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A review of Literature of Domestic Violence in the United States Priscilla Bluvan University of Texas in El Paso

Abstract Domestic violence has been dramatically increasing throughout the years, in the United States. Some People are not aware of the large number of people who are being affected by this issue. Domestic violence is a pattern of behavior in any relationship that is used to gain or maintain power or control. Basically, this is happening within homes with couples who are married, living together or even just dating. There have been many research, study and organizations of the modernization in the field of domestic violence. This could happen to anyone regardless of race, ethnicity, religion, sexuality, or social class.

A review of Literature of Domestic Violence in the United States The United States carries a large amount of programs, organizations, job opportunities and have many positive aspects that make up the united states, however America also has its conflicts, poverty, and abuse. One of the biggest issues going on in American society that some citizens dont seem to recognize is domestic violence. Domestic violence has been affecting families more and more each year. Unfortunately, domestic violence is very prevalent in our society. In the United States, it has been estimated that between two to four million women are victims of domestic violence each year. Generally, when the subject of domestic violence is discussed, one thinks about physical abuse. Nevertheless, there are many types of abuse. The major areas of concern with respect to domestic violence are physical abuse, sexual abuse, emotional abuse, economic abuse, and psychological abuse. However, there have been many organizations created within society to reach out and help those people affected by domestic violence. These programs are design to give mental, physical and social support. If the victim is willing to get help and better their life, the program will guide them to a better life with getting them a new home, an education, and psychological support. In order to put a stop and solve this issue we need to ask ourselves and consider these important questions: 1. What are the main causes of domestic violence? 2. In domestic violence, Who in the relationship is the most affected the female or male?

The following review on literature will: provide and explain the main cause of domestic violence and how you can avoid this from happening to you or someone you know. In order to seek help and solve this issue, it is important to recognize the abuser, the victim and its situation. What are the main causes of domestic violence? Domestic violence may start when one partner feels the need to control their partner because of low self-esteem, extreme jealousy. Another main cause is unable to regulate anger and other strong emotions toward your partner. Men sometimes may feel inferior to the other partner in education, social or economical background. Additionally alcohol or any other drugs may contribute to violent behavior. A drunk or drugged person will be less likely to control his or her violent impulse. This domination then takes form of emotional, physical or sexual abuse. Studies suggest that abusers learn violent behavior from their family, people in the community and other cultural influences as they grow up. They have seen violence often or they may have been victims themselves. Children who witness or are the victims of violence may learn to believe that violence is a reasonable way to resolve conflict between people. Most domestic violence is caused by learning and reinforcement rather than by genetics. Domestic violence behaviors are learned through observation. Domestic violence is repeated because it works and because there are frequently no legal consequences. Religious beliefs have often condoned the abuse of women. Religious scriptures from the Bible, the Torah, the Koran, etc. writings instruct women to submit the male dominations. But the fact that domestic violence is learned doesnt mean that the abuser cannot be changed.

Most can learn to control and change their actions if there is motivation present to change their behavior. In domestic violence, Who in the relationship is the most affected the female or male? In the majority of research, study is determined that approximately more than half of accused abusers were male as compared to female offenders. While females do abuse, most reported offenders are male. Some mean with very traditional beliefs may think they have the right to control women, and that women arent equal to men. Boys who learn that woman are not to be valued or respected and who see violence directed against woman are more likely to abuse women when they grow up. Girls who witness domestic violence in their families are more likely to be victimized by their own husbands or partner. There seems to be three main characteristics of men who batter their partners; frustration or stress, gender soles or learned behavior, and alcohol. The excessive consumption of alcohol is a major contributor to domestic violence. Not only men have played the role of abusers but women as well. There have not been many cases like this reported but these circumstances do occur. The main reason why women are offenders because some women believe this is the only way they will gain respect from their husbands or partner. Many times women begin abusing their male partner in a non-physical way, primarily because the woman is physically weaker than the man. Women typically begin abusing men through manipulation over a long enough period of time.

Conclusion Many people in our society is affected by domestic violence. This issue could happen to anyone regardless of race, ethnicity, religion, sexuality, or social class. The cause of domestic violence varies from having a low self-esteem to alcohol abuse. According to research woman are most likely to be affected by domestic violence. However, there have been scenarios where men are offended by woman. Nevertheless, the situation of domestic violence can be avoided. There are many organizations and programs to solve and put a stop to domestic violence.

References Causes of Domestic Violence. Turning Point. Web. 2012 Retrieved from: Colleen Peace. (2006). The Impact of Domestic Violence on Society. United States: West Texas A&M University. Retrieved from: Michael P. Johnson. (2006). Conflict and Control Gender Symmetry and Asymmetry in Domestic Violence. United States: The Pennsylvania State University press Natalie J. Sokoloff, Christina Pratt (2005). Domestic Violence At The Margins: Readings on race, Class, Gender, And Culture. United States: Rutgers University Press Samia Alhabib1 , Ula Nur2 and Roger Jones3 (2009). Domestic Violence Against Women: Systematic Review of Prevalence Studies. Journal of family violence. Retrieved from Toby D. Goldsmith. (October 19, 2006). What Causes Domestic Violence?. United States: PsychCentral. Retrieved from:

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