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Elissa Hawkins Where In the World Do I Live?

1st Grade Geography Unit Lesson 1 (60 min) Essential Question/s What is the purpose of maps and globes? When do people use maps and globes? Why are maps an important tool? What are the cardinal directions? NCSS THEME People, Places, and Environments VA Standards of learning Geography 1.4 The student will develop map skills by a) recognizing basic map symbols, including references to land, water, cities, and roads; b) using cardinal directions on maps;

Fine Arts- Music 1.8 The student will respond to music with movement, including 1. using locomotor and nonlocomotor movements; 2. demonstrating high and low pitches; 3. demonstrating expressive qualities of music, including changes in dynamics and tempo; 4. performing line and circle dances; Objectives SWBAT describe the purpose of a map. SWBAT to recognize basic map symbols, including references to land and water on a map SWBAT recall and locate a compass rose and a legend on a map including, North, South, East and West. Materials for Learning Activities Teacher Unit PowerPoint Me on the Map World Map Sheet (attached) Compass Rose Sheet (attached) Cardinal Directions Sheet (attached) Cut into strips, one set per student Student

Pencils Color Pencils Glue Stick Scissors Technology Smart Board Personal Computer Procedures for Learning Activities Introduction (5-10 min) Pre assessment will be given prior to this unit to assess the prior knowledge of the students. This will be used as the basis of the construction of this unit. Teacher will set up the Smart Board and PowerPoint before the lesson begins. Students will meet at the front of the classroom to begin a discussion, whole group. Teacher shows the cover of the book Me on the Map by Joan Sweeney. (ENGAGE) Teacher will ask the students, what is a map? (LINK to Geography, K.4) o Ask the students to think by themselves for one minute o Then ask the student to share with their shoulder buddy o Call on three students to give their definitions of a map At least two of those students will be one high learner and one achieving learner, to get a generalization of the misconceptions between various levels of learners. (see assessments) Teacher will ask the students, what are the items or features we see on a map? (LINK to Geography, K.4) o Teacher will call on two students (one high learner and one achieving) Tell the students maps come in all shapes and sizes to show a particular location. Instructional strategies (30-40 min) Read Aloud: Me On the Map. The teacher will ask the students to turn to a partner and tell them to describe were you would be on a map. o Call on a couple of students to give their description of them on the map. o Teacher answer: a map is a drawing that shows what a place looks like from above and where it is located. Tell the student to go back to their seats and open their Social Studies Notebook, except for the paper passers who will pass out the World Map picture. (attached below) Teacher will turn on the Smart Board Teacher will tell the students we are going to learn how to become a cartographer, a person who reads and makes maps. (PURPOSE) A cartographer is a person who makes maps. Teacher will tell the students that they have already told what a map is. The teacher will ask, now I want to know, why do we use maps? (Slide 2) o The teacher will state:

The purpose of a map to help a traveler find directions to a location, or a place. A map is a picture that shows us a place. Maps can be drawn of: our room, our street, our school, our city, our country, and our world. For example, my cousin moved to a new house. I wanted to go and visit her but I was not sure where to go. I used a map that showed me how to get from my house to her house. It helped me discover the directions to the location of her house. The teacher will tell and show the students that there are many different kinds of maps. (Slide2) o Click on all the pictures on slide 2, expand them and show how maps can look different and represent different purposes. With each example, ask the students, what do you think is the purpose of this map? Why would someone use this map? o Share the slide of the globe and the actual globe with the students and the actual (Slide 3) A globe is a map of the whole world. It is round just like the Earth. We can see where all of the oceans and countries are located. o What is the difference between this and the maps on the Smart Board? o Explain to the students, a picture of map is the globe flattened to that we could view all of the oceans and countries at once. (Slide 4) Teacher will ask students where they have seen maps, or if they have seen different maps then the ones shown in the pictures. o Example may be a GPS Teacher will then tell the students, as cartographers, it is important to learn how to read a map before we create one. To begin we will look at the different features, or important parts, on a map. (Slide 3) o Look at a map (Slide 4) This is a world map. It shows all of the continents around the entire Earth What do we see on this map? Answers needed if students do not state: Blue and green. Blue is the water and Green is the land. o Most maps have parts that are the same to help us read and understand them. Those parts are: Title Legend Compass Rose(Slide 5) Teacher will explain that most maps have a box on it. Within this box are symbols that tell the map-reader what certain things are. You told me that blue is water and green is the land right? (Flip back to Slide 4) o Teacher will use Smart Board pens to draw a box on the map This is the legend box.

With the green pen make a line then write land next to it. With a blue pen make a line then write water next to it. o Teacher will tell the students, now if someone, who had never seen a map before looked at this, they would know what each color means. Teacher pass out the World Map sheet. During this time, the teacher will tell the students to get out their green and blue color pencils. They should color the land green and the water blue on their map. o Tell student to also draw his or her own legend showing what each color is, just like the teacher drew on the Smart Board. Students color Tell the students when they are done to glue it on the next page of their Social Studies notebook. Teacher will monitor the students and help those in need. o Every minute, ask to see how many students are still working. When the students have finished, return to the Smart Board PowerPoint o Look at a different world map (Slide 6) Where is the legend on this map? Teacher will go over the color and the corresponding countries. The teacher will tell the students, without the legend, she may not have known what all of these colors meant. That is why a legend is important o What other features do we see on this map? The title of the map tells us what the map is about. What is the title? What is this map about? Point out the compass rose. (Slide 6) A compass rose is a design on a map that shows directions. It shows north, south, east, and west. We call these cardinal directions. o Repeat for clarification When north is at the top of the compass rose (as it often is), south is at the bottom, east is on the right, and west is on the left. Teacher will point out the directions on map and next PowerPoint slide (Slide 7 and 8) o Have the student repeat each direction after it is said by the teacher o How will you know where each direction is? (Slide 8) Teacher will share a funny saying for the students to remember Never, Eat, Soggy, Waffles Just like a clock the names go around the compass rose Never and North have the same first letter, so do Eat and East, Soggy and South and Waffles and West. Repeat with the student, i.e. never is North, Eat is east, .etc.

o On the next slide, the teacher will ask four students to come up to the board and place the correct direction on the correct spot on the compass rose (Slide 9) As students are being called up, the teacher will pass out the Compass Rose sheet and cardinal directions strips to each student. Teacher gives students directions on the compass rose task o Write the directions on the correct spot on the compass rose Students will accommodations will receive a strip of paper with the cardinal directions printed on it. They will cut out and paste the directions on their compass rose (see differentiation). o Then glue the sheet into the Social Studies notebook. When students have finished, return to the Smart Board. Teacher tells the students to return to their world map in their notebook Tell the students to use their compass rose in the notebook to help them determine where our continent is. (Slide 10) Teacher will give clues o Start in the middle of the map o Our continent is West o Ask the student which direction is west? Draw a line from the middle of the map up to the western part of the map o Then ask the student show with their hands which direction is north. Teacher will draw a line to the North (Should land on North America) o Teacher will circle North America and tell the student we live on this continent. o Students will complete the same actions as the teacher on their map in their notebook. Summary (10 min) Tell the students to close their notebooks and put their materials away. Ask the students the following questions o What is a map? o Who makes a map? o What is the purpose of a map o What are the features of the map we talked about today? Watch a review video on how to read a map. (Slide 11) &v=yWr1kCcy6kg Tell the students, since they have learned so much today about maps, the teacher has a fun song about cardinal directions that will helps us remember. This will help us remember them as we talk more about maps during the rest of the Unit. Tell the students to stand up, push their chairs in, and make sure there is plenty of room around them. Tell the students to listen carefully and move in the correct cardinal direction that is stated in the song. (Slide 12) Play

Extensions Students may use the computer to explore an interactive map:

Orange Activity: How can a round Earth become a flat picture of a map? o Teacher will draw the continents on an orange. o The teacher will explain that the orange represents the Earth, much like a globe o Tell the students we are going to see how cartographers make a flat map, based on a round Earth. o Teacher peals the orange and flattens out the skin to show the students how the round Earth becomes flat o Discussion questions: o What happened as I began to peel the Earth? o What are the differences between the original round shape and the flattened skin? o What are the similarities and differences between the flattened skin and the maps we used today? o How might this help you make a map if you were a cartographer? Connections This lesson connects to the Kindergarten SOL: K.4 The student will use simple maps and globes to a) develop awareness that a map is a drawing of a place to show where things are located and that a globe is a round model of the Earth; b) describe places referenced in stories and real-life situations; c) locate land and water features.

Assessment The teacher will formatively assess the students by observations, discussion questions, and the work completed in the Social Studies Notebook. Questions are continuously asked throughout the lesson to ensure understanding. The same can be said for observations. The teacher will be formatively assessing students as she observes their work whether interactive Smart Board actions or individual work in their Social Studies Notebooks. Within these notebooks the teacher will also be able to assess students understanding. The world map will be assessed for knowledge of color symbols and a legend as features on a map. Additionally, the compass rose worksheet will be assessed for appropriate placement of the cardinal directions on the map. Each one of these formative assessments will be used for immediate reflection and lesson changes if necessary as well as instruction for the following lessons within the unit.

A summative assessment will be conducted at the end of the unit. This will be a twopart assessment. Part one is the creation of a simple map. Part two is a quiz of basic map concepts learned throughout the unit. The summative assessment and rubric is attached below.

Differentiation PowerPoint, pictures, world map sheet and compass rose sheet will benefit visual learners The mnemonic for the cardinal directions will benefit linguistic learners. Interactive compass rose on the Smart Board will benefit kinesthetic learners. The cardinal slide song and dance will benefit kinesthetic learners and auditorymusical learners. ELLs or students with reading accommodations will receive cardinal directions, already typed, for the Compass Rose Sheet. This will allow the students to focus on the task, placing the direction in the correction location of the compass rose, rather than their focus on writing the words correctly.

My Compass Rose

North North North North North North North North North North North North

South South South South South South South South South South South South

East East East East East East East East East East East East

West West West West West West West West West West West West

My World Map

Map Unit Assessment Name: _______________________________________________ Date:_______________________________ 1. Color in the state of Virginia




d. 2. Circle the name of our state capital? Can you locate it on the state of Virginia? Washington D.C. Reston Chantilly New York Herndon Richmond

3. Color the United States of America





4. Circle the name of the nations capital? Can you locate it on the map of the United States? Washington D.C. Reston Chantilly New York Herndon Richmond

5. Circle the symbol that we use to show the capital a. b. c. d.

6. Circle the symbol that we use to show cities a. # b. c. d.

7. Color the box with the color that shows land on a map:

8. Color the box with the color that shows water on a map:

Use the map of Hunters Woods Elementary School and the compass rose to circle the correct answers: 9. Fill in the compass rose (on the blue lines) next to the map below. (3pts each) 10. To get from the Cafeteria to the Gym, you need to walk: a. North b. South c. East d. West 11. To get from the Black Box Theater to the Gym, you need to walk: a. North b. South c. East d. West

Create A Map!
Directions: Time to be a Cartographer! Create a map of
your own Community or Country. It can be any shape and theme related. You may use paper, pencils, markers, crayons, computer, etc.

Include the following:

Compass rose (4 pts.) Key / Legend (4 pts.) Title (Includes name of country) (1 pt.) A Capital city (1 pt.) 4 cities (1 pt. Each) 3 bodies of water (ex. Ocean, lake, and river) (1 pt. Each) Explain how this map could be used. (3 pts.)

Total Point Value: 20 points

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