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h /

^fferent colors and a Scotch broom, which I bought because it re^nded me of home, and now the yard is full of Shasta daisies. here will be hollyhocks and dahlias. I have a few roses but they
-p OX

ing area.^ ^he wisteria which I planted when the house was huilt was especially beautiful this year. I have a number of azalea of

u cherry Spring near is her the heautiful flowers. T7e have only a wild the \7ith church but we can enjoy them in the surround

climate. Some places you see yards full

feloi for^? Bible School teacher, and friend and oouaselor for all, s^oup, it was necessary to fill her place axid I have asked

Sto L on the southern point ^ of retired and gone Since to live with her dauaJiter this island. fM Se church meetings, Bible teacher and leader


a^at loss to the work here. Mrs. Hongo, my

love^^ ^esp^cW

not had the experience as a Bible teacher and does

'f'*" friend is noTt^lu lt cS" Christian and has the

th weather bureau, ourfor deacons, Kotoj has transferred toe which Mr. he works, to abeen distant city.. hy his ^fe and four daughters have faithfully attended here for the past

tiL witho^ them. One daughter, who recently became a Chrisfo?^l School She will remain in Tokyo for a fLL%?' few months until she teacher. can be transferred by the company

for which she works to the same city where her parents live. She is now living with me but prepares her own meals. We enjoy having her here and her parents are pleased to have her where she can he in church regularly.

Since losing these faithful Christians, however, others have

felt their responsibility for carrying on their work. One of our Christians who is a teacher of music in a High School plays the or gan for the church services and some young girls play for Bible School and other meetings. A young man employed in a bank is church treasurer which v/as one of Mr. Koto's tasks and a Christian public accountant looks after the church business. This takes special ability as the church has to be incorporated for holding property and regulations often change.

I wrote to missionaries in the areas where the Kotos are living and also to the opposite end of this island where Mrs. Hongo has

gone and got them in touch with churches where they are faithfully

Some of us saw the procession when the crown prince was married. Thepeople seem aa-ar^hole to-we loome- a ^sommaner sa^^tu3pe- en^^ss
but there will be those who will snub her. I overheard one woman

say,"She does not have the noble look that he does".

To me she looks

more stately than the prince. They have both had some Christian teaching. We must pray that it will bear ftuit in their lives.

The convention of churches of Christ of Japan was held in Nagoya,

a city in the central part of Japan, the first of April. I was sorry that because of having influenza I was not able to attend. Since I could not go, 1 assisted the Aoki family so they could attend. This
was their first convention. Dr. Aoki continues to preach twice a month, for the Mabashi church. Mrs. Aoki is coming once a month to

speak to our women's group. (The church gives them only a gift of fruit, in appreciation of their services) She was in Japan for two
years when in High School so speaks Japanese well. She is a quiet
little woman and well liked by the Japanese. She has a beautiful singing voice. I enjoy chatting with her in English as I am usually with people who speak only Japanese.

Mr. and Mrs. Peter Itagaki have another baby boy.

They lost

their first when he was about a year old. When this baby was born^ she had to have two blood transfusions. Since these are very ex

pensive and unexpected, Mr# ItagaJdL came to me for help.

I gave

them the $43-30 for the two transfusions.

For the past year, they

have been supporting themselves Ijy their teaching in kindergarten and tutoring. They hold services in the kindergarten hut the at

tendance is small. Thou^ the kindergarten is not Christian, Mrs. Itagaki is not prevented from giving some Christian teaching.
Mrs. Mito, the wife of our former pastor, is in the hospital
again with T. B. hut has a li^t case and expects to return home soon. The H&itos are still living in the apartment at the Bihle Col
lege. He holds some services.

At the T. B. hospital where we visit we have recently talked with an old lady of ei^ty. She always appreciates our visits and spoke of her faith hut one day she included in her remarks refer ences to spirits of the ancestors and the Buddhist gods. I explain

ed that there is only one God, the heavenly Father, and gave her a copy of the gospel of Matthew. The next time I Bm her she said, "I read from the hook which you gave me every day, and I pray to the
ancestors and the gods of Buddhism hut I end the prayer in the name

of the God of Heaven". I thou^t,"0 my, what a mixture." Again I had i;o explain that she must pray only to the true and living God. It is no wonder that after eighty years of teaching ahout the innumherahle gods and the need to worship the spirits of the ancestors that she should he confused. A young woman is very discouraged since she cannot take the medicine that helps so many. She thinks
that death ends all so it would he better to die than to live on and

he a burden. She came to the hospital as a ntirse and contracted the disease. These and many others need yo\ir prayers.

The Japanese have a custom when they are praying to say, "If
some are coming make their feet come quickly".
to enter and hear the word of life.

It is quite appro

priate since Japanese axe often late to services. I ask you to pray that many of the thousands of feet passing by each day may be turned

Again I want to thank all those who support us by their prayers

and offerings.

Sincerely your Missionary,

Grace Farnham


January 1 - March 31? 1959

Receipts Expenses


Living Link Salary(3 mo.)

Court Street Salem, Ore Mrs. Pusako Hongo


Salem, Court Street $493*95 " " " Jr. 28.53


(3 mo. 1 week)
Mrs, Pusako Hongo retirement 6O.OO

Affie McCauley

Mrs, L E. Allumbaugh Pennsylvania

Bryn ilawr M.P.


(It is the custom to give

a 3 nio. salary on retire
ment after a number of

15.00 50.00

iTilliaia V* Barney

Mrs. Andy Livacich(gift) 5.00

Received on Aoki Loan

years of service.) Aoki family toward convention expenses



Itagaki for blood trans.

25*00 Cabinets for my home

Total expense
Cash received Loan received

Repair on iny home



60S.. 76 T '


Aoki's support has been

cut down because one church

supporting him is" building.

Cash on hand January



Balance Vf "OaBh ''Harch

Grace Parnham

3- -S2'6iS.|J' -

c/o Mrs. 0. P. Wegner

1895 24th Street N. E. Salem, Oregon

^ ojujiX
94 ^


Tokyo, Japan
July 1959
Dear Friends:

Bessie reminded me that you would like to have a message from me when you celebrate my "birthday. I appreciate your doing this
each year.

Our summer weather has begun. It is usually in the nineties and the dampness makes it oppressive* I shall go to the mountains next week for a few days for a young people *s camp in our home


Then I shall go later with the women*s group and stay for .
There is a conference for missionaries the first

about a month*

ten days of August. As we have a new cottage for the Pleenors and myself, two families of Church of Christ Missionaries, the Buttrays and the Likens, will use the larger house during the conference*

The remainder of the time during July and August, there will be
Japanese camps one after the other* We shall appreciate the new cottage during these camps. Sometimes there was no place for us to

sit with the house full of campebrs and rice three times a day was hard to take The Aokis are a ^eat help in these catnips* Mr. Aoki will lead the young people's group and Mrs. Aoki will be the main speaker for the women's camp* We are expecting women from
three churches for this camp*

We are encouraged by the fine spirit at the Jiabashi church*

The people are leeurning to pray and serve* Pour young women have recently accepted Christ. One was the young womsui from the T. B* hospital who has been living with me for a year. She was badly spoiled as a child and then after years of feeling sorry for her self in her lonely years in the hospital^ she is apt to think first
of herself*

She is making a big effort to be a humble follower of

Three young women had heen led to Christ by Mr. Aoki in his
classes at the Christian Student Center*
assist in the Bible School*

He recommends that any

one living in this area come to this church.

Two have offered to

I had suggested last spring that we have a young people's group meeting once a month. Japanese are not freindly to strangers and I hoped that a time of Christian fellowship would make the new people feel more at home and give them an opportunity to make friends. However, it has turned out to be another sermon after the long morning service with a prayer meeting following. I appreciate their
earnestness but I believe that a time of fellowship is also impor
tant .

The young couple living in the church for the past two years has moved to an apartment at a distance. Vto miss them and they can
not attend all the services as before. They were not Christians when they came but have become faithful Christians and workers in the church. They hope to have a Bible School in the apartment house. There are scores of apartment houses in the same area*
l^en one of our Christisai femilies moved to a distant city in

April, their dau^ter remained with me since she had a position here. We enjoyed having her here. She played the organ for sever al of the meetings and tau^t Bible School. ITow she has been trans
ferred to the city v/here her parents are. School in the new place. She hopes to teach Bible

Since several people have moved and started new work in the

place where they have gone, I am reminded of Acts 8:45 "They there
fore that were scattered abroad v/ent about preaching the word." llrs. Sato and her dau^ter conduct a Bible School each Sunday after noon in a building near their home. Mrs. Matsuzaki, in whose home a women's meeting and also a children's meeting is held once a month, says that she is like Abraham. She did not want to move so
far from the church but God called her to do evangelistic work


She calls frequently and more and more women are becoming
Mrs. Aoki has been bringing the message

interested in the meeting. recently.

Tibbs Maxey, College of Scriptures, is visiting, speaking and

teaching in Japan for a few weeks.

He preached to a group at the

Jlfebashi churck-Tecenl^]^ Jaip^ea^ have the idea from what they read in the newspapers that the negroes in America are badly treated. I was glad for them to hear Tibbs story of what they are doing for n^egro preachers. Hark 2taey and Isabell Dittemore, brother and sister of Tibbs', missionaries in Kyushu, Japan, were
with him when he visited in Tokyo. Vivian Lemmon of Tanabe was

also a Tokyo visitor*

She was with me at Mabashi before the war.

As their home

The Harold Sims family have gone on furlou^.

them very much.

is only a short bus ride from ny home and I always received a royal welcome with shouts of ;Joy from the small children, I miss
I am still enjoying the corn and walnuts sent by the Coiirt
Street church. It talces so much work to prepare these things, es

pecially the corn, that I do appreciate them.

in prayers and offerings.

Thank you again.

Also, I want to say thank you for your continued remembrance

Your missionary
Grace Parnham


FINANCIAL REPORT - April 1 - June 30, 1959 Expenses

Oregon Living Link Salary(3 mo.) 300*00 Salem, Court Street $800.24 Court Street,Salem, Ore. " " " Jr. 41*39 Mrs. Furuta (3 Mb.) '^^00
Crabtree, CI7.P. 30.00 Santa Clara,Ladies Miss.10.00 Coquille 50.00

Total Expenses
Cash received
Loan received




Cash on hand April 1





^^'^.00 $3351*56

Mrs. Chas J. Greene Ohio

Canton Ist-W.M.S.

30.00 Expenses Balance of Cash June 30


Received on Aoki Loan



Dear Frit^nds:

The eighteenth and nineteenth typhoon of the season came in October. However, Tokyo experienced only heavy rains. You have he^d many
reports of the typhoon that struck the city of Nagoya, bringing in the sea, and destroying a great part of the- city and killing than five thousand people. The U. S. service men were a great help in rescuing people. At one time, they were using forty helicoptors
to take the stranded from roof tops, trees, and places where

It is fall again with cool nights "but usually beautiful days.

were barely out of the water. There were cases where Japanese made heroic efforts to save people. A policeman and his wife borrowed a
ets. The Japanese have made house to house canvasses for money and
one section. A taxi iriver saved many people. People of all coun tries have sent relief supplies of money, food, clothing, and blamc-

truck and carried all the children and old people to safety^rom

relief supplies. V/e sent tv^^e to^from the church.

time of need. The roof of his home was blown off. completely washed away and another badly damaged.

Nagoya were in America but Howard 2)avis flew back to help in this

The two missionary families of the Church of Christ, \vorking in One church was

A typhoon struck the place in the mountains where we were in August. After a night of pouring rain, the trees bepn to fall. Two tall firs just outside our bedroom windows fell into the neigh bor's yard* If they had fallen the opposite direction, they would

have crashed right across the house. A number of houses were struck.

Camps were held in our summervhome from July 13 until the end of August. I helped with some of them but they were led by the Fleenors. One young man who was baptized at the Mabashi church when
he was in Primary school, decided that he wants to become a preacr-

er. His parents, both Christians, used to be faithful workers in

service for Christ by their attendance at the camps.

the Mabashi Church but they have moved to another city. They attend a church there and the young man, now in college, is active in the Bible School. Other young people were inspired to more faithful

crippled by polio when he was three. When he heard his first sermon,

One of the camp speakers was a Japanese preacher who had been

as a young man, he felt that if God cared for sparrows he would care for one as helpless as he. Ho married a Christian young woman. She
carries him to a trailer hitched to a bicycle and they go out for evangelistic meetings. He has a good voice and a face that shows
his Christian character.

It was pleasant to have the little cottage in the back this

summer,for the family.

\"e could have guests also v/ithout disturbing

the camp sessions. One was a family of negroes whom the Fleenors had met in Tokyo. He is in the service and they are earnest Chris


V/hile they were there, Julia Fleenor and one of their girls
Julia is very fair so there was a great contrast in

were baptized.

tiie tv/o little girls as they obeyed Christ in baptism. V/e remarked, t-ough, at the beauty in the faces of this family, even though they,
were very black.

I made a trip along the sea coast of the western side of Japan to the city of Fiigata to visit the Koto family v/ho moved there from our church in April. They had made special preparation for my visit a i^retty new fluffy comfort for my bed on the matting and also a kirr;:ia for me to wear at night. They had also bought a supply of fruit

a..d sweet corn (a special treat in Japan).

We had trips to the beach

I was pleased

e 2. I went v/ith them to the nearby church on Sunday.

..t their family of four daughters v/ere all in church with their

P?-..-ents. \7e saw beautiful firev/orks one evening over the river and a festival parade. The parade with all its symbols of the Shinto

f-lth, portable shrines, priests in beautiful robes and also a great

n iber of geisha girls, (some of them tiny ones just beginning their t". lining), gave one a sad feeling for these who do not knov/ the true
a i living God.

We had the usual helpful and inspiring missionary conferences di.jing the summer and enjoyed seeing friends, whom we meet only once a year. The invigorating mountain air gives you pep for the winter's

At Mabashi, even though we have lost a number of the faithful members by removal, the attendance is about the s^ie. A preacher who works with Mr. Aoki in his student work comes sometimes to speak at Mabashi. He was baptized in the Church of Christ when he was a stu dent but has been in interdenominational work. He gives a good mes sage - only rather long. He spoke for an hour and a half. He will

conduct a three day evangelistic meeting this month.

We expected a drop in the attendance at the regular Wednesda^^ Women*s meeting when tlrs. Hongo left but there is no change. Mrs. Puruta, who took her place, is one with earnest faith and they ap preciate her messages, I also take my turn at speaking and Mrs.
Aoki comes once a month.

The Mahashi Bihlo School is growing and some of the new Chris

tian young women are assisting with the teaching. I have usually taught in the Bible School. Now, since there are enough teachers,
I am the substitute - taking any class if the teacher is absent.

Sometimes, I also go to the afternoon Bible School.

getting married and will not be so free to teach.

.7e are going

to assist more there in the future because Miss Sato, who has car ried on that Bible School so faithfully for more than a year, is

The centennial of the Protestant missionary work in Japan has

been celebrated in Japan this autumn. There have been a number of evangelistic meetings drawing large crowds. V/e felt that they were
all too short. Hundreds went forward, some, I am afraid, not under

standing completely but it shov/ed a desire for There v/as one meeting where they honored those tians for fifty years or more. Our ninety-one Miaki, was one of those honored. She >ia3^ been

faith in Chi'ist. who had been Chris year old member, ilrs.

s^yeijityone years. She is almost blind from cataracts but she is

She does not

a.,Chrngtian for

"always cheerful and thanking God for her blessings.

attend church now as it is difficult for her to walk from her home and no one has a car to go after her.

Julius Fleenor has been taking lirs. Furuta and myself in his car for our visits to the T. B. hospital. This makes it much eas ier for us. 'kVhen the weatlier~i~s not mind the walk from
the station but sometimes it is so cold that our feet feel like

pieces of ice, especially after spending two, hours v/alking through the unheated hospital. Then there are days thajt are very hot. It
takes more than an hour for the trip and on the re.turn, we have to stand the most of the \\Q,y on the trains, \7hen Julius-pan go, he visits the men's wards. Recently, we have been giving out tracts

and children's Sunday School cards so our expenses are less but we hope to give them some spccial treat for Christmas. When I said^ to one old lady, "We do not have anything special for you", she an swered, "But you are brjnr'in/r us salvation, that is most important."


Of course, many of them do not feel that way,

"but lying there with nothing to do they will
read a short tract.


H- O <0 \J\


I appreciate your continued support in of ferings and prayers, We can do nothing without God's care and guidance. Sometimes it seems al most impossible to make an impression on these
hearts filled with sin and superstition and

minds so taken up with the things of this world,

but we remember the gospel is the power of God.
RTrite me a personal letter sometimes# I

often wonder about friends and those I

have met

when visiting thd churches.

Praying God*s bless

ing upon each of jyou.

' Your missionary,
Grace Farnham

You may address Miss Farnhams

Grace Parnhara

4-500 Llabashi

Suginami, T okyo PIKA:TCIAL EEPOHT ; July Cash on Hand July 1


- September 30


Oregon Mrs* L. E. Allumbaugh Salem, Court Street Salem, Court Street Jr. Stayton Church of Christ

$ 30.00

41.15 37.00

Crabtree, C. 17. P.
Total Receipts
Grand Total Cash Disbursements;


300.00 33.00

Living Link Salary (3 mo.)

Court Street, Salem

Mrs. Puruta (3 mo.) Bible School Rm. Rental(6 mo.) HQspital Visitation (6 mo.) _
To'tal Di,siursements
ance/of ^ash^oSeptember 30


Winter Letter from

Dear Friends:

Usually the cold

(about three inches which is a big snow for Tokyo) then some cold
freezing nights.
est is about 20.

We hava really had some winter this year^a snow on January 2

One morning, it was 14 above

I take heavy colds with bad cou^ every winter

but this year I have had no colds to speak of. I have been taking vitamin C frequently and had a gift of an electric blanket from my
family which has, no doubt, helped.

Five young people were baptized at Christmas time - four who

made their decision at the fall evangelistic meetings held by Dr. Aoki and one from one of his classes. He urges those who live in
this area to come here. We cannot hurry baptisms in Japan as some

do not fully understand but only want to become Christian. One young high school girl says that she is not reacly to be baptized.
This is sometimes due to opposition at home.

One young man immediately gave up the use of tobacco; another is trying to quit. We are glad that they take that attitude. They have a good example in three church officers who do not use to bacco. Two yoiing women have expressed their desire to become Bible
School teachers. We are glad to have their help. Three Bible Schools held their Christmas programs here at

Mabashi together.

About twenty five children came from each of the

We had

other two Bible Schools making over one hundred children.

small gifts and cakes and Christmas cards. Since we had a supply of old cards, we gave each child five cards. A gift that delighted
them was an American pencil sent by the Junior Department of Court Street Christian Church in Salem, Oregon, and members of my family.
You can send us more cards but please send only the pretty ones.

We especially like the ones which show the Christmas story. Do not cut them but you can paste another picture cut from those not so pretty over the writing, or mail them as they are.
We have recently heard of another Bible School held by one of

our former members, a quiet little woman, who is now living with her

brother in a village far north of Tokj'-o. She has a small group in her home. V7e are sending her material and Bihles. Another Mahashi
member has some children in her home on Saturday* Mabashi services on Sunday. She attends the

The Christmas service at the church was an evangelistic sermon

by Aoki san giving the message of the Sa-'/iour. After the baptismal services, we had a chvirch lunch. You would not have enjoyed the greasy looking rolls of rice with a covering of something made out of beans but the Japanese like them and I can eat a few of them with

Mrs. Hongo, my old friend and helper,plans to retire in April

and go to live with her dau^ter on the southern point of this island. We do not know how we can get along without her. She plays the organ for all the services, teaches Bible School, besides her work ViTith the women. She is a wise counselor for everyone. Many coiB to her with their problemsH She has been a good friend of mine since I first arrived in Japan. I once lived in her home when her children were small. She has lived with me for the past three -yaars-. I7e_yislt- the. hospitals^ and-do^calling-togetheiuI shall mis9 her very much.

I frequently call on our tv/o oldest members - one is 90 years of age and one ninety one. Very fev< Japanese live to this age. iJrs. Miake is gradually going blind but her hearing is excellent. She came to church in the fall but she pushed a small baby buggy to
steady herself as she walked. Since she cannot see to read the

Bible now^, friends have written scripture verses in large charac ters which she has hung on the wall. She spends much time in pray
er and her strong faith is an inspiration to all.

Mrs. Kato had one leg amputated about twenty years ago.


lies in bed the most of the time but as she has good eyesight, she
spends much time in leading her Bible.
ment as she i s often alone.

Her son has bought a tele

vision set and placed it in her room which gives her some entertain

They are both delighted when I call to see them. Vie sing hymns and have prayer together and I tell them news of interest about the church people. They have rather lonely lives but they have their faith which is a great comfort to them.

I am always pleased to hear from friends.

Please \7rite me.

I want to thank everyone for Christmas remembrances - family

and friends, and members of Court Street Chuj?ch and Canton Ohio

I do appreciate those v^o have continued faithfully in prayer

and offerings through the years.
Things of Interest

still so many things that are different in Japan. The nearest shop is where the rice is rationed. It is stacked in big rice straw bags.

You would enjoy taking a shopping trip with me.

There are

Mrs. Kongo and Miss Watanabe also get a ration. As we have Japan
ese food with rice once a day, we use about that amount. The Japan
ese sometimes have rice more often but once a day is enough for me. I lauded to see the tiny boxes of rice in the American homes.

% ration is usually about six or eight cups three times a month.

The Japanese use a lot of beans in making cakes.

made and sweetened until it is like candy.

A paste is

These arc made in dif

ferent shapes and oftened colored.

like roll on the outside.

Some are made with a pancake

Some are cup cakes with the center sweet

ened beans.

Many beans are imported from America as they use beans

for the soy sauce which seasons all their food#

In one shop are the funeral decorations of large wreaths of art ificial flowers and what looks like pictures in small frames. These are for the names of the dead and are placed on the god shelves. The

flowers used to be only black and white but lately they are using
all colors and some fresh flowers also.

In one place they ippjce Japj^pese

bath tubs. These are

about three feet deep and have a compartment containing a fire box that heats the whole bath. They squat in the tub^of very hot water up to their neck which warms them up aftex sitting in their cold houses. However, they bathe very- frequently in the summer also.

many others such as the tea shop, those selling only kimona cloth, etc. but space does not permit telling of these now. Perhaps, we
can do so in another letter.

These are a few of the shops peculiar to Japan.

There are


October 1 - December 31> 1958



Living Link Salary(3'mo. )3p300.00

H It

Salem, Court Street




35493.18 28.59
10.00 10.00

Court Street Salem, Ore.

llrs Pasako Hongo

Hrs. Greene,Ga., and


Loyal Friends lirs, Allumbau^ Helen Boyd Lee

Ltf, & Mrs. Benton

Rent for Sible School

Stayton Church of Christ4000

Building (Sunday p.m.) Hospital visitation(6 mo.) 20.00

Christmas: Bibles, Tracts, 15.OO
and cards

(Christmas Gift)

5.00 15.00


lies. Chas. J Greene

Portion for repainting church building Total expense

Cash received
Loan received



(f5rs. Hongo)


Canton First Church

Cash on Hand Oct^




Pisher Church of Christ

(Christmas Gift)



Balance of Cash Dec. 31 S2627.21


Mrs Robt# Gore

(Christmas Gift)

55692.27 ^ 50.00

The people of the church paid for the painting of the building. I gave only SI5 towards the amount..
As i t had been nine years since

Received on Aoki Loan

the building was built, the paint

was much needed#

Your Missionary,
Grace Parnham Grace Parnham

U.5v<ypOSTACE 34

c/o Mrs. 0. P. Tfegner

1895 24th Street N. E. Salem, Oregon


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