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Management requires both restraint in cutting tees and investment in replacing them by planting seedlings or by promoting the natural regeneration of harvested species Economics dictates the decision of choosing to cut the trees immediately or delaying the harvest and allowing the stand to grow in volume and value over time. In Bolivia the government offers loggers a financia reward for preservation. Greenlabeling- providing the economic incentive needed to spur sustainable management. It calls for voluntary copliance with established environmental standards in e change for higher prices or greater mar!er acess or both.

"ogging has been around for hundreds of years. It#s been used and put into a lot of our products at home. $ood items may loo! nice and smell good to some people% but with logging comes a lot of set bac! especially for the environment which we are trying to preserve. $ith logging there are three types of methods companies can use& 'elective which is when you select they types of trees you want to cut down% (lear cut when you )ust ta!e out *chun!s+ of areas in a forest of trees% and 'helterwood when you ta!e trees down% but in li!e a chec!erboard style. ,ut of all of these methods clear cutting is the worst and is what was used the most years ago. (lear cutting is bad for the environment because there is loss of habitat and it causes erosion when it rains because of lac! of vegetation to hold the soil together. In this article the alternative to clear cutting is discussed% which is called Green "abeling. Green labeling is an environmental certification awarded to specific products that are shown to have minimum detrimental impact on the environment. Because this is an *environmental safe+ product it does sell at a higher price compared to a product that doesn#t have green labeling. -he big question that arises is with green labeling will these companies continue to ma!e good profit. .ccording to the article customers are now becoming more aware of this new act and are actually going to the products with green labeling even if they do have to pay a little e tra for it. I thin! it#s great that they#ve created the Green "abeling. It#s a good way to get people aware of how this product was created and that the company they are buying from cares about the environment and wants to be part of preserving it and !eeping it healthy. I thin! businesses will gain profit from the green labeling. If enough people !now about how bad logging is to our environment% they are going to want to do anything they can to support the people who want to preserve it. (hanging the little thing you buy here and there can really ma!e a big difference. "i!e if we all bought organic% there wouldn#t have to be the plane pollution from importing it from the country to here% along with the to ins sprayed and preserves to !eep it *fresh+.

So What? -his issue is important because it really highlights the destruction caused from logging. It ma!es people more aware of the environmental issues and ma!es them want to care more. $ith more people caring% more change can begin. $e can finally unite as one to ma!e the world a cleaner and healthier place for the future generation. What if...? $hat if we continued logging and didn#t thin! about the damages it causes to the environment% what would happen1 -he first thing that pops into my mind is goodbye trees. 'ince clear cutting ruins soil% by ma!ing it harder for plants to grow% it will soon enough become very difficult to grow trees% so with lac! of trees there will be less o ygen% other plants that use to live in that area% along with more endangered species because we destroyed their habitat. -his one problem creates a large chain of problems. -he question is% is it really worth it1

Says Who? -he authors and researchers /ichard E. /ice% /aymond E. Gullison and 0ohn $. /eid. $ith e ploring and digging into their research they found a lot of information. I#m going to guess as well that other scientists and environmental groups chimed into the research found as well. What Does This Remind Me Of? -his reminds me of the -ragedy of the (ommons lab we did. -his article remind some of this because the companies that continue to log without putting thought into what they do will eventually !ill off all the trees and the soil that could help grow more. 'o they are li!e me and my partner when we did the lab% you see we completely forgot to leave fish in the bowl% everyone was )ust grabbing fish in hopes of getting the most instead of leaving some so they can reproduce for ne t fishing season. 'ame with the trees% if you don#t give them time to grow% soon enough they will all die out and ma!e things worse than what they already are.

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