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Church Opening Today: Jim Hider Church Opening Christmas Eve: Laird Christie Ushers this week: Terry

Barton, Ron Gray, Diane Parker & John Waldie Ushers Christmas Eve: Terry Barton, Tom Hislop, Gerry & Darlene Feeney Advent Reader: Wendell & Shannon r!her Greeters this week" #aye Diehl & $leanor D%n&ield Greeters Christmas Eve: Charles & 'ar(aret L%pton Coffee: nne 'arie Pa%li & #athy Baker

A thank you to everyone who has signed up to setup and clean-up coffee and treats on Sunday mornings. I still require 2 people for January, February and June. he Sign up sheet is in the church office or contact !nne "arie# im $auli at either %&'-2(&-)(&* or at Newsletters!! he ,ffice is loo-ing for submissions for the January and February edition..
The bulletins this week are donated in loving memory of Zipporah Wilhelm, December 19th 198 and !eonard "lifford Wilhelm Dec 18th 199#$ %!ove and memories hold you close, despite the passing years$ &emembered always by 'essie and family$

Minister: Re)* 'ark Ged!ke +,- +.+ //,. or 0y email at m(ed!ke1kno2strat&ord*!om irector of Music: S%3anne Strahan Office Administrator: #athy Baker Treasurer: Shannon r!her Office: !"#$%&"$'(&( kno2s14i(htman*!a O))*CE +OUR, #am$ "pm Tuesday through )riday

The office will also be closed on Dec 25th, 26th, 27th, 30th, 31st and January 1st and 2nd.

-.O/ 0RE,12TER*A. C+URC+

ec %%rd %'"( "":'' am
'inister5 Re)* 'ark Ged!ke Dire!tor o& '%si!5 S%3anne Strahan

3th ,unday of Advent$ The Advent of 4ove 0reparation for 5orship 5 Prayer, 'editation and 6isitin( 0re6ude: Carol Fantasy 7S%ite 8oel9 : Franklin D* shdo4n

5e6come and Announcements: CA44 TO 5OR,+*0: Leader" Let the hea)ens 0e (lad, let the earth re;oi!e 0e&ore the God o& all peoples 0eop6e: For God comes in power to judge the earth. Leader" Let %s open o%r hearts in 4orship and tr%st, and o&&er o%r li)es in 4illin( ser)i!e* 0eop6e: For God shall judge the world with righteousness, and the peoples with truth.
7Pa%l J* Fl%!ke, Bread &or the Jo%rney, Reso%r!es &or Worship, ed* 0y R%th C* D%!k, <nited Ch%r!h Press, Cle)eland, =hio9

O0E.*.G +2M.

>,?? =h !ome, oh !ome $mman%el 7) ,,@, +5.9

0RA2ER O) A ORAT*O. 7 CO.)E,,*O. A. T+E 4OR 8, 0RA2ER: =%r Father 4ho art in hea)en, hallo4ed 0e thy name, thy kin(dom !ome, thy 4ill 0e done on earth as it is in hea)en* Gi)e %s this day o%r daily 0read* For(i)e %s o%r trespasses as 4e &or(i)e those 4ho trespass a(ainst %s* Lead %s not into temptation 0%t deli)er %s &rom e)il* For thine is the kin(dom, the po4er and the (lory &ore)er and e)er* men 0A,,*.G O) T+E 0EACE: Leader" The Pea!e o& Christ 0e 4ith yo%

Congregation: And also with you. 4*G+T*.G O) T+E A 9E.T CA. 4E A.T+EM: Still, Still, Still : arr* Philip Led(er C+*4 RE.8, +2M." >,@/ While shepherds 4at!hed C+*4 RE.8, T*ME: ,CR*0TURE REA *.G: 'atthe4 ,",5?+ ,ERMO.: Family Stories +2M.: >,@A The &irst no4ell 7) ,5@, A9 O))ER*.G O))ERTOR2: Christmas Day Bs =n Bts Way : Cynthia Gray O))ERTOR2 0RA*,E: >,.? s 4ith (ladness men o& old 7) ,,@9

0RA2ER O) E *CAT*O. 7to(ether9 Gra!io%s Creator, 4e take this time o& o&&erin( to share o%r (ratit%de &or all the (i&ts 4e ha)e 0een (i)en* We ha)e talents that 4e share* We ha)e lo)ed ones 4ho !om&ort and s%pport %s* Bn this Christmas season, inspire %s to 0e (enero%s in o%r a!tions, (ro%nded in yo%r lo)e* men +2M.: >,CC $mman%el, $mman%el 7sin( thro%(h t4i!e9 0RA2ER, O) T+E 0EO04E: C4O,*.G +2M.: 1E.E *CT*O. C+R*,TMA, 14E,,*.G 7as printed9 0O,T4U E: HarkE The Herald n(els Sin( : 'endelssohn, arr* *L* Pa(e >,AD <nto %s a !hild is 0orn

C+R*,TMA, 14E,,*.G 5 Dennis Jerni(an 'erry Christmas, B 4ish yo%* 'ay ;oy like sno4 &all daily ne4* 'ay ea!h day &ind lo)e and tr%th, and memFries s4eet* 'erry Christmas, pea!e on earth* 'ay Christ re)eal yo%r de0t o& 4orth* Go% are 4hy He !ame to earth* 'erry Christmas, 'erry Christmas, From my heart, &rom my heart to yo%* 'erry Christmas* Bless yo%, &riend* 'ay e)Fry 4o%nd &ind (ra!e to mend* Daily stren(th rene4ed a(ain 0y GodFs o4n hand* 'erry Christmas* 'ay yo% see The 4ay God sees yo%, and re!ei)e His lo)e and li&e a0%ndantly* 'erry Christmas, 'erry Christmas, From my heart, &rom my heart to yo%* M*.*,TER8, +O4* A2,: Re)* 'ark is on holidays 4ith his &amily &rom Th%rsday, De!em0er ?Ath %ntil Friday, Jan%ary @rd* The G%est 'inister &or De!em0er ?-th is the Re)* 'er) T%00* The Re)* ndre4 F%llerton is a)aila0le &or emer(en!y pastoral !are* O))ER*.G E.9E4O0E,: We 4ill 0e makin( a sli(ht !han(e &or ne2t year 4ith the o&&erin( en)elopes* Shannon 4o%ld like to kno4 the &ollo4in(" :"; do yo% 4ish to ha)e o&&erin( en)elopes 7yes or no9 and :%; i& yo% 4o%ld like en)elopes, do yo% 4ant them &or 4eekly, monthly or H%arterly o&&erin(sI Please !onta!t Shannon thro%(h the !h%r!h o&&i!e or yo% !an email her at shannon*4endell1ro(ers*!om* .E5 E4 ER,: =n S%nday, Jan%ary ,?, ?D,C, 7&ollo4in( the sermon in o%r 4orship ser)i!e9 4e 4ill 0e !on&irmin( and ordainin( the ne4 elders &or #no2* The &ollo4in( people ha)e 0een !hosen as elders" Wendell r!her, Jim Do%(all, 6i)ien Hardin(, Be) Hider and Lori Speiran* ,OMET+*.G TO T+*.- A1OUT: &ter Christmas, i& yo% are 4onderin( 4hat to do 4ith all those e2tra (i&t 0a(s, tiss%e paper or 0o2es, then please donate to the ?D,C ChildrenJs Christmas Shoppin( Spree* We need these items &or ne2t year* &ter

Christmas, yo% !an drop them o&& in the 8arthe2 or at the !h%r!h o&&i!e* The =%trea!h Team 2OUT+ GROU0 GOE, )OR A ,4E*G+ R* E< =n S%nday, Jan%ary ,-th, 4e 4ill 0e (oin( on a one5ho%r slei(h ride* We meet at +"C+ p*m* at the !h%r!h and 4ill !arpool* =%r slei(h ride is &rom A"@D : ."@D p*m* and then 4e 4ill ret%rn &or a !%p o& hot !ho!olate at the !h%r!h* We 4ill share more details in Jan%ary* C+R*,TMA, E9E ,ER9*CE, Childrens Service: A"DD p*m* Community Service: ."@D p*m* 7&ollo4ed 0y re!eption in the 0anH%et hall9 ,U. A2= >A.UAR2 "%= %'"3 S%nday, Jan%ary ,?th is KBirthday S%ndayL in S%nday S!hool* Remem0er yo%r !han(e &or this )ery spe!ial S%nday* $)ery year, the !hildren o& #no2 !ele0rate their 0irthdays in a spe!ial 0irthday party in Jan%ary* D%rin( this S%nday session, S%e =rr 4ill lead the !hildren in learnin( a0o%t 4ater in $thopia and the need to drill a 4ell &or !lean 4ater* The !hildren are asked to 0rin( !han(e to donate to this 4orth4hile !a%se as o%r spe!ial 0irthday (i&ts to !hildren in this area o& the 4orld* ,U00ORT*.G OUR 1U GET )OR %'"( s 4e &inish %p o%r year, the Board o& 'ana(ers and Session 4o%ld like to (i)e thanks &or the (enerosity that o%r !on(re(ation has sho4n to o%r ministry and mission* Bn o%r 0%d(et, 4e s%pport the pro(rams o& o%r !h%r!h, the many 4ays 4e rea!h o%t to o%r !omm%nity and 4orld, the maintenan!e and !are &or the 0%ildin(, and the sta&& 4ho s%pport o%r ministry* We ha)e stepped &or4ard positi)ely 4ith o%r re)en%e, 4hi!h, as o& the end o& 8o)em0er is M,@,-?D hi(her than the same time in ?D,?* This in!rease has 0een ena0led 0y the &inan!ial !ontri0%tions o& #no2 people, !om0ined 4ith the ministry o& the lley and the Rental team* t the same time, o%r operatin( e2penses are MCC,A@. hi(her than in ?D,?* Bn De!em0er ?D,?, o%r !on(re(ation (a)e to meet o%r 0%d(et and !ontin%e to s%!!ess&%lly pay o&& the remainin( de0t* Bn De!em0er ?D,@, let %s (i)e thro%(h o%r re(%lar o&&erin( and the Christmas o&&erin( en)elope to s%pport o%r shared ministry* B& yo% ha)e any H%estions, please speak 4ith Shannon r!her*

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