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Department of Art History and Archaeology Columbia University Masterpieces of Western Art Fall 20 !

"#"h$ %$ 0&'$2(pm )*0% +chermerhorn, -nstructor$ Anna .atner Hetherington /mail#0hone$ ar2!%*1columbia2edu )*(0, 30*&'**! 4ffice Hours$ "hursday 5$!0&($!0pm and by appointment DESCRIPTION: Art Humanities teaches students ho6 to loo7 at8 thin7 about8 and engage in critical discussion of the visual arts2 -t is not a historical survey but an analytical study of a limited number of monuments and artists2 "he course focuses on the formal structure of 6or7s of architecture8 sculpture8 painting8 and other media as 6ell as the historical conte9ts in 6hich these 6or7s 6ere made and understood2 Among the topics included in the syllabus are the 0arthenon8 Amiens Cathedral8 and 6or7s by .aphael8 Michelangelo8 :ruegel8 :ernini8 .embrandt8 ;oya8 Monet8 0icasso8 0olloc78 and Warhol2 -n addition to discussion&based class meetings8 all sections of Art Humanities ma7e e9tensive use of the vast resources of <e6 =or7 City through field trips to museums8 buildings8 and monuments2 ASSESSMENT: Class Attendance#Discussion#+mall Assignments$ 0aper $ )Due$ 4ct2 ', Midterm )4ct2 22, 0resentation#0aper 2$ )Due$ Dec2 (, Final$ )":A8 0ro?ected$ "hursday8 Dec2 3th %$ 0& 0pm, 2(> (> (> 2(> 20>

Attendance is absolutely re@uired2 -f you 7no6 you 6ill need to miss a class for any reason )such as religious observance,8 let me 7no6 in advance2 -f you miss class due to illness8 you must bring in a note from health services2 Academic dishonesty is strictly forbidden. Research is not required for any of the papers, however, if you present ideas or text which are not your own, you must cite them properly2 -f you are at all confused or unclear about this8 please come see me in office hours2 If it is determined that you have knowingly plagiarized, in order to complete an assignment, you will be reported to the dean, and you will automatically fail this course2 RESOURCES: Courseworks$ https$##course6or7s2columbia2edu#

All of the relevant class material8 such as assignments8 class 0o6er 0oints8 and announcements 6ill be posted on course6or7s2 Aog in 6ith your regular U<- and pass6ord2 Art Hum Webs te$ !tt":##www$mca!$co%umb a$edu#art!uman t es# login$ ahar pass6ord$ '2*sch

2 This online resource for Art Humanities has been designed by the Department of Art History and Archaeology and the edia !enter for Art History. "t includes the general course syllabus, a database of images, a glossary of terms, and other useful information. This website is your #$T important resource and you should ma%e sure to familiari&e yourself with it as soon as possible. &IE'D TRIPS: - 6ill schedule one re@uired field trip to the Metropolitan Museum of Art )Free 6ith student -D, that 6ill ta7e place outside of class time2 -n order to complete the t6o paper assignments8 you 6ill also be re@uired to visit the Fric7 Collection )B 0 6ith student -D,8 and the Museum of Modern Art )Free 6ith student -D,8 on your o6n time2 READIN( ASSI(NMENTS: .eading assignments are due the day under 6hich theyCre listed2 +o8 for +eptember (th8 have the readings listed under +eptember (th done before class2 /ach reading assigned 6ill be available to you either through :utler .eserves8 in your primary source reader )0+., or as a do6nloadable file on course6or7s2 :eneath each reading assignment8 - 6ill indicate 6here the reading can be found2 SCHEDU'E: Se"tember ): Se"tember ,: .ead$ Doric Introduct on and * sua% Ana%+s s Part!enon DDiagram of 4rdersE FamiliariFe yourself 6ith the and -onic orders2 =ou can access this through 0+.#0arthenon#"e9ts Se"tember -.: Write$ Part!enon +culpture Formal Analysis

Se"tember -/: .ead$ 6ith all .ead$ G5, Se"tember -0: .ead$ Se"tember -1: .ead$ Se"tember /3: .ead$

Am ens Cat!edra% D;round 0lan and /levationE FamiliariFe yourself the terms2 =ou can access this through 0+.#Amiens#"e9ts .enaud de Cormont8 -nscription in the Aabyrinth )0+. Am ens Cat!edra% :ible /9cerpts )0+. G*, Pers"ect 2e# Ra"!ae% Alberti )0+. G3, Ra"!ae% .ecommended$ David .osand8 D.aphaelCs School of Athens and the Artist of the Modern MannerE )course6or7s under Hshared filesC, Ra"!ae% M c!e%an5e%o Michelangelo 0oems )0+. G (, /9cerpt from IasariCs Life of Michelangelo under Hshared filesC,

Se"tember /4: October -: .ead$ .ead$ )course6or7s October ): October 6: 0A0/. October -.: .ead$ on October -,: Write$ October //: October /3: .ead$ .ead$ you a DU/

M c!e%an5e%o M c!e%an5e%o 7osc!#7rue5e% Francisco da Hollanda8 /9cerpt from DFour Dialogues 0ainting8 (5'E )0+. G2!, 7rue5e% Netherlandish roverbs Assignment MIDTERM 7ern n 4vid8 DApollo and DaphneE )0+. G2%, 4vid8 D.ape of 0roserpineE "he follo6ing lin7 gives fe6 different versions of the story8 you can choose to read

more than one8 but - 6ould li7e you all to read the 4vid2 )=ou can also directly lin7 to this reading through cours6or7s under Dstudy toolsE, http$##6662theoi2com#Jhthonios#Haides0ersephone22html October /1: .ead$ October )-: No2ember ,: No2ember 0: No2ember -/: .ead$ 7ern n +t2 "eresa in /cstasy )0+. G2(, Rembrandt E'ECTION DA8 HO'IDA8#NO C'ASS Rembrandt

(o+a DWhat is a printE and learn the different techni@ues )esp2 etching,2 Can be found in the Art Hum online ;oya section under DsupplementsE or directly here$ http$##6662moma2org#e9hibitions#200 #6hatisaprint#flash2html No2ember -3: .ead$ No2ember -1: .ead$ .ead$ No2ember /-: No2ember /4: No2ember /6: December ): .ead$ December ,: 0A0/. 2 DU/ & na% E:am: T7A; Pro<ected: T!ursda+; Dec$ -1t! 0:-.=-."m (o+a Advertisement for Aos Caprichos )0+. G!(, Manet#Monet Charles :audelaire8 DCro6dsE )0+. G 52, Kules AaForgue8 L-mpressionismL )0+. G!3, NO C'ASS Monet#P casso THAN9S(I*IN(# NO C'ASS P casso 0ablo 0icasso8 D0icasso +pea7sE )0+. G 53, Po%%ock#War!o%

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