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Ruby Natural Gas Field, Indonesia

Key Data

Ruby gas field is located between Kalimantan and Sulawesi Island, 300km south of Balikpapan city in Indonesia. The field lies at a depth of 0m !"#$ft% within the Sebuku &'oduction Sha'ing (ont'act !&S(% in the )akassa' St'ait. The fi'st gas p'oduction f'om the field occu''ed in *une +0"3, while full scale gas p'oduction commenced in ,ctobe' +0"3, with the establishment of an e-po't pipeline at the field. The gas is pu'chased by &T &upuk Kalimantan Timu'. &./R0,I0 !Sebuku%, a subsidia'y of )ubadala &et'oleum, ope'ates the Ruby gas field, with 102 stake in the Sebuku &S(. The othe' two license pa'tne's include Total .3& Sebuku and Inpe- South )akassa', each holding a "42 stake.

Ruby gas field production

The Ruby field p'oduces gas, f'om fou' p'oduction wells, at the 'ate of about "00 million standa'd cubic feet pe' day !"1,000boed%. The field is e-pected to p'oduce about +40 billion cubic feet of gas du'ing its e-pected life of ten yea's. The gas is sold within Indonesia fo' domestic use. Indonesia has the "5th biggest gas 'ese'6es in the wo'ld, with about "0 t'illion ft3 of p'o6en 'ese'6es. /bout nine pe'cent of the global li7uefied natu'al gas was e-po'ted f'om Indonesia in +00#.

Discovery and development of the Ruby natural gas field

8&./R0,I0 !Sebuku%, a subsidia'y of )ubadala &et'oleum, ope'ates the Ruby gas field, with 102 stake in the Sebuku &S(.8 The Ruby gas field lies in the +,354km9 Sebuku &S( block. )ubadala and Total initially conducted e-plo'ation at the field, including th'ee:dimensional seismic su'6eys. The field de6elopment plan was app'o6ed by the ;o6e'nment of Indonesia in *uly +00$. B&)I;/S, the Indonesian <pst'eam ,il and ;as .-ecuti6e /gency, app'o6ed the const'uction and installation of the Ruby field inf'ast'uctu'e in *une +0"". The field e-plo'ation, app'aisal, de6elopment and p'oduction we'e ca''ied out by )ubadala, Total and Inpe- with an in6estment of about =400m. )ubadala in6ested about >h".+bn !=340m% on the field de6elopment.

Ruby gas field infrastructure

The offsho'e p'oduction and p'ocessing facilities at the Ruby field include a t'ipod wellhead platfo'm !?@&% and fou':leg p'ocessing and 7ua'te's platfo'm !&A&%, which we'e const'ucted in &endingan and @andil 'especti6ely. 8The field is e-pected to p'oduce about +40 billion cubic feet of gas du'ing its e-pected life of ten yea's.8 The ?@& and &A& steel Backet loadouts we'e const'ucted in Batam. / b'idge connecting the p'oduction platfo'm, along with a "5in wide and 3"+km:long subsea pipeline connecting the Ruby platfo'm to a dedicated te'minal, we'e also built.

The natu'al gas p'oduced at the field is deli6e'ed th'ough a subsea pipeline to an onsho'e p'ocessing facility at )ahakam Block. The gas is then p'ocessed and supplied to a fe'tilise' plant, situated in .ast Kalimantan, th'ough an onsho'e pipeline.

Contractors involved with the Indonesian offshore field

Saipem was selected by &ea'l,il !Sebuku% to p'o6ide t'anspo'tation and installation of offsho'e st'uctu'es fo' the field in Septembe' +0"". The cont'actual scope included p'o6iding t'anspo'tation and installation of the &A&, ?@& and an inte'connecting b'idge. The platfo'm facilities we'e const'ucted between Septembe' +0"" and )a'ch +0"3. The platfo'ms installation was completed in *une +0"3. Shaw(o'Cs pipe coating di6ision B'ede'o Shaw was awa'ded a cont'act wo'th =30m to p'o6ide pipeline coatings and 'elated p'oducts and se'6ices fo' the field in )a'ch +0"3. The scope of the cont'act included coating the "5in diamete' e-po't and tie:in pipelines with th'ee laye's of asphalt enamel anti:co''osion coatings and conc'ete weight coating. The wo'ks also included anode p'ocu'ement and custom coating installation.

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