out of your life: anger, bad temper, doing or saying thingstohurtothers,andusingevilwordswhenyoutalk. Nowthatyouknowabouteuphemismswhatwillyoudo?

2011TheChurchoftheEverlivingGod POBox4099 Hazelwood,Missouri630424099

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