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Subject: Software Engineering Subject Code: BSIT-44 Assignment: TB 1. W at is software testing! Ans.

Software testing is t e "rocess of testing t e functiona#it$ and correctness of software b$ running it. %. &ame t e metrics t at is used for software testing. Ans. T e im"ortant metrics used during testing is re#iabi#it$. T e re#iabi#it$ of software de"ends on t e fau#ts in t e software. To assess t e re#iabi#it$ of software' re#iabi#it$ mode#s are used. (ost of t ese re#iabi#it$ mode#s are based on t e data obtained during t e s$stem and acce"tance testing. )ata about time between fai#ures obser*ed during testing are used b$ t ese mode#s to estimate t e re#iabi#it$ of software. +. E,"and t e acron$m C-C-(-. Ans. T e Constricti*e Cost (ode# .C-C-(-/is t e cost wide#$ used software estimation mode# in t e wor#d. It was de*e#o"ed b$ Barr$ Be emot C-C-(- mode# "redicts

T e effort and duration of a "roject based on in"uts re#enting to t e si0e of t e resu#ting s$stem and a number of 1cost dri*es2 t at affect "roducti*it$. C-C-(- is defined in terms of t ree different mode#s: t e Basic mode#' t e intermediate mode#' and detai#ed mode#. 4. 3i*e t e IEEE definition of ris4 management. Ans. According to IEEE definition' ris4 management is an emerging disci"#ine w ose objecti*es are to identif$ address and e#iminate software ris4s items before rewor4. 5. W at is 6T7! Ans. 6T7 is a software 8ua#it$ assurance acti*it$ t at is "erformed b$ software engineers. Eac 6T7 .6-7(A9 TEC:&ICA9 7E;IEW/ is conducted as a re*iew meeting. <. W at is software configuration management! Ans. Software configuration management is a "art of =roject management inc#udes acti*ities suc as "roject "#anning.

>. W at are aggregate objects! 3i*e one e,am"#e. Ans. Aggregate objects is co##ection of basic objects and ot er aggregate -bjects. E,am"#e: In S7S design s"ecification is an aggregate object W ic is an aggregation of objects #i4e data design' aec itectura# design modu#e design! ? W at is an SC( "rocess! Ans. SC( "rocess consists of fi*e acti*ities' w ic are: 1/.Identification of indi*idua# SCIs %/.;ersion contro# +/.C ange contro# 4/.Configuration auditing 5/.7e"orting @. W at is c ange contro#! Ans. C ange contro# combines t e c ange. uman "rocedures and automated too#s to "ro*ide t e mec anism for contro# of

1A. 3i*e two e,am"#es for b#ac4-bo, testing met od. Ans. T e b#ac4 bo, testing met ods are: 1/.Boundar$ ;a#ue Ana#$sis %/.E8ui*a#ence c#ass "artitioning 11. W at is C$c#omatic com"#e,it$! :ow do $ou com"ute it! E,"#ain wit an e,am"#e. Ans. C$c#omatic com"#e,it$ is a software measure' at "ro*ide a 8uantitati*e measure of #ogica# com"#e,it$ of a "rogram W en used in basis "at met od' it gi*es a number ca##ed c$c#omatic number.C$c#omatic &umber B E-&C1 T is number of defines t e number of inde"endent "at s in t e basis set of a "rogram and a#so gi*es t e u""er bound for t e number of tests t at can be conducted so t at a## statements a*e been e,ecuted at #east once.

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