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Aesch-Mezareph or Purifying Fire.

The Aesch-Mezareph dates from the 16th or early 17th centuries. The work was first published in Latin in norr !on "osenroth#s Kabbala denudata$ %ulzbach$ 1677-16&'. A translation into (n)lish was issued in *. *ynn *escott#s #+ollectanea ,ermetica# series at the end of the 1-th century.

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(lisha was a most notable prophet$ an e.ample of natural wisdom$ a despiser of riches$ /as the history of the healin) of 0aaman showeth$ 1 in)s$ c.2$ !.163 and therefore truly rich. Accordin) to what is said in 4irke Aboth$ !iz.$ *ho is rich 5 ,e that re6oiceth in his portion$ cap. '. 7or so the true physician of impure metals hath not an outward show of riches$ but is rather like the Tohu of the first 0ature$ empty and !oid. *hich word is of e8ual number with the word (lisha$ !iz.$ '11. 7or it is a !ery true sayin) in 9aba ama$ fol. 71. col. 1. The thin) which causeth riches$ /such as natural wisdom3 is supplied instead of riches. Learn therefore to purify 0aaman$ comin) from the north$ out of %yria$ and acknowled)e the power of :ordan; *hich is as it were :ar-din that is the "i!er of :ud)ment flowin) out of the north. And remember that which is said in 9aba 9athra$ fol. 12$ col. 1. ,e that will become wise$ let him li!e in the %outh< and he that will )row rich$ let him turn himself toward the north$ etc. Althou)h in the same place "abbi :oshua 9en Le!i says$ let him li!e always in the south$ for whilst be becomes wise$ at the same time he becomes rich. =Len)th of >ays is in her ri)ht hand$ and in her left$ "iches and ,onour.= 4ro!.$ c.?$ !.16. %o thou wilt not desire other riches. 9ut know$ that the mysteries of this wisdom$ differ not from the superior mysteries of the abalah. 7or such as is the consideration of the predicaments in holiness$ the same is also in impurity< and the same %ephiroth which are in Atziluth$ the same are in Assiah$ yea$ the same in that kin)dom$ which is commonly called the mineral kin)dom< althou)h their e.cellency is always )reater upon the spiritual plane. Therefore the metallic root here possesseth the place of ether$ which hath an occult nature$ in!ol!ed in )reat obscurity$ and from which all metals ha!e their ori)in< e!en as the nature of ether is hidden$ and the other %ephiroth flow from thence. Lead hath the place of +hokmah$ because +hokmah immediately proceeds from ether$ as it immediately comes from the metallic root$ and in eni)matic similes$ it is called the =father= of the followin) natures. Tin possesseth the place of 9inah$ shewin) a)e$ by its )reyness$ and shadowin) forth se!erity and 6udicial ri)our$ by its cracklin). %il!er is placed under the +lassis of +hesed$ by all the masters of the abalah$ chiefly for its colour and use. Thus far the white natures. 0ow follow the red.

@old is placed under @eburah$ accordin) to the most common opinion of the abalists< :ob in c.?7$ !.11$ also tells us that )old cometh from the north$ not only for its colour$ but for the sake of its heat and sulphur. Aron is referred to Tiphereth$ for he is like a man of war$ accordin) to (.od.$ c.12$ !.1$ and hath the name of =%eir Anpin=$ from his swift an)er$ accordin) to 4salm 1$ !.ult.$ =kiss the son lest he be an)ry.= 0etzach and ,od are the two median places of the body$ and the seminal receptacles$ and refer to the hermaphroditic brass. %o also the two pillars of the Temple of %olomon /referrin) to these two %ephiroth3 were made of brass$ A in)s$ c.7$ !.12. :esod is ar)ent !i!e. 7or to this$ the name =li!in)= is characteristically )i!en< and this li!in) water is in e!ery case the foundation of all 0ature and of the metallic art. 9ut the true medicine of metals is referred to Malkuth$ for many reasons< because it represents the rest of the natures under the metamorphoses of @old and %il!er$ ri)ht and left$ 6ud)ment and mercy$ concernin) which we will speak more lar)ely elsewhere. Thus A ha!e deli!ered to thee the and ha!e opened the door to the anyone hath placed those thin)s contend with him$ inasmuch as all key to unlock many secret )ates$ inmost adyta of 0ature. 9ut if in another order$ A shall not systems tend to the one truth.

7or it may be said$ the three supernals are the three fountains of metallic thin)s. The thick water is ether$ salt is +hokmah$ and sulphur is 9inah< for known reasons. And so the se!en inferior will represent the se!en metals$ !iz.$ @edulah and @eburah$ %il!er and @old< Tiphereth$ Aron< 0etzach and ,od$ Tin and +opper< :esod$ Lead< and Malkuth will be the metallic woman$ and the Luna of the wise men< and the field into which the seeds of secret minerals ou)ht to be cast$ that is the water of @old$ as this name /Mezahab3 occurs$ @enesis$ c.?6$ !.?-. 9ut know$ my %on$ that such mysteries are hid in these thin)s as no ton)ue may be permitted to utter. 9ut A will not offend any more with my ton)ue$ but will keep my mouth with a bridle$ 4salm ?-$ !.1. @ehazi the %er!ant of (lisha$ is the type of the !ul)ar students of 0ature$ who contemplate the !alley and depths of 0ature$ but do not penetrate into her secrets. ,ence they labour in !ain$ and remain ser!ants for e!er. They )i!e counsel about procurin) the son of the wise men whose )eneration e.ceeds the power of 0ature$ but they can add nothin) to assist in his )eneration$ 1 in)s$ c.'$ !.1' /for which purpose a man like (lisha is re8uired3. 7or 0ature doth not open her secrets to them$

!.16$ but contemns them$ !.?B$ and the raisin) of the dead is impossible to them$ !.?1. They are co!etous$ cap. 2$ !.1B< liars$ !.11< decei!ers$ !.12< prattlers of other men#s deeds$ 1 in)s$ c.&$ !.'-2$ and instead of riches$ contract a leprosy themsel!es$ that is disease$ contempt and po!erty$ !.17. 7or the word @ehazi$ and the word +hol$ profane or common$ ha!e both the same number.

An metallic thin)s$ @eburah is of the class to which @old is referred< which has a)ain its decad < /i.e.$ ten orders or de)rees3. %o that$ 1. +hethem$ that is$ pure fine @old$ is referred to the ether thereof< which$ +anticles$ c.2$ !.AA$ is referred to the head. 1. 9atzar$ @old$ is referred to +hokrnah$ as thou)h laid up in stron)holds$ :ob$ c.11$ !.1'$ 12$ and c.?6$ !.1-. ?. +harutz$ 4ro!.$ c.&$ !.1B$ is referred to 9inah$ from di))in) of it< which name belon)s to the feminine )ender. the

'. Cahab %hachut$ that is$ fine and drawn @old$ 1 +hron.$ c.-$ !.12$ because it hath the analo)y to the thread of +hesed. 2. Cahab$ alone$ is referred to @eburah$ because )old cometh from the north$ :ob$ c.?7$ !.11. 6. 4az$ and Cahab Muphaz$ are referred to Tiphereth$ A in)s$ c.1B$ !.1&< 4salm$ c.11$ !.'$ and 1-$ !.11 < and >aniel$ c.1B$ !.2. 7or so Tiphereth and Malkuth are compounded in the )olden throne$ A in)s$ c.1B$ !.1&< also when it is called a !essel of @old$ :ob$ c.1&$ !.17< a crown of @old$ 4salm 11$ !.?< bases of @old$ +ant.$ c.2$ !.72. 7. Cahab %a)ur$ is referred to 0etzach$ that is @old shut up$ A in)s$ c.'$ !.1B$ 11$ :ob$ c.1&$ !.12$ to wit$ to brin) forth seed. &. Cahab 4ar!a6im$ is referred to ,od< 1 +hron.$ c.?$ !.6$ A in)s$ c.6$ !.1B$ from its likeness to the blood of youn) bullocks$ for this kind is red at the left hand. -. Cahab Tob$ is referred to :esod$ that is )ood @old$ @en.$ c.1$ !.11$ for this kind is called )ood$ after the manner of a )ood man. 1B. 9ut Cahab Dphir$ is referred to Malkuth$ :ob$ c.11$ !.1'$ for it is the name of a land /or earth3 as called so from ashes. %ee also A +hronicles$ c.1-$ !.'. And now concernin) the name Cahab$ A will lead thee into the ca!e of the hidden matter$ and will show thee the treasuries of %olomon mentioned in 0ehemiah$ c.1?$ !.1?$ !iz.$ the 4erfection of %tones$ (.odus$ c.16$ !.6. +ome seeE There are many places$ to which @old is referred$ !iz.$ @eburah and 9inah$ and other special places$ where the species of

@old are disposed by one thus$ by another other ways. 9ut now A represent to thee the nature of @old in Tiphereth. 0either can you ob6ect out of the Cohar or Tikkunim. 7or know$ that in this place ou)ht to be understood Tiphereth$ of the measure or de)ree of @eburah. And it is a )reat mystery$ because Tiphereth commonly contains Aron under it$ from whence we seek @old. This is the %ol or %un of nature and art$ whose lesser number is ten$ the symbol of all perfection which number by @ematria also shows you the lesser number of Tiphereth likewise the word Atah belon)in) to the same in its lesser computation. Min)le therefore Aron and +lay$ >aniel$ c.1$ !.??$ and thou shalt ha!e the foundation of @old. This is that @old$ to which is attributed the notion of Tetra)rammaton$ (.odus$ c.?1$ !.2$ in the history of the calf$ which was to be )round to powder$ and thrown upon the waters$ !.1B$ whence you shall see se!en kinds of @old immediately followin) one another in the work. 7irst$ simple @old$ which is called Cahab barely< for it is truly @old thou)h not di))ed out of the earth< nor destroyed by the !iolence of the fire$ but li!in)$ risin) out of the waters < sometimes of a black$ sometimes of a yellowish$ and often like a peacock#s colour< )oin) back of its own accord into the waters$ and this may he called Cahab %aba$ as thou)h you should say$ %abi$ the @old of capti!ity$ because it is newly captured$ and shut up in its prison< where it keeps a fast of forty days and ni)hts$ that you know not what is become of it$ (.odus$ c.?1$ !.1 < for there is then no e.ternal appearance$ e!en as Moses was hidden and they knew not what had become of him. %econdly$ it becomes Cahab %hacuth as thou)h killed and slain$ for it dies and its corpse putrefies and )rows black; then it is under 6ud)ment and the shells rule it$ and the powers of the name of '1 letters fulfil their time upon it. Thirdly$ but then follows Cahab Dphir$ as thou)h you should say Aphar$ for it is of the colour of ashes< which time the twenty-two letters of the alphabet will determine for you. 7ourthly$ it becomes Cahab Tob$ because it is )ood to colour$ thou)h not of the colour of @old$ but %il!er. This may be called +hethem. 7or it may be so called$ accordin) to Lam.$ c.'$ !.1. ,ow shall @old be coloured with redness$ and ,acchethem ,attob$ i.e.$ )ood %il!er be chan)ed5 And thence is referred that te.t in :ob$ c.11$ !.1'$ and put it upon Dpher$ he would ha!e said Dpheret$ Lead$ 9atsar$ %il!er$ that is this white @old. 7or from hence you shall ha!e %il!er. And to %il!er when it shall be in the state of a stone$ add 0achlim$ ri!ers of metallic waters< from whence you


shall ha!e Dphir$ that is @old of Dphir$ which was accounted the best. 0ow you shall ha!e the number of the )reat name (he6eh< for thou shalt possess$ after twenty-one days$ these thin)s. Af thou wilt now open thy treasure$ open it < but it shalt yet only )i!e %il!er as stones$ A in)s$ c.1B$ !.17. 9ut if thou desire more$ let thy @old be$ 7ifthly$ Cahab %a)ur$ i.e.$ shut-up @old ; Let it remain in the prison$ in the place of its maturation$ in the bowels of the earth of the wise men all the time of the >ecumbiture of (zekiel$ c.'$ !.6. And thy @old shall become the$ :arak "ak$ i.e. yellow @old$ like Cahab 4ar!a6im. These are the thirty men$ :ud)es$ c.1'$ !.1-$ whom %amson slew. 7or this bein) done$ %e!enthly$ your @old will be 4az and Muphaz and Fphaz< stren)thened to con8uer and colour all imperfect metals. bein)

This is that +harutz$ that sharp pointed /or penetratin)3 thin)< which :ob$ c.'1$ !.?B$ says ou)ht to be cast upon clay$ i.e.$ imperfect metals$ that hath +ohach$ power to produce @old; for Tit and +ohach are of e8ual numbers. And make it to boil like a deep pot$ a sea of thick metallic waters < and it shall become like a !essel of paint ; 9ut after that it shall make the path to shine$ !.?1-?1. 9lessed be the name of the )lory of his kin)dom for e!er and e!er. A write these thin)s$ A the insi)nificant one$ accordin) to my slender knowled)e$ who ha!e earnestly sou)ht out secret thin)s$ to the healin) of all creatures. 9ut that which mo!ed me thereto is spoken in %ohar ,eaesinu$ fol. 1'2$ cap. 2&B$ concernin) the office of a physician$ that A should not desist from the )ood and ri)ht way until A should find the best medicine ; And the words are these< At is written$ >eut.$ c.?1$ !.1B$ =,e found him in desert land and in the waste howlin) wilderness< he led him to find the causes$ and made him understand and kept him as the apple of his eye. And ri)htly because he hath compelled all the cortices to ser!e him.= Thus far was it written in the book of artanaeus the physician. And then he drew from this te.t !arious obser!ations necessary to a wise physician about the cure of the patient$ lyin) in the chamber of sickness$ @enesis$ c.?-$ !.1B$ where the capti!es of the kin) may worship the lord of the world. 7or when a prudent physician comes$ he finds him in the land of the desert$ and in the wilderness of the howlin) solitude$ which are as the diseases afflictin) him$ and finds him in the capti!ity of the kin). ,ere it may he ob6ected that it is not lawful to cure him$ because the ,oly Dne$ who is blessed for e!er$ hath caused him to be ill and as if a capti!e. 9ut this is not so < for >a!id says$ 4salm

'1$ !.1$ =9lessed is he who considereth /the curin) of3 the poor < the Lord will preser!e him and keep him ali!e.= 7or he is poor who lies in the house of sickness < and if the physician be wise that ,oly Dne$ who is blessed for e!er$ loads him with blessin)s$ in reference to him$ whom he cures. That physician finds him in the land of the desert$ that is ill$ etc. And what is to be done for him < "abbi (leasar hath told us ; ,itherto we ha!e heard nothin) of that physician$ nor of his book< e.cept that once a certain merchant told me that be heard his father say$ that in his time there was a certain physician$ who ha!in) seen a patient$ presently said$ =this one will li!e and that one will die= < and that it was reported of him$ that he was a 6ust and true man fearin) sin< and that$ if any man could not procure those thin)s he needed$ he would buy them for him$ and freely supply his necessities < and that it was said$ there was not so nice a man in the whole world$ and that he did more with his prayers$ than with his hands. And when we supposed this man to be the !ery same physician$ the merchant made reply$ =+ertainly his book is in my hands$ ha!in) been left to me as an inheritance by my father< and all the sayin)s of that book are hidden in the mystery of the law; And in it we do find profound secrets$ and many medicines < which notwithstandin)$ is not lawful to apply to any$ e.cept to him that feared %in$ etc.= "abbi (leasar said$ =lend it to me=. ,e replied$ =A will$ so as to show to you the power of the sacred li)ht.= =And you ha!e heard= /said "abbi (leasar3 =that 9ook was in my hands twel!e months$ and we found in it sublime and precious li)hts$ etc.$ and we ha!e found in it !arious sorts of medicines$ ordered accordin) to the prescriptions of the law$ and the profound secrets$ etc. And we said$ blessed be the holy and merciful one$ who bestoweth a share of wisdom upon men from the supernal wisdom.= Thus far here. These thin)s mo!ed me to seek the like )ood and secret books < and from the )ood hand of my @od A found that which A now teach to thee. And the camea of this metal is alto)ether wonderful$ for it consists of si. times si. partitions$ e!erywhere wonderfully showin) the !irtue of the letter Gau$ related to Tiphereth. And all the columns and lines$ as well from the bottom to the top$ as from the ri)ht to the left$ and from one an)le to another$ )i!e the same sum and thou mayest !ary the same ad infinitum. And the !arious totals always obser!e this principle$ that their lesser number is always ?$ -$ or 6 < and a)ain$ ?$ - or 6 and so on. +oncernin) which A could re!eal many thin)s to thee. 0ow A add this e.ample$ which shows as the total of a line the number 116 of Ar6eh our wonderful lion$ 1' times$ which is the name Cahab$ @old. +ompute and be rich.

11 1?

6? 11

2 2?

67 22


1 2-

?7 ?2 '71

17 ?27 -

?1 '? 162

1'1 17 7

'2 ?? 21 ?

'7 12 1? 61

+,(%(4,$ %il!er is referred to @edulah on account of its whiteness which denotes Mercy and 4ity. An "a6a Meh. it is said that by 2B sil!er shekels$ >eut.$ c. 11$ !. 1-$ is understood 9inah$ Fnderstandin)$ but when from 2B portals it inclines to the side of @edulah--see the book 4ardes "immonim$ tract 1?$ c. 11. +heseph$ %il!er$ in Metallic thin)s "abbi Mordechai writes thus; Let the "ed Minera of %il!er be taken$ let it be )round !ery finely< add an Dunce and a half of the +al. of Luna to si. Dunces of it. Let it be placed in a %and bath in a Gial sealed. Let there be )i!en a small 7ire for the first (i)ht >ays$ lest its "adical ,umidity be burnt up. The second *eek$ one de)ree stron)er< and the third yet stron)er< and on the fourth$ that the sand may not be red hot$ but so that when *ater is dropped upon it$ it may hiss. Then on the top of the @lass$ thou shalt ha!e a *hite Matter$ which is the Materia 4rima or tin)in) Arsenic$ bein) the li!in) *ater of Metals$ which all 4hilosophers call dry *ater$ or their Gine)ar. Let this be purified thus; Take of the +rystalline Matter sublimed< Let it be )round upon a Marble$ with an e8ual part of +al. of Luna$ and let it be put into a Gial sealed$ and set in a %and bath a)ain$ the first two ,ours with a )entle 7ire$ the second with a stron)er$ and the third with one yet more !iolent$ and increased till the %and will hiss$ and our Arsenic will be sublimed a)ain$ the starry 9eams bein) sent forth. And since a 8uantity of this is re8uired thou shalt au)ment it thus; Take si. Dunces of this$ and an Dunce and a half of the most pure 7ilin)s of Luna$ and make an Amal)ama$ and let them be di)ested in a Gial in hot Ashes$ till all the Luna be dissol!ed$ and con!erted into Arsenical *ater. Take an Dunce and a half of this %pirit$ and Gial; Let this be put into hot Ashes$ and descend< which heat continue$ till it lea!es lies at the bottom the +olour of Ashes. dissol!ed and putrefied. place it in a closed it will ascend and off %weatin)$ and it Thus the matter is

Take one part of this +inereous Matter$ and half a part of the aforesaid *ater$ let them be mi.ed and sweat in a @lass$ as before$ which will happen in about (i)ht >ays< when the +inereous (arth shall be)in to wa. white$ take it out$ and let it be imbibed with fi!e *ashin)s of its Lunar *ater$ and di)ested as before. Let it be imbibed the third time$ with fi!e Dunces of the same *ater$ and coa)ulated as before$ for (i)ht >ays. The fourth Ambibition re8uires se!en Dunces of the Lunar *ater. And the %weatin) bein) ended$ this 4reparation is finished. 0ow for the *hite *ork. Take 11 >rachms of this *hite (arth$ 1' >rachms of the Lunar *ater$ 1B >rachms of +al. of most pure Luna<


mi. them upon a marble slab and commit them to +oa)ulation$ till they )row hard< imbibe it with three parts of its own *ater$ till it hath drank up this 4ortion< and repeat that so often$ till it flow on a +opper 4late$ made red hot$ without %moke< and then thou shalt ha!e the Tincture for the *hite$ which thou mayest increase by the means aforesaid. 7or the "ed$ you must use +al. of %ol$ and a stron)er 7ire< and #tis a work of about four months. Thus this author. Let this be compared with the *ritin) of the Arab 4hilosopher /@eber3$ where he writes !ery fully of the Arsenical Matter. +hesed$ in the Metallic in)dom$ is Luna$ 0emine +ontradicente. And so the Lesser 0umber of @edulah is as that of %ama$ or %ima. %il!er is referred to in 4ro!.$ c. 16$ !. 16$ and c. 17$ !. ?$ and also 4salm 11$ !. 7$ and :ob$ c. 1&$ !. 1. %il!er is also found allotted to each one of the %ephirotic >ecad$ thus see the c. ?& of (.odus$ !. 17 and 1-$ where %il!er forms the +hapiters of the 4illars representin) ether or the summit. *hile %il!er is compared with +hokmah$ in 4ro!erbs$ c. 1$ !. '$ and to 9inah$ in 4ro!.$ c. 16$ !. 16. @edulah is manifest out of the ,istory of Abraham$ where %il!er is always preferred$ @en$ c. 1?$ !. 1$ and c. 1?$ !. 12$ 16$ and c. 1'$ !. ?2$ 2?. @eburah is shewed$ when %il!er is put in the 7ire$ 4ro!.$ c. 17$ !. ?$ and 0um.$ c. ?1$ !. 11. 4salm 66$ !.1B. 4ro!.$ c. 17$ !. 11. Asaiah$ c. '&$ !. 1B. (zek.$ c. 11$ !. 11. Cech.$ c. 1?$ !. -. Mal.$ c. ?$ !. ?. Tiphereth is the 9reast of the %tatue$ in >an.$ c. 1$ !. ?1. 0etzach is a Gein of %il!er$ in :ob$ c. 1&$ !. 1. ,od are the %il!er Trumpets$ 0um.$ c. 1B$ !. 1. :esod is found in 4ro!.$ c. 1B$ !. 1B$ and Malkuth$ in 4salm 11$ !. 6. The +amea of this Metal represents nine times nine %8uares$ showin) the same sum twenty times$ !iz.$ ?6-$ and in its lesser 0umber -$ which all the Gariations shew$ thou)h they should be a thousand times a thousand< because this +hesed /which is Mercy3 endureth for e!er. 4salm 1?6$ !. 1. ?7 6 '7 7& ?& 7 17?7B ?B &B 11 71 ?1 61 11 71 1? 6? 1? 2' 1' 22 2 '6 12


16 27 16 67 ?6 77

'& 17 2& 17 6& 1&

& '1& 216-

'B 2B 1B 6B 1B

&1 '1 1 21 11 61

?1 7? '1 1 21 11

6' ?? 7' '? ? 2?

1' 62 ?' 72 '' '

26 12 66 ?2 76 '2

9arzel$ Aron< in the 0atural %cience$ this Metal is the middle Line$ reachin) from one e.treme to the other. This is that Male and 9ride)room$ without whom the Gir)in is not impre)nated. This is that %ol$ %un or @old of the *ise Men$ without whom$ the Moon will be always in >arkness. ,e that knows his "ays$ works in the >ay< others )rope in the 0i)ht. 4arzala$ whose lesser number is 11$ is of the same account as the 0ame of that 9loody Animal >ob$ a 9ear$ *hose 0umber is 11 also. And this is that Mystical thin)$ which is written$ >an.$ 7$ 2$ =And behold another 9east$ a second like unto a 9ear$ stood on its one side$ and it had three "ibs standin) out in his Mouth$ between his Teeth< and thus they said unto it$ Arise$ eat much 7lesh.= The Meanin) is$ that in order to constitute the Metallic in)dom$ in the second place$ Aron is to be taken< in whose Mouth or Dpenin) /which comes to pass in an (arthen Gessel3 a threefold %coria is thrust out$ from within its whitish 0ature. Let him eat 9atsar$ i.e.$ 7lesh$ whose lesser 0umber is 7$ that is 4uk$ that is %tibium$ whose lesser 0umber in like manner is 7. And indeed much 7lesh$ because the proportion of this$ is )reater than of that< and indeed such a proportion as 4uk$ that is 1B6$ bears to 9arzel 1?-< such shall be the proportion of Aron to Antimony. 9ut understand the 7lesh of the Lion$ which is the first Animal< whose (a)le#s *in)s$ and so much as is !ery Golatile in him$ shall be drawn out$ and it shall be lifted up$ and by purifyin) be separated from its (arth or %coria; And it will stand on its 7eet< that is$ shall )et its +onsistency$ in a +one< like a Man erect and with a shinin) +ountenance$ like Moses. 7or (nos and Moses in full writin) by @ematria each )i!e ?21. And the ,eart of Aron$ Hfor the heart$ Leb and iron$ 9arzel$ in their least 0umber both )i!e 2I$ /Mineral3 i.e.$ the Tiphereth of Man Mineral shall be )i!en to it. 7or e!en the name of the %tar belon)in) to this$ is (dom$ which hath the +onnotation of a "ed Man.


These thin)s bein) done$ the third 9east ou)ht to be taken$ which is as it were a Leopard$ i.e.$ *ater not wettin)< the @arden of the *ise Men< for 0imra a Leopard$ and :ardin in their lesser 0umber$ make the same %um$ !iz.$ 11$ %uch also is the Juickness of this *ater$ that is not unlike a Leopard upon that account. And he shall ha!e four *in)s of a 9ird upon his 9ack$ the four *in)s are two 9irds$ which e.asperate this 9east with their 7eathers$ to the intent he may enter and fi)ht with the 9ear and Lion< altho# of himself he be !olatile and bitin) enou)h$ and !enomous like a *in)ed %erpent and 9asilisk. And the 9east had four ,eads< in which *ords are understood four 0atures lurkin) in his +omposition$ i.e.$ white$ red$ )reen$ and watery. And power was )i!en him o!er the other 9easts$ i.e.$ the Lion and the 9ear$ that he may e.tract their )luten or 9lood. 7rom all these are made one 7ourth 9east in the 7th !erse$ which is fri)htful$ terrible$ and !ery stron); 7or it casts forth so )reat 7umes$ that at some times there is 4eril of >eath$ if he be handled at undue time and place. And he hath )reat Teeth of Aron$ because this is one of the 4arts and Materials compoundin) it< (atin) and 9reakin) himself$ and others to pieces$ and Treadin) the "esidue under his 7eet. That is$ of a 0ature so !iolent$ that by many bruisin)s and tramplin)s$ he is as it were tamed at len)th. And he had ten horns$ because he hath the 0ature of all the Metallic 0umbers. A little ,orn$ etc.$ for out of this is e.tracted the youn) in)$ who hath the 0ature of Tiphereth /that is of a Man3 but of the 0ature or 4art of @eburah; 7or it is that @old which predominates in the *ork of the *ise Men. Thus far the 4reparatories. And now the 9east is to be killed$ and his 9ody to be destroyed and deli!ered up to the 7ire to be burned$ etc. 7or now follows the "e)imen of the 7ire. +oncernin) which elsewhere. The %word of the Allustrious 0aaman is also related to the word 9arzel. Lancea< in the %tudy of the 4hinehas$ 0umbers$ c. 12$ !. 7ornicators are understood the the /feminine3 dry *ater unduly Metallic 0atures$ the ,istory of 7$ belon)s to this place. 9y the /Masculine3 Arsenical %ulphur$ and mi.ed$ to)ether in the Mineral.

9y the %pear of 4hinehas is meant the 7orce of Aron actin) upon the Matter to cleanse it of >ross; 9y which Aron$ not only is the


Arsenical %ulphur killed$ but also the *oman herself is at len)th mortified< so that the Miracle of 4hinehas may be fitly applied here. %ee also the Tar)um on this 4lace$ i.e.$ 0umbers$ c. 12$ !. 7. 7or the 0ature of Aron is wonderful$ as its +amea /whose lines add up to 62 each way3 shews. At is here )i!en; the 0umber 2$ and its %8uare /i.e.$ 123 denote the 7eminine 0ature$ which is corrected by this Metal. 11 ' 17 1B 1? 1' 11 2 1& 6 7 12 1? 1 11B & 11 1' 1 ? 16 11 12

9edil$ Tin< in 0atural %cience$ this Metal is not )reatly used< for as it is deri!ed by %eparation$ so its Matter remains separate from the Fni!ersal Medicine. Amon)st the 4lanets$ Cedek is attributed to it< a white wanderin) 4lanet$ to which the @entiles applied an Adolatrous 0ame$ mention whereof is forbidden$ see (.odus$ c. 11$ !. 11$ and a )reater (.tirpation is promised$ ,osea$ c. 1$ !. 17$ and Cechariah$ c. 1?$ G. 1. Amon)st the 9easts$ no Alle)ory is better applied to this metal than that$ because of its +racklin)$ it should be called +hazir Mi6aar$ a 9oar out of the *ood$ 4salm &B$ !. 1'$ whose 0umber is 2'2< which is not only made fi!e times from 1B-$ but in its lesser 0umber shews a Juinary$ as the 0ame Cedek 1-'< which 0umbers bein) added$ make 1'< and they make the 0umber 2$ which twice taken is 1B$ the lesser 0umber of the word 9edil$ by the two fi)ures of '6 bein) added to)ether. 9ut fi!e times ten shews the 7ifty @ates of 9inah$ and the first Letter of the %ephira 0etzach$ which is the %ephirotic +lass to which this Metal is referred. An particular Transmutations$ its %ulphurous 0ature alone doth not profit$ but with other %ulphurs$ especially those of the "ed Metals$ it does reduce thick *aters$ duly terrificated into @old< so also into %il!er$ if its nature be subtilized into a thin water by Juicksil!er which /amal)am3 amon)st others is made well enou)h by Tin. 9ut its !iscous and watery 0ature may be meliorated into @old$ if it be duly pul!erized with the +al. of @old throu)h all the >e)rees of 7ire$ for ten >ays$ and by de)rees thrown upon flowin) @old$ in the form of little masses$ which also A am tau)ht is to be done with %il!er. 9ut no man is wise unless his Master is (.perience. A add no more< ,e that is wise may correct 0atures and help by (.periments where they are imperfect. assitera$ Tin< %ee 9edil#s +amea$ where the 0umber resultin) from e!ery side is >al< representin) the Tenuity and Gileness of this Metal$ in all Metallic Dperations.

' -

1' 7

12 6

1 11


2 16

11 1

1B ?

& 1?


,D>$ in the *isdom of 0ature$ is of the +lassis of +olour e.presses the 0ature of @eburah$ which contains. And the Fse of 9rass was for instruments Music$ A +hronicles$ c. 12$ !. 1-. =And 9razen 9ows *ar.= 1 %amuel$ c. 11$ G. ?2$ :ob$ c. 1B$ G. 1'$ %amuel$ c. 17$ !. 2$ 6$ ?&. 9rass< for the this %ephira of 4raise and were of Fse in and the like$

9ut as ,od is encompassed with a %erpent$ so 0echuseth --9rass is of the same "oot with 0achash a %erpent. #The %e!enty Talents of 9rass of the Dblation# (.odus$ c. ?&$ !. 1-$ represent %e!enty 4rinces< for about this place is the )reatest 7orce of the +ortices or %hells. *hence in ,od is a de)ree of 4rophetical "epresentation$ as from the "oot 0achash comes 0echashim$ (nchantments$ 0umbers$ c. 1?$ !. 1?$ and +. 11$ G. A. 9ut he that will be curious$ may find$ that ,od has a special >ecad. %o also in the ,istory of 9rass$ from the Law$ he may easily )ather a >ecad. 7or may not that Dblation in )eneral from which afterwards Gessels were made for the Tabernacle$ (.odus$ c. ?&$ !. 1-$ be referred to ether$ since all the other de)rees sprin) from this. >oth not the La!er of 9rass$ (.odus$ c. ?B$ !. 1&$ shew the 0ature of +hokmah$ from which an Anflu. is let down to all the Anferiors5 9ut the 9asis thereof$ which also was of 9rass$ is 9inah< for +hokmah resides therein. Afterwards the 9razen Altar$ (.odus$ c. 17$ !. 1$ with its 7urniture represents the two (.tremes$ for the two 9ars in the same place were co!ered o!er with 9rass< and are as it were the two Arms$ @edulah and @eburah. The 9ody of the Altar itself$ Tiphereth. The four "in)s of 9rass$ to the ri)ht and left are 0etzach and ,od. And the 9razen 0et$ which was instead of a 7oundation$ is :esod. And if you say$ that the Altar was to be referred to Malkuth$ accordin) to the most common Dpinion$ which Altar may represent the 0otion of a *oman; A answer$ #Tis true accordin) to the )eneral >istribution of the Tabernacle and Temple. 9ut amon)st the special +lassis of 9rass$ where all thin)s before incline to the 7emale$ and so also Tiphereth$ the 0otion of the Male will not be so remote. 7or there are yet Adne$ 9razen 9ases$ (.odus$ c. 16$ !. ?7$ and c. 17$ !. 1B$ which bein) as it were the bottom of the Tabernacle$ ha!e con)ruously enou)h the 0ature of Malkuth.


,e that would here trace these Mysteries more easily prolon) his >iscourse; 9ut a wise Man understand the 7oundation.

lar)ely$ will in

mi)ht short

The wonderful +amea belon)in) to the +lassis of 9rass$ contains se!en times se!en %8uares< and the %um of each Line$ whether ,orizontal$ Gertical$ or >ia)onal$ are e8ual to each other$ and to Tzephah . 11 2 ?B 1? ?& 11 '6 '7 1? 6 ?1 1' ?12 16 '& 1' 7 ?1 & 'B '1 17 '12 1 ?? 1B '1 1& '? 16 1 ?' ?2 11 ?6 1'' 17 ? ' 111 ?7 1B '2 1&

As for (.ample$ ,ere all the +olumns make the same Tzephah$ 172$ as is to be seen abo!e< for the first +olumn to the ri)ht$ '$ 1-$ etc.$ makes 172$ and so the rest to the last towards the left. After the same manner note the uppermost corner 11$ /where is the Mystery of the 11 Letters3 '7$ etc.$ and endin) with the number '$ where note the Mystery of the Tetra)rammaton and so all to the bottom. Lastly$ crosswise from the An)le between the (ast and %outh$ to the An)le between the *est and 0orth$ '$ AA$ 1&$ etc.$ are 172$ and from the An)le between the (ast and 0orth$ to the An)le between the *est and %outh$ !iz.$ 11$ 1?$ 1'$ etc.$ make all 172. Therefore contemplate these thin)s and thou shalt see an Abyss of 4rofundity. Fnless thou hadst rather allude to those +o!erin)s$ in which 9rass was used$ (.odus$ c. 17$ !. 1$ 6$ etc. %o if 0o. 1 be omitted$ and you be)in with line 1$ there meets you the %um 9otzatz$ 1 %amuel$ c. 1'$ !. '$ writ defecti!ely. Af you be)in with line ?$ you will ha!e the like %um of 1&-. Af you be)in with line '$ then 1-6. Af you be)in with line 2$ then 1B?. And so they ascend$ e.ceedin) one another by 7. 9ut if by a skip you dispose the 0umbers 1$ and ?$ and 2$ and 7$ and -$ etc.$ then be)in with which you will$ you will obser!e the same 4roportion. Also 1$ and '$ and 7$ and 1B$ and 1?$ etc. Also 1$ and 2$ and -$ and 1?. This %eptenary 0et will always$ from e!ery 7ace$ represent the same %um$ whose farther Fse A should be able to open elsewhere.


0echusheth$ 9rass$ see %ohar 4ekude$ 1B?$ '1B$ etc.$ and see ,od as abo!e. Amon)st the 4lanets 0o)ah$ Genus corresponds to it. A necessary Anstrument to promote the Metallic %plendour. Ket it hath more the part of a Male than 7emale. 7or do not decei!e thyself$ to belie!e a white %plendour is promised to thee$ as the word 0o)ah infers. 9ut ,od ou)ht to recei!e a @eburic Anfluence$ and )i!es it also. D$ how )reat is this Mystery. Learn therefore to lift the %erpent up on hi)h$ which is called 0echushtan$ 1 in)s$ c. 1&$ !. '$ if thou wouldst cure infirm 0atures after the (.ample of Moses.


+,D MA,$ in the Metallic >octrine$ is the %ephira of Lead$ or 4rimordial %alt$ in which the Lead of the *ise Men lies hid. 9ut how is so hi)h a 4lace attributed to lead which is so A)noble a Metal$ and of which there is so seldom Mention made in the %cripture5 9ut here lies *isdomE Ats se!eral >e)rees are kept !ery secret< hence there is !ery little mention made of it. 9ut yet here will not be wantin) e.amples of the particular %ephiroth. 7or may not that which$ in Cech.$ c. 2$ up Talent of Lead$ and brou)ht from the of ether5 And that which in the same concernin) the %tone of Lead$ it sets :od$ which is in +hokmah. !. 7$ is called a Lifted deep$ represent the )rade +hapter$ !. &$ is spoken before itself the Letter

Then (zekiel$ c. 17$ !. 11$ Lead is referred to the place of the con)re)ation$ of which type is 9inah. And Amos$ c. 7$ !. 7$ Anak$ a Leaden 4lummet$ denotes the Thread of +hesed. 7or Anak$ with the whole *ord$ hath 71 the 0umber of +hesed. 9ut in 0umbers$ c. ?1$ !. 11$ Lead is reckoned amon)st those thin)s which can abide the 7ire$ will be referred to @eburah. 9ut :ob$ c. 1-$ !. 1'$ )ra!en with an Aron 4en and Lead are 6oined to)ether$ from whence you ha!e Tiphereth. 9ut in (zekiel$ c. 11$ !. 1&$ 1B$ there is the 7urnace$ of Trial$ or of @race$ or 7urnace of :ud)ment$ in which also is put lead< hence$ 0etzach and ,od< for thence ou)ht to flow a "i!er of %il!er. And :eremiah$ c. 6$ !. 1-$ the 7urnace of 4robation< out of which$ by the means of Lead$ )ood %il!er is looked for. As not the 6ust Man$ and he that 6ustifies$ :esod /i.e.$ the 7oundation35 9ut if you seek the bottom of the %ea$ look upon (.odus$ c. 12$ !. 1B$ where the 0otion of Malkuth will occur. This is that "ed %ea$ out of which the %alt of *isdom e.tracted$ and throu)h which the %hips of %olomon fetched @old. is

Dphereth$ in the >octrine of 0atural thin)s$ is referred to *isdom$ for a )reat Treasure of *isdom lies hid here. And hither is referred the 8uotation 4ro!erbs$ c. ?$ !. 1-. The Lord in *isdom hath founded the earth< A say$ the (arth$ concernin) which :ob speaks$ c. 1&$ !. 6$ which hath >ust of @old. *here$ take notice of the *ord Dphereth$ i.e.$ Lead. This Lead$ by a Mystical


0ame is called +hol$ because therein lies the %ystem of the whole Fni!erse. 7or its 7i)ure has below a +ircle$ the %i)n of Fni!ersal 4erfection$ and o!er the circle is a cross formed of four >aleths$ whose An)les meet in one 4oint< so you may know$ that all Juaternity lies here$ and the Juaternions of Juaternity; whether you refer to the (lements$ or +ortices$ or Letters or *orlds. And in this Lead of the *ise Men$ four (lements lie hid$ i.e.$ 7ire$ or the %ulphur of the 4hilosophers< Air$ the %eparator of the *aters< the dry *ater< and the (arth of the *onderful %alt. There are also hid in it the four +ortices$ described in (zekiel$ c. 1$ !. '$ for in the 4reparation of it there will occur to thee the *hirlwind$ a )reat +loud$ and a 7ire enfoldin) itself$ and at len)th the desired %plendour breaks forth. Also the 0atural %ephira of the Tetra)rammaton$ and the Metal thereof$ occurs to thee here. And you will naturally tra!el throu)h four *orlds in the !ery Labour< when after the 7action and 7ormation$ laborious enou)h$ there will appear the wonderful creation; after which thou shalt ha!e the (manation of the desired 0atura1 Li)ht. And note$ that the word +hol$ whose 0umber is 2B$ multiplied by 12$ accordin) to the 0umber of the %acred +haracteristic 0ame in the %ephira of *isdom$ will produce the 0umber of Dphereth$ i.e.$ 72B. Also the 0umber 12$ %8uare of throu)hout amea of that Metal is also wonderful$ in which the !iz.$ the 0ame :ah$ i.e.$ a form of :eho!ah$ in a Ma)ic nine %8uares /because we are in the ninth %ephira3 all its +olumns$ shows itself after this manner. ' ? & 1 2 1 7 6 because in this

The 4lanet %habthai denominated from ="est$= 4rinciple is offered the most desired "est.

And if you shall compute the words Lahab %habthai$ i.e.$ the point or ed)e of %aturn$ there will arise the 0umber of the 0ame Dphereth< !iz.$ Lead. 1. Ar6eh$ a Lion$ in 0atural %cience is !ariously applied. =7or there is @ur Ar6eh$ a Lion#s *help<= as :acob speaks$ @enesis$ c. '-$ !. -. That word @ur$ a *help$ 0umbers 1B-$ and if you add the whole *ord in the place of a Fnit$ it will be 11B$ which is the 0umber of the word =0aaman the %yrian$ the @eneral of


the Army of the in) of Aram$= 1 in)s$ c. 2$ !. 1$ by whom is Alle)orically to be understood the Matter of the Metallic Medicine$ to be purified %e!en times in :ordan$ which many men$ studious in Metallic Affairs$ call @ur. 1. And that thou mayest the better understand this Matter$ take the Lesser 0umber of this word 0aaman$ which is 11$ this is e8ual to the 0umber of the 0ame of ether$ which is (he6eh$ 11. ?. The 0umber of 0aaman$ with the whole *ord$ is 111< to which another 0ame of the Lion is e8ual$ Ari$ 111. '. And so also Ar6eh$ a Lion is e8ual in 0umber to the first word of that wonderful ,istory$ 1 in)s$ c. 2$ !. 1. =And 0aaman$ etc.= 7or this constitutes 116. 2. Moreo!er$ the word ephir$ a youn) Lion$ and :erik$ a)ree also in their 0umber< for each of them )i!e ?1B. And now it is known in Metallic Mysteries$ that at the !ery (ntrance$ we meet the A(ni)ma of the Lion of @reen )rowth$ which we call the @reen Lion< which$ A pray thee$ do not think is so-called$ from any other +ause but its +olour. 7or unless thy Matter shall be )reen$ not only in that intermediate state before #tis reduced into *ater$ and also after the *ater of @old is made of it$ remember that this Fni!ersal >ry 4rocess must be amended. 6. The other 0ames of Lions$ are Lebi$ which is a Lioness$ accordin) to :ob$ c. '$ !. 11. The *helps of the Lioness shall separate themsel!es< (zekiel$ c. 1-$ !. 1. =Thy Mother bein) a Lioness lay amon)st the Lions<= 0ahum$ c. 1$ !. 11. =A Lioness is there=< !. 1?$ =The Lion did stran)le them for his Lioness.= Also Lish$ which denotes a fierce Lion$ with lon) strai)ht hair; as found in 4ro!erbs$ c. ?B$ !. ?B. These two 0ames$ in their Lesser 0umbers each contain a %eptenary$ for Lebi numbers '?$ which )i!es 7$ and Lish ?'B$ which )i!es 7 also. To these the 0ame 4uk$ %tibium is e8ual$ whose %um is 1B6$ and its lesser 0umber is 7$ than which nothin) could be more plain. (specially if the %irname of that Mineral be considered$ when it is called the ,airy %er!ant$ or he with lon) hair or "uddy haired< with many like 0ames )i!en to it. 7. There is yet another 0ame of a Lion accordin) to the Masters of the %anhedrim$ in chapter 11$ fol. -2$ col. 1$ i.e.$ %hachatz< which also the Tar)um uses< and 4salm 17$ !. 11< its 0umber is ?-&$ in its lesser 0umber it is 1. And the +haldaic *ord Tzadida shews the same lesser 0umber 1$ bein) used in Tar)um$ 1 in)s$ c. ?B$ !. ?B$ :eremiah$ c. '$ !. ?B$ /instead of the ,ebrew *ord 4uk$ which is Antimony3 for its sum is 1B-$ which to)ether with the whole *ord$ is 11B$ and its lesser 0umber 1. &. At len)th also there$ meets us the 0ame of the 9lack Lion$ to wit$ %hacal$ whose 0umber is ??&$ and its lesser 0umber 2.


0ow take the least 0umber of the word 0aaman 11B$ which is ?$ and the least 0umber of the +haldaic word 4arzel$ Aron$ which is 1$ and you will ha!e 2$ the 9lack Lion. -. Cahab$ @old$ is called by the name "ed Lion< and so not only the least 0umbers of the 0ames Lebi and Lish make 1'$ which 0umber Cahab hath< but also the least 0umber of the word Cahab is 2$ as A said but now to be e8ual to %hacal. 9ut under this 0otion is to be understood @old$ either already Mortified$ or now at len)th drawn from the Mines of the *ise Men$---9lack in +olour$ but "ed in 4otency.


:A">(0$ denotes a Mineral *ater$ useful in the cleansin) of Metals$ and Leprous MineraAs. 9ut this *ater flows from two sources$ whereof one is called :eor$ i.e.$ a fluid$ ha!in) the 0ature of the "i)ht ,and$ and !ery 9ountiful. The other is called >an$ "i)orous and of a sharp 0ature. 9ut it flows throu)h the %alt %ea$ which ou)ht to be obser!ed$ and at len)th is thou)ht to be mi.ed with the "ed %ea< which is a %ulphurous Matter$ Masculine$ and known to all true Artists. 9ut know thou$ that the 0ame Cachu$ i.e.$ 4urity$ bein) multiplied by &$ the 0umber of :esod$ produces the 0umber %eder$ i.e.$ Drder$ which is 16'. *hich 0umber is also contained in the word :arden< thus you may "emember$ that at least (i)ht Drders of 4urification are re8uired$ before the true 4urity follows. :esod$ in natural thin)s$ contains under itself Juicksil!er< because this MetaA is the 7oundation of the whole Art of Transmutation. And as the 0ame of (l$ doth insinuate the 0ature of %il!er$ because both belon) to the +lassis of +hesed$ /but here to that +hesed$ which is inferior$ !iz.$ :esod3. %o the name of (l +hai$ is the same as it were$ +heseph +hai$ i.e.$ Juicksil!er. And so okab$ a %tar$ is the 0ame of the 4lanet$ under whose @o!ernment this Matter is$ with the whole *ord is '-< which same is the 0umber of (l +hai. 9ut remember that all Juicksil!er doth not conduce to this *ork$ because the sorts of it differ e!en as 7la. from ,emp or %ilk$ and you would work on ,emp to no purpose$ to make it recei!e the Tenuity and %plendour of fine 7la.. And there are some that think it a si)n of Le)itimate *ater$ if bein) mi.ed with @old$ it presently ferments. 9ut the common li8uid Mercury$ precipitated by Lead$ performs this. And what will it do 5 Gerily A tell thee$ there is no other %i)n of a true Mercury but this$ that in a due heat it in!ests itself with a +uticula which is the purest refined @old< and that in a little space of time$ yea$ in one ni)ht. This is that which$ not without a Mystery$ is called okab$ a %tar< because accordin)$ to the natural abalah$ 0umbers$ c. 1'$ !. 17$ out of /the Metal3 :acob comes a %tar< or in 4lain lan)ua)e the shapes of "ods$ and 9ranches$ arise< and from this %tar flows this Anfluence$ of which we speak.

This Ar)ent Gi!re$ in the @emara Tract @ittin$ ch. 7$ fol. 6-$ is called (spherica$ i.e.$ %pherical *ater$ because it flows from the Mundane %phere. And in @enesis$ c. ?6$ !. ?-$ it is called Mehetabel$ as tho# it were Me# ,athbula$ by chan)in) the order of the Letters$ i.e.$ the *aters of Ammersion$ because the in) is immer)ed in them to be cleansed. Dr as tho# it were the (l ,atob$ by a like +han)e of Letters< the *aters of the )ood (l$ or of Li!in) %il!er< for Life and @ood ha!e e8ual power$ as >eath and (!il ha!e the same. This is called the >au)hter of Metred$ that is$ /as the Tar)um teaches$3 the @old-maker$ Labourin) with daily *eariness. 7or this *ater flows not out of the (arth$ nor is di))ed out of the Mine< but is produced and perfected with )reat Labour and much >ili)ence. This *ife /or female3 is also called Me Cahab$ the *aters of @old$ or such a *ater as sends forth @oAd. Af the Artist be will be the *ater 9ride to be the /notwithstandin)3 betrothed to her$ he will be)et a >au)hter$ who of the "oyal 9ath. Althou)h some would ha!e this *aters that are made out of @old< which 9ride poor Men lea!e to be espoused by )reat Men.

The ,usband of Mehetabel is that (domite in)$ and in) of "edness$ who is called ,adar$ @lorious< !iz.$ the 9eauty of the Metallic in)dom$ which is @old$ >aniel$ c. 11$ !. 1B-1-. 9ut such @old as may be referred to Tiphereth. 7or ,adar represents 1B-$ which 0umber also the Tetra)rammaton$ multiplied by &$ produces$ /which is the 0umber of +ircumcision and :esod3 if the whole *ord be added as one. 9ut that thou mayest know$ that Tiphereth$ of the de)ree of @eburah$ is understood< know thou$ that that 0umber bein) added to the whole$ is also contained in Assac$ which in like manner is of the +lassis of @old. The +ity of that in) is called 4e)no$ 9ri)htness$ from its %plendour$ accordin) to >eut.$ c. ??$ !. 1. *hich 0ame$ and the 0ame :oseph$ /by which :esod is meant$ ha!e the same 0umber 126. That you may know that Ar)ent !i!e is re8uired to the *ork< and that the "oyal 9eauty doth not reside out of this %plendid +ity. To this place belon)s another %irname$ i.e.$ (lohim +ha6im$ as tho# it were called Li!in) @old< because (lohim and @old denote the same Measure. 9ut so this *ater is called$ because it is the Mother and 4rinciple of Li!in) @old; 7or all other kinds of @old are thou)ht to be dead< this only e.cepted.


0or will you err$ if you shall attribute to it another special name$ for it may be called Mekor Ma6im +ha6im$ that is$ a 7ountain of Li!in) *ater. 7or$ from this *ater the in) is enli!ened$ that he may )i!e Life to all Metals and Li!in) Thin)s. The amea of this *ater is alto)ether wonderful$ and e.hibits in like manner the 0umber +hai /i.e. Li!in)3 1& times$ the same %um in a Ma)ic %8uare of 6' %8uares$ which is the %um of Mezahab$ *aters of @old< bein) !ariable$ after this manner$ to infinity.

& ''1 ?1 'B 17 6'

2& 12 1? ?' 16 '7 22 1

21' 11 ?2 17 '6 2' ?

2 21 '' 1?7 1B 11 61

' 2? '2 1& ?6 11 1? 6B

61 11 1?& ?B '? 21 6

6? 1B 1& ??1 '1 2B 7

1 26 '& 12 ?? 1' 16 27

,ere you ha!e the %um 16B$ from the bottom to the top$ from the n)ht hand to the left$ and by the >ia)onal< the lesser 0umber of 16B is &$ the 0umber of :esod< as also the "oot of the whole %8uare is &. The %ymbol of the first %um is 16B$ which makes the word %ar$ i.e.$ =he went back$= because in )oin) forward the %um always )oes backward throu)h the units. 7or (.ample$ if you be)in with 1$ reckonin) the first +olumn for & the %um will be 16&$ which is resol!ed in 7. Af you be)in with the ? /reckonin) & for the second +olumn3 the %um will be 176$ which resol!es into 6. And so of the rest. And so also the number of 4urifications increasin)$ the *ei)ht of thy *ater decreases.


:F0(,$ a >o!e< amon)st the A(ni)mas of 0atural thin)s$ the 0ame of a >o!e is ne!er applied to the Metals themsel!es$ but to the Ministerin) and 4reparin) forms of 0ature. ,e that understands here the 0ature of the 9urnt Dfferin) will not take Turtles$ but two youn) male 4i)eons$ or %ons of the >o!e$ Le!iticus$ c. 1$ !. 1'$ and +. 11$ G. &$ and c. 1'$ !. 11. 9ut count the word 9eni 61$ and 1 for a 4air of >o!es$ and thence is the number 6' of the word 0o)ah$ which is the 0ame of the 2th amon)st the 4lanets$ and you shall )o the true way. (lse =labour not to be "ich< +ease from thy own *isdom;= *ilt thou cause thine eyes presently to discern it5 That will not be; 9ut the %cholar of the *ise Men maketh to himself *in)s$ and flieth as an (a)le$ e!en as he doth the Minerals of the %tars to hea!en. 4ro!.$ c. 1?$ !. '$ 2. :arach$ the Moon or Luna in the ,istory of 0atural Thin)s is called the =Medicine for the *hite$= because she hath recei!ed a *hitenin) %plendour from the %un$ which by a like shinin)$ illuminates and con!erts to her own 0ature all the (arth$ that is the impure Metals. And the place of Asaiah$ c. ?B$ !. 16$ =the moon shall be as the %un$= may be mystically understood of this$ because the *ork bein) finished$ she hath a solar %plendour< but in this %tate$ the place of +anticles$ c. 6$ !. 1B$ belon)s to her$---= fair as the Moon.= 9y the same 0ame the Matter of the *ork is called; and so indeed it is like to the crescent Moon$ in the first %tate of +onsistence< and like to the 7ull Moon in the last %tate of 7luidity and 4urity. 7or the words :arach$ the Moon$ and "azia$ %ecrets$ also "abui$ a Multitude$ ha!e by @ematria the same 0umbers$ because in this Matter are found the %ecrets of Multiplication. @ophrith is %ulphur< in the %cience of Minerals this 4rinciple is referred to 9inah$ to the left because of its +olour< and to left also$ @old is wont to be referred< and +harutz$ a kind of @old$ is also referred to 9inah$ and bein) 7 in its lesser 0umber a)rees with that of @ophritha. Therefore the @old of 0atural *isdom ou)ht to be +harutz< that is di))ed out$ or the like not e.cocted. And this is that %ulphur$ which hath a fiery +olour$ and is penetratin) and chan)in) to impure (arths< to wit$ %ulphur with %alt$ >eut.$ c. 1-$ !. 1?. %ulphur with 7ire$ rained down upon the *icked$---that is the impure Metals$ 4salm 1B6$ !. 6.


Kou must di) up this %ulphur< and it is to be di))ed out of the *ater$ that you mayest ha!e 7ire obtained from *ater. =And if your *ays be ri)ht before the Lord$ your Aron shall swim upon the *ater$= 1 in)s$ c. 6$ !. 6. =@o thy way then to the "i!er :ordan with (lisha=< see !. '. =9ut who shall declare the @eburah of the Lord5= 4salm 1B6$ !. 1. Many seek other %ulphurs$ and he that hath entered the =,ouse of the 4aths= shall understand them$ 4ro!erbs$ c. &$ !. 1. 7or the %ulphurs of @old and Aron$ the (.traction whereof is tau)ht by many$ and is easy< also of @old$ Aron and 9rass< also of @old$ Aron$ +opper and Antimony$ which are )athered to)ether after 7ulmination by Gine)ar$ out of the li.i!ium$ which are chan)ed into a "ed Dil$ with a moist ,ydrar)yrum$---do tin)e %il!er. 7or from 4ro!erbs$ c. 11$ !. 1B$ we know there is a Treasure to be desired and also an Dil to be found in the dwellin) of a Man of *isdom. - Finis -


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