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Antineoplastons: A Cure for Cancer Ignored For 45 Years?

Could a cure for advanced, chemotherapy and radiation resistant cancer have already been discovered as far back as 1967? Could this curative substance have been so close to us for all this time, as to be part of our own blood and a constituent of our own urine? As crazy as it may sound to conventionally minded folks in both the !eneral public and medical professional spheres, the discovery of powerful anti cancer peptides secreted by our own bodies only adds to hundreds, if not thousands of already e"tant natural and#or naturally derived anti-cancer treatments, some which scientists have known about for over a century, e$!$ turmeric has been proven to have therapeutic potential in over 1%% cancers, but which threaten the financial and political he!emony of far more to"ic and less effective therapies, e$!$ chemotherapy and radiation$ Dr !ur"yns#i$s Cancer Cure

Antineoplastons are a !roup of naturally occurrin! peptides and amino acid derivatives which control tumor !rowth, and have been proven in clinical studies on a number of advanced cancer cases to be hi!hly effective and non to"ic, relative to c%emot%erapy$ &irst identified by 'r$ (tanislaw )urzynski in human blood in 1967, he observed *+,-here were si!nificant differences in the peptide content in the serum of cancer patients as compared with the control !roup$* .win! to the fact that similar peptide fractions are found in human urine and can be purified as a bulk source of antineoplastons, 'r$ )urzynski be!an a research pro!ram *for the

identification of antineoplastic peptides from urine* known as the )urzynski /esearch 0nstitute 1)/02, which was incorporated under the laws of the (tate of 'elaware in 1934$+i,he discovery that urine contains therapeutic compounds is not novel$ Accordin! to 'r$ )urzynski5 *6edicinal use of urine and urine e"tracts has been known for centuries in ancient 7!ypt, 8reece, /ome, 0ndia and 9orth and Central America$ 0n modern times, the first study of !rowth inhibitin! substances in urine was conducted in 19:7$ ,he research on urinary peptides has a lon! history and was initiated by a ;olish researcher, ($ )ondzynski, in 1397$*+ii'r$ )urzyinski<s research lead to the discovery of five different peptide fractions which he named Antineoplaston A1, A=, A:, A4 and A>$ ,he first active component was identified as : phenylacetylamino =,6 piperidinedione and was named Antineoplaston A&'$ ,wo synthetic derivatives of Antineoplaston A1% were named Antineoplaston A()-& and Antineoplaston A(= >$ 8reen6ed0nfo$com has done an e"haustive inde" of the research on the topic as found on the 9ational ?ibrary of 6edicine, which can be found on its Antineoplastons researc% pa!e$ ,he information found there indicates the preventive and#or therapeutic value of antineoplaston therapy in up to :% diseases$ @atch the first :6 of 1%3 minutes of the critically acclaimed *)urzyinski Cancer is a (erious )usiness* free below$

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