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ABC Human resource management 1.1Human resource planning ABC has a personal and administrative Department.

ABC is one of the biggest employers in Bangladesh. The total number of employees is 1,223. For the employees there is systemati in house training in home and abroad. To motivate the employees, along !ith salary and benefits the ompany provides various fa ilities li"e free meals , free transportation , 2# hour medi al enter , on site sports . $rodu tion and a ommodation fa ilities in lude full time supply of safe drin"ing !ater, ade%uate lighting and ventilation fa ilities from sheet. 1.2 HR Practices of ABC textile 1. &e ruitment 2. Training 3. $erforman e 'anagement #. (abor relation ). *mployee relation +. ,ob analysis -. ,ob design .. /ele tion 0. Development 11. 2n entives

11. Benefits 1.2.1 Recruitment and Selection process in ABC &e ruitment is the pro ess trough !hi h the organi3ation see"s appli ants for potential employment. /ele tion refers to the pro ess by !hi h it attempts to identify appli ants !ith the ne essary "no!ledge, s"ills, abilities and other hara teristi s that !ill help the ompany a hieve its goals, ompanies engaging in different strategies need different types and numbers of employees. The strategy a ompany is pursuing !ill have a dire t impa t on the types of employees that it see"s to re ruit and sele tion. Source of recruitment There are t!o "inds of sour e ABC uses for re ruitment .They are 1. *4ternal sour e. 2. 2nternal sour e. 5e try to dis uss all relative sour es !hi h are used for re ruitment in ABC. 1. Internal source ABC thin"s that urrent employees are a ma6or sour e of re ruits for all but entry7level positions. 5hether for promotions or for 8(ateral9 6ob transfers, internal andidates already "no! the informal organi3ation and have detailed information about its formal poli ies and pro edures. $romotions and transfer are typi ally de ided by operating managers !ith little involvement by :& department.

1.1,ob7posting programs :& departments be ome involved !hen internal 6ob openings are publi i3ed to employees through 6ob positioning programs, !hi h informs employees about opening and re%uired %ualifi ations and invite %ualify employees to apply. The noti es usually are posted on ompany bulletin boards or are pla ed in the ompany ne!spaper. ;ualifi ation and other fa ts typi ally are dra!n from the 6ob analysis information. The purpose of 6ob posting is to en ourage employees to see" promotion and transfers the help the :& department fill internal opening and meet employee9s personal ob6e tives. <ot all 6obs openings are posted .Besides entry level positions, senior management and top stuff positions may be filled by merit or !ith e4ternal re ruiting. ,ob posting is most ommon for lo!er level leri al, te hni al and supervisory positions. 1.2 Departing *mployees

An often overloo"ed sour e of re ruiters onsists of departing employees. 'any employees leave be ause they an no longer !or" the traditional #1 hours !or" !ee" ./ hool, hild are needs and other ommitments are the ommon reason. /ome might gladly stay if they ould rearrange their hours of !or" or their responsibilities .2nstead, they %uit !hen a transfer to a part7time 6ob may retain their valuable s"ill and training. *ven if part7time !or" is not a solution, a temporary leave of absen e may satisfy the employee and some future re ruiting need of the employer. 2. External source 5hen 6ob opening annot be filled internally, the :& department of ABC must loo" outside the organi3ation for appli ants. 5e dis uss all the e4ternal sour e of re ruitment at bello!= 2.1 5al"7ins and 5rite7ins= 5al"7ins are some see"ers !ho arrived at the :& department of ABC in sear h of a 6ob> 5rite7ins are those !ho send a !ritten en%uire .both groups normally are as" to omplete and appli ation blan" to determine their interest and abilities. ?sable appli ation is "ept in an a tive file until a suitable opening o urs or until an appli ation is too old to be onsidered valid, usually si4 months. 2.2 *mployee referral= *mployees may refer 6ob see"ers to the :& department. *mployee referrals have several advantages .*mployees !ith hard @to @find 6ob s"ill may no others !ho do the same !or". *mployee9s referrals are e4 ellent and legal re ruitment te hni%ue, but they tend to maintain the status %uo of the !or" for e in term of raise, religions, se4 and other hara teristi s, possibly leading to harges of dis rimination. 2.3 Advertising 5ant ads des ribe the 6ob and the benefits, identify the employer, and tell those !ho are interested ho! to apply .They are most familiar form of employment advertising .for highly spe ialist re%uites, ads may be pla ed in professional 6ournal or out of to!n ne!spaper in areas !ith high on entration of the desired s"ills *4ample= Aeneral 'anager7 produ tion Bref= $'C 7Age= 2.73) years> Araduate !ith spe iali3ation in garment mfg te hnology from <2FT or e%uiv. 7'inimum 11 years e4perien e in similar position of a unit !ith a minimum of 1111ma hines. 7'ust have detailed hands on "no!ledge of industrial engineering.

5e offer ompetitive salary !hi h is ommensurate !ith e4perien e and %ualifi ation. 2f you aspire to an e4iting and re!arding areer , send your detailed resume, %uoting your present and e4pe ted salaries to 6obs. 2.4 Internet <o! today no body thin"s anything !ithout internet. /o ABC give their advertise at internet. .2.2 !raining and "e#elopment program of ABC textile Training is a pro ess of learning a se%uen e of programmed behavior. it is appli ation of "no!ledge. 2t gives people an a!areness of the rules pro edures to guide their behavior. 2t attempts to improve their performan e on the urrent 6ob or prepare them for an intended 6ob. Development is a related pro ess. 2t overs not only those a tivities !hi h improve 6ob performan e but also those !hi h bring gro!th of the personality> help individuals to the progress to!ards maturity and a tuali3ation of their potential apa ities so that they be ome not only good employees but better men and !omen. 2n organi3ational terms, it is intended to e%uip person to earn promotion and hold grater responsibility.

There are many types of method pra ti es in ABC .!e dis uss that method at bello!= $n t%e &o' training Dn the 6ob training is a training that sho!s the employee ho! to perform the 6ob and allo!s him or her to do it under the trainer9s supervision Dn the 6ob training is normally given by a senior employee or a manager li"e senior mer handiser or a manager. The employee is sho!n ho! to perform the 6ob and allo!ed to do it under the trainer9s supervision. (o' rotation ,ob rotation is a training that re%uires an individual to learn several different some in a !or" unit or department and performer ea h 6ob for a spe ified time period. 2n 6ob rotation, individuals learn several different 6ob !ithin a !or" unit or department. Dne main advantages of 6ob rotation is that it ma"es fle4ibilities possible in the department. 5hen one employee li"e 6unior mer handiser absen e another mer handiser an easily perform the 6ob. Apprentices%ip training

Apprenti eship training provides beginning !or"er !ith omprehensive training in the pra ti al and theoreti al e4pe t of !or" re%uired in a highly s"illed o upation. )engt% of selected apprentices%ip courses of ABC D upation BmonthsC 1. ;uality ontrol manager 2. ;uality ontrol offi er 3. Cutting Astt. 'anager #. $a "ing Astt. 'anager ). 5are house Astt. 'anager +. $rodu tion offi er -. /e!ing te hni ian .. /e!ing /upervisor Classroom training Classroom training is ondu ted off the 6ob and probably the most familiar training method .2t is an effe tive means of imparting information %ui "ly to large groups !ith limited or no "no!ledge of sub6e t being presented. 2t is useful for tea hing fa tual material, on epts prin iple other theories .portion of orientation programs, some e4pe ts of apprenti eship training and safety programs are usually presented utili3ing some form of lassroom instru tion. 'ore fre%uently ho!ever, lassroom instru tion is used for te hni al, professional and managerial employee "e#elopment of t%e %uman resources The long term development of human resour es as distin t from training for a spe ifi 6ob is of gro!ing on ern to :& departments of ABC .Thro! the development of urrent employees the department redu es the ompany9s dependents on haring ne! !or"ers .if employees are developed properly the 6ob openings found thro! :& planning are more li"ely to be filled internally promotions and transfers also sho! employees that they have a areer not 6ust a 6ob. The employee benefits from in reased ontinuity in operations and from employees !ho fail a greater ommitment. :& department is also an effe tive !ay to meets several hallenges in luding employee obsoles en e, international and domesti diversity, te hni al hallenges. Affirmative a tion and employee turn over. By meeting these hallenges the department an, maintain an effe tive !or"for e. Steps in t%e E#aluation of training and de#elopment *valuation riteria E pretest E trained or developed75or"ers E posttest E transfer to the 6ob E follo!7up studies. length 13 1) ) 3 ) )

.2.* Performance +anagement $erforman e appraisal is the pro ess of assessing employee9s past performan e, primarily for re!ard, promotion and staff development purposes. 8$erforman e appraisal BisC a pro ess that identifies, evaluates and develops employee performan e to meet employee and organi3ational goals. $erforman e Appraisal doesn9t ne essarily use to blame or to provide a dis iplinary a tion. $revious management theories used to vie! performan e appraisal as a sti " that management has introdu ed to beat people. $erforman e appraisals are no! more larified and they on entrate on developing organi3ational strengths and employee performan e. Purpose of Performance Appraisal in ABC To revie! past performan e To assess training needs To help develop individuals To audit the s"ills !ithin an organi3ation To set targets for future performan e To identify potential for promotion To provide legal F formal 6ustifi ation for employment de ision To diagnose the hidden problems of an organi3ation Performance Appraisal Process 5ho Appraises G /upervisors G /ubordinates G $eers G ClientsH ustomers G /elf appraisal G 1.1H3+1 degree approa h

Approac%es to measuring performance in ABC textile There is various "ind of method for measuring performan e appraisal. But !e get information that ABC uses only three type of performan e method. These are at belo!= 1. 3+17 degree feedba " 2. *4perien e based. ,e descri'e t%ose at 'elo-. 1.3+17degree feedba " Dne urrently popular methods of performan e appraisal is alled 3+17degree feedba ". 5ith this method managers peers, suppliers or olleagues are as" to omplete %uestionnaire. The %uestionnaire are generally lengthy . 2. *4perien e based ABC measures the performan e of employee by e4perien e. For e4ample '&. I has been !or"ing in ABC for three years and '&. J has been !or"ing in ABC for t!o years. /o ABC favors '&. I for his more e4perien e. .2.4 Emplo/ee relation *mployers and employees ea h have their o!n sets of needs and values, and su essful relationship bet!een these t!o sides re%uires that some sort of balan e be stru ". This balan e often ta"es the form of a psy hologi al ontra t, an understood agreement bet!een employer and employees that defines the !or" relationship. This ontra t !ith or !ithout support of a formal olle tive bargaining, agreement influen e the out ome a hieve by ea h side. ABC group the various into three hannel ategories those are 1. *mployee safety 2. *mployee health 3. *mployee !or"ing ondition 1. Emplo/ee safet/ ABC provides the employee safety .2t ensure the all "inds of 6ob safety su h as insuran e of ea h employee not this it provide insuran e to the labor.

2. Emplo/ee %ealt% Free medi al he "up, provide health ard and also provide ne essary medi al fa ilities for ea h employee. *. Emplo/ee -or0ing condition The !or"ing ondition of employee is very hygieni ABC is 2/D 011172111 Certified ompany .2. (o' anal/sis ,ob analysis is the pro edure for determining the duties and s"ill re%uirement of a 6ob and the "ind of person !ho should be hired for it . The supervisor or :& spe ialist of ABC normally olle ts one of the follo!ing types of information= ,or0 acti#ities First he or she olle ts information about the 6ob a tual !or" a tivities su h as mar"eting, se!ing, produ tion. This list also in lude ho!, !hy and !hen the !or"er performan e ea h a tivity. Education and 1ualification Colle ts the information about edu ation ba "ground and %ualifi ation. Experience *4perien e must be needed for any 6ob in ABC. Sample of &o' anal/sis of ABC. 2ualit/ control manager ;ualifi ation 'aster in any sub6e t Ba helorHdiploma in te4tile and lothing or related dis ipline !ill be given preferen e 'ust have at least - years pra ti al e4perien e e4perien e in similar position in any garments fa tory.

Cutting Astt. +anager 3cum in4c%arge5 ;ualifi ation 'astersH ba helor in any sub6e t preferably ommer e. Ba helorHdiploma in te4tile and lothing or related dis ipline !ill be given preferen e 'ust have at least - years pra ti al e4perien e in similar position in any garments fa tory. ,are %ouse Astt. +anger ;ualifi ation 'astersH ba helor in any sub6e t preferably ommer e. Ba helorHdiploma in te4tile and lothing or related dis ipline !ill be given preferen e 'ust have at least ) years pra ti al e4perien e e4perien e in similar position in any garments fa tory Production $fficer 3Se-ing5 ;ualifi ation Araduate H:/C 'ust have at least 3 years pra ti al e4perien e in similar position in "nit garments. Se-ing !ec%nician ;ualifi ation Araduate H:/C 'ust have at least ) years pra ti al e4perien e in similar position in "nit garments. *4perien e and s"ill for all above 6obs= Candidate must have e4perien e to !or" !ith !orld reputed buyers Aood !riting and ommuni ation both in Bengali and *nglish /hould be apable of ma"ing ;A reports on daily basis

Computer litera y in '/ !orld , *4 el , e7mail et . .2.6 (o' "esign ,ob design is the pro ess of stru turing !or" and designating the spe ifi !or" a tivates of an individual or group of individuals to a hieve ertain organi3ational ob6e tives. The 6ob design an generally be divided into three phases= 1. The spe ifi ation of individual tas". 2. The spe ifi ation of the method of performing ea h tas" 3. The ombination of individual tas"s into spe ifi 6ob to be assign to individual $rgani7ational considerations for &o' design *ffe tiveness 2n the onte4t of 6ob design, to remain effe tive, organi3ations may have to redefine 6obs, monitoring, and using te hnology so that the firm an even ompete against giant rivals. *ffi ien y 'a4imum outputs through minimum inputs of time, effort and other resour es. 2n the onte4t of 6ob design, effi ien y in time, effort, labor osts, and training should be done a ordingly. !ec%nological Considerations Tas" 2nterdependen e The dependen e of one tas" from another is tas" dependen e. 2n this onte4t, the tas" interdependen e an be high or lo! depending on the produ t or servi e. Te hni al onstraints / ar ity of ma hines are onstraints, !hi h in turn leads to the in rease and de rease of produ tion. *rgonomi onstraints

Aree" !ord !here *rgo K 5or" F <omos K (a!s, i.e (a!s of !or". Dptimal produ tivity re%uires a relationship bet!een the !or"er and the !or", thus designing a 6ob needs this onsideration.

Emplo/ee considerations /"ill variety Lariety refers to the use of different s"ills and talents to omplete an array of !or" tas"s and a tivities. Autonomy Autonomy refers to the freedom and independen e to plan and s hedule the !or" and determine the pro edures used to arry it out. Tas" identity Tas" identity means doing something from beginning to end rather than 6ust part of it. Tas" signifi an e 2t is the degree to !hi h a 6ob has substantial impa t on an organi3ation. Feedba " Feedba " is the degree to !hi h employees an tell ho! !ell they are doing based on information from the 6ob. En#ironmental considerations /o ial e4pe tations 2n designing 6obs, the surrounding so ial e4pe tations must be onsidered to avoid possible !or"er dissatisfa tion. 5or"for e availability ,ob re%uirements should be balan ed against the availability of the people !ho are re%uired to do the !or". 5or" pra ti es 5or" pra ti es are set methods of performing !or". These methods may arise from tradition or the olle tive !ishes of employees. .2.8 Incenti#es Compensation flu tuates a ording to @ A pre7established formula

@ 2ndividual or group goals be ause group goals are different from individual goals @ Company earnings 2n entives adds to base pay 2t ontrols osts be ause the employee is being paid for hisHher e4tra effort and for the benefits brought to the organi3ation. 'otivates employees Incenti#e Pa/ Categories 2ndividual Aroup Company7!ide Indi#idual incenti#e plans @ ;uantity of !or" output B:o! many units produ edC @ ;uality of !or" output B5hat !as the %uality of the produ t or servi e being produ ed or servedC @ 'onthly sales B:o! mu h sales !as generatedC @ 5or" safety re ord B:o! many ha3ard or errors are being redu ed. @ 5or" attendan e B2f the absent is redu ed or attendan e is goodC 9roup Incenti#e Performance +easures Aroup in entive plans @ Customer satisfa tion @ (abor ost savings @ 'aterials ost savings @ &edu tion in a idents @ /ervi es ost savings Company75ide $erforman e 'easures Company7!ide in entive plans @ Company profits @ Cost ontainmentHprevention @ 'ar"et share @ /ales revenue

Indi#idual Incenti#e Plans 3Piece-or0 plans5 G A!ards based on individual produ tion vs. ompany standards G A!ards based on individual performan e standards using ob6e tive F sub6e tive riteria G ;uantity and H or %uality goals Ad#antages and disad#antages of Indi#idual Incenti#e Plan G Advantages @ :elps relate pay to performan e @ $romotes e%uitable distribution of ompensation @ :elps retain best performers @ Compatible !ith individualisti ultures and so ieties G Disadvantages @ 'ay promote infle4ibility @ ?nrealisti standards may hamper employee motivation @ /etting performan e standards is time onsuming @ Fa tors beyond employee9s ontrol may affe t out omes @ Fa tors not re!arded may be overloo"ed 9roup Incenti#e Plans G &e!ards employees for their olle tive performan e G Aroup in entive use has in reased in industry G 2 types @ Team 7 based or small group @ Aain sharing Compan/4,ide Incenti#e Plans G &e!ards employees !hen ompany meets performan e standards G 2 Types @ $rofit sharing plans @ *mployee sto " option plans

Competiti#e Strategies G (o!est 7 ost @ (o!er output osts per employee @ 2ndividual F group in entive plans @ Behavioral en ouragement plans G @ @ @ @ Differentiation ?ni%ue produ t or servi es Creative, ris" 7 ta"ing employees (ong 7 term fo us Team 7 based in entives

.2.8 Incenti#es Compensation flu tuates a ording to @ A pre7established formula @ 2ndividual or group goals be ause group goals are different from individual goals @ Company earnings 2n entives adds to base pay 2t ontrols osts be ause the employee is being paid for hisHher e4tra effort and for the benefits brought to the organi3ation. 'otivates employees Incenti#e Pa/ Categories 2ndividual Aroup Company7!ide Indi#idual incenti#e plans @ ;uantity of !or" output B:o! many units produ edC @ ;uality of !or" output B5hat !as the %uality of the produ t or servi e being produ ed or servedC @ 'onthly sales B:o! mu h sales !as generatedC @ 5or" safety re ord B:o! many ha3ard or errors are being redu ed. @ 5or" attendan e B2f the absent is redu ed or attendan e is goodC

9roup Incenti#e Performance +easures Aroup in entive plans @ Customer satisfa tion @ (abor ost savings @ 'aterials ost savings @ &edu tion in a idents @ /ervi es ost savings Company75ide $erforman e 'easures Company7!ide in entive plans @ Company profits @ Cost ontainmentHprevention @ 'ar"et share @ /ales revenue Indi#idual Incenti#e Plans 3Piece-or0 plans5 G A!ards based on individual produ tion vs. ompany standards G A!ards based on individual performan e standards using ob6e tive F sub6e tive riteria G ;uantity and H or %uality goals Ad#antages and disad#antages of Indi#idual Incenti#e Plan G Advantages @ :elps relate pay to performan e @ $romotes e%uitable distribution of ompensation @ :elps retain best performers @ Compatible !ith individualisti ultures and so ieties G Disadvantages @ 'ay promote infle4ibility @ ?nrealisti standards may hamper employee motivation @ /etting performan e standards is time onsuming @ Fa tors beyond employee9s ontrol may affe t out omes @ Fa tors not re!arded may be overloo"ed

9roup Incenti#e Plans G &e!ards employees for their olle tive performan e G Aroup in entive use has in reased in industry G 2 types @ Team 7 based or small group @ Aain sharing Compan/4,ide Incenti#e Plans G &e!ards employees !hen ompany meets performan e standards G 2 Types @ $rofit sharing plans @ *mployee sto " option plans Competiti#e Strategies G (o!est 7 ost @ (o!er output osts per employee @ 2ndividual F group in entive plans @ Behavioral en ouragement plans G @ @ @ @ Differentiation ?ni%ue produ t or servi es Creative, ris" 7 ta"ing employees (ong 7 term fo us Team 7 based in entives .2.: Benefits of ABC *mployee benefits F servi es !ere formerly "no!n as fringe benefits and these benefits !ere primarily the in7"ind payments employees re eive in addition to payments in the form of money. 2n addition to paying employees fairly and ade%uately for their ontributions in the performan e of their 6obs, organi3ations assume a so ial obligation for the !elfare of employees and their dependents *mployees benefits are usually inherent omponents of the non7 ompensation system are made available to employees that provide= @ $rote tion in ase of health F a ident @ 2n ome upon retirement F termination

These benefits are omponents that ontribute to the !elfare of the employee by filling some "ind of demand. )egall/ re1uired 'enefits of ABC G /o ial /e urity @ /o ial se urity benefits in lude the general benefits li"e unemployment insuran e F benefits, old age insuran e, and 'edi are fa ilities. G 5or"ers9 Compensation @ 5or"er9s ompensation in ludes the ompensation !hen an employee be omes in6ured or disable due to e4treme !or"ing onditions or !hile !or"ing at the 6ob site. G Family F 'edi al (eave @ Family leave in ludes the ompensation ontinuation during the family leave su h as maternity or paternity leave and other family leave. G Dld age, /urvivor, Disability 2nsuran e re%uirements for getting ompensation= @ *arn #1 %uarters of redit, or @ Be employed for 11 years @ Be age +2 for partial benefits @ Be age +) for full benefits @ <o! the age has been e4tended to age +- be ause more and more !or"ers are retiring late. @ 5ido! aged +1 M +edicare Depends on the ountry9s poli y, 'edi are fa ilities are generally government servi es to iti3ens. Drgani3ations add some value to 'edi are fa ilities. 2n some ountries 'edi are is finan ed together by employees9 ta4, employers and the government. $rovided insuran e overage for @ :ospitali3ation 7 Covers inpatient F outpatient hospital are F servi es. @ 'a6or do tor bills @ Charges of visiting a do tor or spe ialist. @ $res ription drug osts. @ $rovides unlimited in7home are in ertain situations. ,or0ers; Compensation G 5or"ers9 ompensation is a legally re%uired benefit is in luded in the ompulsory disability la!s of many ountries. 'ostly, employer is seen liable regardless of the fault.

G Db6e tives of 5or"ers9 ompensation= @ $rovide in ome F medi al benefits @ &edu e litigation @ *liminate legal fees F time @ *n ourage employer safety @ $romote a ident study F avoidan e G 5or"ers9 ompensation laims @ 2n6ury @ D upational disease @ Death G 5or"ers9 ompensation benefits @ 'edi al servi es @ Disability in ome @ Death benefits "iscretionar/ Benefits G Dis retionary benefits are 6udgment based benefits that the organi3ation provides to its employees. These benefits are not legally re%uired benefits but enhan e organi3ational ulture and orporate image. G Benefits in lude= @ $rote tion programs @ $ay for time not !or"ed @ Dther servi es Pa/ for time not -or0ed G :olidays G La ations G Funeral leave G 'arriage leave G /i " leave G /tress leave G Blood donation or !elfare !or" G $ersonal leave

G /abbati al leaveH For 'uslims, leave after death G Dther religious leaves su h as pilgrimage or prea hing 6.< =I>A>CI>9 +.1. Finan ial &esult= The Company9s operating finan ial results, as ompared to the previous year, are summari3ed hereunder= BTa"aC Jear 211+ Turnover 2,112,+-1,2+3 Cost of Aoods /old 1,-3-,1)),-)0 Aross $rofit 3+),+1#,)1# Dperating F Finan ial *4penses 1-),)2#,221 Dperating 2n ome 101,101,2.# Dther 2n ome 22),.## <et profit Before 5$$F 101,31+,12. Contribution To 5$$F 0,1+2,+-3 <et $rofit BBTC 1.1,2)3,#)) $rovision for 2n ome Ta4 13,3)0,-2. <et $rofit BATC 1+-,.03,-2Aross 'argin 1-.30N <et 'argin -.0.N *arning per /hare B*$/C +.+Dutstanding /hares 2),101,111 Fa e value $er share BTOC 11 BTa"aC Jear 211) 1,-.0,11.,3.+ 1,)11,2.1,)01 2..,-3+,-0+ 10-,.3),)11 01,011,2.+ ++3,21) 01,)+#,)11 #,3+1,21# .-,21#,2.),-)1,11# .1,#)3,2-3 1+.1#N #.))N 3.23 2),101,111 11 BTa"aC Jear 211# 2,1-+,02),130 1,+-+,+01,1+. #11,23#,0-1 21-,+.-,.-2 1.2,)#-,100 012,1.3 1,.3,#)0,1.2 .,-3+,1)2 1,-#,-23,131 7 1-#,-23,131 10.2-N ..#1N +.0# 2),101,111 11

The gross margin rose to 1-.30N from the level of 1+.1#N in 211+. As the operating F finan ial e4penses de lined , net margin also rose #.))N in 211) to -.0.N in 211+. <et $rofit BATC has been in reased due to ost ontrol measures , pro urement strategies and favorable e4port pri es in the international mar"et.

8.1 Products. 2n t!o units of ABC Te4tiles (td. The follo!ing produ ts are produ ed = 2n ABC Onit Fabri s (td. $rodu t range *ngineering stripe and semi 6a %uard, plain , pi%ue , Four <eddle stru ture , Crepe rib , 2nterlo " , Drop needle , Crossmiss , 'ilano rib , et . 2n ABC Fashions (td. Follo!ing types of produ ts are produ ed T7shirts F $olo7 shirts, Tan" tops , $a6amas, /port !ear , ?nder garments , 'ens F (adies fashion !ear , Oids!ear et . 8.2 Price. The unit selling pri es over the years varied substantially as sho!n belo!= (o al sales *4port /ales Total sales BaverageC 2<<6 0#.-) 1#3..# 1#3.#0 2<< +1.-1 12-.12 12#.-1 2<<4 .-.12 1)#.+2 1)1.0#

The above indi ate that the lo al and e4port selling pri es in reased by )3.)#N and 13.1#N respe tively during the year 211+ over the year 211)after gradual de line during the years 211# and 2113 over the year 2111. the in rease is primarily as ribable to the international situation. 8.* Place . *4port oriented ready made garments industry operating in Bangladesh are the main pur haser of produ ts of ABC Te4tiles (td. The si3e of e4port oriented &'A industry is fairly large in Bangladesh. /o there is a huge mar"et for ABC Te4tiles (td. 2n Bangladesh. 'oreover produ ts of ABC Fashions (td. Are e4ported to *urope and ?/A. 8.4 Promotion. ABC Te4tiles (td. Does not pursue any rigorous promotional a tivity. As most of the pur haser is e4port oriented garments, they don9t need to be promoted. 2nfa t, the buyers themselves are a!are enough from !here they !ill get %uality produ ts. /o there is not mu h room to pursue. For the ?O and ?/A based mar"et this fa t is true as !ell. :.< S,$! A>A)?SIS. /5DT analysis means the analysis of strength, !ea"ness, opportunity and threats. For ABC Te4tiles (td. 2t is given belo!= :.1 Strengt%. ABC Te4tiles (td. 2s a rapidly e4pending Company . /tanding its 6ourney in 100. it has already doubled the net turnover by the year of 211+. All the units of the fa tory en6oy highly of ma hinery are imported

from Aermany, /!it3erland, 2taly F 6apan . As a result it an maintain a smooth rate of produ tion. 5ell trained human re ourses are strength of the Company. They train up their "ey personally in the ountry and abroad. /o that the Company an get some ompetitive advantages over the ompetitions. The :&' pra ti e is also remar"able. :.2 ,ea0ness. There are too many departments under the super vision of the general manager !hi h an ause lo! produ tivity due to large span of super vision. :.* $pportunit/. There are bright opportunities for the Company in the overseas mar"et . 2f is an ommuni ate !ell and apture a signifi ant mar"et portion in the *urope and ?/A mar"et, it an get s ale of e onomi . .< =I>"I>9S A>" REC$++E"A!I$>S 0.1 Findings= Te4tile industry is a omparatively ne! in our ountry . The si3e of the industry is still gro!ing. ABC Te4tiles (imited is one of the first movers in this se tor. /tarting only in 100- , it has managed to be gro!n up as one of the ountry9s leading Te4tile Company . 2ts in rease turnover has been signifi antly in reasing, sin e 100-7211-. 2t is providing employment to a large number of s"illed and uns"illed people all over the ountry. The Company ontributed an amount of ta"a 3-..02 million to the national e4 he%uer in different forms li"e Cooperate 2n ome Ta4, Advan e 2n ome Ta4, * ise, Lat, 2mport Duties, Ta4es, Aovernment Ta4es , /tamp Duties, (i ense Fees et . The Company ontributed substantially to the Foreign *4 hange &eserve of the ountry through its e4port mar"eting operation. 2n 211-its net e4port earning !as ta"a 1121.3+. million. 0.2 &e ommendations= From the analysis !ith the organi3ation stru ture !e have seen that its span of super vision is too large. A number of departments report dire tly to the general manager. 2f the number !ere less the effi ien y and produ tivity of the organi3ation might be in reased. ;uality ontrol department should remain prompt al!ays. /o that it an maintain a ertain level of standard as per the mar"et demand to apture the foreign mar"et share it should strive more. 1<.< C$>C)@SI$> The flourishment of any industry re%uires ombined efforts and o7operation from several parties . /o ial , politi al and ma ro e onomi environment play pivotal role in this regard . Though ABC Te4tile is a ne!ly Lentured Company in the respe tive se tor, its gro!th and e4pansion is praise!orthy. 2ts ontributing the ountry and serving the nation in different !ays. 2f it an up hold its mu h to!ard advan ement, it !ill be able to set a role model in our ountry.

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